Vitamin D deficiency accelerates ageing and age‐related diseases: a novel hypothesis (2024)

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Vitamin D deficiency accelerates ageing and age‐related diseases: a novel hypothesis (1)

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J Physiol. 2017 Nov 15; 595(22): 6825–6836.

Published online 2017 Oct 31. doi:10.1113/JP274887

PMCID: PMC5685827

PMID: 28949008

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Ageing can occur at different rates, but what controls this variable rate is unknown. Here I have developed a hypothesis that vitamin D may act to control the rate of ageing. The basis of this hypothesis emerged from studyng the various cellular processes that control ageing. These processes such as autophagy, mitochondrial dysfunction, inflammation, oxidative stress, epigenetic changes, DNA disorders and alterations in Ca2+ and reactive oxygen species (ROS) signalling are all known to be regulated by vitamin D. The activity of these processes will be enhanced in individuals that are deficient in vitamin D. Not only will this increase the rate of ageing, but it will also increase the probability of developing age‐related diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis and cardiovascular disease. In individual with normal vitamin D levels, these ageing‐related processes will occur at lower rates resulting in a reduced rate of ageing and enhanced protection against these age‐related diseases.

Vitamin D deficiency accelerates ageing and age‐related diseases: a novel hypothesis (3)

Keywords: autophagy, mitochondrial dysfunction, inflammation, oxidative stress, epigenetics, DNA disorders, calcium, reactive oxygen species (ROS), Vitamin D


One of the interesting aspects of ageing is that it can occur at different rates (Grabowska etal. 2017). As part of the hypothesis developed here, it is proposed that those individuals that age slowly live a lot longer and have a healthy old age in that they tend not to develop age‐related diseases. On the other hand, those that age faster do not survive so long and are likley to develop the age‐related diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and cardiovascular disease. Perhaps the best example of how the rate of ageing can vary is the increased ageing that occurs in Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS). This premature ageing disorder, which is caused by a mutation in the LMNA gene, greatly accelerates the rate of ageing such that young children become old during their teenage years and do not survive much beyond 20years (Burtner & Kennedy, 2010; Gonzalo etal. 2017). It is of interest that vitamin D supplementation can slow the increased rate of ageing that occurs during HGPS (Kreienkamp etal. 2016).

In order to understand how ageing can occur at different rates, it is necessary to understand what controls the ageing process. There is increasing evidence that ageing is not a single process in that it seems to be driven by a number of cellular processes such as autophagy, mitochondrial dysfunction, inflammation, oxidative stress, epigenetic changes, DNA disorders, and alterations in Ca2+ and reactive oxygen species (ROS) signalling (Ding & Shen, 2008; López‐Otín etal. 2013; Aunan etal. 2016; Seals etal. 2016; Jylhävä etal. 2017). What is remarkable about all of these cellular ageing processes is that their activity is regulated by vitamin D (Fig.1). This protective function of vitamin D in ageing is markedly enhanced by its ability to control the expression of Nrf2 (Nakai etal. 2014) and the anti‐ageing protein Klotho (Forster etal. 2011), which are also important regulators of multiple cellular signalling systems including the formation of antioxidants. Nrf2 plays a major role in protecting cells against oxidative stress (Lewis etal. 2010). Defects in the Klotho gene induces the premature‐ageing syndrome in mice (Kuro‐o, 2009).

Vitamin D deficiency accelerates ageing and age‐related diseases: a novel hypothesis (4)

The vitamin D hypothesis of ageing

It is proposed that vitamin D acts to regulate ageing by controlling the activity of a number of the ageing processes. VitaminD promotes the activity of autophagy, which acts to slow down the ageing processes by removing dysfunctional mitochondria. VitaminD also acts to reduce mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, inflammation, calcium signalling, epigenetics and DNA disorders including telomere shortening, which act to drive the processes of ageing.

On the basis of this information, I shall develop a hypothesis that this vitamin D–Klotho–Nrf2 signalling network is a key regulator of the rate of ageing. When vitamin D levels are normal, these processes will operate to drive healthy ageing that occurs at a slow rate (Tuohimaa, 2009; Haussler etal. 2010). However, when vitamin D is deficient these ageing processes will be enhanced and this will result in an increase in the rate of ageing. An example of how the rate of ageing can vary is the observation that the onset of menopause in women, who have lower levels of vitamin D than men (Looker etal. 2011), is enhanced by vitamin D deficiency (Purdue‐Smithe etal. 2017), i.e., menopause occurs earlier in those women that are deficient in vitamin D. There is also considerable evidence to indicate that vitamin D deficiency is related to mortality (Schöttker etal. 2013; Gaksch etal. 2017; Ordóñez‐Mena etal. 2017). A decrease in vitamin D activity has been linked to premature ageing in mice (Keisala etal. 2009). In addition, an increase in the activity of these ageing processes during vitamin D deficiency may also set the stage for the onset of many of the age‐related disorders such as a decline in cognition, depression, osteoporosis, hypertension and cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, muscle weakness, and Alzheimer's disease (Zittermann, 2003; Annweiler etal. 2010; Pittas & Dawson‐Hughes, 2010; Meehan & Penckofer, 2014; Banerjee etal. 2015; Berridge, 2015b, 2016; Costantino etal. 2016; Dawson‐Hughes, 2017; Wang etal. 2017). In the case of cancer, polymorphisms of the vitamin D receptor (VDR) have been linked to the onset of prostate cancer (Liu etal. 2017). The fact that the ability of the skin to make vitamin D declines as ageing progresses is one reason why cognition tends to decline during ageing (MacLaughlin & Holick, 1985; Kennel etal. 2010; Grady, 2012). In order to develop this hypothesis that the rate of ageing is regulated by vitamin D, I will describe the role of these different ageing processes and how vitamin D carries out its regulatory activity.

Autophagy and ageing

There is increasing evidence that autophagy plays a key role in maintaining healthy ageing (Rubinsztein etal. 2011; Madeo etal. 2015; Plaza‐Zabala etal. 2017). In those families that have extended longevity, the process of autophagy is better maintained (Raz etal. 2017). Autophagy is an essential process in that it maintains healthy cells by removing damaged proteins and malfunctioning organelles, especially the mitochondria (Hubbard etal. 2012; Fivenson etal. 2017; Palikaras etal. 2017). As mitochondria age, there is a decline in their ability to generate ATP and they begin to generate large amounts of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Such an increase in oxidative stress is one of the processes that enhances ageing (Fig.1; Terman etal. 2007; Salminen etal. 2012; Ureshino etal. 2014). Therefore, to reduce ageing it is essential that these damaged mitochondria are removed by autophagy. It is essential, therefore, that the process of autophagy is maintained and there is evidence that it may decline when ageing is occurring at a fast rate.

The autophagy process is regulated by changes in the level of Ca2+ (Høyer‐Hansen etal. 2007; Decuypere etal. 2011b; La Rovere etal. 2016; Sun etal. 2016; Luyten etal. 2017) and by increases in the levels of ROS (Navarro‐Yepes etal. 2014). The action of Ca2+ is complicated because it exerts a dual action on autophagy. For example, an increase in the level of Ca2+, especially following the activation of inositol trisphosphate receptors (InsP3Rs), acts to inhibit autophagy (Criollo etal. 2007). On the other hand, a reduction in the level of Ca2+ also enhances autophagy. It has been proposed that the nature of the cellular state may determine how this dual action of Ca2+ occurs (Decuypere etal. 2011b).

There is now growing evidence that vitamin D plays an important role in maintaining autophagy (Fig.1; Yuk etal. 2009; Høyer‐Hansen etal. 2010; Verway etal. 2010; Wu & Sun, 2011; Jang etal. 2014; Uberti etal. 2014; Wang etal. 2016; Chirumbolo etal. 2017; Mushegian, 2017; Tavera‐Mendoza etal. 2017; Wei etal. 2017). It is possible that vitamin D will act to promote autophagy by regulating the level of Ca2+ through its ability to promote the expression of Ca2+ pumps and Ca2+ buffers as will be described in a later section. By maintaining autophagy, vitamin D will reduce the ageing process by ensuring that the mitochondria do not generate excessive amounts of ROS, which have been implicated in ageing as described below.

Inflammation and ageing

Inflammation has been implicated in the process of ageing (Cevenini etal. 2010, 2013; Salminen etal. 2012; López‐Otín etal. 2013; Petersen & Smith, 2016; Di Benedetto etal. 2017). Damaged mitochondria may play a role in initiating this increase in inflammation (Green etal. 2011). These dysfunctional mitochondria are the result of a decline in autophagy that acts normally to remove such damaged mitochondria as described above (Salminen etal. 2012).

One of the important actions of vitamin D is to reduce inflammation (Fig.1; Garcion etal. 1999; Hewison, 2010; Sundar & Rahman, 2011; Briones & Darwish 2012; Berk etal. 2013; Alvarez etal. 2014; Lucas etal. 2014; Wang etal. 2014). One way it does this is to reduce the expression of inflammatory cytokines (d'Hellencourt etal. 2003; Beilfuss etal. 2012; Grossmann etal. 2012; Wei & Christakos, 2015), which are such a prominent feature of how inflammatory responses alter cellular activity. One of these inflammatory cytokines is tumour necrosis factor‐α (TNF‐α), which acts to increase the expression of the InsP3Rs (Park etal. 2009) thus inducing an increase in the level of Ca2+, which accelerates ageing as described below.

Mitochondrial dysfunction and ageing

Mitochondrial dysfunction is one of the main drivers of ageing (Lin & Beal 2006; Petrosillo etal. 2008; Wang etal. 2013; Yin etal. 2016). As a result of their dysfunction, the mitochondria produce insufficient ATP but generate increased amounts of ROS that enhance oxidative stress (Terman etal. 2006, 2010; Petrosillo etal. 2008; Toman & Fiskum, 2011; Marzetti etal. 2013; Wang etal. 2013), which is one of the main drivers of ageing (Fig.1). It is likely that this mitochondrial dysfunction is driven by a deficiency in vitamin D.

One of the main functions of vitamin D is to maintain the activity of the mitochondrial respiratory chain (Consiglio etal. 2015). Vitamin D also regulates the expression of the uncoupling protein (UCP), which is located on the inner mitochondrial membrane where it acts to control thermogenesis (Abbas, 2016). During vitamin D deficiency, mitochondrial respiration declines due to a reduction in the nuclear mRNA molecules and proteins that contribute to mitochondrial respiration (Kim etal. 2014; Scaini etal. 2016). In particular, the formation of ATP declines because there is a vitamin D‐dependent reduction in the expression of complex I of the electron transport chain. This decline in the electron transport chain also results in an increase in the formation of ROS, which induce oxidative stress, which is a feature of ageing (Brownlee, 2005; Lowell & Shulman, 2005) as described in the following section.

Members of the sirtuin family, such as sirtuin (SIRT) 1, also play an important role in maintaining normal mitochondrial function (Westphal etal. 2007). The sirtuins, which are NAD+‐dependent protein deacetylases, function as anti‐ageing proteins that reduce ageing by regulating a wide range of protein targets (Guarente, 2007; Law etal. 2009; Donmez & Guarente, 2010; Grabowska etal. 2017). The sirtuins also play an important role in reducing brain ageing (Satoh etal. 2017). SIRT1 contributes to mitochondrial biogenesis by activating PGC‐1α. These beneficial effects of SIRT1 on mitochondrial function are regulated by vitamin D, which acts by increasing the formation of SIRT1 (An etal. 2010; Polidoro etal. 2013; Chang & Kim, 2016; Marampon etal. 2016; Manna etal. 2017).

One of the main actions of vitamin D is to maintain the normal mitochondrial control of cellular bioenergetics (Calton etal. 2015). The Ca2+ buffering role of dysfunctional mitochondria is also compromised resulting in an increase in the intracellular level of Ca2+, which is a feature of ageing as described later.

Oxidative stress and ageing

Oxidative stress, which is one of the main drivers of ageing (Finkel & Holbrook, 2000; Stadtman, 2002; Brewer, 2010; Paradies etal. 2011; Ureshino etal. 2014; Petersen & Smith, 2016), is caused by the increase in ROS formation by dysregulated mitochondria as described above. Vitamin D plays a major role in regulating ROS levels through its ability to control the expression of cellular antioxidants as part of its role to maintain phenotypic stability of cell signalling pathways (Dong etal. 2012; George etal. 2012; Berridge, 2015a,b). Vitamin D also supports such redox control by maintaining normal mitochondrial function (Bouillon & Verstuyf, 2013; Ryan etal. 2016) as described earlier.

Many of the genes that are controlled by the vitamin D–Klotho–Nrf2 regulatory network function to maintain redox homeostasis. For example, vitamin D together with Klotho and Nrf2 increases cellular antioxidants to maintain the normal reducing environment within the cell thereby preventing oxidative stress by removing ROS. For example, the expression of γ‐glutamyl transpeptidase, glutamate cysteine ligase and glutathione reductase, which contribute to the synthesis of the major redox buffer glutathione (GSH), is regulated by vitamin D. VitaminD also increases the activity of glucose‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenase to increase the formation of GSH. It down‐regulates the nitrogen oxide (NOX) that generates ROS while upregulating the superoxide dismutase that rapidly converts O2−• to H2O2 (Berridge, 2016). Vitamin D also up‐regulates expression of the glutathione peroxidase that drives the conversion of H2O2 to water.

Ca2+ signalling and ageing

An alteration in the Ca2+ signalling pathway has also be linked to an acceleration in the process of ageing (Fig.1; Mattson, 2007; Puzianowska‐Kuznicka & Kuznicki 2009; Ureshino etal. 2010; Decuypere etal. 2011a; Gant etal. 2014; Berridge, 2016; Veldurthy etal. 2016; Martin & Bernard, 2017). During ageing, there is an alteration in Ca2+ signalling in atrial myocytes (Herraiz‐Martínez etal. 2015) and neurons (Buchholz etal. 2007; Murchison & Griffith, 2007). The relationship between Ca2+ signalling and ageing is particularly evident in the ageing brain (Thibault etal. 2001; Foster & Kumar, 2002; Gant etal. 2006; Foster, 2007; Thibault etal. 2007; Kumar etal. 2009; Gant etal. 2014). An increase in the release of Ca2+ from internal stores by the InsP3Rs and ryanodine receptors (RYRs) contributes to this increase in neural Ca2+ levels during ageing (Banerjee & Hasan, 2005; Puzianowska‐Kuznicka & Kuznicki, 2009; Santulli & Marks 2015). The increase in Ca2+ release from the RYRs is caused by a decline in the expression of the FK506‐binding proteins 1a and 1b (FKBP1a/1b), which act normally to reduce the release of Ca2+ by the RYRs (Gant etal. 2014). Inserting an adeno‐associated viral vector bearing a transgene encoding FKBP1b was able to reduce the effects of the elevated levels of Ca2+ that function to impair cognitive functions that occur during ageing (Gant etal. 2015).

When considering the role of Ca2+ in ageing, it is important to include magnesium, which is closely linked to both vitamin D and Ca2+. One the functions of magnesium is to enhance the synthesis of vitamin D (Rude etal. 1985; Risco & Traba, 1992; Deng etal. 2013). There are now indications that low levels of magnesium are linked to a number of diseases that are also associated with vitamin D deficiency. For example, a deficieny in magnesium has been linked to ageing. Lower magnesium levels have been found in individuals with hypertension and metabolic syndrome (Rotter etal. 2015). Low blood pressure and an increased risk of stroke have also been observed in individual with low magnesium levels (Bain etal. 2015). Some of the actions of magnesium are mediated through a reduction in Ca2+ signalling processes. In the brain, extracacellular magnesium can reduce Ca2+ entry through voltage‐gated Ca2+ channels and NMDA receptors (Wilmott & Thompson 2013). An increase in magnesium in the brain reverses the decline in cognition in Alzheimer's disease (Li etal. 2014). It is clear from all this evidence that magnesium plays an important role in regulating the activity of both Ca2+ and vitamin D.

During ageing, there is a decline in the level of the Ca2+ buffer calbindin‐D28K in the cholinergic neurons in the brain (Riascos etal. 2011). In motoneurons, vitamin D acts to increase the expression of calbindin‐D28 and parvalbumin (Alexianu etal. 1998). High levels of these buffers contributes to the low levels of Ca2+. A decline in these buffers, caused by a decline in the level of vitamin D that occurs during ageing, will result in an elevation of the level of Ca2+, which is a feature of brain ageing. In the ageing brain, there also is a decrease in the expression of Bcl‐2 (Ureshino etal. 2010), which may contribute to the increase in Ca2+ release by the InsP3Rs. Bcl‐2 interacts with the InsP3Rs to reduce the release of Ca2+ (Distelhorst & Bootman 2011). One of the consequences of this increase in the levels of Ca2+ during brain ageing is a decline in cognition (Thibault etal. 2001, 2007; Foster 2007; Toescu & Verkhratsky, 2007; Toepper, 2017). This decline in cognition is particularly evident in ageing patients (Seamans etal. 2010). In addition to this decline in cognition, there also is evidence of a decline in sleep in older adults, which may contribute to the decline in cognition (Mander etal. 2017).

Vitamin D has been shown to alleviate this enhanced Ca2+ elevation in the ageing brain. By reducing the levels of Ca2+, vitamin D restores normal cognitive function (Landfield & Cadwallader‐Neal, 1998; Brewer etal. 2006; Przybelski & Binkley, 2007; Perna etal. 2014; Schlögl & Holick, 2014; Toffanello etal. 2014; Banerjee et al. 2015). Strong support for such a notion has come from the study of the decline in cognition in ageing rats that is driven by a marked increase in the amplitude of the slow after‐hyperpolarization (sAHP) that depends on a build‐up of Ca2+ that activates the SK potassium channel (Landfield, 1987). This Ca2+ signal, which depends on the opening of L‐type voltage‐dependent Ca2+ channels that provides trigger Ca2+ to activate RYRs, inhibits memory by curtailing the spiking activity necessary for LTP, whereas the increase in Ca2+ stimulates calcineurin to induce the long‐term depolarization that erases memories. The development of this sAHP during ageing depends on dysregulation of both Ca2+ and ROS signalling that can be directly attributed to vitamin D deficiency.

One of the consequences of the elevation of Ca2+ and ROS that occurs during vitamin D deficiency is an increase in the incidence of age‐related diseases. For example, the onset of Alzheimer's disease occurs in those individuals who are deficient in vitamin D (Banerjee etal. 2015) and thus have abnormally elevated levels of both Ca2+ and ROS, which may induce the formation of the pathological amyloid beta (Aβ) oligomers that then initiate the onset of Alzheimer's disease (Berridge, 2016). Such a possibility is based on the fact that elevated levels of Ca2+ act to stimulate the enzymes that form Aβ (Querfurth & Selkoe, 1994; Green & LaFerla, 2008; Itkin etal. 2011). Such an increase in Ca2+ that occurs during vitamin D deficiency may also be associated with the onset of other neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Vitamin D acts to increase the expression of both Klotho and Nrf2, which also act to reduce the ageing process. Vitamin D working together with Nrf2 and Klotho plays an essential role in maintaining the phenotypic stability of many cell signalling pathways and particularly the Ca2+ and redox signalling systems (Berridge, 2015a, b). This vitamin D–Klotho–Nrf2 regulatory system can prevent the dysregulation of Ca2+ and ROS signalling through multiple mechanisms. Vitamin D suppress the expression of the L‐type Ca2+ channel (Brewer etal. 2001, 2006) that initiates the Ca2+ signal that induces the sAHP and it also maintains the expression of plasma membrane Ca2+‐ATPase (PMCA) and the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX1), which extrude Ca2+ from the cell. In dendritic cells, vitamin D reduces the level of Ca2+ by increasing the expression of the NCX1 that extrudes Ca2+ from the cell (Shumilina etal. 2010). Klotho, which is an anti‐ageing protein (Kim etal. 2015), acts to stimulate the Na+/K+‐ATPase responsible for maintaining the Na+ gradient necessary for Ca2+ extrusion by NCX1. Finally, premature ageing occurs when Nrf2 is repressed (Kubben etal. 2016). Nrf2 increases the expression of many antioxidants that ensure that ROS levels are kept low (Lewis etal. 2010; Niture etal. 2010; Sykiotis etal. 2011; Nakai etal. 2014), which will prevent the sensitization of the RYRs that are triggering the sAHP and memory erasure.

The central role of vitamin D deficiency in this neuronal dysregulation and cognitive decline can be reversed by treating neurons with vitamin D, which dramatically reduces the sAHP (Brewer etal. 2006). When tested on ageing rats, vitamin D was found to enhance hippocampal synaptic function and, more significantly, it could prevent the decline in cognition (Landfield & Cadwallader‐Neal, 1998; Latimer etal. 2014).

Epigenetics and ageing

Epigenetic changes in the genome play an important role in the ageing process (Gonzalo, 2010; Gravina & Vijg, 2010; Ford etal. 2011; Lillycrop etal. 2014; Benayoun etal. 2015; Aunan etal. 2016; Pal & Tyler, 2016; Sen etal. 2016). The main epigenetic change that influences ageing is DNA and histone methylation, which has a marked influence on expression of many of the genes that are responsible for healthy ageing. A good example of this is the fact that such epigenetic changes have been linked to oxidative stress (Hedman etal. 2016). As described earlier, such oxidative stress is enhanced by a decline in the expression of cellular antioxidants. Such a view is supported by the fact that the most important signalling pathways that are maintained by vitamin D are the Ca2+ and redox signalling pathways (Berridge, 2016).

One of the major regulators of antioxidant expression is vitamin D and there is increasing evidence that vitamin D also controls the epigenetic landscape of its multiple gene promoters (Hossein‐nezhad & Holick, 2012; Hossein‐nezhad & Holick, 2013; Fetahu etal. 2014; Xue etal. 2016). Both the acetylation and methylation states of its promotor regions are maintained by vitamin D. With regard to acetylation, the vitamin D receptor (VDR) complex recruits histone acetylases such as p300–CREB‐binding protein (CBP) and steroid receptor coactivator 1 (SRC‐1). Perhaps its most significant action is to increase the expression of a number of DNA demethylases. Control of demethylation is critical because many of the genes regulated by vitamin D are silenced by methylation of the CpG islands located in their promotor regions. Such hypermethylation can also account for a decline in the expression of Klotho that occurs during ageing (King etal. 2011). Such age‐dependent hypermethylation is also evident in many age‐related diseases (cancer, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases; van Otterdijk etal. 2013). For example, hypermethylation of promotors in GABAergic neurons may contribute to the phenotypic remodelling responsible for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (Guidotti etal. 2011). Since many of these diseases have also been linked to vitamin D deficiency, it is not surprising to find that vitamin D can modulate the epigenetic landscape. Vitamin D controls the expression of a number of key DNA demethylases such as Jumonji C domain‐containing demethylase (JMJD) 1A, JMJD3, lysine‐specific demethylase (LSD) 1 and LSD2 (Pereira etal. 2012), which contributes to its ability to maintain phenotypic stability.

DNA disorders and ageing

Two DNA disorders contribute to the ageing process: telomere shortening and DNA alterations caused by the defective repair of DNA double‐strand breaks (DSB); both cause genomic instability (Ding & Shen, 2008; Gonzalez‐Suarez etal. 2011; López‐Otín etal. 2013; Chow & Herrup, 2015; Aunan etal. 2016). It is of interest that both these defects can be reduced by vitamin D. Telomeres, which are located at the ends of chromosomes, play an important role in preventing the ends of chromosomes from fusing with neighbouring chromosomes (Campisi etal. 2001; Oeseburg etal. 2010; Prasad etal. 2017). During ageing, there is a decline in the length of these telomeres and this causes a decline in cell proliferation resulting in cell senescence, which characterizes the ageing processes (Prasad etal. 2017). There is increasing evidence that vitamin D can act to reduce the rate of telomere shortening (Hoff*cker etal. 2013; Liu etal. 2013; Pusceddu etal. 2015; Beilfuss etal. 2017; Mazidi etal. 2017). SIRT6 can also play an important role in stabilizing both the genome and telomeres (Tennen & Chua, 2011).

The defective repair of DNA double‐strand breaks (DSBs) is another DNA disorder that contributes to ageing. A deficiency of p53‐binding protein 1 (53BP1), which is a key factor in DNA DSBs, is the cause of the defective DSB. It has been established that the cysteine protease cathepsin L (CTSL) is responsible for degrading 53BP1 (Gonzalez‐Suarez etal. 2011; Grotsky etal. 2013). Vitamin D acts to prevent this DNA disorder caused by DSBs by inhibiting CTSL, which leads to the stabilizatioin of 53BP1 (Gonzalez‐Suarez etal. 2011; Grotsky etal. 2013).


There is increasing evidence that ageing can proceed at variable rates. In this review, I have developed the hypothesis that vitamin D may play a major role in regulating the rate of ageing. The basis of this hypothesis is that a number of the processes that drive ageing (e.g. autophagy, mitochondrial dysfunction, inflammation, oxidative stress, epigenetics, DNA disorders, and alterations in Ca2+ and ROS signalling) are regulated by vitamin D. Normal levels of vitamin D are capable of maintaining these processes at their normal low rates and this slows down the ageing process and also helps to prevent the onset of a number of age‐related diseases (e.g. Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, hypertension and cardiovascular disease).

When vitamin D is deficient, there is an increase in the activity of these ageing processes that not only accelerates the rate of ageing, but it also creates the conditions that initiate the onset of the age‐related diseases such as Alzheimer's disease. Such an increase in Ca2+ that occurs during vitamin D deficiency has also been associated with the onset of other neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

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There are no competing interests.


Michael J. Berridge is best known for his discovery of inositol trisphosphate (IP3), which plays a universal role in regulating many different cellular processes. He became a Fellow of Trinity College in 1972 and was elected a Fellow of The Royal Society in 1984. For his work on second messengers he has received numerous awards and prizes, including The King Faisal International Prize in Science, The Louis Jeantet Prize in Medicine, The Albert Lasker Medical Research Award, The Heineken Prize, the Shaw Prize, and The Wolf Foundation Prize in Medicine. In 1998 he was knighted for his service to science.

Vitamin D deficiency accelerates ageing and age‐related diseases: a novel hypothesis (5)


This is an Editor's Choice article from the 15 November 2017 issue.


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Vitamin D deficiency accelerates ageing and age‐related diseases: a novel hypothesis (2024)
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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.