What are the financial risks of owning rental property? (2024)

Last updated on Dec 12, 2023

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Vacancy and turnover


Maintenance and repairs


Legal issues and disputes


Market fluctuations and competition


Tax implications and benefits


Here’s what else to consider

Owning rental property can be a lucrative and rewarding investment, but it also comes with some financial risks that you should be aware of. In this article, we will discuss some of the common challenges and pitfalls that rental property owners face, and how to mitigate them.

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  • Jeff Kershaw SCSM Vice President - Group Manager @ JLL | Property and Asset Management

    What are the financial risks of owning rental property? (3) 6

  • Mohamed Badawi Global Facilities Management Director | Top Facility Management Voice |Project Management Expert | MBA | FMP | AVS |…

    What are the financial risks of owning rental property? (5) 4

  • Lala Freeman ARM®, CAM®, CAPS Candidate 🏆TOP VOICE| NAA 2023 Emerging Leaders fellowship | NAA 2023 Leadership Lyceum | Disruptive Innovator | Progressive…

    What are the financial risks of owning rental property? (7) 1

What are the financial risks of owning rental property? (8) What are the financial risks of owning rental property? (9) What are the financial risks of owning rental property? (10)

1 Vacancy and turnover

One of the biggest financial risks of owning rental property is vacancy and turnover. When your property is vacant, you are not generating any income, but you still have to pay for the mortgage, taxes, insurance, maintenance, and utilities. Turnover also costs you money, as you have to advertise, screen, and sign new tenants, as well as clean, repair, and update the property. To reduce vacancy and turnover, you should set a competitive rent price, screen tenants carefully, maintain good communication and service, and offer incentives for renewals.

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  • Mohamed Badawi Global Facilities Management Director | Top Facility Management Voice |Project Management Expert | MBA | FMP | AVS | CPM | CLAC
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    In order to minimize vacancy and rental income loss, the following approach might be beneficial- Set Competitive Rent: Conduct thorough market research to determine the rental rates in your area.- Advertise Effectively: Utilize various advertising channels, such as online listings, social media platforms.- Tenant Screening: Implement a comprehensive tenant screening process to identify reliable and financially stable tenants. Conduct background checks, and contact previous landlords for references.- Offer Lease Incentives: Consider offering lease incentives to attract tenants. This could include offering a discounted rent for the first month, offering lease renewal incentives, etc…


    What are the financial risks of owning rental property? (19) 4

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    Delinquency is a direct result of poor screening. The right screening with direct-to-payroll income validation and full criminal/eviction checks at the courthouse level are the only ways to prevent fraud. Most don't know their screening is missing major components that put them at financial risk.BetterNOI halts application fraud attempts.


    What are the financial risks of owning rental property? (28) What are the financial risks of owning rental property? (29) 16

  • Roman Pavlik Luxury Division Director at Laurie Finkelstein Reader Team at Keller Williams Dedicated Professionals
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    If you own a condo, then special assessments are a killer for cash flow. These are happening more and more. It just happened to me where i am getting a $40,000 assessment on one of my condos and it will add $300 per month to my payments for 10 years. This is happening a lot more since municipalities are forcing condos to do upgrades (many unnecessary) and will probably be forcing hoas to budget for full reserves for replacement for all future items, and also the condo has to pass the 40 or 50 year certification. So be careful on condos for investment that have not passed the 40 or 50 years certifications yet. If you choose to be a landlord on a single family home, then nobody can tell you which ugrades you need to do.


    What are the financial risks of owning rental property? (38) 9


2 Maintenance and repairs

Another financial risk of owning rental property is maintenance and repairs. As a landlord, you are responsible for keeping the property in good condition and complying with the health and safety codes. This means you have to deal with regular wear and tear, as well as unexpected issues such as leaks, pests, appliances breakdowns, and vandalism. Maintenance and repairs can be costly and time-consuming, especially if you have to hire contractors or deal with emergencies. To minimize maintenance and repairs, you should inspect the property regularly, perform preventive maintenance, have a reserve fund, and enforce the lease terms.

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  • Daniel Cunningham Host of the Apartment Academy podcast. CEO of Leonardo247 ➞ Serial Proptech Entrepreneur.
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    Here's a few inspections that every property manager should be conducting on a regular basis (at LEAST annually) in order to mitigate the risk of equipment breakdowns or casualty insurance losses:1) Roof2) Balconies & handrails3) Pool gates & equipment4) Individual unit (detector batteries, HVAC filters, leaks/mold)5) Boilers6) Playground equipment7) Laundry room drier vents8) Trip hazards (e.g. stair treads, uplifted concrete)9) Playground/fitness center10) Parking/pedestrian gates11) Water treatment for chillers12) Snow removal/salt logsBTW we include these and many more in the standard Leonardo247 library of inspections used by our multifamily clients


    What are the financial risks of owning rental property? (47) 12

  • Wayne Mullett, C.E.T. Strategic Advisor, Asset and Portfolio Management
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    Define your maintenance strategy;Life support vs life cycle maintenance. Utilize life support methods (patch and repairs) for conformance and occupant safety.Utilize life cycle methods (replacement at end of life components),not only for conformance and occupant safety, but to also maintain higher property value and equity opportunities.


    What are the financial risks of owning rental property? (56) 4


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3 Legal issues and disputes

Owning rental property also exposes you to legal issues and disputes that can affect your finances. As a landlord, you have to follow the federal, state, and local laws and regulations that govern the rental industry. These include fair housing, tenant rights, eviction procedures, security deposits, privacy, and more. If you violate any of these laws or regulations, you could face lawsuits, fines, penalties, or loss of license. You could also face disputes with your tenants over rent payments, damages, repairs, noise, or other matters. To avoid legal issues and disputes, you should educate yourself on the laws and regulations, hire a lawyer if needed, use a standard lease agreement, document everything, and resolve conflicts amicably.

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  • Miguel Fernandes Real Estate Manager | Real Estate Analyst | Investment Analyst | Believer in ever-evolving Real Estate
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    Legal issues with tenants are a great concern for property owners, they might represent costs, time investment, and bad outcomes, to minimize the occurrence of such situations, one should always be up to date on applicable laws and have a regular solicitor to take care of lease agreements and issues that might arise from the letting a property.Alternatively, proprietors who might be less interested in being involved with the process have the choice to have a property management company take care of all the issues. This affects the return on investment but may be the best option for someone who prefers to invest their time in different matters.


    What are the financial risks of owning rental property? (65) 3

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    the saying privilege is invisble to those who have it. say for example you dont raise rent for a long time. if something happens and you have to raise the rent, the tenants might take it personal. always use or consult someone that knows.


    What are the financial risks of owning rental property? (74) 2


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4 Market fluctuations and competition

Another financial risk of owning rental property is market fluctuations and competition. The rental market is influenced by supply and demand, economic conditions, demographic trends, and consumer preferences. These factors can affect the rental rates, occupancy rates, property values, and desirability of your property. For example, if the economy is weak, the demand for rentals may decrease, or tenants may look for cheaper options. If the supply of rentals is high, you may face more competition and have to lower your rent or offer incentives. To cope with market fluctuations and competition, you should research the market trends, adjust your rent price accordingly, differentiate your property, and add value to your tenants.

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  • Lala Freeman ARM®, CAM®, CAPS Candidate 🏆TOP VOICE| NAA 2023 Emerging Leaders fellowship | NAA 2023 Leadership Lyceum | Disruptive Innovator | Progressive Problem Solver | Catalyst for Growth | Forward-Thinking Strategist | Collaborative Influencer
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    The real estate market is subject to fluctuations, and property values can rise or fall. If property values decline, you may not be able to sell your rental property for the desired price, potentially leading to financial losses.


    What are the financial risks of owning rental property? (83) 1

  • Trevor Henson, PMP CMO | Entrepreneur | Trojan | EO LA Member | Investment Property Addict | Multifamily Syndication | PMP | Forbes Contributor | Bourbon Aficionado
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    Owning multifamily Investment properties comes with financial risks, especially from market shifts and competition. In my experience, the risk can be mitigated with a proactive strategy to focus on community building and enhancing the tenant experience. This involves creating a living environment so appealing that it not only justifies your rental prices but also builds a loyal tenant base. This can be achieved through regular maintenance, common area upgrades, and responsive property management. Key takeaway: Develop & execute a Tenant Experience and retention plan at your apartment buildings. It not only helps to keep current tenants but also attracts new ones, ensuring your rental property is competitive even in fluctuating markets.


    What are the financial risks of owning rental property? (92) 8

  • Dave Prasad Build. Create. Innovate. Repeat.
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    A landlord that purchased in 2015 for $500,000 can easily account to reduce rent in a downturn market as opposed to a similar property purchased in 2022 for $900,000. Always base investment costs on inflated figures and add an extra 1-2% on interest charges. We noticed frequently similar properties in the market sometimes renting for $50-$80 p/w less. Further research shows the landlord purchased multiple years ago, and despite increased interest rates they are still better off having purchased 5-10 years ago and can afford the hit in market fluctuations.


    What are the financial risks of owning rental property? (101) What are the financial risks of owning rental property? (102) 3


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5 Tax implications and benefits

One of the financial aspects of owning rental property that you should not overlook is tax implications and benefits. As a rental property owner, you have to report your rental income and expenses to the IRS, and pay taxes accordingly. However, you can also deduct many of the expenses related to your rental property, such as mortgage interest, depreciation, repairs, insurance, property taxes, and more. These deductions can lower your taxable income and save you money. To maximize your tax benefits, you should keep track of your income and expenses, consult a tax professional, and take advantage of the tax breaks and incentives available to you.

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  • Luis Arias ALL Inclusive Real Estate Services- Broker/REALTOR® REALTY ONE NEW MEXICO
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    Someone else in your tribe, brokerage, neighborhood or real estate world, should always be there.Laws are made from someone that didn'tike it at some point! Their money? Their business.I'm not getting their real estate license for my biz, mine is already oooold. I'll point them to a professional on that part...


    What are the financial risks of owning rental property? (111) What are the financial risks of owning rental property? (112) 3

  • Tarsiah Taman Chairperson at Sabah Women Advisory Council
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    Any income is likely to be taxable. So be prepared to include the costs in the final rental rates. Be informed on the latest tax brackets and incentives.


    What are the financial risks of owning rental property? (121) 2


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6 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Jeff Kershaw SCSM Vice President - Group Manager @ JLL | Property and Asset Management
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    Timing is everything. Government can spoil the whole thing. Cap Rates are an illusion, or almost so. Fundamentals will save the day.


    What are the financial risks of owning rental property? (130) 6

  • Eva Hamori Navigating the Future of Real Estate: Your Ally in Property Management Advice


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    Today the biggest concern is covering your mortgage. as interest rates skyrocket. Owners are struggling to cover their costs, and are hit with 30% increases between the bank, vacancy & turnover costs, cost of materials from damage and increasing tax rates as their property values go up. While renters complain about the RTB scheduled 3.5% annual increase for 2023, it does not even come close to the costs owners and investors have to deal with.


    What are the financial risks of owning rental property? (139) What are the financial risks of owning rental property? (140) 5

  • Zeno Kobica
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    Discussing the financial risks of owning rental property is vital, but it's equally important to consider the broader social and economic context. The lack of quality rental homes in many markets is a significant issue. This scarcity often leads to higher rental prices, making affordable housing less accessible for many individuals and families.While it's crucial for property owners to be aware of and manage the financial risks, it's also important to recognise the potential positive impact of investing in this sector. Providing quality rental homes can help address the housing shortage and contribute to community stability. Therefore, balancing the financial considerations with the societal need for affordable, quality rentals is key.


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What are the financial risks of owning rental property? (2024)
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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.