What Does an Investor Do? What Are the Different Types? (2024)

What Is an Investor?

An investor is any person or other entity (such as a firm or mutual fund) who commits capital with the expectation of receiving financial returns. Investors rely on different financial instruments to earn a rate of return and accomplish important financial objectives like building retirement savings, funding a college education, or merely accumulating additional wealth over time.

A wide variety of investment vehicles exist to accomplish goals, including (but not limited to) stocks, bonds, commodities, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), options, futures, foreign exchange, gold, silver, retirement plans, and real estate. Investors can analyze opportunities from different angles, and generally prefer to minimize risk while maximizing returns.

Investors typically generate returns by deploying capital as either equity or debt investments. Equity investments entail ownership stakes in the form of company stock that may pay dividends in addition to generating capital gains. Debt investments may be as loans extended to other individuals or firms, or in the form of purchasing bonds issued by governments or corporations which pay interest in the form of coupons.

Key Takeaways

  • Investors use different financial instruments to earn a rate of return to accomplish financial goals and objectives.
  • Investment securities include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, derivatives, commodities, and real estate.
  • Investors can be distinguished from traders in that investors take long-term strategic positions in companies or projects.
  • Investors build portfolios either with an active orientation that tries to beat the benchmark index or a passive strategy that attempts to track an index.
  • Investors may also be oriented toward either growth or value strategies.

Styles and Risk Tolerance

Investors are not a uniform bunch. They have varying risk tolerances, capital, styles, preferences, and time frames. For instance, some investors may prefer very low-risk investments that will lead to conservative gains, such as certificates of deposits and certain bond products.

Other investors, however, are more inclined to take on additional risk in an attempt to make a larger profit. These investors might invest in currencies, emerging markets, or stocks, all while dealing with a roller coaster of different factors on a daily basis.

Institutional investors are organizations such as financial firms or mutual funds that build sizable portfolios in stocks and other financial instruments. Often, they are able to accumulate and pool money from several smaller investors (individuals and/or firms) in order to make larger investments. Because of this, institutional investors often have far greater market power and influence over the markets than individual retail investors.

Passive Investors vs. Active Investors

Investors may also adopt various market strategies. Passive investors tend to buy and hold the components of various market indexes and may optimize their allocation weights to certain asset classes based on rules such as Modern Portfolio Theory's (MPT) mean-variance optimization. Others may be stock pickers who invest based on fundamental analysis of corporate financial statements and financial ratios—these are active investors.

One example of an active approach would be the "value" investors who seek to purchase stocks with low share prices relative to their book values. Others may seek to invest long-term in "growth" stocks that may be losing money at the moment but are growing rapidly and hold promise for the future.

Passive (indexed) investing is becoming increasingly popular, where it is overtaking active investment strategies as the dominant stock market logic. The growth of low-cost target-date mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, and robo-advisors are partly responsible for this surge in popularity.

Those interested in learning more about investing, passive & active investors, and other financial topics may want to consider enrolling in one of the best investing courses currently available.

Financial investments have the very specific goal of buying something that (hopefully) appreciates in value. Consider other forms of investing such as returning to school to complete your degree or embarking on a diet to ensure good health in the future.

Types of Investors

Angel Investors

An angel investor is a high-net-worth private individual that provides financial capital to a startup or entrepreneur. The capital is often provided in exchange for an equity stake in the company. Angel investors can provide a financial injection either once or on an ongoing basis. An angel investor typically provides capital in the early stages of a new business, when risk is high. They often use excess cash on hand to allocate towards high-risk investments.

Venture Capitalists

Venture capitalists are private equity investors, usually in the form of a company, that seek to invest in startups and other small businesses. Unlike angel investors, they do not seek to fund businesses in the early stages to help get them off the ground, but rather look at businesses that are already in the early stages with a potential for growth. These are companies often looking to expand but not having the means to do so. Venture capitalists seek an equity stake in return for their investment, help nurture the growth of the company, and then sell their stake for a profit.

P2P Lending

P2P lending, or peer-to-peer lending, is a form of financing where loans are obtained from other individuals, cutting out the traditional middleman, such as a bank. Examples of P2P lending include crowdsourcing, where businesses seek to raise capital from many investors online in exchange for products or other benefits.

Personal Investors

A personal investor can be any individual investing on their own and may take many forms. A personal investor invests their own capital, usually in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Personal investors are not professional investors but rather those seeking higher returns than simple investment vehicles, like certificates of deposit or savings accounts.

Institutional Investors

Institutional investors are organizations that invest the money of other people. Examples of institutional investors are mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, hedge funds, and pension funds. Because institutional investors raise large amounts of capital from many investors, they are able to purchase large amounts of assets, usually big blocks of stocks. In many ways, institutional investors can influence the price of assets. Institutional investors are large and sophisticated.

Investors vs. Traders

An investor is typically distinct from a trader. An investor puts capital to use for long-term gain, while a trader seeks to generate short-term profits by buying and selling securities over and over again.

Investors typically hold positions for years to decades (also called a "position trader" or "buy and hold investor") while traders generally hold positions for shorter periods. Scalp traders, for example, hold positions for as little as a few seconds. Swing traders, on the other hand, seek positions that are held from several days to several weeks.

Investors and traders also focus on different types of analysis. Traders typically focus on the technical factors of a stock, known as technical analysis. A trader is concerned with what direction a stock will move in and how to take advantage of that movement. They are not as concerned about whether the value moves up or down.

Investors, on the other hand, are more concerned with the long-term prospects of a company, often focusing on its fundamental values. They make investment decisions based on the likelihood of appreciation of a stock's share price.

One of the absolute easiest ways to become an investor is to sign up for your company's 401(k) plan.

How to Become an Investor

Many individuals naturally become investors, especially considering those that prioritize long-term savings and putting money away for retirement. Begin by learning the basics of investing such as the various types of assets (e.g. stocks, bonds, real estate), investment strategies (e.g. value investing, growth investing), and risk management. Early in your investing career, be mindful of your risk tolerance. Though greater returns are often had by taking on greater risk, there is also greater downside or loss of original capital.

To invest in stocks, bonds, and other securities, you'll need to open a brokerage account with a reputable broker. To invest in real estate or physical property, you'll want to be well-versed in local real estate law. Other specific assets will have specific requires as well, such as a digital wallet for cryptocurrency or physical protection for bullion or tangible precious metals.

Because investing is much different from trading, it's critical to determine your investment goals, such as your target return and time horizon. This will help you choose the right investments (such as a target date fund) and make informed decisions. For example, if your goal is to invest money for retirement, you likely have a much long horizon compared to if your goal for investing is to purchase a new car in several years. Depending on what you are trying to achieve, you will want to frame your investing strategy around your long-term target.

Last, it is important to keep up with market trends and news that may impact your investments. This can help you make informed decisions and adjust your strategy as needed. Depending on your holdings, this may be related to financial, political, international, or social news that may have a ripple effect on the valuation of what you own.

What Do Investors Invest in?

The basic philosophy of investing is simple: a person contributes capital towards an asset with the expectation that the value of that asset will be higher when it comes time to sell or liquidate the asset. For this reason, an investor can literally invest in anything may appreciate in value. This is evident by the lucrative deals seen by investors buying and selling tiny rectangles of cardboard (i.e. baseball cards). A more comprehensive list of traditional or common things investors invest in is below:

  • Stocks: Investors can buy shares of publicly traded companies, which represent ownership in the company and provide a share of its profits. Many brokers now allow for partial share ownership, so investors are not necessarily required to own a full share of a company's stock.
  • Bonds: Investors can buy fixed-income securities such as government bonds or corporate bonds, which pay interest and return the principal investment at maturity. The risk with bonds is the value of the investment will fluctuate based on prevailing interest rates.
  • Real estate: Investors can buy properties, either directly or through real estate investment trusts (REITs), which provide rental income and may appreciate in value over time. In addition, landlords may collect cashflow from operations for properties being rented.
  • Mutual funds: Investors can invest in a professionally managed portfolio of stocks, bonds, or other assets. The goal behind mutual funds is to have diversification and lower risk compared to investing in individual, specific assets.
  • Exchange-traded funds (ETFs): Investors can invest in a basket of stocks, bonds, or other assets, similar to mutual funds. However, ETFs also have the added benefit of being traded on stock exchanges like individual stocks.
  • Commodities: Investors can invest in physical commodities such as gold, silver, oil, or agricultural products, which may offer protection against inflation and other economic risks. This can be traded as physical items or derivative contracts. Most often, these assets have value because of their real-world use as tangible items.
  • Alternative investments: Investors can invest in alternative assets such as private equity, venture capital, hedge funds, cryptocurrency, art, or collectibles. Though potentially riskier investments, the end goal is always the same: to own something increases in value over time.

What Are the 3 Types of Investors in a Business?

The three types of investors in a business are pre-investors, passive investors, and active investors. Pre-investors are those that are not professional investors. These include friends and family that are able to commit a small amount of capital towards your business. Passive investors are those that are professional investors that commit capital but do not play an active role in managing the business. An example would be angel investors. Active investors are those that commit capital but are also actively involved in the business. They make decisions on strategy, senior management, and more. Examples include venture capitalists and private equity firms.

How Do Investors Make Money?

Investors make money in two ways: appreciation and income. Appreciation occurs when an asset increases in value. An investor purchases an asset in the hopes that its value will grow and they can then sell it for more than they bought it for, earning a profit. Income is the regular payment of funds from the purchase of an asset. For example, a bond pays fixed payments at regular intervals.

What Qualities Make a Good Investor?

To be a successful investor, a certain set of skills are required. These include diligence, patience, acquisition of knowledge, risk management, discipline, optimism, and the setting of goals.

The Bottom Line

An investor is an individual or entity that utilizes its capital or the capital of others with the goal of receiving a return. Investors can range from a person buying stocks at home on their online brokerage account to multi-billion dollar funds investing globally. The end objective is always the same, to seek some return (profit) in order to build wealth.

Investors commit their capital to a wide variety of investment vehicles, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, mutual funds, hedge funds, businesses, and commodities. Investors encounter risk when they commit capital and walk a balance between managing risk and return.

What Does an Investor Do? What Are the Different Types? (2024)


What Does an Investor Do? What Are the Different Types? ›

Investors can be individuals or institutions that invest money with the expectation of generating a return. They invest in a wide variety of assets such as stocks, bonds, real estate and more. Investors tend to take a longer-term perspective than traders, who may hold their positions for just a matter of days or less.

What is the role of investors? ›

An investor is an individual that puts money into an entity such as a business for a financial return. The main goal of any investor is to minimize risk and maximize return. It is in contrast with a speculator who is willing to invest in a risky asset with the hopes of getting a higher profit.

What are the different types of investors describe each? ›

The three types of investors in a business are pre-investors, passive investors, and active investors. Pre-investors are those that are not professional investors. These include friends and family that are able to commit a small amount of capital towards your business.

What are the different types of people who invest? ›

Private investors are individuals or firms that show a keen interest in investing their money in a company to lend a financial hand to the company & contribute to its growth & earning value for their investments. They create their business portfolio by making small capital investments.

What is an investor and what do they do? ›

An investor is a person or organization that provides capital with the expectation of earning a return on their investment. Investors assume the risk that a venture may fail and are compensated in the form of a return if they are successful.

What is the job of investor? ›

What Is an Investor? Investors commit their own money or their client's money into products, property, or financial ventures in order to gain more money in return. As an investor, you may invest in the stock market and purchase stocks, bonds, mutual funds, options, and futures.

How do investors make money? ›

Some pay income in the form of interest or dividends, while others offer the potential for capital appreciation. Still, others offer tax advantages in addition to current income or capital gains. All of these factors together comprise the total return of an investment. Internal Revenue Service.

Why are investors important? ›

Investors play a crucial role in providing the much-needed financial support to bring your startup ideas to life. But beyond just money, they can also provide valuable insights, mentorship, and connections that can help your business grow and succeed.

How do investors work in a business? ›

With equity investment, an investor will buy a “piece of the pie,” or ownership stake in your business. For instance, an investor might provide $100,000 in cash for a 10% ownership stake, meaning they will receive 10% of whatever profits you make down the road.

What investment makes the most money? ›

The U.S. stock market is considered to offer the highest investment returns over time. Higher returns, however, come with higher risk. Stock prices typically are more volatile than bond prices. Stock prices over shorter time periods are more volatile than stock prices over longer time periods.

Which type of investor is best? ›

Venture Capitalists: Investors With a Stake in Your Company. Venture capitalists (VCs) are types of investors who provide capital to startups with high growth potential in exchange for equity. However, VCs can be selective, often opting for startups with a solid business plan and proven measure of success.

What is a private investor called? ›

They often seek an equity stake and a seat on the board. Angel investors focus on helping startups take their first steps rather than getting a favorable return on a loan. Angel investors have also been called informal investors, angel funders, private investors, seed investors, or business angels.

Can you be an investor for a living? ›

As a full-time investor, you can learn about your market and conduct investment business whenever you want. It all depends on your circ*mstances and goals. Independence. You get to be your own boss — if management of your own activities is important to you.

What are the two main types of investors? ›

Individual investors are individuals investing on their own behalf, and are also called retail investors. Institutional investors are large firms that invest money on behalf of others, and the group includes large organizations with professional analysts.

How do investors get paid back? ›

The most common is through dividends. Dividends are a distribution of a company's earnings to its shareholders. They are typically paid out quarterly, although some companies pay them monthly or annually. Another way companies repay investors is through share repurchases.

What is the role and responsibility investor? ›

Investor's responsibilities: Investors play a key role in providing funding and support for your startup. They may also provide valuable connections, expertise, and mentorship.

What is the main goal of an investor? ›

Safety, income, and capital gains are the big three objectives of investing but there are others that should be kept in mind as well.

What is the purpose of investors in people? ›

Investors in People is a leading international framework for people management, providing a rigourous and transformative process, involving assessment of practices, policies and the overall approach to investment in people.

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Name: Terrell Hackett

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