The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

a a a A SPRINGFIELD SUNDAY UNION AND REPUBLICAN, SPRINGFIELD. JANUARY 12, 1941 6 THE EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT Male Help--Salesmen 33-1 Situations Wanted -Male EXPERIENCED automobile salesman. sub- CITAUFFEUR. 10 yrs. Tel.

will 3-2461. do part drawing account if well qualified. time driving. Reta, Apply person by appointment. Catok or truck driver, 38.

ingle. Motors, 354. Columbus Ave. 20 exp. Anywhere for steady work MAN with car to.

cover retail atore route. 6-4069. Handle orders for nationally known DRUG: clerk, experience. full or jobber. Average commission.

Perma marttime. Box 562. Union Office. nent. Raymon, Dept.

Spencer, Ind. man will- exchange light work MAN with light Medan, steady Job: salary for room and hoard. Box 3062, Union Ofand $12 week car allowance. 119 Para- fire. Holyoke.

Main St EXPERIENCED driver will do driving to MANUFACTURER-30 salesmanager in business caliber. Fiorida. Knows: ail routes. Satisfactory. flexible compensation house.

pian a experience, rearonable prices. 6-7734. LICENSED Plumber wants work. years $100 Repeat week and commissions. more.

Box: 1707, to Cedar MAN. CAR, TOOL -Wide experience. Not house Rapids. Iowa. Ref.

Good 3-3330. MONEY- MAN feur's and lic. wife Wife want will. work- cook, -Caretaker; house. chaufare Where only have interested you in heard those mot that like MARRIED M.IN WANTS that word? We works W.

Trask, 20 Sherman. 4-1721. that WORD. One of the largest manufac- CLERICAL POS REFERENCES. turers of its kind In the world has open- WATCHMAN with long Inge for six men: to cover springtield and desires work.

lox Uunon cities adjacent thereto. REQUIREMENTS- YOUNG MAN and Men of clean cut character and goal Married now employed: wants to better sell. Exp. pearance. AGE to years.

Salesman. cash.or. Box 324. Union Office. men with of reaponsibilities.

much time INVESTMENT- you spent on other. your than suc- FINANCIAL, A cea-ful want Job. to We make Are real only money Interested now in and go Business Opportunities 38 who on to greater: heights the entire year A FEW bundre1 doilars will make you the 1941. Probable Income, beginners should tre owner of this 12-room house, at the content with from $34 to $50 week. You Junction 01 two main roads, near' Howard can meet other men here that make much Johnson restaurant.

Two baths, extra morn than that. Please all at Room 411, toilet, oil heat, parking space make this Third National Bank 1387 Main an unusual opportunity for 8 tourist Springfield, Monday Morning between 8.00 home. Box 339. Union Office. and 9.00.

AN OPPORTUNITY-Over $30 a week, estabNEAT appearing person to sell Golden lished meats and groceries, 15 years, good Rule groceries and household supplies business. Rent month: restricted zone. direct to consumer in Springfeld Health compels sale. WIll give buyer vicinity. Car necessary.

Apply Box 513, week's trial. Sell is or inventory. Union Office. Box 334. Union Office.

NEWEST advertising invention pays up to BEAUTY SHOP -Good ousiness. Alust $12 or more per order. Cell to stores. No Reasonable. Going out of state.

experience necessary. Free sample; Worth- BAKERY, shop completely more, 221 East Cullerton. Chicago. equipped. Mue sell.

Have company pusiand used car wanted. Ap- 119 NEW ply to Coughlin Motor Sales, 237 Center CASH BUSINESS. Bargain for Quick Sale. Chicopee. Yerrall.

144 Vernou. 2-9114. MEN- you are now emploved and wish CAFE- Full license with howling alley 'and add to your earnings. Write. for our property.

Sacrifice for part-time profit sharing plan. Real CAFES, hotels, restaurants, good Silk Hosiery, Poll Springfeld. sitiona, Send for Box 041, Union. OPENING in Hampden County for 2 men CONFECTIONERY and light lunch. Doing to check and look after established good business.

$1800. Terms. Call business. new plan. approximately $23 4-3307 profit to Fuller start, Brush no experience 95 State Street.

CONFECTIONERY and Variety Store. Stand necessary. Call investigation. Showing good income. PAINT SALESMAN -Permanent Quick sale.

4-3007. de territorial assignment representing established: man- LUNCH, Rooming house. gAS ufacturer. of quality selling Paints, direct Roofkotings to In- grocery, market, low price. Others.

and dustrials, Food Product Plants, Utilities. Waterproofing: Institutions, etc. Succesful paint sales ESTABLISHED BUSINESS, including founrecord essential. Commissions and drawing tain, back bar, show cases, scales, wall account on proven ability. Prompt Inter- tables, grill and equipment.

All qualifications. Replies treated confi- down. Ideal for right person. Write Box few assured only to applicants outlining subatation; located in Northampion: $30 dentially, Suite 22.4, 123 West 40th Union Office. New York City, EXPERIENCED hotel operator wants an active associate to furnish capital for the SALESMAN purpose of leaving well known New York state, vear-round Go-room licensed hotel.

THE TREMCO MANUFACTURING COM- nOw grossing about: $50,140 yearly. Investment. UntPANY. an established progressive company usual opportunity Union Excellent Office. with national sales organization, has No brokers.

Dox 100, an opening for a substantial man over 30 FOR SALE- -Restaurant with bar license: years old, with a successful record as a cre- and in ideal location: reasonably priced for ative salesman. Territory- -Springtield cash. Box Union vicinity. GROCERY STORE filling atation, teneIN OUR LINE 1s not a den, ment attached. excellent: proposition, hen houses located card- 111 outrement.

but preference will be given to "EXPERIENCE salesman who has had experience in sell- Cushman. Maas. Blanche G. Bascom. Tel.

Ing to manufacturing plants. institutions, 85, Ashtield, utilities, contractors, etc. A thorough. train- HOTEL-34 sell or lease, a live in the feld. required.

Dox 14, Deerfield, Mass. ing will be given at our factory school and Conn. town: bar, grill. Protitable. $3000 THE SUCCESSFUL.

APPLICANT must be I of CAN business. Prices and up. Call or HELP YOU. 150 listings. Every kind honest, intelligent, resource- write.

J. M. Newell, High St. ful, and must have 3 clean and successful IN DRAFT Must se! diner doing GOOD selling record. BUSINESS.

EXCELLENT LOCATION. THIS 19 A PERMANENT POSITION Box Union Office. offering an unlimited opportunity to build INN. full cabins. State road.

Unup a profitable repeat buainess. usual maker. Sickness. Terms to right person. Box 344.

Union Office. STRICT CONFIDENCE will be observed. MEAT and Grocery Store: excellent proposiInterview. appointment only. tion.

Worthwhile investigating. Box 012, Evans Union Office, TE Phone: at Mr. H. 2-1121 A. MODERN busy market, Doing good business, Office.

a a on Monday -January 13, MAJOR Illness OIL forces sale. COMPANY Box 326. SERVICE U'nion STA- TION with profitable business. Available because operator must gO to army camp, guard. Call 3-3972.

OPPORTUNITY TO GO INTO BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF in Want Ads We offer a real opportunity to man, that has some sales experience. If have car and desire to work and caru a good living, investigate this Married man is over 40 preferred. No sainples to carry. A good, clean proposition. will give weekly advance And sales help to right Call Harrison a atter: Ave.

9 Monday. Room; SALESMEN--Could you sell if the deal right? It we demonstrate In your pre venue, earnings far above the appearance average. is the If you have a car. if your very best, age 30-45, we have position for triple you A with rating. Apply Mr.

McCabe, 145 a national organization, State 8t. SELL: business cards, stationery, neces- book matches, gummed tape, restaurant sitiea, salesbooka, adv. specialties, pencils, picture cards, tags, pricing sets. Expo Unnec. 1 comm.

Free deals. Hales portfolio free. David Lionel Press, 312-PX So. Hamilton, STEADY WORK GOOD PAY RELIABLE man wanted to call on farmerg in Hampden County. No experience or capital required.

Write McNess Candler Baltimore, Md. STRANGE chemical sponge cleans housecleaning wallpaper like magic. Banishes Ing drudgery. up. Details Women free.

Kristee 73, Akron. O. amazed. Hustlers cleanDavis Line insured against slightest deTAILORING Salesman wanted. Famous feet; popular prices; budget plan; advance conuniasions; bonus.

Busicesa booming: Rise with the tide! Write P. H. Davis Tailors, Dept. B-55, Cincinnati. Ohio.

WANTED--A good reliable man. P'roducts. to supply Write customers with Rawleigh Rawleigh's, Dept. MAA-212-127, Albany, N. Y.

WILL TRAIN two men for sales position. For appointment call Mr. Ford, 4-3816. Help--Male or Female 31 White local or references. colored, Enfeld, over Conn.

40, experienced, Thompsonville Exchange Female Help Instruction NEW SCHOOL of private duty nursing. 18 montha' course. General hospital, 100 beds. Medical, surgical, obstetrical and children. "Preference given to' high school graduates, diploma not required.

Credit allowance for experience in selfsupport following completion of ninth grade. Class starts in February, Address North Adams llospital, North Adams, Mass. Male Help- Instruction 35A CLASS FORMING in machine shop. practice to start Jan, 15, 1941. flours.

11 p. m. to 7 a.m. Spfld. School of Practical Training.

For pa ticulars, write 33 ter Spfid. or call 4-9235. CLASSES NOW FORMING in Welding. Arc, Acetylene work. Individual Instru-tion, lars write or Tel.

Spfld. School of F'racclasses daily. Liberal For particutical Training, Winter St. Tel. 1 LEARN RADIO Operating and servicing: more jobs available than we can fill.

Train for positions Television. Army, Navy and U. S. Gov't. Broadcasting.

Aviation, Shipping. Police, Airways. Beginners' classes day or evening. Jan. 13: learn good trade, for peace or war; send for ti4-page catalog.

explains fully, MASS. RADIO SCHOOL Boylston Boston, Han. 81N4. Situations Wanted BOOKKEEPER TYPIST position. Good Familiar bookkeeper with pay roll and comptumeter work.

Box 049, typiat desires Union Office. ing, wishes steady work in small office. CONSCIENTIOUS girl with husiness trainBox Unton Office. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper-typist desires position, full or part time. Can operate bookkeeping machine.

Box 593. Union. EXPERIENCED elderly woman would care of children or invalid, elderly persuns, days or evenings. Tel. 6-8530.

HOUSEWORK wanted by middle-aged woman. Days only, Call Monday. 3-7782. PRACTICAL nurse avail, After Jan. Chronic cases preferred.

Best references. 56 High Apt. 3. Room 1. Situations Wanted CHAUFFEUR-Former employer desires in placing him.

Good driver mechanic, experienced on high grade Willing. all-around: worker, Write 2131. Union Office. CHAUFFEUR- English desires position. Or couple cook, chaufor.

butler, chambermaid; local Florida references. Niox 355, Union Offica Go any CHAUFFEUR'S where. joh 3-7736. wanted. Experienced.

a 4 110 A 5 Must Pay INSTRUCTION Local Instruction Classes 13 LEARN typing with private tutor. New You'll like it. You'll LEARN it. 2-6132. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS NOW 15 THE TIME TO ENROLL MACHINE SHOP WELDING COURSES A complete course given in our machine shop under experienced men supervisors.

Welding practice. given you a qualified rating. Individual training in acetylene and arc welding. Examinations equivalent to a Navy test must be passed in order to graduate. Reasonable terms.

easy weekly No charge. if drafted before graduation. details call or write Springfield School of Practical Training. 33 Winter 1-9235. 1 a.m.

to 10 p.m. dally. A COURSE in machine shop practice, blue print reading and related mathametics. AKRWAM Industrial Schogl. Division of P'recision Engineering North: Feeding Interview Sunday to 5.

Monday through Friday 9 to 13 a. and 7 to 9 p. Tel. Musical, Dancing. Dramatic 14 ACCORDION -Guitara.

tap dAneing. Piano. Dramatios, Mme. Beauregard's School of 1634 Main. 2-0317.

Husson, 216 Pearl for appointment. PIANO lessons, beginners, Ream, Write Private ing courses open free. Bay STENOGRAPHIC. Secretarialon BookkeepPath Institute, 100 St. 6-2704.

Wanted--Instruction 46 AN OPPORTUNITY to learn. how to make professional looking slip covers and drapes. Box 565, Union Office. LIVESTOCK KENNELS, SOMERS, CONN. Washing Machines $3.

Stoves $8. Bedroom THOMP'SON 140-Des. double or sin. GREAT DANE pups. Dogs boarded.

Stone sets $16. Parlor sets $15. 7-1379 1 rin. Meals served. Gent.

pref. 2-2144. Kennels, North Feeding Hilla. 6-7938. 14 Fort St.

good $173. Phone or WANTED--School or business girl or elderly MINIATURE Dobermans, Schnauzers, toy BABY GRAND, buy, Ave. lady, who needs home. Farn part. of fox terriers, spaniels, reg'd.

Assorted write Kenneth Robinson, 490 Belmont hoard. 222 Ft. Pleasant Ave. pups, up. Riverview Petland, 307 River BED Mattress, buffet.

table, odd. WIDOW with new air-conditioned home. Arawam. Mass. Euclid.

Tel. 6-4841. would Jike 2 businessmen or couple: 13 NICE Persian kittens. Also blue white CLEARANCE SALE of floor model radios. min.

downtown. Box 2141, Union Office. for serv. 133 Hampden W. Spild.

refrigerators. stoves. Terns, Proctor- TER. -Rooms, business and SMOOTH fox terriers, Bostons, spaniels Whit- Flanagan, 1212 Main St. Near State St professional people.

Meals optional. Tel. 4 INGRAHAM other breeds. R6 a. Mrs.

Stahl, 98 3-9794. tier St. CLEANERS. Vacuum, $10, like new: if not WANTED -Black Angora kitten, need not pleased money back. Sunday, St James Rooms Without Board a 68 have pedigree.

Call 2-7294 after 6 p.m. Avenue. A BEAUTIFUL front rm. (bet. Maple and 2 PEDIGREED co*cker spaniel puppies.

8 CLOSING OUT 12 new 3-pc. living rooms. School). Parking. Also housekeeping faweeks old.

males, private owner. Windsor Less than 15 Hampden. cilities. 6-3791. Locks 521-12.

COMBINATION stove, white porcelain, all B. oil burner, heat control. A CLEAN -Very central. 68 Temple Horses, Cattle, Vehicles 48 cast Like iron, new. G.

4-6839. St. Mrs. Field. Tel.

2-0331. DUE to illness, am selling 10 saddle DINING ROOM broadloom set, very attractive, 122 East 9 pc. Al- 8 min. walk to Bridge and Main also A NICE LOCATION -Large priv. bath; horses 1 pony.

Also saddles, etc. This bridles, is 6x9 vord green 7-2002. rug. single rm. Davis, 136 Pearl, opy.

Armory. road cart. stock. cutter, WIll sell separate or. in condition.

all A NICE room: bus. person: quiet home. harness, St. all good lot. Tel.

Holyoke 2-2102. ELECTROLUX VACUUM, fine $23. 2-0060. Arg Dwight Walsh, Pearl. 2-0060.

one attarhments; cost sell HORSE and hay for sale. G. Toriani, 243 FRIGIDAIRE, parlor suite. washing na A REAL home, warm room, Road. Tel.

shower, 4-4908. parkMeadow Aganam. for sale. Tel. ing.

S36 Witbraham tel. WANTED--Old quickly Wilson Mink Ranch, Hampe FURNITURE CLEARANCE home privileges: near North End bridge, horses. Accidental deaths, WARM, sunny room, suitable 1 or den. 31-3. FLOOR Living SAMI'LE room.

blue white W. S. 2-8360. 3 pc. 30 HORSES -We have just received a fresh Georgian Sofa, brocatelle covering AT 11 MYRTLE ST.

-Large front 2-7103. shipment of extra good used horses from Ali Velour covered rocker "business people, kit. privileges. the produce farms: of Pennsylvania, $50 Maple arm divanola ATTRACTIVE room in lovely home. these horses are in top condition.

They $:9 Brown upholstered chair Breakfast optional. Clarendon St. 3-3638. range in weight from 1200 to very low. Now Occasional if destred.

chairs Open Eves. 'Til 9. ATTRACTIVE room for lady in private 1000 pounds. and rockers Prices on these horses for are prices will surely Terms 1028 MAIN, TEL. 3-664.

family, board if desired. Park section. is the time within to buy, 30 days. If you need A ALBERT'S, 0-7718. advance GLEN WOOD insulated gas range, $20.

matched or 8 single horse, don't Hartford Terrace. Tel. 6-3767. ATTRAC. rooms; adjoining bath; in lovely fail to see' this special shipment.

Ed NEW Silk Brocatelle living room suite, home: bkfst. 3-8130. 28 Cherryvale. Hicks, salesman. licks Holyoke, Sterling comb.

range. 95 Walnut sunny priv. home, 1. wk. Mags.

St. pieces. 3-5907. free; ideal for business man. 2-3970.; and Supplies 49 MILLER FURN. 1935 Main. 3-4753. Marriam, warm Tel. front 2-0130, 15 business Temple per- St.

on. all stoves. bedrm. suites. sOll.

A BETTER price tor. your live St. poultry. 4-1774. kitchen sets, mattresses.

parlor suiter. AN EXCEP. desirable mod. home, Clearance Harry Solomon, 1734 Allen linoleum. Make up a good offer and Hill parking, meals opt.

2-6337. ALL LIVE POULTRY WANTED BETTER ESPE- everything in the store is yours. Opp. BARNES HOTEL. 837 Main rooms, CIALLY PULLETS, FOR Hood's.

Open 'til 9. running water, shower, 6-9607. PRICES. CALL HUGHES SPFLD. 2-6134.

NICE upholstered divan; reversible cushions, front inner spring ALWAYS best prices paid for poultry. good condition. Cost $17, sell $12. 20 mattress. parking.

344 St James. BEAUTIFUL large Superman, 993: Memorial ld. High St. Mrs. Mason.

6-0432 3-2371. REPOSSESSED FURNITURE Dreasere, CAREW 127-Choice of. 1 or 2 nice HILLTOP LEGHORNS. large. vigorous, chests, beds.

dining room sets, living- rooms, splendid heat, hot water: very healthy, day-old and started chicks, All room seta, Invalid's wheel chair for sale reasonable. breeders 2 yre. old Farm, Suffield, Conn. or sent. 443 State St.

CHEERFUL -Nicely furnished front room. and Price right. 'Tel. Call carly. Hilltop RADIO, gateleg table, elec.

perculator, codar priv. family. Excellent Jocation. 3-9211, IT'S time now to place your spring orders, chest; sacrifice Dox 308, Union off. CHESTNUT Cor.

State. Large Clean Hatchery, RUGS-Factory prices. Orientals, -T' Ville. minsters, blooms. White Rug Mill warm room.

Whiting. 3-1444. Mon. KERN'S and LIVELY Thurs. Advance Order Dis- 1123 State lug.

Under new management. 52 High St. CHICKS every St. Open eves. 2-6058.

COMFORTABLE count per cent. Kerr Chickeries, sold, RUGS--Big cleaned. savings; repaired. also used Orchard rugs Rug bought, COMFORTABLE room for gent; quiet: West Springfield. 2-7317.

238 Worcester Indian Orchard. Open reas. 892. Worthington Apt. 8.

MUST SELL 200 beautiful white rocks and eves. 8-1077. CONVENIENTLY 2 or 3 single Rhode island red pullets. All laving. RUGS-Bigelow, Roxbury, and all good or suite, priv.

bath. Quiet home. Gar. Elmaruth Farm, Somers East Long- makes. Harold G.

Moore, 535 En- 0-0827. meadow. Tel. 419. En field Thompsonville, Open eves.

COOLIDGE HOTEL Dally rates, $1. $1.23, POULTRY LITTERS Peat moss, Servall, RUGS-Factory prices. Wiltons, Axmin- weekly rates, $4, $3, Free Peanut shells, straw and shavings. Wa- sters, Hunt Shea. mill 810 parking.

2787 Main St. Tel. 4-3380. ter warmers. waterers and.

feeders at field T'Ville. 4371. Open till 9. FOREST PARK INN-Attrac. singles, douSpecial Prices.

Bethe's Checkerboard SAVE ON REPOSSESSED FURNITURE bles, $5 up. Run. water. shower. 4-9885.

Stores. Springfield, Mass. 2-1194. 3 pc. maple $2 FRONT: ROOM, In central apartment, to PILCH'8 chicks laying pullets for greater White pore.

comb. oil. gas. business lady: one in family. 2-8784.

profits. C. Pilch, Feeding Ills, $200 Elec. HIGH 206-Near Armory; steam SEXED ck1s. pullet chicks, Mass.

trannested pul- Maytag Comb. washer stove heated room. Gentleman preferred. lorum clean, Sired by direct. Low January trey Grey pore.

Glenwond range HOTEL -Special weekly R.O.P. candidates Farms, 135 McKin- ft. Elec. refrigerator 13 rate 10 permanent gueste, $6 up. Fireprices.

McKinstry Tel. 292. Terms C11. Arranged Open Eves. "Tit proof, entirely renovated, modern.

1827 stry fowls, boilers ALBERT'S, 1428 MAIN. TEL. 3-0043 Main St. Chicopee. WANTED Large chickens, more.

F. J. Zelazo. SMALL ROUND oil heater $2: sandwich HOTEL HAWKINS, 1340 Main comf, 3-2310 capons. pay folding bed flousehold sewing machine running water.

$3, $3. Others $2.50. white leghorn laying pullets, all Icebox Tel. IDEAL location: attrac. warn near 600 AAA part.

Richard Aldrich, Tel. 2540. SMOKIC WATER SALE at the ESSEX bath. shower, parking, 63. Mulberry.

or FURNITURE COn 2073 Main St. Save 40 Huntington. stoves. heaters, rugs, radios, LARGE room, 2 men. Steam, tive minto on nutes Hill, Armory.

6-1009, Wanted -Livestock 50 chairs, beds, dressers. Everything must MAIN 2612-Nice large room. near ALL LIVE poultry wanted Good prices. gO. Open eves.

until bath, $3.00 week. Mrs. Stafford. 6-7902. 9, Kaplan.

134 Knollwood St. 3-6403. SPINET or Grand 31. Union Office, MILTON 11. 1.

room; compiano. only one; must sacritice. Box with fortable. Private family. Tel.

8087. MERCHANDISE USED Everhot Reasonable. Deluxe Call White 4-0412. Roaster, MONTROSE 56, off State: -AttracArticles for Sale 51 broller. 0x12.

good 4 tive room in private family. Tel. WILTON-ANGLO Persian Must sell. rug, 3-7012. 3 NICE large front.

room, private family. ANTIQUES, 1001. red seal records, be and Ag new. Moving. your home at- tiood heat.

25 Mattoon St. J. R. Antiquarian Shop. Greenfield R.

Open. WINDOW SHADES -Make tot order: and Vezina. 51: ARVIN HEATER. new: last winter, excel- tractive. We make them Springfield Window PEARL Main St.

2 comfortable lent condition. Only 0-3518. also Shade do Mfg. repairing. 62 Vernon St.

6-3145. sunny rooms. Home ref. 7-0874. BROWNING Automatic shotgun.

High- 2-PIECE living-room set: reasonable. Tel. PLEASANT. comfortahle room, 3 minutes powered sporting rifle. Allen, 17 Marion 910 Worthington St.

Umgetter. to Armory: $3. city. 0-PC. Walnut dining room set, excellent PLEASANT rooms in private house.

min. FLAT-TOP desk. Coca Cola: box, cash reg- condition. Tel. 3169, Thompsonville.

walk from Watershops, 2nd A. 0-3168. ister, Stewart Warner. radio, 4 aalt cans. STATE ST.

186-Attractive rooms. Desirshovels, snow pusher and other gas station Jewelry and Watches 60 able location, Reasonable. Call 7-0277. equipment, Inq. CASH for diamonds, old gold, silver, pat- WEST 44, West Springfield -Rooms White St.

MACHINIST tool hox and tools, Candid inum. M. J. KITTREDGE, 1374 with or without board. Tel.

7-1858. caniera, Tel. Good condi- Main St. Tel. 6-0373.

A WEEK 4-6093. ROYAL typewriter for sale. CHANGE OLD Watches for new; cash for Guests' Laundry Free tion; $10. 3-6424. old gold, silver, diamonds, antique jewel- THE REIN HOTEL ROLL top desk (oak), practically new; $23.

ry. Watches, clocks, jewelry repaired. G. 8 PYNCHON STREET 57 Fenwick St. 1 Grimes, 20 Bookstore Bldg.

2-0118. SAW. MILL--Complete with edger. B. H.

61 Rooms for Housekeeping 69 Fish, 241 Park West Spild. 3-0729. Machinery and Tools A CLEAN ROOM -Very central, adults. 68 TARGET Rife, .22 cheap. Collection: of FOR SALE--For cash, 1935 Standard Chev- Temple St.

Mrs. Field. Tel. 2-0331. i.

coins. 4-0133. rolet Sedan, in running condition, ARCH 36-Lighthousekeeping rooms $83 cash. USED boilers, radiators, furnaces. Sell clearance, Homemade air tractors tires, model strongly A Ford built, engine, with all conveniences; adults.

high are or install same. Guar. cash. Also mowing machine and HIGH 117-Large, aunny room, PAIR misses akata. white, size black, trailer for $40 cash.

1 Bulldog 2d Moor: near bath. Reasonable. size gasoline engine, $10 cash, Universal Mo- LIGHT rms. Everything Also POOL. TABLES.

ALLEN, DE MARION line new brake tractor, linings, engine and has new. been spare. overhauled. Must aleeping rooms. 81 Maple CITY.

be ba. appreciated, $10 cash. It MAIN House, houseEquipment seen 10 Moulton keeping sleeping rma. $2.50 up. Free $19.73 Hill Road.

Monson, Mass, parking. 3-5321. Cameras and interested write to Josenh Criero, KODAK Emm 1-3 p. ROOMS, with porches: with meals STEWART- WARNER Camera 301 min Bridge $10 HOME sander, bench grinder; maw, $20. h.

6-3002. motor, planer, kitchen privileges. Tel. 2-6007. John W.

Deely (with Cheneys) MERCHANDISE Cameras and Equipment 51-A Clearance Sale on CAMERAS SUPPLIES DEMONSTRATORS OR USED Speed Graphic 4x5 f4.5 $19.50 F'laubel Makina f2.6 new $69.50 Bantam 14.3 (a8 new) A V114. 4.5 Skopar 9x12 I nivex Smut camera 3.95 Keystone Smm 13.5 $19.50 7 ens f1.5 Voigtlander f1.5 Skopar comp. Keystone 16mm 13.5 Kodak 16mm (as new) $19.50 Devry 16mm 13.6 $21.95 Coupled R. Finder K. Case $19.60 Dolly Tessar 4.5 Comn.

Rapid with Graflex CARE f4.3 $49.30 Fodoral Enlargers (0. 23 Ta of Model ASI Keystone 16mm projector 740 fl. 8 A5 new 7 Haxy Terms Trades UNITED CAMERA SHOT 1688 Alain St Opu. mat St. Business Equipment BEST VALUES in store fixtures, new used for.

every business. Pava Siore Equip. Liberty Heywood Sts. LARGE variety of used booths at low prices. At Stein's, 868 Main Springfield and 312 lligh Holyoke.

OAK filing cahinet for 4ix9" cards, 12 drawIdeal transfer file for Inactive revords, Reduced to $24.30. Hopkins, oth floor, 203 Bridge. 4: SCALES from lb. to 550 new used. Aucfor all types of business.

Holyoke tion 524 High Holyoke. Boats and Accessories 53 FOR -Sport Runabout outboard motor hoat. Motor. trailer equipment. Tel.

8-1993 or 8-1273. Building Materials: 51 REAMS 10x14. 16 matched pianks, pine maple flooring $15. tulle dows: of all sizes. Doors.

Metal partition, plumbing fixtures, pipes, stm. boilers, hot air furnace. 6 hurner EnS range (3 ovens). Safe 23x27x32. Pricee reduced.

Park Wrecking Chic. 1203, SUMNER 540-3 houses being torn down. Everything for sale on premises. Fuel and Feed 56 NO 1 soft slabs, fireplace. furnace.

And stove wood: Tel. 8-1925 ol' $544, DRY hardwood $8, fireplace mixed $7. Slabs, kindling. Quirk service. Chiv.

188. DRY hard wood, sawed any length. Delivered. $7 cord, 2 cords $13. Tel.

Rugsell 0-2 evenings. P. N. leines, Box 25, luntington, Mass. DRY SLABS, stove length, $3.50 a load.

Call 4-5114. HARD wood slabs $4.50 to $8 cd. Dubois. agent. Tel.

HAVE SO TONS ON BALED hay at only $8 and $10 a ton, If taken at once. Write or phone A. N. Farnham, Shoreham, Vermont. ORDER YOUR WHOLE WINTER SUP.

PLY OF COAL NOW. No money. down. Take or mouths to pay. Small monthly installments.

First payment -in 30 days. Steady employment and good credit references only requirement. Call Springfield Coal Co. 4-6441. SLAB WOOD stove wood.

fireplace wood for sale. Grade A. Tel. 6-7490. SOFT slab wood $2.50 half cord.

$4.50 a cord. Tel. 3-6347. Household Goods A BANNER BARGAIN Kitchen covered Nigh grade linoleum 20 sq. yards, FURNITURE OUTLET, 1049 MAIN.

A BARGAIN- THINK-ACT-BUY! yards genuine Marabelle inlaid, only Installed free. Budget terms. Union 904 Main. Open evenings. A BIG Maple Bedroom Set; Dresser, Chest, Bed (perfect condition), Easy terms.

Furniture Outlet, 1049 Main. A brand new Florence del. range. Rex. $229, ouly $139.

Buy now. 15 Hampden. BRAND NEW 3-pc. solid maple dinette, $19.30. Budget terms.

Union 004 Main. Open A SOLID maple bedroom set $39.50. Budget terms arranged. Edward's Furniture, 890 State St. Open eves.

Tel. 6-3261. A-1 FURNITURE MART SPECIALS 178,392 Dogs, Cats, Pets A BEAUTIFUL orange and regahell Pomeranian, housebroken: reas. to good home. N.

Eddywood Ave. A No 1 Rabbit: hound. Cash. See Lowis. 281 Allen St.

ALL BREEDS OR DOGS BOARDED In Sanitary Keunels with individual runs. Boston Terrier 'Pups for Sale RWELL KENNELS 30 N. West Feeding Hills. 6-1306 BEAUTIFUL Black co*cker spaniel male puppies. Other pupples; gold fish.

tropical fish, pet supplied. Cozy Shop, 468 Dwight Holyoke. Dial 2-7007. BEAUTIFUL co*cker Spaniel puppies, thoroughbred, six months old. reasonable.

2-4708. BEAUTIFUL English spaniel pup, housebroken. registered. 39 St James Ave. BEAUTIFUL Puppy, female, wks.

old. St Bernard mixed with. Shepherd, Tel. 6-3018. 39 Judson St.

BLUE CROSS -Tricolor kitten, 3 months, white female 6 months. 4-3787. BOSTON'S SPY TERRIERS- clean, healthy pups. to West Glenn Holyoke. BOSTON terrier, natural whelper.

due March, reg. 3 yr. old, well formed. good markings. Also talking parrot.

Health necessitates. 43 Williams Chic. Falls. BOSTON TERRIER, male, 16 months old, housebroken. 83 Day W.

Spild. CANARIES- Guaranteed singers. All colors. most varied stock in city. Aquarium.

plants, supplica. BROADWAY PET SUPPLY, Broadway. co*ckER puppies, 10 sire son of leading champion, My Own Brucie. Special prices. reducing stock.

1227 nock Windsor. co*ckER Spaniels, handsome pedigreed puppies: $13 up. Wire-haired fOx terriers, some housebroken; Scotties. Lewis's Kennels. 1139 Allen.

co*ckER Spaniel pups, registered: males and females. Drs Allen, 34 Shattuck St. DOBERMAN PINCHER. female, 18 mos. old: reas.

Lander, Mill No. Wilbraham. Tel. 44-2. ENGLISH setter and pointer pups, hest of breeding.

Blaine Kennels, 1. 0. 8-1123. EVERYTHING for birds, cats, dogs. THE PET SHOP, 39 Taylor St.

GORDON SETTERS, FIELD GORDON dE People Used Them in 1940 5 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT REAL ESTATE FOR RENT MERCHANDISE ROOMS AND BOARD Office and Desk Room Machinery and Tools 61 Wanted--Rooms, Board VACANCIES. Let us help DESIRABLE office space for rent in Spfld. Houses for Rent SMALL, furnished apartment wanted, Forest ATTRACTIVE locate in your new home. Call Five Cents Savings Bank: Building, 1319 FLEISCH compound cross slide. Cush- Park preferred.

Best references given. you State St. 4-1107. Main St. 7-1431.

STEIN speed lathe. countershaft, motor, Box 137. Union Office. JULIUS MELTZER, 97 man Jacoba chucks and 30 spring col- ATTRACTIVE single house. 32 Longmeadow TOURAINE BI.DG..

182 State: St.lets. Tel, 2-7018. YOUNG. single girl would like a clean, fur- Longineadow-8 rooms, 0 baths, office space, $13 up. Elevator and janiHENDEE quick change lathe.

spot welder. nished "room. Permanent boarder. Box oil heat. and garage.

Call tor service. Tel. 6-8381, cutter grinder, power paper cutter, mill- Union Office. 2-4328. Monday.

Suburban for Rent 19 frigeration, ing woodworking inachines, drill. machines. presses. motora chain in small falls. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT AVAILABLE A COTTAGE.

Princeton rooms, retools. Springtield Auction 769 Dwigh: LONGMEADOW-Colony heat. Hills. oil 9 heat. two- decorated, oil; $40.

Susan. Dickey, 3 4-8896. Apartments and Flats baths. nil 8 rms. Glen BLISS 22 rooms: garage; YATES straight line ripping and edge- BEAUTIFUL 2-rm.

frigidaire. car $85. Forest G. B. oil burner.

4-8046 or 3-8129. Ing saw. Oliver 273 single boring available Feh. 1st. 98 High St.

See Mr. nil. FOREST $87. PARK -Thoroughly remodeled. EAST Central, 6-r.

mod. machine. Casin electric glue mirror, Root Parkinson Or call 6-7370, 6 oil heat. $Tv. Inq.

R. B. KEMP- rottage. steam: garage: $37. 6-5108.

Co. swing saw, work rounding benches, with Iron A BETTER APARTMENT ton, 33 Elm Street. 3-6838. FEB. 1ST -Warren West Apfld.

single, machine, Jorgenaen clamps, round heads, stencil cutting 6 Belmont 3 4 rooms BEAUTIFUL 6-room house: I large 2-car adults. no dogs, $40, legs, Shaper 79 Leete St. NURSE furn. apt. to share with heat optional.

85 Eddywood Ave. Write Mrs. Howes, 99 Seymour. Tel. machine.

Springfield Oar A has al yard; LARGE lathe, 116 h. p. motor. Beg- another nurse 3-4370. or young lady.

BOSTON 767-5-rm. cottage, 6628. Bristol. Conn Northampton Reas. Censett's Forge, Suffield.

tral. Tel. Tel, HOLYOKE 2027 6-8381. ALL ELECTRIC BEACMIER APTS. BRADFORD -7 all on 1st rooms.

good cond. $30. Radios Best Residential Rooms 2-283: $25. Spid. Five Centa Savings Bank.

HUBBARD 118-120 Ludlow) -4 Lanfair Electric. Mo- Sections Office at Beaumier Square 6 6-1040 1319 Main St. Tel. 7-1451. first toor.

Also 3. rms. 2d gar. Checkup all 1. ATLANTIC Electric, tor div, auniversary, CENTRAL 43-4-room fat.

St. LYONS 91 (Indian Orchard radios. 2-3850, Germain. A. 2d Moor, clean.

sunny: garage: 6-2336. St Wearing Apparel 63 Federal ANGERS 2. 3 QUALITY and APARTMENTS T-UTS1 CITESTNUT 910-6 rooms, sun 6 plus, furnished sunporches, up down, partly if FURS FOR REPAIRS sample. Hat H. E.

ANGERS INC. room. garage. $35. Tel.

6-8381. desired, oil steam heat. garage, $10. Tel. LADIES' WINTER COATS--Fur trimmed, APARTMENTS kitch.

See Far modern. good $36. 6-8331. PLATEAU 48- -West 7-rm. trims, collars, etc.

38 New Dwight St. CHAPIN 223-225-6 rooms. A 172. up. Sport coats $4 up.

Holland 17-3 ring. 1670 MAIN 6-4591. CARLISLE 30-3 2d. floor, 2 on single, modern. good condition.

gar. oll A FUR COATS, Hudson Northern Seal, D. F. MORIN CO. 3d and ex.

lav. Vacant Feb. 1.. $32 heat. $45.

Call 6-8381. Muskrat, Pony, Skunk. Red Fox. extra. etc.

$10 38 APTS. houses. 1. All locations. St.

6-5158. ARMORY S53-6 oil. 6-1294 firepl. or 2-9044. $45 WEST SPRINGFIELD Modern.

3-room to Easy. payments furn, Newell. High L. D. Johnson Company.

tenement. 2d floor, newly dec. Call 1020. New Dwight St. ATTRAC, 5 sunny newly mod.

COTTAGE at Park-6 thor. near NEW EVENING WRAPS TO RENT. Gowns, St. George. 228 Belmont Ave.

3-4518- schools, stores bus. Now vacant. 3-6131. WEST SPRINGFIELD-5-rm Very Tel. upper 3-1179.

tenetuxedos, tails, cutaways. etc. 4-4047. 4-7715. Bi.

COMMONWEALTH lower: ment with gar. reas. fox neckpiece. Must sen BELMONT 408-4-rm. apt.

4th steam heat; $10. Fred A. Vogel, WEST 18 air heat. Merrick St. 3-room PERFECT silver Box 357, Union Office.

1212 Main St. 2-3167. lower, thor. renovated, hot at sacrifice price. floor.

3-6098. Realtor: RACCOON coats, man's, large size, ladies BRADFORD 47--5 2d floor, elec. COOLEY single 6 roms, sun- Wanted -To Rent 81 medium size, good condition, $15 each. new gas range. Available Jan.

15. room. garage, $55. King 2-rm. apt.

in 1227 Windsor. 7-0437. Real Estate. 3-5488. 2d desirable section by young business execuCOMFORTABLE room or TREMENDOUS SELECTIONS--Men's Suits Fur BRIDGE 89-3-rm.

steam heated apt. DAY 82-W'est 4 Would consider sharing modern ($8 up). Tuxedos ($0 up), $22.50. Tel. 7-4347.

floor. only $18. near Gilbert Barker's. apartment. Occasional use of piano ($10 up).

300 OVERCOATS Call 6-3637. sirable. Refs. exchanged. Box 2133, Union.

New extra. Dwight. Open Near State St. 147-133 Sumner Ave. SINGLES FAMILIES.

JAMES reut -room lower. 4-0341. Use evenings. our. pay SCHAFFER'S, 42 COURT APARTMENTS DESIRABLE REASONABLE A RENTS.

RENT OR LEASE 4 or 3-room cottage, or 10 plan. A 5 rooms all CAR kitchen SITEEHAN. 4-8719 OR WANTED -By reap. party, house. Wanted to Buy GG New equipment TEL.

3-4594. DESIRABLE RENTALS ACT NOW with some land in Springfield A BEST CASH PRICE SEE SUPT. oR FEW RENTS AVAILABLE sur, town. Reas. price sand small down For Rugs, Stoves and Furniture: Sorrento 6 garage.

$33 payment. Box- Union Office. FURNITURE OUTLET, INC. CENTRAL ST. per- Kenwood 6.

steam $25 WANTED TO RENT-6-rm. mod. flat, BEST CASI PRICES paid fert 4th floor; adults. 2-2081. Noel 5 rooms.

Drooms $19 Liberty Heights adult fam. A BROLUTELY: 81 Orchard for all kinds RUGS. AN- 158 St. -5-rooin 040 F't. Pleasant 7 rooms.

3 OR 4-roont furnished apartment, near TIQUES. ECONOMY FURN. 2-0145. COLONY completely COURT, redec. Maple, E.

E. Bos- 13 Norwood rooms upper to $75 $23 schools. Phone 7-1829, desks. old family Sheraton Hotel (formerly Hew Desirable Singles, $40 SAVINGS ESTATE FOR SALE 4 silver, marble ANTIQUES--Secretaries. ton tables.

haircloth Stonehaven) or Supt. on premises. 4-2438. SPFLD. INSTITUTION REAL RICHMOND 32 TEL.

4-6411 Patton. Any 3-7041. cond. DESIRABLE APARTMENTS DESIRABLE RENTS Business Property 82 ATTENTION--A better cash price for all 48 Summit 4 3 rooms, 3d floor AVAILABLE AT ONCE FOR SALE -Brick factory building. fully floor $36 kinds of.

used furniture, antiques, rugs, 71 Avon Elliott 6 rooms. 4th floor RENOVATED GUARANTEED sprinklered. construction. 75.000 square stoves. heaters.

Essex Furniture. 3-7473. $7 FOR SAVINGS Singles fret Moor space, additional land. railroad BOOKSTORE PAYS CASH for SPFLD. INSTITUTIONS TEL.

4-6411 54 Oak Grove 8 stm. $47.30 $45.00 siding, excellent water supply; immediate JOHNSON'S Furniture and An- 1079 Sumuer runs. gar. occupancy: price and terms very reasonUsed Books, Antique DWIGHT ST. (Corner Essex St.) -3d Two Family able: to proper party: located Warren, tiques.

1879 Main St. Dial 2-6221. 5 rooms, $20 month. Tel. 6-2950.

93 Garfield 6 $35 between Springfield and Worcester; TWO BABY SKUNKS DWIGHT ST. (cor. Franklin St.) -4th REAL ESTATE desirable labor. supply Box 2149, TEL. 7-0390 5 stm.

and hot water, $30. 6-2930. SPFLD. FIVE CENTS SAVINGS TEL. 7-1401 Union BANI WANTED--A piano; will pay for moving HIGH near school.

1 room apartment. 1319' MAIN 497-7 rm. Duplex, garage. Realtors 821 ST. only.

Tel. Call 2-4314. DICKINSON LA SALLE 10 Edwards 2 $30. Tel. 6-8381.

A BETTER HOUSING SERVICE ROOMS AND BOARD electric stove. Mr. Clow. 6-3038. DONALD 28--5 rms.

1st floor. Being is waiting for you at 154 Broadway. real For. redecorated. Tel.

the happy solution to your personal MAGAZINE 1723-4 rooms, 2 bedrooms, modern. good estate problems whether it be buying or Rooms With Board 67 porch, 4th Avor, adults, $38. 4-5323. DRAPER garage, 48-6 $32. rooms, Tel.

6-8381. selling. renting or refinancing. dial 6-8338 MAIN ST. apartment, furnished or condition, 5 rooms.

and MACMILLAN MYERS. REALTORS. A ROOM in private family; home cooking: unfurnished. Inq. 8.

Howard St. DWIGHT 1373-First floor, will be pleased to assist you. oil heat; ref. 4-7713. MAPLE 173-6 ROOMS.

3D FLOOR. $18. Tel. 6-2930. 83 A board.

42 Cornell St. 2-7344. CALL 2-8317 OR 6-1044. Bright, sunny 2 or 3 rins. near Armory.

REAL good farm with milk. route. G. VERY comfortable room with excellent FINE 3-7 heated, unheated: nice loc. Farms and Farm Land for Sale ATTRAC.

front room, meals optional Jewish MAPLE I. Collester, 1494 Main StAr 55-2-ROOM APARTMENT. A TEL. 2-8317. Amer.

family, privileges. Park. 4-7483. MAPLE 14- every convenience. FLORIDA 111-Upper 6 rooms, 7-4321 steam before BUY YOUR FARM NOWBOARD and room: garage or free parking.

desired. Frig. Apply janitor. Ed- heat furnished, garage. Call PRICES ARE LOW 178 Thompson St.

Tel. 2-4484. ward Furn. Murphy Co, Realtors. 3-3147.

5 p. 101. weekdays, FEEDING HILLS modern. FOREST 2 PARK A baths, oil 163-9 heat. Excellent single, 35 bacco acres, bar- nice $5000 house, 39 stock: acres, barn.

good A house. BOWDOIN ST. -Board room, convales- SPRING 103-107-6 rooms. cence invited. Special care.

7-1038. $43. Call 6-8381. Ago 4, modern, condition. 2-car garage; Tel.

6-8381, fine stuck barn, tobacco barn, corner DOWNSTAIRS delicious sunny meals; laundry; suitable UNION orated. See 147--; Janitor, Tel. 4-2336. FOREST PARK- rooms, heated, hot 14 lot on land, 011 black road, $00. 78 shower: priv.

rooms, 4th door, redec- black road. A nice home, $1300. 6-9477. always; adults only. Tel.

094 acres tillable, good house, d. toelle or two. UNION 308-First. 7. rooms, bath, Sumner Ave.

bacco acres, ti! barn, one acre: land. on black ly people. Tel. 4-0490. UNION 292-Apts.

of 2-3-4 rooms, upper, ateam; garage. Tel. 4-7388. road, acres, small t-rvoIn house, barn, hen house, DRESDEN EN -Private home for elder- garage. Apply 316 Union St.

FOREST PARK 73-Attractive 6-roon cottage. corner lot. 79. EXCELLENT Hill pleas. warmi rooni to $00, Call A.

St. Jean. FT. PLEASANT 202--Single 8. $3300.

home cooking; men reas. UNION 460-3 rooms. modern. modern, good 2 baths. $52.

6-8381. SOUTHWICK FINE room: and 094. St hoard, James Ave. 6-3473. heated.

$18 mo. GOODWIN 158-Indian Orchard. 03 ing room tobacco, stock barn, 70 ties, 3 meals, laundry Tel. 3-1993. acres, Colonial house, 16 o.

hangand parking. WORTHINGTON 884-5-rm. 6-0059. apt, newly rooms. garage.

$26. Call 6-8381. milk room, garage, potato $80410. HILL SECTION- -Board and room in Amer- steam. 2-8287 or HILL, 7-ROOM UPPER, sunroom.

tile hath. acres. 25 tillable, 7-room house, stock, ican family. Gent. preferred.

Tel. 2-6404. WOODSIDE 92-5-rm. up to all weather stripped, garage, $40, King barn, 4 a. tobacco barn, 50.

feet timber. ORPHAN boy, 13 to 16 yrs. Will give good date, steam heat. janitor service. Reas.

Real Estate. JAMES H. KERR home, clothes and schooling. Small farm, 71A 5 rms. all redec.

Ready FEEDING HILLS, MASS. TEL. 3-6082 near city, Box 5H, Union Office. Furnished Apts. and Honses to JOHN move into.

27-4 Spfld. Five Cents CLOSEBY, 3 acres, small modern house; PEOPLE desiring 8 nice comf. home. Ex- A 2-ROOM apt. fully furnished.

32. Avon Savings Bank. 1319 Main St. 7-1451. $1900, $700 down.

Box 3.41, Cuion Office. cellent food and service. Box 2139, Union. Place. 7-0175.

KIMBERLY nice location- for COLONIAL farmhouse. 6 rooms: 10 acres, THE MAPLE REST--A modern pleasant ANGERS Quality apartments, 2 and 3 your family. Near all conveniences. Call trout brook and hunting: suitable for convalescent and rest home. Nurse in at- Federal St.

Section. 7-0781 or 7-0640. 7-4321 before 6 p. weekdays. year.

round residence; on main road, and tendance. Maple St. Tel. 6-5370. 2142 Main, with or without priv.

Near Springfield. $1250 for quick, SALESMAN Western Auto Associate Store Western -Auto Supply Company, largest and mat successful in its line. 31 rears in business had a sales volume of 43 million dollars in 0930. W. are now offering you an opportunity to: and operate a Western Auto Associates Store, home owned, in up to There are more than such stores in operation.

You can become the owner and operator of A Auto Associate Store' for an Hittle as. $200 in the smaller towns, which for merchandise and fixtures W'e train you in our successful merchandisand A everything necessary to start business. ing methods, WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY, CO. Wholesale Division 201 Rowland Springfield, Massachusetts. PACKAGE store 57 miles from Springtiria.

Price Box 550, Union Office. RESTAURANT, a nice business with low rent. Fine tor two. $700. Call t-3138.

RESTAURANT- Closed evenings and Sundays, Couple CAN run and make good. 4-3307. RESTAURANT for sale: bargain price: $223. Grocery and meat market: cash business and good buy. 16 Leonard St.

RESTAURANT for sale. Doing $730 weekly business. Reasonable price. Terns. Call 4-3301.

ROOMING -Convalescent home. beautifully located, large single residence has 9 bedrooms, 3 batha, hardwood toors, new oil. burner. Owner forced to sell immediately. Call for information.

R. 11. FLAGG, REALTOR, 19 Elm St. ti-8394. Sunday call ROOMING HOUSE.

17 rms. full. Heat, hot water furn. Unusual buy. ROOMING HOUSE near Armory -to be sold for fraction value.

Does need some repairs which coulo be done by a handy man. Priced right. Call 6-8338. SHOE Repairing Shop. Cost $1400.

Reason sickness. Must sacrifice for $350. 4-3307. SMALL mod. store bide.

A-1- locality, no competition, "Box 364. Union Office. SMALL. restaurant. cheap, for quick sale.

Owner Call 6-9383, SMALL Restaurant at bargain price. modern equipment; good location. Tel. 4-2312. VARIETY.

fine loc. and business. A low rental and 10 price. 6-5138. VARIETY Store, $300 for quick sale, Worth Good location.

Tel. 4-4081. WANTED--A partner. Gentile, to place on the market A solution that will produce A permanent wave in five hours. No eloctricity, no 110 heaters.

no pade. Every woman can give herself waves at home. Muat have capital and take charge of selling. Box 441. Union Office.

WANTED- Partner, man or woman, in very attractive business. lox 1:4. Union Off. 18-ROOM rooming house: central; always tilled. Heated.

Rent only $10 mo. 4-3307. 31IMKI. 1 you ha it and wish A. good business, long estab, Call Bus.

Opportunities Wanted 38-A WANTED -To buy Or be partner. 11 1000 paying business. Box Union Office. Personal Financing ABANDON ALL BILLS See First Personal Bankers, On Court Square, 21 Elm St. License 222.

Tel. 2-4178. LOANS ON YCUR PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 1618 Main St. Im.

209, Bowles Bldg. License T3. Tel. 4-1191. LOANS to $300 on your own signature.

The New Method Finance 1361 Main St. Tel 4-2127. License 60 Money to Loan 10 AUTO LOANS $300 to $1000 Immediate Service MOTOR ACCEPTANCE 310. MAIN ST. TEL.

6-9036. CASH PAID or loaned on watches, dis. monds. Unredeemed diamonds for sale. Reas.

Court Sq. Jewelers, 1265 Main St. INSTRUCTION Correspondence Courses 42 U.S. month. GOVERNMENT Men And jobs.

women. Commence Prepare $103- now at home for 1041 examinations. Sample coaching, full particulars, list positions Apply today. Box 2125. Union.

Local Instruction Classes 43 A QUALIFIED WELDER. Thousands of inen wanted in aviation. shipyards. arsenals and industry. Get into this big paying trade now.

Master Welders give Practical Training in Aircraft, Acetyleue Gas and Elec. Arc Welding. Classes days or evenings. 7 rears in welding business. Rooklet free.

DYER'S WELDING 80HOOL. $50 Belmont, Springfield. Dial 3-8785. 9: AUBURN, plowed. bath.

excel. fire protection. 6-9744. LANG 167-Bungalow. $45.

Ready in- sale. Box- 2143. Union Office. 9 BEAUTIFUL 4 $5.70 Feb. sulated, 1st.

1-car 6-6727. garage, rent FARM AND COUNTRY ESTATES WANTED HANCOOK ST. (NEAR LEYFRED 204-6 rooms. second The New. York Herald Tribune will publish: STOVES MODERNLY WITH OIL BURNERS; NEAR floor, newly decorated, $30.

Harry 'R. its January Annual 30, 20: February 9. 23. 11 TARD, PORCHES, Spring Farm Listings Sundays, STORES. SCHOOLS.

Whyte, Realtor. Tel. 7-0374. you have a farin or country estate for sale. INQ.

1997 DIAL 4-2766 LEYFRED $30. Harry R. rooms, -0374. send us a full description. Suggested obligation ad 2d Avor, BELMONT AVER 356-9, 3, 4-RM FURN.

PARK- -Wendover 14. Colony with unless arrepted. Every ad reprinted free in newly cost will be sent you. No APTS. ELEC.

REFRIG. FREE Oil. Yerrall Terrall, Spring Farm Catalog. ING. PARK SEC.

week. 2-3214. 8-rm. Vernon. res.

2-9714. dress Herald Herald Tribune's Tribune Farm Desk, 230 West BOUDRY-2405 Main 4-rm. 2d f1. Longmeadow. Hopkins PI 177-6 rms.

419t N. Y. C. front, stm. heat, h.

w. 4-9429. S. B. ex.

nil, gar. Vacant. FREE CATALOG, FARMS: 1000. bargains. CATHARINE 43-One and 3-room fur- Westmoreland 118-7 oil Write today.

STROUT REALTY, 810-AG nished apartments, electricity, gas and burner, firepl, gar. Redecorated, $60. Old South Boston. Mass. heat.

Tel. 4-7241. Colton 111--6 gar. $35. $30.

NEAR- -BY farms, all sizes. winter prices. CENTRAL 198-My 6-rm. heated South Park 71-6 oil firepl, heat, gar. garage.

Trade some. G. L. Collester, 1694 Main. 1st fl.

Adults Nicely furn, (optional with parking. $50 $65 per Wenonah OTHER 146-7 SINGLES AVAILABLE NEARBY 2-acre tract with water frontage; nio. 3-4325. MA F. D.

Johnson Company. 6-7294 or STUMP. Box 192. Union Office. LONGMEADOW-Mod.

6 upper, SOUTHWICK. stock house, and all lady ELDERLY as woman companion to at no home expense. Phone fireplace, gar. Adults. $37.50.

3-1253. modern, Also 60 Acres, share with old Westmoreland 7 tools, with milk route. John Adams, East 4-3386. LONGMEADOW-60 MAIN 8 apartment, Howard St. furnished or Son.

3-8641, SOUTHWICK-1-room all modern. single, oil. heat. Wm. H.

Feltham Granby, Conn. unfurnished. Inq. A Large chicken coop, Double MAIN 2132-Strand A Apts. 2 3 LONGME Tel.

garage. Brook; acres. Cheap if sold furn. $5.50 to $7.50 wk. Excellent serv.

rooms, oil heat. 2 car garage. once; $0500. John Adams, East Granby, 6-5932. 1 at MYRTLE 11-Attrac.

furn. 4-rm. Riverview St. Single, Conn. near Armory, Central.

Inq. 17 Myrtle St. LONGMEADOW-101 $50.. 6-8381. SUFFIELD-8-room louse, stock barn, 45 SHERATON HOTEL (formerly the Stone- 6 oil, gar.

AcreS, 8 cows, 2 horses, all tools and haven), 70 Chestnut modern and com- LYNDALE rooms, 1st Aoor, feed. On main road. John Adams, East pietely fireproof apartment hotel. 1. 2, 3 on Nd door, storm windows, oil heat.

Granby, Conn. rooms. furn. and unfurn. Newly decorated McKNIGHT Upper, 1 sunnorch, TOBACCO and onion farm for sale, 50 acres, and furnished.

ATTRACTIVE RATES. tile kitchen and bath; gar. 4-0982. 3 big tobacco sheds, all kinds Your inspection invited. Excellent food.

big barn, houses. J. Jakinko, Meadow E. E. Boswell, manager.

"Tel. 4-3141. lower, steam: garage. Call 6-6417. North Amherst.

Mass. MIDDLESEX of tools, two kitchenette and bath, completely 14 miles from Or- Ist A. Call 1 to 5, 44 Dresden St. MIDDLESEX 181-6 rms. John lower, J.

Fish, stm. 10-ACRE hard poultry road, farm; modern house, garage. heat. modern, $35. chard, in Park Section, 2-car gaBusiness Places for 3-4848.

half rage: 7-room $3500. About 20 acres OIl Amostown Rent house A MODERN heated atore. Oak MILL 103-105-A fine Nice 10-room arrange- West Springfield, great chance for Indian Orchard. $35. Call 6-8381.

house, steam heat. some builder: will trade. Call 8-9ti30, 1 OFFICES -Light. alry, to modern: MARKAR- elevator MILLER ST. 113-6 rooms gar, All Houses for Sale 81 ment.

Call 7-4321 before 6 p. weekdays. LAN service: fireproof; 175 State $12 St. $95. Tel.

3-0815. modern. Tel. 6-4911. Attractive A BARGAIN family, Seltzer: 14 4-6934.

steam; 2- ATTRACTIVE STORE-12 Berkshire Ave. NEAR Sumner, on White 2-3766. St. car. 12x31.

Modern. $15. Tel. 6-8381. upper tenement.

Tel. A BARGAIN, St James close to ArCHESTNUT 191-Approximately 460 NORWOOD 76-4 5 good con- mory, 11 perfect some room90 heat, sprinklers, freight pas- dition. Tel. 6-8381. ers; sniall: down payment.

4-0082. senger elevators. John J. Fish. 3-4848.

NOTTINGITAM 380-Single 7 A. BETTER BUY AT $2940 LARGE store for rent, good condition: main modern, good cond. $32. Tel. 6-8381.

7-room single house at 1 Dorchester St. highway, Springfield to Westfield. Reas- NYE 29-6 rooms sun parlor, 2d in: one of the finest neighborhonds. still is Figure the onable. Tel.

3-4331. floor. steam. $32. Gieachl.

3-1332. in cost of modernizing and it or LIBERTY delicatessen business. 831-Suitable for Macmillan grocery OAK GROVE 265-6 $40, 6-8381. tile best bargain MACMILLAN you: MEYERS, REALTORS 154 Broadway. 6-8338.

bath, excel. condition. gar. 134 Broadway. 6-8338 Myers, ORANGE 437-4-rm.

tenement. modMAIN 465-Attractive store for rent. ern. reasonable rent. Tel.

4-6732. Just the house for the man with the large A BETTER WORKINGMAN'S HOME $28. Call 6-8381. ORCHARD 106-5 rooms. 1st: With four bedrooms, steam heat, OFFICES to rent at corner Main and steam boller.

$22. T. G. Gieschl. 3-7532.

and family, 2-car gar, This single house located at Cabot Holyoke, suitable for doctor SECTION-2-family. upper and DO PALMER AVE. may be bought for or Tel. Holyoke 2-7130. PARK 5 rms.

each, heat, $38. E. D. $3000. With down.

your rent as owner Rent lower, Johnson Co. 6-7294 or will be $32 approx. This includes taxes PARK- -Thoroughly mod. tenement. 6 rooms, and principal.

Houses for A Belmont Ave. lower, steam all A-1 loc. 13-6131. MACMILLAN MYERS, REALTORS Leyfred stoker, steam holler. 33 unfurnishel 134 Broadway 4-8338 Westford Circle, upper, 6 441 PHOENIX Furnished or A BRAND NEW 6-rm.

cottage; Park; airSylvan upper. 3 bedrooms, Arepl. ti-8740 6-room oil burner, Frigidaire, price reas. Seltzer, 4-0036. BETTER SINGLE ROOM A BRICK: Park: 2 We have them in all sizer.

HILL PARK- REVERE ST. I 112-PLEASANT 3 bathis, oil; 2-car gar. Illness forces sale. A nionth LONGMEADOW and SUBURBS. 6-ROOM UPPER.

Newly nil. Seltzer, From $33 UPPER GARAGE. TEL. 3-9232. per up.

MYERS. REALTORS SPECIAL Gentiles, 10. King A BUY ON A fine off heated hoine, MACMILLAN Broadway 6-8338 Real central Estate. loc. Adult.

3-3488. in an excellent neighborhood. 151 MACMILLAN MYERS, REALTORS A BETTER SELECTION OF. RENTS SPRINGFIELD 600-4 rooms, lat floor, 134 Broadway 6-8338 1211 Carew st. gar.

$32.50 garage. Adults, 6-3917. A FACT you CAN that for approx. 203 Massachusetts 6 up- TENEMENTS, All locations. $18 and up; $16 per month, with rent from the other per; st.

gar." 2d 37.50 Apartments and houser. Call 6-6168. tenement and a amall down payment, you, 31: Pomona 5 on. TO LET as the owner, can live in a fine, modern 2 rms. 011 3d.

new air 29 Donald 3-room lower 2-family house in the Park Section. oil heat, garage 33.00 93 Marengo Park. 8-room single MACMILLAN MYERS, REALTORS 102 Westford Circle. 6 upper. 37.50 34 Mountainview 8-room single 154 Broadway.


Open Broadway-6-8338 1137 Main St. at 3. King Reel Estate. 3-0488. A heated FINE apts.

selection Frances of S. Butler, 4-6982. VIRGINIA ST. 6 ROOMS, ID FLOOR. A A LOT OF HOUSE FOR cottages, SINGLE; Arranged for rooms WASHBURN remodeling in- A Wear 6-room may be had for $300 down NE TEL.

2-8317. cottage at 1680 Memorial each: oil heat, h. reas, 213 Oak side and outs: 3 and 6-rm. steam, and approx. $30 per month.

A fine home Grove Ave. wk. Saratoga for some family with foresight enough to 6-ROOM tenement, redecorated. Inquire WASHINGTON 132-7-rm. lower.

gar. protect themselves from future rent InA 38.3 Carew St. $10. Fred A. Vogel, Realtor, by buying NOW: while the market Near school.

ABBOTT school, stores 30 bus. -room 3-0946. cottage TE 1232 HAVE: Main St. complete 2-3167. list of available a far- MACMILLAN MYERS, REALTORS.

is down. A. Broadway 46-8338 ACORN 187-5 rms. lower, Gardena Tel. niahed Myera, rents.

Realtors, Check 134 Broadway. 6-8338. A REAL BUY Maraden St. Reed with. us! Macmillan Realty Trust, Edgewood news 2-car garage, 3-7488.

WESTMINSTER -Better type single coinfortable well built home on ALDEN ST. 616-Single, 6 Tel. sunrm. of throughout, rooms oll and heat: dent, 3-4244. newly SPRING: bus line.

McKnight section, corner. lot, decorated A VERY Garage. Modern. $60. FIELD MORTGAGE CORPORATION.

$600 Owner, 3-3920. ALL BETTER assisted. HOMES Ellen for Selzam. rent or 6-8760. sale.

2-FAMILIES A-1 HOMES Strangers 32 Westernview, 19t 6 rooms, LONGMEADOW Colony Hills. ALLENDALE 30-Also 233 Quincy Forest Park 1st Moor, 6 rms, oil baths. Englewood Drive, new, 9 $20, Tel. 32 Rutledge 1st floor, 5 rooms 3 baths. Farmington 8 3 baths: A ALSACE 18 6 rooms, 2d floor, Kenwood 3 rmer; 30 fine grounds; two garage.

$11.500. garage. $34. Call 6-8381. SINGLES Inq.

k. B. Kempton, 33 Elm St. 3-6838 AN attractive upper, 6-roomn tepement, oil Larkspur 7 steam; gar. $43 ABBOTT new house, 4-8920.

7-rin, heat. 33 Dorn St. Inq. at 37. Eton 6 oll; garage Colonial: tile bath, ex.

firepl. APARTMENT, 6 rooms, let floor, fireplace, 33 Benedict steam: rms. gar. 40 ALVIN stm. oil.

$3300. steam, gar. Wilbraham Rd. 4-3600. 631 Rimmon H.

6 FLAGG, Realtor A. G. Taylor 1421 Main St. 3-9818. ARMORY 307-6 rooms, 2nd floor, 19 ELM ST.

AMONG THE BIRCHES at- "Sixteen Acres." RAYMOND parking space: $35. Tel. 6-4290. 6-8394. Sundays, 2-9616.

4-roun Cape Cod (convertible two to' 6). fireplaces. AirAT 658 SUMNER a pleasant, sunny 6-RM. cottage for sale or rent. Air condi- Extra conditioned, large lot.

Owner transfered. $7200. lower 6 rms. 2-0859. tioned, oil heat.

1-6733. E. F. SEYLER or E. S.

THYBERG, 138 ATTRACTIVE FAMILY-SPFLD. cottage, modern, furnace heat. 171 Broadway. 3 Sun. call 4-4180.

130 Wellington 5 gar. $55 Liberty St. 4-0417. AN OPPORTUNITY to own a 3 months old ALLIN O'DONNELL, HOLYOKE 4446. 240 NORFOLK oil home at.

A 10 acres, I'lum Tree ATTRACTIVE FAMILIES redec. Macmillan Realtors, 104 inspection appointment only, 135 Woodside oil, rm. $33 Broadway. 6-8338 or 2-8521. 11.

FLAGG, REALTOR. 19 Elm St. 28 Carew 6 good cond. 6-839 Sunday 5 Greenacre oil $33 $33 Me, Offices and Desk Room ANNUAL NET PROFIT $8.00 103 46 Fountain 6 good cond. gar.

$30 AT WINCHESTER rooms. reason- ALWAYS RENTED Carew office FOREST PARK-8 5-rm. mad. brick block, THE ELLIS CORPORATION, TEL. 6-8381 able rent.

(Used as Running doctor's water etc. like now. automatic stoker. 1941 investment. ATTRACTIVE Park, AlsO Ing.

number 766 of State St. 7-0277. down. 3-8011. 6-room cottage.

Seltzer, 0. 41 dE A 7 4.

The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.