The HR Major at Wayne State University (2024)

The HR Major at Wayne State University (1) by our College Data Analytics Team

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186Bachelor's Degrees13Master's Degrees#60Overall Quality

Human Resource Management is one of the majors in the program at Wayne State University.

We've gathered data and other essential information about the program, such as the average salary of graduates, ethnicity of students, how many students graduated in recent times, and more. Also, learn how Wayne State ranks among other schools offering degrees in hr.

Go directly to any of the following sections:

  • Available Degrees
  • Rankings
  • Earnings
  • Student Debt
  • Student Demographics
  • Related Majors

Human Resource Management Degrees Available at Wayne State

  • Bachelor’s Degree in HR
  • Master’s Degree in HR

Wayne State HR Rankings

Wayne State was ranked #60 on College Factual's most recent list of the best schools for hr majors. This puts the bachelor's program at the school solidly in the top 15% of all colleges and universities in the country. It is also ranked #4 in Michigan.

Ranking TypeRank
Best Human Resource Management Bachelor’s Degree Colleges for Veterans14
Best Value Bachelor’s Degree Colleges for Human Resource Management (Income Over $110k)16
Best Human Resource Management Colleges for Veterans22
Best Value Bachelor’s Degree Colleges for Human Resource Management (Income $48-$75k)24
Best Value Bachelor’s Degree Colleges for Human Resource Management (Income $75-$110k)25
Best Value Bachelor’s Degree Colleges for Human Resource Management (With Aid)28
Best Value Bachelor’s Degree Colleges for Human Resource Management (Income $30-$48k)30
Best Value Colleges for Human Resource Management (Income Over $110k)34
Best Value Bachelor’s Degree Colleges for Human Resource Management (Income $0-$30k)36
Best Human Resource Management Bachelor’s Degree Schools38
Best Human Resource Management Master’s Degree Colleges for Veterans38
Best Value Master’s Degree Colleges for Human Resource Management (Income $48-$75k)39
Best Value Master’s Degree Colleges for Human Resource Management (Income Over $110k)39
Best Human Resource Management Graduate Degree Colleges for Veterans44
Best Value Master’s Degree Colleges for Human Resource Management (With Aid)45
Best Value Master’s Degree Colleges for Human Resource Management (Income $75-$110k)46
Best Value Master’s Degree Colleges for Human Resource Management (Income $30-$48k)47
Best Value Colleges for Human Resource Management (Income $48-$75k)50
Best Value Master’s Degree Colleges for Human Resource Management (Income $0-$30k)51
Best Value Colleges for Human Resource Management (With Aid)57
Best Value Colleges for Human Resource Management (Income $30-$48k)58
Best Value Colleges for Human Resource Management (Income $75-$110k)58
Best Human Resource Management Schools60
Best Value Colleges for Human Resource Management (Income $0-$30k)71
Highest Paid Master’s Degree Human Resource Management Graduates71
Best Human Resource Management Master’s Degree Schools83
Best Human Resource Management Graduate Degree Schools95
Best Value Bachelor’s Degree Colleges for Human Resource Management109
Highest Paid Bachelor’s Degree Human Resource Management Graduates110
Highest Paid Human Resource Management Graduates174
Best Value Master’s Degree Colleges for Human Resource Management190
Best Value Colleges for Human Resource Management214
Best Value Graduate Degree Colleges for Human Resource Management227

Popularity of HR at Wayne State

During the 2020-2021 academic year, Wayne State University handed out 186 bachelor's degrees in human resource management. This is an increase of 20% over the previous year when 155 degrees were handed out.

In 2021, 13 students received their master’s degree in hr from Wayne State. This makes it the #150 most popular school for hr master’s degree candidates in the country.

How Much Do HR Graduates from Wayne State Make?

$43,409Bachelor's Median Salary

Salary of HR Graduates with a Bachelor's Degree

The median salary of hr students who receive their bachelor's degree at Wayne State is $43,409. Unfortunately, this is lower than the national average of $43,491 for all hr students.

How Much Student Debt Do HR Graduates from Wayne State Have?

$24,213Bachelor's Median Debt

Student Debt of HR Graduates with a Bachelor's Degree

While getting their bachelor's degree at Wayne State, hr students borrow a median amount of $24,213 in student loans. This is not too bad considering that the median debt load of all hr bachelor's degree recipients across the country is $28,035.

The typical student loan payment of a bachelor's degree student from the hr program at Wayne State is $155 per month.

HR Student Diversity at Wayne State

Take a look at the following statistics related to the make-up of the hr majors at Wayne State University.

Wayne State Human Resource Management Bachelor’s Program

Of the 186 hr students who graduated with a bachelor's degree in 2020-2021 from Wayne State, about 41% were men and 59% were women.

The majority of bachelor's degree recipients in this major at Wayne State are white. In the most recent graduating class for which data is available, 62% of students fell into this category.

The following table and chart show the ethnic background for students who recently graduated from Wayne State University with a bachelor's in hr.

Ethnic BackgroundNumber of Students
Black or African American24
Hispanic or Latino13
Non-Resident Aliens3
Other Races10

Wayne State Human Resource Management Master’s Program

Of the 13 students who earned a master's degree in Human Resource Management from Wayne State in 2020-2021, 15% were men and 85% were women.

The majority of master's degree recipients in this major at Wayne State are white. In the most recent graduating class for which data is available, 62% of students fell into this category.

The following table and chart show the ethnic background for students who recently graduated from Wayne State University with a master's in hr.

Ethnic BackgroundNumber of Students
Black or African American4
Hispanic or Latino1
Non-Resident Aliens0
Other Races0
The HR Major at Wayne State University (2024)


What major is best for HR? ›

People within the HR field typically have an undergraduate degree in business, management, or even social sciences. But the options for advancing your career with a post-graduate degree are much more diverse. We break down two post-grad degrees to give insight into what might be the best option for you and your goals.

Are HR degrees worth it? ›

Is human resources a high-paying job? Yes, human resources is a high-paying job. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), human resources specialists earned a median annual salary of $64,240 as of May 2022.

What is the HR major? ›

The human resources management degree typically hones in on employee management, people skills, or organizational leadership topics. An MBA tends to cover many aspects of upper-level business education programs, including finance, marketing, and management.

What major is Wayne State University known for? ›

The most popular majors at Wayne State University include: Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services; Health Professions and Related Programs; Psychology; Biological and Biomedical Sciences; Education; Engineering; Social Sciences; Visual and Performing Arts; Communication, Journalism, and Related ...

Which field in HR pays the most? ›

The Top Highest-Paying HR Jobs in India You Should Know About
  • HR Director.
  • Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO)
  • Compensation and Benefits Manager.
  • Training and Development Manager.
  • HR Jobs and Building a Career in the Field.
  • Scale up with Emeritus.

What is the highest job in HR? ›

Top 15 HR jobs
  1. Vice President, Talent Acquisition. Salary: $283,000 – $498,000. ...
  2. Chief People Officer. Salary: $245,000 – $450,000. ...
  3. VP, Human Resources. Salary: $241,000 – $420,000. ...
  4. Chief Talent Officer. ...
  5. Change Management Director. ...
  6. Compensation Director. ...
  7. Stock Plan Administration Manager. ...
  8. Global HR Manager.

Does HR make a lot of money? ›

The average income for an HR professional in the United States is about $68,576 per year, according to Indeed, even for entry- level positions. Those with more experience, who earn in the top 10%, make more than $100,000 each year.

Is HR a stressful field? ›

HR professionals often deal with sensitive issues such as employee conflicts, terminations of contracts, and compliance with employment laws and regulations. These responsibilities can be stress-inducing, as they require careful handling and can have significant consequences for both employees and the organisation.

Is becoming HR hard? ›

While working in HR management gives you the opportunity to truly support your fellow employees and sustain a positive workplace culture, both Turner and Johnson caution the job can be difficult at times and involves a complex skillset.

What is the lowest HR position? ›

14 Entry-level HR position titles and salaries
  • HR Intern. ...
  • HR Assistant. ...
  • HR Coordinator. ...
  • HR Associate. ...
  • Recruitment Coordinator. ...
  • Talent Acquisition Coordinator. ...
  • Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator. ...
  • Benefits Administrator.

Are HR degrees in demand? ›

The government sector played a significant role in the growth of the HR field, adding over 14,000 HR jobs in 2023. This marked a substantial increase, more than doubling the number of positions added compared to 2022.

Why do people choose HR as a major? ›

Because of the emphasis on critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and more, HR graduates can also look outside the HR field for meaningful work. Graduates of Human Resources degree programs can also find work and success as business consultants, life coaches, talent agents, and more.

What GPA is needed for Wayne State? ›

To be admitted to a general degree program, you must: Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5. Meet Wayne State's English proficiency requirements.

Is Wayne State a prestigious school? ›

On the undergraduate level, Wayne State is ranked No. 109 in top public schools in U.S. News & World Report's 2024 Best Colleges report. Learn more about graduate education at Wayne State.

Is Wayne State University a Tier 1 university? ›

Third Way, a nonprofit public policy think tank, ranked Wayne State as a Tier 1 institution in its annual 2023 Economic Mobility Index (EMI). Wayne State is the only Michigan institution with a Carnegie R1 classification — which denotes the highest level of research activity — to make the list in the top tier.

What course is best for HR? ›

4 HR Management Courses
  1. Bachelor of business administration (BBA) in HR. BBA is a bachelor's degree course you can pursue after completing your 10+2. ...
  2. Master of Business Administration in HR. ...
  3. Master of Arts in human resource management. ...
  4. Postgraduate diploma in human resource management.
Sep 12, 2023

Which HR specialization is best? ›

Five Great Specializations in Human Resources
  • Training and Development.
  • Compensation and Benefits.
  • Recruiting.
  • Organizational Leadership.
  • Financial Management.

What degree do most HR managers have? ›

BLS said a bachelor's degree is typically required for most human resources roles. The focus of your degree, however, may vary. Many HR managers may have a bachelor's degree in human resources. These programs address issues HR professionals will likely encounter in the field.

Where is best to study HR? ›

The best countries to study HR Management courses abroad are the United States of America (USA), the United Kingdom (UK), Canada, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, and Ireland. These countries offer HR management degrees across various levels from top universities ranked by QS World Ranking 2024.

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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.