The mutual fund turns 100: is it becoming obsolete? (2024)

They enabled millions to invest in the stock market but newer, nimbler products are reshaping asset management

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The mutual fund turns 100: is it becoming obsolete? (1)

Financial Times

Brooke Masters and Will Schmitt in New York, Madison Darbyshire in Miami and Harriet Agnew in London

Published Mar 22, 2024Last updated Mar 25, 202411 minute read

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The mutual fund turns 100: is it becoming obsolete? (2)

One hundred years ago on a Thursday, Edward Leffler, a former door-to-door salesman of pots and pans, revolutionized financial markets. His invention, the open-ended mutual fund, allowed retail customers to buy into a diversified portfolio of stocks and be confident they would get a fair value when they wanted their money back.

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Leffler’s innovation gave lower- and middle-class people an ownership stake in American capitalism. It also spawned financial titans such as FMR LLC and Vanguard Group Inc., and thousands of smaller competitors that together employ hundreds of thousands of people.

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Mutual funds manage nearly US$20 trillion in assets in the United States and about US$63 trillion worldwide, including everything from stakes in fledgling tech startups to government bonds. More than half of all American households and 116 million of the country’s 333 million residents hold shares in at least one mutual fund.

“The mutual fund has democratized investment. It has made investing accessible to the average person in an incredibly durable way,” said Jody Jonsson, vice-chair of Capital Group Companies Inc., the world’s largest active fund manager.

Today, the mutual-fund’s dominance is under threat from newer rivals that promise tax advantages, lower fees and rapid trading. U.S. mutual funds suffered more than US$1 trillion in net outflows from January 2021 to December 2023. While they gathered about US$13 billion in net inflows in February, it was the first time they had a positive month in two years, according to Morningstar Inc., a data group.

Eventually, the mutual fund is dead

John Rekenthaler

The active stock-picking funds that have been the industry’s bread and butter have suffered the biggest decline as a newer option, exchange-traded funds, amassed more than US$2 trillion in inflows in the U.S. since January 2021, including more than US$575 billion last year alone.

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Some industry observers predict that the glory days are ending. U.S. money managers showed the world how to help ordinary people share in modern public markets. But as the mutual fund celebrates its 100th birthday, many investors want something faster, cheaper or just different. Unless asset managers adapt, many of them — and one of the most successful financial products of all time — could slowly slide into irrelevance.

“It’s inexorable,” said John Rekenthaler, who has been tracking mutual funds for Morningstar since the 1980s. “I don’t see what a mutual fund can do better than (an) ETF. It’s a better mousetrap. Eventually, the mutual fund is dead.”

Money managers who have spent generations building businesses based on mutual funds contend they will survive and even thrive because investors like and understand the product. It also continues to have advantages in specific areas such as small company stocks and retirement savings.

The mutual fund turns 100: is it becoming obsolete? (6)

“There’s a huge, huge population in America that loves the mutual fund for its simplicity,” said Carol Geremia, president of MFS Institutional Advisors Inc., Leffler’s old company. “We don’t need all of this over-engineered stuff when you think of 30 years and somebody’s retirement. It’s an amazing vehicle that still does that job.”

The mutual fund turns 100: is it becoming obsolete? (7)


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Even so, the alternatives to mutual funds have fundamentally reshaped the investment marketplace, as customers opt not just for ETFs, but also separately managed accounts and collective investment trusts. The shift has made BlackRock Inc. the largest asset manager with US$10 trillion in assets and forced longtime stalwarts including FMR, Capital Group and Pacific Investment Management Co. (Pimco) to adapt to stay successful.

“It’s a melting iceberg,” said Jonathan Godsall, a McKinsey & Co. consultant, adding that all his asset-management clients are debating what to do about mutual funds. “The question is whether the pace of change will speed up.”

To understand the significance of Leffler’s brainwave, picture the financial world as it existed in 1924. Stock and bond markets were booming, but so were financial scams. Ordinary Americans wanted to participate, but found individual stocks and bonds too expensive. Many ended up giving their money to unregulated investment pools, which often refused to say what assets they held and offered no guarantee that participants would be able to exit when they wished. Many ended up being wiped out.

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When the market crashed in the Depression, the fund survived. That's the power of the mutual fund.

Rodney Comegys

“We got here because there was a fundamental recognition that the system was unfair. The little guy wasn’t getting the investment returns of the equity markets,” said Jenny Johnson, chief executive of Franklin Templeton Investments, a US$1.5-trillion asset manager.

Leffler, who switched from selling pans to securities after the First World War, set out to change all that. Wealthy Britons had been using investment trusts since the 1870s, but MFS made diversified investments accessible to the masses. Its first fund not only allowed small investors to buy in gradually to a regularly disclosed portfolio, but also let them sell back their shares whenever they wanted, at the value of the underlying assets.

Competitors such as State Street Corp., Wellington Management Co. and Capital Group quickly followed suit.

“The Vanguard Wellington fund goes back to 1929, and one of the reasons that product (has) survived … is because it was a balanced, diversified portfolio,” Rodney Comegys, who heads Vanguard’s equity investment group, said. “So when the market crashed in the Depression, the fund survived. That’s the power of the mutual fund.”

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The mutual fund turns 100: is it becoming obsolete? (8)

After the Depression, U.S. Congress gave the structure the national stamp of approval with a 1940 funds law that remains the template for U.S. retail investment funds today. By 1959, Time Magazine had put the MFS chief executive on its cover to illustrate a story about mutual funds, calling them “the fastest-growing, most competitive and most controversial phenomenon of the U.S. financial world.”

Mutual funds got another boost in the 1980s, as big companies started shifting away from defined-benefit pensions. Instead, employers offered to match their workers’ contributions to a slate of mutual funds inside a tax-advantaged retirement plan, usually known as a 401(k) after the relevant section of the tax code. By the year 2000, FMR, then the biggest fund company, was managing nearly US$1 trillion, and U.S. mutual funds as a whole had climbed to US$7 trillion in assets.

“Mutual funds allowed more people to get into the market,” financial historian Richard Sylla of New York University, said. “The financial industry is an unsung hero; it’s one of the reasons Americans are so rich.”

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The challenge to mutual-fund dominance has been brewing since State Street, one of the mutual-fund pioneers, launched the very first U.S. ETF in 1993, an S&P 500 tracking fund known as SPY that now has US$500 billion in assets.

For investors, ETFs are like mutual funds on speed. Instead of pricing the pooled assets once a day, as mutual funds do, ETFs trade continuously on exchanges as stocks do. They can keep up this frenetic pace because shares are sold through online trading platforms, and financial firms create and redeem shares with in-kind baskets of securities, rather than having to buy and sell the underlying assets.

That structure attracts frequent traders who want to bet on market movements or the price of specific assets such as gold or bitcoin and gives ETFs distinct advantages in the competition for long-term investors.

The financial industry is an unsung hero; it's one of the reasons Americans are so rich

Richard Sylla

ETF sponsors do not have to invest in the same level of back-office customer service, so their costs can be lower than traditional mutual funds. And due to a quirk of the U.S. code, ETFs avoid the annual capital gain tax charges that buy-and-hold mutual fund investors incur when they invest outside a retirement plan.

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That put ETFs in pole position as the rapid rise of passive investing meant investors abandoned active managers and poured money into low-fee products that track specific indexes. Tracker funds now account for more than half of all U.S. pooled investments. The three largest U.S. ETF providers — BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street — have amassed commanding market shares predominantly through broad-based passive products.

“In a world where you have zero-commission stock trading and can get exposure to a diversified basket of stocks through direct indexes, it’s hard to say that the mutual fund is an efficient vehicle anymore,” Lisa Shalett, chief investment officer at Morgan Stanley Wealth Management, said.

ETFs also benefited as retail investors gravitated towards financial advisers. Because they charge management fees on top of those levied by the funds they recommend, financial advisers are under pressure to keep total costs down.

“The end customer clearly doesn’t want to pay twice and they want to pay less. Advisers are more apt to direct people into things that are exchange traded,” Robin Foley, head of fixed income at FMR, said.

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Mutual funds lost another advantage in 2019, when the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission removed cumbersome permitting requirements and made it easier for active fund managers to enter the ETF market. That opened the floodgates, as latecomers with sizable mutual fund franchises began pouring in.

The mutual fund turns 100: is it becoming obsolete? (9)

Between 2014 and today, U.S. ETF assets quadrupled from US$2 trillion to US$8 trillion, according to the Investment Company Institute (ICI). While that total is still well shy of the US$19.6 trillion in mutual funds, ETFs are closing the gap, powered by popular new products, such as February’s launch of the first ever spot bitcoin ETFs.

There are also secondary challenges brewing from other pooled accounts that cater to very wealthy people and institutional investors. Separately managed accounts grew from about US$856 billion at the end of 2014 to US$1.7 trillion by 2022, while collective investment trusts nearly doubled from almost US$2.4 trillion to more than US$4.6 trillion in that time, according to Cerulli Inc. data.

Many asset managers are scrambling to adjust to client demands. Nearly 2,000 ETFs launched in the U.S. between 2019 and 2023, nearly double the 1,100 new mutual funds, according to Morningstar. Capital Group launched its first ETFs in 2022, Pimco recently filed its first ever request to convert a mutual fund into an ETF, and Dimensional Fund Advisors LP joined the top 10 U.S. ETF issuers, despite having no offerings in the sector prior to 2020.

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“Any company that is disproportionately exposed to the (non-retirement) mutual fund world needs to seriously invest in their capabilities beyond mutual funds or they will face long and persistent headwinds,” Eric Veiel, head of global investments at T. Rowe Price Group Inc., said.

Mutual funds may be losing popularity, but that doesn’t mean they are going away anytime soon.

The mutual fund is now a retirement vehicle

Dave Nadig

There is so much long-term money already tied up in existing funds that it would take decades, or even generations for it to slip away. More than US$10.4 trillion is in U.S. defined-contribution pension plans, and another US$5.8 trillion is in individual retirement accounts, per the ICI. None of that money can be withdrawn without incurring large penalties until the owners reach their 60s.

Furthermore, mutual funds remain the top vehicle for U.S. workers who are saving for future retirement. Most large 401k and other retirement accounts are already set up to use mutual funds, and within such accounts, there is no particular tax advantage to using an ETF.

“I don’t actually think the mutual fund is dead. I think the mutual fund is now a retirement vehicle,” said Dave Nadig, who helped design some of the first ETFs in the 1990s.

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While some employer-sponsored plans have added ETF options, others are reluctant to offer them, because daily liquidity sends the wrong message about what the savings are for.

“If you’re trading your retirement plan intraday, probably your adviser will grab you by your lapels and say ‘please stop,'” Jeremy Senderowicz, an attorney with law firm Vedder Price PC, said.

The headwinds for mutual funds have also been much stronger in equities than in other types of assets.

The mutual fund turns 100: is it becoming obsolete? (10)

Fixed-income mutual funds suffered only US$85 billion in outflows between January 2021 and the end of last year, because money pouring into passive bond funds offset most of the departures from active mutual funds, according to Morningstar. And money market funds, which use the same structure as investment mutual funds, but compete with banks for cash savings, currently hold an additional US$6 trillion in assets, an all-time high.

Asset managers also say the mutual fund structure works better than ETFs for giving smaller investors access to alternatives, such as private equity and private credit, which have been growing in popularity.

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Even within equities, U.S. asset managers say mutual funds retain significant advantages in areas such as international and small company stocks. Unlike ETFs, mutual funds can be closed to new investment before they get too large to manage and they only have to disclose their holdings periodically. That makes it easier for stock-picking mutual funds to buy and sell investments without tipping off rivals and high-frequency traders.

“If I’m a small-cap manager, I want to get my capacity before I tell the world what I’m investing in, because the world is going to front-run me and … move the market away from me. So that’s a real disadvantage to an active ETF,” Johnson of Franklin Templeton said.

The situation is also quite different outside the U.S. While investors in Canada, South Korea and South Africa are keenly interested in active ETFs, those in most other countries remain focused on products structured like U.S. mutual funds. That’s partly because ETFs do not carry the same tax benefits outside the U.S. and suffer from a disadvantage in countries such as Spain.

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Moreover, mutual funds were never as dominant outside the U.S., so they still have room to grow. In 2022, just 23 per cent of new European fund launches were ETFs, compared to 70 per cent in the US, according to Oliver Wyman LLC.

The divergence will protect mutual funds from extinction, but it is also forcing money managers to deliver their investment strategies in many different packages.

“This breaking down of the strategy and wrapper combination is very important. Clients are going to want to consume strategies in multiple different ways,” Stephen Cohen, BlackRock’s chief product officer, said.

Even MFS, the original mutual fund pioneer, is not immune. Outgoing chief executive Mike Roberge said the firm is poised to launch its first ETF as early as this year.

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