Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (2024)

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Welcome to our Holy Priest guide for Cataclysm Classic, tailoredfor PvE content. Here, you will learn how all you need to know to playHoly Priest proficiently. Click the links below to navigate the guideor read this page for a short introduction.


Holy Priest Cataclysm Pre Patch Information

This page contains all relevant information needed for Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (1)HolyPriest during the Cataclysm Classic Pre Patch.Be sure to check back as we get closer to the release date, as this page will beupdated with the latest information for Cataclysm itself when it releases.


Is Holy Priest Viable in Cataclysm

Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (2)Holy Priest is one of thestrongest AoE raid-wide healers in the game. While they do not bring as muchutility as other healing specs, they offer an unmatched amount of AoE heals andcan often single-handedly heal up entire raids after taking high amounts ofdamage. While Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (3)Holy might not be the most desired pick, theamount of raw AoE healing the spec can put out make it a strong choice in manyraid comps.

Alliance Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (4)DisciplinePriest's best options are Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (5) Gnomes as theygive a 5% maximum mana increase with Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (6) Expansive Mind andCataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (7) Humans for theirCataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (8) The Human Spirit, increasing your total Spirit by 3%. Both ofthese racials give you a nice boost to your mana regeneration.

Horde Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (9)DisciplinePriest has a few contenders for the best race.Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (10) Goblins are astrong choice, offering Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (11) Time is Money and Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (12) Rocket Jump.Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (13) Trolls remain apowerful choice, still having Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (14) Berserking for high healing situations.


Raid Buffs and Utility

Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (15)Holy Priest has an entirearsenal revolved around raid-wide AoE healing. This comes at the cost of havingless utility spells when compared to the other Priest healing spec,Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (16)Discipline. Regardless, Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (17)Holy still brings quitea few buffs and cooldowns to the raid.

  • Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (18) Power Word: Fortitude;
  • Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (19) Shadow Protection;
  • Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (20) Inspiration;
  • Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (21) Fear Ward;
  • Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (22) Cure Disease;
  • Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (23) Dispel Magic;
  • Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (24) Mass Dispel;
  • Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (25) Hymn of Hope;
  • Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (26) Divine Hymn;
  • Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (27) Guardian Spirit


Talents and Glyphs

At Level 80 you can pick all of your main talents for Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (28)Holy,only missing out on some passive stats from Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (29) Twin Disciplines andCataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (30) Darkness.

You can get all of your glyphs at level 80, allowing you to unlock your fullpotential from the start. Be sure to learn all of these glyphs as soon aspossible.

  • Prime Glyphs
    • Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (31) Glyph of Prayer of Healing
    • Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (32) Glyph of Renew
    • Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (33) Glyph of Lightwell
  • Major Glyphs
    • Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (34) Glyph of Circle of Healing
    • Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (35) Glyph of Prayer of Mending
    • Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (36) Glyph of Dispel Magic
  • Minor Glyphs
    • Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (37) Glyph of Shadowfiend
    • Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (38) Glyph of Fortitude
    • Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (39) Glyph of Levitate

The Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (40)Holy Priest rotation isthe same at level 80 as it will be during Cataclysm at level 85, and plays almostexactly the same as it did during Wrath of the Lich King with 1 key difference.Cataclysm adds the Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (41) Chakra spell, which allows you to choose 1 of 3"specs", which alter your abilities in different ways. You will mainly focus onusing Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (42) Chakra: Sanctuary to further boost your AoE healing abilities.While Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (43) Chakra: Sanctuary is active your Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (44) Holy Word: Chastise spellwill upgrade to Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (45) Holy Word: Sanctuary, giving you yet another powerful AoEhealing spell.


Single Target Rotation

Below is the ideal single target tank healing rotation as Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (46)HolyPriest. While you typically should not be focusingon tank healing, sometimes it will be required for you to cover another healeror assist with tank healing during high damage boss fights.

  • Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (47) Chakra
    • Activate Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (48) Chakra: Sanctuary by castingCataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (49) Prayer of Mending.
  • Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (50) Renew
    • Keep this up on the tank.
  • Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (51) Prayer of Mending
    • Use on cooldown.
  • Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (52) Guardian Spirit
    • If the tank will die before you can finish a cast.
  • Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (53) Binding Heal
    • If the tank and you are both low health.
  • Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (54) Flash Heal
    • If only the tank is low health.
  • Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (55) Greater Heal
    • When the tank is taking very high damage.

We recommend staying in Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (56) Chakra: Sanctuary as you will still likelyneed to heal the raid in-between healing the tank and this Chakra helps withboth.


AoE Target Rotation

As Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (57)Holy you will likely spend the majority of your time inraids focusing on healing the raid. This is where you will greatly excel andout heal nearly every other healer.

  • Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (58) Chakra
    • Activate Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (59) Chakra: Sanctuary by castingCataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (60) Prayer of Mending.
  • Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (61) Holy Word: Sanctuary
    • Place this where most of the raid will be; use on cooldown.
  • Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (62) Circle of Healing
    • Use on cooldown.
  • Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (63) Prayer of Mending
    • Use on cooldown.
  • Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (64) Prayer of Healing
    • Top up any low groups.
  • Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (65) Renew
    • Put these on people who will take damage.


Gear and Stat Priority

With the Cataclysm stat rework, main stats are much stronger than theypreviously were, making Intellect your best stat by far. Cataclysm alsointroduces the new stat Mastery, giving Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (66)HolyPriests Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (67) Echo of Light. Below you will findyour ideal stat priority:

  1. Intellect
  • Prioritize this greatly above everything else.
  • Spirit
    • Main way to regenerate mana.
  • Haste Rating
    • Haste is your best stat to increase your AoE healing output.
  • Mastery Rating
    • While Mastery is not as good as Haste, it is still powerful and will bethe second ideal stat for your gear after Haste.
  • Critical Strike Rating
    • This is mostly only useful for tank healing.

    You will mostly be using the same gear as was recommended for Wrath ClassicPhase 5 with a few exceptions. Cataclysm changes how main stats work, makingIntellect your most ideal stat to stack. Mana per 5 has also been removed,making Spirit the only way you can gain mana regeneration. Aim for gear with asmuch Intellect as possible and add in a healthy amount of Spirit if you arehaving mana issues.

    The gear below also shows our recommendations for the new system,Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (68) Reforging,which allows you to convert 40% of one stat intoanother that is not already on the gear. While we recommend mostly reforginginto Haste, you can also reforge into Spirit if you are running into manaproblems. Simply follow the Stat Prioritylist above for the best results.


    Best in Slot for Cataclysm Pre-Patch

    HelmCataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (69) Sanctified Crimson Acolyte HoodCrit
    (25H) Icecrown Citadel
    NeckCataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (70) Bone Sentinel's Amulet
    (25H) Lord MarrowgarIcecrown Citadel
    ShoulderCataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (71) Sanctified Crimson Acolyte ShoulderpadsCrit
    (25H) Icecrown Citadel
    CloakCataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (72) Greatcloak of the Turned Champion
    (25H) Deathbringer SaurfangIcecrown Citadel
    ChestCataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (73) Sanguine Silk Robes
    (25H) Blood Prince CouncilIcecrown Citadel
    BracerCataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (74) Bracers of Fiery NightCrit
    (25H) The Ruby Sanctum
    GlovesCataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (75) Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Gloves
    (25H) Icecrown Citadel
    BeltCataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (76) Crushing Coldwraith BeltCrit
    (25H) Lord MarrowgarIcecrown Citadel
    LegsCataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (77) Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Leggings
    (25H) Icecrown Citadel
    BootsCataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (78) Plague Scientist's BootsCrit
    (25H) FestergutIcecrown Citadel
    Ring 1Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (79) Ashen Band of Endless Wisdom
    Exalted — The Ashen Verdict
    Ring 2Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (80) Ring of Phased Regeneration
    (25H) The Ruby Sanctum
    Trinket 1Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (81) Althor's Abacus
    (25H) Gunship BattleIcecrown Citadel
    Trinket 2Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (82) Glowing Twilight Scale
    (25H) The Ruby Sanctum
    Main HandCataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (83) Royal Scepter of Terenas IICrit
    (25H) The Lich KingIcecrown Citadel
    Off HandCataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (84) Sundial of Eternal Dusk
    (25H) SindragosaIcecrown Citadel
    WandCataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (85) Corpse-Impaling SpikeCrit
    (25H) RotfaceIcecrown Citadel


    Enchants and Gems

    Your enchants have not changed from Wrath of the Lich King. Simply followyour Stat Priority to get the best stats you can.

    HeadCataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (86) Arcanum of Blissful Mending
    ShouldersCataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (87) Master's Inscription of the Crag (Requires Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (88) Inscription)
    Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (89) Greater Inscription of the Crag
    BackCataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (90) Springy Arachnoweave (Requires Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (91) Engineering)
    Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (92) Lightweave Embroidery (Requires Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (93) Tailoring)
    Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (94) Enchant Cloak - Greater Speed
    ChestCataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (95) Enchant Chest - Powerful Stats
    WristCataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (96) Fur Lining - Spell Power (Requires Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (97) Leatherworking)
    Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (98) Enchant Bracer - Superior Spellpower
    HandsCataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (99) Hyperspeed Accelerators (Requires Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (100) Engineering)
    Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (101) Enchant Gloves - Exceptional Spellpower
    WaistCataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (102) Eternal Belt Buckle
    LegsCataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (103) Brilliant Spellthread (Requires Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (104) Leatherworking)
    Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (105) Sapphire Spellthread
    FeetCataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (106) Nitro Boosts (Requires Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (107) Engineering)
    Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (108) Enchant Boots - Tuskarr's Vitality
    WeaponCataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (109) Enchant Weapon - Mighty Spellpower
    Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (110) Enchant Staff - Greater Spellpower (If wearing Staff)
    RingCataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (111) Enchant Ring - Greater Spellpower (Requires Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (112) Enchanting)

    Your gemming will largely follow yourStat Priority. You mostly want to gem as muchIntellect as possible, avoiding most socket bonuses that offer lower prioritystats.

    Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (113)Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (114) Insightful Earthsiege Diamond
    Make sure you meet the requirements to activate it.
    Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (115)Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (116) Brilliant Cardinal Ruby
    Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (117)Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (118) Reckless Ametrine
    Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (119)Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (120) Purified Dreadstone
    Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (121)Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (122) Brilliant Dragon's Eye
    Requires Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (123) Jewelcrafting



    • 15 May 2024 (enchants page): Added page.
    • 15 May 2024 (stats page): Added page.
    • 15 May 2024 (rotation page): Added page.
    • 15 May 2024 (talents page): Added page.
    • 08 May 2024 (leveling page): Added page.
    • 08 May 2024 (spells page): Added page.
    • 28 Apr. 2024 (this page): Guide added.

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    Cataclysm Classic Holy Priest Guide (2024)
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