The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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All the News and THE WEATHER The Truth About It SPRINGIELD MASS: TUESDAY JANUARY 3 1928 PAGES a de MAYOH ORMS PARKER A ngeles Mcyor a GEORRE I ITZGERALD Appointed City Marshal of Holyoke on anything the the Western Inaugural found in and 11 emphasis on first term in prove to his was not so economy as Sailors in Port at Salem While Navy Searched Vain ly Said Nothing Story Outlines Record as' Being Distinguished or Genuine 2 The old year two strikes pend of the division ot labor department Massachusetts a craftsmen at the REVEALS BETTERMENT IN THE INANCES from New Executive Advocates Adoption of Working Plan on Public Improvements REBELS AMBUSH NICARAGUAN ORCE WHICH WINS IGHT Threatens in Inaugural Sum mary Removal of Any Offi cial ound Guilty Reinforcements for Troops of riday's Battle Report ive Casualties Rockville (Ct) Man Dies After Terrific Collision on St James Avenue POWERUL GROUP TO HELP CLOUTIER GOVERN CHICOPEE private Golds 15 rice by the While ONE DEAD THREE CRITICALLY HURT IN AUTO CRASHES MAYOR BURNHAM HOLYOKE TO WAR ON GRAT LINDBERGH MAY LY TO COLOMBIA AND VENEZUELA KNEW CRAT MISSING BUT REMAINED SILENT MIDDLEBORO COUPLE ARE BADLY INJURED SEA SWALLOWED GRAYSON AIRPLANE SAILORS DECLARE Chess Game Played With Living Pieces Before Big Throng sugges his ad definite TEGUCIGALPA WILL WELCOME HIM TODAY Lowest Marks Since 1888 and 1878 in North Carolina and Georgia Three reeze to Death at New York City More Than Two Score Dead in Middle West This City Shivers No Changes rom Caucus Program Boards Organ ize City Council Commit tees Are Appointed MAYOR SUGGESTS INVESTMENTS IN IMPROVEMENTS ENTIRE WELARE BOARD REMOVED SLEUTHS HUNTING OR DYNAMITERS OPPOSED TO ANY SALARY INCREASES REPUBLICANS PUT THROUGH SLATE Cites Phenomenal Gain in Borrowing Capacity as Ground for Less Rigid Economy Policy Election of Ruxton as Head of Up per Board Confirmed New inance Committee PLANES WILL CARRY MEDICAL SUPPLIES Coldest Since 1SSH Hendersonville with a mini mum reading of 7 below zero reported the coldest weather for this date since 1888 while farther hack tn temperature of Crew Report Having Heard Hum of Motors and Plunge Below Zero Weather Sweeps South Deaths And Suffering ollow Pastor Characterizes Cancelation Of Chicago Engagement or Miss Maude Roy den as oolish Atlanta Jan 2 (AT) new year blasts that brought colder weather to the Southland than to New England renewed their assaults tonight with prospects of another 24 hours of sub freezing temperatures before they begin to diminish Beginning with the dawn of 1928 the rapid decline in the mercury from hightsof unseasonable mildness resulted today in record low marks for 'half a century in some localities caused suspension of schools in several cities and was directly and indirectly responsible for at least four deaths a number of injuries and some suffering from exposure Sustain Broken Arms in Same Crash One Car De molished Leg Crushed Atlanta went 10 years find a parallel for its one above on Janu Says Officials Must Live Within Appropriations George itzgerald the New City Marshal Navy Issues Rush Orders to Prepare Destroyers for Sea Possibly or Duty in Nicaragua lyer Will Decide After Reaching Panama eted at Receptions mayor of Pittsfield The flee was administered to and the 14 new members Washington Jan 2 United States marines are waging a new battle with Nicaraguan bandits and have radioed for quick reinforce ments the navy department report ed tonight One marine sergeant has been killed one lieutenant of the Nicaraguan national guards killed and a lieutenant and four privates wounded the dispatch said The force constituting the Tel paneca patrol was on the way yes terday to assist the marines whowere attacked at Quilalli on riday in which five were killed and 23 wounded At Sapotillal Ridge the marines were ambushed and sur rounded but succeeded in reaching their comrades at Quilalli A few air MARINES RADIO OR AID OUTIT TO SAIL TODAY rench Polish Combine Shows Its Strength at Al dermanic Meeting ESTABLISHED BY SAMUEL BOWLES WEEKLY IN 1824 DAILY IN 1844: SUNDAY IN 1878 EIGHTY OUHTH YEAR DAILY NUMBER 242 PRICE TWO CENTS SIX DOLLARS A YEAR SCREAMS AWAKEN ATHER IRE DISCOVERED A departure from rigid economy and a modification in his attitude toward desirable but costly mu nicipal projects are indicated by Mayor ordis Parker in his fourth annual message delivered yesterday morning at the Mahogany room of the Auditorium An unusually large representation of civic and political life gathered for the exercises The hint as to his change of view in accordance with improved finances was thrown out early in the address irnproved condition of the treasury may allow a modi fication of the financial policy pur sued for the past three the mayor deemed number ture in air id Cold Today and Tomorrow Detail of Weather on Page 2 was attributed responsibility for the wreck of two interurban cars near Marietta Ga in which three passen gers were killed and 12 injured seri ously At Charlotte a 90 year old Negro woman was frozen to death in her home Schools were closed at Greenville and Amricus Ga where tem peratures of 5 and 10 degrees respec tively brought the coldest weather of the season Three rozen to Heath New York Jan 2 Three men were frozen to death today in city's first real cold xvaxe of winter The thermometer dropped to 11 (Continued on Second Page) Reviews Record and Hints at Departure rom ormer Policy Holyoke Jan red Burnham whose unexpected election to the mayoralty last month created a sen sation today was inaugurated to the office and as his first act read his inaugural message which contained many striking statements Mayor Burnham recognized the reported prex alence of graft by threatening! the summary removal of any official found to be guilty of such an offense he told officials plainly that there would be no salary increases that they must live within their appropriations and expressed a determination to give the city a business administration the only promise he had made to the peo ple he said He stated that he held the undated resignations of all his appointees not because he lacked confidence in them but so if they failed to make good he could accept the resignations without litigation He called upon the citi zens to judge his administration not by the tax rate but by the reductions made in the expenses of the various departments City Hall illed The Holjoke city sail was packed to the doors for the inaugural exer cises of the 1928 city government at least 2S00 people croxx dmg into the MAYORBARNES IS INAUGURATED AT PITTSIELD West Springfield amily Is Driven rom Home In Early Morning Blaze Loss Placed at $2000 Cries of a three months old baby which awakened the father Alphonse Grimaldi probably saved the lives of the Grimaldi family which includes four young children when fire swept their home at 30 Railroad street West Springfield early this morning Hear ing the child cry Mr Grimaldi awoke He started to get a drink of water after attending to the child and as he did so smelled smoke He opened a door and a black column ot smoke rolled Into the rooni followed by flames Hastily arousing his wife and chil dren Grimaldi carried them out into the freezing morning air Scantily clad in night garments the children Teresa 5 Rose 3 Carmelita and Mary three months old were carried to the home a neighbor Charles Chlarina of 40 Glove street Mrs Grimaldi was also taken there All suffered from the cold and xxere partly overcome from the effects of the heavy smoke Another neighbor George Norton of 41 Globe street seeing smoke pour ing from the Grimaldi home called fire headquarters A moment later Officer Walter erry discovered the fire and turned In an alarm from box 25 Ap paratus from Mittineague the Merrick sections answered iremen had a stiff blaze to contend with The fire started in a clothes closet on the first floor which is occupied by the Grimaldi family The second is va cant The cause of the fire could not be determined The loss to the building owned by Grimaldi was placed at $2000 The house is covered by insurance but there will be a loss to furniture not insured Early this morning firemen xvere still fighting the flames but had them practically under control Massachusetts City Messages will be full on pages 10 One dead and three critically in jured xvas the toll taken by motor ac cidents in this city yesterday Jerry Joslin of 170 Vernon street Rockville CL xvas fatally when his touring car was sent spinning 40 feet to turn ox'er when it collided with the heavy sedan driven by Colman Gould ot Wareham at the corner of st Janies avenue and St James boule vard The Gould car also rolled over Mr Gould and Mrs Alice Spencer of 52 School street Middleboro who was with him are on the danger list at the hospital with fractured arms and suffering from shock Edward Adamzyki of 23 Edward street Indian Orchard is at Mercy hospital as the result of being knocked from his motorcycle by a truck driven by estus oster of 43 Kenwood park at the junction of White street and Sumner avenue In another col lision txvo cars xvere demolished but no one xvas injured One man xvas charged with drunken driving after his "car crashed into another on Worthington street early yesterday morning Both Traveling Rapidly Mr Joslin xvas killed xvhen in drixlng toward this city on St James avenue he did not see the Gould sedan ap proaching eastward on St James boulevard in time to stop Although there were no witnesses of the acci dent the distance the cars xvere throxvn pointed to a fast rate of speed and both the automobiles were turned over The steering wheel of the tour (Conflnued on ourth Page) San Salvador Salx ador Jan 2 (AP) col Lindbergh has under con sideration an extension of his Cen tral American tour to include Colom bia and Venezuela but xvill not make a decision until he reaches Panama The flyer from the United States told correspondents today he had made no definite plans in this respect but ac knowledged that they were under con sideration Receptions and official ceremoniestook up time today President Romero Bosque pinned a commemorative gold medal upon him at a reception at the national palace Members of the cabinet the diplo matic and consular corps and other high public officials xvere present at these ceremonies Perform Overhead On the way to the palace the streets were lined xvith some 10000 persons xvho flocked to viexv the pri vate citizen xvho is honored here as a special embassador of the United States News and news reel photo graphers had their cameras trained upon him at points all along the route to get ex'ery detail of his progress Overhead a squadron of Salx adorean airplanes performed' ex olutions in friendly demonstration for the visit ing flyer Other entertainments in his honor today xvere at the American legation and the San Salvador Coun try club Lindbergh expects to hop off to morrow morning between 11 and 12 for Tegucigalpa Honduras where he will be only a short distance from the Nicaraguan border (ighting between American marines and Nica raguan rebels of the past fexv days is just over the border and Lindbergh probably xvill fly almost directly over the scene of the fighting xvhen he leaves Tegucigalpa for Managua probably Thursday) Lindbergh told correspondents to day that he was disappointed in not seeing much of the beautiful moun tain scenery on the way here from Belize British Honduras because of a fog that blanketed it Atmospheric conditions are favorable for a Central American aerial mail service how ever in the opinion of Col Lindbergh who urged its inauguration The flyer expressed gratitude for kindnesses extended to him by the Salvadorean government and popu lace The newspapers arc full o' eulogistic articles about him auditorium the galleries and the space outside due in part to a desire to get a glimpse of Mayor red Burnham and partly to its being a holiday In an inaugural address Mayor Burnham carried his audience with him and nt txvo points was interrupted with ap plause Appointments There xvas much interest in Mayor Burnham appointments He ap pointed George itzgerald a local letter carrier as city marshal Atty Ogan ns city solicitor Charles Dvdek as fire commissioner Henri Winkler retired street superentend ent as member of the board of pub lic works and Miss Mary Gibson as secretary to' the mayor1 Major Cronin Absent i Owing to illness Mayor John Cronin xvas not able to be present and introduce the incoming mayor so the lot fell to City Clerk John Sheehan "Ladies and he sairfi "I have the honor to present to you red Burnham mayor of the city of Hol this being folloxxed with the customary applause Rex Rob (Coutinued on ourteenth Page) INSISTS HE IS INNOCENT Asuncion Paraguay Jan 2 A chess game xvith living pieces the first ever played in this country took place here to day in the presence of 20000 per sons including government offi cials and diplomats The chess pieces xvere beautiful young se noritas moving on a chess board 13 feet bx 12 They were dressed in rich costumes appropriate to their chess characters and de signed to emphasize their beauty The opposing players xvere Pe dro Barbosa and Augusto Aponte who called their moves to a judge who passed the orders on to the young xvomen Whenever a piece the senorita removed curt sied to the audience before leaving the board The game lasted 50 minutes Portland Ale Jan Au dible evidence of an aerial tragedy which remained invisible xvas offered by the crew of the schooner Rose Anne Belliveau here today as an ex planation of the fate of Mrs rances Grayson's plane the Dawn and its lour passengers Although the narrators xvere posi tive they heard a plane's motors above the howl of the gale and the splash of its plunge into the sea on the night of December 23 they had not told their story during five days in port at Salem Mass They had learned of the disappearance of the plane on its flight from New York to Harbor Grace through their radio re ceiving set soon after the sounds xvere heard Since the night on which they heard the sounds which they attributed to a forced landing of the amphibian that area has been searched by a plane hired by Mrs Gertrude borough wife of Navigator GoMsborough of the crew and naw dirigible Los the Belliveau lay at Salem two navy and three coast guard destroyers were making a ain search requiring days over the Sable island district where a supposed radio message from the Dawn had been intercepted Heard Heavy Splash The story of the schooner's crew was told by the captain Called on deck during a howling northwester and heaw sea soon after 730 the night of December 23 xvhen his ves i sei xvas at a point IS miles northwest I of Nauset Beach light on Cape Cod eapt Comeau first distinguished faint sounds that he positively identified as those of airplane motors These sounds came to an abrupt end ing within 10 minutes xvhen a heavy splash xvas heard Capt Comeau statpd that "hue only a stanch essel could haxre battled against the seas at that time he made an attempt to "hang around with tic Belliveau a Nova Scotian three master on its way up the coast to Portland The master expressed the belief that Lieut Oskar Omadl the pilot accompanying Mrs rances 11 son Gravson and her companions to Harbor Grace from New York that night had realized that he must make a landing in the sea The lights of the schooner were sighted and the plane brought down as nearly as pos sible to the schooner only to go to its doom Confirms Radio Man's Story The Belliveau's officers and men heard of the plight of the Dawn later in the evening over their small radio receiving set when announcement that no xvord had been received as to the location of the airplane xvas made This storv of the probable fate related for the first time today apparently confirms the report made by Jerome Knowles xvireless operator aboard the steamer Oakey Alex ander when the ship docked here De cember 30 that the Grayson plane did not fly far beyond Cape Cod Knowles said that at 730 on the night of December 23 as the Alex ander was passing Cape Cod he heard a message requesting the Chatham HnoriP stauon lor minutes later came through the the words Detachment Ordered Smith Norfolk Va Jan Orders have been receix ed here from the navy de partment to dispatch a detachment of marines from the naval base and the navy yard to Nicaragua They are to sail on the naval supply ship Sapelo tomorrow or Wednesday The naval base will dispatch 22 men and others are to be sent from the bar racks at the navy yard that three destroyers xvere to be dispatched to Nicaragua could not bo confirmed although it xvas ad mitted that rush orders had been re ceived tn make several ot these craft ready for sea American Reinforcements Drive Rebels to Hills Managua Nicaragua Jan (AB) marine reinforcements pushing through the rocky fastnesses ot northern Nicaragua io support (Continued on ifteenth Page) at Asheville Louisville Ky three MAYOR PARKER MODIIES CITY ECONOMY POLICY OVERTURN IN CHICOPEE our beloix three below at beloxv at Kingsport Tenn and two beloxv at Bristol on the Virginia Tennessee border were other cold spots on a weather map which "fur nished beloxx zero to freezing tem peratures from the Potomac to the Gulf and from the Mississippi to lorida To the cold in the Atlanta vicinity TWO STRIKES ARE STILL PENDING IN THIS STATE rom The Washington Bureau Washington Jan xvent out xx ith only ing on the records conciliation of the both of them in strike of building i Keith Albee building at Boston and a strike of hosiery workers at the Ipswich mills nt Gloucester Better xvorking conditions are sought by the building tradesmen while the hosiery workers protest a 10 per cent wage cut Days of Grilling and Mass of Evidence ail to Break Denial He Killed Mrs Ap Hammer ound Los Angeles Jan 2 Days of steady grilling and the revelation of a mass of evidence against him failed late today to break the denial of Dr Charles McMillan that he killed Mrs Amelia Appleby widoxv a wealthy Chicagoan To every fresh inquiry and at every new clew unearthed the 57 year old doctor reiterated his statement "I did not kill Held without fn the county jail awaiting the district effort tomorrow to obtain a murder indictment against him the physicianaccused of killing Mrs Appleby sew ing her body in a sack and dumping it at the roadside in San ernando valley admitted that xvomen "always had been a stumbling for him He reiterated his story of friendli ness xvith Mrs Appleby recounted his business dealings with her as her business agent and admitted that he dictated a xvill found in the dead effects gix'ing him authority over her large estate So far investigating officers say he has failed to offer an explanation for the finding in his quarters ot $50000 xvorth of jewelry since Identified as Mrs Appleby property Ilantrper onnd Deputy sheriffs making a the garage behind Mrs home tonight announced the Pittsneld Jan An assembly that filled the Municipal building on Dun ham street to capacity was present this morning for the inauguration of Jay Barnes Democrat as the 20th oath or or Mr Barnes of the city council and four new members of the school committee by City Clerk James Woods Rev Robert Armstrong minister of the South Congregational church offered the invocatcn Barnes then read his message Adopting a One of the most important tions made by Mr Barnes in dress xvas the adoption of a policy or working plan in relation to paving sidexvalks drains disposal of sewage and highway maintenance that future city councils will adopt the plan The city has four bridges that are xveak and dangerous and one should be rebuilt each year until all four are replaced Pittsfield's debt at present is $2174 400 The 1928 debt and interest pay ment will be $508740 while in 1933 the debt and interest will total $154 000 a difference of $354740 Mr policy regarding a nexx" high school is perhaps foreshadowed when he continues: "This has acted as a preventive to many necessary public improvements and has been a large factor in our tax rate If we can re frain from increasing our debt for a few years xve xvill then be in a posi (Contlnued on boxenth race) on the matter declaring1 that all state ments must come irom committee and not from timated however that the women at Boston wnuld have no bearing1 i 70 Inn 'c nrfinYl but Royden xvill be here and speak ac cording to schedule Another Methodist minister xvho did not wish his name revealed declared (ContluueYon ourth Page) i 1 QUAKE IX MEXICO Mexico City Jan 2 One of the most serious earthquakes ot recent years xvas reported last night from Ciudad llrnvos state of Guerrero According to messages reaching here the entire region xvas thrown into panic by the disturbances which were prolonged for several minutes at three different times At the same time a torrential rain was falling with a furious gale blowing from the north Mayor Appoints Stanley Ciosek City Solicitor Al dernjen Elect Philip Beauregard President George Charpentier As sessor Stanley Jorczak to Board of Health a program that xvill develop prosper itv 1 enmnosed Cf many actively against him at tened in eager silence tration was ushered in dignity and power hands xx as as complete triikp it Immediately after his address the newly vested mayor set up his office behind the door at City hall marked "Mayor" there to rccelxe the felicita tions of his personal friends and po litical followers as well as the con gratulations of those anxious to And (Continued on ifteenth Page) fight and xvas being taken i when' an attempt xvas made resew him search of Appleby's finding of a hammer with xvhich they said Mrs Appleby might have been struck down The hammer xvas smeared xvith dark brown stains xvhich they at once ordered analyzed to determine xvheth er they xvere blood When Mrs body xvas found there xvas an abrasion on her head xvhich the autopsy surgeon said had been caused by a blunt instru ment At that time the surgeon said the blow probably "as not sufficiento have caused ejeath A sweeping turnover by a poxverful and compact rench Polish political combination marked the first hour of Henry regime as mayor of Chicopee after his inauguration yesterday A uni fied authority was enthroned in the seat of administration of Chicopee's civic affairs a condition in sharp contrast to the mixed control of the past years The remnants of a fighting machine that went down to overwhelming at the polls carried its last battle to the special aldermanic meeting and xvas saved from slaughter by a temporary com promise Victory Complete The victory of the nexx administra tion was as complete as the defeat of the losers The old City hall reverber ated xvith the confidence expressed by the administration that noxv con trols the city government nnd its at taches Nexv appointees testify that the nexv management of civic affairs of the city xvill be unimpeded the process of rapid and effective changes beginning as soon as the solemn words of the oath of office had been spoken by the incoming chief execu tivc 4 The mayor pledged himself to the maintenance of a clean business like administration xvith the reduction of the tax rate his principal objective He spoke but lightly of the past admin istration skipping over it xvith as fexx words as possible He san! that his whole thought is to the furthering of in Chicopee and the audience xvno naa tuutui the polls lis The adminis to office with placed in its as a munici i autnor $5000 reward today and the Uli' 11 UUH Officials of the publishing com riuhti LhlUV iit Detective service to carry on an in vestigation and the sleuths will xs oik with the local authorities The Sun issued its editions as usual today In an editorial statement it described the dynamiting as the "answer of the assassin and bomber the bootlogger the gambling house and dive to the crusade against vice which the paper has car ried Lone Will Hop 00 or Honduras Between 1 1 and 12 Landing Near) Nicaraguan Border Rev Dr red Winslow Adams Says He Would Be Glad to Have Her Speak at Trinity Church Anytime Secretary Sure She Would Be Allowed to Come Noted British Woman Scheduled to Lecture Here the 11th Spurred on By Offer of Re wards Seek Those Who Bombed Plant of Scranton (Pa) Sun Scranton Ra Jan 2 (AP) Spurred on by the offer of city and information leading to the arrest of county officials of $6000 in rexxards for the bombers state troopers city de tectives and county authorities today renewed their efforts to apprehend those responsible for the djnanuting Saturday night of the plant the Scranton Sun local afternoon paper The county commissioners author ized a $5000 reward today and rnnncil 'offered an additional innn nany have retained the declared it may be advisable to make a greater of investments for the fu the of Yiublic improve He had just before quoted City Treasurer recent declaration that the city has never in long memory been in stronger financial condition No Raid on Trcasnrj' What xvas accepted by those pres ent however as tantamount to a warning against any effort to raid the treasury now in such good or der xvas given by the executive at other points of his address While in clined to be more liberal the mayor significent prominence to the statement that important im provements xvhich we xvould like to cannot be had the city is willing to bond itself heavily or increase its tax burden In line with this declaration Mayor Parker advised the city government especially its nexv members that one of the most unhappy situations an of ficial can find himself in is that of having to turn doxvn requests for im provements It xvill be necessary he pointed out to take such action from time to time Granting requests is a pleasant easy xvay but oath of office often interferes Discrimina tion in favor of' vital measures is ab solutely essential Second in interest only to this in timation of a more liberal financial policy xvas tne mayors the achievements of his office A disposition to hearers that his record distinguished for for genuine accomplishment soon manifested itself and the mayor out lined in some detail the records of the various municipal departments in sup port of this contention Ceremonies Arc Brief The ceremonies connected xvith the induction of the mayor and the city council into office xxere brief but im pressive Mayor Parker was first sworn in Judge Broadhurst former citx solicitor admimstei mg the oath This xvas followed by the induction of the new aidermen tn a body with the common councilmen boincr sworn in last Pi aver was offered after this cere mony'by Rev Charles A Wing of the Church of the Unity At this point the mayor struck into a comprehen sive message After paying a gloxv ing tribute to City Treasurer' 1 Tiff who is completing his 46tn year in the city's service the mayor paused anil asked Mr Tiff to make a fexv remarks "Mavors may come and mayorsjnay I seem to go on forever Mr Tifft said smilingly "I feel sure that if some of the mayors with whom I was associated in my earlier days in the service could see our city of todav they would feel immensely proud of our growth and develop ment I aim equally confident that the next 40 years "ill see a similar expansion and greater progress and When the mayor resumed reading his message ho 'announced he would omit the parts of a statistical nature in order to spare his audience the ordeal of listening to an endless col umn of figures He did howexer nay particular attention to those ng ures xvhich revealed the extraordinary increase in wealth of the inhabitants of the city in 1927 This amounted (Continued on Second Rage MEXICAN REBEL SLAIN Ernesto Villareal and Three ollowers Killed in ight Mexico City Jan Dis patches from Quautla in the state of Morelos say that1 Ernesto tillareal the last rebel chieftain operating in that region' and three folloxvers have been killed in a fight at Atlahuacan betxveen police and a group of un known persons Villareal had been captured just be fore tht to Cuaul to Cancelation' of the Chicago engage ment for Miss Maude A Royden by that branch of the Womens Home Missionary society of the Meth odist Episcopal church on the that Miss Royden "sometimes smokes xvas characterized yestei daj by Rev Dr red Winslow Adams of Trinity Methodist Episcopal church as "utterly foolish" Miss Royden is scheduled to speak Wednesday noom the 11th at the Young Womens association auditorium tn this city and that night at the At never heard of such a foolish thing" Dr Adams said when the Cht ca action brought to his atten tio'n "Why Miss Royden is the finest type'of woman and I xvould be glad to have her speak here at Trinity church anytime I would just as soon think of canceling an engagement of Phil ips Brooks because someone said he smoked a cigar after preaching a ser "If we can get all the people xvho smoke cigarets to go to hear Miss Royden at the Auditorium" Dr Adams said "it will be a good thing Dr Adams also made light of the NEW ITALIAN B01Y Jliissollnl Plans to Create Opposition ist Body London Jan 2 An official Social ist opposition party in Italy "ill be created by "Musspl ini soon according to a special dispatch dated from the Italian frontier which the Socialist Daily Herald is publishng tomorroxv The ascist sponsored party will be called the National Socialist party ac cordingjo the Daily Herald It is be lieved that the nexv maneuver of the Duce is aimed at diverting tne pathies 'ot the Italian workers exiled Socialist leaders charge that Miss Royden advocates companionate marriage This charge xvas brought by the Boston branch of the Home Missionary so ciety xvhich has canceled the engage ment Miss Royden had to speak before that group The Boston address xxas to have been made this xveek Opinion Miss Elizabeth Webber general secretary of the local under xvhose auspices Miss Royden xvill make her address here the 11 th said last night that she had hot talked the matter xvith Mrs Theodore Nye president of the but that she was sure Miss Royden xvould be allowed to come here Mrs Nye refused to say the publicity her She in the action of and Chicago upon her or that Miss.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.