How to Sell Your Property to a Flipper: [Expert Advice] (2024)

Flipping property traditionally means buying undervalued homes to “flip” for a profit. Many home renovation programs have flippers occupy and repair properties before flipping modern homes. That wasn’t the case in the heyday, but nowadays flippers are often misunderstood. A real estate mentor can help you understand who they really are and what they do through this blog post.

What is a House Flipper?

A house flipper is an individual or company that purchases properties, typically in need of repairs or renovations, with the intention of making significant improvements and then selling them at a higher price. The goal of a house flipper is to enhance the property’s value through strategic upgrades and renovations, aiming to generate a profit upon resale. House flippers often focus on identifying properties with potential, negotiating favorable deals, and efficiently executing the renovation process to maximize their returns. This practice is a popular investment strategy in the real estate market, requiring a keen eye for value, understanding of local markets, and effective project management skills.

History of Flippers

House flippers contract with purchase a property from the current owner for the sole purpose of immediately turning around to sell that property. In an overheated market, it wasn’t uncommon for the same property to change hands multiple times at the closing table before reaching the final buyer. It sounds a bit complicated, so here’s an example:

Person A finds a vacant lot for sale and estimates its value at $50,000 more than its asking price of $100,000. Person A purchases the property from Person B while also negotiating the sale of the property to Person C for $150,000 based on research. In doing so, Person A gives Person B the asking price and makes $50,000 flipping the contract to its end owner.

Online investment courses and the preference of many to invest in real estate online made resources like the MLS and county records available, so fair market values are easier to determine. Many flippers find themselves taking possession, rehabbing, and “flipping” homes in today’s market.

It’s more traditionally known as a “fix and flip,” but it’s still a valid way to earn revenue. Properties sell below the market all the time. Someone will take advantage of the opportunity to repair or rebuild — why not you?

3 Real Estate Mentor-Approved Tips on How to Market to Flippers

Owners sell property under market values for a variety of reasons. They no longer want the property, and they want it gone fast. The process of interviewing a real estate agent, getting an inspection and doing repairs, preparing for the market, staging, showing, etc., can be difficult. They’re happy to take an under-market price from a real estate investor willing to put in the time to do all that.

Otherwise, here are three ways to get your property noticed by real estate flippers.

1. List a Property on MLS

If you’re licensed, listing a property on Multiple Listing Service (MLS) is the fastest way to get interested eyes on it. MLS is used by real estate brokers to share resources in a fast-paced market. It’s the single most reliable real estate resource online, and even if you’re not licensed, you should be using it over third-party marketplaces like Zillow as your go-to resource.

2. List a Property as a “Handyman’s Special”

People will understand that a “Handyman’s Special” is a “fix and flip.” There’s nothing wrong with a property that can’t be cured by the proper price adjustment. Someone will inevitably believe every property is too expensive, while others will find it a bargain and buy it.

3. Find Buyers in Person

People will always trust in-person contact more than online. It puts a human touch on the transaction that makes it feel more real, even if they invest in real estate online. Join local real estate investing networks to find buyer pools, and talk to people you already know who have active investments in any field. They may be considering another real estate investment.

What Are the Advantages Of Selling Property To A Flipper?

Selling your property to a flipper can have some advantages:

Quick Sale: Flippers often buy homes fast, which can be helpful if you need to sell quickly.
As-Is Sale: They usually buy homes in any condition, saving you from costly repairs.
Less Hassle: Flippers handle fixes, so you don’t deal with renovations.
Avoiding the Market: You skip the traditional selling process.
Cash Offers: Many flippers pay in cash, speeding up the transaction.

What Questions To Ask When Selling To A House Flipper

If you’re considering selling to a flipper, ask these questions:

Experience: How long have you been flipping houses?
References: Can you provide references from past sellers?
Process: How do you determine your offer price?
Timeline: How quickly can you close the deal?
Contracts: What’s in the contract? Can I have my attorney review it?
Inspection: Will you do an inspection, and will I get the results?
Contingencies: Are there any contingencies in the offer?
Reputation: Are you a member of any industry organizations?
Communication: How will you keep me updated throughout the process?
Payment: How will I receive payment, and how long does it take?

Asking these questions can help you make an informed decision about selling to a house flipper.

Get Started Flipping Houses Today and Improve Your Skills with a Real Estate Mentor

Flippers are people who understand how to buy low and sell high. It includes everything from real estate agents and market analysts to institutional investors. They’re the day traders of the real estate market.

If you want to attract flippers, you need to become an expert flipper yourself. In doing so, you’ll learn the lingo and where investors are through the natural progression of your financial goals. As you gain financial independence, you learn to find flippers who want a fast profit. If necessary, you can negotiate all the repairs and other fine details.

Ultimately, flippers, like other real estate investors, want maximum profit for minimum work. If you show that you’re willing to go the extra mile and close deals as fast as possible, flippers will eventually find you. Your online marketing is just a way to help them find you and learn about what you’re doing.

It takes 10,000 hours of hard work, practice, and taking steps to eventually achieve “overnight” success. If you start now, you’ll get there faster than you think.

Learn the principles and laws of real estate before you start flipping through our expert online investment courses and real estate mentorship.

How to Sell Your Property to a Flipper: [Expert Advice] (2024)


Is selling your house to a flipper a good idea? ›

Selling your property to a flipper can have some advantages: Quick Sale: Flippers often buy homes fast, which can be helpful if you need to sell quickly. As-Is Sale: They usually buy homes in any condition, saving you from costly repairs. Less Hassle: Flippers handle fixes, so you don't deal with renovations.

How do you evaluate a property to flip? ›

70% Rule Formula

Based upon years of experience, flippers developed a quick rule of thumb called the 70% Rule to help them quickly evaluate the value of a potential flip property. The 70% Rule states that you should buy a property at 70% of the After Repair Value minus the repair costs.

What is the house Flipper 70% rule? ›

Put simply, the 70 percent rule states that you shouldn't buy a distressed property for more than 70 percent of the home's after-repair value (ARV) — in other words, how much the house will likely sell for once fixed — minus the cost of repairs.

What makes a good property to flip? ›

Look for houses to flip in a neighborhood close to grocery stores, hospitals, schools, etc. Also, make sure the house is within the proximity of your residence. That way, you'll be able to oversee the progress of your flip.

How much will a flipper pay for my house? ›

Basically, the rule says real estate investors should pay no more than 70% of a property's after-repair value (ARV) minus the cost of the repairs necessary to renovate the home. The ARV of a property is the amount a home could sell for after flippers renovate it.

How much money does a house flipper make per house? ›

It is common for experienced house flippers to achieve a return on investment that ranges from 10-20%, after factoring in all the expenses involved when flipping a house. If you assume a 15% return, that would mean a net profit margin of: $100,000 House Flip = $15,000. $250,000 House Flip = $37,500.

What are the three ways to evaluate property? ›

Three Approaches to Value
  • Cost Approach to Value. In the cost approach to value, the cost to acquire the land plus the cost of the improvements minus any accrued depreciation equals value. ...
  • Sales Comparison Approach to Value. ...
  • Income Approach to Value.

How do you calculate a 70% rule? ›

The 70% rule is a basic quick calculation to determine what the maximum price you should offer on a property should be. This calculation is made by times-ing the after repaired value (“ARV”) by 70% and then subtracting any repairs needed. This gives you a 30% margin to cover your profit, holding costs & closing costs.

Is flipping properties risky? ›

One of the biggest risks is that you could end up losing money if you're not careful. It's important to do your research and have a solid plan before you get started. If you're not experienced in flipping homes or real estate investing, it's probably not a good idea to go it alone.

Do most house flippers lose money? ›

The average ROI was -4.1%, and losses averaged out to $18,640. Five of the 10 worst markets for house flipping by ROI in 2023 were in Texas. Data source: ATTOM Data (2024).

Do house flippers pay taxes? ›

One of the primary tax considerations for house flippers is the capital gains tax. Profits made from the sale of a property are generally classified as capital gains. The tax rate on these gains depends on the holding period.

How do you negotiate the price of a house flipper? ›

Once you go to sell there will be an auction, and at the end of the auction, if you have the negotiation perk unlocked, you can push the offered price higher. After this, the comments from all the potential buyers will be recorded in the notes on them on your tablet.

What makes property flipping illegal? ›

What is Illegal Property Flipping under California Law? The bottom line is that if fraud is in anyway involved with the “flip” of the property, the conduct is illegal and may be punished as a crime.

How to sell houses in house Flipper? ›

Players need to navigate to the "Houses" tab to sell a house. From there, an option named "Auction" will appear. This option will be visible on the top right of the screen. From there, players need to evaluate their bids; this will bring them potential buyers for their property.

What is an illegal flip in real estate? ›

This is how they work: A con artist buys a property with the intent to re-sell it an artificially inflated price for a considerable profit, even though they only make minor improvements to it.

What are the disadvantages of flipping? ›

Con: Costs

Flipping houses can create cost issues that you don't face with long-term investments. The expenses involved in flipping can demand a lot of money, leading to cash flow problems. Because transaction costs are very high on both the buy and sell sides, they can significantly affect profits.

Should you avoid buying a flipped house? ›

The biggest concern with buying a flip is that you don't know what the previous owners have done in terms of repairs, upgrades and renovations. House flippers are time motivated, so it's important to make sure they didn't rush the job or cover anything up.

Do house flippers pay capital gains? ›

Long-term capital gains taxes are for assets held over a year and are charged at a more favorable rate, ranging from 0% – 20% depending on the bracket. House flippers are mostly going to fall into the camp of short-term capital gains.

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.