Sermons about Luke 131 139 (2024)

  • Refined To A Shine!

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Nov 28, 2018


    Subject: Second Sunday of Advent (Year C) 2018 This sermon focuses on the idea of refining; of allowing the LORD to refine you as well as you being a refiner of your own minds, soul and heart (co - operating with God).

    Scripture: Malachi 3:1-4; Luke 3:1-6Theme: Prepare the Way - RefineTitle: Refined to a Shine!Subject: Second Sunday of Advent (Year C) 2018 This sermon focuses on the idea of refining; of allowing the LORD to refine you as well as you being a refiner of your own minds, soul and heart more


    Denomination: Nazarene

  • 3rd Sunday In Lent, Year C. Series

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Mar 14, 2022

    based on 2 ratings


    March 20th, 2022.

    Isaiah 55:1-9, Psalm 63:1-8, 1 Corinthians 10:1-13, Luke 13:1-9. A). SEEK THE LORD. Isaiah 55:1-9. The Bible is full of wonderful gracious invitations. Isaiah 55 begins with a call to the thirsty to come to the waters. This is in order to quench, not a physical thirst, but a spiritual thirst. more


    Denomination: Evangelical/Non-Denominational

  • Increase Our Faith

    Contributed by Sunitha Justin on Jul 8, 2019

    based on 3 ratings


    Whether it’s deep-rooted habits in your life that refuses to move, whether is mountain-like problems that your facing that you cannot move or you are having a challenge so great like planting something where there is no soil, God says, your faith is enough to solve those problems.

    There are several kinds of prayers that we find in the Bible. Long prayers, short prayers. three-word This afternoon I want to particularly turn your attention to one prayer that the disciples made. The prayer has profound significance. The prayer and the answer to that prayer probably impacted more


    Denomination: Charismatic

  • Content

    Contributed by Luther Sexton on Mar 15, 2019


    Discontent! Was there ever a time when there was so much restlessness in the world as there is today?

    CONTENTMENTScripture: Philippians 4:11 KJVNot that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.Amplified Version Phil. 4:11Not that I am implying that I was in any personal want, for I have learned how to be content (satisfied to the more


    Denomination: Pentecostal

  • Come Along Side...

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jan 10, 2024


    The Bible is full of people that seemed small and unimportant. Barnabas came along Saul and helped him get started. We need mentors and teachers in the church.

    COME ALONG SIDE.By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. (YouTube: Wade Hughes)*MISSION: a task to do, an important assignment, an important task, duty.*MENTOR: a supporter, to advise, to train, to guide, motivate, model, mold. *COME ALONGSIDE: to help each other succeed, to be more


    Denomination: Assembly Of God

  • I Met Him When I Had No Choice Series

    Contributed by Gordon Pike on Mar 28, 2021


    Jesus stands before Pilate. It seems that Jesus is being swept away by the events surrounding Him but the TRUTH is that Jesus is the only one in control. It is Pilate and the Jewish leaders who are being swept up in a battle that they cannot see or control.

    Governor Pilate stood on the balcony of the praetorium, his headquarters, and looked down at the mobs milling around in the streets below. “Ugh!” he thought. Jewish pilgrims, priests, vendors, thieves, rebels, beggars, prostitutes … rabble! … all crammed into Jerusalem’s narrow streets … and it more


    Denomination: United Methodist

  • Behold Your Son/Behold Your Mother Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Mar 21, 2022


    The crowds were mocking, the thieves were taunting, the priests were jeering, the soldiers were indifferent, the Savior was bleeding — and all the while His mother witnessed the horrible mockery.

    I think you’d agree: there is something noteworthy about the last words of men and women. Winston Churchill’s last words were reported, “I’m bored with it all,” as he died of a stroke at the age of 90. Maybe the amusing last words were by the king of Rock and Roll, Elvis Presley, who said, “I’m more


    Denomination: Baptist

  • Getting A Glimpse Of God

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Oct 7, 2023

    based on 1 rating


    The following sermon is going to review five people's glimpses of the Lord and how their lives were forever changed! Since meeting God is not an impossibility but a divine gift from our Creator, let us never stop seeking Him and inviting Him to transform our very lives for His honor and glory!

    Getting a Glimpse of the LordJohn 1:43-51; Mark 10:17-25; Luke 13:10-17; John 21:15-19; Luke 18:9-14Online Sermon: are so many things happening in this chaotic merry-go-round called life that to keep from succumbing to its chaos we tend to more


    Denomination: Baptist

  • Heaven's Party Series

    Contributed by Darren Ethier on May 21, 2002

    based on 90 ratings


    Part 9 of 10 of the series, Supernatural Transformation. Three stories about something lost and something found reveal when Christ is the happiest. Jesus is happiest when the lost are found. How does this affect your life?

    HEAVEN’S PARTYLuke 15:1-32Read at beginning of service:Psalm 96:1-3 (NIV)1 Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth. 2 Sing to the LORD, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. 3 Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all more


    Denomination: Pentecostal

  • Finding Freedom From Your Circ*mstances Series

    Contributed by Steve Malone on Feb 3, 2021

    based on 1 rating


    This MSG is about how to ensure that circ*mstances do not become our master.

    Finding Freedom From Circ*mstancesOKAY – I want to read a couple of passages of Scripture that will lay the groundwork for our conversation this morning.AND – please keep in mind that the words I am about the read are literally God-breathed, alive and active. UNDERSTAND MGCC – these words more


    Denomination: Christian/Church Of Christ

  • God Says: You Are Priceless

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Feb 7, 2019

    based on 4 ratings


    This is a sermon sharing the Good News that God says that we are priceless. It is a sermon dedicating to helping people realize their worth so that they can be uplifted and in response uplift others.

    Scripture: Luke 6:17-26; Genesis 39:1-23; (Call to worship - Psalm 8)Theme: Recognizing Your WorthTitle: God Says: You Are Priceless!INTRO: Grace and peace to everyone in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I want to talk to you this morning about recognizing your true more


    Denomination: Nazarene

  • Living Sacrifice (Pt. 2)

    Contributed by Chris Talton on Jan 22, 2002

    based on 85 ratings


    Through the example of Jesus, we can get a good picture of what sacrifice will accomplish in your life.

    April 16, 2000 Mark 15; Luke 23Living Sacrifice – Part 2INTRODUCTIONHave you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence? Five signers were captured by the British as traitors, and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes ransacked and more


    Denomination: Baptist

  • Teach Me To Pray!

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Sep 18, 2019


    I find it so interesting that the boys never ask Jesus teach us HOW TO PRAY? They asked Jesus TEACH US TO PRAY. If we are anemic in prayer all of our spiritual life will be anemic. Lord, teach us to pray.

    TEACH ME TO PRAY!By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. Kyfingers@aol.comWe will never be any better in our public prayer life than we are in our public prayer life. If we are anemic and weak in prayer everything we do will be anemic. *WHAT MOTIVATES US TO PRAY? IS THE ONLY TIME WE PRAY WHEN WE ARE more


    Denomination: Assembly Of God

  • The Lord’s Supper: Easter Story - Days 5-6 Series

    Contributed by Jenny Franklin on Apr 5, 2023

    based on 1 rating


    Two days before Passover, Jesus was anointed and betrayed. The next evening, Jesus and the disciples had the Lord’s Supper and headed to the Mount of Olives.

    Day Five - Anointed and BetrayedTwo days before the Passover feast, Jesus said to his disciples,“I will be betrayed to be crucified.”Caiaphas and the religious leaders said, “We can’t kill him on the feast day,because there will be an uproar among the people.”In Bethany, a supper was more


    Denomination: Baptist

  • The Symbol Of Foot-Washing.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Dec 29, 2022

    based on 2 ratings


    The Lord equips us with a model of love and humility.

    THE SYMBOL OF FOOT-WASHING. John 13:1-17. JOHN 13:1. The Lord was fully aware that He was about to leave the world and return to His Father. However, He was not taking His disciples immediately out of this world, but was rather equipping them with a model of love and humility for their more


    Denomination: Evangelical/Non-Denominational

  • Sermons about Luke 131 139 (2024)


    What is the lesson of Luke 13 1 9? ›

    But understand an important truth, you will be judged if you do not repent. God does not need to bring physical death to us for our sins because all of us are worthy of spiritual death and that day of judgment is coming. God has appointed the day of judgment. All sinners face the same fate before God.

    What does the Bible say about Luke 13 1 5? ›

    Luke 13:1–5 Prays He Uses Our Lives To Repent And Trust In Him. And that God, You would help us to live just with this constant awareness of the brevity of life and the need for repentance. We want to be right with You by Your Grace, by Your Mercy at every single moment.

    What is Luke 13:1 talking about? ›

    Jesus is teaching a crowd about priorities. It's foolish to strive after worldly wealth and a comfortable life if they don't pay any attention to their relationship with God (Luke 12:13–21).

    Did Jesus say repent or perish? ›

    Luke 13:3-5 New International Version (NIV)

    But unless you repent, you too will all perish. Or those eighteen who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them—do you think they were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem? I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish.”

    What lessons can we learn from Luke 13? ›

    The unspoken moral is that God may be merciful and delay judgment, but it's important that the people repent and reconcile with Him as soon as possible. As with the victims of Pilate and the tower, they don't know what tomorrow will bring (Luke 13:6–9).

    What does the parable in Luke 13 mean? ›

    In either case, the parable reflects Jesus offering a chance for repentance and forgiveness of sin, showing his grace toward his believers. "These three years" logically refers to the period of Jesus' ministry, or simply that is the period it took for a fig tree to bear fruit.

    What is chapter 13 of luke about? ›

    Luke 13 is the thirteenth chapter of the Gospel of Luke in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. It records several parables and teachings told by Jesus Christ and his lamentation over the city of Jerusalem. Jesus resumes the journey to Jerusalem which he had embarked upon in Luke 9:51.

    What is the lesson learned in Luke 13:6-9? ›

    The lesson is clear: through the intercession of the gardener (who is Jesus), God mercifully gives fruitless people a second chance. Consider some Biblical instances of people who were given a second chance. Jonah ran away from doing God's work but God brought him back to obedience.

    What can we learn from Luke 13 31 35? ›

    Jesus' Death a Part of His Mission

    Whatever the purposes of the Pharisees and Herod, Jesus uses the threat to make clear the nature of his upcoming death as a part of his mission. Jesus is going to die, but it will have nothing to do with the threat of Herod. Rather, his death is the completion of his present ministry.

    What is the summary of Luke 1 13? ›

    The angel's announcement suggests that prayers for a child have been a regular part of Zechariah's life. Now, those requests will be granted. Elizabeth will conceive, at last, and they will have a son. The angel commands that the child be named John, and future generations will refer to him as John the Baptist.

    Where is Jesus in Luke 13? ›

    Luke 13:1 makes it clear that Jesus was teaching in the synagogue on the Sabbath. This Jesus is revealed here to be thoroughly Jewish.

    What does Luke chapter 1 teach us? ›

    The birth and early years of Jesus, The ministry of Jesus, The rejection of Jesus, The death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.

    Did Jesus forgive without repentance? ›

    Let me ask another question: When is forgiveness offered by God? Forgiveness is offered by God before repentance. The Lord Jesus atoned for our sins fully on the cross, prior to any repentance on our part. The gospel comes to the believer as a full package—Jesus died on the cross while we were still sinners.

    Did Jesus ever have to repent? ›

    As the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world, He found it necessary to repent. He is the sinless One, the perfect One, but He is the sinless and the perfect One because He re- pented. He said, " Thus it becometh us to fulfill all right- eousness." He fulfilled all righteousness by repenting.

    How do you repent to God? ›

    Principles of Repentance
    1. We Must Recognize Our Sins. To repent, we must admit to ourselves that we have sinned. ...
    2. We Must Feel Sorrow for Our Sins. ...
    3. We Must Forsake Our Sins. ...
    4. We Must Confess Our Sins. ...
    5. We Must Make Restitution. ...
    6. We Must Forgive Others. ...
    7. We Must Keep the Commandments of God.

    What does the parable of the sower teach us about the kingdom of heaven? ›

    The kingdom of heaven is like a sower who sows seed on various kinds of soil. That which falls on good soil represents those who hear the word of the kingdom, understand it, and produce fruit for the harvest.

    What lessons can we learn from Luke 13 10 17? ›

    Here Jesus highlights something of the freedom of the kingdom of God. A woman bound by arthritis or some other disease of the bones, is not to be further bound by Sabbath laws. The kingdom of God honours the individual and enhances our dignity.

    What is the real meaning of repentance? ›

    Repentance is reviewing one's actions and feeling contrition or regret for past wrongs, which is accompanied by commitment to and actual actions that show and prove a change for the better.

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    Author: Corie Satterfield

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    Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Corie Satterfield

    Birthday: 1992-08-19

    Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

    Phone: +26813599986666

    Job: Sales Manager

    Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

    Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.