The charismatic Charles Wade Chapter 2201-2210 - EthicLearner (2024)

Chapter 2201

When Nanako heard this, she asked in surprise: “Charlie! what kind of gift are you going to give him?”

Charlie smiled and said: “Presumably he is still anxious to get answers. Angry because he doesn’t understand why Ruoli disappeared and why she was dropped by someone?”

Nanako said: “This is indeed the case. Dad said that my uncle is under a lot of pressure now because it is difficult to do this kind of critical task. The main reason is that the expectations of the people are too high. If you do it well, everyone will be happy, but if you fail, it’s very likely to make you suffer and face the anger of the people.”

Charlie agreed and said: “Yes, this kind of thing is a double-edged sword. If you don’t use it well, you will hurt yourself.”

After speaking, Charlie said with a smile: “But, the gift I give him can make him turn this double-edged sword into a single-edged sword!”

Nanako asked in amazement: “Charlie, what do you mean by this? A double-edged sword becoming a single-edged sword?”

“Right.” Charlie said with a smile: “In other words, with my gift, he doesn’t have to worry about harming himself if this sword is not used well.”

Nanako hurriedly said, “Charlie, what exactly is this great gift you are talking about?”

Charlie smiled and said: “You tell him that the reason why Ruoli was dropped is that the Su family and the Japanese Self-Defense Forces are working in collusion against the TMPD.”

“Ah?!” Nanako’s voice was extremely surprised: “Charlie, what you said is true?! The Su family, really colluded with the Self-Defense Forces?”

Charlie asked her: “When did I lie to you?”

Nanako hurriedly explained: “Charlie, I didn’t mean that… I just thought… this thing is too subversive! How can the Self-Defense Force, as part of the army, be so absurd?”

Charlie smiled and said, “There could be a thousand interpretations. The reason why the Su family and the Self-Defense Forces fly and stalk each other is not for profit! The main reason is that the Su family’s energy is too large to cover the sky, you tell Your dad’s friend, let him focus on breakthroughs from the Self-Defense Forces, and he will definitely make significant progress.”

After speaking, Charlie said again: “As long as your uncle can find real evidence of collusion between the Self-Defense Forces and the Su family, even if there is no way to capture Ruoli back, you can still fight a beautiful turnaround on behalf of the Metropolitan Police Department. Up!”

Nanako also knew very well that before Charlie didn’t tell her about this, the key point of this matter was whether her uncle could smoothly arrest Ruoli.

But now, the key point of this matter has immediately changed.

As long as the uncle finds absolute evidence that it is indeed the Su family and the Self-Defense Force that replaced Ruoli, the Metropolitan Police Department can instantly get rid of all responsibilities, and all the gangsters will be dumped to the Su family and the Self-Defense Force!

Thinking of this, Nanako hurriedly said with joy: “Charlie, then I will inform my uncle first, thank you for this great gift! As long as the trouble is solved, I will ask uncle to Thank you, Charlie! I will ask him to thank you personally!”

Charlie smiled and said: “You don’t have to be so polite, as long as I come to Japan in the future, or if there is anything I need, you will help me I know, so there is nothing to be polite about.”

Nanako blurted out: “Charlie, don’t worry! My uncle has always been very affectionate and righteous. If he can come back with Charlie’s help this time, he will definitely remember Charlie’s kindness!”

Charlie smiled and said: “Then I will reveal a little more information. You must ask him to check the Maritime Self-Defense Force that went to sea last night. The inner ghost must be out of this group of people. Everyone catches them all for a sudden trial, and they will definitely find a breakthrough!”

Nanako thought for a moment and said: “The level of the Self-Defense Force is higher than that of the Metropolitan Police Department. If you arrest people directly, it may be difficult to push, and the Self-Defense Force will definitely interfere.”

Chapter 2202

Charlie smiled and said, “Isn’t he from the homeland security department? As far as I know, homeland security is the most important thing for any country. Therefore, people in the homeland security department must be higher than the military. He can ask his former colleagues or leaders to help, and the Homeland Security Department will come forward to arrest people in the Self-Defense Force. I believe the Self-Defense Force has absolutely no guts to interfere.”

After a pause, Charlie said again: “After the homeland security department catches people, they can be handed over to the TMPD for interrogation. No matter how many people are caught, they will all be isolated and interrogated separately. Find the key clue!”

Nanako couldn’t help exclaiming: “Charlie, your method is really great! I will tell him now! Thank you on behalf of my uncle!”

Charlie smiled and said: “Okay, you can tell him quickly, I’m just waiting to see this great show of tide reversal!”

Charlie only revealed to Nanako that the Su family colluded with the Self-Defense Forces and exchanged for Ruoli, but did not tell her that the whole thing was that the Su family and the Self-Defense Forces played the game together. On the surface, it was a release, but it was actually a left-hand Invert of these inside stories.

This is mainly because these words do not have much meaning when they come out of his mouth.

Moreover, the more clues you give, the easier it is to interfere with the opponent’s concentration.

Therefore, he only talked about the secret trade between the Su family and the Self-Defense Forces, and the rest, let the uncle of Nanako, follow the clues he gave, go in-depth, and let him dig out the background. That would be more lethal.


At this moment.

Eastcliff, Su Family Mansion.

Ruoli and the accompanying crew members hadn’t heard any news for so long, making Chengfeng Su anxious.

Zynn Su was also worried about this matter.

It’s just that Zynn didn’t know the inside story of the whole thing.

He thought that the Su family had an accident while rescuing Ruoli.

So he asked Chengfeng a little anxiously: “Dad, what the hell is going on? Don’t our people want to take Ruoli back to China by the waterway? Why suddenly there is no news, and only the ship is the one left by the Japanese. The guard intercepted, where did Ruoli go?”

Chengfeng said depressedly: “How do I know? I know as much about the whole thing as you do. You ask me, how can I answer you?”

Zynn saw his father’s tone a little irritated and hurriedly apologized: “Dad, calm down, and I am not targeting you… It’s just that this fact is too weird. My heart is always hanging. This should not go wrong”

Chengfeng said coldly: “I have sent someone to Japan to investigate this matter. Once there is any news, I will communicate it to you as soon as possible.”

Zynn sighed worriedly, and said, “Dad, who did you communicate with, in the Japanese Self-Defense Force? How about giving me contact information and I will call him to see if there are any missed clues.”

As soon as Chengfeng heard this, he became frustrated, and said to him: “May I give you your contact information? The grandson of the Japanese Self-Defense Force now thinks I’ve played with him and is chasing after me asking me to give him an explanation. Call him, wouldn’t master’s overall plan become clear to the whole world?”

Thinking of this, he said with a dark face: “I said, I have sent someone to investigate, and news will be sent to you simultaneously. Do you have any comments on my arrangements?”

Chapter 2203

Seeing his father a little angry, Zynn hurriedly stood up, bowed, and said, “Dad, calm down your anger, I didn’t mean that, I am just worried about Ruoli… Anyway, Ruoli is my flesh, She is currently unsure of her life and death, her whereabouts are unknown, I am indeed too anxious…”

Elder Cheng looked at him coldly, and said word by word: “Zynn, to do big things, you must have the strong heart of a lion and not change your face, and the disappearance of an illegitimate girl will make you panic like this? So what? If I die today, can you still manage the Su family?!”

As soon as Zynn heard this, his whole person was instantly worried!

He murmured in his heart: “The old man started to doubt my heart and my ability. This is not a good sign!”

“If I show too much concern about Ruoli on this matter and behave too nervously, the old man will definitely think that I am weak and not strong enough to be promoted to the position of Su Family Patriarch…”

“If it is because of Ruoli’s matter that affects the old man’s judgment of the successor, then it is really not worth the gain…”

Thinking of this, Zynn said with an awe-inspiring expression: “Dad! Don’t worry! No matter how this matter turns out, I will never let it affect me!”

Old man Su looked at him suspiciously, and said coldly: “Will it affect you? It’s not your mouth that has the final say, but my old man’s eyes have the final say!”

Zynn hurriedly said: “Dad, you are right! I will show you with practical actions!”

Elder Su gave a hum and waved his hand: “Okay, you can go now.”

Zynn respectfully said: “Good dad, I’ll go out first…”

Chengfeng coldly reminded: “If Ruoli is still alive, then I believe she will contact you. If she contacts you, you must tell me the first!”

Zynn said without hesitation: “Dad, don’t worry, if she contacts me, I will report to you as soon as possible!”

Chengfeng gave a hum and waved his hand: “Go.”

Zynn quickly turned around and hurriedly left Old Su’s study.

At this time, Zynn’s back was already wet with cold sweat.

After living in a rich family for a long time, he increasingly felt that the rich family is no different from the ancient palace dwelling families.

The lord of the wealthy family in the ancient days would be a king and his heir would be the prince below.

Although he has been appointed by the old man as the “prince” who will inherit the Su family in the future, he still holds the power, and he must always be cautious and walking on thin ice!

Otherwise, it is very likely that he might say something wrong and provoke the lord’s anger upon himself, then he will mercilessly be dismissed!

There are so many princes who were deposed because of their words and demeanor who rebelled against the Lord in ancient times!

World history is full of such events. A wise man must learn from history and correct his course.

Chapter 2204

Falling from grace for the prince was not the only worry. There are historical proofs when the princes had to the fact trial, house arrests, and face the death penalty for defying an order from their kings.

Zynn was also worried that if he caused the old man’s dissatisfaction because of Ruoli’s affairs, and if the old man abolished him, his loss would be extremely heavy, and most of his life’s efforts would be wasted.

Thinking of this, Zynn decided that regarding Ruoli, he must control his emotions as much as possible in front of the old man, and must not let the old man have any dissatisfaction with him!

The daughter is important, but the position of the Su Family Patriarch is even more important.

What’s more, this daughter is still his illegitimate daughter!


Here, the old man Su rushed into Zynn and made a fire, and he was more or less worried.

In fact, the main reason why he got angry with Zynn was mainly to hide his guilty conscience.

After all, he made the decision to betray Ruoli.

The old man had already settled an account. The crimes committed by Ruoli in Japan are extremely heinous. He really wants to buy the relevant personnel to release her. Not to mention the huge cost, it is easy to offend the Japanese government.

Therefore, he planned to cooperate with the Japanese Self-Defense Force, get Ruoli out by himself, and then let the Self-Defense Force capture her back and sell the Self-Defense Force a favor.

After all, the Japanese Self-Defense Force still has a lot of energy in the Japanese government. As long as it has a good relationship with the Self-Defense Force, it will be very convenient to develop in Japan in the future and cooperate with the Japanese government.

However, the old man never dreamed that such a big change would happen to the original seamless plan.

Ruoli’s disappearance put him in a dilemma now.

On the one hand, he did not know how to explain to the Japanese Self-Defense Forces and how to eliminate the indignation of the Japanese people towards the Su family;

On the other hand, he didn’t know whether Ruoli was dead or alive. If she was still alive, would she already be cognizant to his doings in secret? What if she knew about it and retaliate in the future?

While he was irritable, his most trusted subordinate hurried over and said in a low voice: “Master, Masaji Honda of the Japanese Self-Defense Force has called again. He has given us 24 hours. If we don’t handover Ruoli to them in the next 24 hours the one billion dollar deposit we gave them will not come back…”

“Also, Masaji Honda is very angry now. He thinks we are playing with them on purpose, so he said, if we don’t hand over Ruoli, then he will assume we are his enemies, and this will not end up well for us”

Elder Su sighed and cursed very annoyed: “Damn! Where did Ruoli go? A breathing person, she can’t disappear out of thin air!”

The subordinate hurriedly said, “Now all the police in Japan are looking for the whereabouts of Ruoli. The Self-Defense Forces are also investigating all passing ships at sea. If Ruoli is still in Japan, it is only a matter of time before she is found; She has already left Japan, so she must have left Japan by water. Based on the time since her disappearance, she should have returned to China.”

Elder Su frowned tightly and said coldly: “If it’s the former, it’s okay, but if it’s the latter, it will be troublesome! She has no reason not to contact Su’s family when she returns to China unless she already knows the truth. ! In that case, we will face trouble in the future!”

After that, he immediately ordered: “Immediately send someone to monitor the He family. If Ruoli returns to China, if she does not contact us, she will definitely contact her family and closely monitor all the He family’s movements. Report any disturbances to me immediately!”

Chapter 2205

At this moment, Tokyo, Japan.

Forty-eight-year-old Suzuki Tomohisa was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office where he had just taken office, unable to do anything.

He is the new director of the TMPD.

Prior to this, he was a middle-level senior in the Homeland Security Department. He was very well-known in the Homeland Security Department because he was very good at investigating and had a very hard wrist.

This time, Ruoli was found to have dropped the package, and the whole of Japan was shocked. The Japanese government was overwhelmed by this, and the TMPD became a target of public criticism.

There is really no way, the Japanese government can only let Suzuki Tomohisa take orders.

However, Suzuki Tomohisa didn’t want to take this mess either.

As a wise man, he generally stays away from such cases that shock the whole country.

Because cracking such a case is certainly very advantageous, but if you fail, you will definitely disappoint the people of the whole country.

For so many years, Suzuki Tomohisa has relied on a steady and slow fight, a little bit of experience, success stories, and his own reputation.

Therefore, he likes to take on tasks that are not so challenging and difficult.

He didn’t want to interfere with such a challenging and difficult task.

Because, it was hard for him to rely on a steady fight until today, and he can continue to maintain this style until retirement.

In that case, he will be able to retreat and reap the admiration of the people across the country.

Now this extremely difficult task, being able to complete it will certainly make him leap a big step forward.

But if it is not done, it will also waste the reputation and status that he has gained over the years.

It is like a gambler who has won a lot of money and plans to leave the game with the money after playing a few cards.

However, at this moment, the dealer asked him to bet on Stud and put in all the money he had won so far.

Only fools are willing to do such things.

But Suzuki Tomohisa couldn’t help it.

After all, he works in the national security department. After all, he is a national civil servant. What the Japanese government wants him to do, he has no room for bargaining at all.

Now, it is a foreign woman he has never met that determines the future trajectory of his life.

And he only knew that this woman was called Ruoli, who was the main murderer of the Matsumoto family. As long as he could catch her, he would be well-known throughout Japan; but if he could not catch her, he would disappoint the whole nation. He will be a sinner in the eyes of the Japanese people.

As for where is Ruoli? Is she still alive? He has no clues at all.

He stretched on the chair and said, even if I can’t find Ruoli, I must at least find out how she got away under everyone’s eyes.

Now that the double has been poisoned and died, and several people responsible for her transportation have also disappeared for no reason. The Metropolitan Police Department could not find any valuable clues.

Just when he scratched his scalp and didn’t know where to start, his deputy pushed in and said embarrassingly: “Mr. Suzuki, there are many media reporters outside. Not only our domestic NHK and Asahi Shimbun but also there are many top overseas media including BBC and CNN, they all want to interview you…”

“Interview me?” Suzuki Tomohisa said with a black face, “I just took office, what can I do for an interview?”

The deputy said: “They want to know the progress of Ruoli’s disappearance case…”

Chapter 2206

Suzuki angrily said: “Can you help me tell them that there is no progress on this matter. If there is any substantial progress, then I will definitely announce it to the national and even the world media through the press conference.”

The deputy nodded: “Okay Mr. Suzuki, I can definitely do that!”

Tomohisa stopped him and said, “Oh yes, from now on, no media reporters are allowed to enter the TMPD without invitation or permission!”

“Okay, roger sir!”

After the deputy went out, Tomohisa rubbed his temples distractedly and said to himself: “Hey…As long as you are in danger, you have never had any good things! This case has such a great influence. Not only the people of the whole country are paying attention, but even overseas media are interested. If you don’t handle it well, your reputation may be ruined. It’s f*cking tricky!”

As he was thinking about it, the phone rang suddenly.

Hearing the ringing of the cell phone, his scalp suddenly numbed, and his veins jumped.

What he is most afraid of now is answering the phone, not just that various media outlets try their best to find out his mobile phone and want to interview him over the phone.

There are many leaders of government departments who are constantly asking about the progress of the investigation of the entire case.

He is troubled by it.

When he looks at the screen of her mobile phone, he realized that it was the daughter of his good brother, Nanako.

The Suzuki family and the Ito family were originally family friends.

He and Takehiko Ito have been close friends since they were young, and they also attended the same university. Although they are not brothers, they are not anything less than the brothers.

Therefore, Nanako seemed to him as his half daughter.

Seeing that it was Nanako’s phone call, his irritable mood was greatly relieved. He got on the phone and squeezed a little smile, and asked: “Nanako, dear what makes you call me, is everything all right?”

Nanako hurriedly said: “Uncle Suzuki everything is good, don’t worry. Uncle, I heard that you have recently been transferred to the TMPD to investigate the case of Ruoli’s disappearance?”

“Yes.” Tomohisa asked, “Have you heard of it?”

“Yes…” Nanako said, “Uncle Suzuki, have you found any useful clues?”

Tomo Suzuki sighed: “There is no clue so far, this Ruoli is almost as if she has evaporated.”

Nanako hesitated for a moment and said: “Uncle Suzuki, I have a very good friend. When I called me just now, he revealed a little clue to me, so I called you quickly. it might be of great help.”

As soon as Tomo Suzuki heard this, he immediately asked excitedly: “Nanako, what you said is true? Who is your friend? What clue did he give you?”

Nanako solemnly said: “Uncle Suzuki, I’m sorry about the identity of my friend, I can’t tell you.”

While speaking, Nanako said again: “As for the clue he gave me…he told me that the reason why Ruoli was silently transferred is not because of TMPD. It is linked to the Su family and the Self-Defense Force.”

“The Self-Defense Force?” Tomo Suzuki asked in amazement: “Is the Self-Defense Force also involved in this matter?”

“Right.” Nanako said: “My friend said that it was the Su family and the Self-Defense Forces who united and sacked Ruoli, and then deliberately dumped the pot to the TMPD.”

Tomohisa hurriedly asked: “Then what is your informant’s intention? Do they want to rescue that Ruoli back to Su’s house?”

“No.,” Nanako said: “Their purpose is to throw Ruoli’s scapegoat to the TMPD, and then the Self-Defense Force will capture Ruoli back at sea and take all the credit.”

“What?!” Tomo Suzuki was dumbfounded, and blurted out: “Nanako…you…what you said…is true?!”

Nanako said seriously: “This is what my friend told me. I believe him. He said that if you want to seize this clue, you can use your relationship with the national security department to take the boats in the Japanese sea that patrolled at Tokyo Port yesterday. All the members of the Self-Defense Forces should be taken away for quarantine review, there should be a breakthrough!

Chapter 2207

Nanako’s words overturned all Tomo Suzuki’s guesses and inferences about the whole matter.

He never dreamed that the Self-Defense Forces could also get involved in this kind of thing, and a strong wave of anger hit his heart immediately!

Immediately, Tomohisa gritted his teeth and said: “Nanako, thank you and your friends for reminding me. I will definitely bring all the relevant persons responsible for the trial as soon as possible!”

Nanako smiled and said, “Uncle Suzuki, I hope this clue can help you.”

Tomo Suzuki said confidently: “Nanako, if this clue is true, then it really helped me a lot!”

After that, Tomo Suzuki hurriedly said: “Nanako, I have to make arrangements for arrest!”

“Good Uncle Suzuki!”

Tomohisa hung up the phone and immediately contacted his old leader of the Homeland Security Department.

The clues provided by Nanako are of great importance. If the Self-Defense Forces really participate in the removal of Ruoli, this is not only a national scandal but also a major homeland security incident, so it must be thoroughly investigated.

The leaders of Japan’s homeland security department also paid great attention to this matter after hearing about it, and almost immediately sent a very high-level homeland security expert to fully cooperate with Tomo Suzuki to conduct a thorough investigation of this matter.

The relevant person in charge of the Self-Defense Force at this time does not know that he has been exposed.

They are constantly putting pressure on the Su family, forcing them to hand over Ruoli.

Now the people of the whole country are paying attention to this case. As long as the Self-Defense Forces can arrest Ruoli and bring her to justice, they can make a great contribution.

However, even if the Su family is unwilling to hand over Ruoli, it does not matter. After that, this matter has the TMPD’s back.

In short, the Self-Defense Force feels that although what they did this time is not a successful big deal, it is definitely a deal that will not lose money.

However, they did not expect that the Nation’s Land Security Department of the Metropolitan Police Department had already targeted them!

An invisible big net has been slowly spreading towards part of the high-level Self-Defense Forces!

At this time, Charlie had just returned home.

Pushing the door and entering, he heard the dining room is very lively.

Claire was chatting with people. Hearing the movement of the door opened, she came out to check. When she saw that Charlie had returned, she exclaimed with joy, “Husband! Why did you come back without saying hello or making a sound?

Charlie smiled and said: “I didn’t just finish my business, because a customer was in Japan and said that he was going to come back by private jet, so I just took a ride back.”

Claire nodded, stepped forward to hold his hand, and said with a smile: “Husband, it takes two or three hours for you to fly from Japan. Surely you didn’t eat at noon?”

Charlie smiled and said, “No, I’ll go home as soon as I’m done.”

Claire smiled and said, “Then you came back just right. Elsa just came back from Eastcliff today. I asked her to come to eat at home. We just opened the red wine, so we can eat together!”

With that, she took Charlie and walked into the dining room.

In the dining room, Elsa was chatting with Jacob and Elaine. When Claire came in holding Charlie’s hand, her expression immediately turned into that of surprise!

She went back to Eastcliff for a few days during the Chinese New Year holiday and missed Charlie for a few days, so she couldn’t wait as soon as she got off the plane this morning and came here to visit Claire with gifts.

Said to come to see Claire, but what she wanted was to see Charlie.

Chapter 2208

However, it was discovered after arrival that Charlie was not at home.

It turns out that Charlie went to Japan a few days ago because of an emergency, and has not returned.

This made Elsa feel a little bit lost, and the originally high mood instantly dimmed a lot.

Just half an hour ago, Claire’s family left her at home for lunch. She was still a bit hesitant, thinking that Charlie was not at home. At this time, staying at Claire’s home for lunch was a waste of time without Charlie. But now she feels, she took a good decision.

She wanted to say that she would just wait for the next visit, but couldn’t hold back Claire’s enthusiasm, she had no choice but to agree.

Nevertheless, she really didn’t expect that Charlie would come back before eating this meal!

Therefore, at this moment, Elsa looked at Charlie with a hint of excitement.

Jacob and Elaine were naturally very happy to see Charlie returned.

Jacob’s calligraphy and painting association is resting these days. He faces Elaine at home every day, and he is almost annoyed to death. Seeing Charlie’s come back, he is naturally very happy.

As for Elaine, she was even happier. When she saw Charlie, she said happily: “Oh my good son-in-law, you can be counted as coming back after so many days, don’t you know how much mom missed you these days?”

As she said, her eyes couldn’t help but look at Charlie’s hand.

When Charlie went to other places recently, he always brought her all kinds of high-end gifts back, so she also looked forward to what gifts Charlie would bring to her this time.

However, Charlie had empty hands at this time, and it didn’t look like he had prepared a gift.

Elaine was somewhat disappointed in her heart, but she was too embarrassed to show it. After that, her current attitude towards Charlie had changed drastically from before.

She felt that Charlie was an out-and-out good son-in-law.

Even if Charlie didn’t bring her a gift this time, she was not upset except for a little disappointment.

At this time, Charlie also realized that when he came back in a hurry and didn’t prepare a small gift for Elaine, Elaine would definitely feel a little lost.

So he walked up to Elaine, sat down beside her, and said with a smile: “Mom, I’m so sorry. This time I wanted to buy some gifts for you from Japan to bring back, but suddenly a friend wanted to take a private jet home. When the plane returned to China, I temporarily took him downwind, so I didn’t have time to buy gifts.”

Elaine hurriedly waved her hand: “Oh, my son-in-law, I am already very happy if you have the mom in your heart. As for gifts, there is no need to buy them every time!”

Charlie nodded and smiled casually: “Mom, I will transfer you 200,000 on PayPal later. Take it and buy something, it’s just a little bit of care for you!”

When Elaine heard this, she asked with excitement: “Oh my god, my son-in-law! What you said is true?!”

Charlie smiled and said, “Can there be fakes? Mom, wait a moment, I will transfer the money.”

After that, he took out his mobile phone and directly transferred 200,000 cash to Elaine via PayPal.

Elaine received the PayPal push and opened it. It was Charlie who gave her 200,000, so she clicked to receive it excitedly, clapped her hands happily, and smiled: “Oh! What a life of my Elaine! I found a good son-in-law!”

Jacob on the side shook his head repeatedly and said to Charlie: “Good son-in-law, in the future, give your mother a little less money. If she has a little money, she will suffer. You know that since she broke her leg again, until now, How many things have you bought online? A room is almost filled with her stuff!”

Elaine glared at him and scolded, “Jacob, take care of your mouth and don’t spit out stinky bullsh*t, what’s the matter with you! I think you are jealous of my son-in-law being so kind to me!”

Jacob said angrily: “You just speak bullsh*t!”

Elaine curled her lips and said: “What’s wrong? I speak bullsh*t? I bullsh*t where is your mouth calling or something?”

Jacob’s angry old face flushed, and he snorted coldly, “I really don’t bother to take care of the words coming out of your mouth. such a vulgar woman!”

Chapter 2209

Seeing that Jacob and Elaine were about to choke again, Claire hurriedly came out to complete the game: “Oh, Mom, Dad, don’t you always choke up when you talk? Charlie just came back, and Elsa is here, don’t make a joke of yourself…”

Jacob looked at Elaine and snorted coldly, “I don’t know you as much as you look at the face of a girl!”

Elaine said disdainfully: “Look at what you said, it’s like I want to be familiar with you.”

After that, Elaine turned her head to the side and stopped looking at Jacob.

At this time, Elsa said to Claire in embarrassment: “By the way, Claire, Sara Gu will come to Aurous Hill for a concert next month. Let’s go and watch it together?”

Claire hurriedly smiled and said, “Charlie said he wants to accompany me. He knew Sara and said that he could get tickets for the front row.”

Elsa looked at Charlie in shock and asked: “Charlie, do you know Sara?!”

Charlie nodded: “Yes, Miss Gu is one of my clients. I have helped her see in some matters before.”

Elsa blurted out: “Mom, it’s so good?! Then you must be familiar with Miss Gu, can you help me find a ticket for the front row? I will pay you twice!”

Having said that, Elsa was afraid that Charlie would not agree, and clasped her hands together and pleaded: “Charlie, like Claire, I have liked Sara for a long time. I especially want to sit in the first row and watch her concert…”

Speaking of this, Elsa sighed and said: “But her concert front-row tickets are too difficult to get. As long as she opens the concert, the rich second generation from all over the country will swarm like flies, and they will grab all the good seats. I have tried several times without success, so I can only ask for your help…”

Charlie couldn’t help feeling big when he heard this.

He first promised Sara that he would go to her concert, and then he promised his wife Claire that he would take her to Sara’s concert.

Claire was his wife, and Sara was his fiancee who had been married since she was a child. Taking his wife to see his fiancee’s concert was very uncomfortable in itself. He didn’t expect Elsa to join in the fun at this time!

Elsa liked Charlie’s things, Charlie had known this for a long time.

And he also knows that Elsa has a fiery personality and courage. When she was in the hot spring with him and his wife, she dared to run to him while his wife was asleep and confessed. If she was there at Sara’s concert, it would not be right. One can’t know how messy it will be…

So Charlie said embarrassedly: “Elsa, I’m really sorry, I may not be able to help you with this matter, because I have already greeted Miss Gu, and Miss Gu said that at most two tickets can be arranged for me. .”

“As you know, the relationship between me and Miss Gu is nothing but the client relationship between Party A and Party B. It is very hard even to get just two tickets. I really don’t want to feel embarrassed by asking for someone more… ….”

When Elsa heard this, she didn’t have much doubt in her heart.

She thought to herself: “Sara’s concert tickets are always hard to find, and the seats in the front row are hard to change.”

“Charlie just helped Sara. It is indeed very rare that people can promise him two tickets for the front row. No matter how much he asks, it seems that Charlie is a little careless. I can’t let Charlie looked down upon me to get tickets!”

Thinking of this, she hurriedly said: “Then I will think of ways myself. If I can’t get the tickets for the front row, I will be satisfied when I get a ticket for the first five rows.”

Charlie was also slightly relieved when he heard this.

He felt that if he couldn’t prevent Elsa from going to the concert, it would be a good thing for Elsa to sit a little further away from him and his wife.

At least, he can be less stressed when the time comes.

Charlie knew very well that if she asked Sara for three tickets, she would definitely not refuse, and she would definitely give three consecutive seats.

Chapter 2210

What if Elsa had to sit next to him?

So, if he can’t agree to her request, let her find a way to get the tickets. The best situation is that she can’t get the first-row seat, but step back and say, if she gets the first row Seat, as long as she doesn’t sit next to him, he has nothing to worry about.

At this time, Elsa said to Claire again: “Claire, do you want to go shopping together in the afternoon?”

Claire glanced at Charlie and whispered in her ear: “Elsa, I don’t want to go shopping. I will go to work in two days. Charlie has just returned from a few days after going out. I want to stay with him.”

Elsa was shocked.

She could see that when Claire said this, it was entirely from the heart.

This made Elsa realize that Claire, who has always been less sensitive to feelings, might have truly fallen in love with Charlie.

This made her very sad.

She used to feel that Claire married Charlie only under the pressure of her grandfather. From an emotional point of view, she definitely did not love Charlie.

In that case, digging a corner by yourself will feel at ease.

However, if the girlfriend really fell in love with Charlie, wouldn’t they both be happy?

If that were the case, it would indeed seem a bit immoral to grab love with a sword.

At this moment, Elsa wondered if she would give up pursuing Charlie.

If she gave up pursuing Charlie, there would be no need for her to stay in Aurous Hill.

After that, the chairman of the Emgrand Group has not shown up yet, and Elsa’s family has also given up the idea of ​​letting her catch this line.

This time Elsa went back to the New Year, and the Dong family hoped that she would quit her job at Emgrand Group and return to Eastcliff for development.

But Elsa said she didn’t want to resign because she didn’t want to give up Charlie.

But at this moment, Elsa felt a little shaken in her heart.

At a certain moment, she even felt that she might as well leave Aurous Hill and return to Eastcliff to develop well.

In this case, not only can keep a girlfriend’s relationship with Claire but also her career and relationship will not be delayed.

After that, no matter how much energy she puts into Charlie, it is difficult to get the return she wants. In the end, it is very likely that her feelings will be exhausted.

However, thinking of Charlie, Elsa’s strong feeling of admiration could not be restrained at all.

She felt that if she gave up Charlie, she might not find a man who could make her heart move like him in her entire life.

After thinking about it, Elsa decided: “I want to stay in Aurous Hill and continue to fight!”

“If Charlie is willing to accept me, then even if I am cast aside by the people of the world, I will never hesitate!”

“However, if one day it is confirmed that I don’t stand a chance, then I will completely withdraw, return to Eastcliff without hesitation, and never see Charlie again!”

The charismatic Charles Wade Chapter 2201-2210 - EthicLearner (2024)
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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.