The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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30 PultloR Mala 0 Real tpartmenh (Ent) 40 Rant Apartmaah (East) TNI HAIN DIALM tn I MONPAY OCT 4 IH1 I 2d ROCKY RIVER TV 4 6500 ULEVEIAND 4 room redecorated 47 Hearn for Rent (Want) Apt iTC 8 62O2 loor CLARK uU faciltues TV bath ABLE 1902ft HILLIARD BlVP mo 7 redecorated up LAKEWOOD BONNIEV1EW Apartments to AC 6 9117 35 Rent Rooms Board (W) Happy! 44Rent urnished Apts (W) 2 car xarace Adult only In crystal Tower mo Clean Up and Sell etui Those WO 1 5654 Phone 621 5900 Plain Dealer Want Ads 114 ectte Call $84 3013 CLEVELAND HTS: 3 nt ohm and bam (Catfn4 Xrat Ceinaa) 40 Rent Apartments LAUNDRESS references exp ironer Mon Wed ri 681 8928 after 5 lUshcd: utilities Tarklnr Churches 88 BATH Saw iBt EUCLID AVE 15848: 2 URNISHED ROOMS OR REINED COUPLE 1 2 GIRLS OR STUDENTS 851 4646 75 1896: Clean rooms reason able near bus 361 1694 5 rooms 4 sulter AT 1 6539 HAULING Removal of rubbish cleaning basem*nt attic 921 9127 1 REDROOM SUITES PROM 199 RANCH VILLAGE Sfl 2012 CLEVELAND Hts Cedar airmount: 2 3 rooms new: but shopping EV 1 8000 A 1 697S room ants aewy deenra i 7 95 157 3 neighborhood priced for the girl 321 4014 CHE cook desires part time evening work 752 8998 after 6 pm mo 1 5S BKAcmvoon UNION 93: Modem 5 no neigh bors adults 1 653 8457 eves WADE PARK 7609: 5 rooms newly decorated bath all utilities Inquire custodian or 43 2 1723 from 1108 3 tedraooMr from 117 salt open tram 13 wnts 9 84: Clean rooms single or couple $7 and up SW 1 9334 SUPERIOR 10713 5 rooms 875 CH 1 3376 9 a 4:30 Cleveland Hts MR PALMER 104 3111: Up 4 roomabath sap heat Included 363 671 7041 MADISON 96: 4 rooms newly decorated eloe to schools 850 No peu 321 5417 321 4309 SLOVENIAN area: 5 up CJaan quiet? after 6 pm Hg 1 3639 WAYSIDE Rd near Eudld: 5 room up gara ge adults 48 1 5373 2 XSD 5 ROOM SUITES SB TO $22 PERUEX REE TV IN EVERY APT REE LAUNDRY REE PARKING SOCIAL LOUNGE C1XVTLAND Ht 3 alee 3d aan entrance 932 3071 5 SUPERIOR 7008' 5 rooms reason able rent: heat 881 7537 yemrwif tb trouble nt around Everything you LAKKWOOD Webb 5 up no pats nwr SS T1 ls CLEVELAND His: 5 rooms on bus line Call after 6 ER 1 3351 CLEAN $8 ROOM Painting MU 1 1065 268 0558 WEST Blvd 1357 3 rooms and bath on 3d Call 651 6931 45 1950 4 rooms up Slav heat garage 75 Call 777 1034 Downtown Hotel Inn ree Parking 1403 Superior $3 DAY WEEKLY $10 UP down heat 111: Bedroom cooking facilities employed man 22 8 1544 3 ROCttS up earate Warren u3 Munn arra 1100 CL 1 7884 LAUNDRY work exp 3 days Mon Turn Thurs Call 391 1998 MOVING SK umitnrv Moving storare ta and Service Directory Bates Springer Inc Manager! UT 3377 TUSCORA 133 rooms up porch children ofc S7S 851 4879 WARRENSVn iK HtrWTS CLARKWOOD GARDENS apt bldg in one of the city's locations comfortable bedrooms lari living room plenty of closet space oily 10 minutes to Public Square CTS stops at door rom 2650 week ree Utilities and Parking KE 1 785) If no 'answer 486 0319 71 Harvard I clean rooms 1 child 34 1 9320 before 4 pm 1943: 2'h 3T rooms? ADULTS Newly furnished and deco rated ree parking and utilities accommodations room with and plus plush ROCKY River Dr area: Room for lady private entrance close to bus 941 8932 UNIVERSITY HTS 13760 Cedar up: 3 bedrooms 2 baths buttt lns fla shed rec YE 2 1431 WARRENSVILLE HTS Gladstone Rd: 4 room single modest adults no children LO 1 9063 WARRENSVILLE' HTS Gladstone Rd 4 room single modatl adults no children LO 1 9063 THE CITY TN THE SKY 16000 Terrace Road si i 05 ip LIk17037 2 bwtb ldea 3 4 atBlts part arftm' Till: BAY Village: Comfortable room pri vate home on lake shore for re sponsible person carace TR 7 5997 RANKLIN BLVD MODERN EI CIENCY UTILITIES CL 1 7477 ULTON and rourav nicely 'graphed call LA 1 339 LAKE 10915 14014 WOODWORTH: 2 3 4 room apts newly decorated See Manager apt 1 41 Hams for Rent (Ent) (Continued rom recadlng Celamn) TUSCORA off Lakeview: 5 rooms wn garage Adults SK 1 0190 MODEL SUITE OPEN DAILY 475 0264 NORTHCL1E 5713: 3 nice rooms and bath Lease SH 1 7425 3 BEDROOM TOWN HOUSES $137 and up Large kitchen baths laundry room carpeting in living room Close to schools and churches 4 miles east of Brecksville Rt S3 in Northfield 439 1655 TR 1 7846 100 netr Euclid 3 rooms narking SIS HI 2 1779 f45is Com trie nr HI 2 9920 YE 2 9914 35 3 402 3 and ft room apt near bus ON 1 1292 WA 1 4302 PLACE: 3 rooms bath util ED 1 2580 ROCKY RIVER: LOVELY 2 HED ROOM ADULTS HOME LIKE LIV CLEVELAND 1676 133: Ktft ciency utilities rapid 449 1778 18 VICTORY HOTEL Newly furnished apartments and ef tlciency suites Parking TO 1 30 3025 SUPERIOR: Clean 2 mw all utilities PR 1 3619 47 1553 near Superior: 5 Tilth up redecorated $32 432 2638 55 2276 3 rooms quiet dean adultsuniitles39 1 7235 70 1913: Clean 1 apt bath $13 $16 EX V9b36 CLEVLANXS EAST MtE 3S Choice of Deceratxms Completely Carpeted Air Comfrtiotimg Large Closets Bath and J4 TeMw Courts 44 Rant urnlihid Aph (W) tCentlnaed rom Preceding Colamn) 11709: 1 2 bedrooms re naar ra a a a a and up: ideal location 631 5690 LAKE AVE 4 room front suite $95 Included are refrigerator range hot water and heat: garage available 228 3506 i i frigerator stove 228 0898 991 0445 42 Wint to Rent Apartment KMYHTTady'rniddle "age 3T rooms nroanway narvaru or i Earage belvre noon 341 2536 LADY dlrs efficiency apt at Side Box AU168 Plain Dealer 1CI 1S62 (Chester Mt SinaU beautUul 2l? rwni suite treat hot water $70 Inquire custodian or RA 1 8150 105 ST 1081 at Euclid $40 TO $65 PER MONTH 1 3 3 room apts decorated Utilities Sleeping rooms SW 1 8550 After 5:30 pm and Sun SW 1 5596 107 WRU Case 2 3 rooms elevator utilities 73 up Good services SW 1 4090 Attractive 2Vs 3 private hath: all ail welcome ern see Tb'J 8220 Neai st Tlnva 86 Euclid: Large room private entry Accept pensioners CE 1 801 2 100 2060 NEAR EUCLIdTnIcE CLEAN ROOM: PARKING LAKEWOOD COMMODORE CLUB APT 18915 Detroit Ave 1 and 2 BEDROOMS URNISHED AVAILABLE ROM $9950 MODEL OPEN TODAY RESIDENT MGR 22Al03J9 LAKEWOOD 1384 Clarence Ave 1st building north of Detroit Beau tiful 3 1 a room suite In new building Large living room dinette large twin bed room kitchen with electric ap pliances carpeted air conditioned $89 IXJRain 10412: 1 rnom efficiencynd 4 room apt older working ladies RE 4 1803 4 rooms bath A 1 294 2 SEYMOUR 3550: gas furnace $75 VIEW Rd Scranton area: I rooms 2 bedrooms heat hot water furnished $70 per month Phone Mr Dix BR 1 7003 WEBB Rd 1394 Lovely 34 Rea sonable Heat appliances LA 1 6367 WEST Blvd 1374 at efficien cy also 1 bedroom nicely decorated elevator No pels 11 2711 Argonne Apt: 5 rooms steam heat: $7 CH 1 0865 17 2937 4 rooms bath up alljitilltles paid $70861 0797 25th Denhon area 10 minutes from downtown New 1 and 2 bed room suites from $89 50 ARCHWOOD APTS 3102 ARCHWOOD 741 2976 PARMA: 5 "down nearbw 8115 TU 4 2742 or TU 4 4462 PROESSOR 25'15: 3 Rooms i9 Rear 5 Rwmi Up ront New ur nacta Newly Decorated PR 1 73 9 2 A I BO A ve bedroom Hu ptox near rapid JT34 1724 after 6 SCRANTON 3296:" Duplex near everything 661 or after 8: 524 3975 94: Near Superior 5 rooms up clean I ch lid 331 0442 07 EUCLID area 9 room ngie newlv decnraled 150 mo reference required WA 1 4997 up WOODSTOCC 5 up: redecorated 1 child 795 728723l 499 4 BEDROOM COLONIAL airrondD (toned 2 car garage rec' room: move near Neia Park in SHAKEP Clencalrn modern 3 bed rwwns down 2 baths family room rec room other feature etow conveniences $25 ER 1 1103 SHAKER HTS 3 bedronm op: rapid shopping achooi 135 cf era otai the era i'Ortd in your collecting dutL An to ehder Good Seh Tba lea Oaatoei bong vo csm tor tkem a Iweev HOUGH 7711 7 utintle7 )ow rentweekor mouthy A 1 2651 LEE Ave: 3 utilities? adults? LLNWOOn rt703r utmtles4 5LbH0 MAYlELDHrlghts apt 442 9848 NORTHIELD 37 LAIRD near 98: Nice 5 roNtu up gas furnace srorm adulta $70 I 2220: CH 3 6099 LAKKWOOD 5 nx'ms and bath up Cloae to rapid and bu Modern Call JOHN MANAGEMENT l550 Royalton Rd 237 5621 5 ROOMS modem bath and kitchen $75 Broker LA 1 6260 nr AC 1 2292 MARINE TOWERS 12540 EDGEWATER 228 0733 78 1640 2xy clean comfortable $16 wk A 1 2943 79 1832 3 4 room CHUDRKN 79 St Clair Polish area: 3 4: utilities decorated UT 1 8746 a nt 82 near Chester: 2 3 4 roompts Utilities TO 1 0920 S4 CHKSTKR 2 NICE iARGK ROOMS WK GA 1 2503 86 Euclid 1926: 1 room and kHchen TV washer and dryer (or 1 or 2 working adult EX 1 4837 CLOSE to St Luke's Hospital Trem co St 5 clean ixx'tna up 73783or CE CLARK'AX)D GARDENS" 4S Houjij for Root (East) ABERDEEN St Church: 5 up decorated clean Closets base ment porch $5VSW 5 4432 ADAMS Ave: 5 rooms bath "Tn heal newly decorated Li 1 7112 WESTCHESTER nice clean room reasonable private entrance 7 2 1 05 9 5 WRU area: Room (or sober employed person 791 3339 49 3348 5 rnonta 2 children reasonable Inquire rear house 6 1 St of Woodland" 5 large rooms bath down 45 EV 2 1910 Supeiir 6 room bath 70 nir Occupancy Oct 12 361 1666 75: 5 room up redectorated new funA(e YE 2 0392i 12 5 pm 82 1 520 3 looms heat brick garage 65 795 1418 1327 B0NNIEV1AV An All New Building Between Detroit and Clifton Here Is modern apartment living in a quiet well settled Lakewood neighborhood Ideal for working couples widows and others who desire the pleasures of a con temporary building in a friendly residential area Central heating and air conditioning Large bright and cheerful rooms Several suites with cathedra) ceilings and windows Choice of carpeting throughout Modern range and refrigerator Ideal location: Clifton bus hne and Detroit Road shopping area Contemporary building With elevator One Bedroom from $10500 Two Bedrooms from $13500 228 4892 or 228 4768 WADE PARK 7102 3 room ultlll tle ADC 17 wk 68 mn 131 7188 WARRENSVILLE Center 1 bedroom furntthed apartment WOODWORTH 13102 3 rerms7b7th clean utllnif adult YE 2 2832 APPLIANCES Conditioning Refrigerator Built in Range Disposer A Rzepka Development MODEL SUITES OPEN DAILY SUN 12 9 RHONE 941 Metropolitan Management REA LTOR PHONE CH 1 0789 81 5 room up 70 781 from 9 5 90 3140: 5 down garage: fur7 nare 75 Prefer retired couple 9 1 Denison: 5 rooms down quiet bld adult 877 SB 7 2702 97 3374: 4 rooms bath up60 mo: heat Included 28i 338 WEST l03d Thruah Uppr "5 rooms with 3 bedrooms carpUng basem*nt adults preferred A GALL SH 9 5700 Lakewood 1 277 Cove Ave LUXURY MODERATE COST New 3 bedroom suite air conditioned soundproof carpeted elevator balco nies sun lamps block from chf ton Express ree parking AC 1 2878 LAKEWOOD 1331 Mathews at Riv erside Large 1 bedroom suite big closets stove refrigerator disposal: basem*nt storage: free automatic laundry: garage available 95 ED 1 3694 47 off Dntsnn: 3 bedrooma up Call 845 3 1 91 evening! 48NEAR LORAIN large room a of 2 family bement nnrrh shopping bus 55 mo YE 7833 50 3247: 2 bedrooms very farg kitchen garage TR 1 4639 52 )419 room single i child no pets ME I 87J5 9 52 4 rooms bath up Bus Hne60 Ca ll4 49 5578 Ml: 6 ronin single garage $85 781 0443 from 9 5 43 Rsnt umlihid ApH (I) (CwBtinwed rom Preceding Colamn) CLVELAND)rrSARA 3S NEWLY furnished tile bath 2 girls or cou pie ER 1 3 484 LORAIN 4319 7 rooms 4 bedrooms yard children 631 9861 1ORAIN W53: 3 rroma and bath up TV own entrance 65 1 12 45 LORAIN 117 5 rooms heat 531 8533 Vi and hath: utthttea Adults CL 6261 Sundays or evenings W(5stR Rd: 4 rooms bath laun dry Clean Adults $100 524 2667 111th 1224 3 rooms for 1 or 2peoplc 15 wk 120 Mayfmld 4 rooms bath $20 wk 851 664 6 14 1 st Clair 5 rooms bath" children $2 5 wk IV 1 067 3 115 Ashhury 3 rooms 3d iTtTli ties adults reference EV 1 8400 140 732: 4 rooms nicely fur nlshcdEV 1 8565 MU 1 2528 SB? 1167: 4 room" apt $45 quire rear Apt t2 Call 431 69)1 nr 65 SUPBR1OR: 43 room nignoa 2 mnm r51 1380 49 NEAR ST CLAIir rooms newly decorated month Hi 2 5277 EVENING EUCLID Grcen 3 rooms carpeted utilities Included Shopping bus 531 3364 days 729 4749 eve OREST 12906: Small apt 1 adult utilities Bus 541 60)3 GLENVILLE area: 3 and 3 room kitchenettes also rooms LI 1 9776 102 Si Clair 4 rooms bath $50 KVJ 7623 106 near Mile room tin redecorated Adult 641 0009 112 off Mites 6 rooms bath reference rroutird 888 1604 118 3281: 6 rooms up near school hd bus garage WA 1 5O2L 121 Harvard 3 rooms bath up Coupk 886 3JM4 123 north of St Clair" 5 room and bath up: mut have reference Call 381 347) llist 1076 5 iwmi up clean near isher Hoty adults 142 3645r 5up 75 aged couple no children WA I 5570 142 St Cleveland: 5 rooms up newly decorated PO 1 9559 116 3 rooms up 1 child very icejIU 1 6500 640 162 Holmef St Clair Ave: 4 large Immaculate rooms 2 bed room School children accepted Upper 2 famlly 8 1 9 90 EUCLID Or duplex 3 bedroom 1H bsth rec room bus 731 8193 GRASMRE 1826: 3 bath up ma lure couple or 1 person 54 1 0910 HEIGHTS Young urtni ranch 4 bed nw'rmt 2 baths family rwm 5 min ute drive to WRU 250 KENNY HAHHl IT Rd Kuclld: Upper 5 rooms in brick 2 familv rec room1 garage Near schoolsRB 1 9001 BRATENAHL: 2 bediwm roach house aim small ient tn exchange tor hcht part time duties Can have other full time employment Adults onlv Box AR 112 Plain Dealer BUCKEYE 130 5 rooms up decorated MO 2 3946 CASTLEWOOD off Superior: 3 bed room single $125 per mo with op tion to buy Very clean JK 3 5555 WA 1 7404 CEDAR LEE 2 bed room new ga rage turnace $95 EV 2 2314 CDAR Warrenaville area: 5 rooms sun room up garage A 1 3744 ClEVIJkND HU 26)7 EucIIiTHIs Blvd 6 on 3d stove refrigerator will redecorate $108 convenience 861 0026 912 2533 CLEVELAND HTS? Helmsdale I st flror 5 nice rum garage Near schools shopping bus EV 2 4416 CLKVKLAND Ht duplex 6 nmmi rec room car garage available 41 Rent Apartments (West) BOSWORTH Rd large living bedroom large kitchen private bath small porch garage 2 private entrances completely redecorated $60 mo 734 3264 BOSWORTH 3567: 1 bodrvm 1st floor su ite heat $80 25 1 7877 CHESTNUTDALE 3209 5 rooms up Adults or small famllv No dogs no mo SH 1 6050 1805 CLARK: 4 rooms utilities up rear $23 week cl*tON Blvd 6 rooms down" ga rage $100: utilities not Included no VIUllIl fl I aiO JJi'D cl*tON: 1 hedrrom quiet bus WQ 1 8627 AC 6 292 DETROIT RD 27600 (Westlakei: 2 bedroom carpeted appliances con trolled heat garage Beautifully main tained 10 suite building and grounds Quiet suburban area Good transpor tation Owner lives In 871 297 7 PARMA Ridgt Rd: 2lj rooms newly furnished TU 6 2729 ROCKY RIVER DR 4960 EffT ciency ail electrlc kitchen air condi ttomng 95 TR 1 81 39 1KW Rd Scranton area 4 rooms 2 bedrooms heat hot water fur nished $85 per month Phone Mr Dix BR 1 7003 'WARREN RD Beautltul heat utilities $125 AC 1 832J LAKE 10507: Modern brick bldg! efficiencies $85 up Sec Custodian GiragoavMlAblo 961 04 90 LAKE Ave 12700 Winton Place Sublet 1 bed room suite Ij 1 5944 PREVIEW SHOWING ROCKWAY GARDENS 42 ROCKY RIVER DRIVE Efficiencies rom $100 Big 2 3 Bedroom Suites from $150 ALL VTIUTIES INCLUDED EXCEPT ELECTRICITY Adult Community Elevators Throughout Lobby Patios and Balconies Ceramic Tiled Baths Stnrace Lock era rooi Room Laundry on Each Minis Off Street to Shopping Transnortaflon EATURING R1GIDAIRE arfc rM: apartment Utilities garage Private home Good location J95 CL 2 3187 2 ROOMS VP Ott ENTRANCE BUS 781 8398 rroms inquire BRINSMADE 7608 2 bedroom un $70 651 5633 BROOKLYN off Memphis Brick bun galow ull basem*nt Garage JGetson Realtor I 84OO BROOKLYN 5 ROOMS BATH UP: GARAGE ADULTS TU 5 03Ut BROOKVIEW Incom double? wlth option to buy reoonabie owner will help finance right party 886 3220 237 4621 886 2228 CLARK 48 area: 4 rovne bath up 30 3369 Trowbridge 'il Adults only No bath: working rounle 31st Place I7l 3 room apt bath chlldien 961 2247 after 5 3) 3202 YUtY CLEAN RtXMS DOWN 47 2021 3 rooms bath utlilllM ia SV furnished! CLEVELAND Mann Ave 'large hip: garage Adults 944 6282 Hr tni AV bedrooms heat garage Included All rtpi 1 nr uiciwn io churches Neat and clean anpomtmenL im 7 778 1 ST CLAIR 5507 Newly furnished apartment flclrncv suite HE 1 4588 ST CLAIR lOln WHEEI'K: 2 rooms utilities 731 5083 ST CLAIR 6812: 3 4 rooms bath $60 $80 month children 1 1635 SHAKER SQUARE MAID SERVICE 2 rntm efficiency availahe New allelectric kitchen righlalie appliance newly furnished linen all utili ties free heat air cooled Laundrv elevator parkin? Shaker Rapid and city bus lines at drwr men 8140 13051 tjiichincie Blvd 1 block nonh of Square MA 1 A388 SHAKER SQUARE 114 0 1 8 WOODLAND RD I a AT SU 1 0519 WO 1 5654 SHAKER: 3d private entrance garage A locale 561 6529 SUPERTOR 58: 2 3 clean $15 up AU welcome 431 9589 WADE'PARK Where ynu will want to live tomorrow because Pleasing 3 and 5 tonm suites rrsm urciira irn Completely furnished Play area br yungsteri Prompt custodian care We Work To Keep You SEE CuUMlan Apt 42 795 1076 SUITES ARE EmClEXCT 2 AND ROOMS AND BATH Alan HthtM Duty Nation Ont a ra iftKM to But Slop LTBAcSY APTS 4311 Upper Prospect piE i i no ini'ny CLEVELAND 3715 PROSPECT Attract tratrg ta 2 3 rwn efD enry parting to ptnHX Adtau 118 20 HE 1 4366 CLEVEIJixb HTS Ank 5 mom gomptotiHy tsnrnsbed 2 VM Muamu bath Bt fhmrRE 1 9001 77 I I Euclid 9896 EUCLID MANOR APTS urnished or unfurnished the finest apt on the avenue 2 and 3 rooms newly furnished and decorated Ele vator wrashcr dryer free iwuking All utilities included rom $65 4209 EUCLID: DEL PRADO APTS 2 1 ROOMS APT ALL MO HE S))3 EUCLID ('OLONl'AL APTS 2 3 roins $16 wk up Reasonable Mont hl rates Decoraied Parking EUCUD Ave 2816 Attr ntive room a pl convenient to downtown EUCLID)69O8 On bus line 3 4 nice rooms heat 486 1953 86 1 1 room en bath air conditioned refrigera tor range television tor 1 2 work ing adult EX 1 4837 MATLEDALK 2609: 6 Up Hove rage: $70 Reference 9 6089 or 247 6725 NATCHKZ 2709 5 room up ga rage adults 66 1 4290 after I pm PARMA: 3 bediwra ranch: bulll lns full basem*nt paneled rec paneled breezeway double attached garage fully carpeted drape throughout acre land Rent with option to buv $250 mu 842 0540 8846700 PARMA Hts" 3 bedroom ranch ga rage enclosed porch on park walk ing distance to whwli bus pool175 mo 884 8782 PARMA apiif level 3 bedroom l'? bath garage 165 yr law with option to buy Call 533 5388 UanfleldOJ collect PARMA 5673 Pearl: 6 room Adults nr couple with baby $125 5 4157 PARMA Warwick MceriT 8 up 2 eaturing: Carpeting heated tennis court ice rink putting green picnic area steam room gym coffee shop party room guest room maid service tailor abep beauty shop RESIDENT MGR 451 6650 451 5733 MADISON 3 stove utilities aauits compare 62 AC 1 5881 PARMA WHITEHALL MANOR 5905 WOOLMAN COURT Jut Wait of Snow and Stumpf Rda I Bedroom Suites from $9400 I Bedroom urnished Suites $12500 'Xife Mvr Kilcheni Attic Storage Spacious Apartments in a Resuienlirtl Location 2 and 3 Bedroom Townhouse LUXURY APT ON SHAKER BLVD Sr Rapid and Shopping Lovely large liv ing room Dining room Electric Kitchen 3 Bedrooms 3 Baths PRIVATE ROO GARDEN PATIO All Utilities Included $367 mo Nov 1st Occupancy WM WOODS CO REALTORS 464 0950 Member Exclusive Multiple Exchange SHAKER: Nice room 3d own en trance privileges rapid WY 1 6478 SHAKER Winslow: 3 on 3d utilities own entrance $75 991 7160 LAKEWOOD 1445 Elmwood: Girl $10 wk some privileeea 221 8299 LARNDER Ave: Room for lady home privileges near buses 961 0596 from $12750 Garage Opt Kraal Private Utility Room Swimming Pool Recreation Area CLEVELAND NEAR DOWNTOWN 3844 Euclid HE 1 4550 BELMONT Hotel Living urnished Room Rates favery noom nas us own rniuv Phone Refrigerator Bath MESSAGE SERVICE SOCIAL LOUNGE ROO GARDEN MAID SERVICE BUS STOP AT DOOR BEST URNISHED ROOMS YniT WAVr VR fiN Why live In an isolated room when you can live here so well and so pleasantly for so little? COME IN AND LOOK AROUND $15 $20 50 821 50 per wk forIngles $2450 for doubles All apts $2450 per wk Your reasonable room rent can now bring you all the luxuries of good hotel meet nice people too CLEVELAND Hts: 2 rooms on 3d? own bath business adult: references 321 4305 641 8600 BELLAIRE VV 130: Room and board for retired lady CL 1 6615 CASTLE AVE: Nice room kitchen privileges near bus PR 1 0614 CLARK 25: Room board home privileges: pensioner 741 4419 cl*tON BLVD rood for 1 2 young girls Pretty In blue and white decor kitchen laundry lounge phone facilities All this rinvrnlnrA tn downtown ano reasonaoiy young business LAKEWOOD GIRLS CLUB Lovely room Privileges LA 1 7255 LAKEWOOD MANOR: residence Nice room privileges us 226 10 32 ABBEY ata: 3 4 bath utilities $17 820 631 7687 EV 1 7051 REREA: 2 bdrnnm tin ufthtlra rhil 43 Rent urnished Apts wKiutift Avr are 2 i rnom apt BRATENAHL AREA I11 utJUtlM WO 1 SNOR I Alf LdILl kjl IvlXLj iCLARK ultnn Clean 4 up Individ ual ht 65D4I2428lu044 JjAK SHORE BLVD cl*tON 1 3 168 I nice ronras goM CLEVELAND BES 228 1721 1 bcdruutn apartment tn ftnei '3'T bth ant hirtf tn (n tha rtt" 3d Own entrance 226 3457 cl*tON 12980 5 rra47 utthtkt No eiectrtrtty 150AC 1 6006 cl*tON 1414 3 np rms gtyMl tninsportatimi 226 663 COVE 1374 5 Urge rams heat In cluded $32 50 wk AC 1 8467 DENISON 2 rncffit hah wn entrance utilltm buse 661 9239 DETROIT 75th C1arT4 ht parking MEl 070 DETROIT 2 lovely furnished rooms iLady15 wk 228 1454 DETROIT 12503 3 rooms bath let adults Inquire Apt 3 ON 1 1319 Detroit 86 ir Newbi4 me furniture Ste rqsvdan AT 1 7 530 CLEVELAND Hts 2S on 2d utili urt wurte or laaics uwsvi CLEVX A DRITS 2 bed'twmsT floor efficiency near CTS YE 2 58: CRAWORD RD 1794 2lb 3 rooms on ot Cleveland's finest apis newly furnished and decorated free parking and utilities: adults 721 3457 EAST CLEVEl AND DON ISHER MANOR Euclid Ave corner Superior I bed room ant New buildme heat air condllioned pM parking CTS bus and rapid 1 block 15 mm to down town close to shopping center $165 MU 1 1501 LI 1 1350 Cleveland 6 rooms 3 bedrooms baths utilities bus 2 4 adults Swimming Pool Ample OH Strel Parktag Convenient to School Shoppingnd Church PHGNE M4 O6I0 Goudreau Mana sem*n Corp 351 5233 i PARMA HEIGHT RANCH VILLAGE 41 Rint Ayirfmants (Wtit) (Carttiawed rom Preceding rlwn) PARMA HEIGHTS WESTWOOD TERRACE Located at the comer of Btumph and Huffman Roads Spacious bedron suites modem kitchens recreation center rom $8950 Call 884 7992 or 351 5233 orlnqulre at Apt 10 PLEASANT Lake Apts In Pairma 1 and 2 bedrocm apts $108 and up 749 2810 Lakewood 1416 Lewis 4 lovely front rnoew 4'Ut appliances near Detroit bwx $95 3 rooms $85ACl 9658 991 7038 LAKEWOOD Detrolt W'150: Attrac tive redecorated: 5 room In clean quiet bldg near shopping transpor taiion Adults 85 LA 1 3043 LAKEWOOD HTS Blvd 13725: 4 room 1 bed room: newer bldg near rapid 252 7147 or 671 2882 If no answer call CH 1 0865 LAKEWOOD 13620 Detroit bed room decorated appliances adults no pets AC 6 2404 WY 1 8215 LAKEWOOD Malle Ave: 5 room apt on 2d Redecorated appliances heat $85 AC 6 4188 1369 Bunts: 3 front heat AC J5 R94L LAKEWOOD 1673 Mars: 3 rooms: steam appliances Adults 521 8332 31 Position Wantod emale ACCOUNTANT office manager 20 yrs exp in industrial hospital gen eral and cost accounting presently employed in supervisory capacity BBA accounting major resume on request salary open Reply Box AU58 Plain Dealer ACCOUNTANT bookkeeper office man ager thoroughly exp TR 1 4303 after 7 pm except Mon Wed wade Park 7519 5 large rooms down 75 YE 3 3593 WICKLIE area 2 bedrooms stove refrigerator $9450 WH 4 2131 BABY SITTING ironing my home 93 Madison area 631 9158 BABYSITTING my home West Side Any hours 281 6974 EUCLID 17917: Newly remodeled use kitchen parking near isher Body KE 1 2639 or KE 1 0358 HARVARD 7619 private entrance kitchen $10 4 bus lines man LAKE SHORE 146: Room bath private street entrance beach 2 buses Men IV 1 2059 after 6 HANDYMAN: PAINTING REPAIRS Own tools Anywhere 391 1594 HAULING cleaning building weekly or monthly 881 2651 HAULING: i ton pickup West Side morning 8 1 pm 351 8852 RANKLIN BLVD 7712 3 rooms bath me apt b'dr ntc fu nltute A vmderfui ptac to live 122 50 pr include utllHie OL 1 388R RANKLIN 6100 Clean attracts )prrn tirohen Iivtn? b4rnmn coaMrattan til bath hew HttltflM rfriK a TUIQ IC IT iL Lol 1 1540 irilD ID 11 nUNKUN 5605 2 3 room pci aro 281 7723 SHAKER NEAR VAN AKEN RAPID 3 BEDROOM LOWER AUANCES 1200 LO 1 7060 SHaKER CHOICE locattcns VAN AKEN EALTY SK 1 2460SHAKER Square re: 2 bedroom stork rtfrenes 4 43 2804 SHAKER 5 rooms Up fireplace la rapid Hi 5 381jJ959 SHAKER Window: 5 up 1 H35 SK 16 67 7 SHAKER WucheH: 5 up and raragJ 2 3 Prefer aiults 45 1 434 WEST Blvd 6 room duplet ta fur nace garage no pel ME 1 6131 17 3917 4 rooms bath up: aU utilllle pa 7 0 861 9707 33 3794: 6 room bath up adults OR 3749 32D Chatham duplex 5 rooms: 3 PhonaSSl 1636 3J ST ot Dreiaont'a'W' room 75 mo heat 861 34 38 55 off Denison: 5 raoaM? bath up $75 WQ 1 45 5 room down automatic heat hot water utilities paid Accept children 661 9540 45 1949 5 room bath up 3 nnn bath down also room up funilshed 475 4933 CMC BEAT THE COST LIVING AT Knollwood CI ARK 4 1: 5 up redecorated? perch gara $70 351 1332 cl*tON: 1235 IXnald 5 rooms up LA I 65 05 AIRVIEW ranch: 3 bedrooms $163? ED 1 2 51 0 ENWICK Ave 6 room single dall SH 9 0298Jc(ween 5 7 pm ULTON Clark area: duplex 6 room 2 children SH 1 3203 TLTON on 41: DOWN: garag baeuent couple $75 351 3333 HEADLEY Ave off H7 5 updultv $85 941 3647 HIGHLAND off 117: 3 rooms up utilitle $4 1 5167 after 4:30 HlGHl AND off 117: 3 rooms up utilities 94 1 5187 after 4:30 KKNILWQRTH 1118 across from Lincoln Patk: 4 rooms up will deco rsro $65 843 9188 after 3 COOK all around man: 20 years exp references 761 5251 CREDIT collection some accounting office duties RA 1 8737 DELIVERY or delivery sales work de sired by man 36 with Corvan pane) truck part time 731 6064 CHILD care nursery meals Arlington Ave East Call anytime 681 7405 CHILD care day or night Denison area 749 3044 CLEAN $8 ROOM Painting MU 1 1065 268 0 558 CONVALESCENT: Child care Mon thru ri home nights PO 1 3377 COOK all around for restaurant Mature East 881 5373 DAYWORK 1 day Tues or Thurs Side references 753 0891 DAYWORK Mon Thurs Sat $10 Carfare A references SK 2 5446DAYWORK exp reliable: $8 and carfare dependable 361 4617 DAY workTs days $13 day city ref erences Own car White 651 7834 4108 Drive In the bean ef th part yt only mine it from every modem pteas ure a4 trecDdtand ADDRESS envelopes billing standard letters resumes 268 1069 eves DRESSMAKING WEST 941 2807 APARTMENT Building attendant Mature woman Have experienced helper with tools 795 5384 ARTIST layout pasteup finished let tering my home 332 9594 BABY SITTING in my home 130 Brookpark area exp with good care 941 6975 BABYSITTING: My home Maple Hts 341 8 77 2 or 6 62 0 9 BABY SITTING in my 5 days Garden Valley area 271 5 210 BABY SITTING MY HOME BENWOOD AVE 752 2403 BABY SITTING STUMPH RD AREA 885 5466 A 1 0905 1 AKKWO1D 3 bedroom I gle McKinley and Horace Mann Schoole SfuJnirarrisluAC 8 281JL LAKEWOOD 5 room down LAKEWOOD: 5 room down itwMl location Call 531 4363 LAKKw66n2l84 "Kldrtd: Up 5 room bath: jarage: adult 651 8905 LAKKWOOO 6 ronm up: garage: children no pet 531 3384 LORAIN 7748: 5 roem bath fully ecorated own side entrance IXiRAIN 67th 4 rooms down ga rage couple: $70 WO 1 1134 eve IX1RAIN 135: 4 room 85 kicla decorated garage 941 8303 MAlSlSON 70067 4 RdOMS Call PR 1 7293 IRONING: 1 day service Miles Lee area No pick up 295 1859 IRONING tn my home Middleburg Hts area 243 0374 IRONING: My heme: pick up dellver $5 bushel 791 1626 LAKEWOOD: Spaclou 3la appliances heat rapid $75 0 521 7042 LAKEWOOD 1386 HAU: 5 ROOMS STEAM HEAT 871 5737 LAKEWOOD 4 rooms 2 bedroom apt heat 89 50 TR 1 78 LAKEWOOD 5 LARGE ROOMS RAPID $90 226 3277 LORAIN 20312 1 bedroom air con ditioned 331 9511 333 1422 tORAlN 65 6 rooms bath parking 651 1513 MADISON Corner West rooms appliances heat near tran pertatinn adults $75 Wn 1 6303 LAKE SHORE Glencoe: TV kitchen privileges etc man $16 IV 1 4602 LAKE Shore 185: Private privl ieges couple or man IV 1 1875 MAPLE Hts Applegate Rd Room mature woman 475 1454' after 7 MILES 93: Lovely room gentle man $8 Call before 3 883 1454 NELSON Ave nice home retired man sober laundry 641 6451 ST CLAIR 2549: 1 OR 5 SLEEP ING ROOMS REASONABLE SHAKER near Rapid 2d floor room bath parking gentleman references SK 1 9118 SHAKER: 3d floor room: private en trance man: $45 75 2 238 4 79th Polish area nice large room own entrance AC 1 5034 79 1696: room and private bath $9 a week EV 1 4730 Sl'ATK Rd? 4563 4 rooms up adults only BK 7 7754 THOREAU 1231 off Clifton: 6 roomingle $150226 1526 after 5 TROWBRIDGE Ave ulton: 4 HEIGHIE "RENTAL Stell Nichol Realty LO 1 5026 9924 HULDA 4 room? bth? $50 mo 1 2 children RA 1 0832 LAKESHORE 112 5 dn 'porrhe up $87 RE 2 9297 LAMONT1R 5 room bath up ga rage vi 2 3321 or BE 7 4S52 MAPLE Ht 14200 Granger 3 rooms up garage part furnished $85 781 7)27 9 5 pm MASsiK 1)0 5 ROOMS UP 73 CHILDREN 851 5245 Polish' area 'Adult? 1 bedroom uit Cal) YE 2 2288 MORELAND HILL" bedruotn ranch 2 acre leae 225 (or yre: l29 O0Oc 248 4061 MOUNT AURURN AVE' 4 ronins clean opatalr Vacant 921 9463 MT Heatant 118 3 and bath up or 2 dulti utilities so 021 8312 Of 561 6665 OLIVET AVE (NEAR SUPERIOR room tingle ream heat Leate with option to buy GL 1 3055 PA REVIEW 5 roomup MO 2 5372HAKER Square: duplex ba mnt dining room living room fue pl kitchen on 1 3 bedroomnd bth on 2d 2 bdrocmt nd bath on 3d rarag tardner 175 ton WA 1 0276 SHAKER Attractive 6 room upper den brvax far ro cohered porch grge rapid vtran alulti Owner down stairs LO 28O Of 241 3922 SHAKER 3 bdrvrri ap ltr con ditioned newer home decor to lour 4ire disooaal b4nnt LO 1 6125 LO 1 034) "Stowed Articles for Cash! SHAKER: Room bath 3d garage Lady 921 1745 aft er 4 EUCLID: Lovely room up bath walk in closet lady EV 2 6654 IRONING my home days Spray starched if desired Randall area 663 8909 IRONING done In my home pickup and delivery $5 bushel Near West Side only 228 3583 ROCKY River area: Nice room for young lady adult home 267 4721 ROCKY Rhen Room own shower en trance: garage: man 333 1638 ROCKY RIVER DR: Quiet private home garage gentleman CL 1 918 9 33 off Detroit employed lady child care days 961 4715 41: Room near City Hospital Scranton ultca buses AT 1 6176 LORAIN AVE 12020: Private en trance refrigerator: use of kitchen PARMA LINCOLN AVE NEAR STATE RD MAN SH 9 5 7 99 PARMA: Board home cooking: TV Gentleman 741 0424 PARMA: room for man kitchen prlvi leges references TU 5 1158 PEARL Rd Rt 42 Ptkevlew Motel Special Winter wkly rates 238 7068 104 4 clean rooms bth up garage $65 coupleOR 1 086? 1()6 2 9 4 ronm up redeenr atedj Itrage BE 47392 120 3642 5 rrvuns down adulU Only 50333 5723 132 4 rooms up carpetingppllirkes available Traniportation 1 2 adults CL 1 6873 137 St 5 room newly redecorat ri OR 1 33)3 160 4021: 5 room bath up carpeting heat Adufti 87 1 4 121 WESTWOOD AVE UkewnM 4 rrxwni down basem*nt garage 1 bedruum with extra pull out bed A GALL SH 9 5700 WIUjDWDALE 21'15" 6 rooms $8750: 5 UP $75 JA 6 7709 REDROOM Brook rk brick town house carpeting $1)5 mo 3 bedroom Brook Park ranch built in rinre carpeMnt $120 BANNER REALTY 6274 SMITH RD 243 1300 MOVING SEE urniture Moving Stonge in Reoairj and Service Directory WESTGATE: "2 family brtek dTn? 4t room Divided basem*nt garage Call a fter 5 pm ED lg82 4 BEDROOMS den tunroom 5 acres? (all io 30 a to 11:30 a 741 7400 55 Bus: Nice front car peted room larre closet privileges employed ladv Eves 631 7314 cl*tON: Nice room for lady No 55 Express Bus $8 up 87 1 0320 cl*tON: Large clean comfortable room gentleman AC CUTON 13425: Large modem room employed man AC 6 1273 Olmsted: 2 room rfftciency mxi em: adults after 2:30 777 2037 PARMA: Large modern 2U bath ladv $33 newlyweds $28 TU 5 4194 PARMA 3'i rooms bath fur nished up utilities Adults TU 5 5270 PARMA 3 ROOMS TU 5 5 270 ST CLMR 5 raosM brt and front i porch atufts or tnn 851 9850 SOLON 2 bedronoM Alults wr lch 140 248 SoX CENTER RD: 6 to br4 nonuL Lovely yard 2 car ga rar niB'iM to taopptri A GALL EV 2 4400 EUCLID BWr Part ar brd orca tungakyw Children kd ImmMiart ncrupaicy $160to EV 2 4322 SUPERIOR Thru Hopkins Avr 7 reroH ptu 3 on 3d garage near tel achooto EV 2 3856 tCwnilntied la Next CMwwa) DETROIT 75th Clean 4 5 heat parking convenient ME 1 6070 EDGEWATER 11855 Deluxe 3lA utilities garace aval) able reasonable MA 1 3 6 7 5 RANKLIN 11513: 4 bath nulet UP $60 Adults RspldAClj 3 289 RANKLIN 4608 5 bath up ca 7 pm ULTON and Storer: 4 roums down Call LA 1 3393 HALSTEAD AVE 3 521 5150 HOWLETT Ave 4 rooms and bath 941 5593 LAKE AVE 9823 29 Large 1 bedroom apt $105 Spaclou efficiencies $80 up Decorated heat rievBiors AT 1 0972 Open Dally and Sunday 1 9 pm Designed Developed and Managed by ALEX ODOR REALTY 3308 Lorain Ave ME 1 0116 BABY SITTING my home 61 area al) ages ME 1 8367 BOOKKEEPER at home small busl ness Box AY135 Plain Dealer CHILD care my home licensed West Side ON 1 7645 CHILD CARE' my home Harvard Lee area 991 2123 883 5 8 26 CHILD CARB In my home while mother works airview 734 2376 CHILD care my home $6 wk Glen ville area Cal! 231 2753 BABY SITTING any age my home exp Mt Pleasant 752 4960 BABY SIT: my home days 2 children 58 Loraln OL 1 5189 BABY SIT my home days 76 Lorain area AT 1 0459 BABY SITTING my home $10 wk Age 2 Up 752 9674 BABY SITTING: My home 85 Detrolt area 631 6210 BABY SITTING? my home Mt Pleas ant area experienced LO 1 4893 HAULING AND CLEANING 851 7420 OICE cleaning man and wife nights A references 281 4789 PAINTING estimator closer New old work blueprints make change Box AU263 Plain Dealer PAINTER: A own tools in and outemi retired 932 6402 PUNCH Press set up and operate Experienced WO 1 0715 RUBBISH hauling Reasonable We move anything 431 7760 SALESMAN 37 married 13 years exp Stable Mies background Alert persuasive Draw is essential Box AU105 Plain Dealer TRUCK DRIVER: Warehouse ship ping receiving mechanically inclined Any type work 941 1047 TRUCK driver 10 yrs exp knows city and roads VI 3 8648 after 5 WINDOW and door knob washing 795 3681 EMPLOYER'S only Opportunity knocks ambitious dependable mature experienced diversified salesman de sires same type employer No get rich schemes or novelty items talk Box AU173 Plain Deale RELIABLE mature couple acquainted with all phases motel apt house management and maintenance Box BB231 Plain Dealer RETIRED pensioner age 58 "desires part time work typing teletype of fice work: downtown West Side 521 8747 YOUNG family man 3 yrs mechanical tar conditioning exp desires appren ticeship commercial COOLING HEAT ING 961 5064 after 6 YOUNG MAN 23 draft exempt de sires apprenticeship to artist or in terior decorator West Side preferred 871 8392 eves MARRIED man 27 yn old desires maintenance work actory or bulid ing exp 851 1015 after 9 pm COLLEGE grad 26 degree econ omics background electronics Box AR233 Plain Dealer AMILY MAN in need of work Chauffeurs license 541 6166 Steam Room Directions "5221 fj nure Barkng152 rut 631 7571 or 333 340 LAKEWCOD 124: Mrn 2br'm stHiU A4ufrt or na btoy rrto Ctoar to but raped LA 10724 LAKEWOod New turnhhrd rortn fMMEDLATE OCCUPANCY Al RapM Lakewood' pcrwrM 3 dean aftradjv ronma bath vtee tnelT 3 36AQ LAKEWOOD 4 rwxM oUhtle Mar? nM branes enupto AC 3 2389 LAKEWOOD 3 rederwated garag ttUnwv: prtvare 110 AC 4 0036 Lakewood i be trorm dnxy S3 93 361 1833 1 05 SUPERIOR area Single Adults Entrance $9 wk SW 1 6719 105 YALE area: Large room priv I leges own entrance UL 1 1606 116 KINSMAN: Room for lady all privileges $10 wk VU 3 8385 125 at Superior man call 932 9653 sner630 131 off Mlles: Clean neat room: quiet surroundings IV 1 0723 147 919: Large ronm 1 2 men Near St Clair bus EDDY Rd area beautiful room cook ing man 268 1069 eves ELGIN AVE 10520: Sleeping rooms for men PO 1 7380 7500 EUCLID AVE UT '1 8700 S1UUEN1S Comfortable accommodations close all universities $35 mo double QUAD HALL HOTEL ACCOUNTANT BS degree Experi enced public or general accounting Age 40 991 2117 ACCOUNTANT part time financial statements tax reports broad experi nce MO 3 8200 ACCOUNTING BOOKKEEPING AYROLLS TAXES 333 2486 ACCOUNTANT Offlce Manager' Age 35 degree Box AU9 Plain Dealer ACCOUNTANT bookkeeper payroll taxes as needed YE 2 8294 ACCOUNTING service 2 days or as yeeded payroll taxes 831 8160 TO superintendent on building construction responsible for all layout 15 yrs exp 439 1126 BAKER exp every night 8 12 ri all night 281 6021 eve BARTENDER 38 finest restaurant and lounge bar exp References VI 2 3285 after 3 CARPENTER foreman Industrial andi commercial ully experienced Can superintend if necessary Presently em ployed Box AY31 Plain Dealer CHAUEUR: 60 white part time or drive anywhere 721 7421 CHE CHE steward restaurant man ager Many years experience Box AU169 Plain Dealer rSonu" r00 SH7OS lr: no mo 5 iooffV IRONING $5 bu: tree pickip deliv ery west 281 3509 2 43 1906 IRONING A children's clothes specialty" West Side 451 0561 INVALID care or nurses' aid 5 days references SW 1 6953 CLEVELAND Hts: Room on 3d show er TV radio man 932 8034 CLEVELAND Hts: Cozy room nicely furnished Adult man YE 2 6944 Apartments 1 and 2 RDROOM SUITES $7350 Your Best Apartment Buy ully Equipped Kitchens Spacious Closets Complete Laundrv acilities On Lovely Metropolitan Part Shopping Transportation and School All Close In Office and model at 9801 Brookpark Road Open Daily 9 AM to 9 PM Sundays 12 to 6 PM 1 5233 Goudreau Management Berea Town House 70 Bridge St 2 bedroom suite newly renovated Including heat hot water and appliances OSTENDOR MORRIS CO 861 7200 Realtor weekend 234 7514 Berea Town House Apt 70 Bridge St 1 hrdroom new refrigerator and stove include heat and hot water OSTENDOR MORRIS CO 861 7200 Realtor Eves and weekends 234 7514 MOVING SEE urniture Moving Storage tn Repair and Service Directory MODERN 2 tkdroom apt lease $122 References Come direct tn Apt B204 3003 Archwood Ave between 6 9 eves sl'UART HOUSE: Jm $T1 44 21 Triskett Phone 621 or 251 7326 DENISON 82: Nice room 1st floor cooking privileges own entrance SH Played man A 1 4989 RANKLIN 6314: Large room own entrance man 631 9337 LAKE AVE: Pleasqnt clean room private family nice location centrally located 10 minutes from town gen tleman preferred references Please call 961 7564 LAKEWOOD Room for gentleman laundry phone and kitchen privileges LA 1 1609 bAALnWU itwuMU uur twui 2c xrv rOORlg nnfU twin beds private bath: privileges ntsned 2 rooms furnish pn io 001S147 lOO 77 3 rooms bath utilttle clean? AT 1 2S37 after 5 in 85 3 newly decora ted rooms util Itles Adults $32 OR 1 9 5 71 CLEVELAND: Room kitchen raipld own entrance men MU 1 7419 Cleveland Beersford room for gentleman 541 6490 CLEVELAND near Windermere: Clean warm young man 541 5753 CLEVELAND: Redecorated use rapid man MU 1 5144 EAST Cleveland: Large room gentle men: 5 min to rapid SW 5 0385 Cleveland: nice room home prlvi leges lady 681 1757 Eves DAYWORK Tues ri $10 fats references 421 3875 4 DRAPERIES CUSTOM MADE i'L34J DRESSMAKING specializing In form al wedding grown tailoring restyl ing alterations 226 0125 EUROPEAN dress designer 'with years of exp here and abroad Available only to reputable firms Box AU181 Plain Dealer EXECUTIVE secretary office mcr accountant: 15 yrs with present firm relocating out of town Present salary $185 wk Interested in working with and tor high caliber employer only Box AU27J Plain Dealer ACTORY or Stock Room7nightrfuil or part time 921 3235 GENERAL office typing accounts pay able accounts receivable billing mlsc duties 641 8905 GENERAL office work exp good typist 3 day week knowledge of book keeping ER 1 3296 GENERAL OICE no shorthand West or town 226 9457 HOUSEWORK and child care No Tues 5 days 7:1 5 6 4 5 1 494 0 HOUSEWORK child care 3 days wk? West 886 2704 INVALID Care Companion Hts Refer ences After 3 441 MOVING SEE urniture Moving Storage in Repairs and ServiceDirectory VALLEY CLUB APTS oom 199 Garfield Hts 991 7000 CONSOLIDATED MGMT 2043 3 NICK ROOMS AND CALL SW 1 5659 fi 1 ihYttrc PARKING REASONABLE CE 1 4711 8 96 2031 near Euclid: Clean nvxlern 1 3 3 rooms Reasonable 1912 3 nvm nlcoiv tur near Clinic Vnlverattv all 791 0977 IRONING: My home no white shirts Lakewood: $5 bushel 226 5947 IRON or laundry: Shaker Drop oft A shirt 751 9273 Cl VIAM1 HTS 3 baths garnte Cl EVH ANl) III 8 laree iimhus tedecoratrd TE 1 8817 1 8220 CLEVELAND Ht 1578 up decorated: garage 37 1 3359 CLEVELAND Ht 8 up 3 bedrooms 2 baths appliances 140 912 0582 CLEVELAND Eddington 6 up CarpetedA 1 0091 2 1918 COIT RD: 5 room up chlldien rage $75MU 1 6500 COLONIAL Hts: Nice rooms down Near bus 486 5566 DOVK Ave 4 rooms heat furnished adult $R5 991 9643 EAST BLVD UNION area 3 nice room bath utllttle cooking arrange ment Elderly lady or lady with 1 Child 883 3697 K' CLEVKI AND '1'4301 Mayfair: 5 down garage near schools referenc $85 PO 1 3555 EAST Cleveland 835 Woodlawn 4 room up garage $65 421 80 13 Cl VKLAND Strathmore 5 room up rrdreerated 451 3691 eve rievelsnd all welcome 6 room A Eder 88D5522 EAST ft osn newly decorated: adults YE 2 4325 25 City Hospital: 2 bedrooms $75 Including heat 845 0341 30: 5 rooms bath down i child SH 1 0526 52 1900 3 rooms bath utili ties included upper front 59 Call! 9617309 or 333 1 150 65 off Detroit: rnom apt down $75 utilities 651 4072 97 3 I 83 70 plus Ut ihttes 4 mo tern room bath: after 5 130 1458 4 room and bath ''wrent Wl I 3 1 88 152 Lnratn: 4 rooms redecor ated rapid LA 1 3557 251 3379 BROADWAY 17700 ALAMO APTS RLS1DENT1AL ASD TRANSIENT urnind kitchenette apt in well maintained bldg dean modern con venient laundry dupotatf paratnx bm suburban atmosphere Reaaciable rate BE 2 5380 CARNEGIE 8604 ronm suite with utilities Included venrenf 11675 etittodan ownrr 421 714 0 CARNEGIE 8701 2 3 rooms Nicely furnished Adults 68 up Parking CASE WRU: 1 2 or 3 bedrym rapid 421 6047 GA CASE WRU near rand Apt fAr 1 2 parting A 1 9317 A 1 3204 CLEVELAND NEAR DOWNTOWN 3223 River Dr Modern lux urious building has 1 as is base ment suite avaiUblo will rent lo single person only $6v94 1 3699 ROCKY River: 4 rewnis appliances $65 mo ED 3 QT92 after 5 ROCKY RIVER DR 4237: I bed room appliances heat OR 1 3896 I A I SI Position omolo (Continued rom Preceding Colwraai SECRETARY: 25 yre of diversified exp Confidential executive admin istrative Capable poised personable Available immediately Prefer down town or West Side Call OR 1 7025 1 0 to 4 SECRETARY to take full responsibil ity of 1 glri sale office only 15 yrs exp West Side Box BB126 Plain Dealer SECRETARY: Girl riday 1 gtrl of flee technical exp 795 0530 SECRETARY general office Exp East West Reliable 79 1 838 8 SECRETARY exp part time 2 3 days a week Westgate ED 1 0798 SECRETARY: Exp: 4 6 hra after noon or eves Northeast 946 3896 TYPING and addressing envelopes my home experienced 341 5868 TYPING of any kind done In my home Call 671 2323 TYPIST 20 yre experience statistical reports returns for accountant Avail able 1 day per wk plus Saturday Heights area preferred but will con sider downtown Hourly rate 464 Of79 NEAT reliable girl desires housekeep ing live in adults references Call 851 7107 PART time: general factory work evenings West Side 243 1448 EXPERIENCED Laundress references Call SK 2 1846 34 Rent Rooms Board (East) BROADWAY 71ST area: Nice sleeping room gentleman $10 MI 1 6642 CEDAR airmount area: ree room and board in exchange weekend baby sitting Working girl or student 321 4741 38 Rant Rooms Board (W) (Coptinaed rom Preceding Column) 130 3640 off Lorain: Room good transportation 351 131: Attractive sleeping room for man references OR 1 0438 MOTEL WO 1 9874 Attractive Parking Reasonable 37 Rant Housakeot( East) BRATENAHL MEN'S CLUB: Private room kitchen TV nice surrounding: parking references GL 1 5272 CEDAR 100 area 3 on 3d lor 2 private entrance MUJhnM 65 on Superior: 1 2 adults 3 rooms $20 a week PO 1 8237 100 2061: Nice clean 3 large rooms bath TV 3d parking (Own er German speaking I 791 5523 144 3874: 2 rooms on 2d front entrance SK 1 2166 150 874: Large kitchen bed 2 adult 851 6978 EUCLID 12700: 1 2 rooms private bath RA 1 7535 38 Rsnt Houiektaplm (W) 11207 DETROIT Ave: 3 nice clean rooms bath After 5 221 7633 LAKE 12037: Apt bldg private studio kitchen laundry female LAKEWOOD ROCKWAY: 3 clean DetroitbusAC6 8 944 AC1 4722 SCRANTON RD 3463 2 rooms and bath $15 wk 9 4365 28 2165: Sleeping room cooking man own entrance AT 1 5144 71 HARVARD: 5 rooms up clean $50 Schools bus MO 2 3880 73d 1652: 5 newly decorated rooms down $65 mo 881 8669 77: 5 room apt heat furnished win paint to stat 391 6181 81 Superior: 4 rooms steam heat good condition $75 Call after 11 YE 2 0514 81 1880 near Crester 3 rooms bath: utilities: redecorated: $5950 Inquire custodian or 231 1905 82 1886: 3 decorateo appli ances utilities elevator $79 50 2 $6950 331 8718 268 0900 S3 near Chester 2 3 4 room apts utilities TO 1 0920 82 1413 (Superior 3 Heat Decorated EV 2 1916 A 1 0091 83 2993: 5 and bath newly dec orated 621 9292 86 1422: 4 rooms bath deco rated 60 Mr Smith SW 1 5183 87 2193: 4 5 fully redecorated reasonable 421 1547 TO 1 22 7 0 89 2066 off Carnegie: 5 and 7 rooms: good location Custodian $9 3 AND 4 ROOMS ALSO Clalrdoan 6 rooms HI 2 0363 90 788 ST CLAIR: 3 DECO RATED STOVE RERIGERATOR HEAT UL 1 8359 WA 1 8318 91r 4 rooms bath hot water $65 Adults Custodian $2 93 1677: 3 room apt heat util itles decorated 231 4724 94 668 off St Clair 5 nice rooms $75 MU 1 9203 BR 1 3716 97 ST 2202: 6 rooms gas fur nace decorated See custodian 99 ST CLAIR: 5 ROOMS NEW LY REDECORATED IX3W GAS CON SUMPT1ON 241 2938 101 1862: Chester Mt SlnaiL beautiful 2L room suite heat hM water 65 Inquire custodian or RA 1 8150 102 ST CLAIR 1 AND 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS WITH BATH JUST DECORATED STOVE AND RERIGERATOR 10217 ST CLAIR APT f30 110 535: 5 rooms down near schools busses YE 2 4015 115 Superior Adults Redecorated 3 room suite fine quiet apt bldg stove refrigerator coin laundry incinerator $72 442 2176 120 St Clair Adults Redecorated EICIENCY clean quiet bldg refrigerator hot plate coin laundry incinerator 49 4 4 2 2)7 6 125 Brackland 4 rooms bath hot water heat $82 50 Responsible adults only WA 1 6346 days eves LO 1 5208 126 611: 2 rooms bathroom steam stove iceless $6750 Adults 140 911: 4 rooms redecorated See custodian or 231 24 86 140 562 Bratenahl area: ft rooms $65 See custodian 170 EUCLID: Modern room apt large closets tile bath Adults 531 1565 EDDY ST CLAIR area: 5 rooms clean Reasonable Adults A 1 7115 EDMUNDS Ave: 4 rooms or ap polntment call 761 3750 before 2 30446 EUCLID AVE 1 bedroom suite stove refrigerator disposal air conditioned: $75 944 7128 or KE 1 4993 EUCLID Brush Ave oft 260 2 bedroom apt fully carpeted dec orated: shopping center transporta tion 13750 944 6664 EUCLID 2 bedroom built lns carpeting $110 731 1661 Garfield Hts Melgrove Apts New 1 bedroom apt carpeted appli ances air conditioned: garage or heat $10250 GA 1 8288 883 9662 GARIELD Ave 10708 near Park wood Dr: 5 room 2d newly deco rated Call between 10 5 SK 2 3896 GARIELD Hts: 3 rooms bath up $75 with Utilities 581 3580 eves HAYDEN 1212: 2 and 3'u rooms: heat excellently maintained bldg All welcome Adults onl 85 ia 495 HEIGHTS: 34 ROOMS: NEWLY DECORATED MODERN DESIRABLE REASONABLE 2450 OVERLOOK RD LAKE SHORE 205: 1st floor Large 5 rooms 2 bedrooms carpeted living room Pa king 9001 LAKE Shore Blvd 17750? 1 hed' room bullt lns carpeting air condi tioned utilities $110291 1395 LAKE shore 246: 2 bedrooms appliances $96 up RE 1 7787 LANSING 6115 3 rooms bath washer dryer $65 MO 3 5832 MAPLE HEIGHTS 751 2978 5 ROOM APT GARAGE $125 MIDDLEHURST 1734: 3 bedrooms near Suptrior Mayfleld garage quiet MT Pleasant area: 3 rooms bath up adults 751 6835 MT PLEASANT: 3 rooms bath 3d with heat and hot water 921 7520 MT PLEASANT: 3 rooms bath on 3d employed couple 751 0598 NELACREST 16000: Nicely decorated 1 bedroom appliances heat 541 7888 OLIVET 10833: 3 room on 3rd appliances55 mo 721 3214 PARKWOOD DR 979: 4 rooms heat appliances Adults 451 4922 PIERPONT near 3 rooms 3d ail prtvate 761 4983 ROSEHILL 9809: 5 rooms bath near rapid $70 RA 1 0755 ST Clair Hayden 13503 Glenslde 4 5 rooms $6Q $65 451 3962 ST CLAIR and 79th: 2 rooms nicely furnished Call LA 1 3393 ST CLAIR 12815: 4 rooms heat hot water See Apt 7 761 1920 SHAKER SQUARE 2664 Moreland Stone's throw for Cleveland's most convenient the rapid and City's most complete shopping center: 4 shining 1 bedroom fresh ly decorated rooms new stove and re frigerator Considerate tender cus todial care This Is your new $155 See custodian 39 or call 295 0585 SHAKER HEIGHTS AIRMOUNT CIRCLE Large 2 bedrooms appliances heated garage: walking distance to shopping minute to Shaker Rapid Early oc cupancy 170 per month 321 1682 EV 2 0040 SHAKER SQUARE 2661 NORTH MORELAND 2 bedroom suite very close to rapid: garage SK 1 1909 Shaker Heights VAN AKEN 19436 Spacious ground level 1 bedroom apt decorated heat elevator: garage 135 WY 1 9230 SHAKER HEIGHTS 19601 VAN AKEN Spacious alr condltloned 2 bedroom ivlffbVfo cvpen' 2 BEDROOMS 3271 Warrensville Center Air condi tioned walk in closets 1U baths heated garage $195 WY 1 6440 SHAKER SQUARE: Spacious 1 bed room apt ull dining room parquet floor Close to everything SK 1 2120 SHAKER SQUARE AREA: Redecorated 4 rooms 1 bedroom appliances heat garage SK 1 8582 SHAKER 16345 VAN AKEN 1 BEDROOM HEAT APPLIANCES $13OSK1j22O25WA1 4992 SHAKER SQUARE: Large '2 bedroom apt nice foyer separate dining room many extras SK 1 2120 SHAKER Square: 3 room carpeted Elevator heated garage WA 1 7413 SHAKER: 1 2 Pedroum apt rt block from So on Van Aken yV STEARNS 2168: Clean SftO ISS: 4 rooms yard porch Children MU 1 1097 SUPERIOR 1 850 4 rooms newly decorated stove re frigerator all ll Hies SUPERIOR 10820: 4 large rooms large yard 185 per mo include heat light gas and garage GL 1 6700 ADDISON: 5 rooms up decorated children ok $68 mo 721 1385 ANSEL 1486: 4S steam appliances laundry yard $67 795 8430 BEDORD: 1 bedroom apt including carpeting drapes appliances air con ditioning garage swimming pool Call BE 2 8661 Belvoir Blvd Cliffview SOUTH EUCLID BELVOIR CUS Newly decorated spacious suites and closets All appliances 2 bedrooms from 8103 ree off street parking Inquire at 2079 Belvoir 2B 481 5858 IV 1 1120 BROADWAY 65: 4 room apt: also room girl Ml 1 8776 MI 1 3910 BUCKEYE near Shaker Sq: 3 heat appliances references LO 1 3858 CARNEGIE 7908: 4 room bath i down light heat GA 1 8700 CASE WRU HOSPITALS High class efficiences 1 bedroom apts professors students nurses utilities roof garden elevator garage Also furnished i GA 1 4443 CASE WRU lovely apt free for part time custodian MA 1 4444 CEDAR Hill near WRU and rapid' 2 bedrooms 2 baths decorated In door garage $170 251 2950 i CEDAR 4206 5 rooms brick: $65 i WY 1 3355 (see custodian) CEDAR 6903: 5 rooms $65 Will decorate Children EV 1 9419 CHESTERIELD 123d areT 3 rooms bath on 3d $75 mo 771 2433 or WA 1 4449 CLAIRDOAN 10519 23: 4 5 ROOM SUITES HEAT HOT WATER CUS TODIAN 451 6036 1 2546 KENILWORTH LOVELY 3 ROOM APT AVAILABLE NOW $90 I INCLUDES RANGE RERIGERA TOR HEAT SEE CUSTODIAN OR YE 2 0285 i CLEVELAND HU 2785 Euclid Hts Bivd at Coventry: 3 bedroom: dec 1 prated Garage porch heat Stores bus school $12o Lease 247 8259 CLEVELAND Hts (2106 Surrey): 6 large rooms (3 bedrooms) stove re frigeratnr A 1 41QQ after 6 CLEVELAND HTS: 2 bedrooms on 4th Elevator Completely redecorated Garage available RA1 44J78 CLEVELAND mount: ft large rooms front suite appliances heat 932 1302 CLEVELAND Hts 2645 Noble Rd: 5 rooms built in stove refrigerator near shopping and bus 291 1098 CLEVELAND HTS 3214 Yorkshire near Lee Rd 3rt rooms steam heat stove refrigerator $ioo Garage CLEVELAND Hts: 3 room apt new ly decorated new appliances $90 321 5650 CLEVELAND Hts 2752 Hampshire Rd: 7 redecorated room heat xa rage bus $110 YE 2 678 8 CLEVELAND HU 14082 Superior: 4 rooms porch steam heat facing park $80 See custodian CLEVELAND HTS: 5 rooms arrom reasonable 932 9425 ER 1 4347 CLEVELAND Heights 1720 Middle hurst: 2 bedrooms RA I 7555 CLEVELAND HTS Hampshire: 5 room suite In basem*nt 382 1317 CLEVELAND Hts 2465 Noble mod em 5 heat electricity EV 1 1366 CLEVELAND HTS: 3 rooms 3d heat garage $80 A 1 0282 CLEVELAND HTS 1 bedroom heat appliances YE 2 5065 A 1 5958 CLEVELAND Hts Hampshire: 4 nice rooms bath 3d heat $85YE 2 7740 CLEVELAND 2 7 691 Euclid Ave 2 61 3700 CO IT Rd near Euclid: 4 rooms porch $65 PO 1 7963 MU 1 9131 OCWNTOWN Ellington Apts 1712 9tt St 2 3 adults: elevator re decorated rom 288 CH 1 8442 851 4 011 31 Bvd 7 rooms newly decorated: $100 up 464 9385 231 3516 EAST CLEVELAND DON ISHER MANOR Euclid Ave corner Superior: 1 bed building Heat atr condltloned pool parking CTS but and Rapid 1 block 15 min to down town close to shopping center MU 1 1501 LI 1 1350 rAmT nVelnd KnSar orMl Hills Blvd $80 One bedroom apartment in converted residence Pleasant quiet surroundings Couple or employed woman only Tall tree nice yard rapid and stores EDITH BOYLE Realtor A 1 0442 fast Cleveland 1744 Wymore: 4 and rooms newly decorated: beat appliances: rapid rom 170 851 8073 CLEVELAND 1814 Stanwood Rd 7 heat appliances Adults E' 14685 Elderwood eoePaVl 3 new kitchen $75 $85 Adults 761 9336 A 1 7286 EAST CLEVELAND 1500 COVENTRY: 3 BEDROOMS QUIET NEAR TRANSPORTATION EAST Cleveland 1874 Marloea off Euclid: Near rapid 3 rooms: heat appliances garage $85 851 6099 rtA eELANP ve: Newly ms" dii3" bth" ht 0t Hayden: 44 rooms sunroom In quiet 4 sulte bldg io Pliances: rapid IV 1 3909 evea Cleveland 1820 Noble Euclida rooms: 1 bedroom CH 1 0865 CLEVELAND 1731 ffSIyoke: Lov ly 4 rooms: $75 PO 1 7469 Cleveland Woodworth: TcieiS rooms: adults: reasonable 292 6875 CLEVELAND area 4 up redec orated $65 EV 2 0299 Cleveland Wymore 5 room reasonable UL 1 5063 3rt rooms bath steam stove iceless NURSING care for eonvalescmse and 54 th off Bridge: Ronn for gen Hml tnvalid invalid 2d Shift only tlernan references 651 3580 Side 232 6196 am Pensioner NVRSE any hours recent reference tired gentleman slewing room kitch on car LU 1 1566 LU 7 1241 en privilege private entrance nurse: RN PRIVATE duty 7915999 90 LORAIN: Young man tatebeo privileges entrance 631 7069 PBX Med'cal of drctal asMtant or 91 2020: Room foe genUeman clerical exp 451 182 kitchen privileges 651 0813 PRACTICAL nurse for Invalid or con 91 2246: man kitchen prfrtiefta yaletrent 8 hr duty 761 2868 Nfir Lam bus WO 1 3732 PRACTICAL Nttrse non hcecsed exp ioo Madtaia bus rapid some sctcoltog 681 10)6 nice rora $9 Use kitchen man PRACTICAL nurse companion light 101 2161: aan tingle large housekeeping CL 1 2515 tarin kitchen own exit OL 1 0772 PRIVATE duty practical anise 152: Room for employed Ban 881 6030 On entrance sear bus CL 1 4062 RECENT DO KEYPUNCH mdcite 7 30 and Snow: Private home 1 west or downtown 8 84 2541 room prtril BE 4 0479 CBtiwved ta Next Calami tCaatraaed ta Nxt Catama).

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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Author information

Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.