The Tampa Tribune from Tampa, Florida (2024)

Classified Comics-7 The Tampa Tribune, Thursday, June 20, 1991 MEDICAL 215 MOBILE 210 HOUSES UNFURNISHED 320 212 CONDOMINIUMS 320 307 DATA 320 305 PROFESSIONAL 285 PREPARATION FOR EMPLOYMENT NATIONAL i Florida oops. N. TPA Beaut, newer 2 BRs 1 BRANDONBloomlngdole 42 For Faster Service Call Early Phormoosts, Pharmacy Techs NATIONAL RX SERVICES 813-620-4103 avail. IBM, AIX, TANDEM BAYSHORE. Monte Corio Tow ers.

1 bdrm, both, shore llv Ina room kitchen with col' HIRING, exp or not. Work wDev. Disabled. LPN, Tl pos. 14219 Bruce B.

Downs Wd, furn air cond. aulet ok. MEDICAL TECHNOLOGISTS Full time, licensed In all 5 areas, 3-11 or 11-7 Call Chris Med Temps 813-977-0361 days eves pool nom, i yr new. i iuo oer mo. Coll JEFF CURTIS.

no pets from $85wk 978-1502 (HOGAN) All Inquires welcome 281-0458. NOTICE When responding to a Tampa Tribune box number: Address dll mall to the box number given, co The Tampa Tribune, P.O. Box 3420, Tampa, FL 33601, lege student. $500 mo. Faye THE POLO GROUP 962-1777 PHARMACY TECH Experi NICE 243 BR homes $75 up Farmer Realty, BJVVJUv.

eves. 988-2924 ence preferred. 30-40 Moves You ni INSURANCE Billing Clerk, ICD-9, CPT-4 coding experience. Orthopedic office. Im-medlote opening.

876-2324 L. ROBERT FRANK ASSOC. PERSONNEL CONSULTANTS (813) 831-8788 hrsweek. 877-7639. 681-2041 986-1249 BAYSHORE: Luxury 3Br 3Ba condo overlooking Tampa BRANDONSABLE PAR Rvlew 2-3 BR turn, cable Bay.

Leaseoption 973-1588 MENTAL Heqlth Coreers-Northslde 13301 Bruce B. Downs 336 12 EOE. MSSc*msA supports the USF College ot Medicine. Call Job Line 978-3054 avail, laundry, tisnina creek, PHYSICAL THERAPIST Part-time, needed Immediately for a lorge established or-thooedlc practice. Send re RICHARD RITA Data Processing Specialists 289-3000.

Always Fee Paid air cona, rr 9 wk. tn-wbi CARROLLWOOD 42, lake view, screened porch, pool NEW 23 bedroom, 2 both mfg homes at Paradise Village. S450 per month with 50 off of vour rent to bt applied to the purchase after TNC1 Glbsonton, 3 2 BR sume or coll Judy Overman, INSURANCE BILLING TOP POSITION with grp. pract. Computer exp.

wPAS or Seako helpful. Exc. sal. Ins. other ben.

879-5485. Men-Women 150,000 Don't spend valuable time and money with firms that charge high fees, call us. We're Allen ond Associates, the nation's largest full service marketingoutplacement firm (more than 10,000 clients In the past 2 years alone). If occepted we will work with you on 0 NO PROFESSIONAL FEE basis. Tampa 613-862-9979 AR CLERK-A Leader In the healthcare field needs experienced AR clerk.

Complete benefit pockage Including 401K, profit sharing health Insurances. Excellent working environment. 5008 Tampa West Blvd. 886-0595. EOE MFHV Furn.

1st wk free rent tennis, isvvmo 1 security. 855-5956 Florldd Orthopaedic Insti SOURCE EDP Call tor a tree sale survey 281-0002, 443-6490 $175 Sec dep. 671-1029 oft 4P tute, 4175 E. Fowler, Tampa ursi year. Apply nuwi 621-2392 CARROLLWOOD Luxury IBR Fl.

33617.813-978-9700. 219 MOBILE HOMESITES BUFFALO Hwv 301. 32. NURSE Pediatric Prdctlce seeking outgoing, hard working LPN or MA for full-time position. Must be willing to work Saturdays.

Good pay and benefits. 971-6700 $440, zuk euo. Live in a sort. Pool, spa, tennis, fit' ness. Call tor appt 884-6140 308 ENGINEERING LAKESHORE VILLAS Superior Rated-Superlor Care 968-5093 1350 sf, lanal, fncd yd, new PT'S, OT'S, ST'S TOP PAY RATES! VISITING NURSES 289-1696 carpet, wu mo.

6M-ZJV6 ALAFIA RIVER 1 ocre, USt off ACCOUNTANTSBOOKKPRS ACCOUNTANTS ON CALL Temp. 4 Perm. 289-0051 CARROLLWOOD Village Tow ers. La 11, appls, pool, ten' i-s, tor new sing or a-wioe, BUSCH GDM area 2 sty la 22, QUALITY ASSURANCE UTILIZATION REVIEW NURSE reusonoDie.6-?6J oner vi LPN Needed clinic oftice exp. must.

Fqst pqced. OLSTEN 286-7878 WD hkups, cpt, cha, $495 COMPUTER Field Engineer: Must be Novell CNE certified. Experience required. 223-7492 for consideration. nls, sec, covered parking, no ePOSTAL GOV'T JOBS Now hiring.

Will train. For oppllc, 980-0773 NURSE to work tor oral surgeon In office 4 ddvs a week. Phone 932-5329 ASTORIA MH Comm. Lots for rro Lorp Broker 985-0299 Full time position available In pets, ssuv vo i-d I4J vo i-jaj i Rent 2 Mo. Free Rent Also IBr U.R.

Dept. for RN with previ ACCOUNTING BKKPERS Temp Positions. No Fees Paid Weekly. 221-7832 ACCOUNTEMPS, Agency CARROLLWOOD 21 CHA. HARBOUR ISLAND Mobile rim For Sale.

621-5489 LPN'S. AMI Memorlol Hospltol of Tampa. 676-7153. EOE tennis pool In community 3BR2BA Great view, $1300 ous Home Heolth experience and familiar with Medicare Guidelines (485's486's). 310 TECHNICAL NURSES For more Information coll 251-7483, Tampa General Hospital MVS mo.

88 I- IOU2y33-626y BEARSS Area, 40X80 mobile mo. Call Judy at 229-5056 POSTAL Career Orientation start. No experience or H.S. Diploma Required. Call 882-5810 To Place an ad Tampa Otlice only Call 272-7500 OPEN MON THRU FRI BAM 5PM Sat 9AM 1PM No Sunday Hours To Cancel or Correct Your Ad Call 272-7677 Classified Deadlines DAILY FOR NEXT DAY FRIDAY FOR SUNDAY CARROLLWOOD 32, fenced, nome lot, quiet pork.

HARBOUR ISLAND. 1, 2 mommy, 1- U5U trplc, 2 cor garage. S680. 3BRs. Exclusive s.

Tampa ALARM SVC Installation tech wmgmt capabilities. Co. truck S. good pay. 888-5589 Gooo starting salary and excellent benefits packoge.

Contoct Beryl 879-8180 T.G.C. Home Health Nurses. HCA Bayonet PointHudson Medical Center, (813) 869-5440. eoe seminoie it ma eves SEFFNER Wooded Acre Lot. oaaress.

can 221-231 287 CAREER COUNSELING Water Seot Furnished. CARROLLWOOD 32. like HYDE PARK 11 condo 900sf, LPN's PSYCH VENT PATIENTS MedSurg exp. Needed STATI HOC. STAFFING 1-600-727-9372 EOE MFH ASSEMBLERS 8.

SOLDERERS S215mo $75 dep. 654-2035 new, 1 cor gar. S650. $500 dep. 2nd floor, WD, Dw, At, ACCOUNTING Progressive, high-tech company is looking tor a self-motivated accounts receivable analyst with controct, billings and collections experience.

General accounting experience a must. Qualified candidates send resume and solory requirements to: ControilerDatocore, Inc. 1000 N. Ashley Drive Suite 400Tompa, FL 33602 NURSING OPPORTUNITIES Brenaa Shatter, Baytront Medical Center 1-893-6161. Liays Y8V-V466654- IU6J fcVeS Surfoce Mount, Microscopic System One Stofflng 888-5625 $500 mo.

can art 6, bjmhbv LARGE MH SPACES for rent, reosl Do come see RAO TECH AART PT FT. Immed. need. Wdlk In clinic. Express Medical 886-1961 Bernard Haldone Associates Job 4 Career Counseling (813) 287-1393 NORTH OAKS, 22 with F.P, CARROLLWOOD 3br2ba, nr.

fnrri wri. ujri CHEMISTRY TECHNICIAN us before you Oecldel 621-3268 washer dryer, pool, tennis, NURSING OPPORTUNITIES available. Humana Hospital Pasco 904-521-1199 Pharmaceutical Division of Bausch 4 Lomb. 975-7700. $590mo.

dep req'd. 920-48 1 1 $495. TUP HAT Rlty V68-UIJ4 TRAILER space for rent. $130 month. Nr Dole Mobry-Wo- JOB SEARCHING? Priority Coreer Consultants, 3750 Gunn Hwy, Ste.

1-E. 264-2008 CARROLLWOOD on lake. 3: EOE Radiologic Technologist MOBILE TECHNOLOGIST S30.000 with coll. RAINTREE 22 $485 MO. WD POOL TENNIS ters.

6808 Armenia 932-9B79 cha wd, pet ok, $675mo. CIVIL ENGS. DRAFTERS NURSING OPPORTUNITIES AMI TOWN 1 COUNTRY HOSPITAL isiiosr, vim aep. SIM INC. 855-2764 Resume: Omega Tech No Fee Comprehensive benefits, paid QUALITY POSITIONS EXECUTIVES 4 MANAGERS PHOENIX BAY 878-6888 AcctontsEnglneersSectys GENERAL EMPLOYMENT 872-6658 FAX 872-0399 3juu w.

Lvpress, a iwit LPN'S Several positions now open tor conscientious, efficient LPN's. Excellent resloent care techniques a must. Competitive salorybenefits. No benefit package If oeslred. Apply BRIAN CENTER, 18'8 E.

Fletcher (813)971-2383. An EEO Affirmative Action Employer 220 TRAVEL TRAILER LOTS FOR RENT CARROLLWOOD-32-FP Cath cell, fncd yd, $675mo Call Paul at 931-8328 RAINTREEUSFTemple Terr 22, WD, Scrd Porch, Pool, Tennis, Cable. 960-1834 NURSING OppS All Shifts Schedules. So. Fla Baptist Hosp.

(813) 281-7645. COPIER SERVICE TECHS ACCTGFlnoncialTemps DON RICHARD ASSOCIATES Prof. Recruiting Firm 221-7930 RIVER OAKS, Temple Terrace medical. profit snaring on outstanding local firm. Requires ARRt Certification Florida License.

Please Coll RADS Mobile X-Rav EKG Service Inc. At: 855-2009 Hillsborough 461-9642 Pinellas Exp'd. copier techs, Xerox 1065 andor 5052. Must be CARROLLWOOD. 42.5 Execu tlve.

Pool, 2 cor garage. Employment 300 396 BAYSHOREGANDY Oreo. 12 wD pool ennis O.R. NURSES East Pasco Medical Center (800) 326-6191 II23WU 04V2MI4 From $485MO SIM 855-2764 Shady spot, $130mo. 831-4184, call between 10-5 ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTS Person.

Experience In CAD self starter, have neat appearance ond reliable trans, for local trovel. Sena resume ST. PETE beochfront, luxurl' CENTRAL Tompo 31, ugly as sin but big. $85week. $150 operation.

Auto lau prefer LPN's with MedSurg experience tor busy primary core office. 281-1000. ous 22, all ammenlties, avail to Copytronics, 2461 230 BEACH RENTALS 320 security. 932-3077 longshort term. 1-366-6347 able.

Salary negotiable. Send resumes to: 110 S. Kentucky ROIOC RO Jax, FL 32207. RECEPTIONIST: computer billing exp. Full or port time-Land O' Lokes, 948-1234 OFFICE MANAGER FOR M.D.

Experiencea In billing, coding collections. Good public re-lotions skills, computer educated. Medical knowl-eage deslroble. 238-9112 DAVIS ISLAND. 3Z fam utll TEMPLE Terroce USF area Ave.

Lakeland, i-i. jjbui. DRAFTER-CAD ANNA MARIA IS. 2BR Beach Front, $525wk. IBR near 1-2-3 BR CONDOS, All Oppl rm, tcna yra, cha, via bos torus Ave J950MO 289-4217 Computer Vision plus Mil spec ASSISTANT MANAGER MA For bock office, walk In clinic.

Experienced, ambitious, dependable. Cheerful dtmos-phere. 3-7 Mon-Frl 9-5 Sat. 10-4 Sun. Please coll 837-1999 laeai.

start now! beach, $275wk. 831-7873 plus WD. From $350 MO. ERA University Rlty 977-0079 For Premiere Apartment Com DONBAR STAFFING 287-6925 munity. Must have prior ex EHRLICH Rd area, 3Z CHA, fncd yd, vdulted great room, BELLEAIR BEACH IBR, all THE OAKS, 22, fireplace, OPTICAL LAB TECH.

Tampa Eye Clinic imm. opening, finishing exp. pref. 879-7760 utii, cable, furn. $600mo.

perience as asslstont manager ond computer skills neces DRAFTERAUTOCAD Machined oorts, sheet metol peis ok. 84u mo. iv i-j iv Med Rehab, a notional compa 1-593-1978 new corpet-pooi tennis, $550 4 SD. Owner 988-8174. sary.

SoloryBonusBenflts. FLORIDABearss 14804 Briar PRO-TEM 281-0118 no tee MED RECEPTSECY. FT S. Tompo office. Transcribing, ARAP, exc.

phone monner, mature, reliable. NS 254-9403 ny with operations in 12 states. Is seek ina a health Send resume to: Tribune Co. Way. 32, 2 car, fncd, no pets.

USF HOSPITAL next door! Box S-221 EOE $650 mo. 920-6178 9-6PM Neor morlna. $150nlght (3 $875wk. Tpo 949-0491 care executive to be responsible for operating its rehabil 11, 1st fir end unit, pool. $325.

1-646-5420 RN CHARGE NURSE At CDC of Tompa vou can utilize your nursing exp. (minimum 1 veor) ond education (Bachelor Associate's or Diploma) to provide supervise patient core. We'll train the right person. Current CPR required. Your schedule will include tour 10-hour days, Mon-Sat.

You'll enjoy 25 PTOs per year, tuition reimbursem*nt, health Insurance, and more! Contact Michelle Berth, RN, Unit Administrator, at (813) 871-3202, 4023 N. Armenia Tampa FL 33607. EOE. FOREST HILLS 31 la FR 4th ENGINEERING TECH Soil, concrete asphalt testing experience preferred Wage based on experience ATEC Assoc. 886-0907.

EOE PATIENT Account Rep, ig outpatient dialysis clinic neeas Individual with billing and follow-up experience. Medlcol monoger software preferred. Send resume to: BMA 402 South Boulevard Ste 101, Tompo 33606 Atten: Morlene MED TECHS-FL licensed, National Heolth Laboratories Incorporated. 875-3818. itation operations in me TampaSt.

Petersburg ond BR, Ig bk ut. rm whkup BRADENTON Beach. Gulf Front Apts. DailySpecial USF Area 2BR1BA, Pool, no pets iis-twii Tennis, Completely Refurb'd. CHIEF INVESTIGATOR Strong background In Civil Criminal Investigations, process service mgmnt.

License excellent communication skills required. A ca surrounding orea. The sue meekly rates. 264-564 $395. 886-7221 or 286-8385 HILLSBOROUGH River Area 1903 Kathleen 2BR1BA with CLEARWATER Beach, Rltz MED.

OPPS. HERNANDO HEALTHCARE INC. (904) 754-9100 CONDOS-TEM. TERR. Area FIELD Personnel needed for Lana Surveying Firm.

Exp. clean driving record. Apply within 654-1265 In-low opt. S400mO. 837-1909 Stratton Pk.

22.5 $550 reer mgmnt opportunity with a arowina full service Private Resort Motel overlooking Beach 4 Gulf. Deluxe etfcv apts. Pool 4 sundeck. Special wkly rate fm $245; weekend HOWARDKENNEDY AREA MEDICAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WATSON CLINIC. 813-680-7460 Meoaowood 22.5 $525 River Oaks 22 $625 Temple Terroce Rlty.

985-6000 SVC Tech. Send res: Danka cessrui canaiaoTe win nave knowledge of rehabilitation therapies, outpatient operations, hospital deportment therapy service and multiple site supervision. This posi tlon reports to the Med Rehab Chief Operating Officer. The position offers on attractive salary plus on In PEDIATRIC NURSES Shift and Visit work available NOW throughout Hills Co. Call Robin 286-7484.

EOE MFH Investigative Agency specializing in Leaal Investiaatons 3BR1BA House $350. Also 1BR Apt. $230mo. 877-6428 Ind. Att: M.

Ddnielle, 11201 specidl fm $80. 1-441-9905 Process Service. Send resume Danka Cir. N. St Pete 33716 HYDE PARK area Cheerful, FRANKLIN, N.C.

Cabin near dnd salary requirements to: Tribune Co. Box Q-220 T.V. TECH recent experience MEDICAL ASSISTANT Back Office Collections Experience. Near Memorial Hospital. 870-1747 creek, furnished, sleeps 4, FOR ADS THAT SAY: TRIBUNE CO.

BOX ADDRESS YOUR ENVELOPE TO READ: Box number In ad co Tampa Tribune) P.O. Box 3420 Tampa, FL 33601 There may be one or two firms or individuals to whom you do not wish your reply to go. If such Is the case, simply address your reply to the Box Number in the ad and attach a separate list of such names stating that your reply should be destroyed If addressed to any of the names Indicated. Place both In an envelope marked CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE and address as shown above. clean older, rest'd, wd firs.

3BR, 259-1030 212A TOWNHOUSES $150 per week. 813-935-8396 requirea in proieciion. Days 645-6844; eves 645-5207 O.R. Circul. FT, Amb.

Surg. Center M-F no wknds or on call. Great atmos. Great benet. Morcv 977-8550 mism centive bonus program ond excellent benefits.

Please INDIAN ROCKS Bch. Luxury CLOSER for Statewide Title Ins. Co. Responsibilities include proc HYDE PARK 2 BR, 2 BA, 1 car garage, $650 Trocy Heifer BAYSHORE, 1 block, 3 bed TECHNICIAN-Teleohone Co. fcuit tront mouse 7BR2BA, rKecDUM RbALIY BBS- Seeks experienced Individual rooms 2 Va both, Fireplace, unique, $1200 mo.

831-5096. Pool, $50Oweek. B85-3691 submit a confidential resume to Vice President Recruit-ina, Med Rehab. P.O. essing post closing 631-5054 5424 in the following equipment RN OPPORTUNITIES USF PSYCHIATRY CENTER 972-7026 Quality of Lift is Our Commitment MEDICAL ASSISTANT Challenging position In good working environment for a busy family practice.

Exp nec. Strong Venipuncture skills required. RECEPTIONIST Also Needed. Call 968-1984 INDIAN Shores Lovely 22 FINANCE See our ad In Sun- BRANDON, Buckhorn Creek, lines: fyiitei, f-ocus, leiraa, HYDE Pork, 2br i Box 14449, Tallahassee, FL conao-intracoastai, ocn ocr ddy's paper under Manage 31.5, $425 month Siemens, nec, 4 Tie.

can tor 32317-4449. St, pool. $3O0wk 935-7474 PHARMACISTS hdwd floors, CHA, 1 car gar, washerdryer hkup, no pets, H. Fisher Realty, 879-1933. appointment, 875-5392 ment Trainee, Ut-L.

813-286-2197. INDIAN Shores, gulf front, lux TV TECHNICIAN experienced, ww sec. aep. m-iva conao bonacastie n. pool.

CARROLLWOOD 22 wgar, pool, avail 71 $700 mo. 935-2315 must have own equipment. INTERBAY 32, almost new, MEDICAL ASSISTANT Dermatology oftice, PT, surgical exp helpful. 972-1229 I0CUZZI, $550 Wk 1-595-4503 INSURANCE AGENTS, LIFE Need to look qt this one! 110-265 comm. 676-1458 High solory.

9a-5p. 6B5-9BB 1350sf $625mo 6818 Enale-WOOd Ave 932-6811 963-1361 PASS-A-GRILLE, 32, gulf REGISTERED NURSES CRITICAL CARE OPERATING ROOM MEDICALSURGICAL CARROLLWOOD COUNTRYWOOD rronr luxury conao, 320 MEDICAL MEDICAL assistant for busy orthopedic office. Experience preferred. Coll 877-9413 weekmo. 875-6272.

INSURANCE CSR Non-standdrd Auto Exp. Req. Ms. Toney 872-4871 LOWERY PARK, 31, CHA, fenced, great rm, $465mo, Gunn it Anderson. 32.5, WD, Pool.

1500sf. 960-1834 Clwtr Bch or Redngtn Shores. RN PATIENT CARE COORDINATOR Excellent opportunity for person with good people skills and strong Nursing background to do admission planning and service coordination in N. Pinellas area. Must be motivated.

Home Health expierience preferred. Good starting solar and excellent benefits packoge. Contact Debbie at 443-4600. T.G.C. Home Health RN'S for IV VISITS Immed.

for New Port Richev Allied MediCdl, 600-229-2232 ACCOUNT EXEC Executive 1508 W.Klrby, 972-0874. CARROLLWOOD Executive or j3 lux guitrnr Wkmo. Owner 626-0692 Apply In person or send re INSURANCE PLACEMENT Claims. Unaerwritlna, Sales. LUTZ, nice 42 home In quiet Seorch.

PROVEN track record. CAREER! J40K 1st year. MARC ASSOCIATES 289-4400 sume to: South Bay Hospital, CARTER-EVDEMON 229-2220 GULF frdnt condo. 3Br3Ba neighborhood. $775 mo.

sec dep. 962-2482. Avail 7 1 22.5, gar, on pond golf course. $1000mo. NS.

No pets, lstlastsec. 962-6134 MEDICAL ASSISTANT For busv grp. pract. X-ray exp. helpful.

Top sal. Ins. benefits. 879-5485. furn, pool, hot tub, fishing INSURANCE-AUTO AGENCY 4016 State Rood 674, Sun City Center, FL 33573.

EOE 634-0374 CLINICAL SOCIAL WORKER- pier, pmeiias lo ya-vji NORTH TAMPA 22 CHA, blinds, WD hkups, water Licensed-Full time to do cum- CARROLLWOOD Ig 22.5 On GULF FRONT Efficiencies 1, 2 Cdl as well as administrative Non-stondord. Exp 220 Lie Office Monoger. Benefits Eost Tampa Call 971-0899 For further Information. tront. J55 aep.

vj-jjus goit course, pool. mo plus sec. 831-2456 3BR cottages, Apts. 4 Con- REGISTERED NURSES MEDICAL ASSISTANT Front bock oftice, Insurance pegboord exp. 877-1622 duties.

962-8335 AMERICAN COUNSELING SERVICES Charter Hospital of Tompo NORTH TAMPA 32 2 Sty Cha carp, wd hkup $495 mo. Pro FLETCHER'S MILL town- aos, Indian Nocks Beoch. Annual or seasonal. Bay (813) 236-6046. EOE.

Corp Broker 985-0299; Green Rock Realty 1-595-3480 house 22.5, tennis, pool, many extras. $575 mo MORTGAGE PROCESSOR Nat mtg co, FHA, VA, Conv exp. Exc benefits. 968-5657 CNA's CAN BE PHAR-MOR! Phor-Mor, the notion's lorgest chain of Oeep-discount drug stores is growing ogaln in the State of FlorlOq. New stores will be opening soon in the following areas: ST.

PETERSBURG, TALLAHASSEE, SOUTH MIAMI, BOCA RATON 8, MARGATE. We are also interviewing for existing areas: BRADENTON, TAMPA, SARASOTA, CLEARWATER, LAKELAND, OCALA, JACKSON VILLE, SUNRISE AND PEMBROKE PINES. We offer an excellent salarybenefits pockage, no holiday hours and C.E. opportunities. Our representatives will be available for confidential personal interviews in the Orlonoo area June 25-26 and in the Tampa Boy area June 27-28.

For more information or to scheaule an interview, contact Dorlo Greene, Pharmo-cy Recruiting Secretary at 1-800-325-6345, ext 8401. E.O.E. PHAR-MOR RN'S TO S26HOUR NURSES INCORPORATED 287-2250 EMPLOYMENT STOP HERE 3-11, 7p-7a weekend 996-4598 eves 960-0670 wkdys RN 7-3 WkndS. CNA 3-11 FT. Wellington Manor.

10049 N. Florida Ave. EOE MFHV MEDICAL ASSISTANT needed for busy pediatric group in Brandon. Prefer experience andor basic X-ray tech. Call Pat at 681-5714 NORTH TAMPA, 2BR1BA, $250 per week.

Write: P.O. Box 951, Groton, MA 01450. Quit wasting time 4 phone sntft, Bavior pion. Also in-House pool, experience nee. Corrollwood Care Center cnaroes in nnoina a oeacn HYDE PARK 22 12, CHA, ww corpet, $650 831-4814 227-8500 Doug Titus OFFICE Manager for on equipment dealer.

Duties Include AR, AP, collections. Must be computer literate. At References required. GUIDE NOTICE! remai. vve nave nunareas, oil 15002 Hutchinson Rd.

960-1969 sizes 4 prices. Make only NORTH TAMPA, No pets. 2 Br RN's, LPN'S, CNA'S Needed. All Sniffs. WE CARE Heolth Service 670-3091 4618 N.

ARMENIA MEDICAL Asslstont-Full time. Phlebotomy experience necessary. 689-2853 HYDE PARK 22.5, 1200sf, se 2 ua pool spa $ovomo. one can to: 813-596-7177 BEACH PLACE ONE least 4 yrs of supervisory exp. required.

Fax resume to 837-9480 or send to FSE, PO CNA's, RN's, LPN'S Woodlands Nursing Center 977-4214 curity system. $575mo. 2613 Horatio 932-68 11 or 963-1361 ist, lost oeposit. 920-6552963-3819. Box 13168, Tampa FL 33681 OLD Corrollwood, 2BR2BA, 231 WATERFRONT RENTALS MEDICAL OPPORTUNITIES HCAL.W.

Blake Hospital 1-798-6160 Brodenton EOE MF NORTH TAMPA, rent to own CNA'SHHA'S immed. work 272-7500 for Qwik-Cash with Classifieds REGIONAL REHABILITATION 21, vard, $500 mo. $500 dn avail, with an expanding pri 15O0SI all the extras. MUST SEE! $750 plus sec. 933-2458 DIRECTOR MED REHAB, 11312 North Blvd.

961-2523 vate duty ogency. Hourly 4 ACCESS to BAY 3-2, Conoo, RN'S, LPN'S, CNA's DAILY PAY FIRST AT 873-7000 RN's, LPN's, CNA's Home Health Aides immediate openings! 620-3368 ins May Upiohn HeotthCore Services PLANT CITY 21.5, almost wd, screened porch, 1700 NORTHDALE Area Laketront INC. (See our oa in the medlcol section) private aurv cases. B-2 iu T.G.C. Private Hlth Svcs MEDICAL OPPORTUNITIES HUMANA Women's Hospital (8 1 3) 872-2965 EOE 5F $75'mo 4 Oep 854-1651 32 2100SF, dbl gar, FP, new, spacious, $425month.

932-6811 or 963-1361 JIUUU Oep. V60-BW SOUTH Tampa unfurn 2BR, 232 VACATION PLACES NORTHDALE, 32, dbl oar. For Results-Classified Ads fam rm, IrDR rm, Indoor CHA, sec. alorm. $550 $300 dep.

887-5987 for oppt. CNAs TOP PAY K.Q.C. STAFFING 800-727-9372 EOE MFH laundry. $825mo. 961-0108 CHEROKEE NC In Smokev Mts.

4 Cabins, Brochures STOCKBROKER TRAINEE J.W.GANT& INC. TEMPLE TER 22 Beoutiful. NORTHIoke 2 story, 32, fam. Avail. Open All Year! 988-1335 rm, no pets, fncd bk yd.

WD, Ceil. Fans Dep's 988-3978 This Newspaper doi not knowingly accept dvr-rtimnri in th Employment classifications 300-380 that ar not bonafid job offers. Classification 382 is provided for Employment Information, Services Referrals. The NEWSPAPER does not knowingly accept EMPLOYMENT ADS that indicate a preference based on age from employees covered by AGE DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT ACT, Nor do we. in any way, condone employment based solely upon discrimination practices.

More information may be obtained from the Wage Hour office, Equal Opportunity Commission $600 mo. sec. aep. 960-0580 TOWN Country 31 12, CNAs Port TimeFull Time for assisted care community. Apply: 2425 E.

Honna Ave. PALMA CEIA newer 32, ww, CHA, fp, Inside Idrv, wosherdryer, covered park We're expanding our opera gar, $795 plus oep. i-jvi-viji ing, pool, ceiling fans, Avail 71 $550 plus dep. 932-5030 tion in lampa bay ana we COLLECTIONS MeOiCdl Exp.ln PALMA CEIA, lease or lease are seeking motivated viduals. We offer: TOWN Country 32.5, ceiling OBGYN a must for busy office.

706 W. PLATT ST. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR RENT OR LEASE SEE COMMERCIAL 4 INVESTMENT PROPERTY BANNER option, 22, 1 joost, ig kitchen, $850 mo. 254-4542 fans, firepioce. Available Immed.

$675 mo 238-6714 COLLECTOR needed for medi PAID TRAINING for Qualified cal billing office. Must be ex TOWN-N-COUNTRY area 43, PALMA CEIA-Newer upscale 32.5 wFR, 2210 sf, Ig master, garage much morel perienced In collection tech niques computer operation 22O0sf, gar, on water, dock, pool, Avail. 7191. $1350Mo Lease Option Avail. 855-7778 uays vej-oc 1, eve vob-dvov CLASS 160'S Call 251-1 145 for interview COLLECTOR SOUTH BRANDON, Executive 42, New oppl, paint, carpet.

USFVleux Carre 21.5 1600 sf 2 gar. i-en. ya, saw mo. car gar, sundeck wjocuzzi, courtyard, $750mo 973-4140 Applicants Leod Generation Program Groduated Comm. Schedule Management Potential For Interviews call: 1-800-456-4268 Ask for Potty MEMBER: NASD SIPC With proven medical Ins.

col Education 250 299 first aec uep. om-juvj lection exp. All on computer ized system. 8-5, M-F, S8 to SOUTH Tampa 3 br, Fam room, $495 mo. 10hr.

North Tampa orea. GIRL FRIDAY PERSONNEL 215 MOBILE AEON REALTY 935-7726 628-4431 NO FEE 250 SCHOOLS SOUTH TAMPA, 31, easy $100 MOVE IN SPECIAL Eff. 2 br, clean, quiet pork near move in. J395month. 281-7664 IKnock CYTOTECHNOLOGIST FT Tampa PRL 253-0101 ext 316 Boston Stock Exchange EOE Sabal Park.

621-7120, 960-8311 ACT NOW! Learn Bortenamg Placement Assistance! IntT Bartending Inst. 253-0667 ST. JOSEPH'S orea big 21, 1500' mo. R. F.

Sprlngston. DENTAL ASSISTANT FT STOCK BROKERTrainee Natl firm. Chatfleia Dean NASD SIPC EOE. Fay 287-8157 Am i AAA SPARKLING CLEAN 1 2 BR FurnUnfurn $70wk 4 up. No pets.

237-5798 ADEX REAL ESTATE INST. Expanded functions preferred. Lie Kb Broker twisi Info on class schedules 4 uo- N. lampa oftice, general practice. 933-4830 STADIUM areo-31, washer, coming open house, 229-4699 TEACHER-SOCIAL STUDIES PRIVATE H.S., Exp.Requlred.

Apply: Tribune Co. Box M-216 dryer, fncd CHA. Immed occ. AIRPORT $99 MOVE IN 2 BR, fam pk. WkiyMo.

Some wutll. pd. 873-1103 The Florida Chapter of the National Association of Personnel Consultants has a rigid Code of Ethics to which all private employment agency members subscribe. Information about private employment agencies, or action on any complaint may be obtained by contacting National Employment Associate District VI Representative Dr. Louis Benson at telephone 305-491-5004 or writing 6499 Powerlme Rd Ft.

Lauderdale Fla 33309 AUTOMOTIVE $500 mo $500 dep. B77-9303 International Tech 621-3566 DENTAL ASSIST ANT-Ortho. Certified. C'wood Area. PT mornings.

949-6664 smdearl! TEACHERS TAMPA -RENT TO OWN AIRPORT 10 min, cleon, quiet, 8407 Laurel Fair Circle DENTAL HYGIENIST unfurn, petless B8B-965B Also travel trailer-camper space 801 E. Rlchmere, 21 $360 3106Woodrow, 21 $390 3755 E. Clifton, 31 $480 Social studies-coach, science, health ana chem. teachers neeaed. Must be certified.

Call Dixie County High School for Michael 4 days week. South Tampa. BARBER HAIR DESIGN PATIENT CARE ASSISTANT Financial aia if auaiifiea. Roffier Tech. Inst.

985-8785 1-666 HOFFMAN REALTY 887-5356 AIRPORT AREA RENTALS $60 UP DEPOSIT. NO PETS. CALL 872-8513 DENTAL HYGIENIST PT N. Tampa oftice general prac TAMPA U. orea huge 3 BR, crpt, Ig por $450mo Pro Corp Bkr 985-0299 BECOME A COURT REPORTER ALAFIA RIVER area.

FAMILY tice. VJJ-4BJO Whittington 904-498-3394 TEACHING POSITIONS Educational Pioc. 287-2974 5401 W. Kennedy 1070 DENTAL RDH'S. Mon-Tue- PARK.

furn, loundry foe, Port util. poia. 677-0823 MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTIONS Wed-Thur temp days avail. TEMPLE TERRACE 2 BR Homes. Large fenced yards Call 985-8589 Segol Institute 1-8O0-535-O608 BAKER'S TRAILER PARK TITLE EXAMINER Experience DENTAL POWER 831-4522 IBR trailers $55 weekly up.

CAREER TRAINING in Computers. Commercial Art, DENTAL Receptionist. Must NOTICE a must. Sqlary basea on experience. Coll 935-7998.

TEMPLE TERRACE. 43, fire COII: 247-7575 When responding to a Tampa Tampa Technlcol Institute be exp tvpist insurance background Hrs. 8-5 251-5959 place, iacuzzi, Ig. oaks in clas sic loc. $800mo.

980-2257 inoune oox numoer: Ad BAYFRONT Trailer Pork M. H. rentals. WkiyMo. 238-0455 CHASE JOB LINE 881-2225 dress all mail to me box num nr Hookers Pt.

on McKay Bay, TOWN Country 42, pool, all appliances, CHA. Rent or DR'S OFFICE PERSONNEL Needea Immediately! CARE TEAM 871-3839 ber given, co The Tampa Tribune, P.O. Box 3420, next to Desoto Pk 4 school. 08 S. 28th St.

248-9730 COOKE REAL EST. SCHOOL Salesman 4 Broker Lie. Mortgage Broker Lie. FREE pocket Coll 800-330-9411 iseopt. $850mo 920-4027 Tampa, FL 33601.

Criterion Executive Search 5420 Bay Center Drive, TompqFL 33609. 879-1214 HEALTH Core positions avai BAYSHOREGANDY oreo. ADM. ASSISTANT TOWN Country. Avail.

71, 31, fenced vara CHA. $450 4 $300 Oep. 886-5183. Studio Apartment. $205 mo.

DESIGNMERCHANDISING- lable. Gulf Coast Home Heolth Services. 875-3191. Professional educational asso 831-4164, call between 10-5 PT, FT. DaysEves.

Interna EMPLOYMENT opportunities at The Children's Home Inc. Call 855-6093 tional Acoaemy 286-B5B5 BEAVER Mobile Homepork TOWN N'Country 4 Br $595 CLAIR MEL 4 BR $550 2BR $495 886-0330 ciation seeking odm. assist, wstrong office skills, computer; bookkeeping skills helpful. Self-starter wgood organizational skills. Reply to: Tribune Co.

Box Y-227 1 4 2 BR From $75 Week 237-1515 DIESEL INSTITUTE Truck Driving 4 Mechanics Train In Tampa! 248-9990 FOR Employ Opptvs w-Flori-do Federql. Look for our ads in Sunday Classified. EOE. BRANDON Like new 2 BRs TWELVE OAKS 42 Pool $900 TN'C 43 Pool $950 COPPERFIELD 32 $750 turn, olr cona laundry, no pets fr $85 wk 684-8298 COLLEGE EMPLOYMENT Educotlonol Travel Center CAREERS IN TRAVEL 813 289-8399 Tampa LOOK For LYKES Career Opportunities In This Sunday's Clossifiedsl Hillsborough Community Coll. ANCHOR REALTY 888-7879 Call HCC JObllne 253-7 1B5 RPANnflMCiRSI PiPK OFFICE MANAGER, Immedi unmiLvil ununL i nun NEW 2 4 3 bedroom, 2 both UNIVERSITY MALL 31 carpet, oppl, fncd vd, WD hkup FLORIDA TECHNICAL COLLEGE, 4750 E.

Aaamo Dr. 247-1700 ROMAC and Associates Personnel Consultants 229-5575 mtg homes ot Paradise Village. $450 per month with 50 off of vour rent to be USF Areo 2309 E. 111th Ave. 31, fenced.

$435mo plus dep. Must qualify. 935-9306 HIGH-Tech Office Training WP Insurance Comp Acctg BRANELL INSTITUTE 287-0400 SOURCE FINANCE Call for a free salary survey. 281-7200, 443-6490 opplied to the purchase ater first yeor. Apply NOW! 621-2392 ate opening for an office monoger to deal with daltev activities of rental and sales of construction equipment.

Position requires typing skills, collection, billing and other office duties. Position offers good starting salary and benefits, including dental retirement. For immediate consideration, please send resume to: Tom Geller 5124 Vivian PlTpo 33619 USF AREA 32, Privacy wall. Avail. 71.

$650. 935-5601 leave messoge CENTRAL LOC air cond, furn IN 16 weeks be In the medical field. Cert. Nursing Assistant. Coll Glnnle 874-0094.

Concorde Career Institute 307 DATA PROCESSING 3 BRs, dbl wide, bus line, no pets fr $80wk 626-5582 ANALYST PROGRAMMER Ramis wmolnframe experi EAST Hillsborough, 1 4 2Br NATIONAL Training-Train to be a tractor trailer driver or heavy equipment operator In 6 wks. Coll 968-9900 ence. Top 11. CGI, 962-3732 trailers wk USFSWEET WATER OAKS 32 DETACHED HOME Professional areapool. Tampa Polms schools.

For Lease or Sole. 960-1834 VALRICO 38R2BA, living rm, dining rm, CHA, nice orea. $750 plus deposit. 623-6996 some elec. paid.

621-6799 ANALYSTPROGRAMMER CAP Gemini America 273-0059 EAST TAMPA. $25 a day 302 MANAGEMENT- 100 W. Kennedy, Tampa 33602 complete wutll. etc. va aep.

coil 626- it 12 NCI AIRLINES TRAVEL TOURISM FULLY ACCREDITED FINANCIAL AID AVAILABLE TO THOSE WHO QUALIFY 813-620-1446 TAMPA EAST TAMPA. 2 BR $70 ANALYSTSProg's exp'd. Computer Task Group, 7650 Courtney Campbell Causeway, Ste. 1220, Tampa 33607. VALRICO, 32 POOL HOME ON LAKE.

Available 71. $900mo. 677-6219 ofer 5pm WEEK, on bus line, close to shop ctr. Call 626-9612 ASSISTANT MANAGER Exp'd In all phases of apt. HWY 301Hornev Rd area 1, 2 4 3BR, AC, laundry, manogemem.

strong oook-keeping a must. 971-5254 ANALYSTSPROGRAMMERS CobOl, IMS, CICS or DB2. Metro Into Svcs, 813-289-6955 2BR1BA 2703 NORTH A St. $250mo $200dep. No pets.

968-2353 REAL EST ATE COURSE Relnbursem*nt program. Freedom Acodemy School of Real Estate. 885-5424 no pets. Family Pork 988-6581 FAX YOUR CLASSIFIED ADS Fax Number 272-7903 AT YOUR CONVENIENCE 24 HOURS A DAY! Please Incluoe for billing: Nome and address (Include street address, If P.O. Box Is used); contact person for verification, phone number for billing and number where we con reoch contoct person Monday through Frl-ddv, All fax ads will be verified prior to publication! Please refer to our classified Index for all deodline Information.

For Assistance Call 272-7677 Thank You lor Placing Your Ads With THE TAMPA TRIBUNE Making a good Impression during an Interview is essential In today's competitive Job market. By reading the Tribune classified section, youll be well on your way. Here are some strategies for interviewing, designed to put you heads above the crowd. Prepare- Presenting yourself as a qualified candidate requires careful deliberation on your part. Ask yourself these questions beforehand: What are my strengths and weaknesses? Why should an employer want to hire me? Why did I choose this field of study? What are my long-range goals? Also, take time to research your prospective employer so you'll have questions of your own ready to ask during the interview.

CUNIX, Informix, Oracle, 75 Area Country llvinaina ASST. APARTMENT MANAGER Children OK. MH on tncd. Needea Immediately CUTE 2BR1BA, carpet, window air, carport, Ig yard. AS400, PAs.

ComTech systems of FL. 281-0354. EOE Vl Ac. 1 lam-4pm. 935-0579 For An Apartment Communi NORTH TAMPA, shady clean TAMPA COLLEGE Business 4 Medical Coreers Commercial Art 879-6000 Tampa college 621-0041 Bay Area Legal Acod 621-8074 United Electronics 626-2999 ty Nortn lampa Area, tx-perience Necessary 977-0500 CICS, IMS DBDC IMICPR 1-80O-282-87I7 UNIQUE Property Services Property Mgmt.

ond Rental Specialists. 286-7549 quiet furnished AC 1-2BR no pets $65 wk 4 up 971-7192 AUTOMOTIVE MANAGER Quick oil change needs experi NORTH Tampa. Small Pk, 2BR CNE NOVELL, WINDOWS, MAC Furn. $75 wk, 100 aeo. wtr- VILLAGE COVE REALTY 968-4777 CBA 813-267-2100 Fax 287-2954 trosh paid.

971-2652, 985-2807. enced mecnanic in branaon location. Accepting applications at 314 E. Brandon Bivd: 664-8705 Train to be a LEGAL ASSISTANT PARALEGAL CAREERS CALL TODAYI 289-6025 CONSULTANTS SYSLOGIC PALM RIVER, E-Z MOVE IN, Contract Programmers. FAX 251-1186 or Call 253-0912 211 LEASE-OPTION TO BUY 4 3 BR 248-6386 DATA ENTRY-Full port FLEET MANAGER DISPATCHER Dress neatly and professionally- Casual and evening clothes are usually inappropriate.

You should convey a clean, well-groomed appearance. Relax- Showing up for your interview on time and looking your best will help to increase your confidence level and reduce feelings of anxiety. Don't sell yourself short. Tell the interviewer why you're the best person for the job. A little congeniality also helps to engage the interviewer in conversation and build rapport.

Stress the positive-Emphasize your successes, whether you're talking about a past job or boss that was not your favorite. Anticipate questions that may have negative answers and try to phrase your answer in the most positive way. Communicate with clarity-Listen carefully to questions posed and give a direct and detailed answer pointing out your qualifications. Rambling implies a lack of organization and decisiveness. Tlx? ThmxiTO)iuie Thmpn Bay's Xncspaper RIVERVIEW, MUST SEE! bedroom 2 bath, AC.

lorae 253 TUTORING time, late PM's 4 Sat. IBM BUSCHUSF Spacious 1456sf 32, remodeled, heat pump, wood deck, near pork, $2300 down, $550 mo. 985-7596 CRT numeric Ooto 14,000 KPH country lot, petless 677-9503. Growing Tampa based trans SEFFNER orea clean 2BR, req. Apply at Sunny Florida Dairy, 2209 N.

40th St. TUTORING. Cert. Teochers SYLVAN LEARNING CTR 684-2400 '968-44979B9-9968 some with utilities. 55-svs week.

626-0820 or 621-3311. CLAIR MEL 21 CHA disc $425 GRANT PARK 41-12 tam.rm disc $470. 645-4535 DATA ENTRY 14.000KPH 50 WPM 20 HRS PER WK PRL 253-0101 ext 316 THONOTOSASSA, 2 4 3 BR 255 BEAUTY SCHOOLS mobile homes. 2 kids. No dogs.

Ph. 986-7683659-2274 portation company seeding on experienced coordinator ot a medium sued refrig. fleet. Routing, bockhoul, ICC, tleet maintenance and possible warehousing background required. Pleasant working environment with stable company.

Compensation based on experience and ability a very good benefit pro-grom. Please send resume In confidence tot Tribune Com PROGRAMMERS Many Needs. Too SJSS E. 108th 32, 1275 s.f. remodelled.

Wall AC WW cpt. $2000 dn. $400MO. $34,900. 286-B581.

TOWN-N-COUNTRY 21, CHA, Technlsource, 1-800-899-8324 MANHATTAN Beauty School training Hairstylists for 31 years Enroll today! 837-7575 Cleanl $325mo. plus $150 security. No pets. 920-7472 PALMA CEIA 32 den, office, 220OSF, horawood tlrv CHA. $795 cell tdns 253-0907 VALRICO Areo Clean 2Br, AC, PROGRAMMERS Analysts-Computer Horizons Corp.

3710 Corporex Park Dr. 250 Tampa 33619. (813) 626-6366 270 DANCING, No Pets, Loundry. $80 Wk 4 Up. No dep.

Refs. 685-2744 pany Box E-208 DRAMATICS HAS, Inc. WIMAUMA-Prlvate lot. MANAGE MAINTAIN Trail CSPDB2 IMSDBDC TEMPLE TERRACE. 4 BR, 3 both, 3000 SF, pool, pool house, 2 steam baths.

$2500 per month. Call 626-3087 S40Omo. 3bdr unfurnished, er Park. Lot rentals week 613-282-0334FOX 813-282-0990 1st $60 on electric paid. Free ly trailers, bend resume to Twin Palms, 11520 U.S.

92 Seffner, FL 33584 307 DATA PROCESSING phone, vou pay L.D. Call Monday-Friday 8-5 645-4469 SPOT ADVERTISING WORKS PIANO STUDIO In Plant City, now occeptlng stuaents all ages, beginners to odv, reasonable fees 4 flexible schedules. For more Into 1-759-8305 Iv msg $500 PLUS new roof Is dn pmt $352 mo. Cute 2 BR, Temple Terr. 6415 N.

48th St. 932-9879 MANAGEMENT, to J46.000 yr. Hiring NOW! CALLII $150 MOVE-IN 1ST week free Central location. Very Nice! 623-6065 2 Placement Fee RENT TO OWN A Mobile Home. $250 mo.

Low Down. Lonce Reolty, 6B5-8700 212 CONDOMINIUMS Superior Advantage ogency MATiAGEMENT of Lido Beach 285 PREPARATION FOR EMPLOYMENT $75wkup 971-0082; 996-6072 2-3 BR KIDS OK, CALL 677-1473, 677-8773 621-7093, 248-2381 Sorasota Time Share Resort. Salary plus commission, shared oftice expense, licensed real estate broker with CAM license. 3 year contract. Biasproposals close 5pm June 20th 1991.

Write to Tampa Tribune Box AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS Eorn Ages 18-30. No Aviation Exp. Required. Call 882-5275 1CAUSEWAY 1-2 BRs, air BAYSHORE DIPLOMAT 22, 8th floor, like new Great vlewl $IIOOmo 251-0232 or 259-1322 cond, furn, quiet shade pk, no pets $65 wk 621-8517 3BR1.5BA, scrnd porch, car 2 Y-202 for intormanon. in PROGRAMMERANALYST TROPICAL GARMENT MFG.

CO. is seeking a qualified MIS professional. The computer environment will be IBM AS400, Cobol, using C.A.M.P. (Comprehensive Apparel Mfg System) Resumes will be held in confidence. Submit resumes salary requirements to 2508 Ivy St, Tampa, Fl 33607 EOE clude phone number stove, trig, own lot.

350mo. 541-3643 St Pete AAA EMPLOYMENT PERMANENT JOBS 889-0472 AS LOW AS $250 MONTH! 1-2 BR clean quiet. 677-1066 BAYSHORE- 4807 Bayshore. Luxury 2 3 bedroom apartments with goroge available for July occupancy. Rentals begin at $950 per month.

Coll 839-5090 for appt. BAYSHORE-HARBOR HOUSE 22, 12th floor, beoutlful water town view. 251-1088 Joan THE TONI EVERETT CO. For Results Classified Ads SPOT ADVERTISING WORKS ROCK ROLL Internotlonal CALL For Our Move In Spe Wholesale Co. looking tor cials: 1 4 2 brs available, util ities included 689-30 11 some sharp Individuals to manage new locations.

Must like music, fun at work. No exp. necessory will train. ELECTRIC PAID. 1 BR, furn, a eff.

trailer. $56 weekly. 2813 Corrlne St. Call 247-7575 BI3-B84-UJJI.

The Tampa Tribune from Tampa, Florida (2024)
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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.