ALL EDITIONS Kelp Wanted 8175-Adostrative Professional Help Wanted 8175-Administrative Professional Ketp Wanted 81 75-Adnunistrative (Professional Help Wanted 8175-Administrative (Professional Ketp Wanted 8175-Adnunistrative Professional Help Wasted 8175-Admirustrative Professional 8222-Computer Personnel Please Address Replies to RepublicGazette Box Numbers as follows: -(CotriBoi Number in Ad) coCtattrnedAoftrtttrngDepl Office ManagerSupervisor Emerging Hospital Phvslciar Grouo needs exo'd medic. records ft billing manager. Rewires supervision of 10 employees ability to Interface wmedical personnel. Total compensation pkg. to approx $30K.
Send Resume to: Roger Goebel M.D, 620 IE Quarter Horse frail 85258 Property Mgr Trainees: wilt train, Start rain, must nave (easing exo losomo. can Katny IPersServ. 265-8555 Property Manager: seeking professional, some exp, small nltedPersServ. 265-8555 Property Mar Trainee: some Real Estate or (casing exp Sm prop, East Valley. Lisa United PersServ.
265-8555 Kelp Wanted Arizona Republic Phoenix Gazette 8260-Domestic BUSY HOUSEHOLD in need of UU an organized mature woman a to help 3 children whome- h4ov. 8, 1989 work, after scM activities, I errands, household chores, tTrP fear ti'A Kelp Wanted 83QQ-lndustnal Employment Needs area, drivers non smkr, MACHINISTS-CNC refs req'd. 954-9484 M-F Proto Matura, energetic live-in TORS-Etec A ero hsekpr to care lor 3 yr old MMhTSS rtq" Satary iveg V-5M4 RW Call Bo6 277-3381 no fees MIGHTY MAIDS now inter- MJC viewing P.tlme, exp only, trans provided, 8-5, 157-8219 SfJfJ Mother's helper for 2 yr old uattniMfv mui non-smoker, possible live-In PJHiiinnUt WMV cook, clean Gilbert 497-2661 aun rvypj OLDER Person nonsmoker, LTafe i 3Yr, MfXumience. steS-T PowillMfo. 4 Engineering WANTED Uve-ln hsekpr for 2 9311j.9th Ave.
chldrn. Rm bra wkly sal ca I Trlsfi F30-282T between 8-12 mo-tri ref required DDDDDDDOD JSSXSL. KC PROGRAMS 8300-lndustrial fjx nrm seeks individual as NC Program- AERO Space company wants mer, Job duties wN include: top Bridgeport Machinist. 8 Methodizing, tooling, pro- yrs mln. exp.
Excellent bene- grammlng using CADAM, fits, paid vacation. Apply in and CNC machine operation, person Aero Manufacturers, Should nave an Interest In 2902 E. Washington. 8am-3pm unattended machining have A-IGood proto type lathe i FuVtfme wfi mi men needed only top men nnii SSft' rin r3? musl be able to work withoui Sscrs nledapo reurSS supervision, top pay, coma- 8nDlv IrTohto- pany bene its overtime. Sonic sLSgEj rim Machine fool, 1724 WV4th Ka joni rwrtc7 St.
Tempo. 8294M tammM" Experienced CNC Program- ft-rftinnti UN meri sep AF(Jathes1 DDBD Mus) bp PAINTER- experienced, fa- feader. Top pay. Medlcaf. miliar with mil, specs.
Start Prescott. Kathleen 267-7352 Immediately. 863-0133 MACHINISTS VeXAt10" with at least 4-5 years pro- MF GENGINEERS. ductlon exp. Must have exp.
JlGJsORE MACHINEST working on manual mills CNC MACHINEST. lathes. Growing Co. with ben- Beautiful 90,000 soft facility eflts. Apply Hours, Inc, 5030 with the fines! employees A Mill Ave D19, Tempe, AZ equipment in the West.
85282 or call 638-1498 Supurb benefits, Including MACHINIST, Top notch gen- era! machinist needed tor lirst SSL;" iTunioIi mm tS JS rate machine Shop. Must have aoMiirtmVnl exp. waerospace work. Day ff JKiffiK TmS I night shift. Call 269-9322 UWortw.ftmti' MACHINIST, 6 yean exp.
Precision is the way. athe, mill grinder. Good Tempe precision Aircraft Co. encl*ts. Apply In person at: (537 W.
17th St, JSS Tool Die 4216 SJ7 St Tempe, Az. 85281, Machinist needed for Lathe TOOL DIE MAKER and Chuckeri. Musi be able to Good benefits, overtime, CNC set-up and operate. 258-7073 operator. 1736 10 SI, Tempe HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO WORK FOR A COMPANY THAT IS INTERESTED IN YOU? America West Airlines is growing and we would like you to come grow with us.
We are looking for enthusiastic, outgoing individuals to join our team of Fully Cross-Utilized Customer Service Representatives Your responsibilities will include a schedule mix of Flight Attending, Ticketing, Reservations and Baggage Handling. You must be able to travel and work varied hours. There is no maximum age, you must be at least 23 upon completion of training. Mature individuals are encouraged to apply. We are now Interviewing for March classes.
EXCELLENT BENEFIT PACKAGE INCLUDES: Free Flight Benefits Comprehensive Training Program Competitive Starting Salary Child Care Program Profit Sharing If you are interested in joining our team, call for minimum requirements and more information; Recruitment Services Monday-Friday ONLY WAmericaWest An Equal Opportunity Employor MF KOBIti HOME PARK MANAGER Pretlgtous Mesa 5-Star Senior 'mobile home community seeks experienced on-site managers to oversee rent col lection, placement of incoming homes ft a II other operations an Qualified applicant must have years mobile home property management experience ft be skilled in electric ft plumbing. Salary Includes housing ft health insurance. Send resume to: PALMAS DEL SOL (20V E. McKeHips Mesa, Arizona 85205 or call 898-M01 MOBILE HOSE PARK Leasing position available at prestigious Mesa 5-Star Senior home community. Send resume to: PALMAS DEL SOL MMF MrKellinl Mesa, Arizona va -r r- orcaaarg-uaui PROPERTY SUPERVISOR Immeo opening for highly exp candidate in multiple property supervision to supervise 4 large development properties In Phnx metro area.
Must have proved ikilit in leasing ft tenant relations, marketing, financial control ft reporting, people mgmnl. Progressive Co, competitive salary benefits. Personnel; Ciiflon Investment 6400 El Dorado Circle, Tucson At 85715. Or call 1-686-5716 SPECIAL ED. TEACHER for children partial care behavioral health program.
B.A. In ed. required. State cert, not nec. FT.
10am-6pm M-F. NE valley. 494-1001. Staff Devekwment Soeclallst 'A Time, hrs nego. AA ftjvrs exo or hs a 4vrs exp.
Train group home stall in DQ course work. Knowledge of active treatment nelpfuL De veloping organizat wChr stian orientation. 234-1094 TEMPORARY Position to review Individual Income tax returns. Feb-Aprll 1990. Applicant must have a min of rtvears recent exp preparing andor reviewing income tax returns.
30-40 nrswk mln. Salary commensurate wexp. Reply to Box V-197 co RG, J2jTE. Van Buren, AZ TRAINER. Experienced in structor in use or computer to train retirees in use of computers for health insurance claims.
Send resume to HMS, 5209 E. Woodspring Dr. Tucson Az 85712 Help Wanted 8400-Health Care ENJOY the challenge inge of DvRMC hlfts, FT growtn expansion, uvi- leegs na's, tor an snins, PT Contact Martha, at 2-6671 or apply 16640 38 SI EXCELLENT PAY! RNSS30 LPNS $17.25 NAS CARRIGAN'S 1602)481-9021 EXP'D medical receptionist, gooa on pnoneiKnows intur ancedAta entry. Good bene fits. Call Carol at 252-6855 DDDDDDDOD File clerkreceDtlonlst.
Para dise yallev. Light medical exp. Travel oetween otcs. Mon-Frl. Salary $6.50 hr.
CPs, 2JU-5U0 Not an agency no tee DDDDDDDDD F.O.B.O. MEDICAL ASST. tor Physician's ottice Exper. pret. comDuter knowledao rod.
An ply Medical Otllconter, 5127 w. Indian scnioiuvorcaii 245-UVUI DDDDDDDDD Front office receptionist. Phoenix. Phones, scheduling, tiling, txpcriencc ncci Monday-Friday ary $l200mo. CPS, 33oo Not an aoencv no tee DDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDD Front office check-In.
s. scottsaaie. insurance computer experfence necessary. Salary DOE. CPs, 530- Not an agency no tee DDDDDDDDD FRONT OFFICE Immediate opening for career minuco inoiviuuai wnn extci-lent people skills at aynamie ophthalmology Center.
Experience proven abilities re quired. Top. pav ft excellent benefits, tan ianay933-1 36i Front office M.A.rocoptlonlst ML't'aeu lor rt. siuhmjoig lam- lly practice, must have exp as a meaicai receptionist inciuo-fna bllllna procedures. salary DOE.
can Michel lor im inn ttervlew. FrtOlcPatientRtR snirle tvo Asst BackOfc iirlev264-97l7KogenPerssvc FO, full-time, surgeon office, computer exp. Stind 10 P.Q 0X liWI PI1X 85069 FT ft PTj working. with adol escenf males in P.v, groui home, Sign language nccei gresslvt community based program. Call Kevin, 894-235 GRpwiNG HMO Is seeking a nighlv mollvalod probcm solver who possesses medical OttlD ce manaocmenti provider roiatioos skill, xim written ft oral communication skills necessary.
HMO bsck- sume van Buren, AZ8S004. GSCC JOB OPPORTUNITY This newly construction 128 bed extended care facility nvitcs you to do part ot a Jicrapcutlc team as the actlv- as inc aenv-be reinnml- ty rector, vy ble for oyer all activity, prog am rlnuplnnment dcvelnn- i development Ing Individual activity plans, Background In recreational her ft management. Qualified applicants may ap ply oetween vam-wm at booa Samaritan tare Li enter wi e. wiptta nocnix, hi oil 6M-JM-S000 PhocnTx, AZ 85005 602-223-31 Equal Opportunity Employer GSCC JOB OPPORTUNITY Full-time medical records clerk position it now available. Will be responsible for auditing, filing ft closing of patient recoroi.ackground In medical ternilnologv preferred, pualllled applicants may appw befween 9am-4pm at: Good Samaritan Care Center 901 E.
Willed PhocnTx, AZ 85005 ouz-yj-juui Equal Oppbi pportumty mpjoyer HYGIFNI5T PARTIME Flexible hrs. Salary DO(, caw wen. Bcy njy-jjn Inturanc Secretary needed sy pnvsciani ottict, rd oartv falling. Exo. a must.
Rhonda 274-3601 INSURANCE BHIer, experience required for ch ropratlc office, PT. Apply at 4131 Thunderblrd Rd In the am Inturanc Billing Clerk full tlmejor bujy.N, nrao tice. pp nciptuiyyo-ivyo cty. Tsych'olc? fom" puter knowledge nec. Assist BliitlaUlne2i5-965L "IN HOME" Nursing person' hoi, earn per weekl Part lime, call Emergency Monitoring Systems 897-494 LAB.
AIDE FT. nlahfRnfat weoxenas. iad workoataen. pvt lab, Susan 971-41 li) LAB to worK PA In pro-choice women health care clinic In Tempt, Lab skllis required. $6hr.
Apply to: 424 W. Broadway or callNancy 968-7471. LPNCarlng, energetic Individ- PROJECT ACCOUNTANT Needed for expanding RE Intf RE AR. ugh FS pev Co. FT.
AP, lournal entrtot mrmia ries ore for multiple properties. Cpm- outer xp req'd. Non-smkng office. Send resume ft salary nistory io: Jt t. university Dr, 265, Phoenix, AZ 85034.
PROPERTY MANAGER Apt Manager position avall- able hi Phoenix tor 200 units. loie hi rnoerox tor units, ixccllent opportunity with a txccnem opportunity wit stable national real estate I real i rm exp ary wa ilrardA nrm. Apt mgrm exp nec. Competitive salary wapt, in surance, benetlts. Send re- to: 6UJV warn Ave irooklyn Center, MN 55430 PROPERTY SUPERVISOR One of Az's leading property management companies is seeking a motivated career-minded individual with a minimum of 2 years experience In mulfl-riousing supervision.
Applicants must show Initiative and have history of successful staff training and supervision, organization, budget control, and marketing. Competitive salary benefits package. Please respond with resume ft cover ktter to: C-279 co RG, 120 E. Van Buren, Phx AZ 85004. QUALIFIED PHYSICAL THERAPY INSTRUCTOR TO TEACH IN PRIVATE SCHOOL CALL 820-1232 RESIDENT MANAGER Large westside comm.
1-2 vrs bnfts. ApoIv in person or seni resumes: Maak Management ssjs Mcuoweii, rnx RETAIL SECURITY DIRECTOR Young aggressive retailer seeking security Director with minimum 5 veara reta II security management expcrl ence required. Salary com' mensurate with experience. an benefit program. Send resume salary history to Box laryhisioryt RG, 120 E.
AZ 85004. -268 co Van uren, Phx, SCHOOL Psychologist, resi dential treatment center. Exp In counseling, classroom consultation, assessment, case mgmt. Must posess school Psychologist certificate. 41 week.
jwsltlpn. Xlnt feneflts, tut Davahmiv Antpr 64J6 e. sweetwat ater in. sconsoaiej Help Wanted 8400-Health Care DENTAL HYGENTIST part-time position in our preventative perlq oriented general practice Is available. Since relationships are important to us, our team is looking for an empathefic creative person with good communication skills, please call the foam at DENTAL HY6ENIST In Lnanpicr, LOOKing tor friendly, dynamic, sclf-mptl-valcd dental nygcnfsl to join fast growing general practice, Part or lull lime.
786-1734 DENTAL HYGIENIST West side office. 848-8500 DENTAL Office MgrRecept hi perio office. Exp'd, good organizational Skills, Fake charge person, FT NW Phoonlx. 978-6910 DENTAL Office MgrRecept exp, good people relations ft comm skills, take charge person. Call June 846-0329 DENTALORTHODONTIC Rcccpf, Our progressive scldl practice is oticrini is oflerlna a career oppty for an exp'd outstanding Orthodontic rccept.
FT, Mon-Thurs. Computer awareness necessary. 1811 Lisa V4B-5US DENTAL RECEPTIONIST1 APPT SCHEPULeK Do vou have oulstand no 'communication ft people SKiiisr Are you wen organized responsible? Our high qualify, professional practice need! team to round out our Full benefits, continued edu xpenencc prcierrea. canon, tan uonna yva-BBio DENTAL RECEPT FT, with chairslde exp. Tepip area, ask tor vicxma-ziuu Dental Receptionist NW Phx-Sun Clfv area, Exp nec, Nice oiiicevjj-aiiu DENTAL TECHNICIAN.
Qua aimed waxermctai ti rnn'rl Mln 4vrs ISI Benefits provided. 948-0456 DENTIST- Ff position in wcstsioc group practice, cepflonal oppty. 242-7291 Ex- DENTIST required lo work In Ma oft. 4-5 das pej' wpek. csfreVeHease caO-U oays or 8w-ij7eves DIETARY supervisor for long term care laclllty.
Prefer prior management as wen as clinical cxporience. Contact Mrs. Flnnigan Village Green Nursing hom*o 2932 14 hS II nomas Ka264-524 DISPAfCltfRi MT Ambulance Is now hiring PT ft oncail Dispatchers. MT training required. Prefer red.
prj quallf exp but will train If qualified. Starting salary commensurate I salary coi ifet wexn. lions avajlabli at Jli 1 nomas oyyg or liv calling 31 ir oy caning Jii-1999 DISPATCHER for arnbulance 1401 Wasnlngton St ilngton DISPENSING Optician, excellent Benotltslnccmlve. Benson Optical 264-5664 EMT for full-tl Gila Bond. Mon taiiBarrMpm 1 iOt EMT or Resp Tgch needed for ble medical equip, Co.
No omecare exp. Is needed. 256-7286 M-F 8-5 Full ft part time openings. Please apply 5424 S40th Experienced N.A.'s New Incentive program $1 per hour above reoulAr Alarv for ev- ry hour worked without ab-jnces per bay period. Apply jrage CC 1856 E.
Thomas. EXP'D Dental assistant. X- tuii imp, oonotiis, AvcMaryland! 242-2588 FOOD SERVICE SUPERVISORCHEF Full-time, Days Working supervisory position. Responsible lor food production Including chef's duties, on nc ud na chef ealoterla ooemtirm. Dure has- Ing and employee training.
Supervises employees In ab sence ot department airector. Qualifications: minimum 5 years cooking experience In hospital or hotel setting. Requires 3 years supervisory exnerlenre In food serv nee. Degree In Food Service a plus. may be jcntti loenlx Camelback Hosplta PHOENIX CAMELBACK HOSPITAL Dental Tech, qual! oriented MF needed.
Mln 4yrs exp. Excl medical benef, Apply by apt. JMD Dental Lab 870-1759 ASS7 COMPUTER SUPV Successful candidate will be responsible for report scheduling, system recovery procedures, and will aid In solving user problems. Position requires programming, strong PC oackground, at least 5 years operations experience and good communication skills. Apply Damon Clinical Laboratories, 21Q North 24th st, Hhoenix totMi-Hv GOOD Typing skills, knowl edge ot venture lotus uj.
Marketing background nelp- 1UI. W6-2iH KEYPUNCH OPERATORS FuN Ptlme, All Shifts Support Services 274-5104 Help Wanted 8260-Domestic ATTENTION WEAGF0R Professional housekeepers wanted! Needed Immediately Valley wide. ion near nome. PT day work. Flxbl hrs aid daily.
Rapid raises. Must have own car, ohnnr Ann refv Call 234-2799 aft 9am wkdays A HOUSEKEEPER To work large apt complex In NW Phx. Hotel exp preferred. Non smoker preferred. Apply QAKRIDGE 3330 Greenway Mon-Satl0-5 866-1016 A live-In female housekeeper-helper tor mini-ranch who needs a good home.
995-0681 CAMELVIEW DOMESTIC single exec share ScTsdl hm small salary, eve child care apx 8hrs wk inny rtio bnfts, PV oLl mothers helper, relo N.J. S900mo, Dingie parent neeas nanny hsokpr for 5Vjyr old, Sctsdl $860mo. LI governess, pvt qutrs SlOOOmo. FT elderly ilex 3t.iicu, iiuuviiiu. Experienced with References No Fees 996-0882 CHILD CAREHSKPR FT In PV, mature adult for 2 kids 58.7.
Refs. Non-smkr 266-1240 LIVE IN BABYSITTER En-canfo area care for vr, old pvt brba 495-9409 LIVE IN Housekeeper with references for elderly man. 268-0108 LIVE-IN, Mature, dependable lady for elderly care center. 991-1200 or 944-4285 Help Wanted 8400-Health Care DDDDDDDDD NAs Desert Crestf rmlvinw Lda Part time weekends, full time evening shifts near Squaw peax area, area. Certification not ulred In our skilled nursing illtv.
but must have 6 i our ut months exDer ence. I onfhs experience. Excellent benefits for full time employ- ces. Call Mary or Sharon at 277-2260 for appt. eoemfh DDDDDDDDD NAs Starting new program for In- house nursing ppol, needed br 8.
pt 3-1 lft 11-7 shifts. Excellent wages in lieu ol benefits. For more Information call Barbara Flerro, RN, DON, EOE NA.LPNS What kind ot people work at CHRISTIAN CARE? Intelligent, compassionate, neat, fun loving men ft womenl II you are an experienced A or LPN with these pyalitlcaflons you'll fit right Jn! Apply In person, CHRISTIAN CARE NURSING CENTER, 11812 19lh Ave. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN MEDICAL TRAINEES Train for a career In the medical field. Accept employment now as Nurses Aids, file Clerks, ft Office Assistants.
No fee. A New Beginning 242-984 242-9882 NURSES AID trainees waryted. Pd training. Fulltime positions avail. 2941 14th St.
279-1033 NURSES, RN's, LPN's NA's The season Is here, earn for the Holidays now. Staffing ft private duty, all shifts ft all areas In the valley. Xlnt salary health benefits credit union. 860-T269 NURSE PRACTIONER Pari lime, make a difference, work for a pro choice clinic. Gvn duties.
957-8535 fiu'RSE pvt, duty, 10 year old quau gin, live-in prpt a gooa quad girl, llvo-ln orpf'd goi DUA Van NURSING ASSISTANTS TOP WAGES Pleasant Working Conditions for experienced dependable tor an snins. app re Center of Sq ittsaaie, 160-6396 4V4t.becKer Lane. NURSING ttudent, LPN or Nurses Aid position for sev oral elderly in residents on tot rotidi home. Exp nc. Day ft nights avail.
NW Valley 466-4921 NUTRITIONISTSNURSES A successful Valley bus lor over 1 yeara sei business Is. Al unu run help people wwclght Ight control 0591 Sccuontional Theraolil, reals erea, tor community onsen ti floor M-pa-tom. tot BffIce MANAGER for radl-ology office Prescott. Expe rience required. Send resume to: looo Ainswprm, st.
Hi, Prescott, AZ 86301, OFPICE MANAGER FT Experienced for doctor's office in Gilbert. Call926-2777 OFFICE MANAGER exper preterrea, iront dock, insurance, iio-nii CTHATOLogY OF ICE needt from office recepf, energetic experienced. 97T-I999 7PTICAL DISPENSER ile, mature Tndlvldu Stal wan teo, exp neces: ry, benefits. Call necessary, xinl salary, nit OPTICIANS Lee Optical the west leading optical retailer Is currently hiring for Its retail focatlons, Experience jsretcrrea buf will train. Call Scon Ineman ai 4JB-IJJ0Or pr-aree.
Call Sharon al 942-1221, utpt turglcal cntr needs exp'd ins clerk. Mutl be familiar PART-TIMnhlropracllc Physician looking tor xp'd PHARMACISTS Full time In outpatient tarpwon tompsny 829- 1-6431 DDDDDDDDD PHYSIOTHERAPIST alile1nsy out-patlenl clinic, varied case load, good opportunity for self- motivator, starting sal 140,0004, Good benefit pkg, Desert Rehab sorvlces, 380-4242 DDDDDDDDD SPANISH Instri it anlsh. MA oreterrec resume to: PO Bo Mesa, AZ 85211. TAX PREPARER Top pay for good work, computerized returns, ft or pi, Triple Check Income Tax MesaChandler Area 839-8868 Help Wanted 8400-Health Care CHRISTIAN PROGRAM Positions available for new Christian Adult Psychiatric In-Patient Phoenix Hospital Unit. Need Program Director, Chief Therapisl, Case Manager, In-Take Coordinator Cnaplln.
Experience necessary. For Interview appt call Audrey Baler, 714-494-8383 COLLECTION ft Ins elk Full ft prttlme. Westside. Exp. to $1300 kav263-8356kcypersvc COLLECTIONS medical accounts, 19 hours per week Centra) Phoenix.
174-9766 COOK, PM shift. Dietary aides. Exp. only. Apply Desert Terrace Nursing Center.
2509 N. 24th St. No Phone calls. COUNSELOR coed resid fx Ctr for EH adoies. 2yrs collg ftor Resume P.O.
Box 8500 Phx AZ 85064 DataEntry Med-codes $12480 A MFD InsurflkUnlownUK sniriey264-yi nogenrerssvc Dental Assistant Our Scotts-da pediatric dental practice is looking tor an cxp'd dental ass't if vou enloy working wchlldren In a cheerlul envi ronment, picase can Lisa ZS4-UVVU DENTAL Assistant, Asilnl to work in ely pac Phx in a moderately paced team oriented practice. 4Vi dayiwk. Exp'd ft X-ray cert. Call Jennifer 944-1871 DENTAL ASSISTANT Chairs de for N.Phx pcrlo-re- storatlye practice. We Ireat people tneir conqnion.
it you are people oriented, 942-1461 gENTAL ASSISTANT opt. o( Corrections needs long term ramp asii, am-j. M-F. $10hoyrly. tlOhourlv.
Denla Power Inc. J74-2I37, no fee DENT cNTAL ASSI SSISTANT Lnairsn sldo-fyll lime lor, GP In PV area. rca. txpericncea in a must. 4V3-I DENTAL ASST.
FT BO Ortho exp. a must, salary Benefits ask for Nlckl 861-2223 BENTAL ASST. needed Pf. ray ccrtitication necessary. DENTAL ASSISTANT FT, xray cert a 3311 E.
V4S' Denial Assistant, dependable, enthusiastic, X-ray cert, tor, N. Phx. solo practice. Mon 866-9704 DENTAL ASSISTANT 1ANT Mesa olflc Ice needs full time, rav certified ass slant, ex perience desirable. 834-6991 DENTAL assistant, Cen.
loca qlufrefSradrlr'(JVnPinw re- age. DENTAL assistantfront office nansoer tor growing practice. 148-8696 leavt message. DENTAL AsstRecept oxp. DENTAL ASSIST needed FT ti.
Phx. area. X-ray certv friendly ft motivated. 86-8183 DENTAL ASSISTANT wanted for NE Phoenix prac- tico full-time, can 493-561 DE NTAL Assistant. PT, Tues Urn Ask DENTAL ASSISTANT DENTAL Assistant- Fulltime, DENTAL ASST, X-ray cert, nedr metro, immea opening.
yrj-waj or nt-yf 4 jpm BENTAL assistant, exp'd irionaiy tor general aontist, Central Phx, 956-41 li DENTAL Asst. PT North 'nx, moocrn, quality orientco iractlce. 992-5144 ENTAL HYGENTIST part- ime position in our preventa-ive pcrlo oriented general radce is available. Since relationships are Important to us, our team Is looking for an empathefic creative person with good communication relationships are Important fo skills, Please call the team at mTim DENTAL HYGIENIST, pari lime for progressive SW Mesa ottice, ti friendly, astic teai rues Thurs. Must be v.
mot vateo entnus earn member. 838-6558 5ENTAL HYGIENIST PT for Preventative Dental Practice. Pleasant, atmosphere ft high salary ottered. Call 837-1315 DENTAL HYGIENIST with root aning exp. neeoea I aay a week BENTAL HYGIENIST.
Mon, Tue ft Wed. Start Imma- oiateiy. sun city 972-0137 Pt 2-5 aviw ive salary. i217B-5prn Hex, tchei DENTAL LAB Exp'd porcelain frame work waxer ft meta llnlshcr. dot- II! cclaln laminates and inlays, die trim case evaluation.
Gold Duit Dental Lab Tempo 968-6131 CENTAL Lab has opening for model room tech, FT. "van hook utntei, Tempevoo-unj Arizona RpubilcPtwnli Gazette 120 Van Buren (moenix, AZ 85004 This will enable us to forward your fepfy promptly Help Wanted 8222-Computer Personnel AS400SYSTEM 38 Your RPG or COBOL experl- to luaiity vou to move KAL kM- lt. central DATA ANALYST Medical Review Co. requires statistical analyst wback-gound In hearth care data working knowledge ot Easy- trlcve programming. Successful candidate must bp quality detail oriented Su ist possess The ability to follow analytical protects to completion.
Masters, bachelors degree or equivalent combination of education exp. Send resume to Personnel, P.O. Box 16731, Phx Az 85011 EOEMFHV. PROGRAMMERANALYST Harris Laboratories Phoenix has a full time position available for a Programmer Analyst. Position responsibil ities win oe spin petweci programming iuasiu an system management, ut VMS DCL exp preterre College degree preterrei aono resume to: Harris Laboratories P.O.
Box 80837 Lincoln NE 68501 AAEOE PROGRAMMERS IBM mainframe, COBOL, OSMVS. Wide variety ot ap- HCailOnS. wtrltKAL tfVl- L.QYMENT, 3443 N. Central. HOENIX, AZ 65012 265-7800 SYSTEM OPERATOR for S36-AS400.
lyr exp on either both systems desirable. Will cross train. Will work eve shift (4-12rnld). Good verbal 4 listening skills a must. Comprehensive benefits pkg.
Incl med, dental coverage, educa- entai covei slst, pd submit re on assist, oo vacr ease submit resumi ary hlsfory In iry history in cpnlldence to: computer gu dene uldcnce Corp, 4722 N24St200 Phx, 85016 Help Wanted 8400-Health Care MEDICAL assistant back office FT for 2 doctor practice area. Apply 1520 S. Dobson 315. 844-8218 MEDICAL CLAIMS EXAMINER You need to knpw RIMS for this long term temp assignment in sctsdl. Manual claims exp req'd.
Stivers 264-4582 MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST Trainee. Must be willing to MEDICAL. SECRETARY Yorth ScoHsdalo, exp In bill ing, transcription, computer, OrtnO. 86U-8J02 MEDICAL Transcriptlonisl can work out ol your home. Training course avail 482-0782 edlrisyrClkl160v0knpwCodes RN SuovOfc 18-26K FecPd hlrlev264-971 7 KogenPersSvc MED OFC collection ft billing, previous ns.
ak exp Park Central loc. 234-2033 i req. MONEY MONEY MONEY NA's, LPN's, RN's Sign Up ft Get Your Bonus IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Apply today-work this week HOURS INC. 5030 S. Mill Aye D19, Tempe 3602 W.
Osborn ni. Phx. CALL 838-1003 NA positions available lenofHs, schecf- uling. Desert Sunquesl, Mesa, Sue, 890-4800 fcV. A JVE-IN idl A Phoenix locations.
Immediate need. 941-3088. Sun Shine Home Health NA's Free certification. Excellent benefits. Optional wage and schedule offered.
SCOTTSDALE HERITAGE COURT 3339 N. Civic Center Plaza PLEASE CALL 949-5400 DDDDDDDDD experienced) 995-iIll mUIeOE DDDDDDDDD CNA frainlno. Call Reva 972-2371, 11527 W. Peoria, Young-town. Arizona Baptist Center.
DDDDDDDDD NA'S! Looking for kind ft compat- tlonate aides to cart lor our residents. Join our team ft rocelvt competltiy rocelvt competitive wages, KIVEL CARE CENTER 3020 N. 36th St Goldsmith Bldg. DDDDDDDDD Nurses PLUS XHEALTH CABE NEEDS RN's, LPN's, NA's For NEW CONTRACTS BLOCK STAFFING ALL SHIFTS AIL AREAS CALL TODAY 285-0535 5301 NTth St. 304, Phx We will also Interview Wed at Mesa Job sorvfees 10am 962-8673 exf 454, BarryConnie ft Thyr at Phx Job Service 247-3304 Employer paid ad TEACHER'S ASSISTANT Fun-time, 9-month permanent position.
Duties and responsibilities Include teaching -i year oia cniiaren in trie College's new laboratory preschool and full day child care programs. Will help prepare encf Implement Curriculum materials, and will assist In the organization and planning ot learning materials, routine: and meals tor children. Assist! lead teachers In dally preparation and maintenance of thi routlnes sists Centers (earning environment, Qualified applicants should possess CpA credential or AA degree wirn course worn ear childhood education. early child development or psychology required. Experience In xperlence Start or preschool, Head Start n- oergarten marten classrooms de- sirsie.
Good ora and. ood ora and.wr men communication skills, flexll skills, to wot work with ity ana desire sre ung chlldr en necessai cessary. ase send letter of appllca- flop! colic is, current resume, and lege transcripts to the Per sonnel Office, San Juan College, 4601 College iingion, NM.it4vj, liuj) 2ii. starting 81hr. Position AAEEO.
TIRE CoServcMgr-TlreSales siorewar I rnce 13- muumo ian 264-9717 KogenPersSvc WE are a maktr equipment leasing company. We are seeking a person with a minimum of 1 years experience with a bank or finance company with heavy customer contact experience. We have an entry level sales position open. We offer competitive salary and excellent benefits, Including a company car. Please send your resume and salary history to: V--249 co it E' Buren' ph- 19 Year Old International Co Is looking for 3 people to help manage a sales force growing at over 2100.
Earn over 140K comm. 19R8 sates over 200,000,000. For appt wMr. utler 222-8107 power Mktg. SOMETHING to advertise? 3 lines, 8 days, $80,61.
256-9111, RepublicGazette. YOU'D be surpr sed how much vou can save by shopping classlflcol Help Wanted 8400-Health Care INSURANCE CLERK ft FRONT OFFICE FT. Must be enthusiastic, chiropracflcally ft people oriented. Start Immed. 864-003) LPN Mon-Frl.
Apply now at LTC facility. 7'Commltted to excellence!" SCOTTSDALE HERITAGE COURT 3339 N. Civic Center Plaza PLEASE CALL 949-5400 LPN-excellcnr benefits. Christian care. Call Npreen 933- 461 13 11527 w.
m. Cook's I Peoria, Young- town. Mcaitn i-are. SJ III 1111.UU 1 LPN, full lime, Mon-Fri, for pnx or omce. Medication a Phono experience necessary.
Contact Dolores 234-3434 LPN part time Mon-Tyes-Wed, for Mesa Dr's office. Experience with medications, phones, and back office assisting necessary. Contact Dolores. 234-3434 DDDDDDDDD LPN's We are looking for a new exceptional ft compassionate io om our protessiona 01 no stan. Exc.
stattpa tienl ratio. Competltivo wage ft benefit pkg. KIVEL CARE CENTER 3020 N. 36th St 956-3110 ext. 53 DDDDDDDDD LPN 3P-11P 11P-7A FT posltli available.
Flexl- Die scneau ing, ncennve do- benefits, PTQ, credi Ion Desert Sunouest csa. sue, ovu-nu MA for new NE Phx Derma-tnhov oft rn PT 1 (lav a week, exp preferred MA. or LPN OB-Gyn oxp. busy intertinty practlct, tl4oqn mo DOE benefits. Lot) tt ol reft Shea.
iponsiniiity. ti alum rro-roro MA PART TIME make a difference work for. a pri lolce cflnlc, Dulles include: Ok, lab, autociaving. Bi-im-gual. A-Z Abortion 957-8535 MEDICAL Accounts rocclv- able i cierk and i Insurance knowl edge and accounts receivable experience a must.
Good ben-jg at 1040. MEDICAL ASSISTANT Front officeBack office, Weekends for mobile medical unit lor schools. EOE. No Fee 990-8629 253-8034 TEMPORARY TECHS DDDDDDDDD for infernal medicine practice, W.Phoenjx. Von puncture, fti- DDDDDDDDD MEDICAL ASST PT Non-smoking Cosmetic Surgery practica.
Possibility of I van vaiene yyi-ojuu MEDICAL Attl with Iron! ft oacK ottice exp lor onnopegic oHice in NW Phx. 242-7796 MEDICAL Assistants, front ft pack otnea lor gem Cares, MEDICAL assl or bk viiiwi tun hcji iiuvi an $8. Kay 263-8356 keypersvc est noe. to- MEDICAL RECORDS A.R.T. A wen established 100-bed skilled nursing facility seeks exp'd A.R.T.
Xlnt wage benefits program. 15 above base pay in leu of benefits available. Apply to Administrator BELLS LODGE 4202 N. 20th Avenue 264-3824 Equal Opportunity Employer MRI TECHNICIAN Needed to obtain adequate scan images at to provide radiologist with the necessary dfganosllc Information. Technician would work in a mobile environment.
Mutt have 2yrs MRI experience. 484-4282 wogicai ur-Call99v-2044 Help Wanted Help Wanted 8400-Health Care 8400-Health Care PART TIMF Rile RN ful1 time charge position on rHHI limt nn weekends. Work 4 shifts (day mmedlate openings for 2 part evening) get paid tor 5 me Registered Nurses foiom shifts, he expanding staff of The Lear Eye Clinics. We will train Nursing Assistants, full time vou in Clinical Ophthalmology positions available. Exp.
re- A great career move for quired. new graduates! Apply In person after 10am. Call Candus 933-1368 Highland Manor Nursing Hm PART Tim Back offc medical 4635 N. 14 SI 264-9039 EOE asst for busy sngl GYN prac- anaaaaBa' lice. Dwntwn office.
Cheerful, BODDDDBDD tionfscreoner FlllparflrSe Desert CrestCresfview Log positions avail, Medical back- fulf P.KfS5r4 wTll TraE IppIv aH949 W. near Peak which sub-Northern suite ftVjOEjWI. anha(Jy exceeds licensure PHWATTheraplst rtSttHa Pffr WptS Maryland Phoenjx Call TamI at Physicians Phys- leal Therapy Serve, 253-6623 DDDDDDDDD PHYSICAL THERAPIST For Physician's pract ce. RN eCstef cX Practe MWBPet 57 PHYSICIANS, full ft part time the beautiful White Moun- at Medical Urgent cares. tains, lust mln.
from a premier Call 990-2044 ski resort. We currently have PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT fr l'iXZVPr p7.rc.fce8 wega asa or allowance, a special ore- PHYSICIAN Asst. low itress. mlum wage ft mileage rclm- Scnd return to: Avre Plasma bursem*nf fp ft from Show 324 33 Ave, Phx, AZ 85009 Low. Current AZ RN license Pf RECEPTIONIST for opto- req gwwsyw cM: BIS1 PrRN needed for dermatoi: NAVAPACHE HOSPITAL ogy office In Phoonlx.
Contact 2200 Show Low Lake Rd Jeanne after lpm 437-9262 Show Low, AZ 85901 PT RN needod tor dermatol- 1-537-4375 EOE ogy offic In Phoenix. Contact rn, PT to assist In busy Jeanne after lpm 437-9262 urgent caro depf to share QUALIFIED PHYSICAL" cLU THERAPY INSTRUCTOR Aifm TO TEACH IN PRIVATE lnUl SCHOOL CALL 820-1232 fl? Help Wanted 8400-Health Care AAA SUPERVISORY positions muni-speciaiiy urs. zir-S30K Kav263-8356kcypersvc Admin asst needed for Scstdl optometrist. Must have exp In mcaicai or optometry otc. Rcsonslbilltles Incl: rccpf, Aft, AP gen ofc duties.
Send resume to: H. C. PO box 5812, Laretrec.AZ mn. ADMIN SECRETARY Arc vou looking for a real challenge? Life Care Center of PV, a luxurious, growing health care facility, (s in Immediate need for a person wexperience weoicare hi linn fhhPl AD rnllorilnnc. A DP oavroll.
Knowledbe of 3rd party billing a musfT Full flme posltjon available with excellent benefits, Apply in person, 4065 E. Bell Ra EOE. Answering Service Operator, all shifts, must work wkends type min 40wpm. Medical front office exp a 14 exmibnfts. 247-7786 AME Jobs avail now for top-notch qualified medical PT, temp to full time, no contracts or fees.
Marsha or Jackie 246-4906. ATTENTION X-RAY TECHS We at Medical Service Technicians have full part-time positions available tor the lIlS) perur.r?ontect C. Simpson at MST 945-0363. Medical Service Technicians A CNAHHA WE HAVE $100 BONUS AFTER 40 HOURS Join the fastest growing Co. In the Valley.
We need cxp'd, reliable caring people to meet the needs ot our many clients. Westside HHAsCompanions Male CNAHHACompanion Will Interview Orientate In Phoenix Top Wages Bene sVacat on pav In-scrvlce Education lerral Bonuses xiblo Scheduling IN HOME HEALTH Equal Opportunity Employer Cal Miranda or Beth 8394899 DDDDDDDDD eack, office MA. Busy prec-co. Venipuncture, iniocfipns. EKbs.
w. pnoenix. Fr day. salary uot 230-2500 Not an aponcy no foe ppnaaDDPa tlonfst. txp'wghiv moflvaed person wgooq communjea-iion 8j people skills.
Mln. 3yrs exp. Apply between 9-12 M-F NcTda 249-1377 Help Wanted 8400-Health Care AIDE Ground floor oppty to be come exp a nome neaitn aioe, Work with cjderhwill train. ASST for Tempe Orthodondist, 2nrwK. txpertenceoesirea ble.
966-4121 BACK OFFICE 2 man friendly growing fam prac. Chandler tyr exp pret. port to-vovb Blood Drawer, PT mornings, Physicians Office Lab. Salary out. central rnn iii-mt Busy Front Needed ASAP.
Medical exp. Benefits, siry neg. min inx. wi-iwt BUSY westside urology prac tice neeas Dacx ottice person, prefer LPN, will consider MA, safarv DOE. Tonl848-6021 CHIROPRACTIC Office needs personaoie ironi oex recupi.
Snmo exo nec. Non smoker. 266-7246 CHRIROPRACTIC Doctor's office needs Intelligent self motivator who pves working with people. 63rd Ave (St BCII Ku. BB-4UUU CLINICAL SUPERVISOR at resid Ix ctr 4 EH reauired: mutl nos- sess strong diagn skills ft willing to participate in events of therapeutic milieu.
Send resume ft salary req: rv box aauu, rnx ut CLINIC ASSISTANT Director to help coordinate complex office. Teaching experience desirable, computer literacy nec, Responsible position, oppty for advancement for right person, salary DOE, may train right person. PHYSICAL THERAPIST Part hmc, exp w7 children desired. Teaching exp helpful. uppty to expano to tun time Contact Osteopathic ChlWrens Center Osteopathic Structural Medicine Cntr of Moon Valley 863-1951 wkdys tor Info CuraCare CNA'SHHA'S RN'SAPN'S LIVE-INS-All Skill Levels HOME CAREPRIV.
DUTY STAFFING TOP AGENCY RATES Call our Youngtown office 933-1912 COME srow with us as we expand, Die to i wi wor is need oualltv neo work In a challenging. spacious environmei ni. neea RN'I ft LPN'S 1-n ft 11-7, Contact Martha, at -4671 or apply at 1664i 381ft SI. co*k, PM shift. Dletaryljjiej: Exp.
only. Apply Desert Tor-race Nurslnp Center. 2509 N. 24tn si. no tnone cans, DentalAdminslallve Asst, exp, looking lor progressive luarn pioyyr ror growth oriented practice.
Pleasant, upbeat environment. Send resume to: dental Assist! fxp'd cnalrslde. FT general, PT pcrlo assist. X-ray tent Knx. group practice, t-ui firogrcsslve team oriented of Ice.
General practice, Donni 944-9638. PerlO, Rae 870-1575. IIOMf. W. viiMiTiiy I CAKFJj RN, Woekejids, 12 hour shlf, ray jui oj iiuuis, uti medicare unit.
Good supervl pay tor 36 nours, ie Deo tory skills medicare expe- skills a must, i 1856 6. a must. Apply vantage 1856 E. Thomas Rd. 274-3508, EOE.
RNU-7, full ftparl your own scheduli Write quireo, wages neo ceeos stannar RN. Mon-Frl, higher wage In lieu ol benefits, $300 sign up bonus. Excellent working environment. App'v Vantage C.C., 1856 E. Thomas.
EOE RN 11P-7A FT position for RN strona supervisory skills. In ncentivc bonus, Denctit*, cio, TO. credit union, salary DOE. JJesprf Sunquest, Mesa. Sue, 890-4800 RT (ARRT) PT.
Mammogram, possible ultrasound. Mon-priyyi-3220 RUNAWAY From sniff work ft schedules irx ior yi that don't work tor you. I need skiiioo (vtGuicai iron5cripiiQ id ca Transcr ot on- (sts whospllal exp. Work jhi hours ft days you choose. Cal Jennlter Brown CMT952-073: RN Unit coordinator.
Full time days, skilled unit. Good Shcp- i.ALES Mgmnt Improve your CuraCare STAFFING COORDINATOR On call PTFT position avail for week onweek off. Carry our beeoer, Exper'dappfy. Ask lor Jean or Maria. 933-1912, Youngtown, AZ.
RANSCRIPTIpNfST for busy orthopedic otiice, sumo la: wtoc Dr, BI, Peoria Transcriptional medical, xp'd UTILIZATION REVIEW, Rap- Idly growing national management firm needt FT audit audi RN wexp pret. Pwas tend a It Nurse, Box 16692, pi hx. A 5UII-06VJ. VENIPUNCTURISTLab Aide, davt, Suty.khandjor phytj-, clant oftic. 821-2033 X-RAYTTechs, on coll for Medical Urgent Carot.
Call 990-2044 X-RAY PRT for physician's office. Includes BO du es, sal, DOE. Apply: Medlca 01 iccnter, 2740 5. Alma Schl o. Mesa or can 897-v bi X-RAY Technician ARRT FT for busy orthopedic fc.
Send HALTH complete the team of a busy Internal meldclnc olflce In East Mesa, very heavy EXP Eh I EMC ONL vou are that person seni resume to: PO Box 6754 MCSa, 85216 RECEPTIONIST nsurancc Secretary needed In Chiropractic office 275-1905 Recpt ncdcd f.t ft p.t. for fam practice, urgent caro cmr Carefree. Exp req'd. Seni resume to: Doyle, PO Bo: 51BS, Carefree, AZ 85377 REGISTERED Physical her-aplsl- PT to work with pediatric caseload. Tempe Center lor the Handicapped, tan Mike Lins, I EOE REHABILITATION Instruction services Tcn.
pt. xmt di P' en. elits. Also PT aide, weekends. residential lie required with no violation for past 3 yrs.
Apply Scotts-dal Foundation For The Handicapped, 7507 e. osborn RN PT FVFNINR4 A DAYS Skiiiea.unit, no iyt, trachs or vcntnaiers. worK a quality rated faci Nursing Hi Nursino Home. 60 S. 58th Mesa 832-3903 EOi RN FT.
RR Oolhom*okiav out-paticnl surgery oerv. Central Phx. area. Mo-Fr days only, 277-7997 8-2pm for appt RNSliLPNSa a oo bed long erm care taciiity in tne oeeu-iful White Mtns. Call Joyce at 1.537-5333 Punblo Norte Nursing Center, Showlow Az.
in t-un i me txceiicnt W. poor a.youngtown. Arizona BaptlsfContor. UmjJLUBR.lJ!JJ RN MAKE ADIFFERENCEI work for pro-choice clinic. Duties Include: OR head nurse, review charts, rotating en-call GYN.
training. A-Z APOniOn 957-M4S RN needed for .64 MS. Mm sing taciiity so. nx. t-uii nAn lime, hnuirv Send resume, to: P.O, 2652, Phx B50U2 RN-Nurilng Supcrylsor, FT.
Supervisory, podsPsych exp pret. lltJrom-B week. Resident am, 4 nt a treatn center. Xlnt benfltt. 3everux Center l36E.5wcctwaler (N.
scottsoaie) DDDDDDDDD RN'S Charge nurse needed M-F only. Exp'd ft motivated professional wanted to direct the are on a 40 bed unit in one of 1't rated facility. Mon-Fri night thlft. pxc. Halt lo patlen) ratiot.
New bate rate lor night nurtetbeneflt pkg, CONTACT VERA W0LFS0N DON KIVEL CARE CENTER 956-3110 ext 55 DDDDDDDDD PROVIDER RELATIONS COORDINATOR Humana Health Care Plans is currently seeking a full-time Provider Relations Coordinator to Join our growing and successful Managed Care Program in our Phoenix market office. The successful candidate will coordinate activity between the their offices, and our Health Care Plan. Qualifications include excellent communication and organizational skills, A College Degree in a related field, as well as 1-2 years experience in a Managed Care environment is required. Previous Provider Relations experience or a Managed Care background is a definite plus. wc offer an attractive salary and -goncrous benefits package plus the opportunity for professional growth.
For consideration, please send resume to: Network Development Manager, Humana Health Care Plans, Anchor Centre HI, 2231 East Camclback Road, Suite 207, Phoenix, Arizona 85016. EOE. -0umana.