Edmonton Journal from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (2024)


Ltd W. J. RICHARDSON. AXXrVTANT AND ACDI-w. T5 Trflet Pbom liS 19TL trax, w.

MACAJtDD OtCTRA' aik ENGINEER aad aortafur; aanaitiaa auuua, track aad iuowa Mauar Aa B. Paui SPIBKIXA COBSmt MmjMT WITH auaiAki Haas, gsi axaraiitavd aad anaraakaMa oa yoar Prt4aaaoial (ucwatfro rrt at mdaaor kr ai nalnuiMcl. an, A. Biuarll. S'nuiipai.

kiiine ace- of 1 uraatr. r4 Eoiprew Bock. Hoar: 12 a m. to tM ktiuMtr. a.av to Id m.

Piwaa iac. 11 FOR SALE- 9 HOOMKU BI'NQALOW, It MI'-C'TKS aalk Iruu rlrt fully imlrrti liriok rlalit trrtiit Ba laaddr ReaHjr Beuaoa L-ii fuM SALE a-BUOMEU HOI dE-U ATkR ANU atwer ibia aar. A'ria a aaraak Pbiaia Dat. GAftNCH. BE.

LAILEY AND DB. MILLS kM wmos ed Suit 3. (Mil root-Mr Bluet Jasper Arc. nr. Ibard ape.

Hadsoa's Par JMon. Photic. Day and Night j. aT NEFF." Js.Dc" OFFICE. EMPIBE BLOCK.

W-SBtTlOX IX STOVT PLAIX DISTRHT. FAIV-lj tntprtoed. gurwl aoll and i-iigliab-seakiiig oettir-toent. This is a SUSP at flinTS, only 3. CHi caall snd bslsttoa luongage runs 4's years at 8 pr niu.lrovd tk-ac-ttou gti the srell kuoeu Nrw Norway district, tost black loses Boll, alue.at clear of brush, ftps fresh wster lake on uue coiner of fsna: idesl fur slock: price 311.7.0 per scjc.

sJ'J0 cssh. balance HultaHt-Ptiiilit At III. 7 Whyte Are. Pltous 5535. 24 ARMTtANDB fRODUCE I-EnTAIXTlEl Adteniaer coutruis so dcalrabas Imcrorou larts 1-ru; t'rtics thst ra bs aooti.1 ta easy teruia.

To Geuersl Adnuaisirauoii h.Kiru 7 Cred.t Fancier Block. E.lu-uutou. PUane 25ti3. G-22 ISO ACRES. 14 MILES iV'i OF EDMONTON on co*ck.

oe lke Tr.il- s'-rooiunl frsius house ham 10x24; Log iwus: good aril; 3 igs. 2 cows. 20 afiickens. 50 tiaot ut JJO iujstieis of la 1 niow-r. 1 rake.

2 hiixgtte slciso. cuiter aud furniture ciunpiete; 8l2uO. fl5oo cash, balance ta suit tuicttaser. eVutt. 72 Uiijte At.

Last. I'iiutte :i.l!2 300 CAS.rBLlS i AS TITLE SLl-floN. 4S utiles cast of Edjaoi.t-n. 5. tulles fn.ia town.

AiPjy Owner.liot 2.7 Joilnnl. S121-lli THE WIHil.t OirpAUT OF SEC. 4. near Viking, for sale. Bciisoitalle 10 )-ar trross tit* Bsllaaiy I' ll I'lions 5346.

H-41 lUIBo'vi lt FAItM OP llio ACKKillN L-It A HriTKi aMI frauad Boor, (ood toeatlaa. diaaa. Aiiala C. 144Bu St. Pk.a Jet.

14 rOB RENT VERT" CHOICB orflckieT KM catilral l.i 11 "Jtfcla fc profea 2 AKariaMBta. Applr Tb. honaara Hard-ara Hi. aor. iawar anl w.

t' i-anua ii UUHTEO OFPICES PoR w' war or auctnata 'jlork. la tear af koKtiau colrtL (rA tooludM. EUwk laa, Luaitad. td Mrllmmll Ataaua, Pkoaa 4444 ait FRONT OKriCES ANI Aw Mitiw itu St 1 aHlcea la tfaa Bron rani 'J in Broarn Bid. Paoaa FROST OFFICES AN1 BACHKLOE'S APART D-2S saanta as Mnaer-Ryder Bic-k io rant Janitor, ar asaut'a afaaa.

kca Ilk TO LET MISCELLANEOUS TO RENT A MASOX A KISCH PIANO IX GOOD OJUilUK-u ta careful party. Anuiy ii3 Mrlieucs. Aveviue. B-43 TO RENT GOOD. ARM BARX FOR 2 HORsief h.sy left sad feed routs In conpectloo.

witk yard fjr sagoa. 51 0th St. Pbona 4423-1221. R-J HOT lUll bE. CLOSB TO THE cTTYrFORsVl cheap er will leaaa pot house and 10 acrea of grourd to Ksponsibla ratty for 1.

3 er 1 yesrs W. JdPrlnce.41lAgciK-y Bldg. P-17 A NavV PIANO PtR RENT PHONE I47 R-2 ANY AKTLVO TO P.KNt apulf 11.. si -38 Royal Theatre tor ThaeUa. WAREHOUSES TO LET TO I.1T-II033 JASPER WEST.

OX BCBWAY. 335 hiuitshle f. wsrottouse. matitrfarturing laufolry eto Apply H. J.

Dswaon. 70S Fifih 81. poone 1433- 3130-103 STORAGE AfsD WAREHOUSING 8-rtlRAGE THE CITT TRAiYSFER 441 tlueeiie Avenue, will store gouda for all eeiutitaara at hsif tales Baul aar is atar. Paoaa Slod. 40 THE NATIONAL STORAGE AND DISTR1BCTINO I'u.

waiehooseaiea, d-stributors snd stuck -keepere: Bewxcv- ed oeeai-fireurwof storsgs fsclliuea. I'boaeo-Gen. Storage. 17X7. Traffia.

2103; StB Bt. and Paaoa Asa. 31-8 LOANS WANTED WANTED THE LOAN OF 335ft FOR 1 YEAR AT 15 per cent, on clear title lota Phone llmliiust T22V7. 8oys-49 WANTED 11.000 WANTED ON GOOD -section, stoi-k and implemenu; 2i miles front Edmonton; will par 12 per cent. E.

P. Taylor A 113 jasper Avenae East. City. Suite 5. 4 iToiTlVE'MONTtnsE.

will pay 12 per cent, ou small smounts on very pert security. CslI and sea as. Csnsdian Financiers. 743 Tegler Block. Phona 1357.

SS BUSINESS CHANCES STOCKS OF MERCHANDISE WANTED FOR CASH. lio you wsut to sell your stock of merchandise of grestly reduce It for sll ca-A. You may need some extra money this fall, we can get tt for rr.u Mi will take rhsr-re of any stock of merchsndise end sell for cssh a large psrt of it in 10 days' time. Alberta Sales Agency, 653 First Street. Edmonton.

-P-5 i WILL BUY ANY STOCK. OF MERCHANDISE you have for sale, will psy spot cash. H. Greenfield. SU kirkiisss Bu JDrop a potlal now.

71)50-97 WE HAVE A BOOMING HOC8E. II BOOM8. OX Sixth Btreet, cent 340, for gels feaeonsble, Baranea A Fell. 204 Empress Bloos, B-37 BILLIARD HALL, BARrsi.KB SHOP AND CIGAR atana. now in mil swing, well catsMished.

doing at the present time good paying trade, to be disposed of ss ths owner is testing the city. Tliis includes 11 Isbtes lit first clsss condition. 11.500 snd sodis clesr tttlo property would bo Mmsidered. Ij-sder Rcsltv. 4 Bcnun Block.

6:2 First St. L-ll SNAP 3130 CASH FOR CIGAR STAND I.N A hotel, ceutrsliy located snd a money aiaser for any lite one. Rent practicany nothing. Owner going to States Uiis vreea. Apply Slrata A Deris, tiSti First Street' SMS WANTED A GENERAL BCSINIfSS IX THE COCX try for a clesr titled Improved farm, 1 -section, 12 Billet north of Vermilion, lnuuira H.

Psrry, 3 Benam Block. Phone 0444. L11 WANTED BE VENtE BEARING PROPERTY" OR gocd L-uaiaess to trsde for euuitiss in three fsrms. one form C.T. ar-d Bouts C.T, lota.

Psrry, 6 Bjtnson Jilock. Phone 5444. L-ll FOit BALK FIRST 1 LASS AE. GOOH. IaVca.

tloxi. Chesp for cask. Terms or trade. Bart-be A Fell. 204 La-press Block.

Phone 1.026 or 6-186. B-3 WANTED A GOOD PARTNER IN LI VERT AND sale barn, ons that uoderstsnils selling horses. Ton largs a buainess for one to bsndle. About needed. Must hnvs good mtereooea.

James Skia-her. 236 Frsser Ave. K-7 IF YOC HAVE A STOCK OF GOODS FOB SALE See Sheldon. 210 Whrte Ave. 8-54 BOOMING illll SK ON Ol- EES 8 AVE 10 BOOMS.

runr rumisoea a sosp st gtoo rasa, inquire Ka rones A Fell. 204 krapress Block. B-87 WANTED GOOD STOCKMAN OX A 480 ACR1 farm. 80 gtiles from swrrtcntoa. wiahea capital to raise stock on shares.

Lots af hsy. sta. A sofa and highly rronlable investment. Party sdvertising wholly rrltahlo snd com intent. Aspiy Boom 18.

Beoson Bl-jrk. Pirst City. B-T NOW IS THE TIME TO BUT PROPERTY IX Fort McMurisy before the priosa advaaoa. Can at nr Tegler Block M-13 WANTED IF YOU HAYB A BUSINESS FOB DI8- poaa! either la the city or country ws would be glsd to hsvs your llMittga. Leader Realty 6 Benstn Klnck.

L-ll PARTY V.ITH 34(1 CAN TAKE HALF rNTF-REST In busiiiess. Profit SrlO per dsy: IrO miles north: euly esrncst people need taveatigata. Box 311 Journal. 143-99 FIRHT CLASS BOOMING HOI.SK AND GROCERY otie. will be sold separate or toecther.

near tne New Market; enormous rmsslmlltles for a large and proOtsble trsde; terms very reasonable- The 1-eader Realty 0 Itenonn Block. BAVE YOO LOST YOCB JOBr I HAVE A MAXV- racturtng t-usiness tor taat win axaaa yoa a good living under present coo dl' ions and srhlcB hss grest postihilltles for the future; 8200 cask will buy outright. For further partlculara and reasons for aoliinf write P.O. Box 843. Ctty.

L-ll AN" AP.rVlLCtt MCErTmAiriiOfE BH (temierancsl 32 rooms and dining poors, miiy furnished, fins locstion. between two ear Unas: rent aauderste: 3550 caab tsses e-rernhtng. Money suakers are Hake 10432 ajndlcaie. It BOTEI CASa HANDLES. 820 00 BUYS roomo.

stesa heated, eiectne iigntett. 1 rani etc Ir eufupped wttk ths best of every. ft. nx House and eQuipuiant easily aor.k 835.400. Buainess will Bet 39.000 year.

lnvestigata as ws cannot fjbltah eta OA Apply Btrsta A Doris. 65 Irat rvtrset. a-1 FOR 8AIJ1-CAFE ON JASPER 1 DOOR teat of Btowey-Henry; 3100 for quick ssie. 8137 CIGARS. TOBACCO AND PIPE STORE.

GH- clss. on tho principal thoroughrsrs of the city, doing splendid basiness. of the smartest and most BP-to-dsts stores IB Realty. 6 Benson Block tba DrrB-inioa. Leader L-ll BOOMING HOCSE.

WEIL FT7BNISHED. rooms. long lease. Must bo gold at once. Price to suit purchaser.

A BUxaber of other roosting bo-tars st jur osra prlcea. Barones A Fell. 204 Empress Bloofc. B-37 3700 WORTH GROCERY STOCK AT 35c OX 81 00, rlscdsoms fixtures, sbrrut S450: ssles Slzou month. mid be moved If desired.

Buyers apply Hake 10431 Syndicate, cor. Clark. H-xa FOB SALE WOOD YARD. ROOMING HOCSE. sectloa of good farm land, half miss from statloa and SS a-iaos from kituc-ntoe.

Apply 10373 iee-i's Avenae B-3 BOOMING HOI B.E3 14-A NEAR JASPER. 1 rooms, well furnished. oosopiets dining room. Other rooming houses for sale, rlau-snes A Pel. 14 Kmrreos Block.

5-38 14 ROOMS. WEI4. rCRNSHED, LEASE 3 TEARe 6th best location la the city Must as sold st once Bsrsr.es Fell. 204 Emreess Block It 37 OPENING FOR PHOTOGB APHER WE HAV 8 the finest pboto stadia la the city which we wit! rent so reliable parties for 350 par er-onta. fts this snsp st once Tba Nerrtk-ara Hardware I 304 Jsaper Esst.

TZ A RESTAtTRAXT FTXLT EQUIPPED AXD ready for orrurjaney: rent rnoderste: anil sell ottt-nrlit or rent resr-rmsibie party. Apply Odin P.use. corner Clark and First St. K-12 STEAM tjirNDRY TX SaSs-aTCHTWAX WILL trade Intereat for clear title ri ssr-tioa. Thia ta sr-tne opportunity for a is art to obtain a good b'tsineos that la a cuang t'oia-etii.

Urvestlcata Coy Murdoch. 203 CP.B. Building. Phona 2S.VT C-18 WE HAYR ONE OF THE BETT l'ATlONB tX the cite for barber shop sa-d pool roes! 701S. In mcAlera Block, 333 per axoath.

Paoa 'cm or 2354 G-18 ITurst. LOCATIOX FOR DOCTOR OR DENTIST Irouble oTiot la aiods-ra Wooa. 32 par month. I boi -a 2254. 12 HOUSES FOR SALE SHACK FOR SALE 10x12 WITH COOK STOVE and bed; close in.

Fnt 325. Apply Box 299 Journal. 3117-8. FOR SALE TWO WARM. COMFORTABLE.

WELL fiirrnslie.1 shsoks in West End. ftnsps. For particulars call at 11018 Silk aear Albany Avenue. llrO-97 SALE CBEVP-A SHACK APPLf AT 1S42 100A in rear; 3066 7 SHACK TOR SALE PARTLY FTRNISHED etlylC 12x21': ia good condition. Price 3'-0.

3346 lOotb Aventvs. 3063-7 ALMOST GIVING AWATA HOCSE IX GROAT Kmate. Fully modern. 5-rwveed hov.se on 26th near Htony Plain Rosd. Including fttrnsoe-heafed stahlr For inimediare sale.

22500. on terms. R. Coqtant A 03 Jasper Avenue East. Phone 6726.

C-Sl FTt.LT MODERXOUSB FOR sTlTC" 2Td Street. 72-U8 SPLENDID BrNtSALOW IX NaTW tileaora for sale at a good deal below cost: Just new snd first class in ever reepei-t. Boyl A 109 Hrm Bldg. Phone 4510. B-S 3 ROOMED RrxGALOW OX SO FT.

LOT OX 25th near TTtthevrey Ave This is a sarrince at 3i04'. The hones Is fu'ly asodern and a good hsm oa back of lot. Boyt A Green, 109 Brown Uldj- l'hons 45M or iliSi erctttaa. 8-3 AKTHIB EHEBEB AUDITS. INSTALLATIONS.

Itt. rira Itisurauca lirukve. ianeirjr Block. Admuatoa. lubcd isas.

Moaay to kiaa. 3 A-IJ AKTHIB BHEHLH-AIDITS. INSTALLATIONS. Bocko kept abd pff-Ot and loas wtaaaat civaa aviothlr. Ptkmm U3M iaihu'1 Arc B-l P.

K. roiBiTB. AcvblVNTNrtDIToK 43 Plftk Ik. Pbaara4'M P-IS SURGEONS DR. C.

TATHAM. PtlBT CRiDl ATI OP LLAD-lug and AJacrVaa Hwtakala. 4oitr. li-eaaaa at "wi irraaral HrkrT. Bucaralaa Blork.

tnrY Mobarrk Tatatra. ItlMA Jaaaar Aveattc. PbaBa 4171. Bavdrncr rtiam "34 M. MAI KAY f.it.

U. RC S. Ed. M.l',? Uraduat. Lodoa.

iMrpoat llisk $atk Ara. Garnraii. Ptna naa. OfAca. after KoMaiber 1.


Tcnu nodVraia, Atra. UadtNiA, i-1 '-ttl W. PbKia I A'AILRMTY 1 A flENTS CAREU POH IN PRIVATE kuoia mr kvna Mra. J. G.

Harria, tkaciair Ik. tuca aa. 1144 5a PUma TJ24A MATERNITY M'BFB MRS. BCTCWLR. MOB-rta Bl Bam awoVrata Paoca t'Jl.

1 CEKTiFiED jaATEBNlTT NTRSB IENCUSH DIP-awiai. laraat am rata, Paoaa 45111 47 EXPERIENCED MATERNITY NCRSB 1U.TK pauanu Into her boeir. Prica araaaaakia. Ntirar iHtiaa. ttll lOSa Art piRk View maternitT bospitau T54 itk St Pkona l.t:i kurt- Mm A C.

HarrrT. al MATERNITY PATIENTS BEi'EIVFD IN PRIVATE boma. aarsaa. Charaaa fc -drraj Uouid attrtid ai at rtirri'' rrdrwa. tr aark.

Mra. God bout and Alra. Paradlk, 441 4ifc Ara. B. Pbom li-M BELtiaUVlA Kl'RtUNU HOMB COCVTBt PA-tiea a spaeialty.

Matcrnltj and caildraa. Mlas Caasr. C-1IH. aaU U4U SuaaL t'hoaa Ol'lV FOR ENGAGEMENT LAOT MCRbB. Ex" poneaead.

aoud Meranosa Beaaanaala wasas. Pbons 4r-S. Sneaks rreock and EajUam. L-l A tiBAi'lATB OF ONB OF BOeJTON'S BEST laraolv exuenabCM la Bars- Bif enkaaeeMnla. Paoaa 71AM.

242 Klrknaas Sirort. Mc ktUa tllXO.N. CEBT1PICATB MATER1T1 am Pkaaa Tills. Loraa ex. D-S SURVEYORS JXSlAlta F.

MITCHELL, iv A Be and 1)14. Aubana laud aarrarur aad atanacipal anamaar. Bpamal an an ooa slrak laaaacaiasa. sabaunstaa aad aty aanaya. S04 Jaauar East.

Pkoaa 14 T. M-l COTS 4 BJHI i M. OwaSrLTINO CI VIA VHU MiQinc Elisiuaara. Cota. iron 1' aad 1 Dosalnl-a and Alberta Laad Barrayora Aasartfta, exaruiaauoa and rainirts aa annoa at-lentaoa sa Toajnaitas aad seabdlrialaa Sarrark O.

Bos 107. EdtLjntoa. Atlisaasra Landw. Fort McMnrrar and Groaard. C-tt hi.MU.

Bi Vt ALlOkLU ALBERTA AM UO-SfibiUia Land Burreyoes. Cirtl Enclriaara. Toa-slto S' auhdlnslon surrars flora pronipt and spa-wsl atienoon. 430 Tester Block. Pbona 4C7B.

W-17 FAIltCHlLU. JONES AND TAYLOR CONSl LT-tag srianaara, surralwa. Buoss ku-d09. Tartar Hlnck Pbona raid. 14 SMITH at KEITH.

BrkvEYORi AMI EN- yinaers. Oanaral auiialns and -eclal attantloa slrsa ta town rlanntna sad sosmalta aarears. fM First St. and Paaoaferar 444E aVU ARCHITECTS MAUOON 4 MACDONALD. ARfHITEfTS, FI- Boatoa.

Albans, 44-7 Taslat Block, A. Ma- rl- Las. II.S.A. U. B.

Mardona.d. Arc A A A. IS VARNKS a OIBBS. BBG18TEREL AKCHt- tacta for Prorlaos at Alborta. B.

Percy Hamas. P-BALC. A A A. Uonal OlMa. 8 A A A bBParlsl Bsnk aVUdlac.

Jasrar Aienua, raona litaL r.u. sob bsu. a-a ELECTRO THERAPEUTICS DERMATOLOGY AND MISS E. BEID. 81'EClALlaT EI.B.TRoLl81 for ramoTinii sularf)uous hair, moaas.

aana, blrtk aaarka. Bcalp treairaenta. facial aaaasasa. ale. Chiropody and tnamenrtns.

For aiinlavsat Paooa Hit 211 Alberta Block. 13 PRIVATE HOSPITALS. H1UHTLNUALB RHINO BOMB FOB MATRR-alty Patianta. Coantrr aatlonu spaclally provided for. Infanta and dalleata eruldmn takan oaro of ay day.

asak ar auatb. Naras McBnde, 43 lltR Asa, KI Paoaa SUM. Ma-It MUSIC THE DOMINION ACADEMY OF MCSIC BEMOYED to llarlama taste r-bb residence. 444 Sib half block aorih v4 Jsaier. Isaons as usual riano.

Volca, vtslln. iolia Professor. Licentiate IxniiPO Cniieae mlioats. Eng. Phono 2TWY 2 Bl'TH F.

CUTLER. TEACHklB OP CORNET. El O- cuti.si and drama Uo art. Studio: li4 1W51A trace 3M4-1M MRS. FRANCES 8.

SMITH. TEACHER AND Oradusta of Pisna and Tbaory. Funlls of Prof. Wm Sucraood. Prieaa ate la half.

Studio: 12114 7tt street. 54 IKKE-KKEK -KKEE-40 LESSONS OIVKN WITH sack tnstrunsant: rlnilns. tsndillns. gultsrs snd banjos a solondtd sssortraeiit of soeordeoBS rsnclnt front 42 5s to S.iH so bt assotunent of ainslc books la all positions: violin Bona fross Roe BP to Sid. Oiva as a call and lnspact oar stock: a mlajctioa of 20 per cant a-lfl ba atraa on all tnatnuaents daru4 A usual Popalar Mosbs Stors.

aor. Beoond and Jasbar. oppoatta Acjna Co. Phoos 477L 22 THE FI.ETCHEF MCB1C METHOD l)Ukw Mlas BuUa tuteaia, LSI Aikena Block. Pbmat 18T.

Bit MISS BEATRICE CRAWFORD. TEACHER OF Biadso: AibartA Cnllata OS7 SS BERTHA R. mcrfET. A.A.C at. TEACHER of plana.

2kS Third 8 SoatR tUda. Pbona Wis H- i tilKSON" MANIHIUX OR OL'ITAR OB A 'Tsrlsnd" Banjo with Inatnartloa for aior.ths far 214 par aaoata. asrythtnd snsrantaaa. For fnrther tafonnaUca ahona 1S40. Gay O.

Jenkins It Alberta Bloat, stsrssa ktk aad SUa Jaa-aar Ara. wast, f-l AUTO LIYERY AtTO ItlR HIRE RATPS REASOVAItl.K D. at C. rier-ot aerri-c Haasace called foe and do-lirered or stored. Phona 4ri.

J. I. fiodrirk. 2212 Avenae. 12 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE -5-PASSENOER AtTO.

1P12 In AI con.litioo 'ii-rt to dVaannr-trstiocl. Complete eoui i-ment tnclurling 5 ttrea. nearly new. Tbis la real snap: ali.jn spot cssh. Anrtly Bui 3I JoumaL 2140 ftt CAR.

PA8SENOER. IX FIRST -'r' ehar-e. Has beea well treated snd hss Its ortsiual power: J-W-Apply Bos 220 JnrircaL Sfi76-98 FOR SALE -5-PASKENGER PORD CAR IX FIRHT class c-nOrtim. 1H13 arodeL Cheap for cash. Phona Sij4.

sivs4 FOR 'SALE-1312 ABBOTT. S-PASSEXliER: COST 2.1x4 casirias in 4iod absi. Csr In first t-laM cnnHitlon f-r IW caalt. Central Aatn Ra-rair Sluv. Phona 42f4.

C-48 AITOMOB.LE AND tlAaoLIXE ENrjis; REPAIR work to sstiaf sdlon 18 yesrs' arrrr-ence on all saakea of engines. Will an out of town at aor tine. If von ar- ta trouble. Call aa -op. i antral Auto Re--air Saop.

152 krclknauall rear af Imperial Bank. Phone 4254 C-42 WK HAVE A NTMBER or fiOOD BIYS AT rretit. P-rd. J.Y2S; Oakland. 2400; Bnirk.

2S: Cos. Terms srrsnsed The Western Garage- Phone Sntt. 10 WE "ftrf-ANT) "SELL ArrTOMOBII-PSW-R HA11 a nam her of Al ears to trade. Alan pror-crty ta erchanaa for ears All kinds of repsirlnc snd tainting done at war prices. ATI Jobs ensranteed.

Brtng in that car. we can deal It. Nortk Side Anto Excbsnge. fi' Eighth 84. csr Baranea AV PeU.

Pbonas 4 or 5025. AN ACTOMolttl.E aYSSA! heavy hanllng 44 Baasal. Mast ta sold st once. Beat Md gets It. nan is ak Fall.

34 E-nrreas Block. 27 IF TPC HAVE AX ArTOMOrtn.B TO Frn.L OR rrsds nail at tsar emea. Harsnes aad FsiL 204 Emi ibso Block. Phone SO 25. B-8T Wit DO WELDIXG OF ALL KINTS MriTAU steel, east tma and Trtlac Auks light 25M Josner Ptance CM.

D-14 -r IX MaXT-FAtTCRIXO AT-tci tops sod seat 1' 0 Repairing done. RicMet Aute Tap Ja-. 3SS jaapar Arena Paoaa ftosg. II AUCTIONEERS CHAS HATFTKtJ). ACCTTOVEFR AND TALCTrR.

I advance cssh oa furniture, pisnoa. snercAandlsa. etc. Ho-saebold erjods gold aa comais-doa- pcovas ca33-2t. MJ BPED At BOB1NSOX.

ArrTIONEERS anTT Yeleere Furniture snd otoek e-a-irht for cash ear anld oa arja-aasna- BUSINESS CARDS AW-XINGS. TENTS. VE3ANDAH Cy-RTAIVR ft It rowroru. r-sctory y-aone axis, ta the place ta send roear orders far oroeai-1 asm 00 aad r-nd travB. C-28 BLUE PRINTING BDMONTOX DRALGHT1NO AND SLPPLT CO.

k-orinerrlng and drangbting supplies dra-ja-btine and Bliss priaun. isli lOlat auwx. Paoaa -J ENGINEERING INSTRUMENTS C1E.VTIP1C INSTBrME-NT BIPPLT BAL-BMral Blck, opav arou ii'-'f i- LafaontarT vquta-BMot. leatiAj aaanBiara, rficaucal. i-hjnucal.

aotaal-aal and acrvmitural apparatua. Pkyaicoaa'A aur-aoa aad koarital auHiiua. liutninrBt rcpair-ins. rhoDa 944. 4 INSURANCE CHANTS BROR.

444 bSaVND ST TIRE. EM- Diojara' Ltaialitr. AitwtuoiH faraoual. Aoat daatal atd AiaaltR kiiauraatfa Mnaar to livaa, run ato-14 MARRIAGE LICENSE JEWELERS AN Lt DIAMOND Marnaaa I irai sas isauad. 77 iaatar Pnaaa 11 MULTIGRAPHERS AND STENOGRAPHERS Mn.TIGBAPHlxa CIRCrLAB LETTERS AND forsaa- Pnntins aofcluas and ealecdara.

Caua- dlsn Maid laxbua rair and rlbboua. NoralTr Mff- sancassors ta B. F. Taudersts 4k Ca 411 Taslar Block. I Bona (Jaa.

A MASSAGE PHYSICAL TRAININQ. MASSAGE AND MEDICAL oymnaauca. Miss Jokansua. grsdusied truss or. Kieliiwg-s Inatltuts.

aKua-kho. Sweden. Be- terenoes hy pfcystctana of thia dty. Traauncut aen at home phona 313V4 for apiolntaiant at 5 PATENT SOLICITORS rJTHaJUiTONItAl OH AND PATENT SO-ala-ttoea, the aid aslabiiabed Ira Toronua (head iiffieai, stoyal Baaik suof SU. Otisiaa him.

vaaia vueec. as. e-aa BROKERS C. PARDEE. SOS AGENCY ni.DO PHONE 2rr7 Agect icr Trsns-AtlsutH- Mortgage Winniieg, -rruoeuusi rust Alopti-rBi llawaon Cosl Ednemu-L anauraiace, Luaus and Financla'.

Broker. Rculala. etc. P14 MONEY TO LOAN THl FOLLOWING SIMS ARE AVAILAHIR FOB auora icrm aiunjicws us aaieeutcnu of tale. I'-ov.

4-iO. 00 and SIViO. J. 1, aUajn. 70S Tinier Block.

Phone C22S. 24 TO U1A.X ON IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY or farm lands, l'hons 72421 saomuigs or ercninga, or writs A. Meier. P.O. Boi 1151 city resfi.ioy MONEY IX SM-tXL AMOUNTS TO LOAN SHORT uaie loans.

i tluaeu a Ate I'houe 1020. FARM AND CITY" KtlKTtlACE LOANS NEGOTI- steu. siortgages snd agreements purchased. J. a.

lark. Mortgage Broker. H.mkx, Bank Bids, Of-- fee Phone io Binnca Phuie 328. C-I7 MONEY TO I4JAN ON IMPROVED BCSINESS arid reaideetial property and ou iniprovrd farcis. Alberts Loan A lnveuuat Houm 5.

t54 Fimt St. Phons 4702. A ,10 I HAt SEVERAL CLIENTS HO WANT TO aorrow uv ar on clear tills srcti will psy ten per cent. Living on fan sow. These ere good Iosiil Will take touney for 3 or i years.

Answer Box 44 Journal. E-7 21. 000 TO LOAN AT PER CENT OX MBJT mor.gttt an fuiir soodcrn aousa In Norwood or Parkiisie. Borrowers anily perMmslly to Julias Gsrretu toll Agency Bldg. 13 MONEY TO LOA-X ON iMPBOVKU FAK5IS IN gooa socsiity.

rromot snd quick satuemsct Apply Inresuaent and Mortgags Sh'irt. Cross. Biggsr. Sherry snd Field. EJmonton.

8 54 BE have a large AMor-trr of priv atr BMney to ptaeo oa farm lands. Innroved city pro-neny and build. ng propositions st enrrent ra'os Agrsem*nts purchssed. Lererman-RenrlelJ 429-2M Tegler Block. Phons 54.

L-S MONET TO LOAN OX 8HOHT TERMS IX SMALL btoouots on lUroHttrs. iewelrv. vscant lots, or any personal property. Canadian Financiers. 74J Tegler Block.


Phoaa S057. If you lntand repainting your house get Bay price. SpeOaixt la -2'mf? Jnterior and exterior. F-4 I'Hon 'P gnsj WHEN YOU WAXT TOCsJ ao-Uia perorated. and tinting dons at awderau prlcea.

A O. Keff Dseorstlns 22 Jssiwe Avenue West. Sl-lf PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER MISS BETHI NE. TEGI ER BIXM K. 673 FIRST Street, circular! letters, pout cards, ste, at snort notice.

Phones 4Pa: snd 8151JI. B-d PCBLIO rtTENWRAPHER AtrTjOODRIDtir! Block, cor. Jasper snd N'smivo- First clsss work guaranteed. Pnoea lowest ia town. Civs as a trial.

Phone S973. W-22 M1K8 BBIIWNE. PCBLlr! STENOGRAPH EB. 4 Benson Blocs, 322 First Btreot, raona 5444 Bours 8 so E-24 ROOMING HOUSES WTt rjin SEVERAL BTJTERS FOB ROOMING aovjaoa. If yoa have one to sell slud.y rail Baranea A FsU.

204 Em ureas Block. 27 RUBBER STAMPS EDMOSTOX BL'BBEB STAMP LTD MA-kera af robber stcmos and Basis Ooiiage Are aor. aonnd St. Phona 8927. B-12 SCHOOL OF EXPRESSION ETHEL BEECB BCRNSl A.T.CM..

LATB OF Toronto, oondiat-ting a School of Exprssaloa and Dramatis Art at the Cotumbiaa Conaorratory of Music Sugsrmaa Block, tourss Inclaaea roes! ex press! oa dramatis art and public tpraslna. Spsctal ctiidrens clsss. Foe psruculs-s sop's nersonally Or Phoaa Se4 for aspolntniaral. 34 SOCIETIES KNIQHT8 OF rTTHIAB. CAPITA.

ITTT LODGR Edioonton. meeta first ai.d third Wednos-dsve ia krlendalup HalL Norwood Block. Visitors s-c-rdially weleorne 1. UtUia. K.

11 45 Clara Stre-sL Phone 222S. 12 LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE HOLD TlijlTB rosjulse aaseUngt em-T Tuesdsy at 404 Eraser Are. Phono 5401 HBoker. IWretary. II INDEPENDENT OEDEB FOREBTERrJ SIErTT rst Monday each Weckanlca- Hal! Third at I i k-lnnar.

24 10th as. Pkona K2314 K-t SECOND HAND STORES THE HIGHEST PRICER PAID FOR SECOND hand furniture, stoves, ranges, household goods etc, A 1 beru A -rtion Uootna Phone 12j7. A WANTED i-a MEN'S SLITS. io PAIRS OF shoes, lot) ladies' amfTa Us positively ta. to, best eaab r-nces.

baiv ak 215 NamsiT Are Pbona 4B3A CASH PRICK PAID Bi.a ai 11 aouss rural ai.inss. stoves sad ra-igae. If rou hove anv of these for Sale call Jsaney Auction Rooms 57S Jasper East. Phoaa 4512. j.g CASH PaTdi FOR PTTRNITCRE AND HOC8E f-jralshlngs.

When you have fumitare for sale call City Atirtioa Rooms. Phons 5831. C-25 CITY SEtXJND HAND 0TI1RIC 338 JASl'EB tuif" Highest prices psld for good -s-coad hand fumt-ira and roercnandlBB. I'boae C-2A WKK8TEK It rJBCOND HANI STORE SsOA Jsaper kast, oppoaite panaannia Hotel. enrvla bought and anld.

For aarrsi Phono W-t WM. O. DWTER. 50 lit KEN AVE Homa- ateaders and h'-usehohs ealfmara. t-eoda boucnt and anld Phons 3071.

O-l TAXIDERMISTS ASHDtiwV. XATrRAUST. 428 FIRST ST South, opp Edmoatoa HoteL Itrxluced rstes. Always pN-SM-fi. A-2 ALL ANIMALS AvNU rilsUrtl MOLNTkUl AltiinT ti nelly Prices a -derate Head your arwcimens fresh ta assurs gwecesa Andrew acute.

West Kd-aKmtoa. aider. Ataea-ta. i TAILORING WEEER PHONE 5255 LADIES" AtD gent tailoring. Tour own atatertal made aa.

Over D. fcUingarmsji's Clotlunf Mtora. Jasper Are. Fsst. w-l TURKISH BATHS BOX TOX TTRBJSH BATHS NEWXT OPENED-up-to-dste.

klasssee. b.uodf. slectne tresc-B-teot. Lrerything eonveauent I a.lr sftemiM.ta 314 Nsmaye Ala Phoaa loai hire Wi.au a. EDMONTON SAXlTARIX-M AND TrP-klSllATH cor.

Kinlsthso and Jssper East. J. H. Mc.Nichols' Prop. Trained nurss srd masseur, formerly ef Bsttls Creek (Mich.i Somtsrnnn and Bsnff Hot Bprlncs.

Rneumatisxo SBK-ce-rsfuily trested. klasa-sute tmtiaex-t given la Juur cwa kooe. Phona 43S3. M-15 TRANSFERS GREAT WEeT LIYERY TBA.NSFER CO PHONS Fumltura. baggage ed light draying of all kfhds.

Usnure. grsvel. sand anl cosl a specialty. Ail kinds of Pricas i-a- a-i UNDERTAKERS WAlNtVRiGHT A JACKSOX. IMiKRTAh ERA tnd Exnbalmera rail promptly attended te.

day or nlaht. First duo livery and ease. Day Pbost SO-. JCigut pbtaies a5l6 24 PtaH Itesidesie. in Kan-ted.

it. Psoas Ti7T ttt-co town: 1-4. 30 F-B PR. BKOAflTEYET KOSK AND THROAT. 330 Tegl Block.

Phoaa Oil. BeMdr.es. 44 film. DR. B.

SlTHtRL-lND. SPECIALIST IN EYE. Km. Nosa and Throat, ijfnea, twite II. Block.

POoa 4171. Kcsulaaee Phases 5127. Hears: it. I S. 1.38-3-4.

DR. B. FREDERICK N1CHOLL8. SPECIALIST Eye, Ear. Noss sad Throat.

tce- Alberta Block. ieS3t JWfi Ax. Phoaa 1454. Bemdea- Phcae 82424. S-14 DB.

8. McGiBUOS. PasST GRAM AT i'T tyiX- r. and Vs-or, Medicm and i( eja. aw.

and throat). (Haot, 1 N- un Edaunua. J-Jgh fl "C- 'r 4St Mc-M DL J. K. AMYOT.

PHYSICIAN" AND SURGEON, B-Sxrialty ObS-Stries. Suite 5. Huibert Block, ooc. Wayta Are and Main Bu. SoutA Ldseontea.

Pbotiee: fifth 31626. Mtew MS-. A-28 DR. t. i.

FOLlNSBKK. Sl'LVlAL ATTENTION TO Iriaeaaea ef Cidre Ik England tJur. poet graduate work. Will retur r-it Utli. 6b.

BOLLANuLa. POST GRADUATE PARIS and Losdua Heapvtsla. ki-urgeea Misaeieord! MontreaL OrBce end remdence. IS: imsott Am Lot. an ta last HoteL Phone 1032 sna 13S.


Nocw-Od Bauiarrard and Nam! An. Phone DR. A- F. ANDERSON HAS REMOVED HIS OF from Itenaoa Block. First to Use Balmoral Block.

Jasper aw. Corona Hold. Phone S457. Sdl Pi UM. A bK Sormax-allix.

Mm.cs. bye. In, fear. Km Throat. After Das.

I. 191J. Ptafla Indrnce Phona 3l3 A-T DR. Sl'BtiEON-iND UINTIST. 34 TftStt Block.

tgl H-ln PR. 8. a WELLS-PR. CLACU1 JAMIE' En, Ear. Horn aad Tfcnnt.

Aftrr Das. I. Il4. 24 Tariar Block. Pira St.

DR. CXYuiTllACDONALD. PHTSICIA.X AND Surpaa. Paat (raduau Nrw York. Poat Graduata ud Hanard CoUena.

SDecuI aitmuoa nf Kaaa aad Childra and MaMroita caan: wara' rxamenca. Offk'a. Telr Block. PtHM 4l. Rcaiilmca.


19J3J Jaapcr A Edmantnn OTdca koun: rUlur-dar. Pkosa K7. IT DENTAL DR. MORGAN. DENTIST.

IPOBMERLT BOSTON ami Nora Scotia I. Stilta 233. Williaraaoa Block, 13 Jasm txtaaen Fraier aad Quaca Area. Hnun: to (. Phono isi.

M-I4 Lir. b. Wilkinson! dental scbxjeox. DM Ptuladrlpbla. 11: LPS Toronto.

ISM Of See. Ill lit Ooodnda Block, cor Jaarar and Naauro. Edatoatoa. Houn: I II aad i to Paoaa strr DB. B.

M. SNEDDEN. DENTIST. iFORMERLT Pamlaoka, OnL). Suita 11 n.

Doaaiaioa Bank ear. Jaapar aad MrDoutall Anauca. Prmna 4S54. DR. 0.

D. STEELB. DENTIST, S3S JASPER EAST. Houra: Is v-m. and 7 to 8 v'm.

Foravrrly IS Toara city Chieafo. Phocia 4937. S-4 DB. LOWTHiB-VTtLI. HAVE t-HARGaT OP THE dental pracUca of Dr.

A. M. Fwklna dunnj tbe aext fw atoaUu. OfBcr. SSI Toiler Block.

30 DB. JANES. 8CBOEON-DENT7FT. OPTICX Slnaaa Block, Namaro Arc. iotct Stnara Baker).

Phoaa 1434. Rratdcaea Phona Open crca-rngs tf appnlBtnant. M-lt i.TTsHAJU'SrD D. 8., 1S-W CATTlSTOt-H. BLOCK? Jaaocr and riflk Pbona Hours: to 1 Evacinss br appoinUttent.

8 31 iR SCPfE 10-11. Ocdit rdtr Block. Jasper aad Third. Paoaa 237. Hoars: 9 to 5.

H-23 PR-CUINNECK. SniftEON-DENTIST. OFFICE. Sulta S. McNunara Block.

51 Jaiiprr A to. Writ. Hours: s-m. ta 4 in. Eteninav 7.30 to SO.


473 Stb cor. Victoria EdtBontoa. Albert a. Paoaa 4541. 4 tB.

H. ALBRlSHf: SEfiiflTTBED OSTEiT rotb-c Plrraician, 417 Jkaper Ara. Weal, Edmonton. Pasoa 434X A-14 NEUROPATHY-CHIROPRACTIC JAMES KELLT. M.D..

DC. CLARA H. Roilv. K.D.. DC JJeoropaUiT.

Cblropractlc. VI7 7th rust tooth of Jaaner. Offlca kotus: to RSO. EreaiB bT appolnunant. Pauna 30i.

5 LEGAL OEOBGE M. BOOTH. BARRISTER. s)U(l-ior. Notary Public, orrr Standard Bank.

Jasper Ara. East. Paoaa S576. Money to fcan. B-2 WILSON.

BARRISTER. auUtTTOB. Notary, arc. 4 BradlMaTn-TboaiaoB Bloek, Edawa-toa. Alberta.

D-S SHORT. CROSS. BHiGAR. HHERRl aT" FIEIJJ: Baort, Woods. Bigasr 4k CaUlson.

BamaUrs. So-UciXors and Notaries. Mercbanta' Bank Buildinc Edsaoatoa. Wot. Sbort, K.C.

C. roav. K.C. 8. B.

Woods, C. O. M. Blurar. C.

Jaa, T. Colli ooa. J. C. Suenr.

W. Fiald. Cibl. addraas. "Brbloss." Codes, ABC StR ada.

Bedford MiNejI. BIS MORRISON aTcAMPBELL, BARRIMTERS. SOLm-tora, Notarfes. tZl Tefier Hliirt, EdBMattoa, Alherra. Phot a 4tT24.

23 ETT. Doaunisa Bide McDotitall Ata. Paoaa ZlaS. B-SI A rRlKDMAN. BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR.

13 i Bad! Block. 44 Jasper B. Pbona 19. ft rwiXO HARYIE. BARRISTERS.

SOLICITORS, etc. A P. Kolas, K.C Alan L. Hunt. Tba JiortlierTi Inrestment Btdt.

E-l ROBEBTSON. MACDONALD 4Y WiNVLER. BAB ristars. bV-tv-IUira. Notaries, CootBsliABoaen.

etc. A. Bulldlna. ccr. 1st St.

snd Jsaper Ave. Harry ff. Roarrtsoa; Jasses li. Maedoaald: Uordoa Wiailer. B-13 sirDONAXD 4V T1GI1K.

BABRIkTESS. IMPERIAL Bank Baildlns, Wallace MrDoasld: Robert D. TiAba- Phona 21. Mc-7 STUART aV aTWART. Notaxwe.

Salts 2S-a. G.irrry Block. MtlMusaU Are. Money ta loan. S-2B iraf.

BOW. BABRIKTrRi bOI.ICITOR IWRH EB Sa tlia Maieatr's Smiji ail ThW Block. Edmonton. 27 I COU3WEU. At WELLS, BAJtRISTLRrj! SOLIcT tork.

Notaries. Ofacas: Salts 2f8. C.P.B. Block. Phosss SOii.

Money to loan. C-I2 MAljCOLAI MOIARlJoy.BARBIrrTEB. ynutta 1-2, Doaunina oup. tlraad Tmnt sMssoatoa. I--43 MCILT.

CH0Wx BARBIrTTEB! SOLICITOR. and otary Public. 3 Aiaxandra Block. Erlroon- toa. P1MP4 2487.

C-4 EMERY. NttlJ FORD. BOLTON AV MOCNT. rUmaaera. SoiK(tor4.

eta. E. Frank Ford. K.C.; C. F.

Newell. K.C.- S. Edwsrd Bolton Cacti B. F. Mount: Irrin- B.

Howatt; 'rrllls B. Liadsay. tlfflons: Canada Pussaiisiit Baildinc. McDornrsn Edaronloa. E-ll JOHX J.

I.AMONT. B.A-. BARRISTER. SOLD I tea- and Notary Public. Offlca: 422 Jasper Ksst.

Phone 3ftA. Money to loan. I itmRWRli! mmTeson at bab" riatcrs. tulw-iura. Hob.

A. c. Rmhcrford; P. Jarnluauu: Caarles H. tiranL Xl'-rVruasll Cnart, Et-I-asoritoB.

ln-iperuf Bak Buiiilina. ErlmoatoB fjoalh IStratbconst. 14 B. A. DICKSON.

BARRISTER. SOLICITOR AND "Notary. Off: o2 Tiler Block. First Ed nat-aitcav Phona 5223. Honey to loaa.

D-14 WILLIAM BEA. BARRISTER. SOUcrrOR. NO lary, etc. Office: Ssadisna Black.

248 Jssper Are. lm. rooftti. Money to k-an. Phone ol6.

14 JaralAY. "hXnLEI A BOYD, BARklSTERsTsou" cilors. Notanes, etc. A. G.

McKsy: W. J. LL.B. H. C.

Boyd. LLvB. Bussrswaa Brork. 21 Jjtsr-er Ave. EssL Moaey ta loan.

1 EBWAJID BKt BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. Notary Pablir. etc. La Rao and Pirard Block.

248 Jasper East. Money ta kraa. Pbaasrs. B-1S GRANT a THOMSON, BiSRlSTEEa. SOLICITORS aad Notancs.

Aired Grant P. G. Tboa-rsos. Rra-lrnini-Trioni-wt Biork. PboaeSBTC.

G-25 SBWAJiDR. DCBCC akTtiToiiel B. Lstdea ltsrbue: U. V. Peiton.

Cu.iaicra. r-oii-ttors aad jvotaries. tjarbee Bsnk Buildinx. Mosicy ta loan. K-10 NTB" MATHESK1X.

Barrts-tre, ftjj. aad Notaries. Mooey to f-iaa cjtr and larra irrrocrli. R-r al Bsnk 5 Salldin, Jserer At-f. East.

17 LAT KUBARRI8TER. BANK OF X)M mr ore -rrrisinberii, rlmonrrn Sotrtb. L- iVilBt P.N. MACSNZfEJaTwkK. BARRISTtRaT SnlicrlwM.

ee TeeMr Block. Saute 323. L-7 MYlRa RNAV. BARRIBTEBS," JACKSOM i-x, Z-i Jaapry avt aEL i-oi on UKIK1SO ItlB A ItEACTlPfL HI ill IT I A anck kwnnlcw. 4iu3.

altuatad oa loti la 0rocau. auullirro atlaivuiA Ualdwood rc-ors snd doors throuahout, 2 firep-acea. This Is sn eicepticueiir aeU-i'lanned home, wub all the conrenieftcaa. I'rtos only 3ir.rJ00. njorlgagt 84750 st 8 per cant.

Wil' exxlioufs tvt farm laud claw to the city, and same cask. Leader Besliy 3 Bensoa Block. L-ll SALE-I HAY! SEVERAL HOUSES ON THE South Bids which ara seiy muck av to date aad the price will surprise you. If It Is a bargoia you ars loosing iu aa aip-lo-dats kouss. apiuy to J.

garner 524 loth Ave. Phona 3533 T-2 tu 5 tyotiJlfc.J. FC1J.V IIOUEIIN l.t Actio aear Whyte Are, and 7th Ml East. I rue ft in Luuity 32,00. WiU take hu.lduig lata, GeDrrt: tickers.

td Phons 4812. 24 lOl SLB FOR 6ALE 3304 AND Itl-ADaTcAdit and to lance arrangad. Nortaera Alrnkers. 153 Jasper East- if. 3 DOXT PAT RENT WB CAX TOO A neat, substantial, cosy eottses st prices and terms to suit yutt.

t'ottace I'onatructloa 433 Tetla Bldg. I'hoca 8184; C-S FOR SALE BKACTIFCL NEW Bt NGAIOW IX New Glenors. 8 ruoms snd toiliard room la base-ateot; 3 flreptsces. osk A cotnpleis Lome. Ws would ba glad te show yoa this snd tauts you a nmal price foi uuick Bale John A Son.

22 Tegler Block, Pilous IMI. WB HAVE A GOOD Ct.EAB TITIA H-SWTUIX to trade for a house: 11 assume shout t2iubh lnd Co. l'ltone I22L C-13 WE HAVE A KI'MHEhT'oF GtH)i lilllJUNG lots for farm a Cfaubb lnd Co. l'hons 1221. 15 FOR SaI.K-CO.NTENTS OF 4-ROOMEO IliiVsE at a sscrlAca for caah.

Good range and hooter. Sideboard, dining Is bis. rentre ute. i ahsirs. I drcsccr and commode d-cut oakl.

3 pilrelea esk chairs, I bed aprtng and aistlress. kllcben csbmet snd Winnipeg couch Pni-o 2125. Frith. Town abend A Ltd. 34 McDougail Avenue.

Phones F-1T NEW' HorSE SIX ROOMS AND HATH WTR- hsce J-hn Oorudsis. 33.200. New hens I Jsspsr Plaoa. $2,738, atobrn. A 731 relet B-Sf liOltili IX FAIR VIEW SMALL CASH PAYMENT to sairt ar will traoa.

Ptuue .74 Bog 691. Edmonton. Alberta B-U HERE'S A SNAP A ROOMED KOI. Ml KK1CK hsthrooni. fumsce.

full basem*nt, en Hrudicate Ave. I No 1171 air moiith: was 240 Phone E57 or 2187 rtenings. 49 1B BOOMS AND BATH BCrtG-ALOW OX COR" loe troat Ettste oa 22ud Street, price i- 1 ccsr title tf As agreen.eni of sale fur balance of equity. Loan ever years. I.eadrr Reaitv Reina ri.

i Wv ROOMED COTTAGE ON rrttHT avrvi-l southeast, fully tuodcrn. full bsaenieut, srita eoa-crets floor, hot str beating. bar.iuo.d floors, a-ft aster lank. Thia well flnithed boose can he bought for 8304 eaeh. balance monthly.

Ths Duxgan Building and tnvesrnieut Ltd. 21 '2 Irominion lil.lg. Phone 6645. D-2 HAVE THE BESV BI IX THE CITT -A 4-roomed cottage, pantry and csylsr siding for fliiishuig and hardwood floors: lot 50x150 ft. 3 blocks from csr Hue.

I nerd ths Biumr snd sny ressoiisbls offer will bs accepted. Day Phone 45o0. Phone 71497. 44 FOR SAI.E-7 ROOMS. FCU, BAsem*nT.

HOT air heat. 4 bedroonia, fully modern. 5 minutes from Poet offVe: worth 345O0. Must bs Pri.e 324OO. liud cash.

balsce over 5 yesrs. phone 8102. F. K. Bsilard.

Suite 5. Bank of A. Bldg. It 48 FOR S.AI.E-9-ROOMEl). FI LLY MniiERN HOI SK ei.u oaru ou isva la Blisrl s.

S36O0. -roonied bouse ua Isabella I block east of Brodicsts, 2201)0. 127 tjueen's Ave. Phons 162. 17 FOR 8AI.K--TWO DA.VDT tYJTTAGES OX PAVED street in Lronidsie.

Wil take ascsnt lota ss first balance like rent. This is your chsnce If you are lookius for a home Apply P.O. Bog 403. City. H-3 AN IDEAL HOME THIS 18 NO RENTAL PRO-posltion and will only interest a man who can appreciate real comfort.

A solid lirrrk 7-nomed ButigaJow, Ustefully decorsted. hot wster Besting, splendid bssem*nt. Isundry tubs. Beet lawns snd garden, all fenced, concrete walks on 8 full lots in ths Gsrnesu Estste. Price 813.000.

This couid be Brrxitged with little money and ta exchange of propeily. Apply P.O. Box flf. City. II AT COST--OrVNEB WILL SELL TO RESPONSIBLE buyer new and attractive residence in excluslis West End locality oa good ternis.

Nine rooaaa. 3 bethrocins. A snsp. PlOl Jlox 15T Cjty. D-22 Ci) 1' AN 11 2 BOOilED lillCllE ON KUtKNEBst Bl' Norwood, Bl'k 23.

Ben Led for 215 per month, trail fir 33000. easy tarasa, ulssa A Nslsoa Realty Jasper East- 0-2 FOR BALE BOOM BCXOALOW. Ft U.T MO-eWni. dn car line. Highlands district.

This Is sa Al no et, hardwood floors and completely tap ts dste. 3v.000: easy terms Edmonton Real Ra tal Co 12 Ortheum Arcsdk Phons 1034. 22 WE HAVE A VERT COST 2-BOOM ED. FL'LLT modarp, full bsaetuani cottage for sals aa 24th Sc. ta luglewood.

al 34,500. small eaab pay-man balance arranged. Just ths place for young married couple. Isrmsn-Rendell 423-630 Teeler Block. Phons 5660.

L-8 22iid GOOD BUILDING LOT IX BLOCK 1. Inrlewood. Price 11 too. cash 0a snce a moiiUia Frith. Psrdes A Tnwnshand.

80 ateiraussn Ave Phones )76-2460. F-IT AUOOilaD COTTACE OX 1st AVE. SB FULLY saodern. hot, cold water, hardwood floors, full basem*nt, soft water tank, hot sir furnace. Price 34.100.

8300 cash, balance monthly. Apply Ths uwgsn Building at Investment 21 lic.nil.Hon Bldg. Phons 6645. TJ 39 SPLENDID HOUSE. PJx.11.

OX niVflxIXt BT Norwood, brocks frota Boulevard. 2Vj St. foil baeemsnt, 2 rooma. Beeidee large belL pan try. batli snd sttle.

versodsh and balcony. Wall located ana aitraciiva exterior ss well aa interior Price 35.000. Let as show this hottsa. A poll aaeuiey at sarsaoa. xuaaa at Pkona 1408.

-ft 2-RO0MED. FULLT MOPERX HOf-SB OX 28lh a frw blocks from Jssper. Hardwood floors. Price 360OO. 11000 caah.

balance arranged. Phona 4444. Hawkins. 30 McDougail Ave. H-l WE ARB SPECIALISTS OX EXCHANGE PROPO" sltlons Hegler A Kutcllffs.

Rooms 4-7, On b-urs aircaoe. a-nona alia. H-14 FARMS FOR SALE LAKE FRO NT At; LAXD 77 ACRES FRACTION-al. Section 1. t.

R. 22. Hi nillea front rail way station. Edmonton district, on beautiful lake. 2S miles sousre: land all serrrsl feet above lake and lies exceptlonslly Ons high and dry: some trees, but aearly open land; beautiful solid beach trf white sand; no sloughs whsttver: all tillable and finest Isud for all crops, being sn execution ally neb.

early maturing, worm soil: tomatoes snd other lender pi sou ripened lis the open, Tba late counteracts frost. No Improvement eioept fencing on two cides. Lake on other sides. There Is ever 4-mile lske front axe and not a slough aaywhece: nns Barreling, hosting and nailing. If you want home on a lake you can't neat this.

If yoa want a niece or lead for Intensive farming yea ran best it. Choree for dn. ks and poultry: every Inch tillshle. Wortb S-ia per acre: if sold In a few days 35.00. or hsif of It st ll.OOO; terms, half eaan: Bo trade considered.

See owner. 10831 80th kdmontoa rtovjth. Phone 2017. 204-108 IMPROVED QUARTER BFXTION. NEAR LAMONT.

seven acres broken, house, two barna. milk hoove' etc. 3904 caah. 127 Queen's Ave. Phone 1626.

F-17 IMPROVED QC ARTER SEtTIOX. 28 Ml 1,1 FROM the eitr, 60 atTva under rultivstloa last year. 20 acrea of hay land, all fenced, frame bouse, bam and ether builrlmga. 31.800 34' cash, balance good teraxa. 127 Queen's Ate.

Phone 142s. F-I- TiX- FROM TtlW.X OJO.TP. EAST bsT mile from school; 40 acres mltltsied; fair buildings and fexeed. ilortgsss 300: will lake cash for eouitr. If sold soon.

Ailitu a Owner. P.O. Cltv. tlS 1.000 000 ACRES FREE GOVERNMENT ffOMK-stesds. Deeded Isnd.

38 to 3:0 per sere. Ready irS.Sl 1. 1 V'1 v25 r-lneet lnlsnd cllmste. lee Honieseekers' excarslrms. tor rree noose Imintgrstioa it urea 1 A St.

Seattle. Wsah aoa iti WKB; M', E.S EABT nr edmontonTon V' V1" Trail; 5. acres cul'vtstrd: frsme house, barn 16x24; kegs. h.ns: good 1 chickens. 30 tons or hsy.

150 hinhels of potstoes: mower, rake 2 nd comrlete rtimiturr: iLLi' bl'ce to suit mirerisaer. P. Bcott, 222 Whyta Ave. Last- Phone 2511 501-192-98 160 ACRES OF GOOD LEVEL OPExT.AVIliM': proved, in Fort Ssakafchewan district: 3000 The fhb Lend ta.Pb.w 1221. 1 MO ACRE FARM.

NORTH OT VET; rlEYYLl7E7s miles frrjm Rrosseaa: all good land: 40 acres cult! vsted: sU ffticed: mod In. barn. PrtcvTsi P.O. uataiaa i-j years. rtoirft Box city.

BOMK 8NAP IMPROVED FARM ON STURGEOX S'lr: cre- N. Ballard. Bank of nicig. B-4 TO EITHER BUY OB SELL A FARM SEkTve" ill 25 years' lime. 6 per cent.

Interest. 131 1 ACRE rJTOCK RANCH. ONLT 1 iJ-LrTFROM "aril sww ,1111 sjipg. Mart JvdnHinjon. This Is a choice dlalrtct and do not believe that fir a stock ranch same can be duplieaied.

Good fenced ml ensT fenced, good running water: sumo 111 For mil psrtlcularo aprlv in 2 T.vio. a. I 112 Jssper East. Site 8. T-4 ErMONTOX.

NORTH east of Pocking Plant: 260 eres brokei and crop several years In sucr-Msion. bslsnce In bay-sil fenc-d sad cross fenced: good 7-roonrM oani 3-X40 and other outhuildlngt. At ee-evit t. IF s-i 'or 31 per sere. Soon CM hT OT cash Is r.id rtoirn wiU hetler tetms.

Will slso irsde for Isrger S.oti4 st 8 per running 4 Thia la '1' I'" TsTHeSd-dfy tmiroved ftnn. snd It Is a well known f.rt that there Is no otb-r l.nd thL at atcrtl'iug "rucc- Frith. Toenshend A cTlii i U.IW...II a-SL. 1 r. noteL F-14 rbilrtied bouse, barn, granaries, 504 aeres An ideal farm at 333 per acre.

210 nun PJisnce 7 yesrs. w. V. Trarla. ia.ia lZ; Bl-a-k.

Pfirms 1221. T.iy FARMS FOR SALEWE HAVE SEVERAL IM prro farms, near railway and town, front At- JrVkT 'ow rn-leesL All In the Ed-nont district, where the crrips are the verr bestnr-ier fiilurK Pearc. sis First St. Phone 161-3774. Pearce 6 ATTENTIO-i It TOTJ KNtJw yoa csn buy CPU.

land from 111 wr acre a psrment of IS ch and 20 years for ten balance at pa cent. Intereet. fpllml-ed aea 1 1.1 rjvisrsa irm- t. nartreu ara rtt ih.rt noo- 1 1 reatiea. Hu bcrt-PhlDlus A Co General taenia I 1 IB.

Hlalbert BiticA. Waft Avenue. I 1 BOOS ajsiS. sx-aa CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS K. DEXBT.

CBARTILBXB ACtTlCNTAVT AVD Aadiiak, Ml Ia Bmr Pkoaaa Hit acd U4. DJ i HT8 CLEANED A RE-BLOCKED BKXO YOCB BAT TO BB t-LRAXXD AND Wwdnd la rdrl Jaapar. doora fruai iBpariai Baak. Hu warka aod abtua Panor. 1'aai Aadrra Pnsv Paoaa MO.

A ll CONTRACTING BUILDEKS k. CAAITBJilJ, SCOCEttMJB TO SMITH AVT CaairfraU. A) Kutih Sml Paoaa '4'T Mana factanrs af ldaal coocma hlorka la aairala. (rar ar krova: ktck cniauMm: to for taildiBi raaadAtlnaa. cannot aallar floon.

ff nr Mociia. (Ira r'aoai. Mm AH awk ktiarantaod. Paetory arpcwlta P.B. Capok Car Soada a apaeLaltr.

8 34 CHIMNEY SWEEP IN-J-ED CITIMNET SW EEP EY ERTTHIXO IS fusraatcad dean. Pnoa. caimner and furoaca. 1 5a. tall as if real ara ttvainled sntb uavke.

aoter your Boiler aabrtr and tba PUo paw. l'ona ti-22 J. B. BtlACH. THE ONLY THOROUGH CHIMNfff eleanlna- arwrstas la ctty: Its art aturantaes eb'trasey and farnaaa.


oalta kin. cd plaia and arooaMnul oerneot wt-rk Fracas snodec-ata, a Bos 1157. Pkoaa 4(17. ST CARPET CLEANERS BrGS. CABPFTft.

STC Cl.tANEr. THOROr GHLY ay sacrem ssethod. ort aae la your boma or la our anon, tvs set tfca ri. phone Te Jvne Yatataw Cleaners. 3SS Jaapar Are.

E-14 COAL AND WOOD DEALERS LEfTII COAL CO. PHONE 0 LaW'SON DEEI-neaal Lnnjp C' al. i ton: Dawson llrtp eVaia Ecg CjsI. S2.M ten. All doubls screesad.

lkuua yuur orders now. Teach, wanted. IS THk tHjiEB FT EL CO. CABDIFF U'MP. 23 SO per SiOgis ton: 23.25 per ton by tba load.

rJcrcenad Nulby load rmgia uo j. a mi T-C1AL FOB A FEW DAYS OFFERING THE Best Sturgeon Screened Nut, 22-25 per ton; Lump Coal ti.i; Sieciai CesibiBaooa. Half Launp and Hsif Nut 22 ml. Make inspecuon of sasnrle. Coal Supply AgcBta, S13 Jssper West.

Pbune lS8r. 5 NOrlTHERX WOOD A COAL COR NAMAYO and lark. Good dr wood. Poplar 2175. Pins Tsnsrse 23.HO; standard Lad.

ood Coal, half ton and ton orders, a specialty. Sstiafactjon guaranteed, pronipt delivery. H. Duns and O. Hyne f.

ft 7 VboOD DRY WOOD, II.SO PEB STANDARD LOAD. var ku- Is nsot and oar load la nthu Phnna J.l It- Try us. 30 CROWW OOai. BEST BT TEST Pbona Tint Best screened lump this weak, ts 3C per too: bral nut. This la tho ssma coal as as surply the I.

rand Trunk Howl sad other Isrfe buainess blocks. 4 FORCE! FORCE: WE FORCED PRICES DOWN and Intend to keep them down. Others hsve fol-loaed but wetrh them nee when the mercury folia. Ws gusrsQtae our present prices throughout the winter to all customers on our books be October 3L St-reeued aturgeon tump. 23.50; screened Sturgeon hut.

,2 2s. AHlAnca Coal Co. PUons 335. 112 Bics St. B-37 EDMONTON WOOD YARD WE ARE NOW LX A food position to furnish you with ths very beet toa-rip Cosl at per ton.

Nut Coal st 22.75 per son. Dry Mill Wood at 22 71 par terse rsck load, and Dry jack Pine at 21 Oj per standard csd. Also lack Pins logs 'or aren'sce. Phone i zt aad yea will act tvtjsBat oeuvery-. A.

Doneaa. Prop. 37 CJTY. K.s; PER TON: WAB4MCX Lump. $3.50 per too; Wabamun Egg, S3 2 per ton.

John Swirts, Phone 31444. 4T4 1.14 110 COAL TWICE SCREENED Lt MP, 13.30: MINE Bun. S3 2.1; Egg. 2X1.00 per toe. Cooper Bros Phons 71534.

c-44 COAIW HOIJSSAJ.E ONLY IN ANT QrANTITT at any time. loneld Coal 23 Jasper East. Phona 1544. C-57 DOMKMTIC. WOOD AND COAL ALL KINDS OF wood on hand, clover Bar and Sturgeon lump eoai.

23.73 and 23 50 per ton. Nut cuaJ, 1123 perttm. Phone 3050. 20 TW IN CITY SCREENED MP COAL. I3.S5 PER ton: s-creened nitt coal.

J.75 per be; split poplar wood. ::.00 per load- Stannard. 11 irccacd St. East. South Side.

Day Phone 31112. Night Phone 3644. 8-43 COAL A WOOD SCPPLY PHONE S45T-SCREEX-ed coal. 3: 25: lump, 33 50. We will daliter for one week lamp coal at SJ 25 par ton.

8-28 FOR BENT CENTRAL YARDS WITH SPTJR track; sultr.blr for hsmaing ooal Bad wood. Pbona 302. F. N. BtUsrd.

HI COA1. COAL COAL WE HANDLE THE BEST and our priors sra ricbt. Lergo and small orders promptly delivered. Feed and Fuel o. earner McDoussll snd Smheriand toldl.

10004 IWlh Ave, new. Phone 5760. E-21 PHONE 72030 PARKDAI.E WOOD CO. MIXED poplar and jack pins. 32.73 par load.

Best coal In Jhe city A-21 COAL IN CAR IxlAD IXiTS RAPla. LEE A Gslllnger. Phone 1544. C-ST IDATED COAL A WOOD CO. BEST at msrfcot prlcea Pbone 51.11- C-8 IllMOVnjX CITt MISSioNHELP THE CNEM-plnyed.

Dry poplar vsod. 13.00 per load. Pmolj (ens. 1 20 WOOD DST POPLAR as song 32 73 DOCBI.B HOI load Phoaa 15 Tinas rrrrar ctiAi CALL TP tf-44. MnLIEX COAL CO.

102 Halt B.ock. for well acieened Isaap eoai. 24 car toe Otva aa a trial order. 31 WE CAN DET.rvER F'ROMITI POPLAR AT 23 and salTl stood at 22 par doable bat toad S3 austk St, Paoaa 37 J- Baafortl. 8 ST CEMETERY WORK THE sTDMOKTOW GRAJtfTB AMI MARBLB Clark ftreet.

Edrnonton Cernetery Wcrka. A-S STRATHt "ONA CRA.tiia. alASB etrDnetta Bontk Edaiontoa 1: ffrnvs 8 24 Capitol granite and mabbi.b i7tk sr. own. Edmonton Cemetery- A 4 ALBERTA GRANITE LVD MARBLE COB? Clark aad first Sua.

Idmontna, Paaas 4052 A -4 DANCING WANTED irANcE INrerTjrcTOB. LADT OR CENT, to rent studio by 1 lie hour for pvirste lessons or rlsss. Central. West End. First class pisnist's services Included.

Teravs moat reasonable Apply Box 2SI Journal. 3053-100 I. P. en i.lYAX-S PRIVATE STfOOirOF DAXC-tng- Wslts. Two-Ptep, Three-Step.

Dip-Sraottische and French Minuet pooitivetv gusrsuteed la less thsa 2 weeks or tuition refunded. Plsne need at each lessen. Lstest New York modem dances aurht. Kindio: Cor. lOTnd SC snd McIWmald Drive (old ao Snd St.

and CoHege Are). 1 block enutb of Jarper Ave. Instrartloaa glrea at all Phono '24 arter 1 p.m- 8-23 MISS MARGUERITE DAYIPS PRI VATF gcHfxiL of Dancing. Waits. Two Step.

Three-Sten. Wslts-Mlanet and Din rWiotti ache tsaght ia eight private lessons. Hesltatlon-WslTA snd sTl vsrianus of the Tsngo. supple-memed by the Cast la Pnlks. the aessnn's rsse In New Tork.

Room 14. Brsdnurn- THoroaoa Block, First Bear Rica fit, I "ions 82474. 14 DETECTIVE AGENCIES DCtktTXIOX rrTWTll-E AGrTNCT OF CANADA. Roovt. 11.

Bradri-irn-Thomsr-a Block. Bsiliff and attderuse any legitltaata aiviL erirainal or political oVtectrre week In any part af United Btstes ar Canada Pbona 422L 17 DRESSMAKING DREMMAKINO AT HOME OB BT THE DAT Phone 5001. 237 4th St. Miss eVUpntt. 2054-I20 ilRrl ilr KLERERRT.

DSESSMtkCa, HAS BE-ir-o-rl from W3 Frseer Arc. ta 2.0 Coots Ave. cor. 24th St. Work gusrsuteed.

Reasonable r-Hree Phone 82733. kl-g CTIII.DBENR CIATTHINO MADE To ORDrST Orders tslce-B for fsncy srork snd cracheting The Misses Rg-o-iolds. 130 Jsor-er West- R-y? CoMET DRFSSMAKEIt ND LADIES? tsiloress sriTI socept daily encsgemenlg or sew at home. 4S1 Fifth Bt- Phone 1 8g. D-8 MRS.

L. A ENGLISH. 5r lOtl IS MAKING a special redaction la all brasa-has. Fall ata. frota 35 00 during slack arasoa.

MADAM JOSEPHINE CROrSR. OF BOSTON lves-naksr. Evening gowns a sreclatty. S58 McKsv Ave. Phone 6540.

g.g Ladies wxt forget to go to4 Namayo Are-sue Suits 22.50. cloth dresses 31 25 wsrh drr-a-os 31.03. Pbo-M au7A Satll-rictloa eui ran teed. T-18 MBS saiEl.r-S HAS OPEJtn tarlors at 10233 13th m. (Vrrect fl and title at moderate li lies Phone 83653.

liK KtMAK KB SPaVIAirr IM Ba-JLVKET Coats Prices ressonable Roita 224. Mutisrt Block. Nam am Arr Parma OT'ik LATil OF BtJSTOM wougf done at romo er out, r-k-ons 8132. 4 1 DBKSriMAKI-NG AND LADIES' TAILORING a-anted ky tho day Ala pikaa arwlng. Apply 138 Ttlrd Bu 18 tosrevill diatrlt.

lmust 3C4l. tiarti giat.ary machlie ajied. blacksmith shi. vluckm Lt'iue. fUi: InHiac and aim other litre; all trnced an dcruas-fenced: all tillsl'le loi.d.

700 seres in isaeturc, 2u0 sties In ctilurcUori. siurtiditl Itsy fuinisLing 306 to tons bar. Prick 218 Iter scr. IIOOU Ci.sh. ou csay terms.

Grnrut iliukett. Ltd-, t.01 'ieete III.K-k. I'iiotie 4I2. 36 IMI'KOiED "4 -MKtTHIN- SNAP AT CAMI. Balance .52 on serretnenu payable fro 20 acrea clesred.

sil fenced, good buildings: 3 no leg from Clyde auatiue. Hake 1U4J2 Srndtcste. cor Hark. 2 U.K. OF 13 51 13 2 MILklri Lavoy, Albena.

I mile seat of Vegrrillie. hsif tuilo from school; row sil plow land, nllow bisck soil, lake water, nice grove of trees for bunding arv-t. no better land ia Alberta. V. M.

hrraria.ni. Hixiai 14. HensiKl Bloi-k rt 40 LOOK ME I FOB A FARM -SEVERAL WELL kr-ated for city prouerty or for sale at a snap, and en ey tciuis. Two West End liouaes fur lots la 001 J. Bradley.

3 vicuh-ib Hlock. I'hun 4S26. 3 THK BUT BLV-AV IMPROVED FARM. WIT1I stuck and ini4cmcnts. I fasre two.

one 18 mils sad the other 28 ailleg frui Edimmtou P.O W. c. Hose. 153 Ri St. Phuns 4747.

B-22 WE HAVE A has SKVERAL5s-seetiuos. peer ths cur. Ws can sell these st price snd very easy term to sciual settlers, will niafee impmteniants 00 tbe land. Crafls. Lee A Galiuiger, Jasper Ate.

East. City. Phone 1544. C-ST Mf'KT HAVE MONEY IMPROVED. CI.KAR TITLE -i-ectiou.

few nules from IJoydmliister. the i-rs oat growing diatrtct of Canada, for 2350 cash. House. Itarn, graitarv. 32 acrea In crop.

Ou terms 81000, 300U raslt. balance 12 years. E. 1'. Taylor A 112 JairK-vt.

T' FOB 8tl.K :780" ACRES! INNIMFAIU 320 ACRE: v20 s.re. 2'ureo Hills. 320 acre; 1C0 aeies. Teres Hills. 820 sere: 160 si-res.

Stony Plain. 814 aerj; ltiu acrea. Camrose. 820 sere. The above ar improve, and might rocridrr exrhansr.

Other good farms tor trade. F. H. Pooka, 000 Tegler Liock. Phuno p-24 11.

TP. II. BGE. I. WEST OF 4ll Sckooi ae-tiua parchased from g-veraneit.

Eaas paitnenta of belance of purchase price. Will trsdi squily for Xd-oniiUie city proierty. W. kL I'rinoa. 40 renov Bhlg Phone 51)7.

If FOB 8A1.B SPI.ICVDlb 8E1T-ON OF i.andT4 miles enh of Isjay. on the C.X R. east; alesia lluw proiHitiuu; hns road runs Psst ths fsrm. clues to school small caith lyment, gaHrd term, per cent. Interest- Price S13 ler sere.

General Brokers. JLtd. 601 Tegler P.lock. Phone 4el- 21 ANOTHER SACRIFICE IMPROVED "4 -SECTION, all fenced In the Vermilion district: 4n acres brok, well, house, barn, granary. 21410, SuOO r-ah, K.

P. Taylor A 112 Jsaper East. 4 BARGAINS 40 ACRES. STURGEOX DISTRICT. 20 tmles north tif Edmonton.

80 acres cultivsted: price 210 per acre; Isnd Id this district worth 340 Pt sere snd up. 200 sores. 2 miles from View oint on the CNR. Caixsry branch; 100 acres cultivated: pries 3:1000. mo acres.

3 sniles west of Montigslde on C.P.B. 60 seres cuitivsued: brio 33100. 100 sores. 1 mils from Three Hills on f. P.

Cslgary brsncb: 130 seres cultit*ted: once 82050. Apply Bissct A Drever, 131 Jasper West. Phons 48o3. B-3 TO LAND BUTERS A FINE Ai -SEtTIOX. 14 miles out on good road, will exchange ror city proiany or give good terms for cash.

Apple J. P. Scott A Hull 17. Mortlsk Block. Rice St.

Ph 4263. 3 WE HAVE TWO WELL IMPROVED FARMS FOB sale, ca-u nayment ana good terms, csll in tor particulars. Leader Realty 8 Benaun Bl'ick. First Street. 1 1 QUARTER SEtTlO.V.

FOUR MILES FROM MIL- let; sn acres broken, tslr build-nga. g.toi dnued well: will take clesr title lot in Norwood or Psrkdals aa first psymeuL Hawkins, 59 Mcllcu. all Ave. Phons 4444; H-71 WELL IMPROVED HKCTION. 4V Mil.KS FROM Fort Haakstchewan.

wants totns cssh and balsnce trsde. Bsrsnea A Fell. 204 Empress Block. Prion 5023 ortU-J. B-S UOOD Vi-SECTION IX VEHMll.UlN WI81B1CT: 40 sore broken; builrtngs.

wsur: 3400 uask. balanee arraugad- W. BQ-ituwa. 1-3 Vblta Rlock, I'kons irs a. B-13 TT! WANT TO BfJT A LARGE NCMBEB OF farm, will pay ail caah.

but thst pnoe aiuat ruol. also want vacant lota to Lrajp frs- hotisos snd Iota Alberta Realty Emhsng Boom 17, Br-dburn-Thoxnoa Block 24 REAL WAR TIMES SNAP 160 ACRES ADJOIX leg Throne on CP R. Lacortibs bracch: 200 seres under extltlvation: $2,500 worth builjirurs; mil at bs a price 22.500. exact cost of Impressments; terms arranged. R.

W. Glbbs Co 322 Toglef B.ock. oj4 ANT A GOOD 0B H-SEtTIOX. NtjTOO far from the city, will make a cash rmvgaeal sad sssurae or trad sons Property In the city. yliat particulars saljr Bill ke O-Wdered, P.O.

Box flf. Edmontoa. 211 Setaskiw-ix DisrBicC4 sbVtioxb. EAi.S BBparately fsttced with sa I slrsitd wo lea srrai 3 lections havs each a est ef buildings: there 14 a spring na each ia; this has keen worked sx-cluai te as a stock fsrm. but would tnaka aa Mesl mixed farm, baa ths best of SOIL Ths eener will sell all In a block or each section gepsrstely.

bs will alto sell to a tasriontible stock farmer 40 cows with sack sscuoa with a amslf ojuount of cssh c. snd good taraaa oa Lb balance, kit idea ks to allow the purchsser hsvs ths cows pay for tkemselvee. or tba ewnef would ssclisngo for a well unproved aeotloa with good buildings near rsilwar and alas put ta ths cows oa suck deal. 14 prefers this section la the Edmonton. Wetaaklwtn.

Commas or Ponnka districts. Hawking. Limited. SO Mcliougoll Avenae. Psono 4441 TV is Farm" land snaps quabteb mm -hg teen miles from Elmoaton at 812.60 par 31.000 00 cash, nslanee srrsnged: Ai aoctloa miles from Edmonton, mostly plow land.

31 psy sere. 00 roth, balance easy terms: sectloa. Edmonton district, sil steam plow land. 815 per sere. 81 000 cssh.

balsnce srrsnged: Al section, jesr Vermillion. 80 seres ou It 'vsted. bandings, fence. 817 38 per sort. So cask, bslano arrsnged.

Phoete 186L F. W. I'seroe. (56 First street- Vt-SrCTIOX. NEAP.

BTOXT PLAIN. WITH FAIli 1 ti fitnek ssie 32vOo. sua 3300 cssh tims on bo lanes, or would take horses, est! Is or fsna Implstnenla. The Leedar Realty Co Bensoa Block. L-H FARMS WANTED WANTED TO BUT FOR SPOT CASH ONB IJtRGB or several smaller tracts of agrtcultaral laad la Alberta.

Iriee mutt he rlghL No tract of lass thsn 50. few) acres considered. Civs fun parttcalsrg in first letter la Box 26 Journal. 8074-104 V. OR SECTION.

RAW OR IMPROVED LAND in ins Beaver Lake district. Must he good soiL Csn give good trade or irir city property and will aloa consider bur for eaab. Frith. Townahend A 54 McDougail Ave. OTP.

G.T.P. Hrrcel. F-14 WE HAVE CLIENT FOB FARMS IX BTETTf.FR or uaysisao msrricts Also Inquiries for farms south snd esst of Camrose. Prlc must be low. Send us your desv-ripiir-o.

p. Taylor A 112 Jstjct East. Suite 5. T-4 CLEAR TIT1.E AGREEMENT OF SALE FOR 315. po ranis 2.1 per month st per cent.

Will exchange for of improved land and ss-Btuaa. For psrUcularx apply 11044 esth Ht, T94I-T ClJF.AIl TITLE 5 ACRE TRAtT AT FORT GEOROri ao iraas ror farm will sssunie smsll gsortgsre acslnst fsrm. Edmontoa Luc tors. 46 Me-Iioussll Avenue 23 HAVE 3456 CASn AND SOME GOOD CITT property to per for good clesr title farm. Ph 6418.

Call 320 McDougail Ave. TI-SS I HAVE SOME CASH AND TWO PEACE BITER aroasing lout. win exchsnse for farm or some seresre near Y.din.ttnn I leners only write ta Jsa Psrxyn. 251 Jasper West. 37.5-M WANTED TO BUY PROM OWNTR FOR SPOT csah on lsrge or reversl smaller trarta of agrl-rultursl land in Alberts Price must be risht.

No trsct of less than 50.00 acrea considered. Give full 2 trt-culara la first letter to Box 26 Journal. 8074-101 WANTED A tA-SECTIOX. 14 TO 12 MILES OCT. Have a new modern bouse la West End.

dear title, to exchange. Phons 3220. F-M SARM LANDS WANTED TO BUT. SELL OR Exchange. We desl ta large tracts of farm lartda.

both tracing- selling and eichsngirtg. W. Pearce. 616 First St. Phone 1W1-3774.

-l WANTED HAYB BtiME CASH RDYEHS FOR farm, within 3 ntles of S-dmootrm. Afuat bs a snsp price from Tiers. Alex. Rhine. 18 Benooa Block Phone 1171.

ww WANTED A H-SECTION. WITHIN 100 MILES OF gWraotltOB. will assume mongsaa in nrnaiivs nor a modern bouss ta Camera Phone 2224. O. A.

Pearos. No. 8. Brsdrrtra-Thrjtnoa Block. P-ll WANTED FROM OWVeTtrtFARM LAJCD FOR sals or srvt-s: near Edonts er Bear a railroad caMoa.

W. Bsnm. 152 Blcs P-eooS, Pboag 4747. WANTED A HALF SECTION fTF I NT A ROUT six or eight stiles west ef Olds, or thres bout: will exchange a room modem houa ana eooe r-g on It Whet con vow ofrerf Phono 6-6 Mr- WANTED COMPLETE SHEEP OR CATTl ranch. Would Ilk a tree number of abeeti or eattla atarnea A FaU.

304 S-osrssa Block W.28 -38 FARMS TO LET TO RENT FTP CT.ASS IMPROYED SECTION OF good fsrm land: 250 seres under cuitirstioa: fenced snd cross-fenced: 8-roomed bouse with fumsce. Dry bam and otner outuuilrilnga; est crop rent. 127 Queen's Ate. Phono 1626. 14 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE gURK SXAP-311S BUYS CORNER lyflrT IX B'scon rt-icnts.

owner ueros Hsks. iwoz ronuioa.e iroi H- Il.liiW RIVER NOW IB TH YIITR TrTtvvr.r ba ths townsate of this coming te ra. Phoe 3S7E AJjea saptiat onj. 44.

Edmonton Journal from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (2024)
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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.