The Sentinel from Carlisle, Pennsylvania (2024)

PACTS tvv inT-TTTQ ST 71 PUBLIC SALE THE EVENING SENTINEL, CARLISLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1954 -rtllV 1 WANTED 71 PUBLIC SALE 'f dl i3f-" lf 1 3Z. Femit locust posts. 2 nerapring nmttre. waJrHtf burma FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR RENT HOMBLAKER WANTED About the middle of April by an Elderly man. Liberal pay and allowance.

Modern conveniences, in Mooreland. State age and experience, in own handwriting. Address the Sentinel, Box 137. omplp8- soma uund galvanlneqr roofing lot of odds and ends of all kinds of lumber. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Electrto waaber, bed and prirri.

tables, chairs, glass, candy case, aausage grinder, lard press, Iron kettl and a lot of article not mentioned. Sal will begin at 12:80. W. H. Burd CHARLES RITTER, Auctioneer.

RITTER A MYERS, Clerk. PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Saturday, April 3, 1954 At 12:39 P. M. The undersigned. Intending to quit farming, will sell at hi farm, five miles west of Carlisle at head of the Alexandria Spring on the Spring Road, between Molly Pitcher and Ritner Highway and one-half mil east of Plainfleld Road, the following: LIVESTOCK Two head of horse, on grey mare, 8 years old.

will work on either aid of tongue; on bay mare, 7 year old, off side worker. 18 head of HoJteln and Guernsey cattle: 10 milk cows, 6 have calves sold off. 2 have calves by their side, 2 due In May; 7 heifers, acme may have calves by day of sale or close, some a little later; 1 registered Holsteln bull. This Is a good herd of cattle, all young. 20 pigs, weaned; 2 brood sows, 1 with pigs by hsr side, 1 due In June; 3 boars, 1 large Berkshire, 2 large enough for service, 1 Poland and 1 Spotted Poland.

FARM MACHINERY John Deere tractor. 1960 model: Massey Harri 2-dlac blow: Dunham 8-foot double disc; MloOormick-Deering double cultipacker, MoQormick-LVering grain binder, 8-ho Thomas fertiliser grain drill, tractor. New Idea manure spreader, large size; McOormick-Deer-ing riding corn plow, 2 Perry iprlng narrows, is ana Z4-iootn; dump raxe. Case mower. 2 bar plows.

1 Syracuse and 1 Oliver Chilled 40X; good wagon and bed, Brown make; sheaf elevator. bobsled, good sleigh, potato plow, single shovel plow, horse cultivator, lot of small article sold from wagon bed. HORSE GEAR Front gear, lot of good leather collars. sizes 18 to 23 inches: good work bridles, 2 riding bridles, buggy names and bridles, wagon saddle, plow and check line, lead reins, lot of old iron. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 3 bed steads, cot, srood coDner kettl.

barrel size; good dough trough on legs, side saddle, kitchen cabinet, and manv other articles too numerous to mention. Not responsible for any aocident if any should occur. Lunch stand reserved. Terms: Cash. Zinn Oariiols WENGER, Auctioneer.

OCKER, Clerk. PUBLIC SALE Saturday, April 3, 1954 The undersigned will sell at hi residence In Carroll Township, Route 84, Perry County, on the former Lowe farm, midway between Crum' and Dromgold's Corner, turn right on dirt road nine-tenths mile, the following real estate and personal property: 43 HEAD OF EWES and lambs, some registered; on registered ram. 3 years old. FARMALL TRACTOR with new hydraulic plows and cultivators: double corn planter, disc harrow, wagon with iron wheels, lime drill, grain drill, hay rake, potato digger, good chain saw, eta HOUSEHOLD GOODS Antique cupboard, beds, springs, tables, chairs, dresser, dishe and manv articles not mentioned. Everything will be sold due to ill health.

Sale starts at 12:30 o'clock P. when term will be mad known. R. E. Wheeler C.

G. SHULL. Auctioneer. ROY SPOTTS, Clerk. PUBLIC SALE Saturday, April 17, 1954 At I P.

M. 455 North Pitt Street. Carlisle, Pa. PERSONAL PROPERTY Full line of household goods indud Ing davenports, chairs, lamps, desk, radio, tames, sewing machine, refrigerator, washing machine, gas stove, bed, bureau, dlshe. etc.

REAL PROPERTY (Sale at 2:30 P. 2U-story frame house, with central heating plant, alectnoit-v. ens wster and connected to sewer. Lot Is 14 feet 4 inches wide and 130 feet in depth. "ran: personal tTODerty cash at Sale.

Real Pronertv down mil oaiance, wnn aeeq and possession, on or Drore May 1st. 1954. Laura L. Dmeley Estate WILLIAM A. HARTMAN, Executor, and WILLIAM A.


Attorney. PUBLIC SALE Saturday, April 10, 1954 We will offer at public sal on our premises situated along Route 94 midway between Mt. Holly and York Soring close to Mt. Victory Church, the following: 40 HEAD OF SHOAT8 Weighing from 30 to 40 pound. FARM MACHINERY 22x3 Case thrashing machine with feeder nd blower, in good shape; Case corn binder with brind carrier, on rubber, in good shape: McCormick- Deering hay loader, McCormick-Deering 8-ft.

cut. in good shape: Deering 8-ft. cut rinaer, water pump rnr on thru fining machine. 75-ft. 6-ln.

drive belt, nearly new; double hole corn sheller with bagger attached. 18 spring- tooth Perry harrow, good; single and double shovel plows and cultivators, eurht low steel wheel wagons, grindstone, rip saw, po tato grader, lot of orchard ladders, dif ferent length; step ladders. In different heights; lot of lumber, cherry, pine, oak 2x4 and Inch boards, dry and some planed; 50 bushels oats, grown from Clinton No. 11 certified seed; potatoes, and lot of old Iron. HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND ANTIQUES 4 old bureaus.

washMands. marble op bureau, marble ton stand, snool bed. also other beds: corner cupboard, slde- Doard, Kitchen cabinet, cherry droo-leaf table, cupboard, chairs. Phlloo electric radio. Weaver organ, electric washing machine.

Ironing board, flat irons, pots, brass kettle for stove, old time waffle ron. griddle iron, iron stove, stone jugs. 1 to 6-gal. knives and forks, glass hatchet, some canned fruit, glass jars, old time lights, hanging lamp, 2 old lme hancers for butcher kettle, home made soap, one hundred homemade brooms, a lot of articles not mentioned Refreshment stand reserved. S-ile at 1 o'clock.

Terms day of sale. A. F. Bream and Son SYLVESTER BREAM. Auct.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF BKAL ESTATE The undersigned will offer for sale the following described property, Set- rday. Aprtl 3. at 10:00 A. M. in front of the Peoples National Bank of Shippensburg.

Iyt of ground having a frontage on East King Street of 32 feet, 4 inches, more or less, and a depth fmm the curb line on East King Street of 118 feet. 10 inches, more or lese. The said premises contain 5 apartments and storerooms, and known as 27-29 East King Street. Shippensburg. Pennsylvania.

Terms of the sale will be made known the day of the sale. Lester S. Goodhart PUBLIC SALE Saturday, April 3, 1954 At 12 Nooa On Third Street, Boiling Springs, the following: HOUSEHOLD GOODS Philco -apartment size eieruie stov. used 3 years: Philco apartment size refrigerator, ued 3 years: GE electric refr-perstor, Electrolu: cleaner. 3-piece bedroom suite, 2 smgie mahogany beds, douiu and euik eus and ai- wire gate, wv in, oiinfi, nwim niucn, day bed, unusual flas buffet, danp tail extension tAble, porcelain work billa, uiuiiy oaoweui, xoungstown -mca sink, Hhrary table, standa, airtiqua walnut chair, folding chain, rookwa, odd chair, Oriantal rugs, domnatl rug-i, serving tray, on I harruimred bras; neat of table, card tubUta, Pruloo radio, electric mixer, elertrle docks, mantle dock: following appliance, lo trie, fan, heater, toaster, perooletue, lamp; maple orlb, Vlotrola.

bedding, dishe. including cut-glass compote, other cut-glass, china, set of 32 Cobalt blue glasses, 2 canister butter paddles, lot of silverware, old umbrella stand, cooking utensils. curtains, drapes, pictures, picnic stov, baamnet, small blcycl with training wheel, and many other article. John F. Fogel GOTT8HAUU Auctioneer.

PUBLIC SALE Saturday, April 3, 1954 At 10 A. M. 4 mile west of Carlisle along RMnr Highway (Route 11), Just west of McAllister's Church. BCILDINO LOT 60 ft. front along Route 11 300 ft.

deep, with thereon erected a garage, 14 ft. 20 ft. 1946 DODGE TRUCK with 12-ft. bed. In good condition, license.

New and used lumber, second-hand galvanized roofing. Term by Roy E. Stimeling GOTTSHAIX. Auctioneer. 81 LEGAL NOTICE In the Court of Common Plea of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania.

No. 317. May Term, 1964. To Mary Jane Sadler, Elanora Sadie. Samuel Sadler and Susan Sadler, children and Heirs at Law of Joseph Sadler, deceased, their heirs, legatees, devisees, personal representatives and as-sign.

or whoeve-may be the holder or holder of tha Mortgage hereinafter mentioned. Take rotic that on March 23. 1953, Farmers Trust Company, Executor and Trustee uw of Philip Brechbill. lata of the Township of South Middleton, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, deceased, and Sarah K. Brechbill, widow, filed their Complaint averring that they are the owners of the followina; described tract of land situate in the Township of South Middleton, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, to wit: BEGINNING at a point in the center of the Public Road known as the Ship-pensbur Road; thence by lands of Philip Brechbill South 15 degrees East a distance of 495 feet to a point: thence by land of Charles W.

Otto South 71 degrees 15 minute West a distance 667.6 feet to a post: thence by land of David Landis North degrees 15 minutes West a distance of 691.7 feet to th center of the said Shtppenaburg Road; thence by th center of the said Ship-peneburg Road North 89 degree 80 minute East a distance of 678 feet to the place of BEGINNING. Oontainlna: 8.49 acre. That an unsatisfied Mortgage bi th principal amount of SooO.OO remain a charge upon said tract of land, in favor of the above named Defendants, by virtue of the Order of the Orphan Court of Cumberland County, Pennsyl vania, round i orphans Court Docket No. 18, Page 87. and the Deed to Gideon Kutx for said tract of land recorded In Deed Book Vol.

8. Page 484; and that the period of twenty-one (21) years has elapsed since the Drineinal of said Mortgage became due and pay- aDi ana no payment nas oeen made within said period ofeither principal or interest, and praying th satisfactioa thereof. That th above Court ordered that the Complaint be served by the Sheriff of Cumberland County on said Mary Jane Sadler, Elanora Sadler, Samuel Sadler and Susan Sadler, children and Heirs at Law of Joseph Sadler, deceased, their heirs, legatee, derlseea, personal representative and assign, generally, by publication, notifying th same, or any of them, to appear and answer said Complaint within twenty (20) days after the date of th last Insertion of said advertisem*nt CLYDE E. FISHER, Sheriff of Cumberland County. JOSEPH L.

KRAMER. Carlisle. Pennsylvania, Attorney for Petitioner. NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that th Super, visor of Monroe Township, Cumberland County. Pennsylvania, will receive sealed bids or proposals until 7:30 P.

M. Apr. 19, 1954, at which time the sealed bids will publicly opened and read in th Township Shed. Allen, for th season's requirements of 10.000 more or less, of bituminous surface treatment material. All materials to meet th requirements of th Pennsylvania Stat Highway Buttetin NOr-g All price for the above material furnished and applied as directed.

The Supervisors reserve the right reject any or all bids or pro pom is. HAROLD A. GROUP, Secretary. E. D.

ft. Carlisle, Fa. THE ALTERATION SHOR A Complete Service fofl Ladies and Men DRY CLEANING 22 W. Louther St Ph. 1605 Helen Kelly Pendery, Prop.

ATI ENTION HEARING AID USERS WILSON'S DRUG STORE Is now prepared ts serve you with a complete line of bat terles for all makes of hear-Ing aids. Guaranteed Watch' Repairing at Reasonable Pricec See VAUGHN MOUNTZ at Eppleys Jewelry Dept. TRUSSES and Surgical Supplies Elastic Stockings Abdominal Belts Elastic Anklets Elastic Kneecaps Single Trusses $4.50 to $3.00 Double Trusses $5.50 to $15.00 Every Truss Guaranteed to Fit Two Fitters Over 40 Years Experience Shearer's Drus Store 22-24 VV. High St. -liilaf ll flu ll FOR SALE 15.

Real Estate Verr modern S-bedroom honse. bath, roonw, full basem*nt, 2 fireplaces, wall to wall closets, exceptional kitchen, month old. CaU 1807-J. 8-room honse and bath, 16 acres groand, 2-car garage, i miles from Carlisle on Wagner's Gap Road. Priced for quick sale.

EDWIN RANKIN, phone 2636-K, GARLAND DRIVE A new stone-front house in excellent neighborhood. Lot 100 190., 2 bed rooms, expansion attic, playroom, oil baseboard heat, fireplace, attached ga rage and porch. Owner transferred. Phon Carlisle 2611-R-ll, 4-reom frame honse, all Improvements, outbuildings. 1Kb miles southeast ol Carlisle on Petersburg Road.

DORA RUCKMAN, RD6. Carlisle. Pa. R. E.

RAUDABAUGH REAL ESTATE BROKER 104 S. Hanover St. Phone 2202 or 2419-W 7-ROOM HOUSE Very desirable loc. tlon in town, large landscaped lot, i bedrooms, living room with fireplace. 2-FAMILY HOUSE pleasant rooms each, hardwood floors, automatic neat, large lot, central location.

8-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW Nicely developed section, attractive lot with fireplace, car port, tiled basem*nt. WEST SECTION 6-room brick ranch house, bedrooms, living room with fireplace, corner location, Immediate possession. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW Automatic hot water heat, full basem*nt, attractive living room witn picture windows, tile bath, ROUTE 11, EAST OF TOWN 6-room brick bungalow In perfect condition, full basem*nt, hot water oil heat. 2-car garage. Lot 100 20 feet.

PRICED TO SELL. MT. HOLLY 6-room modern bungalow. piped air heat, large garage, city water, $6300.00. COUNTRY HOME 14H ACRES with stream, 6-room house with furnace, well water system, small barn, WEST OF TOWN, $5260.00.

IS MILES OUT, 18-ACRES, mostly loam sail, attractive trout stream, 6-room Bouse with bath, barn and other build ings, $6100.00. GROCERY STORE Full line of mod ern equipment, established trade, room living quarters, larg storage space, rural location. BRICK BUSINESS PROPERTY Cor ner location, large store room. 2 mod ern apartments. CHURCHTOWN.

BEST BUY IN MT. HOLLY! Brick Bungalow, 3 bedrooms, bath, large modern kitchen. Full basem*nt. Two car garage. Ideal location.

Reduced and ordered told. SID A. CARSON Phone 896 AUSHERMAN BROS. Real Estate. M.

E. SPAHR. Mgr. Phone 1203-J or 898-R OUR BIG BUY OF THE WEEK 24-Aer Farm, 8-room frame dwelling, bath, furnace, full cellar, electric hot water heater, new well. Dwelling ideal for a large family or a two-family house.


CONVENIENT OFFICES TO SERVE YOU BETTER. SID CARSON REALTOR 4 S. Pitt Phone 896 NEW BRICK RANCH 3 large bedrooms, automatic oil hot water baseboard heat, dining room, fireplace, lots of closet space. large expandable 2nd floor. Greatly reduced for quick sale.

Call 896. BRAND NEW BRICK BUNGALOW Living room with plctur windows, fireplace, dining roonr tiled kitchen and bath. Call 896. Mcknight modern BUNGALOW 2 bedrooms, at-tractive living room, modern kitchen and bath, fully automatic. COUNTRY HOME.

WEST OF CARLISLE 6 large rooms, fireplace, lot 162'x600, beautiful wooded setting, several acre garden, $5,000. Call 896. FOUR MILES NORTH-Single brick and frame, IV, years old. large living room with picture window, fireplace, ultra-modern kitchen and bath, 2 bedrooms, expandable attic, fully automatic. Call 896.

LOTS FOR SALE Lots, Pine and Chestnut Mt. Hollv Springs, Pa. Desirable locat ion fnr or'wo dwellings. Sacrifice. $1,300.

write ueo. SKUL.TON, 718 W. Marshall Norristown, Pa. 3-bedroflm nltra-morira i. 300' creek frontage, beautiful landscaping wail to wall carpeting, birch paneled walls and fireplace planter in living room, baseboard heat.

One of the most livable small homes In this area ror PPlntnent call Mt Holly 08-v. Lot oa North St. extended. Call 703-M-t. Lot along hard road.

Phon J774-B-S. FOR SALE SIX ROOM FRAME HOUSE. Oil Full Garage. Aluminum Storm Windows. Well Insulated-Growing Part of Carlisle.

Reasonably Priced. Apply 452 Franklin St Phone 1287-R After 4 or Saturday FOR SALE 15. Real Estate DILLSBl R. D. 1 Jdnt beyond borough limits, story frame bungalow, 4 year old, 4 large rooms and bath.

Expandable 2nd floor, hardwood floors, full basem*nt, city water, automatic oil heat, new 3-car garage, $10,300. MECHANICSBUPO, NEAR BROAD ST. SCHOOL l-tnry masonry bungalow, living room with brick fireplace, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bath. Hardwood floor, full basem*nt, hot air heat. VETERANS $660 DOWN.

2'i MILES EAST OF DILLSBURO ON RT. 74 Modern l'-i-storv frame house. five rooms and bath, hardwood floors automatic oil heat, full basem*nt, 2-car garage o.MjY sm.ouu. PAUL R. EICH ELBERGF.R AGCY.

18 S. Hanover St. Phon 553-J Evening Phone 2027 A well located country store with mod ern apartment, two-car garage, gag pumps, doing a prosperous business. Owner must go to a higher climate. Price greatly reduced.

Immediate possession. EMMETT R. WOODS. Realtor, Court House Avenue. Phone 285.

FOR SALE BY OWNER 2'-jesr-old oncK Bungalow, 3 neorooms, modern kitchen and bath, large living- room, den, automatic heat, car port, tiled basem*nt. Nicely landscaped. Patio and fireplace at rear. Very desirable neighborhood. 30 West I St.

DWELLINGS 3 roam frame house fjl.175 2-room frame house 1,800 33-ft Curtis trailer 28-ft aluminum trailer 3,000 5-room stone house 8.000 5- room stone house along stream 3.500 6- room frame house 4.000 6-room frame house 5.000 5- room modern frame, Mt. Holly 6.000 6- room frame, garage 6.500 4- room modern rrame b.nzb 5- room modern brick 7.5o0 6-room frame house 8,000 6-room modern frame 8 00O Dwelling, store, gas pump 9.000 5-room modern stucco block S.OuO 6-room modern brick 9.500 7-room modern brick 10,500 6-room modern brick 10.500 5-room modern block 10,500 10-room modern brick 11,000 Store, apartment, garage, gas pump 11,000 3-faraily apartment house 12.000 6-room modern insel brick 12.00U 7-roora modern brick 18,000 6-room modern stone 17,000 11-room modern brick 17,000 FARMS 7A. 5-room house 2.500 20A. 3-room frame 5,000 140A. house and tenant house 7,500 U4A.

6-room modern frame, out- bldgs lO.OOO 42A. house, outbldgs 12.500 60A. stone house, barn 14,500 90A. frame house, barn, outbldgs. 12,750 62A.

modern frame, barn 16.000 140A. house, barn, outbids. ....16.500 140A. house, barn, outbldgs 26,500 Other dwellings, farms, orchards, business properties, hotels with and without licenses, stores, hardware store, apartment houses, garages, restaurants, cabin courts, lots. EMMETT R.

WOODS, REALTOR INSURANCE. Court House Ave. BOILING SPRINGS Attractive home, located on corner of Walnut and 3rd Streets. Dwelling has an appealing atmosphere of antiquity, contains 3 bedrooms and has all the desirable features of a fine home. Small barn, 2-ear garage, shop and Summer house with fireplace.

Lawn, evergreens and shrubbery, ornamental fence. This is an outstandingly desirable home. For further information and appointment to inspect, contact Mil. ALLEN, STANS-FIELD'S, Mechanicsbtirg, Pa. Telephone Carlisle 2737-J, GEO.


2434 54 W. Louther St BRICK CENTRAL LOCATION 6 rooms, automatic heat open stairway, city water and sewer, newly redecorated, HOME HIGHLAND AVE. 6 large rooms, open salrway. full basem*nt, 2-car garage, wonderful location. SUBURBAN BUNGALOW 5 rooms, bath, garage, very large lot, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds.

Excellent buy. BRICK HOME CENTER VI LLE 5 rooms and bath, modern, redecorated, trees, flowers, shrubs. Price will please you. BUNGALOW 4 ACRES 6 rooms, modern kitchen, attached garage, wall to wall carpet, beautiful view. HOME IN CARLISLE 8 rooms, bath, modern kitchen, garage, nice location for schools.

Under $10,000. SEMI-BUNGALOW rooms, modern kitchen and bath, large lot, large block building. 24x36, in rear of lot. Excellent home and place for business. 16.

Autos and Trucks Ford convertible, in good running condition, black. May be seen at 614 Highland Ave. Phone 1034-J. 1940 Plymouth t-door. Fin shape.

$193. Call 1634-R VV AUTO SALES FAMOUS FOR FINER USED CARS Poor House Road Phone 1707 1951 Chrysler V-8 loaded, perfect $lfi95 1951 o'drive, beauty $1195 1950 Buick 2 door, R.H., Clean 1950 Ford 2-door the best $95 1949 Nash 4-dnor, good J595 1947 Plym. cream puff 1495 1947 Kaiser 4-door, a fine car $295 1947 DeSoto 4-door. R.H., special S395 1947 Nash 4-door, 1395 1941 Hudson Coupe, lovely $150 Many Others To Choose "rom Open Evenings 'til 9 and Sunday 1 'til 6 see MARTY WISE or LES FARLLINO 1941 Chevrolet coupe. $95.

CaU 2316-J-3. Late 1949 Chevrolet Pelnxe convertible. This car is in perfect condition from top to bottom. Phone 971-J between and 8 p.m. 19M nidsmobile model 98 convertible 1953 Oldsmobiie Super 88 4-door sedan.

MILLER OLDSMOBIL.K. bA) W. Mam Mechanicsburg. Open evenings 7 to 9. 1951 Chevrolet 4-door sedan, excellent condition, many extras reasonable.

624 N. West St. Phone 734-M. FOR RENT 21. Rooms Rooms.

40 Sonth Bedford Street. Booms 133 W. Louther St. Phone 2894. Forn.

room. Inquire S14 8. Hanover St. Furnished bedroom for young woman. Phon 2S90-J.

Wanted A girl of good reputation to share apartment with other girl. Pri vate bath and entrance, $6.50 a week. Call 5S7. Furnished bedroom far middle-aged woman, 134 S. Pitt St.

Furnished bedroom. 28 E. Pomfret St. Bedrooos. 141 A Street, 2 3 us 12.

Livestock and Pets Germaa Shepherd puppies, A.K.C. reg Mterea. uau aa-j-u, axter ciocjc. Pony, 4 years eld, very qnlet. See ARTHUR ROWE.

between Ritner Highway and Newvllle. Fid for sale. Phone J75J-R-4. Boxer. 4 months old.

trimmed, wormed inoculated, A. K. C. registered. Phone Carlisle 2319-R-4.

Good sine Holstela stock ball. ARTHUR W. RIFE, 2 miles east of Newvllle along Carllale Road. pigs. weeks old.

BEN J. GASMAN Carnal a. V. 2. Phone w-J-z.

S-week-eld Colli puppies. Call ls-R-I 13. Poultry and Supplies rhlrbs. dav aid. Manter mated B.

O. sired chicks. Sires' official dams. 200 to 340 egga. P.

O. SUNDAY, phon 203. Day-old and started chicks. eastern hatch turkey, chicken and goose ergs. PIKE BREEDING IT ARMS, on Harrlsburg Pike.

Phon 1950-J. 14. Real Estate Agents To finance the home yon bay la these columns consult CUMBERLAND vaLv- LEY SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCLA, TION. 16 W. High St, Dwellings, apartments, farms, stores, hotels, tap rooms, motor courts, gaa stations, lots, woodland and tlmberland EMMETT R.

WOODS, Realtor, 18 N. Court House Are. Phon 285 or 723. If it's real estste or Insurance, i CHARLES MARTIN. 123 S.

Hanover St Phone 785-J. AUSHEBMAN BROS. REAL ESTATE 133 W. High St. Phone 1203-J or 898- W.

H. H00KE REALTOR 29 South Pitt St. Carlisle, Pa. Sales Rentals Appraisals Phones 1340 2038-R-l or 1255 T. Elliott Middleton Real Estate Broker 18 N.

Court House Are. -Phon 7S Carlisle, Pa. SID A. CARSON REALTOR 4 S. PITT ST.

CARLISLE Phone' 896 2947 L. B. LEFEVER REALTOR INSUROR 76 Ridge St TeL 128 15. Real Estate W. Penn St.

vacant for whit or colored semi-detached, 6-room and bath, attic, cellar, and yard: good condition. $500 down. Phon VL2-J Hairisburg 30662. MOBILE HOMES PnnHt Maw Unnn i VTnKIl Homes, donstant large stock. Your Inspection invited.

Up to 5 years to pay. GROFF'S TRAILER SALES. 4 miles east of Lancaster. Route 30. Phon Lan- caster 3-9798 House, rooms and bath, modem kitch hot air heat, electric hot water heater, gas stove.

Close school buildings. Located 629 W. Louther St. In quire 1424-R after 6 p.m. BASON HILL HEIGHTS Sale New 3 bedroom brick semi- bungalow with garage, situated on beau- ifully landscaped 75' aot)' lot.

Vene blinds, aluminum storm windows oil hot air furnace with air-conditioning, recreation room and laundry facilities In full basem*nt. Own will help in financing. Phone 3006. MODERN BRICK HOUSE bedrooms. tile bathrooms, attached garage.

812 wiison St. Phone W21-U. W. H. H00KE REALTOR 29 South Pitt St Carlisle, Pa.

Sales Kentals Appraisals Phones 1340 203S-R-1 or 12.55 MOORELAND SECTION Single frame, large living room, open stairway, 4 bedrooms, hot air oil heat, modern kitchen, lot 70x180. THIRD WARD Single brick, 7 rooms, 4 bedrooms. 2-car garage, peaceful residential district, built when they built the best. WEST WILLOW STREET Built-in brick, 3 bedrooms, recently decorated, garage and recreation room in basem*nt, automatic oil heat. ORANGE AND WEST NORTH STREETS Modern frame bungalow, corner lot, 3 bedroom, full basem*nt, oil heat.

Picturesque neighborhood of small home. NEAR BOILING SPRINGS ROAD 2 block from City line, Grey Insul Brick, 2-badroom bun- fralow. well and cistern water for aundry. hot air coal heat. A good bom at a reasonable price.

MT. HOLLY-Comfortable 4-bedroom home, modern kitchen and bath electric dish washer, hardwood floors throughout, city water, deep lot and garage, BOILING SPRINGS 7-room frame dwelling, 3 bedrooms, beautiful modern kitchen. 2-car garage. Child swimming pool in back yard. FIVE MILES NORTH OF CARLISLE 10 acres, 6 rooms.

3 bedrooms, bath, hot air coal heat Priced for a quick deal. ON THiS YELLOW BREECHES 130-acr limestone farm, quon-et barn, 3 alios, large chicken house. modern bungalow with garage. 49 head registered cows and heifers, 2 tractors and necessary machinery. ON HARRISBURG PIKE 7 acres, on both sides Route 11.

bordering large stream, 8-mom brick house, i 4 bedrooms, bath, steam oil heat, spring water. 1. Miscellaneous od, elcB sed clothing sf kind huuvjuk's, 4 w. Louther at. ototllirrt.

new and osed. ADAM ELLER, R. D. 1, Carllale, Pa. lea Bnra eol, xlab wood.

We de- ver ny amount. Phone 660. LUTHER lebo. college and streets. ropiral goldftta, rasses.

137 W. Sooth treet. led refri rerston, wash! machines as and electric ranges, used water stems. Easy terms. CART.lftT.K HARDWARE.

132 N. Hanover St. II kinds of stoves. Reasonably priced O. SHULTZ, 215 E.

Louther street. sed Range Combiaatlons, straight a coal and wood. Kerosene, uk-rsLE PROPANE GAS Farmer arket. Phone 8a7-M. Bats Killed with Star Safety Pack' 36.

COCHRAN ft ALLEN. sed (as ranges. ANE GAS hone 857-M. CARLISLE PRO Farmers Market 'yaimer price on all sizes, state Inspect i sianuara cobi, now WRLKER FUEL E. Penn St.

Phone 1128-R itchen cabinet, In gnnd condition. Also nail kitchen table. Call 4 toueg treet after 5 P.M. lany washable wallpapers for any iomT35o to 60c: others 20c. HILDE RANDT'S.

lome Freeier deep freeie, 1375, all 2759-R. ate model 11-ft. Gibson refrigerator, 10 months only, excellent condl on. Call 125 S. Hanover Apt.

1. ARGE BROODER HOUSE it hot water boiler and hovers. Also ill sell lot of wooden poultry feeders nd nests and window sash. Phone 37-J. tower antenna motor.

Best offer ww moving. Phone 2504-W. -g lift's blue sarins' cost and can: rlrl's coat and hat, Uoui sue touaier a. hone 2727-J-U. failure for sale.

VKRNFRU K. BUFF, till Holly Springs. far for sale. tZS tier ton. W.

"AHNESTOCK, about 2 miles north of est Hill. 'ew Royal portable typewriter, used ss than 6 times. Will sell at coet, $100 all between 9 and 13 A. M. 701-R.

tabwond, S7 VR-31. per eerd. CaU Mt. Holly 3- bncket-a-dar stoma and pipe. ee- inable.

Oftll 1847-W. ower law ft. Holly. newer, aew. Phone iJ-J, erfossa Cera planter, alse plow and isc harrow.

KUNGEB, Shermans ai. Pa. Inst sell Dae-Therm ell burner and oil arrets, used 4 months, for $76. 10 Rail ed Are. or call 2cx4-J, om ash hoist, haad-powered, sver- ad crane, truck dumping type: twelve uoketa, 17 Inches in diameter.

24 inclie--f gh. PRESBYTERIAN MANOR iOME, Newville, Pa. 4 TOD IS mm. movie earners with 1.8 lens and leather A real bar at $86.

CaU PAUL. F. OSBORN. Pa. sed elertri refrirerater, good condl on.

reasonably priced. 52S N-. Bedford or Call 3061 after 6:30 sed brick, cleaned, lVx cents each. Call Tfr-K-a. nr rest, good eondltioa, sic 13.

66-J after 5. Call MISCELLANEOUS abinet work bases, single and double or utility cabinets. 2 and 3-piece liv-g room suites, bedroom suites, dress's, chest of drawers, beds, springs, attreeses, new crib mattresses, basnet, work tables, kitchen cabinet, itchen cupboard, 2 H. P. motor.

8-ft. elvinator, like new; secretary desk, A-eepers, lights, fans, coffee and end sets, new; kitchen chairs, dining j.vvs, Captain chair, rollaway ironing boards, bed screens, hos-ital beds, gliders, double rinse tubs on ands, metal wheelbarrow, oil burn's, rugs, lounge chairs, rocking' chairs, idios, windingsuiunc Viet rota, drop--d- sewing machines, clothes trees, ew television stools. Duncan Phyfe ropleaf extension table, metal ward- bvs. 2 IS-in. trainer bicycles, 10-piece ming room suit.

255 E. North At he Spring. Trrrn poeewr, si.ov. 310. Phone 2494.

CRESSLEB We have few BIRD HpVSES left over from last year. Will sell cheap. Also liave some cut out but not assembled. Will sell Very Cheap. No.

2 size Irish Cobbler end Katahdin potato seed or table, last year certified. $1.25 for 100 lbs, or $5.00 for 500 lbs. Also Stayman Winesap apples, $2.00 up per bu-hel. PAUL L. ALLEN, 3 miles west ot town.

Phone -R-24. 2. Livestock and Pets irds and supplies at SlIULTZ'S, 215 Louther St. rincnes. canaries, my 2-3, and parakeets, $5.

House Break Pans iiccie Diners Beds Skip uatn pray Cedar Shavings Feeds and Choice puppies for sale Cats nd dogs boarded E. FR YCKLUND, hone 689-J day 543-M nite. legistered Berkshire boars, serviceable ge; gilts, same age: open gilts, born ipc. 30, 1952. bred to an outstanding iar.

All are first choice Berks. W. t. KAPP, New Kingstown, Pa. psrrakeets.

'hone 3076. 1235 Spring Boad. Isle tan, months old, $35, St. the bargains in tomorrow's SENTINEL Want Ads what are iieyr til A ArJvssLL 317 or en, For tian and er 2 22. Apartments 4-room and bath 1st Boor apartment, cenirauy locaiea.

Possession April 1st Adults only. Apply Box 118, dentins! I famished apartments In Carlisle, for a coupie ana i or 2 small children. ro pets. $14. Phone 3-J-4 New Bloomficld.

In Mt. Holly Apartment, 4 rooms and bath. All utilities furnished, $67.50 per monin. tan sj-k-i Mt. Holly.

2 -room furnished duplex apartment wnn screened porcn, private entrance, electric stove and refrigerator, heat furnished. Phone Mt Holly Springs 842 Forn. apt. CsU 517-J. 273 S.

PITT ST, 2 apartments, on batchelor 1 unfurnished, 4 room. Phon 1103-J or 993-J. Small furnished apartment. S. Hanover St.

Apply 148 Small furnished apartment with electric refrigerator, Middle-aged lady preferred. Call 214-W or inquire at 165 E. High St. 4-room furnished apartment. Inquire 225 Walnut St.

private. new 1-bedroom apartments, modern and with radiant heat. Near school at Boiling Springs. Garden available. Call 2746-R at noon or evenings.

Furnished apartment, $75 per month. Utilities paid by landlord. Available April lat. Phnna 21KS Available April 1st. Modern 5-room apartment 420 N.

Baltimore Mt Holly Springs. Beautiful apartment near the Square. 314 S. Hanover St Call from noon to 10 p.m. i bedrooms, unfurnished, central.

PAUL E. DUTREY. phone I808-J. 3 rooms and hath, strictly modern, $68.90. 1RVIN COLLEGE, Mechanic-burg, Pa.

Unfurnished 2nd floor rear. 18 W. High 2 rooms, kitchen and bath. Possession at once. Not over 2 persons, no pets.

Rent. $37.50 month. See WILLIAM R. SHEARER. Druggist.

4-room furnished apartment with private bath, and 2 rooms furnished. Ap ply 112 W. Pomfret St. Furnished apartment. 3 rooms, private bath and balcony.

222 A St. Suburban apartment with private kitch en and bath, on ground floor. Located on Long's Gap Road near the new school building. $52 per month. CaU 2048-R or 598-J.

6-room modern apartment, central location. Phone 2202. Modern apartment, 4 large rooms and bath. 420 N. Baltimore Mt Holly Springs.

Phone 854. Modern $45.00. 810-J. apartment, centrally located, Quiet tenant. Call Owner, FOR RENT Several centrally located unfurnished apartments 150.00 monthly Adults only.

L. B. LEFEVER Realtor Insuror 76 E. Ridge St Tel 123 23. Dwellings Modern 8-room house at Springvllle on Boiling Springs Koad.

Phon S6-K-6. 5-room house with convenience, mile from town. Phone 2od3-J. 24. Miscellaneous Approximately 4,000 q.

ft. of space suitable manufacturing, warehouse. etc. Now vacant. Rear 16 W.

High St. Fhone 1333 or lb w. high sr. Gsrare space. 2S90-J.

127 Parker St. Phon WANTED 31. Male Help Young' man for cigar ronnter. PEOPLES DRUG STORE. Apply SALESMAN Man between 25 and SO years of ago to represent Singer Sewing Macnine to.

sales experience preferred Silary and commission. Apply SINGER SOWING CxJSTER, 17 W. High St. SEARS. ROEBUCK CO.

Renresea tative is now interviewing applicants tor interesting worK in sales ll you are selling or have sold, see MR. WOOD, Molly Pitcher Hotel, Monday April between 1 p.m. and 9 p.m. WANTED Man, reliable, accustomed to managing himself. 52 week of steady employment per year guaran teed, excellent weekly earnings with rapid advancement oDDortunitv.

Prefer man who has previous sales experience. Must have car. Be over 21 years of age. If you qualify you will be given your own territory at home and your own office. Write, call or apply in per son to scnmidt -York, Pa Phone 8-1353.

SALESMAN 1 A man capable of earning $8,000 to $10,000 a year. Experience not necessary but prefer routeman or appliance salesman. Salary plus commission, group insurance, paid vacations and other benefits. If Interested give details and write for Interview. Write Sentinel Box 136 WANTED BRICKLAYERS For Immediate Employment Apply with tool.

CARLISLE A CONTRACTORS Highland Estates. Camp Hill. A.k for UK, MEALS. 32. Female Help Window trimmer, sales lady, for ladles' apparel shop.

Salary plus commission. Reply Box 123, Sentinel. Young woman for work at motel. One full-time and one part-tim. Som Sunday.

Phon 19M-R. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY ladifs for special work. 1 part time, evening week, 2 hours per evening, earn $36. Car necessary. Writ Box 133.

Sentinel. LADIES Learn how Mrs. J. S. made $29.78 in 2 evening hours.

Must have of car. Free Sample Kit. Wrue DELUXE PARTY. 310 Syoamor. Hax-r id burg.

Pa. 34. Wanted To Rent WANTED Room and bosrd for elderly lady. Phone 1578-J, to 7. 35.

Situations WANTED Day's work. Call S72-R, Can furnish references, 36. Miscellaneous New and old ear corn. W. A.

DIEHX. Craighead Station, Carlisle D. 6. Antiques. Writ P.

O. Box 62. Carlisle. Stenographer's chair, typewriter desk. Call 2372 between 8 a.m.

and 5 m. Portable picnic ice chest and portable gasoline cook stove. Pnone 61-W. 41 LOST Gray and white eat, green collar with bell. Children's pet.

Return to 251 Baltimore or call 749-J. Reward. Saturday night, lady's red leather wal let, containing social security, driver's license, ana otner cards important to owner only. II found please phone Carlisle 2777-J. 55 SERVICES Curtain stretching.

Phone Mt. Holly 82-R-ll. Senile tank and ess pool rleaned the sanitary vacuum way BOYD anl ORVELL STARNER, Gardners R. D. 2.

Pa. Phon 809-R-41, ML Holly Springs Pa. For expert watch and radio repair, see JIM. 148 N. Pitt St Phone 901-R.

REWEAVING. professional mending MRS. EARL FULLMER, call 2725 -R-3, Hauling of all kinds, reasonable. Phone 2734-R-12. Bototilllng gardens.

Call Newvllle 185-J. FULLER BRUSH Personal and house hold items Phone 187-M-2. Asphalt paving, parking lots and pri vats driveway. Six years experience Free estimate. Call LEONARD WIL LIAMS, Carlisle 2132-M.

Plasterer, remodel or new work. Fbone 1897-J. R. M. BROWN.

126 N. East St. SEPTIC TANK CARE Is Important Pipe gurgle is warning to have system cleaned Derore orainnein is mieci dc, yond ervicing: Call Dillsburg 34-R-3 collect SANITARY SEPTIC SERVICE. Interior-exterior decorating and paper- hanging. a.

phone 2317-R or 3S4a. Custom broom maklnr. furniture repair. radio repairs. We will clean your broom corn.

Open evenings until 9:30. C. SHUGHART A SOX. Waggoner's Gap Koad. Carlisle.

R. D. 3. RCA TV and radio sales and service. Phone 2740-J.

RAY GIVLER. Boiling Springs. Washing windows, walls, woodwork; cleaning yards, Interior painting, clean Ing and waxing floors. Fhone12bS Roofing, spouting, roof painting. PAUL M.

BOUDER. Carlisle R. D. 4. Phone 2686-R-4.

Lots to plow. Phone 2741-J-J, evenings, 71 PUBLIC SALE PUBLIC SALE Tuesday, April 6, 19S4 At 12:15 P. M. Nellie E. Bowers.

Administratrix of the Estate of Suzanna March. Deceased. also known as Sue S. Msrch, late of the City of Harrisburg, will offer for sale seven miles north of Gettysburg, one mile south of Bielerville and on-half mile west of Gettysburg-Carlisle Road, many valuable antique consisting: of: Chippendale eight-drawer Men chest: walnut Hepplewhite bureau, champered corner, inlaid crotch, walnut drawers, original brasses In the finest condition: nine, spindle Windsor chairs, saddle seats: rare tit ton stand: Duncan Phyfe, two drawer cberry stand; cover- ids, one dated lw4. like new: fifteen quilts: four sets of plank bottom chairs and rockers, one set original decoration in flne condition, one set of cane seated decorated and rocker to match: four corner cupboards, three glass-door ones.

several small type: two marble top stands: drop leaf table: four one-drawer stands and tables; two dry sinks; four spinning wheels; Boston ladder and child rocker: cradles: doughtray: Sheraton and Empire bureaus: blanket chests: schoolmaster dek; two large gMd leaf mirrors: lots of walnut picture frames; coffee mill; wine chest: ten-plate Edison Victmla: Currier and Ives pictures: twenty kerosene lamps: parlor lamp, sandwich marble base: half shades with flowers; Paul Revere lantern: guns: Indian relics; sleigh bells: hand bell: irons; water sets; toilet sets: lustre pitchers: gias slipper in colors: several pair of very fine vases: milk vanity set; lots of rare pattern glaa and china dishe not mentioned. MODERN Two organ: piano: two Virtrolas: cupboards wahstand: living room suite: two stands: sewing machine: farm Implement and many article not mentioned. No inspection before sale. Nellie E. Bowers Administratrix of the Estate of Suzanna March, Deceased, also known as Sue S.

March. CXAIR SLAYBAUGH. Auctioneer. PUBLIC SALE Saturday, April 3, 1954 The undersigned 'will sell at public sale between Mechanicsburg and Carlisle, at Burd's Auction Room. Locust Point, at 12:30 P.

the fallowing: FARMING IMPI.FMEXTS Garden tractor. Montgomery Ward. complete with cultivator, disc and 'lows, good ss new: BiacK flaws cc-rn lanter, good condition; wagon Mat, horse plow, bag wagon, truck flares. 2-foot mw boat, with oars; bolts, screws, rivets. Hinges.

FT. OF-NKW LIMBIB 2x4. 2x8. 2x8 boards: 3 windows, com plete with frames, sah and screens: 2 brand new cellar windows, complete with screens: set of new sih, 6 over 6: sets of sash. used, rut rood as new: 2 larg sash, new; oak flooring, 250 new.

The Sentinel from Carlisle, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.