A Court of Darkness and Starlight - ListenToTheStarsOfOld (2024)

Chapter 1: A song that brings distraction

Chapter Text

I was enjoying the view from the small rooftop garden when an old song came into my mind. My mother had sung it for us when we were little. It described the passing of the seasons. It had been made after long poem which the women in our town merged with a simple yet soothing meldody. First I was only humming the melody but soon the words came into my mind and as I stood there leaning on the railing I started to sing in a soft voice. No one could hear me, I thought. So I trailed along with the melody.

I was barely half through spring when a familiar scent of salt an citrus struck my nose. I looked down the street from where I expected Rhysand to return. I had seen him leave a few hours ago in that direction. He probably had been on his way to Amrens to discuss the ritual that was to take place at the Court of Nightmares today. But I did not see him down there. Leaning over the balcony I looked further down the street. Nothing. But within a split second I realized that the smell was far too intense for him to be down there. My heart raced. I whirled around and saw him standing there at the threshold of the balcony. He looked tired.

„Dont stop...“ he said. I had indeed stopped sining. „Please go on. It sounds wonderful.“ Blushing I shook my head. He stepped out into the garden and sat on a bench. He looked at me expectantly, asking with his eyes. I shook my head again. I couldnt. „My mother sang this for us.“ I explained instead of singing. „It is an old poem about the passing of the seasons and about the joy of change.“ He kept looking at me. „Do you know it?“ This time he shook his head. „I would like to hear it in full, though. - Very much!“ He grinned. „It would be a welcome distraction.“ he added as an afterthought.

„Will it be that bad?“ I asked. Rhys dragged his hands through his hair, scratching his scalp, then shrugged and looked up into the sky watching the flight of some birds. I had heard him talk to Azriel befor leaving that morning who had explained it to me afterwards. Tonight the Great Rite of the Night Court was to take place. The Swearing in, Az had called it. Every year the whole Court had to swear fealty to their High Lord. Each and every Person. It was part of he magic that held the Nigth Court intact, kind of a renewing of its powers. Something like Calanmai at the Spring Court.

The ceremony had not taken place for fifty years now. Rhys and Keir had been held captive by Amarantha Under the Mountain. Mor had held kind of a reduced ceremony every year so as to keep the magic flowing. But now Rhysand would have to preside over its entirety in order to repair the weakened magic.

Cassian had told me during our training this morning that it would take quite some time for each and every person up at the Hewn City to come before Rhysand and swear their oaths again. He would not be allowed to leave his throne before the last person up there had done so lest the magic would not be reestablished properly. Keir on the other hand would be free to walk around after he had sworn his fealty to Rhysand and would surely try to make Rhys suffer. It would not be life threatening for him to have to sit there but it would make Keir very happy to be able to stretch this out as long as possible just to annoy Rhys. However little suffering it would be. He had been through much more. But everything that made Keir happy was bound to be irksome to Rhysand.

I watched him for a while. Taking in his furrowed brows, the tight muscles in his shoulders. ... His muscular arms and torso....now, now Feyre! - I said to myself.- Now is not the time for ogling beautiful males! Rhys looked at me, found my eyes and gave me one of his wicked grins. „Like what you see, Feyre darling?“ I snarled at him. But he just continued „No, it will not be bad. But annoying. Very annoying. But rewarding nonetheless. For this land and maybe for my reign, too. The magic has to flow again freely. And maybe we will even have the opportunity to sort out some of those up there who do not fully support my rule.“ I looked at him questioningly. „During the oath those with ...abilities... could make out if the words that are spoken are the truth.“ Walking towards him, I sat down in an armchair next to Rhys. „So You and Azriel and Mor.“ I said. A statement, not a question. Even more work for him besides acknowledging the oaths. „Yes. And for that I should rest. The ceremoy starts at midnight.“

He looked at me again searchingly but with this half grin that made me melt inside. „How soothing it would be if someone sang me to sleep.“ I squirmed. „I cannot sing“ I protested. Again that grin. „Oh, but you can. And I would very much like to know how spring progresses into summer and then into fall and then....“ he trailed off yawning. Stretching his arms he lay down completely on the bench and looked at me expectantly. „My singing will only give you nightmares...“ I tried again. And still he smiled at me. „Try me!“ he said and propped up his head on an ellbow. „Really?“ I asked pleadingly. „Do I have to say please?“ Rhys chuckled. Now it was me who grinned. „Maybe it would help.“ I said tentatively. He rolled his eyes but said „Will you PLEASE sing for me Feyre darling?“ But then more seriously „I heard you from inside. Your voice is wounderful. Soft and soothing. That is what I could really use now.“

So I cleared my throat and started from where I had left off. I painted pictures of meadows and spring flowers, of animals and plants awakening. All the time Rhys looked at me. Only as I had left spring behind and had started telling the story of summer did he close his eyes. Soon his breathing slowed and became softer as he actually drifted off to sleep. I felt him relax through this bond that was between us because of the bargain we had struck that day Under the Mountain.

I lost track of time. The song flowed out of me I like water ripplling down a stream and I wound in pictures and memories of my childhood. Rhysand lay there utterly relaxed and peaceful. And when winter came to an end I continued with other songs that came to my mind because I knew that if I stopped singing he would wake. And he needed the rest for the upcoming ceremony. I would give him as much of it as I could.

The sun sank behind the houses and I took to pacing the garden. I grabbed a blanket for Rhys and tucked him in as soon as his body was in the shadows. All the time my mind wandered to that Mountain up there. Wondering what I could do to help. He had done so much for me. I wanted to pay him back. His time, his kindness, his patience, his warmth. We had grown ever closer these past months. We had lived toghether, healed together. I had felt this strange bond between us grow...stronger. I had no other word for it. I had spent some time in the library researching about these kinds of bonds. It seemed to be normal to have bonds .... mature – thats what one book had called it. The more you used it the more stable and easier accessable it became. I had stumbled across the bond that existed between mated pairs and had lost it shortly. This thing between us..this bond...could it be a mating bond? I was High Fae now. For all I knew it was possible. But in the end I had decided that this could not be the case because...well because all the books said that mating bonds exist from birth. Ours had only been established when we had made that bargain. So it couldnt be.

I pondered over the possibilities of how I could be of use up there. I thought about how I could be a distraction. I had never been up there. Mor had told me that The Hewn City had been the blueprint for Amaranthas court under the Mountain. So I had never pressed for further inormation or letting Rhys take me up there with him for his visits. But now I felt stronger than ever. I could do it. Could go there with them, with him. And when the first stars became visible it hit me. I shuddered before my own idea.

At that Moment Mor stepped out of the house. I raised a finger to my lips, still singing softly so as not to wake Rhysand. She strode over to me looking at him in utter disbelief and leaned next to me on the rainling. She said softly. „Is he really asleep?“ I nodded answering her in a soft voice. „He has been for over two hours now.“ Mors eyes grew even wider. „And you have been singing lullabys to him all that time“ I raised an eyebrow „Not necessaryly lullabys but, yes I have been sining all this time.“ She shook her head. „Rhys never sleeps in any other place than his bedroom. He cannot...“ and in answer to my questioning look she said tentatively „He doesnt feel safe anyplace else. He has these nightmares, you know..“ I looked at her and nodded knowingly. I had brought him back from these horrors as often as he had brought me back from mine now. When he could no longer escape the dark pit by himself I had called him back home. As he had done for me. Mor looked dumfounded „You know?!“ I nodded again.

Mor took in a deep breath and was about to speak when Rhysand spoke at last „Those are enough of my secrets revealed, ladies!“ He still lay there on his side. Still utterly relaxed. „One doses off for a few minutes and the two of you start digging up my innermost secrets!“ but he grinned. I chuckled. „A few minutes? Dose off?“ Only now had Rhysand realized that there was a blanket over him and a quick glance at the sky told him that it had not been a few minutes. He sat up so fast, Mor and I jumped. „How long?“ he asked, his eyes huge. „A bit more than two hours.“ I said with a grin. He looked at the bench again, at the blanket in his hands. „I heard you all the time, Feyre. I cannot have been two hours!“

„What is two hours?“ came a rasping voice from the house. Cassian had arrived. „If you think, that we can be done up there in two hours, I say you are mad!“ As he was here, Azriel couldnt be far behind. And as soon as the thought had formed in my head I saw him basically appearing out of a shadow to my left. With his ever knowing eyes he surveyed the scene and understanding what had happened he gave me an approving nodd. Mor smiled now, too. It was a wonderful picture. The bewildered High Lord – an cozy blanket in his hand staring from me to the sky and then to his Inner Circle. His third - happy for him to have found some peace. His spymaster – knowing whom to thank for it. And his warmaster – who did not understand what was going on at all. I could not help but laugh out loud. The others followed suit. Even Rhys chuckeled.

„Will someone explain what is going on here, please?“ Cassian said in exasperation. Mor came out of it first. „Our dearest High Lord has been sung to sleep under the open sky.“ She looked at Rhys with a loving smile. Cassian stared at her as he connected the dots. „And he slept for two hours? Here?“ Mor nodded toward the bench. „I saw him lying there. Otherwise I would not have believed it either.“ We all looked at Rhys. Silence fell. A silence that felt happy and sad at the same time. Rhys looked at me for a long while. He took a breath as if wanting to say something but decided otherwise. He walked to the edge of the balcony and looked down into the street below and over the expanse of the city. I joined him there looking at the magnificent view. The Sidra snaking through what seemed like stars flickering into life that were the street lights. And the velvety red horizon over the sea. I loved this view. I could see it from my room just one floor up and I had spent long hours just drinking in this peaceful city teeming with life.

Rhys sighed. But it was not a sigh out of exhaustion, it was a sigh of longing. He turned to face me standing next to him. Again that long stare. Then out of nowhere he leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. „Thank you!“ he breathed on my cheek. His warm breath sent a trickle down my spine. I turned my face to smile at him. And for a moment it was only just the two of us.

Until Cassian cleared his throat softly. Looking back at my friends I saw Mor giving Cassian a reproving look to which he just raised his hands apologetically „Its nearly time...It starts in less than two hours.“ Rhysand nodded. „You are right, brother. Lets get going.“ He turned to leave but I put a hand on his arm. He stopped, looking at me questioningly. „I have an idea...“ I said. „How I could help you....up there.“ He continued to look. Just look, not being annoyed or brushing my suggestion off. Open for any ideas I might have. Just taking me seriously. The others listened, too. „Take me with you. And use me....“ I choked a bit on my own courage. „..as a distraction of sorts.“ Rhys tilted his head to one side, thinking. „Absoulutely not!“ blurted Cassian. Mor shook her head, too. Azriels whirling shadows gave him the look of standing in mists. He seemed interested in the idea.

After a few breaths Rhys said „It is not pleasant up there. Not at all. WE are not pleasant up there. We have to play our parts to ensure that people continue to believe in the Court of Nightmares. And his Dark Lord.“ The last words came with something like disgust. „It is a dangerous place.“ Azriel added. I had thought he would back me up. „I am aware of that.“ I said with a raised eyebrow. The way they always talked about it. The disgust, the fear of having to be whom they had to be up there. „But wouldnt it be easier for you to discern the traitors when you bring me up there with you to ....“ I trailed off. „You will all be there. No one would dare to lay a hand on me!“ I was sure of that. I wasnt afraid of being hurt up there. But Mor said calmly „It is not your physical wellbeing I am concerned about, girl.“

Rhys put hand on my arm just as I had done a few minutes before. Looking at me with such intensity he said. „I do not wish for you to be up there.“ I tried to take a step back but he held me by my shoulder giving me a rougish grin continuing „But I could see the appeal of ... distracting them, as you put it.“ He looked away from me back to the others questioningly. They looked at him incredulously. „You cannot display her up there like a toy! She has no idea of how bad it is up there! How they treat females there!“ Mor said ferociously. A picture of me in very thin strips of fabric, my body full of tatoos painted on me came into my mind. I looked at them. Did they know? What Rhys had made me do during these parties at Amaranthas court? He looked back at me and seeing the question in my face he shook his head. So they didnt know. It was for me to decide if I wanted to let them know. My choice. For a moment I pondered it over in my mind.

„I think I have quite an idea of how it could be up there.“ I said with a bit of edge in my voice. Looking at them quietly. Silence fell as they realized that I HAD been in a potentially similar situation before. „And I am fine doing it again. With you. For you! This time it will be different.Ill have my friends with me.“ Cassian was the first to speak. „I am sorry, Feyre. We are just concerned. We can do this without you...without risking you being harmed...again.“ I looked at him openly. I understood he did not dismiss my offer but simply did not want to see me hurt. But I still wanted to help. „Why not make it easier for all of you? I know you are capable of doing this but why take the harder road when you could....“ I was searching for words to describe what I meant. And as I looked at the two Illyrians standing there I knew „...when you could fly?“ I said grinning. Az chuckeled. Even Mor could not hide a grin.

Rhysand took my hand and walked me over to the bench on which he had slept so soundly only a few moments before. „You are just wonderful, Feyre darling!“ He said sitting me down and taking up a seat in the chair next to the bench. „I want you to know that I appreciate this offer. But I also want to make it very clear that when you come with me to the Hewn City, there is no turning back midway. You will hear and see everything. The whole time. As long as it takes to finish the ritual. There are rules that we have to obey because otherwise I would risk the magical stability of my court. As much as I do not like these people. They are MY people. I have the responsibility to look after them.“ I nodded. I understood and I felt his sincerity through our bond. This was important. „All the more reason I should help you!“ I said. He took my hand in his and looked me deep in the eyes. His eyes were of such a deep violet I could drown in them. I almost jumped as he spoke again „I will have to be that person from Under the Mounatin again, Feyre. That person from Amaranthas court“ The others stirred but did not say anything. „I will have to be hard and mean and I will potentailly do terrible things to people up there. This is my curse. To uphold the terrors of the Night Court to keep my Court of Dreams safe. I would gladly have you by my side. But none of us will think less of you if you do not want to meet that person ever again!“

I stared at him. After all the time we had worked together here in Velaris. Had worked on healing and getting our lives back. Had he still not understood? I was not afraid of him! Had never been. Not of the masks he had to wear. Not of anything when he was with me. I smiled softly „Rhysand, I am not afraid of you. You are a good person who sometimes has to do bad things to keep the ones he loves and cares for safe. I will always see you under whichever mask you put on!“ I could have sworn his eyes looked watery. I heard a sniff from Mor and looked up. „I am not afraid of anything when I know you are with me. I have survived and I have healed.“ mostly- I added in my head but that was not the point now. Maybe this was the last step I would have to take to fully heal?

Azriel came over to my side and put hand on my shoulder his shadows having calmed down. „You are a very special person, Feyre.“ And with a look at the others he said „We will not let anything happen to you!“ I looked from him to Rhys. „Then I can come?“ Rhys looked from one to the other and as each of them nodded he said at last „Allright. Lets kick Keirs ass! ...Mor, take her with you and fill her in about the proceedings. And ...“ he paused looking me up and down with a feral look that almost stripped me naked. One of his masks. One that I actually liked. I was not afraid at all. „...make her pretty!“

Mor took me by the hand and dragged me into her room. She sat me down on the chair in front of her vanity and started on my hair. „Now listen carefully, Feyre. We do not have a lot of time and you need to know these things.“ She explained to me how the ritual would take place. Rhys would hear and acknkowledge the oath from each person in turn. First to go would be Amren, then Mor, then Cassian and Azriel – Rhys Inner Circle. Then Keir and his Household and then the lesser lords and ladies. The servants and lesser fairies of the Court of Nightmares would be last. Each would kneel before Rhys and swear fealty to him and the land. He would accept each offer and release them. „And what about me?“ I asked. „When am I to say my vows?“ It sounded strange – my vows. Mor lookt up in surprise. „You want to be sworn in, too?“ I nodded. Of course I wanted to. Mor kept looking at me in amazement then drew me into a ribcracking hug. „Azriel was quite right. You are VERY special! You will go after Azriel of ocurse.“ she decided within a heartbeat. “You are part of the Inner Circle. And we will not tell Rhys!“ A wicked smile appeared on her face. „Oh, this is going to be fun!“

After she had done up my hair in which she had weaved a tiara that had appeared out of nowhere on the vanity at some point she opened a dresser. She looked at me and stopped. I saw the hesitation in her eyes. „I know what to expect, Mor.“ She looked at me with a kind of sadness in her eyes but I continued with a rogueish grin of my own „Lets make it count!“ And she started to rifle through the dresses as I stepped beside her to help her choose. We selected a piece of midnight blue nothing emboidered with silver stars that made it shimmer whenever I moved my body. The bodice was very revealing and the fabric flowed down to my ankles huge slits that went almost to my hips. It was held in place as the ones Under the Mountain had been by a simple silver belt. While Mor applied my makup she explained the rest of the rules.

„Rhys is not allowed to leave his throne until the end. The gathered magic will be concentrated in that place and will only be released when the last person has been sworn in. That is quite a powerful moment. You will see. Rhys ist allowed to drink but not to eat so as not to distract him from his duties. This part has been established only to irk the respective High Lord because there are accounts from centruies ago that some of them were given sustenance during the Rite. But Rhys keeps to the rules. So we are there to provide him with drink after we have sworn our own vows. Keir will be having a great feast until the end of the rite. He has to be present for the last person to swear their vows. He will witness the power being unleashed in order to continue to be allowed to rule this part of the Night Court.“ Another grin flitted over her face. „We always try to make him miss it. But we have never succeeded to this day. Though we have been close several times. This time will will make him suffer differently, I suppose.“

„So you get a bit of revenge out of it anyways?“ I said chuckling. „Of course we do, girl! We may have to obey the rules to let the magic flow properly but this does not mean we cannot pay him back a little. And afterwards we will have the ceremony down here in Verlaris, too. But it is held a bit differently here.“ She smiled at my asking glance. „This I will leave for Rhys to explain. You will like it. It is worth it!“

When we were finished Mor wrapped me in a mantle like flowing darkness so no one could see what I was wearing underneath. „A surprise for our boys!“ She smirked. The door to Mors room opened and Amren came in. She was breathing heavily, a slight tenseness in her posture. I had expected as much. She had not been there when we had decided I would come. Rhys must have filled her in while Mor was dressing me. She looked at me long and hard. I held her gaze. I would not back down from this! „Show me!“ she ordered. Mor took a step behind me and removed the mantle after I had undone the clasp that held it closed. Amrens silver eyes went huge! „Do you really want to do this?“ I looked her directly in the eyes and nodded. With a nod from herself she held out a hand in front of her and out of thin air an intricate silver necklace fell into it. She gave me one of those smiles that made my blood run cold. „You will be a hell of a distraction!“ And with that she made the necklace Mor had selected for me disappear and put hers on me. It flowed in winding waves down from my neck not unsimilar to the Illyrian tatoos that adorned Rhyses arms and chest. It gleamed with uncounted diamonds. We put the mantle back on me and went downstairs.

Chapter 2: The Great Rite of the Nigh Court – Part 1: The Court of Nighmares


Up at the Court of Nightmares Feyre plays her role as a distraction.


A teensy bit of fluff. Still SFW.

Chapter Text

From the top of the stairs I saw the two Illyrian males in their full battle armour. Seven siphons gleaming for each of them. There were a sight to behold. Jerking his head towards Amren Cassian greeted us with a „Oh, she didnt kill you?“ to which I replied „No, but maybe she will kill you for letting me come!“ A powerful scent of salt and citrus hit me from the back „She would have to kill me first. Because it was I who consented to it in the first place.“ came his soft dark voice. I turned around and there stood Rhys – Rhysand I corrected myself. The High Lord of the Night Court in his full formal attire. Black skintight suit with black embroideries and a black crown that encircled his head inlaid with black gemstones. He looked marvellous! Darkness played around him like the rippling of waves on an lake in a gentle breeze. I knew that he would soon have to hide that gentleness. „Will you leave us alone for a few minutes?“ He said to the room at large. They all bowed and left.

Rhys had locked his eyes on me the moment I had turned around and would not let me go. He waited until his Inner circle had left then slowly stepped closer until not even a hand fit between us. He swallowed. „Let me ask you this one last time, Feyre darling.“ His voice was dark and husky. „Do you really want to go through with this?“ Nodding, I held is ganze. He smiled at me and I smiled back. „Then let me explain to you what I might or might not do to you tonight.“ A shiver went down my spine but I kept looking at him. His eyes darkened „I will treat you as if you are worth nothing to me. You will be my plaything. I will touch you wherever and whenever I like and find suitable. You will listen to my every order and obey without any hesitation. I will display you to others as a trophy or as my....“ he paused for a heartbeat and I understood. „As your whor*.“ I finsihed the sentence for him. He nodded. I saw the pain in his eyes, understood it. „Im fine with it, Rhys. I know that that is not you. It is only the mask you have to wear. I trust you.“ He drew me into his arms and kissed my brow. „I am sorry for all of it.“ I shook my head. „Dont be, Rhys. You do this because you have to. Because it is your responsibility as High Lord. And if I can help you...I am more than willing to face this...again.“ The feral grin had returned to his face and what he said made my legs want to give out beneath me „Really, Feyre darling....you are...willing?“

Rhys had winnowed to the court of nighmares seperate from us. We were to meet him again in the throneroom. When we had arrived in our chamber at the Hewn City Mor removed my mantle and Cassian and Az had almost fainted looking at my attire. Cassian had blatantly stared me up and down while Azriel had averted his ganz after a few heartbeats. Mor had let out a cackling laugh. I had smiled, too. „Are you really ok with this?“ Azriel had asked still not able to look at me properly. To which I said „The ones I have worn before have been worse.“ He almost choked. „The colours – hideous!“ I added as an explanation. And at that both of them had to laugh. „We are going to have a lot of fun tonight!“ Amren crooned softly.

And then it was time. The doors to our room seemingly opened of their own accord. Amren lead us into the throneroom, Mor at her side. I went after them flanked by the two Illyrian warriors on either side of me. The room was packed full with people wanting to witness this important ritual. Rhy sat on his throne. His crown not on his head but on a low pedestal at his side. When he beheld me in my attire I saw his eyes flicker for the briefest of moments and then a claw dragged over my mental shields, soflty caressing. And through the tiny slit I opened in them I heard him breathe heavily. One word flowed towards me – „willing!“ In front of the dais we halted and bowed briefly before we stepped up to stand to Rhys left. Silence fell and I felt the tingling of magic being released – or rather made. Rhys stood but did not leave his throne. He took his crown into one hand and turned towards us.

Amren stepped forward knelt down on one knee and spoke in clear ringing tone. „I am Amren, I was remade and I swear fielty to my High Lord and his lands.“ She touched the crown with her fingertips, head still bowed. Rhys bade her rise with a wave of his free hand. „I accept your oath and welcome you to my court, Amren.“ Finally she looked up at him. And with another wave of his hand he released her. Mor stepped up „I am the Morrigan, queen of the Hewn City and I swear fielty to my High Lord and his lands.“ She too touched the crown and was allowed to rise. Rhys accepting her oath. There was no warmth in his gaze or movements. Only the cold High Lord having to do his duties. But through our bond I felt the sincerety and his love for them. It was now Cassians turn. He knelt and spoke „I am Cassian, your warmaster. I swear fielty to my High Lord and his lands.“ Rhys nodded and as he waved his hand, allowing Cassian to rise he held his gaze for a little while. A King proud of his best soldier. When Azriel strode forward his shadows trailed behind him, surrounded him as he knelt. „I am Azriel, your Shadowsinger. I swear fielty to my High Lord and his lands.“ It was not only his hand that touched Rhys crown but his shadwos did so, too.

Keir had been standing in front of the dais, waiting his turn. He was about to start forward when he beheld me and Mor move on the dais. Rhys had started to turn towards him when he, too, beheld the movement. His eyes widenend as he saw that Mor lead me to his throne. Her hand at the small of my back, gently pushing me towards Rhys. „A gift for my High Lord.“ She said with a feral smile.

He looked at me, eyes wide. Through our bond he asked within the span of a heartbeat. „You really want this?“ Shock and awe floating along with the words. I looked shyly up at him – playing my role. But in my head I said „Of course. Do you think I would just stand by?“ and flowed a wicked grin back at him. For everyone to see he looked me up and down basically undressing me with his eyes, a posessive power emanating from him. With a last look at his face I knelt and spoke. „I am Feyre Archeron, reborn Under the Mountain. I swear fielty to my High Lord and his lands.“ Instead of waving his hand to allow me to stand up, Rhys took my chin in his free hand tilted my head up so I had to look at him then guided my face towards his crown. „Kiss it.“ He said harshly. I obeyed. He then drew me up into a standing position his hand still on my chin. „You are mine, now. Feyre cursebraker. Body and soul!“ And heart, too. I thought for myself. A flicker of this feeling I sent through the bond and a soft purr came back.

The room was completly silent. I had only eyes for Rhysand. He let go of my chin, gave his crown to Mor who had appeared by my side and finally turned around to face Keir whose face was ashen. Sitting down on his throne Rhys gestured to him to step forward. But Keir still stared at me. I still stood where Rhys had let go of me. Rhys followed his gaze and as if he had forgotten that I was there he made a small – very small- cushion appear at the bottom of his massive throne. „Sit!“ he said to me with cold eyes as if to say „Look nice but do not distrub me.“ Keir snarled a grin. But he stepped forward and said his oaths. Kneeling, saying the words and finally touching the crown that Mor, his own daughter now held before him after Rhys had acceptes his vows. So did all members of his household. One by one Rhys heard them and acknowledged them. And one by one I felt the magic increase. It made the tiny hairs on my neck stand up. After a while Rhys started to play with my hair. I jumped at the first touch. He looked infintely bored but through the bond a conversation between us ensued.

„You are one hell of a distraction, Feyre darling!“ He caressed the long strands of may hair now dangling over his muscular leg. „Does it work?“ I asked. „Oh, definitely! I never had so much fun up here!“ he laughed in my head. But he knew what I meant. „Keirs household is not who interests me. They will obey because thats the only way to keep the power they have here.“ I was suprised at how openly he discussed politics with me. And a little giggly because of the absurdity of the situation. From the outside it looked like Rhys was playing with his new posession whilst hearing and accepting oath after oath but on the inside we were equals, partners in crime. „It is the lesser Lords that interest me. Azriel will take over from Mor in a few minutes and then..“ he caressed my mind with a soft dark claw. „Then we play!“ The claw in my mind was mirrored by fingers caressing my temple now. I leaned into his leg a little more.

When Az finally relieved Mor of her duties I gave him a short look and he grinned layzyly down at me. I averted my eyes quickly as if I was uncomfortable. But inside I anticipated the game we were about to play. „Nice addition, your new plaything?“ Azriel asked Rhys. „Mhmm..“ he agreed not deigning to look at me. „But I would like to see..more..“ Rhys purred. I felt him shifting his weight in his throne a bit. I looked up at him. His face was mere inches away from mine and I drew back slightly. He drew a line from my temple down my neck and over my throat. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw the next lord waiting in front of the dais. I shivered and goosebumps erupted all over my body. Oh, he was playing! He made them wait....I loved every second of it! Then Rhys hand slipped down to the fabric on my shoulder his gaze went down to my cleavage. „Mor has dressed you well...“ he purred in my mind. „Do you like it?“ I asked in return. „I like the tiara..it suits you.“ My suspicions as to where the piece had come from where confirmed. „The dress? I like that, too...but I think I would have...draped it a bit differently“ and with that he slid his finger underneath the fabric and pushed it further outwards. I kept looking at him, holding his stare. He slid his hand across my chest to the other shoulder and did the same adjusting there. Finally he sat up again and I dared to look down my chest. He had stopped precisely before my nipples would have shown. Cauldron boil me!

The lord whose turn it was now to say is vows swallowed hard but knelt nonetheless. Though he did not utter a word. I saw Azriels shadows flurry a bit and a slight stiffness overcame Rhys. Like someone readying for a fight. „What is it lord Milwer?“ he scowled „Not ready to say your vows?“ Silence fell over the room. I felt the magic thrumming right next to me. I did not dare move a muscle lest I would draw the attention of this power to me. He was the first one they had caught. And he probably would not be the last. Cassian had strolled over casually and looked at Rhysand for confirmation. Lord Milwer started squirming at the foot of the throne and I realized Rhys must have infirtrated his mind. Still no word escaped his lips. Rhys nodded „No? Take him downstairs. Lets see what he hast to tell us after the rite is finished.“ At these words Cassian dragged the man out of the courtroom. Rhys waved his hand for the next person to step forward. He gave a short tug at my hair and snarled „Get me something to drink!“ I rose at once bowed and made my way to Mor and Amren who stood to the side. They took me into their midst and we went into our sidechamber.

I took a deep breath when Mor had shut the door behind us. Here the building magic and Rhys power were not so poweful though still in the air. Amren strode over to me and sat me down in a chair next to a fireplace. The warmth felt good. Mor hurried over with a glass of wine and gave it to me. I drank deeply. „That power....“ I managed to say after a moment. I had not yet felt such power prowling underneath. Amren nodded „Are you alright?“ I nodded myself „Its just the proximity. I have never been so close to him for so long.“ I explained. Mor fussed around with my dress tugging here and there. „Rhys is the most powerful High Lord in Prythian. And is having a lot of fun out there. Thanks to you, girl.“ I grinned at her. So it worked. „I should go back. I cannot have him wait too long.“ I took the last sip of my wine refilled the glass and walked straight towards the doors. Amren opened them for me. „You really are something!“

Keeping my gaze down on purpose I made my way back to the throne. Coming to halt at the bottom of the dais I waited for Rhys to allow me to step to his side. He kept me waiting until the person kneeling at that time had finished. I bowed and presented him with the goblet „My lord!“ I dared a look at him. Fury and lust shone in his eyes as he grabbed me by my hips and drew me onto his lap. I gasped. He snarled at my decolletee. Mor had drawn the fabric back into place. „I do not like it when someone messes with my works!“ and with teasing fingers he drew the fabric away again. Drawing layzy circles in the now considerable space of bare skin between my breasts. He purred. I managed a timid smile. In my head I heard him say „Do you plan all this?“ I actually gave a small chuckle. To the room he said „She likes to play, this one. Lets see how willing she is when I am done with her.“ Willing...He was teasing me in front of all these people. Alright. We were here to play a game. So lets play- I thought to myself and leaned into him so that his hand slid over my breast instead of caressing the skin inbetween. „Feyre!“ came a hoarse moan through the bond as Rhys breathed a kiss onto my nape. The next person was done and the next and the next. And still Rhys played with my breast and then wandered to the skin of my ribcage.

I felt the magic surge as the ritual moved on and looked around the room. I looked at the next person in line waiting to kneel. He ..felt different. I took a look at Azriel and saw his shadows whirr. I nudged Rhys through the bond. He stopped his fingers „Too much?“ he asked. I blew him a smile through the bond. „No. This person in front of us feels strange.“ Rhys let his hand wander down my ribcage onto my upper thigh and began drawing circles there. „He does indeed!“ he said in my head. „What feels strange?“ I thought for a moment. „He feels like he would like to lunge at you.“ I stated in suprise. This male could not be serious...trying to would be his certain death! „That is how they feel like to us Deamati when they would like to kill someone.“ I froze but Rhys reassured me „Nothing of that sort will happen. Many of them think that way but would never dare.“ a long silence followed in which Rhys heard and accepted the males vows. „We have never trained that ability of yours. Impressive“ „Its this buidlup of magic. I feel it in my bones.“ Rhys took to massaging my back instead of my thighs. I arched my back inot his skilled hand, relaxing a bit. He took a sip of his wine then held the goblet to my mouth. I opened my lips not leaving his eyes and he tilted the glass. I swallowed but some drops ran down my chin and into my cleavage. Rhys bent down and licked them off my bare skin befor they could disappear into the fabric. This time I purred. Willing...

It took over five hours only for Keirs household and the High Fae lords and ladies to be sworn in. All the time I had stayed at Rhys side on his lap or at the bottom of his throne. Occasionally he had sent me away to get something to drink for him. He and Azriel had identified four more suspicious persons and Cassian had taken them away for questioning. I had learned how to feel for hidden emotions and the changes in a persons state of mind when they hid something. I had not expected that this would become a lesson for my Daemati skills. Neither had Azriel who had accompanied me to our sidechamber for a brief break when Cassian had released him from his crown holding duties.

He had had his suspicions that Rhys and I were communicating all the time. „Did anyone else notice?“ I asked a little shocked. Had I put Rhys in danger? Az shook his head reassuringly. „No, definitvely not. Its just that my shadowns feel it when the bond between you is active. Nothing anyone else would be able to notice. I also cannot tell what it is that you are ....talking...about. I guess that is what one would call it.“ I nodded and explained what had been going on. „He ist giving you lessons? The Great Rite and he is giving you lessons in feeling people out?“ but he laughed. „Incredible!“ he paused for a second looking me up and down. „I am very happy that we have brought you with us, Feyre!“

Amren joined us soon afterwards. „The High Fae are done. Thats about two thirds of the way.“ She stated. „Now its just the servants that are left.“ And there were many of those, I knew. „How long do you expect it to take?“ I asked. „Oh..it should be no more than six or seven hours.“ She said lightly but her grin was strained „The annoying part will start when they begin prepairing the food and setting the tables in the sidechamber. Rhys is starting to get tired.“ „Then Ill go.“ I got up and poured a big mug of coffee taking it with me back to the throne room.

Rhys sat there on his throne the room now unsually empty. No one seemed to care about the servants swearing their oaths. As I walked in the doors to the sidechamber, where soon the food would be set up for Keirs court, closed. Lesser fairies stood before Rhys bent the knee and spoke theirs vows. A steady trickle of them came and went through a small door at the back of the throneroom. Rhys looked every single one of them in the eyes as he accepted their vows. An air of sincerety was around them. I approached the dais and he immediately waved me up the stairs. I held the mug for him and bowed. He took it, sniffed at it and bade me sit on my little cushion. He felt more relaxed. „Tired?“ I asked through the bond. „No, but I appreciate the coffee.“ I smirked and said encouraginly. „We are more than half way done.“ He looked down at me and nodded. Actually nodded for all to see. A grin appeared on his lips as he actually spoke softly. „These are MY servants. Not Keirs. He does not care about servants at all.“ I looked around the room then back at him. The fae standing in front of the dais did not seem scared, rather in awe and maybe there was a bit of reverence. „But you do!“ I said softly and he nodded again. In my head he said. „Keir does not hold a lot of value in them for the ceremoy. Stupid prick! The amount of magic generated is not dependent on the status of the one taking the oath but on the sincerety with which it is given! These fairies understand what makes magic powerful! You will feel it!“

And I did. With ervery person giving their oath and Rhys accepting it the room grew heavier and heavier. I remembered Rhys once talking about people going mad if they did not release their magic from time to time. I asked him as much in his mind. He agreed. „That is why at some point I will send you away to stand by the others.“ Concern floated through me. „Is ist that dangerous?“ „Yes and no. As soon as I have my crown back the magic will be released. I have to channel it properly. That is the dangerous part.“ I was even more concerned after that statement. „Dont worry Feyre, darling. I have done this for years and years. Some fifty years missing out does not bring me out of shape!“ For a while we sat silent. Rhys accepting the vows, me surveying the room. When inevitably the smell of breakfast started wafting towards us the doors to the throne room were opened again so we could see the tables laiden with food over there. Rhys donned the mask of the cruel High Lord again and pushed me at my shoulder „Bring me some coffee!“ but in my head he said „And eat something.“ So I left to go to our sideroom.

Mor and Amren were there. Azriel was nowhere to be seen. I asked the two females where he had gone. Mor grinned. „It is time to start distracting Keir.“ „Not that he has not already been distracted by you, girl!“ added Amren. We all laughed. „Is everything ok in there?“ Mor asked. I nodded. „ He is a bit tired and annoyed by the food smell.“ I looked around. No food stood on our table. „Arent we getting food?“ My stomach rumbled. „Of course we are getting food, silly!“ said Mor. „Cerridwen and Nuala will be here shortly. We will not eat their food“ She pointed a thumb towards the throneroom. „Too risky!“ I understood and sat down in a chair to wait. I didnt want to leave Rhys alone out there for too long. „What happens at the end of the rite?“ I asked to distract myself. Amren explained that she would be the one to put the crown back on Rhys head. For one she was his second in command and secondly she was the strongest magic wielder after him. So it would be safe for her to stand right next to him when the magic surged.

Nuala and Cerridwen arrived not ten minutes later with baskets of bread and muffins and fruit. We stood around the table and ate. My mind drifitng to Rhys all the time. To him sitting out there, not allowed to eat and waiting for me to return with a cup of....coffee? The idea struck like lightning through a clear sky. „I have an idea.“ I said turning to Mor and Amren. They looked at me expectantly. „Correct me if I am wrong....We are allowed to bring him drinks...what counts as a drink?“ I stared at them intently. Amren got my idea within seconds. „Something that can be drunk.“ and looked at Mor who grinned too. A grin that however only lasted for a few seconds as she threw a meaningful look at Amren. „What?“ I said, still grinning. The two females looked at each other, Amren shrugged her shoulders waved a hand like she was saying „Your choice!“ but a wicked grin appeared on her face. Mor turned around to me clasping her hands in front of her „You realize you would offer him food.“ „Its not food, it is drink! Thats allowed isnt it?“ But something was off. Somehow I had the feeling this was not about the difference between food and drink. „Yes..but something ...more...“ She squirmed looking at Amren pleadingly who held her gaze still grinning until Mor blurted at her „We cannot just let her run into this blind! She wants to OFFER HIM FOOD!“

Chapter 3: The Great Rite of the Nigh Court – Part 2: Mates?


Rhys finishes the Rite at the Court of Nightmares whilst Feyre come to grips with the fact that Rhys is her mate. And teases Rhys a littel bit about it. :-)

Chapter Text

I stood there..thinking. The expression rung in me. Reminded me of something I had read in a book...when I had researched about the bargain..about the bond... I swallowed hard looking from Amren to Mor and back again. My eyes going wide. „Oh! I think she is not that blind, Mor!“ Amren chuckeled „But anyhow. The person who offers it defines what it is, as what it was made. When Fyre says it is a drink, then it is a drink. It will not interfere with the ritual, I am absolutely sure. As for... other things. Its up to her.“ She looked at me long and hard. The two of them knew something I did not, that was clear. And I had an inkling what it could be. The moment felt so surreal, all this hidden information, all the possibilities raining down on me within seconds. I did not dare think it .. could the bond between us not be from the bargain...? Could it be...No...I could not think about that now. I did not want to. But the possibilities....Rhys...my....I shook my head and carefully I said „Would it be... dangerous..if it was deemed food rather than drink?“ Amren laughed softly and looked pleased. Mor smiled warmly and wrapping an arm around my shoulder she said „No, it wouldnt!“ I took a deep breath and turned around to Nuala who stared at me with her black eyes that seemed to glimmer with excitement. I instructed her to take a jug of milk and blend two muffins into it so the mixture would be perfectly drinkable. I asked her to put it in a mead tankard so I could disguise it as such. „Clever girl!“ purred Amren. Nuala was done in a few minutes.

When I took up the tankard and started to walk towards the throne room Mor took my hands into hers. „Do you really want to do this?“ I looked at her. If it actually was as I suspected...that Rhys was my...mate. There! I had said it...I was actually ok with it. The moment I realized the possibility, it had been like some tether had been released. I had enjoyed his company, the bantering, the teasing. He cared about me, he had saved me. I just wondered how long he had known. And that was what I asked Mor instead of answering her question. „How long?“ she searched me with her gaze, swallowed, then answered „Since the day you said goodby after Under the Mountain.“ I drew a deep breath then turned around to walk through the door.

The bond thrummed between us the moment I entered the throneroom. Rhys looked towards me and held my gaze until I had stepped up to his side. The High Lord of the Night Court sat there. My mate! I shivered a bit as I bowed and presented him with the tankard. He drew me onto his lap. I was his plaything again. The doors to the room where breakfast was served were open and I saw many high fae ogling at him with food in their hands. He took the tankard and looked down into it..smelling it..realizing. I held the tankard firm so he could not drink it immediately. His brows furrowed and in my mind he said „This is food....not drink! Feyre...you....“ an unspoken question attached to his thought through the bond. I knew what he meant. A female offering her mate food meant she accepts the mating bond. „For now it is drink, Rhys.“ I let him feel that I knew more but not what „more“ exactly. He had known for such a long time. He would have to wait a bit longer. I would offer him food. But not now. Not here. He took a deep breath and without letting my eyes go he took the tankard and drank. I felt the warmth between us, felt the understanding. We would do this properly, not here.

„Mead at this time of day!“ came a snarl from the foot of the dais. Rhys kept looking at me and only after a few heartbeats he released me and swinging a hand around to my waist he dained to look at Keir who stood there. „It keeps the vigour up.“ Rhys said now stroking his fingers along my leg slowly wandering upwards. Drawing idle circles. I shuddered again. This was intense. It had been an act before, but now...the intensity flowing through his fingers. The magic thrumming around us. It was intoxicating. Keir let out a cackling laugh and bit into a pastry he had brought before his high lord. To which Rhys just raised his tankard and took a deep gulp licking his lips before lowering it so as not to let Keir see the suspicious white colour of his „mead“ before turning his attention to the next fairy to say their vows. Keir strolled away meeting a nervous looking servant at the door. Rhys grinned broadly at me -inside my head. „Thank you!“ he wispered there softly. I leaned into him my breathing easing a bit as he left my thighs and started stoking my back, then my neck. Cauldron boil me! After a while he pretended to get bored and basically shoved me down onto my cushion where I sat for the next hour or so. The cruel High Lord. My mate.

Arziel stepped out of the shadows to our right and relieved Cassian so he could get some food into him, too. Rhys shot him a questioning look and the Shadowsinger nodded. „I was able to procure quite some interesting informations, High Lord.“ Rhys nodded his approval. He took another gulp from his tankard. Az looking at it suspiciuosly Rhys shrugged so that the Illyrian turned his gaze towards me. I dared a small grin which made Azes eyes glitter and his shadows swirl. „And the rest?“ Rhys said fixing the attention of his Shadowsinger back to him. „Up and running, my Lord!“ He looked to where Keir was standing held in a discussion with two High fae. During the next hour I saw servants flitting in and out the adjacent room reporting hurriedly to Keir who gave instructions but would not leave. The two High fae came and went several times, too. „Azriels diversion?“ I asked through the bond. „Yes. Keir has to deal with some of the creatures he usually uses for torturing purposes that have inexplainably escaped their dungeons.“ He sounded strained. „Are you ok?“ concern swinging from me. He looked at me shortly and trailed his fingers over my head playing with my hair as he had done so hours before. How long ago had that been? As if he had heard my question Rhys said. „Too long. We are almost finished here. It is getting harder to contain the magic. But I am allright.“ He assured me. „Amren will take over from Azriel soon.“ This was the dangerous part then. „The others will come to the dais again, too. I want you to go to them as soon as Amren takes over.“ I was worried. „It is going to be fine, trust me!“ „I do!“ I said in my mind as I saw Amren step up to Azriel who came over to me and held out a hand. I took it, stood and together we bowed to Rhys who waved us away. He looked strained now, too.

We stood a bit to the side of the dais. Mor beside me. Cassian and Azriel slightly in front of us. They looked tense but there was also awe in their faces. It took the better part of an hour to wrap up the servants. Then the last fairy said its oath. Rhys stood and Amren let the crown fly on an invisible wind towards his head. She knelt. As soon as it came to rest in its rightful place on Rhys head the room seemed to shrink. Cassian and Azriel drew ever so slightly closer together to shield us a little more. And when it felt so tight around my chest that I could no longer breathe light erupted from where Rhys stood and swept over us. But it was not only light. It was hot and cold at the same time. It was darkness in a different form. My insides screamed and I almost fell had not Cassian grabbed my shoulders. I held onto him, held on for dear life. I felt the magic surge through me. And a second later I breathed freely again. I searched the room and saw that Keir had fallen to his knees. Amren still knelt where she had gone down seconds before. Looking unfazed. The dais with the throne on it was still surrounded by darkness. My gut clenched. I let my mind follow the bond to him, needed to know that he was safe. And there I felt him. Stronger than ever. The High Lord of Darkness. My mate. Surrounded by his shadows bathing in the magic he had just released. He realized that I was looking at him through his shadows. No one else could see him, I knew. And he smiled at me.

Chapter 4: The Great Rite of the Nigh Court – Part 3: The Court of Dreams


The Rite is being completed down at the Court of Dreams and Feyre accepts the mating bond - very publically!

Chapter Text

We gathered in the sideroom, where Nuala had served a hearty meal for us which we enjoyed in silence. The bond tingeld between me and Rhysand. Mor and Amren glanced at me from time to time but said nothing. At last Rhys got up and everyone rose with him. „Thank you all for helping me tonight.“ We all bowed to him. He smiled at all of us in turn. He hung on to my face for a long while, then said. „Lets go home and get some rest. Shall we?“ And with that he and Mor winnowed us to the townhouse. It had been 11 hours since the Great Rite had started. Everyone but Rhys looked tired. His magic whirred from him in small waves. „We meet at the bridge at midnight, you all!“ He said brightly. Right...there would be another part of the Ritual down here in Velaris, Mor had said. We all dispersed to our respective rooms to bathe and to get some rest. When I was out of the bath and had selpt for a few hours I donned some comfortable city appropriate clothes when a soft knock came from my door. „Come!“ I called and held my breath when Rhys stepped in. For a moment we just stood there breathing in each others scent. He took two steps towards me and held out a hand. He looked marvellous! Dressed in midnightblue pants and a semi-formal tunic in a matching colour with silver adornements. I hestiated, unspoken things between us. But he just smiled and said softly. „Come, I want to show you something.“ All hesitation gone I took his hand and he immediatly winnowed us away. A soothing darkness engulfed me and I felt his arms holding me to his chest softly.

My feet touched soft, mossy ground when the darkness had disappeared. I heard water running and smelled the forest. I looked around and saw water trickling down from a cleft in a rock into a deep basin that thinned out into a small stream. Dense woods surrounded us. It felt very peaceful here. I sat down on a large rock beside the basin and looked at Rhysand who had walked to the edge of the water and dipped his fingers in it. The water glowed in brilliant greens and blues. I gasped. „This is the spring of the river Sidra. It has its own inherent magic but this is also the place where the first High Lord gave his blood for the protection of Velaris.“ My eyes grew wide. I remembered the story he had once told me on the bridge over the Sidra down in the city. „I have never before brought another person here for this part of the Great Rite.“ He turned back towards me and I stood. With two strides he was right in front of me. I could smell citrus and the sea and could think of nothing else but these violet eyes right in front of me. He took my face in his hands. „I almost lost it up there when you knelt in front of me.“ He kissed me on one cheek. „And when you handed me that tankard I thought I would die on the spot.“ He kissed me on the other cheek. I tilted my head slightly. „Why?“ I breathed. Not letting go of me he answerded „Firstly because I was honoured and secondly“ his eyes narrowed „because I did not know if you knew, if you meant what it could mean and I had no way of findig out.“ I smirked and turned away from him to walk towards the basin now myself. I said mockingly „What could I know? Maybe something you should have told me? Something that maybe you would like to tell me now?“ He growled. And I felt his breath on my neck. I turned around looking him directly in the eyes. The hunger in these violet eyes „Feyre, darling. You really are just exquisit. What WOULD you like to know?“ He could play this game too, I realized. So I said. „How, since when and why you have not told me.“

He heaved a deep sigh and sat down on the rock I had sat on before. „Fair enough.“ He looked at me and I strode over to him stopping between his knees as he gently put his hands on my thighs looking up at me. „I knew that you were someone special long before we ever met. It started three years before you arrived Under the Mounatin at Amaranthas court. I was her slave. My only job was to ...service..her and to do her dirty work. I started to have visions then. In my dreams I saw a crackling hearth, a bale of hay, a warren of rabbits. Pictures of a peaceful place I learned to cherish. After some time I saw the image of a female hand – your hand Feyre, though I didnt know who or where you were at that time. You were painting that table of yours and the dresser. I sent the image of the stars and the moon in the night sky that you ended up painting on your cabinet.“ I put my hands on his shoulders. „After a while the images which had up until then been blurry became clearer and you suddenly saw fae creatures. I realized that you must be in Prythian now. One night as I lay beside Amarantha I saw the unlit bonfires of the SpringCourt for Calanmai and I realized where you were. I didnt know who you were but I knew I wanted to see who this person was that had sent me these pictures. I found you there in the hands of these rats. Remember? They paid dearly for how they had treated you.“ I remembered. The handsome dark male who had rescued me from those three High fae. „I was drawn to you even when you were still human. When I realized that you were with Tamlin ...it scared the sh*t out of me because I realized what was happening. You could be the salvation for Tamlins curse. The salvation for all us High Lords under her control. And I saw the danger you were in. If Amarantha knew of your existance.

I would not see you harmed. So I scared Tamlin into sending you back to the human realm. Amarantha claimed Tamlin after the time alotted to break his curse had passed and I thought us done for enternity. And you safe. But then you came to her throneroom, dragged in by the Attor, to claim the one you loved so dearly. It was at that moment that I realized in its entirety the bond that was between us. I had suspected before but I had never allowed myself to hope or even wish for it. You stood there and made that baragain with her. You could free us all. I knew it and that was the time I decided to fight for you, with you. Even if I would never have you. You were in love with Tamlin. Your trials started and I did what I could to help you. I always played your enemy so as to nourish your anger because I saw that this was what kept you going. I struck that bargain with you. To save you, but also a bit for my own selfish me. At least I would be able to see you once in a while. If we survived all this.

And survive we did. Thanks to you, Feyre. You died for us...for him.“ He choked as the memory swept over him. „Thank the mother, the High Lords agreed to bring you back. I would have made them if they hadnt agreed to it of their own free will! And then I lost you again. You went with Tamlin. Of course you did, you loved him. So I stepped back. But I had to see you one last time. And up there on that balcony the mating bond fell into place for me. It almost blasted me from my feet.“ I remembered him stumbling as we had stood on that balcony. „And I left you there because if I had stayed only a second longer I would not have let you go. I fell into Mors arms when I arrived back here. And all I could say for a while was „Shes my mate, shes my mate!“ Amren found out when you met her at the first dinner. And scolded me - hard - for not telling you.“ I smiled down at him. Stroking his cheek with my thumb. „But until the day that you actually met my family I was in agony. I missed you, I wanted you and I knew you were with him, lay with him. Then I realized how badly he treated you.“ anger welled from him now. „I felt you wither away through the bond and when you called for someone to rescue you from that retched wedding I did not hesitate. You hated me for it. I knew it. But I hoped that you would soon realize what this monster was doing to you. So I tried to give you some peace here. Like you had given me through the visions. The day you hid yourself in darkness when Tamlin locked you in that house I sent Mor in to retrieve you. It was a dangerous game I was playing – I was interfereing with another High Lords personal affairs-but it had worked. And from that point onward it was your decision to stay with us, to work with us, to heal, to live. And you did! All of it. And I am very glad that you did.“

Silence fell. I tilted my head again and said. „You didnt say why you never told me.“ He looked me straight in the eyes. „How could I have, Feyre? First I didnt want to put you in danger from Amarantha knowing what you meant to me. Then I found out that you loved Tamlin. I didnt want to destroy your happiness. Then you were so hurt, so fragile that I first wanted to see you healed. And first and foremost I wanted you to make the decisison for yourself. I promised myself that if you would come to like me, potentially love me, then I would tell you. But you got ahead of me!“ He smiled rogueishly up at me and drew me closer. Then rested his head angainst my stomach. „Can you forgive me, Feyre?“ I felt him shiver against me. I knelt down between his thighs taking his face in my hands again. „What is there to forgive, Rhysand?“ He opened his eyes for me and ...kissed me. Slow, soft at first then with more and more longing. I slung my hands around his shoulders and lost myself in this kiss for a while. At some point he drew back both of us panting slightly.

Rhys looked at the sky then over my shoulder. „It is time. Will you wait for me?“ I nodded and together we stood. Rhys took off his tunic and gave it to me. A small silver dagger appeared in his hand as he walked towards the water. He looked back at me, smiling, before he stepped into the water. I wasnt afraid for him as I had been at the Hewn City. This part of the Rite felt even more powerful but not nearly as dangerous. I watched in awe as he strode towards the middle of the basin and knelt down on both knees. On the stars and mountain tatooed on them. He would only kneel for his Court, he had once said. The green and blue light shone on his powerful physique and made him glow. He dipped his head into the water and drew a rainbow of blue and green as he flung his head back up. A Rainbow in the night would be the name of this picture. Then he took the knife and ran it down his left forearm, wincing slightly. I gave a silent gasp. He switched hands and did the same to his right forearm. He held his arms now dripping blood outstreched in front of his chest. As each drop hit the water it sent red ripples into the basin. This continued until the whole surface shone red. The colour still contained in the basin not flowing through into the stream. I saw the wounds heal of their own accord as Rhys took a deep breath. As he exhaled the red glimmer flowed out of the basin as if sent by his own breath down the river towards the city.

As the basin had returned to its blue and green colour again, Rhys rose and stepped out of the water. I stood there and could not move an inch. He took a step towards me dripping wet and on the next step he was dry. I held out his tunic for him and he slid inside. I buttoned it for him then rested my hands on his broad chest. My mate! The most powerful male in all of Prythian. „Am I?“ Rhys asked his eyes glinting with joy. I looked at him in surprise. I had not said the words aloud. I raised an eyebrow. „Yes, you are!“ „Cauldron boil me, Feyre!“ we both laughed. Then he went serious again „I will let you be for now because there is still a part of the Rite I have to complete. But afterwards..“ He drew me into his arms. I smiled. Yes afterwards.

Rhys winnowed us right into the middle of Velaris. To one side of the largest bridge that spanned the Sidra. I looked over to the woods where we had been just a few moments before. Already I could make out the red glimmer flowing towards us. I spotted my friends nearby and walked over to them. Did they know where that red glow came from? They all welcomed me with hugs and kisses. They looked at me couriously. „So..“ I said by way of introduction. „How ist this part going to take place? You said it would be different.“ and turned to Mor. She looked at me through narrowed eyes, trying to read me but I just smiled and grabbed two lemon pies from a street vendor nearby and bit into one of them. She jerked her head towards the bridge. „Just watch.“

Rhys looked at us smiling from the bottom of the bridge. Then he truned his back to us and strode to its highest point. There he went down on one knee and said in a loud ringing voice. „I am Rhysand, High Lord of the Nightcourt. I swear fielty to its people and will forever protect these lands!“ At that he bowed his head and another burst of light just like the one up in the hewn city burst from him. But this time it flowed over us like a soft warm wave with darkness woven into it. I looked around me. Mor lay is Azriels arm, Cassian hugging both of them, tears of joy in their eyes. Amren breathed deeply and smiled contentedly. The peolpe around us seemed to glow with happiness, no..they actually glowed! All the city glowed! People started cheering and clapping their hands. After a minute as the light faded they went quiet again and I looked back up the bridge where Rhys stood tall and proud. The High Lord of Starlight. My mate.

He caught my eye and a heartbeat later I walked towards him. Slowly, conscious of every step I took, of every eye that clung to me as I closed the distance between us step by step. When I had reached him, he put an arm around my waist and tried to kiss me. But I drew back slightly producing the second lemon pie I had kept in my hand. His eyes shimmered and a tear ran down his face. I held the pie to his mouth and as he bit into it I wiped away the tear with my other hand. I let my hand rest on his shoulder as he chewed, swallowed, took anonther bite, swallowed and took the last bite. And as he swallowed the last bite it hit me so hard that Rhys had to steady me – as the bond finally snapped into place for me, too. My mate! Huge applause and cheers erupted as Rhys finally tugged me tightly into his arm and kissed me. In front of the whole city! Our friends whooped and clapped hardest.

Chapter 5: Mates!


Our beloved Chapter 55 of ACOMAF as well as Feyre and Rhys return to their friends. Written a bit diferently.



Chapter Text

With a last smile to them Rhys winnowed us away. As we came out of the darkness I saw a small building nestled into the side of a mountain top. Not much more than a hut. Rhys took my hand and led me towards its entrance. Opening the door he explained. „This place is as safe as Velaris. I have spent many happy moments up here with my family. Sad ones, too. But it has always been a safe haven.“ I looked around. It was clean but well used. A cozy fire had sprung into life in the fireplace and food had appeared on the kitchen counter. „Do the other know where we went?“ Rhys shook his head. „They might suspect. But they will not come here now.“ „Why?“ I asked. Rhys came closer and closer with every word „Because I want to be alone with you, Feyre, for a long, long time now.“ I swallowed as he took me into his arms „You are my mate and have accepted me as yours. Now we will...seal this bond. If you are ....willing!“ He rasped the last word against my ear and I shuddered. Oh, I WAS willing! And with that thought I kissed him.

And seal it we did! With every time we made love, every time I came for him, every time he came for me the bond grew stronger, thicker, brighter even. It glowed between us like a golden chain linking us body and soul. I wondered if the others would be able to see it.

We didnt even make it to the bedroom. Rhys threw me on the table in the living room after that first kiss and as he unclothed me he said in a feral voice that almost made me shatter there and then. „I want you splayed out on the table like my personal feast!“ and feast on me he did. He didnt stop after my first climax. He just wouldnt stop until I was like jelly underneath his fingers and his tongue. After that he scooped me up and carried me into one of the bedrooms. There he laid me down gently on the soft, warm bed. He stood there in front of me half naked as I had only had the time to take off his flying leathers and shirt before he had pinned me onto that table. My tiredness ebbed away astonishingly quickly as he started to unbutton his pants and let them slide down to the ground revealing the considerable lenght I had suspected to be there. He looked me up and down savouring every inch of my body. Well, so did I. How much I wanted him! I propped myself up on my ellbows shooting him an expectant grin that undid him. He pounced onto me, slid between my legs and sunk into me with a gutwrenching slowness. Once seated to the hilt he started roaming my neck with his teeth and my chest with his fingers but otherwise he did not move. I managed just one word „Rhys!“ I begged. He let out a low laugh. „Say it!“ he demanded biting my neck again. „Rhys!“ one syllable was all I could manage. Pressing his upper torso tighter to me he growled „Say it, Feyre!“ I took two steadying breaths then I said hoarsely „Youre my mate!“ He slid his hips back a bit and gave me what I wanted, needed. But only once. „Youre my mate!“ I repeated. Another thrust more forceful this time. „My mate!“ And with that he started to f*ck me in earnest. Slow at first, deep thrusts. Then as he knew my climax was nearing he sped up holding on to my shoulders so as not to let me slip away. We came together that time and he roared so boneshatteringly loud that I could hear the snow rushing down the mountainside as an avalanche was released. Rhys grinned down at me.

We lay there for a long while catching breath when I started to shiver. „You are freezing!“ Rhys said. Indeed my skin felt clammy. I was drenched in sweat. So was he. „Is there a bathroom here?“ I asked. A wicked grin sprang to his face. I had never seen him laugh so easily. „Of course. And in it there is huge bathtub, Feyre daling!“ „Mhmmm!“ I purred „Why dont we...“ I hadnt even finished my sentence as he had scooped my up and was on his way towards said bathtub.

We soaked in the steaming hot water for a while. Content to just look at each other. As Rhys shifted his weight and ruffled his wings a wicked Idea came to my mind. I grabbed the basket with soaps that stood beside the tub and rifled through it. I selected a dark bar of soap that smelled of pine then grabbed a washcloth and turned back to Rhys. „Come, I ll rub your back!“ I said innocently. Rhys stared at me for a long moment but sat up and turned. I did start with his back kneading the muscles of his broad shoulders and down his spine. He slumped down on the edge of the bathtub completely relaxed. „Is that good?“ I asked. He hummed his approval. Letting the washrag fall into the water I trailed my fingers towards where his wings protruded from his back. He tensed a little. I paused just before touching them trailing away to his shoulders and neck as if had passed there by mere accident. He relaxed again. I let my hands flow down again. This time actually hooking into the strong joints. He tensed again. I traced the outside of his wings inch by inch. Then back to their point of origin. „And this?“ I asked teasingly. Rhys let out a groan and tried to turn. I pinned him over the tub with a hand between his wings which, when he had given in, I let slide down his spine and around his stomach to where I knew his co*ck would have gone hard for me. I stroked it softly then returned to his wings. He arched his back. First I explored their backside. Every bit of spine every inch of membrane. Ryhs groaned my name a few times. But only when I started exploring the insides of his wings his breath started to become ragged and fast. I was on the right track. „You are viscious!“ he groaned „who told you..“ He was not able to finish the sentence as I had found his „special spot“ right at the tip of his left wing where the memebrane started. That little nook right underneath the talon. He squirmed under my fingers as I had on the table. I let my other hand glide to his front and grab his co*ck softly. Me moaned „My mate!“ and came. I held him through his climax, through every heaving breath.

After a while he reached for me pulling me right in front of him. He slid between my legs and off we went again. I wondered how long this frenzy would last. Was it normal for fae to be able to make love so continously? When we took a brief pause huddled together in bed – dawn was breaking – I asked Rhys as much. „No, this overboarding lust – and vigour – is not normal. At least not for normal lovers. For mates hover ...“ he looked at me lovingly „Experiencing the first time together..it is. This can last days or weeks even.“ He grinned. „Weeks?“ I said breathless. Weeks? Mother save me! Rhys just shrugged his shoulders. „For one we strenghten the mating bond with it. And secondly I am in a very volatile state right now. If another male would so much as look at you right now, I would kill him on the spot.“ an apologetic look swept over his face. „You are mine, Feyre. Mine! And mine alone. As I am yours.“ I smiled at him. „Will I be as ..volatile.. as you?“ I imagined me dealing blows to Mor because she had clapped Rhys on the shoulder. „No...“ he laughed. „Females have always been the voice of reason in this scenario. I do not know how I will actually be when we meet other people. So be patient with me. Ok?“ I took him into my arms. „Of course I will!“ but then a thought struck me. I grinned broadly. „What?“ asked Rhys. I chuckled. „Oh..I just thought that it would be interesting if you could best Cassian in this state!“ He leaned over me af feral grin on his face. „Oh, definitely!“

We spent the better pat of two weeks in that cabin. Food appearing on our doorstep every few days. I asked Rhys if this was part of the magic of this house. It had cleaned the bed everytime we had made a mess of it, the dining table was set everytime we had stopped our love making long enough to gulp down something to eat. And the hot water never ceased running. But Rhys had explained theat the house could not actually make food only arrange what was already here. „So someone BRINGS the food?“ I gasped. He just nodded. „Probably Mor....or Nuala or Carridwen.“ He added. The thought of someone standing right outside the door whilst we were making love inside here. I started to laugh hard. „What?“ Rhys asked. I shook for lauhter. „We are not silent, you know!“ He strode over to me and took me in his arms. „No...we are not, Feyre darling!“ That look undid any tether I had though I had had on me. And off we went. Bedroom, the tub, the table, the wall, the sitting room. At the end of ten days there was no place in the little cottage we had not made love on or in.

We decided to return to Velaris after a relaxed lenghty breakfast when neither of us had the uncontrollable urge to undress the other on the spot. Rhys was nervous. I sensed it. „What bothers you, my love?“ I said as I walked over to him sitting there looking out into the distance. He took a deep breath befoer answering. „I am not sure what will happen, when I see Cassian or Az looking at you. Maybe even touching you!“ He shivered. „I thought the feeling would ebb after some time...but it is still so strong. I am afraid I could hurt them.“ I stroked his back. „Do they know..about how you will feel now? How you might behave?“ he nodded. I smiled at him „Then the two of them will have spent this week in the sparring ring.“ I giggled as he looked at me astonished. „Getting ready for you to beat the crap out of each other.“ The truth of this flooded over Rhys like relief. „Then lets go!“ he said. We walked out into the bright morning sun and after a few steps Rhys shrouded us into his darkness as he winnowed us back to Velaris. Back home.

We reappeared on the rooftop of the house of Wind where the training area was. Even before I could see properly I heard the clashing of blades. A welcoming sound. Cassian and Mor were at it. Azriel was nowhere to be seen. The two of them stopped their swordplay the moment they realized the dark that had arrived on the balcony. We stepped out of it hand in hand. Mor beamed at me. A knowing look behind that grin. I realized in that instant that it must have been her who had brought the food. I smiled back broadly. Amren sat on the cushioned bench right beside the sparring rings. She stood up and walked over to us her eyes on me...only on me. She sniffed looking me up and down. Then nodded in approval shifting her ganze to Rhys who, I realized, glared at her as if he was about to attack her. Mor and Cassian stiffened. When a female looking at me made Rhys stand on edge like this what would happen if Cassian so much as looked at me from the side? But Amren just smiled lazyly back at Rhys. „Dont you even think about it, High lord. You would lose. And I have no interest in your mate!“ With that the spell was broken. Rhys lowered his gaze and scratching his head he said „Sorry!“ I had never seen him show such vulnerablility in front of others. But this was his family and maybe what had happened during..and after..the Great Rite had made him heal completely, too.

Mor stormed towards him and drew him into a long hug. Now my insides started to churn, but not enough to make me want to kill her, maybe hurt her... a little. And tapping her on the shoulder I said „He is mine!“ but I grinned. A feral grin, but a grin nonetheless. Rhys let out a satisfied growl. I dared a look at Cassian who grinned broadly then said „I wouldnt have expected you to be the one on edge, Feyre!“ At the sound of my name coming from Cassians lips Rhys tensed again. „Careful, Cassian!“ I said „Ryhs will beat the sh*t out of you, if you go on like that!“ The voice of reason. Rhys relaxed a bit again. Cassian strode over to us...eyes fixed on me! I shook my head. A few feet away he paused then looked back at Rhys „You look almost tame compared to Feyre. Maybe she should train with me a bit!“ the roeguish grin on his face did not vanish as Rhys pounced and in seconds they were on the ground, fists flying everywhere, blood splattering from the first blows. Mor tugged at my arm grinning satisfied. „Come, lets sit. They will be on it for a while!“ And I realized that Cassian HAD been preparing for this. Had prepared for helping his friend take off the edge he knew he would carry when he came back with me, his mate. So I sat down with Amren and Mor as they filled me in what had happenend during the days we had been up in that cabin.

Amren sniffed at me again and I shot her a glace. „What?“ Again she nodded in approval. „That bond of yours is strong. You are strong.“ I blushed a bit but Amren shook her head. „Not because of that. You are ...more.“ and looking at Mor she broke out in laughter. Now it was Mor whom I shot a look. She giggled. „It sounded impressive!“ And we all laughed. „You didnt tell the boys, did you Mor?“ I asked pleadingly. She shook her head. „Nope! Thats one just for the girls.“ I sighed in relief. „And that?“ I said looking to the two males bashing along. „That is just for the boys?“ Amren nodded. „They could not work together properly with you in the vicinity if Rhys had not had the chance to best them. To prove he is strongest and the one you belong to.“ I looked back at Amren. „Them?“ I looked worried. „Azriel, too?“ it was Mor who answered. „He will be here in a bit. Cassian will tire Rhys first. Az is strong but not that strong. Rhys could seriously hurt him at full strength.“ „But Cassian?“ I grew even more worried. Mor barked a laugh and whispered in my ear. „Cassian could best Rhys at anytime. Even without magic.“ I realized then, that neither of them had drawn from that particular source of power. So Rhys understood what was happening. And I was glad for it.

An hour or so later, Azriel came stepping out of a corner of shadows. He sat between me an Mor on the bench. He greeted me with a huge smile. I smiled back hesitatntly. „We should not be so ...openly affectionate, Az.“ He merely shrugged. „Ill be fine, Feyre. He is already looking a bit tired.“ Nonetheless he untied Truthteller from his belt. Resting the dagger on his knees. After a few more minutes Cassian and Rhys began to slow down. And when they stood there face to face, panting, Rhys took Cassian in his arms and said „Thank you!“ To which Cassian answered „Anytime, brother!“ As they released each other Rhys looked towards us and realized that Azriel was sitting on the bench with me. Leaning into me because he had just started whispering in my ear. „Dont worry, well be perfectly fine.“ I could hear the smile in my ear, saw Rhys sprinting towards us as Azriel rose, put his dagger in Mors lap with a long deep look and slipped out of Rhys grab like a shadow meeting him in the sparring ring.

And the dance started all over. Azriel teased Rhys for a bit. Ever illusive thanks to his shadows. But at some point Rhys got through his tricks and they went for it hard. Cassian now sat down beside me and winced. He gave me a small grin through all the cuts and bruises. Blood trickling down from a nasty cut over his left brow. „Its a long time that I have had to really work to stand my ground against Rhys! You did well on him Feyre!“ I raised an eyebrow and he laughed. „No that ON HIM!..though I wouldnt now if that would improve his...“ a rogueish grin flitted acrross his face which made him wince again. „Shame on you, Cassian!“ said Mor from the other side and punched him on the arm. A wince again. I gave him another punch from my side and he threw his hands up in defeat. Mor held Truthteller gingerly in her lap. I looked at the blade then up at her. I had never seen Az take it off let alone let someone else hold it. Amren saw my glance, too. „Yes, girl. He has never before given this blade to someone else. You should be honoured, Mor.“ Now it was Mor, who blushed. She actually blushed. „Its just that he does not whant Rhys lunge for it in his frenzy. Just a precaution.“ Cassian just murmured „Yeah...yeah..“ And together we sat there and waited for Az and Rhys to finish their dance.

When they were finished the three of them stood together wincing and bleeding profusely but laughing altogether. I could only shake my head. „What now?“ I asked. „Well..“ Cassian said. „Here we are. Three wounded warriors in need of tender love and care. And there YOU are. Three females ready to tend to our every need. We just need to decide who will tend to whom!“ I tensed, expecting Rhys to jump at his throat again but he seemed absolutely relaxed. To my surprise it was Mor who stepped forward first. Holding Truthteller in her hands before her she walked in front of Azriel and held it out for him. He took it, slowly. And their hands might have touched for the briefest moment and Mor said simply. „You go bathe yourself. And afterwards Ill tend to your wounds!“ Azriel simply bowed and followed Mor downstairs. Amren looked between Rhys and Cassian and I half expected for her to say that she would absolutely not tend to anyone. But she just waved a hand at Cassian and he limped towards her murmuring a small „Thank you!“ as she fell into step beside him. My surprise must have shown on my face because Rhys grinned at me „Dont worry. She is our best healer. She will patch him up properly. Nothing more.“ As for Mor and Az....I almost whispered through our bond. Rhys shrugged. Maybe...maybe he would be able to let himself be loved for once. „As for this warrior...“ He looked at me expectantly. I simply took his hand and tugged softly at it. He winced. „Why did you have to go that hard?“ I said loosening my grip. But he just grabbed my hand harder. No wince on his face now. „I am your mate. And I had to show these two who is the boss here.“ I raised an eyebrow but he continued. „It was long overdue. Mating bond or no. I have not been myself since I came out from under the mountain.“ No hesitation in these words over which he had usually stumbled. „You were my rescue, my salvation, Feyre! And I love you so much!“ He kissed me, wincing again. I tasted blood in my mouth from a cut in his lip. I waved a hand towards the stairs. „Go, warrior. Lets get you cleanded. And then I will...tend to your everything.“ I smiled broadly. The hunger welling in me again. I realized that seeing these three males in full warrior mode was very....

The water was already hot and running when when we arrived at Rhys room. I looked around and realized that there was more furniture than before. A second armoir, a second chair by the window, a vanitiy was tucked into a corner by a window – my vanity I realized. From my room..my old room. Rhys looked around, too and grinned. „Do you like it?“ he asked. I looked dumfounded around at him. „Who?“ He shrugged, wincing again. „Probably Nuala and Cerridwen.“ And after a pause he asked again „Do you like it? Is it ok for you that we share a room?“ I turned on the spot once taking in the huge room. Our room. „I love it!“ I said looking at him for a few moments. Just looking. Then I walked over to him and started undressing him. Slowly, carefully not to hurt him more than he was hurt now. He was caked in blood and dust from the rooftop. Some of the cuts had already started to heal. Others were still oozing blood. I realized I did not kno how to properly clean these wounds. „What should I do?“ I asked him. Rhys led me into the bathroom and showed me how to clean the deeper gashes. First I rinsed them with water so as to get the dirt out. Then I took a washrag and cleaned the still intact skin around. The cuts healed over quickly leaving only angry red marks on his skin. After that Rhys sat in the bathtub and I poured hot water all over him until he was submerged up to his chin. He gave a long sigh. „Does the heat not intensify the bruises?“ I asked. He shook his head „No, It helps the tissues to relax and by that disperse of the blood clots quicker“ I sat beside him on a low stool stroking his neck. „Does it still hurt?“ He turned his head towards me „Yes. But this is the good kind of hurt, you know?“ I shook my head. „The kind of hurt that shows you you are still alive and capable to withstand anything!“ I understood. And I moved my stool to behind the tub and started kneading his neck and shoulders. These muscles, this strength.

I let him soak for some time but then I couldnt help it any longer. My fingers started to roam further down his chest. To his nipples that instantly peaked under my soft strokes. He truned around and looked at me. „Still...willing, Feyre darling?“ I grinned apologetically. „If you are too hurt..“ my voice trailing off. But he just gave a barking laugh and stood. His manlyhood protuding proud in front of him. Oh, I liked that sight! He chucked his chin towards the bed, did not even bother to towl off, nor did he bother to undress me. He just snapped his fingers an I stood there utterly naked. He proweld towards me, basically herding me in the direction of the bed onto which I stumbeled only seconds later, breathing hard. „What would you like me to do, Feyre darling?“ He breathed. „Sit!“ I said as I took his shoulders and sat him down on the edge of the bed. Gliding down to the floor myself. His eyes went wide as he realized what I was about to do. I held his gaze, slowly running my hands from his knees up to his groin and back. He shivered, his co*ck twitching. I took it into my hand first stroking my thumb over his head. He leaned back a bit his hands grabbing the sheets all the time locked onto my eyes. I lowered my gaze to take in his wonderfully smooth length and finally lowered my mouth over him. He gasped „Feyre!“ I started to lick and suck at him. Nipping at his thighs when my hands traded places with my mouth. Rhys tentaively put his hand on my head and guided my mouth back onto him. I grinned and obliged. He showed me which pace fulfilled him. Always concious not to press me onto him too deep. I felt him grow tense and grabbed onto his hips taking him even deeper. He let out a huge groan as he came into my mouth. He tasted of vanilla. I didnt mind at all. Afterwards we cuddled into each other under the sheets just content to feel the other. Rhys had drifted off to sleep. Or so I had thought. I had had no intention of doing anything else this night when his hand started to roam over my stomach. The other joined in but ventured higer up to my breasts. „Now it your turn!“ He murmured against my neck. My mate, my mate, my mate!

Chapter 6: High Lady


Rhys swears Feyre in as High Lady of the Night Court

Chapter Text

I awoke early. Rhys was still fast asleep. I stood up wrapped myself in a cozy bathrobe and sat by the window. Looking out at the sky tunring from red to blue I let the past weeks and months pass by in front of my inner eye. Only a year or so ago I had been near starving, mortal. And within a few heartbeats it seemed my whole world had turned around. I had experienced horrible things but I had also found a family. Had become...what was it that I had become? High fae, yes. Remade by the lifesparks given to me by the seven High Lords of Prythian. But what did that mean? What powers did I have? We had seen glimpses of them but I wanted to master them. We would have to work harder on that problem. Rhys stirred and I looked over to him. My mate!

Rhys popped up his head on his ellebow like that day when I had sung him to sleep. „Good morning!“ her crooned. „Good morning, sleepyhead!“ Is said and strolled over to him sitting on the edge of the bed. He took my hand and kissed it then looked at me for a long while. „What?“ I asked when I could not take his stare any longer. „I need to ask you somehting, Feyre.“ I looked at him „Sure, go ahead.“ He sat up in bed, crossed his legs underneath him and took both my hands into his. Again that intensive look. What was this about? He took a deep breath then said „We are mated.“ I nodded reassuringly. „We could have the bond verfied by a priestess.“ He said hesitantly. A smile broke on my face. I saw his nervousness. „I would like that very much!“ I said softly. He kissed my hand. His eyes watery but then he steadied himself „But there is another thing....“ again that hesitation. What was there besides being his mate? My eyes grew wider. He wanted to make me his queen! „I would like you to become High Lady of the night court!“ I gaped at him. Swallowing hard I managed to asy „High Lady? Not queen?“ He shook his head fervently. „No! You are not a queen. If a title becomes you then it is High Lady!“ I blinked, and blinked. Was I still dreaming? High Lady? „What do you say, Feyre?“ Rhys said pleadingly. I must have been silent for quite a while. I held his gaze and said slowly „Of course I would like to become...“ I swallowed hard again „High Lady of he Night Court! I am honoured, Rhys!“ And I bowed my head. Only for him to reach for my chin tugging me towards his face and placing a kiss on my forehead. We looked at each other again for a long while before we simultaneously started to giggle. Rhys jumped out of the bed grabbing me around the waist ad twirled me around the room almost knocking over the funiture had I not tucked in my legs. And then we stood there breathing. High Lady....

We went down to breakfast where we found our friends, our family already waiting for us. Cassian and Azriel looked beat up but in perfectly good spirits. As one they stood, as one they bowed. And it was Amren who spoke the words for all of them. „We will serve and protect.“ And placing a hand over their heart they bowed again. I felt the magic that they evoked at that moment and knew I had to reply so as to seal this bond. „Thank you. But I had rather you be my friends.“ They all grinned. Mor answered „We are, Feyre. But we will also do the serving and protecting.“ I felt a small burn on my left palm. I looked down at it and saw that as small star shaped tatoo had appeared there. Cassian held out his palm to me and grinned. Mor looked at hers and said „Beautiful.“ We all looked at each other for a while then laughed. I shot a glance to Rhys. „You knew!“ I said through the bond. He shrugged his shoulders. „I knew some of that sort would happen.“ „Then its your turn now to tell them about your plans to make me High Lady!“ I said inside his mind grinning at him openly and chuckeled as I saw his jaw drop a tiny bit. „What?“ said Mor aloud. „Its not fair for the two of you having whole conversations right in front of us without letting us in!“ Cassian nudged her with his ellbow. „They have done that all the time. Do you think them being mates will change that?“ Mor threw her head back and groaned. We all sat down and suddelny the table was laiden with breakfast. We tucked in and for a while the only sound was that of knives on plates an mugs picked up and sat down again.

Amren spoke first. She was always the one who nudged us forward. I liked her for it. „So, High Lord, what is it going to be? Will we have the big celebration for your mating or something smaller at the temple?“ Rhys took a deep breath and looked at me. I laughed at him down the bond. It looked like he was steeling himself for battle. „The whole city knows about the mating since Feyre presented me with food for all the city to see after the Great Rite.“ he shot me a grin. „But we will have the bond verified by a priestess.“ Now he would have to tell them. Would he? Would he dare show this vulnerability again. Had he really healed? „But we will not only do that.“ placing a hand on my shoulder he rose „I will also have Feyre sworn in as my High Lady.“ Silence fell. Azriel simply looked stunned. Cassian held a spoon with egg on the way to his mouth, the yolk dripping steadily onto his shirt. Mors hand with her cup shook violently the other hand clapped over her mouth. And Amren? Amren simply sat there her arms crossed in front of her, grinning. I looked at her and had an inkling about what she had meant by „more“ yesterday.

Mor came out of it first. She gave a cry of joy, tears running down her face as she rounded the table and fell around Rhys neck. Then she drew me up out of my chair and hugged me so hard I could hardly breathe. I looked around at Cassian and Azriel who stood now, too. Looking at me in awe. I walked towards them and reached them just in time to hug them before they could sink into another bow. „Enough bows for one day, ok?“ they still looked stunned but nodded. Amren just inclined her head to me and Rhys when I had returned to his side. „When is the next new moon?“ she asked. „In seventeen days.“ answered Azriel quickest to count. I looked questioningly at Rhys. „Such ceremonies are always held at the new moon. It is the time of the month where new magic is formed.“ I realized then that it had been the new moon when the Great Rite had been held. Mor wiped away her tears. „Well, that way we will have enough time to get you a new dress. You cannot wear anything of your old stuff!“ I looked at all of them pleadingly. „But please, guys. No fuss. You know I do not like that!“ I thought briefly of the wedding I had almost had. It seemed a lieftime ago. A sad memory but it did not haunt me thinking of it. Rhys took my hand an held it firmly. He knew what I had remembred. „No fuss!“ He promised. And the memory faded away like a cloud in the sky.

Two weeks flew by. Mor took me out several times to different clothing shops. But I had already found the dress I wanted on our third visit. It was a flowing piece of purest white. Not like the one I had worn before with poofs and a huge skirt. No, this one had a skintight bodice that left my shoulders bare with see through ribbons from its top draped around my arms in loose bands. The skirt was bottom length with a small train. Mor insisted on keeping on looking until the end of the second week. I mused that she just did this because she wanted to distract me. And I was glad of it. I was so excited that I was sure I would not have been able to sleep had it not been for Cassian and Azriel who insited on training me. We spent hours and hours in the sparring ring. Cassian had trained with me before but now...he took it very serious. „Rhys will kill me if anything happened to you!“ He had explained when I had asked him why he was so intent on teaching me. „And before he allows me to die he will skin me alive! You have always been special to him. But now we are responsible for your safety. Me and Az and Mor and Amren. You watch out. After the ceremony Amren will start your training. I heard Rhys and her talk about it. He means business. You will be as powerful as he is before you know it. Maybe even more poweful given you have the sparks of seven High Lords inside you!“ I looked at him dumbfounded. Me being potentially more powerful than Rhys. „I would never be able to beat him in hand to hand combat.“ I tried to shrug off the idea jokingly. Cassian barked a laugh „Not if you do not get on with your training! Go! Back to the ring with you, you lazy ass!“

Azriel taught me swordplay. I liked that very much. My hands felt good holding a sword. I had liked the bow and arrow and we still trained with them, too. But it felt like my hands had missed a sword hilt all their life. We had tried different sword types in the beginning. It had however soon transpired that I liked a two handed, very thin, lightly curved blade with a single edge the best. My movements seemed to flow naturally with it. „Every person has a weapon that suits them the best. I prefer daggers, Cassian uses a shorter broadsword. Rhys loves his longsword. And it seems that this is the one for you.“ We had started with dulled blades of course and would only progress to sharp blades after the ceremony. I did not want to sport a half healed injury in that beautiful dress.

Rhys was busy with the Court of Nightmares. The males we had cought during the ceremony up there took in most of his time. In addition to that he tried to gather infomation about where the sixth queen was held. The threat of Hybern was still very real even if we had the most wonderful time in our lives now. Amren still tried to decipher the book of breathings. I mostly saw Rhys in the evenings and we sat together in front of the roaring fire in the living room. Either all by ourselves or with members of our family. Even with a storm brewing out there we all were at peace. We had each other and whatever might happen, we would stand together.

One morning during the first week we visited the priestesses in the library that was their home under the House of Wind. It was a beautiful place. Shelves over shelves floors over floors. The priestesses worked as librarians here. Rhys had saved each and every one of them from various perils and tortures. They were more than happy to hold the ceremony and promised to select the proper place and the time of the day for us. After this visit Rhys took me to a level even further down than the entrance to the library. He had led me into a treasure chamber. A treasure hort was more like it I thought as we entered the cavernous room. „You need a crown. And this time I want you to choose it yourself.“ I grinned as I rememebred the time when that tiara had appeared out of nowhere. When Mor had „made me pretty“ for our show in the Hewn city. Good memories! I looked around. There was too much treasure for me to be able to choose something. „Not here. Not from this stuff. Come!“ he said softly. And I followed him down a path through all the treasure. The cieling giving off a faint blue light wherever we walked. Fairy lights I realized. Reacting to the presence of our magic. It took some time but in the end we reached a huge wall with little niches chiseld into it. A larger one accompanied by a smaller one. Each niche containing a crown. „The crowns of my ancestors. The High Lords and their queens.“ I looked over at Rhys. „Each queen would select a crown from one of the ancestors. We can have a new one fashioned for you if you like. Just say the word.“ I walked up and down the wall looking at all of them. „I can feel them, Rhys!“ I murmured. He came closer to me. „What can you feel?“ his voisce barely a whisper. „The queens ...and the High Lords. Their essence remains, lingers.“ I felt like in a trance as I reached for one of the crowns. It was one from a bigger niche. But I wanted to touch it, to hold it. It called to me. „Feyre?“ I heard Rhys voice as if he was far away. I felt the tug through the bond. Then there was silence.

I heard voices around me, strained voices. At first I could not understand what they were saying. Then a word came through „..curse. Could there have been a curse on that crown, Amren?“ I opened my eyes. Light blinded me, daylight. Confused I looked around. Should I not be seeing Fairy lights on the dark ceiling? Suddenly Rhys face was in front of me „Feyre! Are you allright?! Shes awake, Amren, shes awake!“ I heard footsetps. „Calm down, boy!“ Rhys snarled. Amren snarled right back. I tried to sit up but Amren pushed me back looking me deep in the eyes. I held her gaze calmly. No fear, no pressure. „Calm down. She ok! I told you shes ok! Come!“ She finally said and held out a hand so I could sit up.

„What happened? How long was I out?“ I asked. My head spinning slightly. „Not long. Minutes. I winnowed you up here immediately and called Amren. We dont know what happened. Just that you blacked out after you picked up that crown.“ Rhys chucked his head towards the table. „How do you feel?“ I did a short count of my body. I felt good. A bit dizzy maybe but otherwise good. „Dizzy! I remember feeling them...“ I shuddered. „What do you mean, girl?“ Amren knelt by my side now. I looked at her. „The High Lords of old. And the Queens. Their memory lives in these crowns.“ Amren gazed into the distance. „You have worn some of these crowns before, havent you Rhys?“ He nodded. „And You have never experienced something like this?“ He shook his head. „Some of them feel more...familiar. Warmer, or closer you might say.“ He tried to decribe it. „But mostly I selected them because I liked them.“ Amren nodded now pacing the room. „Whose crown is this?“ she asked. Rhys looked at it closely, thinking. Then he looked at me, eyes widening a bit. „This was the crown of Rhyldar. He was the one who installed the protection around Verlaris.“ My eyes grew wide, too. And I finished his sentence. „And he was the one how gave his blood to the Sidra to strenghten Velaris wards.“ My eyes fluttered as a vision of sorts came over me.

A handsome young looking male kneeling in a basin full of water ripplig in blues and greens around him. His Mate standing right at the edge of the pool watching him cut his wrists and giving his lifeblood to the river.

I blinked and was out of it. „Feyre?“ Rhys was kneeling in front of me. Worry on his face. I grinned. Seeing the confusion on his face I just took his hand and showed him what I had seen mind to mind. His face donned a revernd look. „I would never have dreamt of actually seeing this!“ He kissed me on my brow. But hen his shoulders sagged. „It is all my fault, Feyre. I am so sorry!“ I shook my head. „Dont be. It is a wonderful gift, isnt it?“ I felt the same awe as he did. I had the memory of that so very essential moment for Velaris. I had been given it by that crown.

„Will the two of you please explain?“ Amren shouted. We jumped. Rhys bade her sit beside us unable to stand on his legs at the moment. „Let me show you. I cannot put this in words.!“ She looked expectantly and after a short while her eyes grew wide as she realized what I had seen. And from the lenght it took Rhys to show her I guessed that he also showed her the mirror image of that memory that had transpired little more than two weeks ago.

„You will be one hell of a High Lady, girl! You will have powers I have not dared to dream of in my wildest dreams!“ Now it was my turn to look confused. Rhys looked a little worried again. Amren shot him a look. „You took her there. So do not complain. And she is going to be your High Lady! That will magnify her powers cauldron knows how many fold!“ She looked at me a little more softly and explained. „You took part in the Great Rite already having accepted to be his mate. Even if you had not openly stated so. Magic often does not need words! That bond made you perform the Rite with him. Thats why it shook you up so much in the Hewn City. And then this prick took you with him to the most important, the most sacred – and secret“ again a look at Rhys. „She is my mate!“ He replied. But Amren ploughed on „most secret AND most important part of the whole ceremony. In his defence, he couldnt have known that he reinacted that what had happened at that time. No one knows...well knew. And then you“ She pointed at me „enhanced the magic created in the ceremeony in Velaris by openly claiming this one as your mate.“ She stood by a window looking out into the sky. „We will see after the annointing. No matter what we will spend a lot of time together afterwards, girl. You have to learn to access and control those powers!“ I nodded. I did not feel afraid. I would be able to help. I would be able to fight. I would not stand at the sidelines and watch people fighting for me. I would be fighting with them!

The night before the ceremony Rhys and I had to spend apart from each other. So I moved into my old room again. The priestesses had set the time for late in the evening. We were not allowed to see each other until then. I ate my meals in my room. Mor keeping me company. I was glad that she stayed with me. As the evening crept into the world she hepled me dress, did my hair and my makeup. No crown was on my head. Rhys would put it on me. The priestess who would reside over the ceremeony had visited the evening before and explained the Rite to us. Her name was Lilale. I knew what to do and what to say. It was not a complicated ceremeony but it meant a lot to me and Rhys and ..the world I guessed. According to what Amren had said that day after I had chosen my crown. The crown that now sat in a wooden box in Rhys room. Rhys had invited a goldsmith to the house to adapt it for my headsize. He had sworn him to absolute secrecy beforhand. For now no one was to know who I would become in a few hours time.

As the hours went by I became increasingly nervous. Mor went away shortly to check in on Rhys and the boys. When she came back I was close to tears. „There, there, girl! It is going to be allright. We will all be there. And only us.“ She hugged me and dried my eyes. „Come on! You will be my High Lady in a few minutes!“ I stifled a laugh at that. „Thats it!“ Mor said. „Nothing to cry about. Just to be proud of yourself and the happiest you will ever be!“ I calmed down slowly. Suddenly I felt Rhys presence leave the house through the bond and gave Mor a meaningful look. She nodded squeezing my shoulder. We still did not know where the ceremeony was to take place. Lilale had just winnowed Rhys, Cassian, Azriel and Amren to the place. Me and Mor were to arrive second. A knock on the door and Mor opened it. Lilale stood before us in a midnight blue robe. Her silver hair flowing freely down her back. The sapphire that was the symbol of her order glowed on her chest. She smiled at me taking in my gown. I felt calm and peace flodding over me and smiled back. Without a word she stepped between Mor and myself took our hands and winnowed.

When my eyes had adjusted to my surroundings my heart skipped a few beats. I was standing in the same clearing beside the same basin in which Rhys hald knelt exactly four weeks ago. And I realized it was exact to the hour. I looked around the clearing. Mor stood beside me gazing around. A group of people stood beside the rock I had set on that night. I saw Cassian and Azriel in finest fabrics of black with midnight blue tracings. No sign of their Illyrian fighting leathers. I wondered shortly how uncomfortable this must be for them and smiled a bit. Amren wore a simple dress of bloodred velvet that showed curves I had never known she had. Then my gaze fell on the person I had so much longed to see. Rhys stood there in a tunic of silvery grey with black embroidery. Similar in style to the one he had worn that night but much more elegant. My smile widened. Lilale had already reached the group. Mor took a deep breath then walked over to them. Leaving me standing alone by the water.

My eyes were only on Rhys and his on me. I walked towards the middle of the clearing and halted there. Lilale raised her hands to the sky and we all followed her gesture. The stars above shone brightly and I realized the stars that were on Rhys tatoos on his knees were standing right over the clearing. Lilale intoned „Father above us and mother beneath us. We ask you to be witnesses to the vows these two people wish to make tonight. To the world and themselves.“ „To the world and themselves“ The others repeated. „Who has come before me tonight?“ She asked in my direction and I answerded „I am Feyre Archeron, I was reborn Under the mountain.“ She nodded „I welcome you Feyre Archeron. And why have you come?“ „I have come to claim this male as my mate. For the world and myself!“ „For the world and herself“ Lilale intoned with the others. Then she turned towards Rhys. „And who are you to come before me tonight?“ Rhys answerded „I am Rhysand, High Lord the Nightcourt.“ Lilale nodded again „I welcome you High Lord. Why have you come here tonight?“ Rhys turned towards me „I have come to claim this female as my mate and make her my High Lady. For the world and myself.“ „For the world and himslef.“ they all said.

„Who has come to bear witness besides the Mother and the father?“ Lilale now asked the others.
Amren stepped to Ryhs right
„I am Amren, I was remade from light into flesh.“
„I welcome you Armren“
Mor stepped to his left.
„I am the Morrigan, I am the truth.“
„I welcome you Morrigan.“
Cassian stepped to the right again from where he spoke
„I am Cassian, I am Rhys brother.“
„I welcome you Cassian.“
And Azriel stepped to Rhys left.
„I am Azriel, I am Rhys brother, too.“
„Then I welcome you, too, Azriel.“

„Then High Lord it is time to call this female to you if she dares to follow your call.“
Rhys tunred completly to me and taking a step towards me he released the dampener on his powers. His darkness flowed from him calling to me without words. Calling me home. But I was not to follow him yet. „You must call her by her name, High Lord!“ Lilale said. Rhys took another step forward and called softly „Feyre!“ Still I did not move. A few heartbeats passed and I felt the magic starting to flow. Rhys called me by another name „My love!“ Still no movement from me. „My saviour!“ Still I was not allowed to move. Couldnt move – I realized. Magic rooting me to the spot. A slight panic welled up in me. But I kept my eyes on Rhys who still smiled. „My mate!“ I felt the magic release me and I stepped towards him. Still two steps away from him I felt the familiar tingle of a new tatoo forming on my forarm I looked down at it. Where once the tatoo from our bargain under the mountain had been the glowed now another one. The same one had appeared on Rhys arm. Wait....glowed? I looked down again and realized I was glowing. As Rhys sent out tendrils of darkness tendrils of light trailed from my arms and my shoulders. Making my dress glow like a star.

I heard our friends gasp but Rhys just looked at me in awe. Lilale stepped close to the space between us. „Now call her for her title, High Lord!“ Rhys swallowed and took a deep breath as he called softly „Come to me, Feyre.“ I took another step towards him and knelt. Lilale knelt by my side and held a flask of oil for Rhys. Our friends who had followed our every step now standing to either side of us knelt, too. Rhys took the flask and putting a drop of oil on his finger he each annointed me speaking the fromula that would make me High Lady. „Will you swear yourself to my court? Your mind to never bertay us?“ he touched my head „Your speech to never disclose our secrets?“ he touched my mouth „Your strength always protecting us?“ He touched my shoulders „And your heart always loving us?“ I looked back up at him as he gave back the oil to Lilale. „I swear myself to your Court, High Lord. My mind, my speech, my strength and my heart.“ With every word I felt the magic surge. Felt it crackling beneath us and all around us. Rhys took the crown, my crown out of the box that Cassain held out for him and put it on my head „Then rise, High Lady of the Night Court!“ And as I rose he took me into his arms and the clearing gleamed in starlight and darkness as our powers entwined.

„We welcome the High Lady of the Night court. For the world and ourselves!“ „For the world and ourselves!“ They all cried including Rhys who looked at me in adoration and love. Our friends came rushing at us formig a circle and dancing and dancing in our wondrous display of light and darkness. I looked over to Lilale who stood a bit to the side. She smiled broadly an then vanished with a wave of her hand. I would have to got to the library another day to say thank you. Rhys touched the skin of my decolletee. I looked down and saw the mountain and the stars. The mark of my new title glowing on my chest. Right...glowing! I was still surrounded by that light. „At least I can now say I make my mate glow with happiness!“ Rhys said jokingly.

Mor and Rhys winnowed us back tot he town house where Nuala and Cerridwen were waiting for us with a sumptous feast. We all dug in and enjoyed each others company. Nothing more than a familiy having diner together. Only that one of them had now a new title. But nobody cared. We were still the same. More..but otherwise the same. Here in the safety of our home. We talked until the morning came. Nuala and Cerridwen had joined us on my request and were now fast asleep sitting on a window sill leaning against the banisters. Mor had fallen asleep on the couch Azriel sitting right next to her an arm propped up onto the backrest quite constantly gazing down at her since she had fallen asleep. Our eyes met over the room and he gave me one of his rare smiles. I smiled back at him nodding slightly. He was actually healing. We would get him through this selfloathing. Rhys brushed my arm slightly and standing behind me put his head onto my shoulder and looked at his brother, too. Who, as he saw Rhys broad grin just averted his eyes out of the window.

Chapter 7: Trouble in Paradise


Trouble in the human lands ensues.

Chapter Text

Cassian stood out on the balcony talking silently to Amren. We strode over to them. As we drew closer I heard the last part of their conversation „...she will be fine, Cassian! More than fine!“ „Who are you worrying about?“ Rhys said. „This is a night for celebration not for worrying!“ „You call that celebrating?“ Cassian waved his hands including all of us. „Where is the music, the crowds, the raucous laughter? Just tired old brats. “ But he smiled. He knew this was just as I had wished for. „This is how we celebrate. We are not like normal people. We have had enough turmoil in our lives.“ I said to him nudging him with an ellbow. He gave a mock bow „Whatever my High Lady wishes.“ I kissed him on the cheek for that. „Then your High lady wants to know what you were brooding over right before we disturbed you.“ I said propping my hands onto my hips looking expectantly. Amren laughed softly. „We were talking about you, girl!“ Rhys looked at her. „Why?“ Amren shot him an exasperated look „While you are celebrating, which you are fully entiteled to, we are making plans on how to keep our new High Lady safe.“ I knew what she meant. My training would begin soon. My training with her. And Cassian was worried. I touched her shoulder. „Cant this wait? Just for a little while longer? Just for tonight?“ Amren looked at me intently. „Until the morning.“ She said a rougueish grin on her face as she looked at the sky growing ever brighter. „Tomorrow morning!“ And she, too, gave me a little bow.

We went to bed after that. Azriel scooped up Mor in his arms and carried her upstairs. I half expected him not to exit her room but after only a few minutes he did. He and Cassian nodded to us as they walked upstairs to their respective rooms. Amren had winnowed home to her loft down in the city. I stood there looking at the now empty room. I followed Rhys as he gently tugged on the bond between us. Halfway to our own room he scooped me up and carried me over the threshold a broad grin on his face. He magicked away my dress and put me into my sleeping clothes then tucked me under the sheets. Sliding in from the other side after he had undressed himself. He wrapped himself around me and nuzzeled his head into the corner between my neck and my shoulder. His favourite resting spot. I curled up in front of him basically trying to climb into him if that were possible. And within two or three breaths we were fast asleep.

We awoke around midday. The sun was high in the sky and a soft warm wind breezed through the windows. As I strirred Rhys awoke, too. „Good morning High Lady!“ he purred. I kissed his forhead, his temples his cheeks and then his mouth. He returned the kiss long and deeply. At long last I crept out of the bed stretching my arms and legs. My muscles felt sore and I told Rhys as much. „Thats the magic from yesterday.“ He explained. „It can wear you out physically. Come, Ill make you a bath. It helps with the stiffness.“ And it did. When I rose from the hot water half an hour later I felt better. Thinking of my future training with Amren I asked „Will it always be like that?“ He shook his head. „No, my love. Yesterday huge amounts af magic were surging around us and through us, were genreated by us. Even I feel a little sore today. The others will feel it too.“ He grinned. „Then lets see how much whining ensues over breakfast? Im starving.“ I said smellling food being prepared downstairs as I pulled a comfortable sweter over my head. Rhys took me in his arms. „That is my Feyre! How could we have lived all these years without you?“

It was of course not breakfast that we came down to, but lunch. Nuala and Cerridwen had outdone themselves. Freshly baked bread and butter. A huge roast of lamb and a platter of Rhys favourite lemon chicken. Two dishes with vegetables and a bowl full of salad completed the table. Mor was already sitting there and Cassian was just following behind us down the stairs. He groaned as he sat down. I grinned at Rhys. „Good morning!“ I said to the room at large. They mumbled their responses. And I grinned even broader. My family. Hung over after a long night together. „Its a very special thing to be hung over from magic“ I mused to myself as I sat down, too. My mouth watering at the sight of the food. „Where is Az?“ Rhys asked whilst piling food on his platter. „He has left quite early. He said there was news from the mortal realm. He sould be back soon.“ I looked up from my plate to Cassian who had spoken. I saw a worried look on his face. I swallowed hard. Rhys squeezed my hand as if to say it was going to be allright. But I knew, somehow I knew something was NOT allright. And I prepared myself for some bad news.

I did not flinch when Azriel walked out of the shadows of the hallway. His face hard. He searched for my eyes and I saw the sorrow in them. The pain. I held my breath. Rhys and Cassian stood immediately. „Wait a second. Ill get Amren.“ Mor said and winnowed away. Only seconds passed until the two of them were back. Amren standig there still as stone watching the Shadowsinger. Who now knelt before me and said. „I have failed you, my Lady. I did not protect you and your family.“ My knees buckled and I gripped the table. I took two steadying breaths. I had known something was wrong. „What happened?“ I breathed. Az kept kneeling as he said „Your sisters have vanished, my Lady. No trace of them on the estate or at the old cottage. I have failed you...“ His head sunk even deeper as his voice trailed off. I knelt down in front of him. „Az?“ he did not look at me. „Azriel!“ still nothing. I placed a hand on his hands knotted in his lap. He jumped at my touch. „Look at me!“ My voice was command and plea at the same time. Slowly he rose his head but still he did not meet my eyes. I sat up straight in front of him and put all my might as High Lady behind my command. „I said: Look at me!“ His eyes snapped at me in an instant. Surprise written in them. I knew it would be the wrong path to go all cuddly and try to soothe his pain. He needed a purpose now. „You will never fail me, Shadowsinger. Things happen that are out of our control. My sisters are in danger. Will you help me save them?“ I stood. Rhys looked at me and an approving stroke flitted across my mental shield. Az followed me with his eyes. It took several seconds for him to process what I had said then his shoulders straightened and he bowed his head again. „Of course I will, My Lady!“ „Then rise.“ I ordered him. As he stood a grim purpose was written in his face. Gone was the sorrow leaving just the warrior. I had not taken my eyes off him. His shadows flowed freely and I knew now was the time for me to lighten his mood. Even if only for a tiny bit. „And stop the My Lady stuff!“ And indeed he gave me a small grin and a little bow to wich I held up a warning finger.

„What do you spies say? Any infomation, that could be connected to this ...mess?“ Rhys now took the lead. I sat down again. Azriel shook his head. „Not really. There was some chatter in Hyburn about the mortal queens but it has died off completely weeks ago. In the mortal realm evertyhing seems to go as it has always done. We did not have any indications that you sisters could be in danger.“ He looked at me apologetically. I shook my head. „We knew it could be dangerous to meet the mortal queens there. Nesta and Elain knew of the danger. And they agreed to help. We took every possible precaution.“ Cassian nodded. Amren again was the one who drove us forward. „Nonetheless they are gone. So we have to find out two things: Who took them and where have they been taken to.“ But it was Mor who posed the most important question. Stepping beside Azriel she put a hand on his shoulder as she said. „Three things! We need to work out a plan how to get them back!“ Azriel first looked at me and then at Mor. Still that look of purpose in his eyes.

Chapter 8: Like Beads on a Necklace


Amren helps Feyre to get to know the powers she has inherited from the High Lords of Prythian.

Chapter Text

We decided that Mor, Cassian, Azriel and Rhys would try to gather as much information as possible from their various sources for us to determine the Who and the Where. As for the How to get them back...well we would decide on that when we knew what we were dealing with. Thus I started my training with Amren. She gave me good talking at the beginning of our first lesson the next mornig after breakfast. „These lessons will be hard, girl. They will certainly be uncomfortable and possibly dangerous in due course. We first have to determine what the High Lords have gifted you. Some of it we already know. But we do not know the full extent. And you do not have control over these powers in the slightest. As High Lady I want you to be able to access your powers at will and have complete control over them!“ I stared at her and I blurted out the first thing that came into my mind „Why?“ a stupid question in itself but nonetheless important for me. „Why?“ Amren spat. „Girl! I thought you had understood what your title means. You are bound to this Court now. You have sworn to protect it and all that belongs to it. People and lands alike. Besides that we have war right in front of our doorstep. The King of Hyburn is a very powerful magic wielder. He knows you exist. And he is very interested in you – in your powers“ She added at my confused look. „You have the seeds of seven High Lords inside you. You could be his prime weapon given the opportunity.“ „Which we will not give him! No one will get to you, Feyre“ Rhys said standing in the doorway of the room Amren had led me into. Cold determination in his voice.

„I will not let myself be shut away, Rhys!“ He smiled as he brushed a kiss on my cheek. „No, my love. But that is exactly why these lessons with Amren are so very important. You can potentially wield the powers of all seven of us. Being High Lady you could be more powerful than every single one of us or even all of us combined. With you we could throw Hyburn down once and for all.“ I shuddered as I started to grasp the possibilities. „I...I cannot do this alone.“ I said pleadingly. „Who said you wil be alone, girl. We will always be by your side. Serving and protecting.“ Amren gave me a little bow. The star on the inside of my hand prickeld a bit. Amren must have felt it, too, because she had turned her hand to look at it. She grinned. „Thank you!“ I said „We should get started then, shouldnt we?“ Amren nodded and waved Rhys out of the room. „No one enters until we come out or call for you. Is that clear?“ Rhys nodded gravely and closing the door, he left.

„So..“ I said when Rhys had closed the door. „How is this going to work?“ Amren waved a hand first at the door and then towards the room at large. Two chairs appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the room. She gestured for me to sit down and then took the other chair right opposite me. „I want you to know that nothing can harm you whilst we are in here together. I will always control the magic as it flows through you or out of you. The room is warded so no magic can escape and potentially harm others. This way you can firstly learn to access your powers. Later on I will teach you how to control them.“ I nodded, a feeling of trust and calm sweeping over me. Amren leaned forward. „I would like to feel you out first. If that is ok for you.“ I have never seen her talk so softly. „What do you mean?“ I asked. She leaned back in her seat again. „Rhys can read the minds of other people. He is what we call..“ „Deamati..I know.“ I finsihed the sentence for her. Amren raised an eyebrow. Did she not know? „You know about Daemati?“ she asked. I nodded „I AM Daemati. One of the powers I inherited from Rhys.“ Amrens eyes flared. „That son of a bitch! He told me that you can feel things in people. But you actually being Daemati! I am going to ...“ I felt anger boil in her and chuckeled, drawing Amrens focus back onto me. She looked back at me in an instant then stared at me for a while. When I could no longer stand the silence is asked „What?“ Amren shook her head slightly. „No one has ever been able to stop me from planning to kill someone as easily as you did just now. You have POWERS, girl!“ I dared a timid smile.

„So, as you very well know then, there are people who can infiltrate other peoples minds. Read them, control them. I am a Daemati of sorts. But within the realm of magic. And only there. I cannot invade minds. But I can examine magical skills and manipulate them. Enhance them if I wish or diminish them if need be. So in order to help you I would like to sort of guide you within your magical powers. I would like to see what I can feel of those sparks they put into you.“ I understood and leaning forward I held out my hands for her. She closed the distance and took my hands in hers. „Relax.“ I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I felt her presence in front of me. Then it shifted and suddenly seemed to surround me, almost as if she walked around me in circles drawing closer with every pass. I knew she was still sitting in front of me because I felt her fingers on my hands. She touched the shield I had constructed around my mind, pressed against it. It was as if she hit it with iron fists and then ttried to cut through it with silver blades. Was this a test? She had not asked me to lower it for her. My breathing became heavier with the increasing pressure. Then the pressure disappeared and I opend my eyes. Amren nodded appreciatively. „Good! Your mental shield is strong. I like that. But you will need to lower it completely for me to be able to detect the sparks. They will be bruied deep down to keep them safe.“ She smiled at me. „Right, Sorry!“ I said but she shook her head. „I have not told you what I needed and you have proved that I will not need to train this particular skillset with you. I suppose Rhys has done this?“ I nodded „He has trained me in shileding my mind since my very first visit here.“ I said a little proudly. „Did he now?“ Amren said. „Can we try again?“ I nodded taking a deep breath and lowering my shields I took her hands again.

This time she did not bother circling me but went straight for it. It felt like hands sorting through loose strands of hair. After a while I saw fine silver strands floating in front of me and heard Amrens voice in my head. „This is the net that contains your magic. Can you see how thin the threads are?“ I nodded „They will grow thicker the better you can access your powers.“ I spotted differences between some of the threads. „Those are the ones I have used so far?“ I pointed towards a few slightly thicker strands. I felt her nodd. „Yes. As high fae you use magic day in and day out. But what interests us is the magic you inherited from the High Lords.“ She kept on sorting through the strands and suddenly a light shone on one of them. Like a bead on a necklace. I had almost missed it if I had not felt it. It was pitch black. Amren grinned „Yes, girl. This is Rhys spark.“ I took her a while to find the other ones. I just let her work in silence as she found them one by one. Beads of gold, red, white, orange, blue and finally green. The spraks from the High lords of Day, Dawn, Winter, Autumn, Summer and Spring. Helion, Thesan, Kallias, Beron, Tarquin and Tamlin. The lay there before me like beads on a necklace. I averted my look from the green bead not wanting to have anything to do with this thing that connected me with Tamlin.

„It is part of you, Feyre.“ Amren said after she had withdrawn from my mind again. „You do not have to like it but accept it you must. Otherwise you will not be whole. These sparks are what made you. They gave you life. Only all of them togheter in unsion will make you able to fully wield your powers. They are you but you are the one who controls them!“ Control them? I liked the sound if that. Yes,.. I thought. I would learn to control them ... him. Use him, use his powers for me and my Courts benefit. As he had used me. I gazed down at my fingers where once the ring had sat I had melted off it with the first real surge of my powers. Then I felt the star prickle on my palm and I ran a finger over it. Amren chuckeled „You look like somone readying for a fight, Feyre!“ I looked up at her. She rubbed her palm with her thumb. „Can you feel it?“ I asked. „Yes..“ she said. Something like awe in her voice. „We have pledged ourselves to Rhys when he became High Lord and recieved a tatoo from it. She rolled up the sleeve of her right arm. A tiny swirl of Illyrian markings stood there. „But it does not tickle like yours does. You have evoked some really powerful magic that night you became High Lady, girl!“ And she smiled at me proudly. I smiled at her, leaning back into my chair. I felt quite exhausted for not having done so much as sit there for...how long had we been sitting there? Suddenly my stomach rumbeled. Amren got up and waving a hand she opened the door lowering the wards she had set up for us. „Go get something to eat. We will continue tomorrow after lunch.“ I squeezed her shoulders and stalked out findig Rhys standing there looking nervous.

„Are you allright?“ He asked. I nodded „Of course I am! Why shouldnt I?“ He shot a look over my shoulder at Amren. „You have been at it for five hours!“ Now I understood why my stomach was rumbling I looked back at Amren. She grinned. „Time flys like magic when you are having fun.“ and holding up her hand stopping Rhys from a retort she added. „We have made huge progress. And Feyre did a great job!“ I put a hand on his arm and squeezed it. „Its ok, Rhys. I am fine. I am hungry but otherwise I feel good... Really godd!“ I added as an afterthought. I was not tired at all. I felt invigourated. „Then lets go get you something to eat!“ Rhys gave in and led me to the dining room. „Can we eat out on the terrace?“ I asked. I longed for fresh air. „Of course.“ And without further ado Rhys winnowed us to the rooftop. Calling softly for Nuala who appeared in a heartbeat he instructed her to bring our dinner up here. It was like a picknick under the night sky. I felt the magig thrumming around us.

When we had finished Rhys had asked me about what had happened in that room. I told him everything. He looked particularly proud when I mentioned how impressed Amren had been with my mental shields. And at the mention of his bead being the first one we had found he looked at me with such love in his eyes I could drown myself in them. I laid my head onto his knees and he started to stroke my hair. It took me only minutes to fall asleep. I remembered vaguely being tugged into bed by Rhys but then I slept soundly until I woke into sunshine streaming through the courtains of our room.

The next days flew by. Our Court was in full battle mode. Azriel returned to us only a few days after he had born the bad news. It transpired that my sisters had been captured by the mortal queens themselves. Az had been back to his usual determined self after being able to give us these news. He was off now to further investiagte where exactly they were held. I had trained with Amren every day for the first week to follow. But at the beginning of the second week, Cassian had claimed me for training every other day. „I am getting bored having just Rhys to beat the crap out of!“ He had explained. I was greatful for it. However much I enjoyed dabbling into my magical abilities It felt good to do something physical. To feel my msucles working.

Amren gave me free only reluctantly. We had made huge progress. Within that fisrt week we had not only identified the sparks from the different High Lords but I had learned to find them and access them myself. I was also able to play with them. But I felt something holding me back. Some dread lurking in the shadows. „It feels like plucking on the strings of an insturment.“ I mused one night when Rhys and I lay cuddled together under our blanket. „Like plucking on the strings of destiny.“ I added. And he looked at me with reverence kissing my brow soflty. I looked up at him. „I am afraid, Rhys.“ All this power surging beneath my skin. My heart was racing now I had spoken the words aloud. I was not sure if I could handle it. Dared to handle it. He just kept looking at me then finally asked „Why?“ A simple question. One I had not posed myself. I had just skipped it entirely. It made me calm down a bit. I thought for a while. „Because everyone expects me to be this otherwordly person. Strong above their dizziest daydreams. I do not know if I can be what everyone expects me to be.“ I looked at him and he gave me a knowing smile. „I have felt the same when I became High Lord all of a sudden. My father had just been slaughtered right in front of my eyes. I had been strong before. Yes...But feeling my power magnified by my title was more than I could handle. I barely managed to winnow home. My brothers were waiting for me here. I puked all over them as they tried to lift me from the floor where I had collapsed. But throughout the followning days and weeks I managed it. They always stood by my side whenever I wanted to give up.“ He tucked me closer to his chest. „And you are not alone either, Feyer. If you want to go slower, we will tell Amren. It takes time to adjust to this amount of power. It has been sleeping all these months and now you are awakening it. I understand that that can be overwhelming.“ He brushed away a tear that had escaped my eye. „And no one excepts you to become anything.“ I squinted at his face. He grinned. „Well maybe a little bit. Mor expects you to be her partner in crime when she plays her tricks on us poor boys. Amren...well Amren expects you to become more powerful than me so she does not need to bother with me anymore. And Cassian and Azriel just expect you to be their High Lady whom they can protect and fuss about.“ „And you?“ Is aked him. He pretended to think for a while „Mhmmm...I expect you to be yourself. To be my wickedly wonderful, wonderous...willing Feyre.“ He gave me one of these half grins that he knew made me melt inside. „Willing, mhmm?“ I retorted warmth pooling at my core. He rose slightly, towering his large chest over me. „Willing, yes, Feyre darling.“ And I felt him go hard against me. Oh..I was willing!

Chapter 9: Mors Revenge


Keir stirrs up trouble and pays for it - dearly!

Also: I am team moriel! ;-)


Graphic depiction of a character death.

Dont like that? - skip the chapter. Its not important to the main story arc.

Chapter Text

The next morning Azriel came back with news from the Summer Court. His spies had told him that their High Lord Beren seemed to show a lot of interest in Hyburn. Rhys was not surprised. Beren had always been someone to veer towards power. Only time would tell if he baceme an enemy of Prythian. Mor had been silent all throughout breakfast. Azriel shooting her a glance or two during his report. I was not sure if she had even listened. When he had fnished Az streched out his hand towards her shoulder. His shadows reached her first and she jerked her head towards him „Whats the matter?“ he asked. Rhys took a deep breath. „Trouble up there?“ She shrugged her shoulders. „Not more than the usual squabble, really. But I can see that my father is getting restless. He spends a lot of time with his Darkbringer legions.“ Rhys nodded. „He should be. He would be stupid if he did not prepare them for the war to come.“ But Mor shook her head. „I am afraid it is more than that, Rhys.“ She looked at him. There was genuine fear and sorrow in her eyes. Rhys held her gaze then walked over to her, Azriel stepping aside. He pulled Mot into a standing position. „We knew this day would come, Morrigan.“ He used her full name. This was serious, I realized. She looked at him, tears glinting in her eyes. „Make it count.“ she almost choked on her own words. Rhys took her into his arms. „I will!“ She sobbed hard at his shoulders. „We will!“ he added as he released her and Mor looked over to Cassian and Azriel. The two Illyrian males held her ganze and nodded in agreement. What was this all about? I did not dare to ask now. Rhys would explain later. „Then we will visit the Hewn City tomorrow.“ He said when Mor had stopped crying. Her eyes now full of determination and purpose. Cassian swept her into his arms and left with her. Az lingering behind. I shot him a questioning look. He shook his head. „I have to go prepare myself.“ He said apologetically and vanished into shadow.

Rhys took me out into the garden and sat down on a bench with me. „Tomorrow will possibly be the day Mor gets revenge on what Keir has done to her.“ He said slowly. I remembered the story he had told me of her forced betrothal to Erin and the horrors that had ensued because of it. Almost taking Mors life in their wake. „He has never been fond of me being his High Lord. But up until now he has never done something to usurp me.“ My eyes grew wide. I remembered a word from the previous conversation I had not understood. „What are Darkbringers?“ „They are a fighting force that uses darkness as their weapons. Not unsimilar to us but they are trained to forge weapons out of it and use them with brutal efficiancy. They are part of my standing armies. Besides my Illyrian flying squadrons the most important part.“ I shuddered. I have not known what forces stood at Rhys disposal if it came to actual combat. The tought of hundreds or even thousands of high fae wielding shadows as as their weapons made my blood chill. Rhys nodded as he saw the pitures that formed in my mind. „And if Kier actually tries to turn them against me. It would be his death sentence.“ The words hung between us. Keir was Mors father. „He has up until now not been stupid enough to attempt somthing like this. But maybe with he threat of Hyburn he sees an opportunity.“ I took his hand into mine. „You have to prevent this from happening!“ Rhys squeezed my hands. „That is why we will visit our other court tomorrow. Will you come with me?“ he asked tentatively. Of cours I would! „Will we tell them who I am?“ Rhys nodded. I smiled. My first official act as High Lady. „Maybe we can use your enthronement to cover up Keirs betrayal. I would prefer not to altert anyone who might listen to the fact that we are on their trail. It is not unlikely that Keir refuses to bow to you as his High Lady. It would be a good excuse for what might be necessary.“ I understood. „And what will happen to Keir?“ a steely look crept into Rhys eyes. „If it turns out Mors suspicions are correct, he will die then and there.“ I swallowed hard but I understood. „I will give him the opportunity to correct himself. But I have little hope.“ „What about Az?“ I had to know. Rhys looked at me. „He has sworn to take revenge for what Keir has done to Mor. To his own daughter. And Mor has accepted his offer. He will do good on his vows tomorrow.“ Now I understood that Mors „Make it count!“ had not been for Rhys but for Azriel. I swallowed again. There had been so much pain in their faces. I was not enclined to any form of violence really but I understood that for their peace of mind this would become a messy business towmorrow. I squeezed Rhys hand again. „I understand and I am ok with it. I have not been here when it all happened but Mor has suffered enough. It is time to end it.“ Rhys straightened in his seat. „My High Lady!“ After that we sat there for a long while. I would not train with Amren today, nor with Cassian.

It was late that night when Rhys anounced he was going to bed. I wanted to stay by the fire a little longer. I had the feeling somone was waiting for me. I had felt the star in my hand itch several times now. And as soon as Rhys had kissed me good night Azriel stepped out of the shadows beside the hearth. He knelt in front of me. I just looked at him silently. „I made a promise to Morrigan a long time ago that I would take revenge for the suffering her father had brought onto her. I was the one who rescued her from the border where Eris had left her to die. I nursed her back to health when she did not want to let anyone see her injuries.“ Rhys had not told me that detail. I nodded. „Will you let me be truthful to my vows, My Lady?“ I nodded again lifting him up by his shoulders. „I will stand beside you, Azriel, when you drive Truthteller through Keirs heart!“ His shoulder shook and tears streamed down his face as I took him into my arms. „It will be over soon. All your suffering will be over soon!“ He withdrew from me, tears still glistening on his face. „Thank you.“ he said and gave a little bow then vanished into his shadows. I sat there staring into the fire until I heard footsteps down the hall. I saw Rhys standing there. „Az was here just now.“ I said. „I know.“ he replied. „Has he been to see you, too?“ Rhys shook his head. „No, he has asked my permission centuries ago. When I had become High Lord. And I have given it to him then.“ I nodded. „Come..“ he said holding out a hand for me. „Lets get some sleep.“

Breakfast the next morning was a subdued matter. Mor had made an attempt to explain things to me but I had told that there was no need for that and that I completely supported her cause. She had just hugged me. „Mor,“ Rhys started carefully „You know that when Keir is dead there has to be a new...“ Mor looked at him „I will lead the Darkbringers for you Rhys, but I will not govern the Court of Nightmares!“ I realized the problem. If Keir was to die today Mor would be his natural successor. Rhys was not surprised by her statement. „And who would you recommend?“ Mor had obviously given it some thought. „My aunt Elial. She was the one who tipped me off abaout my fathers plans. She is loyal to you.“ „Good.“ was all that Rhys said. This was not going to be a pleasant day but we would get through this as a family.

Nuala and Cerridwen helped Rhys and I dress. We looked impressive in our full regal attire. Our crowns shimmering on top of our heads, our clothes of matching black fabrics sparkling with black gems. My dress a little less revealing than the one I had worn during our previous visit but still a lot of skin showed. And I felt good in it. Proudly displaying my new markings. As we arrived downstairs Cassian and Azriel stood there in black Illyrian leathers. Their seven siphons gleaming on their shoulders, chest, hands and knees. Mor stood between them in a blood red gown. A black mantle was draped over her shoulders open at the front flowing down in long waves. They would be HER escort today, not ours. She looked regal. Only Amren was in her normal clothes. She would not be coming with us.

Rhys winnowed us straight to the entrance hall. Our group caught the eyes of the sentries stationed at the gates. They fell to their knees immediately. Rhys did not so much as look at them as he held out his arm for me to put my hand on and walked past them. I remembered the way from our last visit. Mor and Amren had led me that time. Now I walked beside my High Lord. His High Lady. Their High Lady. We arrived at the throne room within a few minutes and Rhys magicked the doors open. A hush fell over the crowd. Of course they had been warned of our imminent arrival by the sentries but the room looked rather frantic. Just as we had wanted it. We walked towards the dais and I realized that ther was only one throne. Rhys emitted more and more anger with every step. He snapped his fingers and a second throne appeared right beside his. It was exactly the same as his. A throne for his equal, not his queen or consort. Did they realize? I looked over the now kneeling crowd and spotted Keir at the very front. Rhys and I walked up to our thrones and he place me there before sitting down himslef. Mor stood to our left, her escort flanking her. She was still as stone. No emotions showing on her face.

„Rise!“ Ordered Rhys. „I will forgive the lack of a second throne for your High Lady because of our unanounced visit.“ a murmur went through the crowd. Many looked at each other wideeyed. „This is your opportunity to swear fielty to my mate.“ he paused looking them all over as if to say...or else! His gaze stopped at Keir whose face had gone ashen. I realized now that the mantle he wore resembeled the one Mor was wearing. Keirs gaze had flitted first towards me then to his daughter who stood proud beside her High Lord and Lady. He at least knew what this visit was about. Rhys let him stand there. He gave him time to think things over I realized. To make good on his vows he had made during the Great Rite.

Keir drew his gaze from his daughter back to me and a look of disgust stole into it. I tilted my head slightly and I too gave him time to reconsider before hitting him hard with my powers. Sending him to his knees again. He staggered but stumbeled back into a standig position again as I released him. A dark grin on my face. „So you do not want to bend the knee for your High Lady, Keir?“ Rhys drawled. Keir spat on the ground „There is no such thing as a High Lady!“ Rhys hissed „There is now. And I suggest you kneel before her!“ Darkness surrounded us for a moment within which I heard bones cracking. When the darkness had lifted Keir lay sprawled on the floor wimpering his hands on his lower legs. „Thats better!“ Rhys growled. Then he sat back seemingly completly relaxed and just looked at Keir. I knew that he was invading his mind so as to find out the truth about the rumors Mor had heard. The room only understood what hapened when Keir started to squirm on the floor unable to move away. More bones cracked. Keir squirmed even more but did not make a sound. Held there by Rhys mental powers.

After a short while Rhys released Keir who lay on the floor, breathing heavily. When Keir was about to lift his head towards his daughter Rhys held out a hand. „Oh, no! You will not torture her any longer!“ Instead of Keir Rhys looked over at Mor. She nodded and squeezed Azriels hand. Cassian drawing her into his arms as the Shadowsinger slowly walked towards Keir. A cat stalking towards its prey. Keirs gaze was still forceably fixed upon Rhys when Azriel stepped between them into Keirs line of sight. Standig there he drew Truthteller out of its scabbard so that Keir could see it. And then he knelt beside the male whose eyes widenend now with true horror. Azriel put a hand on Keirs shoulder and spoke. The steel in his voice alone could have killed Keir. „You will die now. Not in the way you deserve for what you have done to your own daughter. She is more civilized than you. But that does not mean that you will not feel her pain. The pain of that day you cut her open, the pain she endured healing and the pain she endured over all these years whenever she had to look you in the eyes not able to kill you on the spot.“ A silence you feel you could cut with a knife engulfed the room. But it was the dark blade in Azriels hand that did the cutting. It slowly slid into Keirs abdomen working its way up to his chest, finally being thrust it into his heart. Keir went limp in Azriels arms without having muttered so much as a wimper. I guessed Rhys had kept him silent and I was glad for it. I had seen the pain in Keirs eyes as Azriel had moved Truthteller through his flesh and kew he deserved it.

As Keir drew his last breath a wave of magic swooped through the room and Mor glowed in her red dress. Her fathers powers to lead the Darkbringer legions had shifted towards her.

Still there was silence. No one dared to move. They all looked shocked at the sudden violence. Then a female stepped forward. She looked not unsimilar to Mor. She was dressed in a blue tunic with leather pants, not a dress I realized. She stopped right in front of the throne and knelt. Rhys shifted his gaze from the dead body oozing blood on the floor to her. He held her there for several heartbeats and I suspected that he felt out her mind as he had done with Keir. She did not squirm like he had done but she shuddered several times and was still trembling when Rhys bade her rise. „This is what happenes if you do not obey your High Lady.“ He jerked his head towars Keirs body. „Will YOU swear fielty to your High Lady, Elial?“ The female knelt again and said aloud „I am Elial, Amita to the Morrigan. I swear fielty to the High Lady of the Night Court!“ Rhys looked over to me and I realized this was my part now. „Rise Elial. I will set you as steward of the Hewn City as long as you stay true to your vows.“ She rose and bowed deeply before me, then Rhys and then Mor.

Keirs body was taken away. Someone cleaned the floor with magic. After that the whole court had gathered and had sworn their fielty to me in unison. It was time for us to leave this retched place. Mor was still holding on to Cassian, Azriel walking closely by her side. Rhys winnowed us straight into the sitting room of the townhose. Mor immediately threw off the mantle. But then we just stood there for a few heartbeats looking at each other. Suddenly Mors legs gave way underneath her and this time it was Azriel who held her. He scooped her shivering body up and placed her on the sofa beside the fire. Nuala appeared out of nowhere holding a mug out to him. He took it, sniffed at it appreciativly and then put it into Mors hands. „Drink!“ He ordered. She just stared at the wall. „Drink!“ Azriel said his voice a little harder. Mor slowly turned her head towards him panting. „Drink!“ Azriel said a thrid time softer now. She took the mug from his hands. Her breathing was still heavy but it eased as she smelled the tea in the mug that Az still held out for her. I smelled of peppermint and licorice. Finally she drank deeply.

Az knelt beside her watching her closely until she had finished. Only then did Mor look up at all of us again. „Thank you!“ She said in a strained voice. We just nodded, not knowing what to say. Az inhaled several times as if to say something but decided against it every time. In the end he laid down his head beside her on the couch. Mor reached out for him and I saw his shadows curling around Mors fingers before she could reach him. His protectors. She waved them away and they indeed disappeared. Starteled Az wipped his head up only to find her face mere inches away from his own. They stared at each other. The tension in the room grew and grew. Unspoken feelings flitted around us. And normally Az would have withdrawn at this point. But I felt that a bond had fallen into place between them. Not a mating bond but something similar. A bond that could only come from living through pain and suffering together. Could only exist between two people who had endured and had now left their pain behind them. Az smiled, actually smiled at Mor and lifted a hand to her face as if not trusting it to be real. The gap between them narrowed and narrowed as we all held our breath only to cheer as our two friends finally kissed.

Azriel and Mor had spent two weeks up in the mountain cabin. They took their time there... seriously from what Cerridwen told me when she had returned from bringing them food as Mor had done when Rhys an I had been up there. I grinned. Ha! Now we were even. But this secret was safe with me. Cassian had taken over Azriels duties in coordinating the spy network during that time and was happy to do so als long as his brother needed him to. When our two friends returned one sunny afternoon it was only I who was there. Mor fell into my arms immediately. Az stood there and blushed at my knowing look. Me and Rhys were the only ones who could actually understand what had happend between them. I wouldnt tease him with it. I was not so sure about Rhys and Cassian. „How are you?“ I blurted out. Mors face glowed „Fine! This bastard has not let me off the hook for a solid week.“ My eyes grew wide. Mor only grinned broadly. I felt Rhys strolling into the room. He stopped beside me a rougeish grin on his face. „One week was enough to catch up on 500 years of dancing around each other?“ Now it was Azriel who blurted out „Who said we stopped there? We just had to take a break to eat!“ His blush deepeing. But it was like a curse had lifted from Azriel. He was the same but different at the same time. He would still be the dutiful Shadowsinger and my strict teacher when it came to my training. I knew he would still torture and mame if need be. But he also laughed easier then ever before. And people could now actually see the softness I had known to be there underneath all the pain.

Chapter 10: Revealing Revelations


Changes at the Autumn Court lead to a visit to the Day Court.


Not totally SFW. A little smut at the end.

Chapter Text

Another week passed without any major news. Azriel succeeded in slowly infiltrating the mortal queens court in order to find out about my sisters. I had grown restless for the lack of news. He returned one day with a temptative smile. He knelt before me. I gave a deep sigh. „Get the hell off that floor, Az. You know I cannot stand this!“ He rose and said. „I found them, Feyre.“ my knees buckeled and I had to grab his arm in order to steady myself. Panic welled in my heart. Rhys stormed into the room. He had felt me through our bond. „What is it?“ he blurted out. I could not speak. Az looked at us. „They are with Demetra. The golden haired queen. They are safe for now. She is the most reasonable of them. They are treated as her guests. Though of course, they are not. I managed to have a note delivered to them. They know we are trying to rescue them. Though I am still trying to find out why the mortal queens took them captive in the first place.“ I hugged my friend tightly and kissed him on his cheek. „Hey!“ Came a shout from the doorway. „Fingers off him! He is mine!“ Mor strode over to us a slight tenseness in her body. I smiled at her and walked over to Rhys and leaning my back into him. „No worries. He is all yours.“ I had been suprised that in this bond it was the female who was the overprotective one. I loved to see the two of them together. Az took Mor into his arms and half wrapped his wings around her. She stretched out a finger towards them. „Please! Not here! Get a room!“ It was Cassians voice that trailed towards us now. But he looked at me holding out his palm with the star on it towards me. „What is it?“ I realized they had all come because they had felt my fear. My court. My family.

We sat down together in the living room. Nuala had brought tea and coffee for all of us. Amren had joined us. I felt exhausted from the relief to know that my sisters were safe. My boys were already discussing on how we could possibly steal them back as the air around us seemed to shiver. I looked up at my friends but none of them seemd to have realized it. Only Rhys was looking towards me his eyes widening slightly. The air now seemed to tighten and the tatoo on my chest tingled. Az had risen from his chair, his shadows dancing sorund him excitedly. „What is this?“ he asked. In that instant I felt a twang inside of me like the string of an bow being released. A low thud echoed behind. Nothing could be heard of this. I just felt it deep in my core. My hand on my chest I looked back at Rhys. Cassian an Mor had assumed fighting stances flanking Rhys and me. Az had drawn truthteller. „What?“ I heard Cassian drawl. Rhys still sat on his chair attentive but completely relaxed.

„A new High Lord has just been born!“ Cassian whirled around to him. „Where? Who?“ But Rhys looked at me. „You felt it, too, didnt you?“ I noddded „It felt like an arrow being released. And it has found its target.“ Rhys nodded. „That was the power of the dying High Lord being released and then finding his successor.“ Az sheathed truth teller and sat down. „Do you know who?“ he asked, repeating Cassians question. Rhys shook his head. „No. I can only feel the power moving from one person to the other. Not to which Court the power belongs.“ He looked over to me again. „But maybe, our multi talented High Lady can.“ I looked at Amren „Can I?“ She strode over to me and perched herself on the armrests of my chair. „Maybe...lets see. Concentrate on the beads.“ I closed my eyes and saw them right in front of me. „Now examine them closely. Does any of them look or feel diefferent?“ I stretched out mental fingers in order to do so. The bead representing the powers of the autumn court looked brighter and felt..hotter. Different. „I think it might be Autumn.“ I said hesitantly. Amren looked at me questioningly. Az got to his feet immediately and with a nod from Rhys vanished. Mor sat there her face stony. „Then Eris is the new High Lord now.“ She said. „Probably.“ Rhys said. „Az will know soon.“ Amren grabbed me by the arm „Lets go, girl. This is the perfect opportunity.“ I looked reassuringly back to Rhys who had stood about to say something. At my look he just nodded.

I let her lead me to our training room and felt the wards click into place as she closed the door. „What made you hesitate?“ So she had noticed. „The bead feels different. It is brighter. And it feels hot.“ „It would be normal for it to shine brighter. The magic is surging inside its new High Lord. But hotter? I do not understand.“ We sat down and I held out a hand for Amren. Inviting her to join me. „Sure?“ She asked. She had not entered my mind again after we had established full access to the beads for me. She had led me to rearrange them properly so in time I could start using them. Drawing form each power when I needed to. It was a very private thing to roam inside someones mind like that and Amren had wanted to keep it to a minimun. „Of course. I trust you Amren!“ She smiled and took my hand. I showed her the bead. Its glow had fainted a bit already but as we neared it Amren, too, could feel the heat emenating from it. She moved around it once then looked the other beads up and down but shrugged her shoulders. I followed and beheld a similar warmth coming from Helions bead. Amren had already withdrawn from my mind and as I opened my eyes I saw a smile creeping on her face. „Seemes like Berons wife has not been entirely faithful! Eris seemes to be more than meets the eye.“ I stared at her. So she had not realized the similarity between Helions and the Autumn Court bead. But something about what she had said was wrong. „Wait a moment...“ I murmured and returned to my beads. I circled the transformed Autumn bead. We had not yet started to conciously use the beads but I knew somehow that if I touched it I might see who had inherited the powers. I raised a finger and as I touched it a picture shot through my mind. It blasted me back. In my mind and physically in the room. I slammed into the wall behind me. My back ached and my head was spining. But I was ok. Amren knelt in front of me. „What have ou done, girl?“ I tried to get her into focus. Shaking my head I managed. „I touched it.“ I simply said. Amren clapped a hand to her mouth. „That was dangerous, girl. You cannot just touch these powers uninvitedly.“ But I skook my head. „I am fine. And I think I know who is the High Lord of the Autumn court now.“ For I had seen Lucians face when I had touched the bead. Lucian was a High Lord now! Amren paced the room after I revealed what I had seen. „If this is true, girl, not only Beron is dead but his three other sons, too. Lucian Vanserra was the last in line for the throne of the Autumn Court.“ she waved a hand and the wards around our room vanished.

Rhys had called Azriel back in order to give him the new information. Cassian was there, too. Mor did not yet know. She had left for the Hewn city to prepare them for the possible instabilities ensueing after a new High Lords ascension. They knew that it was probably Lucian who had inherited the throne. As for the information on the possible connection between Lucian and Helion. That I only shared with Ryhs for now. The implications were severe and Rhys wanted to find out if there was truth behind them. „How?“ Is asked. Rhys thought for a while. „We will pay the Daycourt a visit. They will be first outsiders to meet my High Lady.“ I shuddered at the thought. To be introduced to the Court of Nightmares had been one thing. This was our territory. But to visit another Court as High Lady of the Night Court? Rhys stepped towards me and put his hands on my shoulders. „I have wanted to scream it out into the whole world when I had annointed you. I am so very proud to have you by my side.“ He kissed me on the forehead. I nodded, concern still showing in my face. „Helion is an old ally. I would even call him a friend. He has protected his home in ways similar to us here in Velaris during Amaranthas reign.“ I looked surprised. „He replicated his central court in a secure place and warded it just like I did here. The appearance of the old one was held intact until Amarantha had flattened it. Helion is a master spellcaster. And he had had more time to prepare.“ Rhys explained. He sat down at his desk and started drafting a letter to Helion. High Lords could only enter the others territory with permission. So we would have to wait for Helions reply. Rhys entrusted the letter to Cassian who actually did not ask why we wanted to go travel another court so suddenly. His face just gleamed with excitement. „It is not only Rhys who wants to show off his High Lady, you know.“ Rhys chuckeled inclining his head slightly. „And you like to show off other things to certain princesses.“ Cassian gave a rogueish grin and left.

„Cassian has held an interest for one of Helions daughters for a long time.“ Rhys grinned. „And he has not had the opportunity to...see her since Amarantha had captured the courts.“ I looked grave. If she had been under the mountain she might not be the same person Cassian had known before. Rhys shook his head guessing my toughts. „No worries there. She has been the one ruling his court in Helions stead. She will have her scars like everyone has who had to stay completly hidden from the world not able to leave or do anything to help. But otherwise she will be fine and happy to see Cassian again!“ I smiled now, too. „Are they...together?“ Rhys barked out a laugh. „Cauldron, no! Cassian has never comitted himself to a female in that way.“ I looked aghast. „My brother likes his freedom. And he likes his women. Some are more special to him than others but he has never taken on someone to be his definite partner.“ I knew he was telling the truth but still I would have been happy for Cassian, too, to be able to settle down, now that two of his bothers were with the woman they loved. „And this princess is one of the more speical ones?“ I suggested. Rhys nodded fervently. „Oh yes. Her name is Indira. And she is a sight to behold.“ I raised an eyebrow. Rhys held his hands up „Just saying!“ But he laughed „Helions court is special, Feyre. His people have an inherent beauty that cannot be denied. They all posess a glamour that gets peoples blood flowing. And they live very...freely there.“ I raised another eyebrow. Rhys shrugged. „The concept of relationships to be limited to two people is rather foreign to them.“ he said carefully. I gave a chuckle. I drew closer to my mate. „So..you say Helions court is a court of frolicky frivolities?“ He drew me into his arms. „Mhmm...one might call it that.“ and leaned in to kiss me. This visit would be fun I decided.

It took only three days for Helion to reply with an invitation. We left for the Day Court the next morning after breakfast. Only Cassian was going to accompany us. Mor needed to stay in case she was needed in the Hewn city and she would use the time to show presence with the Darkbringers. Azriel was still on reconnaissance and Amren would focus on translating the Book of Breathings as long I was gone. We winnowed directly to Helions front porch it seemed when I took my surroudings after I stepped out of Rhys darkness. The air was crisp and little flurries of snow lay on the banisters leading up the sweeping double stairs on top of which was a platform. There I saw a tall slender figure looking down at us. Dark brown skin almost like chocolate and jet black hair just like Rhys but much longer, drawn on the back into a ponytail that flowed down to his waistline. The male turned towards the steps and met us half way on our way up. Rhys stepped onto the same step as our host and grabbed his shoulders smiling broadly. It was Helion who spoke first. „Welcome, old friend.“ He grabbed Rhys forearms and squeezed them. Then he turnes around stepping down to me. „And welcome to you. High Lady! It is an honour and a great pleasure to finally meet you.“ I took his proffered hand and he drew it to his mouth breathing a kiss onto it that made me shudder inside. I felt his power thrumm around me. I was aware of every inch of his hand holding mine. The bead inside me throbbing with pleasure of seeing its former master. Rhys stepped down now, too and took my hand from Helion. „Na,na! Helion. This one is not for sharing!“ Helion pasted a mock sorrowful look on his face. „Really?“ But the he let out a deep laugh. „No worries, Rhys! I would never dare steal your mate.“ he greeted Cassian with a hug and wispered something in his ear that made Cassian blush to the roots of his hair. I could only stare at this High Lord. And with that he led us up the stairs.

The castle was full of people. High fae and lesser faeries alike. Helion had worn a mantle when he had waited for us outside which he now gave to a young girl along with our overclothes. Inside it was nicely warm. He led us into a large sitting room where we were served drinks. Rhys and Helion chatted about how things went in their respective courts for a while. Then a stretch of silence ensued. And Helion shifted his attention to me. „Now, Feyre. You might imagine that I was quite curious to meet you. To get to know you...“ Rhys again lifted an eyebrow and cleared his throat. Helion just waved an impatient hand at him. „Shush, Rhysand! I do not only think of sex. Though it is very pleasurable thing to think about.“ He laughed softly not taking his eyes off me. I was astonished that Rhys simply leaned back. „We all gave you a spark of our powers. This is what interests me. One would be a fool believing that you have not gained access to them by now. Am I right.“ I shot a look at Rhys who nodded. „Not too much.“ he whispered through our bond. Helion sniffed the air. „Oh! You cheeky little bastards. You can communicate through your bond.“ It was not a question. I nodded again. „Fascinating!“ He said genuinely impressed. „That is a rare thing. Mates can of course feel the other. But real communication. That is a rare gift, indeed.“ He looked at me for a while. It was my turn now. „And what are your gifts, Helion?“ He sat up a bit straighter. „Well..I am adapt in spell casting and breaking. I have the gifts of beauty and lust and healing. And I can....“ He let rays of sunshine flow from him towards me. I decided to meet them with my own light. I let it flow from my shoulders like I would have let my shadows. Helion clapped his hands and laughed. So did Rhys. „My mate can play, too, Helion!“ „What else?“ Helion said sounding almost hungry. I shrugged my shoulders. „Nothing yet. At least not from you.“ I said. He shook his head. „I can feel the shape shifting within you. But that does not come from me.“ I looked astounded. I had not known. Rhys leaned forward in his chair. „Are you sure, Helion?“ He nodded. „Of course I am. I feel it in her. I do not know about the spell wielding. You will have to find that out on your own.“ I looked at Rhys, then at Cassian and then back to Helion. „Thank you!“ He inclined his head in a little bow.

It was time for dinner and we were led into a dining hall where several members of Helions family now awaited us. He introduced us to all of them personally. Beginng with his eldest daughter the steward of his City. „And this is Indira. Indira you of course know Rhys. But this is Feyre the High Lady of the Night Court.“ Indira curtsied and I gave her a little bow. But she imediately lost interest in me because she had spotted Cassian standing behind us. Her eyes grew wide and she barely breathed. Helion leaned into me and whispered „I did not tell her that Cassian will be coming with you!“ I smiled at him. Cassian had been a bundle of nerves all through our talk in the sitting room. I was happy for him. „Shall we continue with the introductions?“ I asked and Helion waved a hand for us to follow. Cassian and Indira stood rooted to the spot. Rhys grinned broadly as he pat his brother on the back releasing him from his duty to follow his High Lord and Lady around. Cassian took Indiras hand immediately and they left the room. The dinner passed easily. Helions people were easy going and the food was delicious. Afterwards there was music and dance. Helion opened the dance with his daughter who had returned with Cassian mid dinner. Then Rhys and I joined in. It was a wonderful evening. As midnight came I leaned onto Rhys shoulder sitting on a sofa on the side overlooking the dancefloor. „Are you tired, love.“ „A little.“ We had danced all evening. „Try to keep awake a little longer. The magic of the Day Court flows strongest during the night.“ I did not understand. But after a few seconds I felt it. Helion was dancing with a stunningly beautiful female with white hair. The music warped into a slow seductive melody. The beat of the drums thrumming underneath. He held her close to himslef. Let his hands flow up and down her body and then leaned in to kiss her. Magic flowed from their entwined bodies. Rhys was breathing heavily beside me. I felt my own arousal. I saw Cassian and Indira kissing furiously on the dancefloor. His wings spread out to engulf her. Helion started to undress his dancepartner then and there in the middle of all the people.

I felt Rhys hand on my knee. He began to draw circles around my kneecap. I managed to draw away my gaze from the people on the dancefloor and looked towards Rhys. I saw the same lust in his eyes that I felt rising in myself. He grinned. I leaned over to kiss him but he just drew me onto his lap straddeling me over him. He let me kiss him. His hands roaming over my body, my hands buried in his hair. He tucked down the fabric of my dress over my shoulders exposing my breasts and started playing with my peaked nipples for a while then pulling the fabric back up. I started grinding on him when I felt him harden against me. His hands slipped up the skirt of my dress and he started playing with my undergarments. „What colour are you wearing today, Feyre darling?“ He breathed into my ear, nipping at it with his teeth. „Which colour would you like to see me in?“ I teased him still grinding on him. He slid his hands to my hips trying to stop me from moving. „Not so fast. Youll ruin my fun.“ He groaned as he slid his hand back up between my legs finding my wetness seeping through my undergrament. I chuckeled but stopped moving on him. Instead I took to unbuttoning his shirt. He leaned back as I stroked along his muscular torso and traced his Illyrian tatoos.

Suddenly someone sank onto the sofa beside us. I snapped my head in that direction to see Helios face hovering mere inches in front of my own. His own shirt was gone and I had a perfect view of his well built torso and his peaking nipples. He was not as packed as Rhys but the lack of muscle compared to Rhys suited his physique so much better. His hair now flowed freely over his front and down his back in long luxurious curls. A feral grin on his lips he said „I see, the two of you know how to play, too.“ Rhys stroked up and down my back. I arched into his touch still keeping eye contact with Helion „My court can be very ... stimulating.“ I nodded swallowing hard. „I can see that.“ Helion looked at Rhys with a questioning look. And I realized this was not about me. I was not for sharing. I leaned over to Helion and blew a kiss on his cheek, then one on his neck. I felt his eyes shift to me. At the same time I felt Rhys hands squeezing my hips. I whispered into Helions ear. „Nnnoo, Lord of the Sun. This male is mine, And mine alone!“ Helions eyes narrowed slightly while still ginning broadly. But he withdrew and stood. He placed a long kiss on my neck then bowed deeply and left us. I turned back to Rhys whose hands I had felt on my hips all the time. The mating bond thrumming between us. I knew he had liked how I had dealt with Helion. But I wanted to see it in his eyes now. He looked at me for a while then said „Where were we? Ah, yes. The colour of your undergarments.“ He drew me closer to him and winnowed us to our room. „Lets find out if you chose the right colour, Feyre, darling“ he said raising my dress up over my head in one fell swoop. He looked me up and down. „Mhmm...red lacy little unmentionables. I like those very much!“ He groweld before nudging me onto the bed.

Chapter 11: The Truth


Helion confesses to being Lucians father.


This chapter has two continuations - 12a ist the tame version, 12b the NSFW version. :-)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Breakfast appeared on the table in our room the moment we were fully awake. It was close to midday. We had only gotten some sleep in the early morning hours. I grinned at Rhys as he got up buttnaked and scooped up the breakfast tray to bring it to the bed. I liked that. On the tray was a sealed note. Rhys slid it open with one of the knives beside the plates. He read it waited a few seconds then gave it to me. Holding a finger to his mouth. It read: Lets enjoy the gardens together after lunch. Just the three of us. I did not understand why I should not be talking about that. Then I saw the letters swirl into a different text. Walls may have ears, Even in my home. XXX Helion I laughed. So he did not want me and Rhys discussing why we had really come to visit. Did he know? If so, it must be a very well kept secret. So we started a conversation about what Cassian had been doing the previous night. I giggled so hard when a knock came on the door. „Come!“ Rhys called and the door opened. Cassain strode in a lot of swagger surrounding him. I took one look at him and had to laugh so hard I held my stomach. Rhys simply nodded appreciatively and tossed the note to Cassian who read it and wanted to start talking but Rhys held his hand up and placed his hand on Cassians holding the paper. Cassian was not surprised and read the new lines of text smirked and nodded. My laughing fit subsided. He looked at me his head tilted to one side. „You are the one to talk!“ and we all laughed again.

After lunch we changed into warmer clothes and Helion met us in the entrance hall. Indira was there, too. Much to Cassians delight. Helion looked splendid in a tight fitting gown of light brown which complemented his skin perfectly. Rhys was not surprised for Helions daughter to be there. We strolled after him and he explained about how all the garden had been planed out over the centuries. Indira suddenly exclaimed „Mother save me. This is going to drag on forever. He loves his gardens. If you want to escape it Lady Feyre this is your chance!“ She held out a hand for me. I smiled but shook my head. „My sister is an avid gardener and I like to dabble in gardening a little bit, too. So, if you dont mind I would very much like to hear what your father has to say. I am very interested in his ... art.“ I took Helions arm and shot him a look that showed that I was interested but not in his gardens. After last night, no one would suspect. I wondered if that had already been the beginning of Helions plan to speak to us in private. Cassian raised an eyebrow and looked to Rhys who had his eyes fixed on me, pure lust oozing from them. I swallowed „Would it be ok if Cassian accompanied you?“ I asked with a twinkle in my eye. She gave a little bow to me then looked over to Cassian. A tiny reassuring nod from Rhys made him hold out his arm for Indira. „It would be my pleasure, Lady Indira.“ The mock in his voice was there for everyone to hear. They veered to the left following a different path as the three of us strode further down the garden. I still held Helions arm but he did not make any further advances. We reached a gazebo beside a little fountain that still flowed despite the winter. Helions magic keeping the water from freezing. We sat down inside and I cast my shadows around the gazebo to shield us. Rhys added a noise shield. From the outside it would look like we just wanted some privacy for our threesome. I let go of Helion and sat beside Rhys. Helion smiled „You two are very convincing actors.“ He bowed slighly to me as he sat down himself. I grinned as the memory of another act of ours came flashing into my head. I brushed it away. We had important things to discuss.

„I know that your visit here is not just to show off your High Lady, Rhys.“ Helion began. Rhys just nodded. Helions looked at me. „How did you find out?“ „Why do you think it was me?“ I asked in suprsie. He gave a chuckle „Who else could have made the connection but someone with part of me inside her. Lucian does not know himself, so he could not have told you. And Rhys would have felt the shifitng of powers but he would not have been able to determine who took over. You looked towards my court first thing after the shift. You should have focused on to the Autumn Court. So it was quite easy to make the connection.“ I nodded. „Who knows of this?“ Rhys now asked. „Lucians mother of course. And now the two of you, No one else if you have not told anyone from your court.“ Rhys shook his head. „No, we have not.“ Helion bowed his head „Thank you!“ After a while Rhys asked „Do you want to do something about it? Now that he is High Lord.“ Helion shook his head very slowly. „No, I will offer him my help and my guidance as an older an wiser fellow High Lord but I will not tell him that I am his father. The ensueing complications would make things very difficult for him.“ Rhys walked over to Helios and put a hand an his shoulder. „Good. Your secret is safe with us.“ Helion stood and bowed deeply to us. „Thank you!“

As we exited I waved away my shadows and Helion looked at me in surprise. He had not realized who had cast them. He took my arm again. Taking up our act he leaned into me. „No wonder he loves you so much. Light and darkness mated. Intoxicating.“ I grinned broadly. „Should I show him?“ I asked Rhys through the bond. „If you want to!“ Came the answer through the bond. Simultaneously a feral grin appeared on Rhys face. I shot a picture of me and Rhys in Helions mind. Of that time in the cabin when I first saw Helions power on me. Rhys cast in his shadows and me cast in my starlight, joined at the hips. Helion swallowed hard „Oh! I am so jealous!“ He croaked. His voice hoarse with lust.


Remember! 12a ist tame, 12b not at all!

Chapter 12: Frivolous frolicky Helion


Feyre and Rhys decide to share.



Chapter Text

He looked over at Rhys again. His breathing hard. Rhys chuckeled at the agony in Helions eyes but in my head he said tentatively. „Should we free him from his agony? Would you like to try?“ I looked at my mate in surprise. „Do you want to?“ Rhys tilted his head slightly. „We have...shared .... females before.“ I felt him go hard through the bond. My eyes widening I said. „You certainly want to!“ And I chuckeled. Helion was attractive no denying and from the lust pouring down the bond Rhys was into this very much. „I am open for anything that is fun, dearest.“ I send my agreement through the bond. „You lead us, Feyre darling!“

„It is not very polite to leave your host out of a lengthy conversation, you know!“ I turned towards Helion my breathing going heavier now, too. He still held my arm as I started drwaing lazy circles over his vest. „Would you like to see it in person?“ He shuddered and looked over to Rhys who just inclined his head a bit „My Lady decides what she will let you do to her.“ In an instant Helions arm slid down towards my waist and tucked me towards him. „What about: this male is mine?“ he hissed softly. I swallowed but held his stare „He still is! But for today we can all share as far the other wants to.“ At this Helion took one last look at Rhys and then he kissed me. I melted under his lips. His magic surging through me. I held out a hand for Rhys to steady myself, to cling to somehting I knew. Helion winnowed us into his bedroom. Rhys was beside me then behind me his hands all over me as he started to undress me. Helion sat down on the bed and stroked his groin his eyes heavy. Looking me up and down drinking in every inch of skin Rhys exposed as he took off my clothes layer by layer.

He stopped when only my undergarments were left. I had chosen a dark grey ensemble today. „Do you like what you see, Helion?“ He asked huskily. Helion walked up to me his clothes vanishing on he spot. His arousal standing proud. „Does it look like it?“ he crooned. He let out a moan of pleasure when he touched my chest so carefully it could have been the wind. He hooked a finger under the strap of my bra and tugged it down my arms. Just enough to not show my nipple. He continued to sweep his fingers over my torso at one point stepping behind me. I realized Rhys was no longer behind me but lay sprawled out on the bed. Utterly naked. He stroked himself watching Helion touch me. I wanted him now. I made to step forward but Helions arms closed in around me. Holding me several feet away from Rhys who had not stopped playing with his huge co*ck. I felt Helions one hand slide to my stomach spreading his fingers there pressing me into him. The other hand wandered up to my breats caressing them through the lace. I leaned into him and he groweld his approval. I took another look at Rhys. „We will do whateve you want, Feyre darling“ His words a moan through the bond. WE! I squirmed in Helions arm who had now begun to press kisses on my neck and my shoulders. „You seem to be enjoing yourself over there!“ I shot at Rhys over the bond. „I have the perfect view from here!“ I shivered as Helion got rid of my bra entriely.

He nipped at my earlobe with a little impatience. „Tztz, where are your manners, Lady Feyre. You are not letting me in on your little conversations again.“ He gave my backside a little slap. I gasped. Rhys growled but Helion resumed his musing. „Now that I have your attention, Feyre. What would you like me to do to you? You decide. As your dearest mate has put is so wonderfully.“ He licked my neck up and partially down my spine so I bent forward a bit. „Maybe that direction?“ he mused but I rose again leaning into him grinding against him a little. „Oh, that? Maybe I will give that to you later. What do you think of this?“ His finger slid up over my throat and into my mouth. Eyes on Rhys I sucked at it which earned me a huge grin from him. „Ahh...I see.“ murmured Helion. „Well he is your mate. You will know best how he likes it.“ Oh, I did know that. Helion now shoved me towards Rhys who had slung his legs over the edge of the bed as I knelt down before him. I saw Helion leaning on the post of the bed in my peripheral vison but was far too occupied with Rhys co*ck twitching in front of me. I took him into my mouth. He was so hot and so hard. Harder than I have ever had him before. Rhys threw his head back growling with pleasure. Helion gave a soft laugh as I started sucking my mate into oblivion. Well, that was what I had planned to do. But after only a short while I felt hands on my hips gently raising my ass up. Then these hands started massaging my back. Or were they Rhys hands? Then another touch between my cheeks. That must be Helion. Rhys could surely not reach that far. And as if in confirmation I felt Rhys hands on my head now. Steadying me on his co*ck, slowing me down. Helios slipped his fingers under my panties. I was still wearing those I remembered. He tore them apart with one ripping motion. Then plunged his fingers down my wet center. „I will not let you have all the fun alone, Rhys.“

Both males groaned with pent up lust. I writhed, somwhat trapped between them. Helion continued to stroke me making me moan on Rhys. I felt something hot on my back throbbing. „Mhmm....lets see if we can replicate that picture. Not exactly but ...similar.“ And with that he slid his fingers out from between my legs and replaced them with his hard length. He did not pause at my entrance but slipped right in. I felt his sunbursts trailing over my back. From his hands on my hips down onto my thighs. I also felt myself starting to glow. I could hardly take it. Rhys inside my mouth and Helion inside my core. „There we go!“ hissed Helion in approval. Thrusting in and out. Rhys now pressed me harder onto him. He had also released his power. Shadows flitting around me. I looked at his back. No wings. „No, Feyre darling. They are just for you!“ He groaned through the bond. I shivered and began sucking him again with vigour. He took his hands off my head having to steady himself on the bed. He could not take it much longer. Neither did I. Helion had now cupped my breasts with both hands and was kneading them hard. As he even started to squeeze my nipples I was very near my climax and shot a look up at Rhys. He put one hand back on my head and thrust his climax into me the moment I came. Helion came shortly after us collapsing on my back.

Exhausted we fell onto the bed that was easily large enough for three I realized. I nuzzeld my head into Rhys chest. Helion resting behind me layzily stroking a finger up and down my back. I drifted off into a superficial slumber through which at some point I heard the two males talking. „What are you planning to do against Hyburn, Rhys?“ It was Rhys now, who stroked my head. „I do not know yet. We are working on different fronts. I cannot yet tell you, I am sorry.“ „Thats totally fine, Rhys. Just let me know how I can be of help here.“ I felt Rhys nodd and started streching my arms and legs. „Ah, My Lady awakes from her beauty sleep.“ chuckeled Helion. I truned around to him. Rhys holding me in his arms. It was not awkward at all lying here with my mate and the High Lord of Dawn who had both just moments ago f*cked me true and good. No bonds attached but an ever strengthening bond of friedship. We left the Dawn Court after a sumptuous dinner that evening.

Chapter 13: Exloring Dawns and Days Gifts


Theorizing on how Lucian is not dead. Feyre gets to play with her powers from Thesan and Helion.


A quick little bit of smut at the very end! :-)

Chapter Text

At home Azriel was ready to report. Indeed it was Lucian who sat on the throne of the Autumn Court. His becoming High Lord had led to some upheaval in the Spring Court because Tamlin had not wanted to loose his most trusted court member. „But in the end even that stubborn High Lord of Spring had had to admit that it was impossible for Lucian to stay. Two High Lords cramped into one house. “ We all cuckeled. „But how did Beron and his other sons die? Had Lucian planned all of it?“ asked Mor. Azriel shook his head vigourously. „No, I am sure he has had nothing to to with his fathers or his brothers deaths. He did not want to be High Lord.“ I knew he was right. Lucian had never wanted to succed Beron. Azriel had not been able to find out why or how the all had died. And why Lucian hadnt. „My spies there report, that before his death Beron had secretly established ties to the King of Hyburn. It was known only to very few people of his Inner Circle. Not even all of them knew.“ A sharp intake of breath follwed this statement. Azriel paused but Rhys waved his hand. „He was on a visit to the King the day he died.“ Az said gravely. „No one knew. Only when his sons had died and Berons body was brought back by Hyburn emissaries“ „That bloody bastard!“ shot Amren not specifying if she meant Beron or the King of Hyburn. „Only Beron was in Hyburn? How then did his sons die?“ Azriel shurgged. „It had only been Beron who went to Hyburn. His sons died sleeping in their beds. No injuries on them. Just dead.“

„Amren?“ asked Rhys looking at her small figure in one of the seats. She tilted her head this way and then the other. „Magic, of course. You know that.“ we all nodded. But how had the King of Hyburn been able to reach Berons sons in their well guarded home? Was he that powerful? „But such a far reach ...“ Amren voiced out my thought. Rhys shifted his weight in his seat. Amren looked at him curiously. „Are you hiding something from me, High Lord?“ Rhys raised an eyebrow. I looked at Rhys now too and through the bond he shook his head. I realized what he had just moments before and pasted a neutral expression an my face. Amrens gaze snapped around at me. „Help me!“ I begged through the bond. Mors, Cassians and Azriels eyes darted between the three of us questioning looks in their face but remaining silent so as not to invoke the fury of the little firedrake in front of them. Rhys cleared his throat shifting Amrens attention back to him. „There ..might be information which I..“ Amren nudged her head towards me „...that we..cannot yet share. Not even with you, ancient one.“ Amrens face softened a bit. He knew she like to be called that. He only named her but he looked around to the others apologetically. Cassians eyebrow rose silghtly. „I will go and write a letter. Then we will see.“ And with that he stood. „And dont you dare pester Feyre for information. She swore to uphold the secret, too.“ The meeting was over. For now.

We sat in silence for a fer minutes then Amren shot me one last glance and turned to leave. Giving a curt nodd. Cassian let out a low whistle. „You withhold a secret from her and she even approves of it!“ I stared at him incredulously „That look means she approves?“ Mor cackeled. „She didnt kill you, girl. Didnt even attempt to.“ I shook my head and Mor explained further. „Up until now it has always been her to know all of Rhys secrets. Well..most of them. But now there is you. Now we have a High Lady. And she approves that you take your job seriously.“ They all smiled at me. „And you? Are you not mad, for me not telling you?“ The all shook their heads and Cassian said „Sometimes there are things that even we cannot know. And it seems you swore to keep that secret for whomever. Rhys did so, too. He would not do that if it was not important.“ And that was that.

Rhys returned from his office and taking me in his arm he kissed me on the temple. „Any trouble?“ but he grinned. „No.“ I said. „As it seems, Amren approves of how I do my new job as High Lady. Or so Cassian thinks.“ Rhys nodded. He looked at the others. „The letter is sent. Now we will have to wait for a reply. Go play!“ Cassian pursed his lips, looking me up and down. „Lets, go! You have not trained properly in over two weeks.“ Rhys chuckeled but Cassian turned to him. „Neither have you, High Lord! You go with Azriel. Just fists today for the two of you. Me and my High Lady are going to do some swordplay.“ a challenging grin on his face he waved a hand to us. Mor jumped with childish joy. „And I am going to watch you with a hot cocoa from the sofa!“ Rhys clicked his fingers and him and me stood there in full fighting leathers in a heartbeat. My sword was strung to my hip. I looked down and felt the smooth hilt under my fingers. Yes, that was a good idea.

Cassian was kind enough to put me through some warming up exercises before going at it in earnest. No dulled blades no more. He used only one of his baldes but soon he had cut me twice. Once on the thigh when I had almost lost my balance indicating me to broaden my stance and once on my shoulder indicating the wrong distance. I started to get frustrated a little when I heard Rhys vioce in my head „Do not let him get to you. He tries to throw you off balance. You are doing great!“ I looked back at Cassian and suddenly saw it in his eyes. He actually did try to throw me off balance mentally. „I can do better that this“ I said to myself. In that moment a tug came from somewhere. It was not Rhys but something else. I followed the tug carefully not letting Cassian out of my sight. Dancing around him, buying me some time. He seemed to notice that something was going on as he had lowered his sword and let me be, just circling me. I realized that the tug came from where my beads of power lay and I followed it quicker now. The red bead glowed brightly. Dawn Court. What did it want? I streched out a mental hand and it flew towards me in an instant. I shrugged back. The memory of me touching the Autumn Court bead still fresh in my mind. It paused half way towards me. „Dont be afraid, Cursebreaker!“ I was not aware of my feet no longer moving. The bead was talking to me! Talking to me!

I still did not dare to approach but the bead now came closer again. Circling me slowly. I felt its presence, its warmth. „You called for me.“ I spoke without a voice. Something like a laugh flittered over me. „You were searching for something to balance you. To help you anticipate things so they would not be able to throw you off.“ Silence. „How?“ I asked. The bead still circeld me. „I am yours to command. I am part of you. You just have never used my powers. I cannot hurt you if that is what you mean.“ I raised a mental eyebrow. „My back hurt a lot when I crashed into that wall.“ Again that flitter of laghter. „We have...different personalities...you might say. And you touched autumn without its permission. I came of my own free will.“ I sensed the truth behind its words. „Then, how do we do this?“ „We?...I like that very much, cursebreaker.“ Genuine gratefullness flowed through me. Through this new bond I was establishing. „When you start fighting again ...“ only now I realized I was standing still holding my sword loosely by my side. „Hold on to me. Try to look a little further than your opponent. Imagine looking further in time. You will be able to sense his mood and his movements.“ I understood..or rather I felt it. I held out my hand and the bead lowered itself into my palm.

And with that I blinked and saw Cassian in front of me staring. Rhys and Amren were standing to my right and Mors hand hovered over my shoulder. „There she is again.“ Amren said. Rhys looked at me couriously. I tilted my head. „How long was I out?“ „Just a minute or two.“ He answered. „What happened? We saw you slowing down and then stop completely. Standing there stock still. You feel warm..“ Rhys touched my shoulder. I grinned. „You said not to let Cassian throw me off balance. And for a moment I thought about how I could do that. I ...searched for something.“ It was Amren who spoke now a proud grin on her own face. „And you found something!“ I nodded. „They have voices, Amren. At least the one from Dawn. And personalities.“ The others looked at us confusedly at first then realizing I must be talking about the sparks I had gotten from the other High lords. Amrens eyes greweven wider „And what did it say?“ „It offered to help me. It says I could anticipate Cassians actions if I wanted to.“ Cassian looked at me and straightened his posture. „I do not know what yout wo are talking about but up until now, no one has ever been able to anticipate my movements. Not even Rhys!“ Rhys nodded. Cassian jerked up his chin, threw away his sword and assumed a fighting stance. „Lets see what you can do, My Lady!“ He gave me a mock bow as I handed my sword to Rhys.

„What did you say? Dawn? So Thesans gift. I did not know he was good at anything other than healing and diplomacy.“ He said as I started circling him. I still felt the Dawn bead connected to me. I saw that he was just talking for now. „One might see anticipation as a fitting gift for that, brother.“ Az had not spoken the entire time but was now watching me eargerly. „Not that you would understand. The subtleties of diplomacy escape you.“ I felt Azriels move before I saw it. Cassian had tried to use Azriel to distract me. Or better.. the two of them had worked together on trying to. I was on the other side of the ring pointing a knife at Azriel who stared at me. A slight raise of his eyebrows was all that betrayed his surprise. He gave a little bow and stepped back. I turned back to Cassian who gave a loud barking laugh. „Cauldron boil me! That was neat, Feyre! Lets try that again.“ We trained until the sun had set. Amren not moving from her place directly beside the sparring ring scanning me closely. Mor was lounged with Azriel on the sofa and Rhys sat in a chair on the opposite side a glass of water forgotten in his hand.

It took some time for Cassian to get past me. But as soon as I felt tiredness creeping up inside me I started losing control over the connection to the autmun bead. It was Amren who halted the trainiging soon afterwards. Cassian caught me in his arms as I stumbeled towards the sofa. I felt so tired all of a sudden. „You shouldnt have let her go on for so long!“ Cassian scolded Amren who only shook her head. „I had to know if she could control it. And, mother, she can! It is normal for her to be exhausted but that is nothing that a good meal and some sleep will not rectify.“ Rhys handed me a cup of sweetened mint tea that I gulped down eagerly. I was hungry, indeed. My mate looked at me long and hard. I felt his claw caressing my mental shield. I leaned into his mind and felt his energy soothing my aching body. „Are you allright?“ I nodded and tried to stand up. I felt a little dizzy. „Food and the sleep, lots of both.“ he declared scooping me into his arms. He sniffed at me then at himself. „But first a bath. For both of us!“

The bathtub was already filled with steaming hot water when he had carried me downstairs and into our room. He stood me in front of the tub, undressed me then picked me up again and lowered me into the scaldingly hot water. I let out a groan. Then he threw off his clothes himself and stepped into the tub making water splash over the rim seating himself opposite me. „You are one hell of a High Lady, Feyre darling. You made Cassian look like an eight year old freshly thrown into war camp.“ He said after a while. I had almost dozed off and looked at him now openly. „Well, you said I could be more powerful than any High Lord.“ He gave me a broad grin. „It time I proved you are right.“ I mused for a while. „But he got me in the end. I do not have enough control yet.“ Rhys leaned over to me urging me to turn around so he could knead my back. „Yes, my love. But he has never been challenged like that.“ My muscels finally relaxed and I got up and toweled off. Rhys just lay in the tub watching me. As I combed out my hair as an idea came to my mind. I searched for the string acttached to my golden bead and tugged on it. I felt it humm. Helions power answering the rising lust I felt seeing how my mate lounged there in the tub. Slowly, it flew towards me and I cupped it in my plam. I gave a little grin and turned to face Rhys. Who had already risen from the tub, standing mere inches away from me. „What are you doing, Feyre darling?“ His voice nothing more then a hoarse whisper. I cuckeled and showed him through the bond. He tugged me close to his wet, naked body. „You know, you do not need that to make me want you.“ Oh, I did know that. „Did it work?“ I asked with mock innocence. Rhys just gave a growl and slid his finger between my thighs. I gasped. „I will show you how it has worked!“ He scooped me up and after a few paces he threw me on the bed, nudging my legs apart and lowering himself into me. He tensed at the contact. „Please stop, Feyre. Or I will come right now.“ I chuckeled but let go of my bead. Holding him in my arms for a minute applying calming strokes down his back. He started kissing me again and then began to move in me slowly. I turned him onto his back and rode him gently until he came. „Your powers are crazy, Feyre!“ He said nesteled in my arms. I only held him tighter. „Im sorry!“ He shook his head looking me deep in the eyes. „No apologies for something that good. It was just overpowering.“ He stroked a finger over my shoulders. „We will have to train that. Without Amren.“ I laughed aloud at the prospect of Amren supervising this particular part of my training.

Chapter 14: Truth and Consequences


Helion tells the Inner Circle and they dicuss how to protect Lucian.

Chapter Text

Helions answer came the next morning. He wanted to talk to our Inner Circle in person. Rhys of course extended his invitation as the rules dictated but this would not be an official visit. In fact he asked Amren to ward the living room for the evening so as not to let anyone feel that there was a second High Lord in the realm of the Night Court. Helion would leave an image of himself at his own home to hide his visit here. Our friends did not know whom to expect but for the fact that it was a High Lord.

Rhys winnowed Helion inside himself. I got up from my spot by the fire and hugged him in welcome. Cassian, Azriel, Mor and Amren stood and bowed. If they were surprised nothing showed on their faces. „Please. I do not stand on formalities with friends.“ He looked around and they all nodded. We sat down in different chairs around the fireplace and Rhys poured each of us a healthy portion of amber liquid. Helion began „As you may have guessed when it was me to step into your home tonight, I am Lucian Vanserras father. No one but his mother and the people in this room know. I did not want him to know because that would make his position as Berons son and now as the new High Lord of the Autumn Court precarious, to say the least.“ Amren nodded. „The decision would be between you going to war with Autmun for the right to the throne or Lucian being denied the right to the throne because of his heritage.“ Helion nodded. „But there is another problem.“ Azriel said. „Everyone in the Autumn Court is trying to find out why Lucian survived. At some point they will be able to discern the spell the King of Hyburn has cast which we are sure was a bloodcurse on Berons bloodline. As soon as that happens they will know that Lucian is not of Berons blood. Albeit they will not know to whose bloodline he belongs. They do not have our little High Lord progeny detector.“ Az had told us of his suspicion concerning the cause of death of Beron and his other sons. „Indeed. That is why I am here.“ Helion said. „But why has the power shifted to him if he is not of Berons blood?“ Cassian asked. It was Rhys who answered. „Beron has accepted him as his own. That made him Berons heir despite not being of his own blood.“

Helion now continued. „I would like to find a way of telling him without me being directly involved.“ Silence fell and only the crackling of the fire was to be heard. „We could make another introductory visit.“ Cassian suggested halfheartedly. Rhys scoffed “The newly minted high Lady of the Night Court paying a visit to the newly minted High Lord of Autumn? Right after his suggestably very suspicious ascension?” Cassian shrugged. Amren shook her head. “That would destabilize him even more.” Silence again. I looked over at Azriel “Could you get someone in unnoticed?” Rhys leaned forward, his eyes narrowed “You want to talk to him?” I tilted my head. “Lucian would not believe Az. But he would believe me. I have to talk to him in person.” Now it was Cassian who interjected. “I will not let my High Lady walk into enemy territory alone!” “I will not be alone. Az is with me!” I shot at him. I would not let them get overprotective just because I was High Lady now. Helion chuckled. “And I was almost jealous to not have a High Lady. Now I see that it would complicate things a lot.” Rhys strode over to me and squeezed my shoulder. “It does. A little.” He said after a quick glance from me “But Cassian is right Feyre. You cannot go there with just Az.” He held my stare and I saw the genuine concern. “You ARE our High Lady after all! I will not risk anything happening you.” I almost stomped my foot but then he said “Cassian will go, too.”

Helion lounged back in his chair now, grinning. “Compromises! Rhys I did not know you were capable of those!” But Mor was still not having it. “You cannot let her go there. What if he kidnapps her? What if he hurts her?” “He wont. I know him.” I insisted. Rhys shook his head in agreement. “I do not think that either. The problem will be getting you in and out without anyone noticing.” He glanced over at Azriel who nodded. Mor started to say something but it was Amren who interjected. “Feyre ist totally right. Lucian Vanserra will not talk to any of you. We cannot send Rhys or even Helion because that would draw too much attention. And it is essential for Lucians wellbeing and the stability of the Autumn Court that this search for the cause of his wonderous survival ends. And fast!” No one could say something against that.

Helion got up. “Since everything I can contribute is said, I should return to my home. My spells hiding my absence will only last that long.” He bowed to everyone “Thank you for helping me and my son!” Rhys walked him out. Amren lifted the additional wards. We sat in silence until Rhys returned. At the look on Mors face he raised his and. “Its decided, Mor. It’s the only viable solution.” Mor grunted “But I do not like it.” “Neither do I.” Ryhs said looking at Azriel. “We need to come up with a good plan, and fast.” Azriel nodded. Amren scratched her chin and said “Maybe, Feyre can help. Maybe her Autumn bead can help.” She looked at me expectantly. “I wouldn’t know how.” I had to confess and looked at Azriel. The Shadowsinger scratched his head. “I know a safe path in. But I would not know how to contact Lucian without anyone else noticing.”

I looked at Helions now empty seat. The autumn bead had blasted me away the last time. I was quite sure it would not be as easy accessible as Helions gift. Then I remembered the note Helion had given us. “Helion gave us this hidden message. Am I right that there was a spell on it so only High Lords could read it?” Rhys nodded and understood. “But I have never done this spell myself. I never had the need.” “But you know it?” Rhys shifted in his seat. Amren chuckeld. “Our dearest High Lord is good at producing shields and warding places and people. Very good indeed. But with other spellcasting he is...how shall I put it.” “Not very good.” Rhys said with a slight grin. “I cannot be perfect at everything, Amren, can I!” Mor now positively howled with laughter. “He is a desaster waiting to happen if he tries to use spells that go beyond his own inherent kind of magic.” Rhys pursed his lips but his eyes twinkeld. “That is why I did not get Siphons. Any time I tried to channel magic that is not embedded in my very being it was catastrophic. And on the other hand I have more than enough power on my hands without needing to use spells.” Amren angeled her head towards me. “Which does not stop us from needing this spell. Because I think this would be the perfect way to arrange a secret meeting. Can you teach her? I do not know these High Lordy sort of things.” “You do not know how a spell works, tiny ancient one?” Cassian said teasingly. “You be careful over there, little wing, or I show you what spells I can cast.” Amren shot back. We all laughed.

Chapter 15: Learning how to Write a Letter


Feyre learns how to write a secret note just like Helion had sent them. Rhys is very apprehensive to teach her.

Chapter Text

Rhys agreed to try only after having a good nights sleep. But he asked Amren to do so in our warded trainingroom with her present so she could shield me if something happened. Ryhs was a little worried I could sense that. He did not sleep well and hardly ate breakfast. When we finally closed the door behind us and Amren rose the wards his face was ashen. “What is it Rhys?” I asked him thorugh the bond. He just shook his head and looked at Amren instead. “You really can protect her?” She nodded gravely. What was ist that he was so afraid of? He nodded but did not look me in the eye. I walked over to him and said “I will not continue this until I know what it is exactly that makes you so frightened!” I took his face in my hand so he had to look me in the eyes. “I am not afraid of you, Rhys. Remember?” A small smile flitted across his face. “Tell me, please!” He had tried to look away again but I held him firm. Finally he gave in “The story with the siphons is well known. But later when my father had separated Cassian, Az and me to fight in different legions in the war there was another incident. They do not know about this. I had tried to find my brothers for a long time. I felt so alone, so vulnerable without them. Always reading the casualty lists but never finding their names on them. I thought I could find them. Find out where they were staioned by magic.” he paused for a bit “I blasted a whole warcamp apart trying. That was the last time that I tried to use spell magic. And now I am supposed to teach you.” He wrung his hands. Amren had stayed completely still.

“This time it is different, Rhys. You have me here with you. I am your mate and your High Lady. I have a spark of you inside me. You cannot harm me. I can help you do this. Nothing bad will happen. Lets just take this slowly.” He kept looking at me and relaxed a bit. “She is right, you know.” We both jumped. I had totally forgotten that Amren was here with us. “She is connected to you in several ways. Maybe she can actually guide you. Let us try this.” and she asked Rhys to just explain how the magic worked not show me how it was done. We had both held the message from Helion but I had not felt the spell on it. Rhys thought about it for a while. “It is somewhat like the little written messages we used to sent back and forth.” The memories made us both smile. Amren simply stared “Ok..” I said. Show me.” and Rhys produced a slip of paper and a pen. He wrote something on it and magicked the piece towards me. “How do you get it to appear before me?” “There are pockets a person with magical abilities can access and store things in. They can be opened in different places.” I took the slip of paper in my hand and felt for the pocket. I did not feel anything. But then I relaized that I probably couldnt because this was Rhys pocket. I spoke my thought and Amren agreed. “But what does that have to do with the hidden message?” “Well, a letter belongs to time and space just as the pockets do. So with a spell you can basically attach a pocket to the letter.” I saw where he was going. “And since it is not your pocket but a newly made one, another person could access it. So Helion made a pocket that only we as High Lords would be able to access.” Ryhs nodded. Alright so far so good.

“And here comes the difficult part. I know how to do this but I am afraid I cannot control the spell.” I had him sit down in the chair I usually took during my lessons with Amren. I myself took Amrens place opposite Rhys. Amren watching us from the side like a hawk. “Let us start slow. Show me step by step and when it seems to get out of your control we will stop.” He nodded and I took his hands in mine. In my head I saw a paper in front of me and a message being written onto it. Then a flurry of runes rushed passed me. Too fast to see, too chaotic. I felt Rhys panic. “Slow down! Take it a few steps back. I cannot see.” I stroked the backs of his hands with my fingers. He tensed. I saw him starting with a new sheet of paper. Saw the new message written on it. “Good.” I said “Now slowly. Where do the runes come from?” “They are just there.” Rhys said a little impatient. I stepped beside him in his mind. He looked at me fear in his eyes. I tilted my head and said “Not afraid. Remember? Again. Show me where you took the runes from.” I now saw his hand hovering over the paper and his darkness flowed from them creating each and every rune. I felt his excitement and the urge to rush. I stroked his back “Slowly, Rhys. How do I choose which runes to use?” He calmed down again and said “It is like choosing the right darkness. You know?” I nodded. “The darkness that soothes, the darkness that frightens, the darkness of lovers, the darkness of thieves.” I felt his darkness surrounding us and stars sprung into life. “I like that very much, my love, but we have to concentrate on somthing else now.” I grinned at him and he finally grinned back. “See! Together we can do anything!” He grasped my hands more firmly and continued to show me how the runes formed the new space for the second message. It was like pasting a second layer of paper under the first one. “And now for the key to read it. How do I imprint it only for a High Lord to read?” “I have never done that, Feyre. It has something to do with our power. Not the power specific to each court but to a High Lord in his essence.” I thought about that for a moment. “So what is it that you all have in common?” They all were strong, they all were powerful, they all ruled by birthright, they all had huge amounts of people to govern, to protect. But not only their own people. What did they all have in common? And then it came to me. “You all live to protect prythian!” Rhys eyes went wide but he agreed. “Shall we try?” I asked.

“You two took your time!” Amren said still watching us. “How long?” I asked. “Two hours!” she huffed. “And the only thing I could see from here is you stroking his fingers and then the two of you grinning your heads off. “Why am I here? So far nothing remotely dangerous has happened.” Rhys rubbed his neck exhaustion showing in his face. “Thanks to Feyre. If she had not slowed me down I might have incinerated the whole room for all we know.” I had stepped towards a writing desk in the corner an had taken a piece of paper. I wrote on it “Amren is a very good friend.” Then I tried to imagine the runes I needed to form the second layer. I felt them tickling on my skin. The moment they burst from my fingers I set the paper on flame. “Oops!” I shrieked and Rhys and Amren were by my side immediately. “Slowly, Feyre darling!” He crooned. I squinted my eyes at him and took another sheet of paper. I wrote the same words again. Then I took a steadying breath and tried again. This time the sheet just smoked at the fringes. But still no success. “Maybe you should sit down, girl.” Amren suggested. And so I did. Rhys sat on the armrest stroking my back as I got increasingly frustrated. It was hard not to rush the process as soon as the runes were set free from my hands. I burned several more papers. “Cauldron boil me! Why is that so fast?” I shouted and Amren suggested “Maybe we should take a break. You have been in her for over three hours now. Go get something to eat. We will try again after lunch.” Rhys wholeheartely agreed.

The break was much needed as we relaized only when we both had finished three plates of food each. Afterwards I asked Nuala for some tea and we sat outside in the sun for a while until Amren joined us. She carried a stack of papers and a pen. “I do not think we will need to go back to the training room. You both have enough control over this.” Rhys looked skeptical but he agreed. I walked over to a small writing desk. It was the desk Rhys had sat me down on for my reading and writing lessons. I grinned as I took the first piece of paper and wrote “You look absolutely delicious today!” Rhys read over my shoulder and let out a barking laugh. Then he looked at me with his violet eyes with the stars sparkling from them. “How far we have come from that day, Feyre!” He kissed me on the head and said. “Go on!” I waited for him and Amren to settle down into two nearby chairs then looked at the paper for a moment and imagined forming the second layer. The runes flowed out of my fingers. More slowly now. They setteld on the paper and the original writing dissapeared. I took up the pen and wrote “Rhysand is the best lover a female can ever dream of.” I held out the paper to them. They took it in their hand but both could only see the first sentence. “I have to imprint the key now. How?” Rhys stood for a moment then said. “Imagine putting a seal on it that represents the funktion you have chosen. So only if I have the matching abilities it will fit.” I turned around again. I imagined the runes to form something similar to a wax seal. I wove the responsibility and love for Prythian that every High Lord had into the seal. When it had setteled I handed the note back to Amren. She still could not see anything other than the first sentence. Shrugging her shoulders she handed the paper over to Rhys looking at him expectantly. It took him a while but then a huge smile grew on his face. I had done it.

Now the question was what to put into the message. The open one was easy. The High Lord and Lady of the Night Court congratulating the new High Lord of Autumn. Rhys would be writing this part. I would be writing the second one as we knew Lucian would recognize my handwriting. I had written a lot in secret during my time in the spring court and it had been him who had walked in on me practising in the library multiple times after my first visit to Rhys. But what chould I write to him to make him come and meet me? Alone at that? I decided on the truth. I had always had the impression to be able to tell him the truth about everything. Also I wanted to keep it simple. Lucian had never liked it when people hit around the bush before coming to the point. So I wrote:


your life and your throne are in danger. I have information vital to your survival.
Please meet me at sundown at the Solari stables in three days time.

I can imagine that this is a very hard time for you. I am so sorry.


I showed it to Rhys who approved and read it aloud to Azriel who nodded. “Good choice.” Rhys asked. “Why? Where are the Solari stables?” I smiled. “They are Lucians favourite childhood hideout. He once told me.” Az chuckeled and explained to Rhys. “I did not know that particular detail but they are a little walk away from the main stables and there is not much personel tending to the horses there. It is the place where the older horses who are no longer fit for fighting are kept.” I had not known that detail. But I could very much imagine Lucian tending to those elderly horses as a kid. No one else from his high family deining to waist time on them.

Rhys chose for Cassian to be the envoy to deliver the letter. He was to go there as messenger of the Night Court so nothing would happen to him. He was to return the same day. Azriel and I would be leaving the next day for we could not winnow into the Autumn Court territory directly. We would use one of the pathways from here into Winter Court territory and cross the border from there. Once in Autumn Court Az would winnow us in small increments. I was able to winnow myself of course but we did not want to risk my powers as a High Lady beig detected as we were crossing into another High Lords territory. I did not come unnanounced but nonetheless without having the High Lord having extended his invitation.

Casian left and returned without problem. “Do you think he was able to see the second message?” Rhys asked and Cassian shrugged. “He held it for quite a long time.” I looked over to Rhys whose gaze was dark. “You will not go if we are not sure he agrees.” Az who was here too to hear Cassians report, nodded. I understood. So I asked. “What did he say exactly, Cassian.” “He said the proper polite thank yous but then he commented on your signature.” I had not signed the congratulatory letter in my own hand. So he had read the second message. So far so good. “He said that he would have never believed for an illiterate human to be able to develop such intricate hadnwriting and not to tear the paper apart when writing their own name.” Rhys hissed. But I put a hand on his arm. Cassian continued “I almost said something stupid at that.” I raised an eyebrow. “Dont worry, I didnt.” “Why?” asked Azriel. “Because he did not look at me and I wanted to spit it in his face. But then I saw that he was stroking a thumb over your signature. He then said that his lessons had done something good to you after all. And when he looked back at me there was something in his eyes that made me bow and say my farewells instead.” he shrugged but I smiled. This had been what I needed. “He understood!” I stated. “How would you know? He merely insulted you.” Ryhs growled. I shook my head. “Lucian once found me in the library practicing my letters. I was trying to write my name. He said that I was going to tear the paper the way I was holding my pen. And that he would give me lessons if I wanted to. In private. Not letting Tamlin know about them.” Azriels eyes widened almost imperceptively. Rhys looked at me intently. “That is why your writing was so much better the second time I came to fetch you?” I grinned. “And you are sure that he wants to meet?” Azriel said. I understood his hesitation. “Yes. I am. But nonetheless we will stick to our plan. Travel slowly and stay hidden. When we reach the stables there should be plenty of time for you to scout them out before the time we set in the letter. If anything is amiss, we will leave.” I turned to Rhys for confirmation. He looked at me gravely but nodded. “You will leave tomorrow morning.” He tucked me into his arms and kissed me. “My High Lady!” I smiled up at him when he had released me. Azriel and Cassian bowed. “We will come get you at sunset.” He vanished into his shadows.

Chapter 16: Visiting an Old Friend


Feyre reconnects with Lucian.

Chapter Text

The journey to The Forest House went well. We encountered sentinels halfway through to our destination but we were able to hide in a nearby cave. We lay low in that cave for a while. After that but no further patrols came our way. We saw several hunters but they were common faries not trained warriors so they were of no real threat to us. Az was surprised to see them hunting here and went to listen tot heir conversations on the second night of our journey. He looked quite satisfied when he came back. “Lucian seems to already have made some changes. These woods are close to The Forrest House. The common folk have not been allowed to hunt here. The small towns in the vicinity have had to by their meat on the market or travel further away to hunt. The woods here are fruitful because of their High Lords powers. More than enough to feed the people in this area including the court thrice over. But Beren had never allowed it. Lucian seems to have lifted that ban.” I smiled. Maybe there would be further changes in Autumn court politics under Lucians reign. Cassian agreed. “But he has to be careful not to go too fast. He is untried and unexperienced.” I agreed “The more need to stabilize his throne for him.”

The next day brought us as close to the Solari stables as Azriel dared to without further reconnaisance. Cassian and I setteled down in a shallow cave in the woods. Azriel returned after only a short while looking devastated. “New wards have been erected around the complete area of the Forrest House. Including the Solari Stables. They end just a few feet from the paddock there.” “Can you get trough?” I asked. “With time, yes. But we do not have that time.” “What kind of wards are they?” Azriel explained that they were wards erected by the High Lord himself. “So, something like the bloodbound wards we had in Adriata?” He nodded seeing where I was going. “This is dangerous, Feyre. I do not know if Rhys would want you to ...” I tilted my head and shot him a look as this all too familiar anger welled up in me. He raised his hands but spoke gently “I know...no overprotection. But this is real, Feyre. And its not only about Rhys. You are my responsibility. I am here to keep you safe. High Lady or not. I know you are capapble but we have to weigh the risks.” I calmed down. I understood his concerns. “I did it in Adriata. This is no different” I said. This time Cassian titeld his head from left to right and back. “Yes, and you set off all possible alarms then. And your last contact to your autumn powers did not go that well, did it?” This grounded me in an instant. I sighed. “But this here ...Azriel he waved a hand. “might actually be a bit different.” we looked at him questioningly. “We have two High Lords powers at play here.” We indeed had, I realized. Lucian bore Helions powers inside him. “Could I take a look? Feel the wards myself?” Az agreed and I reached out for him. Azriel reached for Cassian and winnowed us.

We emerged at the edge of a treeline, still hidden in its shadows. The sun was beginning to set behind the stables, I could see in front of us. We did not have too much time. I closed my eyes and felt for the wards careful not to touch them. I saw swirls of red and gold woven into them and felt warmth coming off of them and told Azriel so. “Thats how I descerned they were made by Lucian. Its his powers you see.” I nodded. “How does one raise a ward?” I asked. Azriel axplained it as a sort of weaving magic into a courtain. “One weaves patterns into it depending on whom you want to be able to cross.” “Like with the runes?” He nodded. I wanted to get a little closer and so Az wrapped us in his shadows and we approached the paddock. Cassian stayed behind. In the distance I saw something move and we froze immediately. A person stood there looking in our direction. I took a hold of Azriels upper arm readying myself to winnow us far away should the person sound an alarm. But he just stood there for a while. Finally he walked over to a horse grazing on the paddock. He grabbed its bridle and began walking it around the small paddock. At his first few steps I realized that it was Lucian. So he had come. I looked at Azriel who nodded. He had recognized him, too. So we stayed in place. Lucian drew ever nearer to where we stood and as he walked past us he said quitely as if talking to the horse. “If it is really you, Feyre, you will be able to get through these wards. You have the autumn spark in you.” and with that he turned towards the stable disappering insde.

There was no time for debate now. I looked at Az intently. “He says, I will get trough.” He took my shoulders. “Rhys will kill me if something goes wrong.” I nodded and kissed his cheek turning around to face the wards again. I covered myself in my own darkness and stretched out a hand. My power as High Lady should not cause any disturbance now because Lucian had invited me in. I looked at the point where I knew the ward began and imagined its weaved structure. I felt for my autumn bead and found it to be much calmer than before. I called to it and it approached me slowly. The day bead followed in an instant without me calling for it. I now saw the runes that made up the weave of the ward and willed them to make way for me. It took me a while but at some point I saw a path being cleared for me and stepped through. I looked back at Azriel who I knew was able to feel me. I took a deep breath and walked towards the stable swiftly. Lucian had left the doors wide open so I was able to enter. I stood there for a second an watched him groom the horse he had led from the paddock. I removed my darkness and he turned his head to look at me.

“So it really is you!” He stood proud and tall like the High Lord of Autumn. The High Lord he had never wanted to be, I remembered. I saw how tired he looked. Saw the fear behind his eyes. He returned to grooming the horse. “Yes, its me.” I said and took a step closer. “Is it really you, Feyre?” He asked carefully. I smiled “Yes and no. I have come a long way to be the person I now am.” He finally turned around to face me fully. “A way I was not able to help you walk.” I heard the sorrow in his words. I felt it. I blinked. “You had no chance to do so, Lucian.” I began but he interrupted me immediately. “No, I shloud have stood by your side, Feyre. I shouldnt have let Tamlin and Ianthe almost kill you. You were my friend!” Tears now welled from his eyes. He covered his face with his hands. I closed the distance between us in a heartbeat. “I still am your friend, Lucian!” He looked up at me hesitantly. “How could you be? I almost let you die. And then I left you at the Night Court. I cannot even start to imagine what horrors you had to endure there. What he had probably made you do in order for you to survive.” He looked me up and down and I realzied he remembered the parties at Amaranthas court. I smiled again. “Do I look to you like I have experienced horrors?”

He blinked away his tears and looked at me again. I stood in front of him tall and proud, healthy and full of energy. “I am High Lady of the Night Court, Lucian. And Rhys is my mate. He helped me heal. My family hepled me heal.” I said this with all sincerety. “He really is your mate? He did not trick you into this?” I shook my head. “Would you like me to show you my family?” He looked around suspiciosly but I shook my head. “I would like you to see a memory of mine.” His eyes widend. “How?” I took a step back so as not to scare him. “I am daemati, Lucian. One of the gifts I recieved from the High Lords.” He almost recoiled, almost. “I will not hurt you. I will not even enter your mind. Its just a memory I want to share. “ He took the step I had taken backwards to stand right in front of me again. “How?” He asked. I smiled holding out my hand. “Just look. Its right there a the front of my mind. You can access it yourself.” He took my hand slowly and then his eyes went wide. I showed him the memory of my annointing. When it had finished he stood there for a while still holding my hand. “This is not a ly?” He asked but I felt he doubted his own words. I simply shook my head. A heartbeat later he drew me into his arms sobbing at my shoulder. “Now, now, High Lord!” I said jokingly stroking his back. Lucian quickly recovered his composure. “You really are ok?” He asked again. “Mother save me, Lucian. What else do I have to show you?” We both grinned and I hugged him once more.

“Alright, alright. I believe you!” He said with a grin. We looked at each other until each of our smiles faded. Lucian spoke first. “So. What is this information you have?” I sighed and asked “What do you think is the cause of your fathers and your brothers deaths?” He shrugged his shoulders. “Beron was killed by the King of Hyburn himself. That much is clear. As for my brothers...we are currently conducting a thorough interrogation of every staff member of the Forrest House. There must be a spy in here who helped kill them.” I sighed. Lucian looked at me warily. “So no one has ever considered this to be a blood curse?” Is asked. He tilted his head from one side to the other. “Some of my advisors did. But how could it be? I had to be dead, too. They suggested it might have missed me because I had been sworn to Tamlins court.” I nodded but then shook my head. “They are on the right track. But their solution is wrong.” I stood in front of him and took his shoulders into my hands. “You will not find the spies that killed you brothers. But you should keep to this spring court protection story.” I stopped for a moment and took a deep breath. “It was in fact a blood course. A blood curse on Berons bloodline.” I paused again to let the information sink in. “So I should be dead.” he huffed but I only shook my head. Looking him deep in the eyes. Lucians eyes went wide. “Who?” was all he could manage realizing the implications. “Helion.” Lucian gasped. “He and your mother had been lovers way before she married Beron. They met only once after her marriage. And then you were born.” He had sat down on a haybale now. “Helion? Like the High Lord Helion of the Day Court?” I nodded sitting next to him stroking his back again. He shook his head. “I am Helions son?” again I nodded. “I am the heir of the Day court?” Now it was for me to go wideeyed. I had not thought so far. “Well, I guess so.” I said slowly. “The High Lord of Autumn is heir to the day court! What a mess!” Lucian spoke the words for me and I looked up at him. A smile stole to our faces. We started to giggle.

He put his head on my shoulder and heaved a deep sigh. “Thank you for telling me.” He stood up. “I have always felt different from my brothers. Somehow not connected to my father...to Beron.” He corrected himself. I stood, too, and said “I should leave now.” Lucian nodded hugging me again. “Thank you! Will you please extend my thanks to your High Lord?” I nodded. “I will.” he held me back. “I have missed you, Feyre! Will you come visit me again? A more official visit perhaps? You can bring your courtiers, too.” he added grinning. “We do not call them courtiers, you know. To us they are family.” I said a smile on my face. And with that I wrapped myself in shadow again and left.

Azriel and Cassian were pacing up and down the perimeter of the ward in Azs shadows. When they saw me they stopped and came towards where I would be passing the ward. I felt the ward being lifted for me and stepped through it without hesitation. Cassian looked me up and down and I touched his shoulder with a nod reassuring him that everything was ok. Azriel looked back over my shoulder. Lucian stood there in the entrance to the stable. I lifted the shadows around us for a short moment. Azriel realized and they both bowed deeply before Lucian before we walked back towards the treeline. “So, all went well, I presume?” He asked. I nodded. “Very well. We will have a great ally in the war to come.” Azriel gave me an appreciative nodd. “Shall we go home no?” I asked and took both their hands and winnowed us home.

Chapter 17: Back home


Thats all yall! nothing more....:-)

Remember: 12b is the NSFW version!

Chapter Text

We left the Dawn Court after a sumptuous dinner that evening.

A Court of Darkness and Starlight - ListenToTheStarsOfOld (2024)
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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.