Invest Rs 15000 per month SIP Mutual Funds (2023) - Stable Investor (2024)

Invest Rs 15000 per month SIP Mutual Funds (2023) - Stable Investor (1)

Do you wish to know where and how best to invest Rs 15000 per month?

Then you are at the right place.

Investing in mutual funds is one of the best ways to begin your wealth creation journey. And if you have already decided to invest 15000 per month in mutual fund SIP, then its all the more better.

Why do I say so?

Because it’s well proven; I have benefited from it greatly myself and also because I can share a real life proof of how one person used SIP investing to create a portfolio of multiple crores. You may accept or not, but the fact is that for many small investors, there are some obvious benefits of SIP investing.

SIP or Systematic Investment Plans are simple – invest a fixed sum in mutual funds at a regular frequency (generally monthly). Since most common investors are incapable of making big lump sum investments, SIP makes it easy for such people to make small regular investments every month using their monthly salaries without feeling burdened.

Once you have decided to invest a sum of Rs 15000 every month regularly, I am sure that you would be curious to know how much money you will have when you invest Rs 15000 a month in mutual funds for several years?


So let’s do some basic calculations:

Value of Rs 15000 per month SIP

Historical SIP returns of good mutual funds have been between 12-18%. The actual returns might differ for different investors. But for this discussion, let’s be conservative and assume the average SIP returns in 10, 15 or 20 years to be 12% per annum.

Here is what a Rs 15000 per month SIP in mutual funds can do over the years:

  • 5 year SIP of Rs 15000 monthly = Rs 12.8 lakh
  • 10 year SIP of Rs 15000 monthly = Rs 35 lakh
  • 15 year SIP of Rs 15000 monthly = Rs 75 lakh
  • 20 year SIP of Rs 15000 monthly = Rs 1.4 crore
  • 25 year SIP of Rs 15000 monthly = Rs 2.7 crore
  • 30 year SIP of Rs 15000 monthly = Rs 4.8 crore


Those are some big numbers…atleast towards the end. And the picture becomes clearer when you compare these figures with the actual investments made:

  • 5 year = Rs 15,000 x 12 x 5 = Rs 9 lakh
  • 10 year = Rs 15,000 x 12 x 10 = Rs 18 lakh
  • 15 year = Rs 15,000 x 12 x 15 = Rs 27 lakh
  • 20 year = Rs 15,000 x 12 x 20 = Rs 36 lakh
  • 25 year = Rs 15,000 x 12 x 25 = Rs 45 lakh
  • 30 year = Rs 15,000 x 12 x 30 = Rs 54 lakh

The route of SIP investing can create a lot of wealth for you.

And just notice this – If you invest Rs. 15,000 per month via SIP for 10 years, you are actually just investing about Rs 18 lakh. But return you are getting is around Rs 35-36 lakh. It is double of what you originally invested over the 10-year period. And the longer you keep investing, the better the returns get!

So just imagine the kind of wealth you can create if you start investing early on in your career (let’s say at age 25-30) and continue till 60. Your monthly investments of Rs 15,000 in equity funds can grow into Rs 4.8 crore in 30 years! This is the magic of compounding at play.

Compared with other options like fixed deposits, PF, etc. (where you won’t get more than 7-8% returns), equity funds are great for real inflation-beating wealth creation.

And at the cost of sounding repetitive, I would say that starting early is unimaginably important. Here is something (very detailed) I wrote about the huge cost of delay in investing. It’s about two friends who start investing at different ages of 25 and 35. You will be shocked to see the difference in the final corpus they create. Do read it!

Real Example – SIP of Rs 15000 in Good Mutual Funds

The calculations shared above were done using simple SIP calculator (using fixed average returns of 12%). But in reality, the returns fluctuate and neither stock markets nor mutual fund NAVs move in straight lines.

So let’s use some real life SIP examples instead.

Let’s see what would have happened if you would have started investing Rs 15,000 every month via SIP in some good mutual funds years back:

Note – The choice of fund(s) or fund house is just for sharing the concept. It should not be construed as an investment recommendation.

Starting January 2000, if you had invested Rs 15,000 per month in HDFC Top 200, HDFC Equity and HDFC Prudence, your actual total investment in each would have been about Rs 31.6 lac (up to July 2017).

And the value of your investments would be…

….hold your breath….

  • Rs 2.61 crore in HDFC Top 200 Fund
  • Rs 2.79 crore in HDFC Equity Fund
  • Rs 2.44 crore in HDFC Prudence Fund

Read those figures again. 🙂

We often think it’s difficult to get rich. The above examples prove otherwise.

Investing in mutual fund SIPs can make you a SIP crorepati even with a normal income! No need for a rich father. J How to get Rs 1 crore in 20 years? The answer is to invest 10000 every month. How to get Rs 1 crore in 15 years? The answer is to invest Rs 20000 every month.

So now you have answers to your questions like how to become a crorepati by SIP. 🙂


Don’t you feel something is odd in this discussion till now?

There is. And let me highlight it for you –

There is absolutely no need to keep investing just the originally decided amount of Rs 15,000 per month for 20-30 years. Your income would increase every year. So your investments too should increase accordingly. Isn’t it?

A Rs 15000 per month investment for 17 years resulted in Rs 2.4-2.8 crore. Just imagine what would have happened if you had decided to go for a Step Up SIP? An SIP that increases every year in line with your income. So for example, it can be Rs 15,000 in the first year, followed by 17,000 per month in next year, 19,000 per month in 3rd year and so on…. (i.e., increasing SIP by Rs 2000 every year).

If you want to start a SIP, always keep in mind that you can create ‘more’ wealth if you are able to increase the SIP every year.

Now ofcourse I have chosen funds that help me prove my point. And there have been several other bad funds too where a systematic investment strategy would have resulted in much lower SIP returns. But I am trying to highlight the potential of serious wealth creation here. And if you believe in the power of equity, then for most common people, the best way to invest regularly in equity is to do it via mutual fund SIPs.

Model SIP Mutual Fund Portfolio

If you wish to create a portfolio of mutual funds by investing in a SIP of 15000 per month, it’s suggested not to have too many funds. Going for just 2-3 funds is more than enough.

Depending on one’s risk profile, some possible combinations are:

  • Rs 7500 each in two Large Cap funds
  • Rs 5000 Large Cap fund + Rs 10000 Balanced fund
  • Rs 10000 Large Cap fund + Rs 5000 Mid&Small Cap fund
  • Rs 7500 in Large Cap Fund + Rs 7500 in Flexi/Multi Cap Fund
  • Rs 7000 Large Cap fund + Rs 5000 Balanced fund + Rs 3000 Mid&Small Cap fund
  • Rs 5000 Balanced fund + Rs 5000 Mid&Small Cap fund + Rs 5000 Large cap fund
  • Rs 10000 Index Fund + Rs 5000 Balanced fund

There can be an infinite number of combinations. Suitability of SIP portfolio will differ from one investor to other. If you are not sure about where to invest or are looking for the best SIP for Rs 15000 per month, it’s better to take help of an investment advisor (you can contact me too).

Note – It’s assumed that if investing Rs 15000 in equity funds, you have already taken care of debt investments (via PF, PPF, etc.) in accordance with your asset allocation based investment plan. It is also assumed that you wish to invest for at least 5 years. Anything lower (like 2-3 years) and you should go for debt options or have a very small percentage in equities.

SIPs are really helpful when it comes to investing in equity without much effort or stress. But SIPs can be helpful when it comes to goal based investing too.

I have already written at length as to how setting goals can help better manage investments.

It is always advisable to attach a goal to your investments. Ithelps keep you motivated and stick with the investment plan for long enough. And this is exactly how the remarkably powerful goal based financial planning works.

You can easily use SIPs to plan for all your goals (Download FREE Financial Goal Excel Worksheet here) and then invest regularly to achieve them. Goals like saving for children’s education, children’s marriage, saving for your house purchase, foreign trips, etc. can be done easily and efficiently through systematic investment plans of mutual funds.

And why leave the biggest financial goal of them all?

You can even do retirement planning or early retirement planning using mutual funds. In addition to the mandatory savings you do for your retirement (via EPF or PPF), you can use SIPs to create a good retirement mutual fund portfolio. Investing in mutual funds for retirement is a no-brainer if you don’t want to run out of money before you die.

Need Help?

As a professional investment advisor, I do help investors create goal-based financial plans to achieve their real financial goals. If you wish to get yourself a solid financial plan that tells you how much to invest, where to invest and for how long to invest for your financial goals, you can contact me for professional advice.

Here is how to contact me:

  • Go through the Services Page to see how I create your financial plan and use the form (at the end of the page) to contact me
  • Contact me directly using this form

As you must have realized, just knowing where to invest Rs 15,000 every month is not enough. You need to know how much to invest in SIP to achieve your financial goals and then, invest in a more structured goal-based manner to live a financially fulfilling life that takes care of all your financial goals.

I will end this post now.

But before I do, let me tell you something important – SIP is no magic that will solve all your financial worries. Also, it does not guarantee high positive returns. But if you understand and believe in equity and the real power of compounding, I can assure you that taking the SIP route is your best bet to earn high returns offered by equity and that too in a limited monthly income that most people have. You have a real chance of getting very rich over time. And you don’t want to miss that. 🙂

Also please, don’t be under the impression that SIP is only for small investors. You can invest much more than just doing a SIP of 15,000 per month.

You can go for (click links below for details):

  • SIP of Rs 20000 per month in mutual funds, or
  • SIP of Rs 25000 per month in mutual funds, or
  • SIP of Rs 50000 per month in mutual funds, or even
  • SIP of Rs 1 lac per month in mutual funds

Or if you wish to invest a smaller amount, you can even check the below link:

  • SIP of Rs 5000 per month in mutual funds
  • SIP of Rs 10000 per month in mutual funds

By investing regularly via SIP in best mutual funds for long term SIP investment, you can create a solid portfolio that earns inflation-beating returns without any hassles.


Are you still thinking whether or not to start a SIP in equity mutual funds?

I would suggest you stop thinking and start acting now.

You have all the answers now… and don’t need to wonder what would happen if I invest 15000 a month in mutual funds.

You know exactly how much wealth your small regular systematic investments can create. So start investing if you still haven’t; or increase your SIP investments if you are already investing Rs 15000 per month in mutual fund SIP in 2023. Over long-term, you will do incredibly well.


Invest Rs 15000 per month SIP Mutual Funds (2023) - Stable Investor (2024)


What if I invest $15,000 a month in SIP? ›

Utilising the SIP calculator, an investment of Rs 15,000 monthly over a duration of 15 years results in a total capital outlay of Rs 27,00,000. Assuming an annual return of 15%, the projected long-term capital gains are estimated to be Rs 74,52,946. After 15 years, you will get a total of Rs 1,01,52,946.

How much to invest to get $15,000 per month? ›

To expect a monthly return of ₹15,000 from an investment of ₹1 lakh is like expecting your mango tree to bear fruits immediately after planting it. Such expectations, translating to an annual return of 180%, are not just lofty but come with high risks.

What is the 15 * 15 * 15 rule in mutual funds? ›

Meaning of the 15-15-15 rule in Mutual Funds

The Investment: You should invest Rs 15,000 per month. The Tenure: The total of your investment should be 15 years. It means that you will invest Rs 15,000 every month for the next 15 years. The Return: Your expected returns on your investment should be 15%

What happens if I invest $10,000 a month in SIP for 15 years? ›

So, assuming an investor invests ₹10,000 per month for 15 years, maintaining 10 per cent annual step up, mutual funds SIP calculator suggests that one's SIP of ₹10,000 would yield ₹1,03,11,841 or ₹1.03 crore.

Can we get a 15% return on a mutual fund? ›

Around 27 equity mutual funds have offered more than 15% return in the last five years based on daily rolling returns, an analysis of performance showed. There were around 185 equity mutual funds that completed five years. Top five schemes in the list were from the small cap category.

How to get 50 lakhs in 5 years with SIP? ›

For example, if an individual plan to accumulate ₹50 lakhs over the tenure of 5 years, assuming the individual invests in a Flexicap fund or a Multicap fund which is giving an annualized return of 15%, then the individual needs to invest ₹55,750 per month for 5 years in order to generate the required corpus.

Which SIP is best for $10,000 per month? ›

Top 10 SIP plans for 10,000 rupees per month in 2024
Mutual FundRisk InvolvedAUM (₹ Crs)
Edelweiss Large & Mid Cap FundVery High2,734
Kotak Equity Opportunities FundVery High18,315
Canara Robeco Emerging Equities FundVery High19,902
Motilal Oswal Focused FundVery High1,842
6 more rows
Feb 16, 2024

Which SIP gives the highest return? ›

The three toppers in the list were from one fund house - Quant Mutual Fund. Quant Small Cap Fund, Quant Mid Cap Fund, and Quant ELSS Tax Saver Fund gave 37.30%, 31.84%, and 30.37% returns, respectively on SIP investments in the last seven years.

Can I withdraw SIP anytime? ›

Yes, you can withdraw money from SIP but there might be terms and conditions applicable. Some SIPs may have a lock-in period during which withdrawals are restricted or subject to penalties.

What happens if I invest $20,000 a month in SIP for 10 years? ›

A monthly SIP of Rs 20,000 in Quant Small Cap Fund would have grown to Rs 1.04 crore in the last 10 years. The scheme gave an XIRR of 27.73% in the same period. Quant ELSS Tax Saver Fund would have turned a monthly SIP of Rs 20,000 into Rs 95.38 lakh with an XIRR of 26.04% in the last 10 years.

What is the SIP of $15,000 per month for 15 years? ›

Consider investing Rs 15,000 per month for 15 years and earning 15% returns. After 15 years, the total wealth will be Rs 1,00,27,601 (Rs. 1 crore). According to the compounding principle, if we implement these very same returns and contributions for another 15 years, the amount we accumulate grows enormously.

What is the 80% rule for mutual funds? ›

The Names Rule requires that if a Fund's name suggests that the Fund invests in a particular type of investment or investments, or in investments in a particular industry, group of industries, countries, or regions, then such Fund must adopt a policy to invest at least 80 percent of the value of its assets2 in such ...

What is the thumb rule for SIP? ›

The 7-5-3-1 is a powerful and effective thumb rule to start your SIP journey toward wealth creation. With this strategic approach, you can strike a good balance of risk and reward, diversify your investments, and ensure great returns.

Which bank gives the highest interest rate on SIP? ›

Best SIP Plans in India in 2024
Fund Name3 Years10 Years
Multi Cap Growth Fund ICICI Prudential15.63%12.51% View Plan
Equity Fund SBI14.73%12.42% View Plan
Growth Plus Fund Canara HSBC Oriental Bank12.78%10.7% View Plan
7 more rows

Is PPF better than SIP? ›

Comparing PPF and SIP depends on your financial goals and risk tolerance. PPF is a safer option, while SIP in mutual funds can potentially yield higher returns but comes with market risk.

Which SIP is best for $2000 per month? ›

SIP 2000 Per Month for 20 years: The Best Plans
Mutual FundRisk InvolvedReturns
HDFC Balanced AdvantageLow to Moderate15.7%
SBI BluechipModerate12.04%
Axis Mid Cap Fund Direct-GrowthHigh19.52%
UTI Transportation and Logistics FundHigh26.84%
6 more rows
Feb 28, 2024

Which SIP gives 40% return in India? ›

There are eight large cap mutual funds which have delivered over 40 percent return in the past one year. These include Quant Large Cap Fund, Bank of India Bluechip Fund, JM Large Cap Fund and Nippon India Large Cap Fund, among others.

Which is the safest SIP in India? ›

Top 10 Best Mutual Funds SIP to Invest In India
  • ICICI Pru Bluechip Fund.
  • HDFC Flexi Cap Fund.
  • Nippon India Small Cap Fund.
  • HDFC Balanced Advantage Fund.
  • ICICI Prudential Equity & Debt Fund.
  • ICICI Prudential Corporate Bond Fund.
  • ICICI Prudential Short Term Fund.
  • LIC MF Gold ETF FoF.
May 2, 2024

Which mutual fund gives 50% return? ›

Two flexicap funds — Quant Flexi Cap Fund and Bank of India Flexi Cap Fund — gave an XIRR of 58.29% and 58.16%, respectively. A monthly SIP investment of Rs 10,000 in these funds would have been Rs 1.54 lakh each. This midcap fund gave an XIRR of 57.69% in FY24 on SIP investments.

Which is better SIP or LIC? ›

In conclusion, SIP is a better investment choice than LIC. This is because it represents a strategic approach to building wealth and securing your financial future. With Vakilsearch as your trusted partner, you can embark on a journey of financial growth, stability, and prosperity!

How to make 1 crore in SIP? ›

Monthly SIP required

For example, if you start at the age of 25 and give yourself 30 years to invest, then you just need a SIP of Rs. 1,444 per month to reach a target corpus of Rs. 1 crore. That is how powerful time is in your SIP returns.

Can mutual funds give 20% returns? ›

Gold mutual funds have shown strong performance; some have delivered over 20% return in the past 6 months. SBI Gold gave over 24% return and Quantum Gold Saving Fund gave over 23% return in the same period.

What happens if I invest 20 000 a month in SIP for 5 years? ›

Value of INR 20,000 per Month in SIP

If an investor invests INR 20,000 per month for a period of 5 years, he will be able to earn INR 17 lakh as the overall income generated from SIP. The total investment in the tenure of 5 years will be only INR 12 lakh.

What if I invest $5000 a month in SIP for 3 years? ›

A monthly SIP of Rs. 5000 for 3 years would have become Rs. 2.38 Lakhs from the total of Rs. 1.8 Lakhs invested over the time period.

How much is $5000 for 5 years in SIP? ›

How much is Rs. 5,000 for 5 years in SIP? If you invest Rs. 5,000 per month through SIP for 5 years, assuming 12% return. The estimate total returns will be Rs. 1,12,432 and the estimate future value of your investment will be Rs. 4,12,431.

How much it is safe to invest in SIP per month? ›

You must strive to save at least 30% of your gross income or ₹60,000 every month. To calculate how much amount you should invest in SIPs, we will have to use the standard formula, which is 100 minus your age to be invested in equity through mutual funds.

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.