The Times from Streator, Illinois (2024)

m. TIMES-PRESS VOLUME, Nd 151. STREATOR, ILLINOIS, SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 193L PRICE FOUR CENTS. FT Prm EtablUbd 1I7 Independent -Times Established lift RECAST OVER WEEK END i I France Votes For Compromise Debt Relief Plan COMPLETE ONE-HALF WORLD HOPHOPEsllGH MMMl MUM' IN GERMANY FOR POST-GATT KHARBOROVSK GIVEN $10,000 JUDGMENT. New Approach to.Tomb of Americas Unknown Soldier PROSPERITY IS ALL OF NATION NOW IN pi; wave TEIRFUTURE -J ill nr Up5 Ifflj I Of tefottoftou BnIvmi MrI IfM Hid PfSktoh f1 shine eli SPRINGFIELD, 111., June 27.

Thelma Tompkins McLaren, of New York, today had been awarded a judgment of 519,999 against Clifford Bortroesa for the death of her husband, Isrlmar McLaren, In an automobile accident Bor mess failed to appear. A Jury was sworn, evidence of one witness heard end a verdict Returned in less than ten minutes, McLaren charged that mess, while driving an automobile, took her husband, a hitchhiker, for a passenger, and later had an accident which she alleged caused her death. IS LAST STOP, THEN AMERICA 1 Pace Fliers lie Settiet Map Take Then Rend Wertd Id Week. a tetter to II after eli to sway was te boars of 9 By the vets, for further ths french eah Mellon, States treasury, a view to the Dulled Parts, with ON RETURN SAYS HARVEY T. HILL ROCKFORD, ill casting a reign of overshadowing the vey T.

H1U, executive of tho Chicago Stock Bay of ths Illinois Hill tn hts 8igns In tho ation, compared Icata piece of when adjusted smoothly, but easily thrown out Ho said that tho imblic had not bought to ths that It had before ths Urns start of tho business decline. Before can have an in buying, we must have the ing power. Tho buying pow our nation can beet bo Uiual by two things. This was recently by ths tact that a St pm cent loan at 9913.9M,to was offered by tho foderal government and over -subscribed more than saves times Another evidence of this buying power Is that there la mere in the savings banka today than there was tws years age. 80ms of ths fundamental ad-Just merits have already been made to put this buslnes mechanise on a sound basis.

Ths following are a The cost of production has been reduced; inventories tn every line have been reduced; commodity Prices have been reduced; the te-carity market has been liquidated to tho point where many good Mocks are earning dividends far greater than tho Interest charge wuld be on money borrowed to buy these stocks; our gold mail la more than twice the tel requirement. while In 192 was below the 4 per cent OLD SOL IS STILL KING OF WEATHER Old King Boi and the weather man surely must be in partnerships Ik this weather deal theyve given to locality the last five days, as the terrific beat speU still prevailed today, with tho mercury hlttifcg 99 at o'clock this morning and mounting higher each hour. According to the grip tho wave te Mr He Death Tollpunfs As Her-eury CogtieaesTo Soar Arm! 100 Mark. I TTeat ranging the century degree marl continued to take ita toll today airfhe nstbm eaperienced another day at torrUi weather. Htorme Ik Ohio Michigan which temporarily broke the wave at extreme oeat yesterday, caused the deaths twelve persons, eight in Ohio and our in Michigan.

Chicago, where all ime record of 4.5 was set yesterday and a hotter day was In prospect recorded thirteen deaths due to the heat. In Indiana tlvn persons died of the heat or by rownlnf. In Spring-field. IlL. waere th thermometer reached esterdatf and may go higher todafe one pJ-son died.

Out in tkA Rocky Mountain regions high readings Yesterday were! Phoenix. 110; Havre, 109; Albuquerque, Sheridan, Pueblo, 88; Denver 92 ftd 8H Lake City 84. A Mitchelj 8. the merotrfy reached IO84 Even on- he Pacific coast high tsmperaturtj were recorded, though cooler weather was predicted for northern California today. Thur deaths wero, recorded In that state, ail due to Arotrnlng.

Fresno with lit had the highest temperature yesterday. Cos Angeles experienced to degree htjat, while In Han Fran cisco and (fan Diego the mercury remained lq the high seventies. Up in Seattle, ash the highest reading qraa 50. The eastern section of the country was comparatively' cool With highest tentperature at Pittsburgh yesterday at Philadelphia 84, Washington; 80. add Boston 86.

However, warmer w4ather was predicted for day. Slorma in Pittsburgh caud two deaths and la Boston onefcdeath. Heat ava Piar 8outh. The heft wavti also raged throughout 'the south, high readings with possibility of stilt high temperatures ilghfe? Yesterday's In the serene majesty of this pictursd at the approach to the area in the foreground. The Ti ground.

Hedges soon will flank th t's known 8oldler. Ths impress! vs swssp of steps i shrins now has replaced the high wall that formerly occupied the en at the top of the steps, with ths amphlthsater la ths ad ths stair a ply might have as far as ths would countenance debate begaa it ansi tain that M. Laval's nights Bmer Seized In Local Man Car Emptied at Ottawa 61 INDICTED IN MIDDLEWEST LIQUOR RIN Federal Govemmeiit Acts Tol Break Up Alcohol Syndicate ot Cacoaa. of the tort that a catenet crisis st this Urns would have been a calamity with facta WM Jec accept the mu Iff France te reply Ut Hoovers war debt posal. International News lorries learned from a high astberltatlv eowree boro today.

Contrary to expectations. On ree- voJvtag continued 4 op salt te Ike MRS. CORRIGAN CLAIMED AFTER LONGILLNESS Highly Respected Resided passes Away At Hone-Fufisrsl Moidsy. fer. thick and creamy, flawed in Ih today.

may on other days, in certain -son knows ths high pate word and ths right i at Germany's tiotva, have Phoenix, 108 at Mitchell, S. 106 at Red Wing, 104 at Hnrson, 8. Galesburg, Pans, and sterling, 1111., 108 at Cedar Rapids, and Canton, 111., 102 at Carbon-dale, 111., Miles City, Davenport. Dubuque, and Red Bluff, and 101 degrees at St. Paul, Minn- and Eau Claire, Wia An even dozen cities reported temperatures of even 100 degrees maximum, among them Evansville, Peoria, 111., Oklahoma City, St.

Louis, Mo. Street temperatures where the suns rays biasing down out of a cloudless sky get in their full effect ranged from 20 to 30 degrees higher than official readings. Advices were that small grains in the wheat belt were being dried before maturity but no estimate of the damage done was mads, tn the corn belt, rain was needed In some areas but generally the crop was In good condition. Borne farmers wers doing their wheat harvesting bjr moonlight Water Shortage Some Place Some cities reported a shortage of water and Chicagos saginerlng department kept its full force forking 24 hours to supply outlying towns. Pana, 111., restricted use of water for sprinkling purposes but Jacksonville, 111., allowed unlimited bathing for the first time in five months.

In a big oven from the Rocky Mountains in the west to the Appalachians on the east, the middle west gasped today in the heat which baked millions Tor the fifth day. No immediate relief was in sight and turn on 1' heat was the gist of weather predictions. C. A. -Donnell, chief forecaster at Chi-WSgo said iTSaturday will see a temperature pf at least 95 and probably 98.

Humidity will remain high, increasing discomfort. A lake breeze alone will keep the mercury going close to 100. Sudden Storm Takes Lives. Sudden storms added to the toll of lives taken by the oppressive temperatures. Northern Ohio swept by a 10 mile an hour gale along the lake rhore from Toledo to Clevelan reported six dead and property damage.

Record temperatures were reported from a wide aea, in Chicago when the cury rose to 94.5 late in the afternoon it set an all-time recordfarthat date. Half a million thronged to the beaches seeking a cool place as eight prostrations were recorded. Four were drowned In Lake Michigan, three of them youngsters under 11 years of age. to in the vatkua-Vom Mr. savers Bat today the beer flowed back of the police station, where mpre 200 bottles of ths beverage bidden to ths thirsty by Andy d'a law, wers broken.

cops, aided by interested sunders, carried out the liquid eer from a ceil in the police sta-Then the bottles, one by one, toresi against a hard brick aH, and the beer was lost to the tMrety as the bottles broke with a like the popping of cham-XUtcns corks. Ths beer was token from a cor IRKUTSK, Siberia. June 27. With more than one -half of their record-breaking journey around the globe behind them, Wiley Poet and Harold Gatty, Americas time-table airmen, sped eastward over the dreary Siberian wastes today toward Kharborovsk, last scheduled stop before they return to the continent pf North America The tilers took off from Irkutsk at 7:10 a. m.

G. M. T. (3:10 a. m.

eastern daylight saving time,) only twohours and fifteen minutes after reaching here from Moecow by way of Novo-Siblrsk. Upon reaching Irkutsk at 4:65 a. m. O. M.

T. (12:55 a. m. E. D.

covering the 1,027 milee from Novo-Siblrsk in six hours and qalnutes They hoped to the 1100 miles to Kharboro nine hours of flying. Speed Records Broken. Never in history have the rugged steppes, desplats plains and of Siberia been crossed with peed. They flashed along the of the trans-Siberian railway st a pace of aliiiost 160 miles an hour, more than twice that averaged by the Graf Zeppelin on its historic crossing of Siberia. If the present rats of speed is maintained, the airmen will easily negotiate their entire 15,000 mile Journey in the ten days they allotted for the flight.

There is even a distinct possibility they wUI achieve their reported desire to land their plane beck at Roosevelt Field, New York after having circumnavigated the globs in one single week. Despite considerable bad weather, the hazards of flying over more or less uncharted territory and an almost complete absence of up-to-date aeronautical facilities over much of Siberia, Post and Gatty have maintained an averge speed since their tke-off from New York on Tuesday of 141 miles an hour. A northwest cross wind along the route from Moscow to Novosibirsk and strong headwinds in the vicinity of Omsk failed to cut down the airmens average speed, an they set a new record of 11 and one-half hours for that flight of more than 1,400 miles. Taks Safsst Routs. In heading for Kharborovsk, the airmen chose the safest routs at theft- disposal.

They might have saved some 700 miles of flying by flying to Yakutsk, but a total absence of airports ot emergency landing stations of any' Sort and an almost complete lack of habitation made this routs too hazardous. From Kharborovsk, the fliers face 2,450 miles ot flyig over a northeasterly course along tbs Pacific coast of Asia to Nome, Alaska. This leg of the flight will Involve considerable over-water flying. The airmen planned to span the ssa of Okhotsk to Petropavlovsk, Kamchatka, than veering over the Bering sea to Alaska. JT 22m CHICAGO.

June 27. Otgant rum. rings distributing millions gallons of alcohol throughout the middle west and netting ths opera-: tor millions of dollars in profi revealed here today In confe Baited tat South Ottawa a week ago. 4 te play an imi after an ab- The ear was occupied by three Streator youths. One of them.

Mike Connate, paid a fine of 8299 for tho liquor. teat Hoovers lag. mer'e beat apell should surely eclipse all steading records of tho past. Many people were trying to cool themselves off, by swimming, beat-tag. and sating their meals to ths cellars their homes.

Sleep has been null due te the scarcity of any With tho rising of th( 4 Oer- INJURIES OF MRS. PURCIFULL NOT SERIOUS was A few f4dif ter by pave political sad deep la them ire Today, the situation as follow IteSSrri phe Thun bn automi baa brouj peon, suf Thursday automobile brought Jqhn PurcCfuU. formerly Wilkinson, of this city, night waa Injured tn accident In Chicago, here yeterday after-suffering from an injured knee cap. She was token to 8L Mary's hospital. Her injuries were not as serious as ut first believed and it was with vast relief that relatives teamed the tails upon her arrival here.

The accident which resulted ia hpr being hurt, occurred at May-Mrs. Purclful being thrown the dashboard of her auto-when It was struck from the by another car. war Salle to brute assets Hunter, Suffering of a los duration ended for Mrs. Mary Corrigan when she passed sway at her home. 40S South Park street at 2:45 o'clock this morning.

She had been ailing for the past ten years, but it waa only recently that ber condition underwent a change for the none, when the contracted pneumonia. Ensuing days found her strength ebbing rapidly, and with all hops despaired of. he end came today. BheU survived by six children. death three years ago They are Thomas and William Corrigan, of Blackatone: Mrs.

Margaret Drinan. Streator; John Corrigan, Chicago; Frank Corrigxn. Ransom and Mary one sister and three brothers, Mia M. Kenny. of Ottawa; Michael Carey, Chicago; David Carey, Joliet and Richard Carey.

Morris. Funeral servhea will be held Monday at from the home. 402 South Park street and, 9:00 o'clock from St. Anthony's church. Rev.

Christian, O. M. will officiate ot the services. Interment will be made at St. Paul's cemetery to Odell.

The decedent was born In Ottawa, 1862. As Mai Carey, she was claimed to marriage by Thomas Corrigan, the nuptials occuring to Seneca. She has lived to this vicinity all of her Ufe. moving to Streator 16 years ago. They were the parents of nine children, three of whom died In Infancy.

During her long retddenee here. Mrs Corrigan was prlvtlsgad to enjoy a growing cirri lances which waa ripened close friendship, which only could sever. Her kindly won for her the respect and ad: Don of nil with whom she can contact. Her Ceath Is a gei took an active part in all charity IS VICTIM OF SURETIES FOR OFFICIALS MUST FILE THEIR ASSETS Approximately 699 letters sent nut to officials te La county today, Instructing them hare the sureties on their rite a complete schedule of st the office of George A. the county clerk, by July to Mr.

by Francs it thst RIOTS BREAK OUT IN PLANT AT BLOOMINGTON Galicia In Throee of Movement to Secede Reiptoh Rater BRUSSELS. June wide- blanket indictment liquor syndicate. One corporation and sixty persons, Including members of the organisation ruled by Scarface Al Capone, who recently entered a guilty plea, to conspiracy to violate the prohibition laws and faces a federal prison sentence, were named In the Indlctri meet. The Indictment returned befero Federal Judge John P. Barnes after months of secret Investigation from Chicago to Waterloo, charged liquor law violations in a conspiracy involving the known manufacture of two million gallons of alcohol and the commission of ten million other offenses against tho federal prohibition act Booze distillery and rum running groups reaching into Chicago, Aurora, Whiteside county, Illinois, Waterloo and Clinton.

and contiguous territory are involved in ths indictment Operated Over Middiewsst The syndicate operated alcohol stills, seven of gigantic 'capacity, being specified in the Indictment, and, took care of the wholesale and delivery of the Illegal products te ths bootlegging trade throughout the middle west The Indictment was prepared under ths supervision of Assistant C. 8. Attorney Daniel Anderson with the aid of Chief Special ProhibU Agent Walter Bennett who obb Indictment recently of At Capone and his subordi charges are much than that returned against pone syndicate and expose ths most powerly alky" ths country with Its huh its branches reaching through the Dakotas and lsalppt valley. Ths key that revealed syndicate was discovered rial Agents C. Paul B.

Shoop liquor purchases Brothers Mike and Joe, Other federal agents worked the ring by making more erz nsl of The Inner council of syndicate was said to of Gabriel. Paul and Tony to be Capone met Richard and Russell Price erloo, Iowa, and Mike Clinton, Iowa. According eral men, Blumberg Is ths rum king of the Clinton the title of the Arthur W. S. Attorney of the hug Memphis; 98; Bi Ingham, Vicksburg, New OAeanaHH Fort Worth and Abilene, 98 Dallas, 96.

General rains along the Gulf of Mexeico were re ported to be movln bring relief and a troplcaft storm moving from Brownsville Corpus Christie were ordered displayed by the weather bureau. i With tty temtwratures in the nineties ad readings of a 100 or more predated today Kansas andfv Missouri acre experiencing thg worst hea wave lilnce 1901. Ope person died at Loiflslana, and another Independence, Kbits. Three deaths were recorded in St. Louis lateesterday and last night where a pending ff 100 was recorded yesterday.

To Die Morris. The hotjst city. in Indiana was Vincennes" where the temperature reached 16(1 yesterday. Morris, Ill-had two Meat death as the thermometer climbed toward 100 today. So terftfl walj -the heat that farmers hnv delated their field work unb iate "evening and at night.

At that nitffht temperatures tn the midilie eighties. The hea wave struck all sections of the country, bom the Appalachian mountains to the Pacific coast with the sweltering weather centered If, Iowa the vicinity of Keokuk wjlere a reading of 87 was recorded a. the highest temperature la thd country at that hour. Orp person died of the heat at Sioux City, la, yesterday and temperatures abode 100 were the rule throughout tn, state. Waterloo turned In a rdll of 105 yesterday.

Jp i Minnesota Rain. Minnesota was getting a bit of relief today with a heavy rainfall In the viclnly of Morehead, but other the middle west report-and burned crops with sf heft loss to farm ark. f. The hof weather took a toil bf three deaths at Qruincy, 111., and in addition farmers IH that section and In Iowa suffering heavy losses due to deaths of domestic animals. On one Mm near West Liberty, Iowa, etgF't horsed and 20 hogs died tn twentjf four hours.

South itakota find Nebraska ported sfveral official 104-degree readings Ht weather stations, with 100 degree prevailing ever Illinois ar.d Wisconsin. gs reported to a Isa missies 9 111 flit up hr June 27 A revolutionary move-sr way in ths province ot Galicia today. WUh business paralysed by a geostrike, leaders of the tasurrec- to Oklon it by Mar Outers Tba reply will BLOOMINGTON, IK, June IT Open rioting broke out at the Hays Custer stove works here today and four strike-breakers were severely beaten, supposedly by union men they replaced, One of the injured men, E. D. Mac- arnett, whose skull was fractured, not expected to live.

The others. Jesse Fowler, Harry West and Olen Bryant, were expected to recover. The assault broke out when the night force was leaving work. The strikebreakers came to the plant a month ago when 160 union employes refused to accept a 20 per cent wage cut Forecast. POLICE WARN AGAINST USE OF FIREWORKS I PURSE THIEF da go Wayward Streator Youth Turned Over To Parole Officer Tony Rubestel, wayward local youth ho during his Incarceration at police headquarters kept passers-by (entertained With his lusty singing, was given over to the custody of a state parole officer lost night, and token to Ottawa to await hearing before Judge Rock Monday morning.

Rubestoll, who but a few ago was paroled from St. Charlea, was arrested Thursday night after ho had driven his car through a stop sign and crashed Into vehicle tot tree to. White in Jan hero, pearcbed himself in the ceil window overlooking the city pork, tng aH who passed. MRS SHAVER WILSON DIES OTTAWA. June 27.

Mrs. Elisa Shaver WOwra. to. who with the victaKy: Fair toby a thun-by Sunday night; coottn-xrn for tea part; gentle to moderate shift- lued Potte With July a notified last itch far a grey by a THREE ARRESTED, ONLY ONE FINED after Thrqu fair at Part Sullivan. Cornell.

police, Mite Sullivan left her tlan at Cornell. The a tab later saw entering th rr dan, waa to th station at to then, and whan left. Sen Cuthberteon Choice for Judge. CARUNVtLLK, 111., June 27. Senator A.

S. Cuthberteon, Bunker Hill, is Macoupin countys choice for republican nominee for Judge from the second supreme district to icceod Judge Wiliam M. Fa Vandal la, resigned. Twenty delegates and alternates wore named by the county republican committee to attend the convention at Alton July 19 when a candidate win be before Polio 8. B.

Murphy, of Ottawa, paid th it of ft usd coats which th penalty for such an oC- te the it te.

The Times from Streator, Illinois (2024)
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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.