Out of Bounds: A Contemporary Romance Box Set (2024)


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June 6, 2020

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1,077 reviews8 followers

April 9, 2019

Do you have a desire to read well written romance? You know the ones that stay with you long after you've completed them? That is exactly what Romi Hart has gifted us with. Inside of this ridiculously amazing collection, you will find three well crafted books that come complete with riveting storylines and realistic characters that you will have no trouble envisioning. Romi has a talent that is indescribable, however, should you not be familiar with Romi's work, why not give this collection a try? I was enraptured from the very beginning all the way through to the end.

Inside you will find 3 romances that I am sure you'll love. Boxset includes; Temptation, Addiction and Passion. What I enjoyed the most, is simply the way each story 'flowed', and as you continue through the Boxset, you can still catch up with past characters. How amazing is that? I know that I have read books that I've never wanted to end and this is a great way to keep up with past characters and another example of Romi's incredible creativity.

I was incredibly fortunate to have requested an advanced reader's copy of Out Of Bounds Boxset in exchange for my honest & voluntarily given opinion and I promise you that you'll love it as I have.

Shelly Wolf

508 reviews6 followers

March 19, 2019

This was a great box set by Romi Hart,,,,,

1st is the story of Theresa Brighton or "Reesa" to her friends and family,,,, her best friend is Kylie Michaels,,,, Reesa is single and out with her best friend Kylie Michaels one day while they were out they meet Marcus "Marc" Winters who plays with the Seattle Sounders Hockey team but lives in New York on the off season and sees Reesa and Kylie out and is very interested in Reesa,,,, at first Reesa doesn't think this thing between them will work,,,, but Marcus has other ideas,,,,,

2nd story is about Reesa's friend Kylie and Marcus' best friend Jordan Dennison who is a player from the Sounders also who has transferred from Victoria Australia and Kylie has told Jordan that she doesn't want a relationship but Jordan has got to prove to her that this is really what she wants,,,,

3rd is the story of Kyrs Dennison ,,,, she is here with Jordan Dennison and she has a daughter Amelia "Amy" who have relocated to New York along with Jordan Dennison ,,,, she hasn't been out with anyone for many years as her daughter at the age of 4 started being sickly and at the age of 5, they found she had leukemia , , now her mom, Krys is out and has just met Dexter "Dex" Collins and is feeling some strong emotions between herself and Dex,,,, actually she is debating taking Dex hone with her as she doesn't have her daughter tonight,,,, for just one night she thinks,,, then she can get him out of her system,,,, but that's not going to work for Dex,,,,

This was a great to read 3 book set,,,, It has so much in it,,,, action,,,, adventure and some really steamy passages,,,, I would so totally recommend this set to anyone,,,,

I have gotten this ARC voluntarily to leave an honest review,,,,,

Julianne Macneil

3,551 reviews26 followers

February 7, 2019

i read this box set as part of an arc program. This set includes Temptation, Addiction and Passion.

Temptation - Reesa is a single woman who really doesn't date after getting out of a bad marriage. When Reesa and her best friend were out at a bar one night, Reesa was watching the sports news about Marcus Winters donating money to charity and she commented on it. When she heard a voice behind her asking how much he should have donated, she was shocked to see him standing there. Marc started talking to Reesa and asked her to take a walk with him to get to know him. Reesa agreed and they spent the evening talking. When Marc asked for her number, she told him she didn't really think he would call her, but he did. Marc wanted to date Reesa, but she kept trying to avoid it. When she finally agreed, Marc took her to one of his games. Marc was serious about dating Reesa but she thought he would get bored and move on. When Marc continued to be there, Reesa was secretly thrilled, but she was scared when their relationship went public and Marc learned of her past. I liked this story. I liked that Marc was patient with Reesa and he knew he wanted to be with her. Reesa wanted to be with Marc, but she was hurt in the past and was scared. I think Marc and Reesa had a great connection and i think they both really wanted it to work.

Addiction - This is the story of Kylie and Jordan. This is the second book in the Bad Boy of Sports series and tells the story from Kylie's point of view about her romance with Jordan, whic we started to learn about in book 1. Jordan told Kylie he liked her, but he couldn't commit to a relationship, but wanted to have fun and see each other. Kylie usually fell too hard and too fast for her boyfriends, so she decided to have fun with Jordan. They had a great connection and chemistry. Jordan treated Kylie like a girlfriend and soon she had fallen for him. Just when things are looking up for the couple and they seem to be falling for each other, there is a twist that changes everything. I like this series and really wanted Jordan and Kylie to have a happy ending. I liked them together and thought they really did love each other.

Passion - This is the third book in this series and tells the story of Krys and Dex. Krys is the step sister of Jordan, the soccer player from Addiction. Krys and her daughter Amelia have recently moved to the US and Krys is feeling a little lonely after not dating for the last nine years. Krys sees Jordan finding love and she feels like she would like to meet someone. When Krys meets Dex at a soccer match, Jordan warns her away from his teammate. Dex sees Krys at Jordan's engagement party and they dance. When Krys allows herself to be attracted to Dex, she invited him home with her. They have a great night and Dex tells Krys he wants to see her again. Krys is told Dex is a playboy, but she doesn't see it and he treats her very well. When Krys tells Jordan she is seeing Dex, he doesn't handle the news well and it causes friction for everyone. I like this series and i really liked this book. I liked how Dex was determined to prove himself as a good guy, even though he had a reputation of a playboy. I think he really loved Krys and he wanted to be with her, and only her. I like how Dex tried to be good to Amelia also.

Good set and a great way to read the series.


7,178 reviews68 followers

February 8, 2019

Oh man, Romo has totally out done herself. I think Christmas just came early. Romi packs a punch with this unbelievably awesome collection. She pulled this collection together just for us. Way to rock it Romi.


Wow! This is one fast paced, action packed, wild ride of emotions with all the drama that entails. Romi has raised the bar and she's taking no prisoners. I was lost in the first paragraph and didn't surface until the last word in this page turning. dynamo. The characters are complex, realistic and believable. Their personalities are vast and varied with qualities and traits that balance out perfectly. The scenes are so graphic and descriptive it paints a fantastic backdrop that really makes the storyline pop. The twists and turns abound with suspense and danger that kept me immersed and on edge with all the unpredictable endings as the tale unfolds. Romi did an incredible job bringing this read to life flawlessly. Fantastic job Romi, thanks for sharing this awesome read with us.


OMG! Wow! I really fell in love with this tale. Romi really nails this page turning treasure with her amazing talent and imagination. The main characters were complex, relatable, well developed and so realistic I felt I could just reach out and touch them. The scenes were so descriptive and detailed it totally pulls this bad boy together beautifully. The twists and turns along with a few bumps in the road are played with such realism it holds your attention until the last word. Their personalities were so different yet balanced out as they play off one another in perfect sync. The way the storyline flows is as smooth as silk. The chemistry was hot and explosive. You add in the suspense and drama and Romo hits gold. This is one hot series that I highly recommend. Romi did a fabulous job bringing this read to life flawlessly. Remarkable job Romi, thanks for sharing this little kicker with us.


OMG! Ok, I was a goner from the first page. I couldn't put this little treasure down. I love Romi's style and the way she spins her tales. She creates a world around us until everything else ceases to exist. Romi wields words as skillfully and precise as a surgeon with his scalpel. All the twists and turns and drama along with a few bumps in the road takes us on one amazing adventures. As the suspense and tension builds we find ourselves on the edge of our seats. The characters and scenes are realistic and descriptive it really pulls this magnificent page turning tale together brilliantly. Romi did an extraordinary job bringing this read to life flawlessly. Fantastic job Romi, thanks for sharing this amazing treasure with us.


499 reviews47 followers

February 15, 2019

The ARC was given to me by the author. My review is being given voluntarily.
Box set by Romi Hart : Out of Bounds Series- bk1 Temptation bk2 Addiction bk3 Passion
I gave this box set 5 starts. I really like all 3 stories, and I can't tell you how excited I am that someone finally wrote a story about a soccer team

Temptation- is about Reesa and Marcus winter a well known soccer player
"An intense yearning filled her, and Reesa pushed up on her toes, bridging the gap. His lips were soft, and she could smell the coffee on his breath. She moaned and pulled away, but Marc chased her, kissing her again. This time, there was urgency in the contact, and Reesa’s back hit the wall, pinned by Marc’s hard body. She squealed but not in protest, her chest heaving against his as her heart tried to escape her ribs and her lungs begged for air- God, she wanted him!"

Addiction - is about Kylie Michael's and Jordan Dennison (this was my favorite of the 3) Kylie is Reesa's best friend and Jordan is also Marcus friend and teammate.
" Opening the door to her apartment and finding Jordan standing there in a collared shirt that brought out the blue in his eyes and dark designer jeans made Kylie’s nerves tingle, and she couldn’t tell if it was from anxiety or anticipation. His smile melted her, though, and she grinned back. “Come in,” she offered, stepping back. He took one stride past her, and as she closed the door behind him, he grabbed her and kissed her soundly, with enough passion to make her feel like they hadn’t seen each other in three weeks rather than three days. When he released her, Kylie found her knees weak"

Passion - This is about Krys Dennison, her daughter Amy and Dexter Collins. Krys is Jordan's stepsister and Dex is one of the soccer team members.
"She blinked up at him, debating telling him how much she wanted to put her hands and mouth all over his body, to memorize each angle and defining line between muscles. Instead, she went a different route. “I like you, Dex, and I don’t like a lot of people.” “I guess I should feel privileged, then.” He pulled her closer and lowered his head so his nose almost touched hers. “I like you, too. In fact, I haven’t been able to get you out of my head since the moment we met.” He didn’t wait for a response as he pressed his lips to hers in a short but passionate kiss. When he pulled back, Krys stared at him, her mouth gaping and her eyes not quite focused as her head spun. Just that brief kiss had set a bonfire in her gut, and she felt moisture gathering in her panties."
These were a very sexy and emotional stories, each of them had it's own bit of a surprise.
The 3rd book to me ended too abruptly, I would have liked to see an epilogue of Krys & Jordan and maybe revisit all the other great characters 😀.

    arc-given-by-author contemporary-sports contemporary-steamy

Jennifer Soppe

2,248 reviews12 followers

February 7, 2019

If you like sports romance this one is a must read.

This is a great box set of alpha male sports figures and the women they fall for. Each tale takes twists and turns just when you think it's a straight shot to the finish line.

Temptation 5.0 out of 5 stars
If you like sports romance this one is a must read.

Reesa, an interior designer and party planner, meets Marc, a professional soccer player, when she and her best friend are out for a night on the town. As the story progresses they are forced to deal with her past relationship issues, the press and the fallout from both. Romi Hart has built a number of different worlds for her readers to play in and I have a hard time picking a favorite.

Addiction 5.0 out of 5 stars
Another one to put on you sports romance book shelf to read again and again.

Kylie, a graphic designer, met Jordan, a professional soccer player, through her best friend Reesa. Their story unfolds slowly but blows up spectacularly when secrets come to light. As with Temptation, there is plenty of steam and unfortunate heartache for the couple. I am looking forward to the next book from Romi Hart in this series. She writes to draw the reader in, creating relatable characters that deal with realistic issues and delivering a happily ever after

Passion 5.0 out of 5 stars
There is no doubting the passion here.

Krys, a single mom, met Dex, a professional soccer player, at a Sounders scrimmage game. As the story progresses sparks fly on more than one front, feelings are hurt, and relationships strained. However, Romi Hart found a way to make everything right in the world that leaves the reader on the edge o their seat for the entire ride. There is no doubting the passion shared between Dex and Krys in this book. Much like previous books in the series, Passion is a lovely walk in a realistic dream. I can't wait to see what Ms. Hart does next.

I received a free copy of the novel from the author. I had the opportunity to review or not.


1,297 reviews12 followers

February 16, 2019

A really fun romance series with lots of heat. 💞💓💞

This series is made up of three books: Temptation, Addiction, and Passion.

Here is my review for Temptation:
I enjoyed this sports romance with Reesa and Marc. It's one of those books that has lots of twists and turns and will keep you reading until the very end. It's very well developed and the characters are easy to relate to. This isn't one of those perfect worlds... Reesa is a damaged soul and is finding it really hard to trust Marc. It's always interesting to read how someone heals from life events and how they find love again. 💕💓💕

Here is my review for Addiction:
Kylie meets Jordan through her friend, Reesa and her boyfriend Marcus. Jordan has been best friends with Marcus for years and they play on the same soccer team. It's a different storyline, where Kylie and Jordan agree to basically be friends with benefits but are exclusive to each other. Jordan just has one rule and that's they don't develop feelings for each other and want a "relationship". Unfortunately for both of them, they both break that rule. And that's where they have trouble. 💕💓😢💕

This is the second book in the Tempting Alphas series and probably could be read as a standalone but it's better if you read it in the order it was written. 😉

And here is my review for Passion:

I really enjoyed this series! 💜

This book is the third in the Tempting Alphas series and although they all overlap a bit, it would be easy to read them as a stand alone. In this one, Kyrs has been celibate since she decided to have a child on her own, nine years ago. She's always just thought there was something wrong with her since she has the absolute worst luck with men. That is until she meets Dex. The heat between these two is overwhelming for both of them and Dex finally convinces her to give in for the evening. 💞💗💞

I received a free copy of these books via Bookfunnel and am voluntarily leaving a review

Wendy Livingstone

17.4k reviews211 followers

February 9, 2019

This is a well written steamy box set which had me intrigued and captivated throughout this addictive page turner.
#1 Temptation
Reesa has a past which has made her wary of trusting any man. Marcus is a professional soccer player, who is a playboy, but he is determined to prove that he is the man for Reesa. This is a well written, fast paced story, with complex characters, and a descriptive plot, and is action packed, with drama, emotion, and love.
#2 Addiction
This is Kylie and Jordan’s story. Kylie is a graphic designer, and Jordan is a profession soccer player, and when these two meet on a night out, the chemistry is intense. Will Jordan stick to his no relationship rule? This is a well written flawless story which is steamy, emotional, heartbreaking, and will secrets which all lead to an addictive and engaging age turner.
#3 Passion
This is the 3rd book in this awesome series, and is Krys and Dex’s story. Krys is a single mom to her daughter, and has moved closer to her ex Jordan for her daughter’s sake. Dex is a professional soccer player, and a teammate of Jordan’s. Dex is the typical playboy and womanizer, and when he meets Krys the sparks fly.
I look forward to reading more from this talented author, and I highly recommend for all readers.

Sheila Lee

904 reviews13 followers

February 24, 2019

My review is based on Books 2 and 3.
5 stars!

You can always count on Romi Hart to deliver a romance with "heart". Addiction is the story of Jordan and Kylie. What starts out as a friends-with-benefits relationship quickly becomes more. There is plenty of steamy sex, a twist in the plot (that you won't see coming) and the HEA. The only reason I didn't give this 5 stars? I wanted more...more character involvement in the story, their day to day interactions outside the bedroom, more conversations, etc. But as a short story, Romi Hart delivers a superb romance. 4 1/2 STARS

Passion by Romi Hart is an entertaining book that surprised me. I expected a book solely about sexual chemistry but it was so much more than that. It is a short read that spotlights the difficulties often encountered when new relationships are introduced into family dynamics. Although Krys and Jordan share a daughter, Jordan is engaged to be married to Kylie. However, when Krys begins dating Dex, the balance of emotional stability is altered and jealousy and uncertainty surface. In this novella, Romi Hart makes you feel all the emotions that the characters display. That is the mark of a true writer and she delivers in spades. This is a steamy romance but does not cross into graphic sex. It delivers the HEA, and is a book I will enjoy reading again in the future. 5 STARS

Cheryl Sanders

2,189 reviews29 followers

March 12, 2019

This is book one in the Bad Boy Sports Romance series and it features Reesa and Marcus. She’s been through some drama and abuse with her ex-husband and trying not to push all that mistrust onto Marcus is EXTREMELY difficult for her. There was a point where I couldn’t understand why he still wanted to be with her. Even though the sex was sizzling, there’s a point when there’s too much of it. Every now and then I like my imagination to finish working out some of the scenes.

This is book two in the Bad Boy Sports Romance series and it features Kylie and Jordan. Kylie is a cool character and everything is moving along smoothly and then…BAM! Unexpectedly the green eyed monster reared it’s ugly head. It was so out of the blue I was shocked! I’m surprised he stayed with her after that fiasco.There is a major plot twist in this story that was so totally unexpected. SIZZLING!

This is book 3 in the series and it features Dex and Krys. To start with, her situation with Jordan is a little strange to say the least. Dex is a good man and he’s good for Krys. I absolutely HATED Jordan’s reaction and behavior towards her. It was appalling! Krys’ reasoning was on point! Super HOT!

6,335 reviews24 followers

February 9, 2019

I have read these books individually so will post my review for each book below. This is a great value boxed set you are getting three for the price of one and as always you get a nice fast racy read from Romi Hart.

Marcus was the perfect hero he is everything an alpha male should be without been a douchebag. Reesa got on my nerves a bit but she did grow on me I was really glad when she was called out by Marcus when she bad mouthed him in the bar All together a great fun read.

They may have been hot together in bed but neither Kylie or Jordan wanted to commit Only problem they are starting to fall for one another Will they have a chance a at a HEA


They may want a future together but will her ex destroy their relationship or will Kris & DEx get the HEA that they deserve

These stories all have an underlying thread t one another so it is great to be able to read them as a set


9,718 reviews26 followers

February 7, 2019

Arc review For honest review temptation-This is a story of reesa who had a bad relationship in her past ,so when out with best friend kylie at a bar ,while watching tv there talking about Marcus winters a so soccer player. when he over hears her he going to change her mind about him compared to other men. What a awsome story . Addiction-Kylie is with best friend Reese and her boyfriend Marcus a soccer player .sees their relationship they have, she wants a guy of her own .so when she meets Jordan marcus's best friend and team mate. Will he be that man. What a beautiful and cute story . Passion-Krys and her daughter come to explain the arrangement that her step brother and her have to his fiancee Kylie and stays now at a game she meets a team mate of jordan's .This is their story and boy does this get good . I love the dynamic of these four characters with the little girl. Great box set.

(Grace) Kentucky Bohemian

1,814 reviews1 follower

February 15, 2019

Aaahhhh, those beautiful men of soccer. Let's face it, there just aren't any men on that soccer field that aren't built like Adonis. This anthology features three such gorgeously-gifted sexy players who are also kind, protective, fiercely loyal, and totally devoted to the women they love. *swoon* Each of these stories can act as a stand-alone, but are nicely interwoven with connecting characters to make them even more enjoyable.

The reader will find steamy chemistry, great plots, and dynamic characters. But you won't find any cliffhangers here. These are complete stories with no additional books to buy. Great romance at a great price. Awesome.

Tianna McPherson (Anna Lee)

880 reviews10 followers

February 7, 2019

I so enjoyed this box set. I have read each of these stories alone and when you get the chance to read them back to back it makes the whole series that much more enjoyable. Romi really knows how to set up some amazing storyline. I highly recommend this box set and anything else she has to offer. They will not disappoint you. I give it 5 stars. I voluntarily read and reviewed this book as an Advanced Reader's Copy

Marcellina T Reno

251 reviews

February 7, 2019

Hot soccer players finding love

Three hot soccer players finding love!! I loved how each book follows Marc and Reesa, Jordan and Kylie, and finally Dex and Krys. Even though each story is independent of each other they build and give you a chance to follow up the characters from the previous books. Three amazing love stories with ups and downs. A great series I loved reading!


3,843 reviews17 followers

February 9, 2019

This is a very good, well-written collection of Sports Romance reads. The characters, situations, and world-building are detailed and realistic with steam and drama. The reader becomes part of the stories, engaged and entertained. I liked these books. I voluntarily read an ARC and this is my honest review.


3,877 reviews29 followers

February 16, 2019

This box set is a trio of sports romances with characters who are connected via friendships and soccer. I thought these were steamy romances featuring people who knew what they wanted and pursued that desire and attraction wholeheartedly. The stories were novella-length reads, but they gave just enough story line to give us three good insta-lust to insta-love reads.

Christine Garza

659 reviews2 followers

August 6, 2019

This was an awesome 3 book box set from Romi Hart that I absolutely enjoyed reading. Each book is about 3 playboy soccer players and the independent women they love. Reesa & Marcus, Kylie & Jordan, and Krys & Dexter are couples with emotional stories, passion, and love between them. This is a must read that readers will fall in love.
"I voluntarily reviewed an ARC copy of this box set."

Gaynor Jones

2,500 reviews17 followers

February 7, 2019


If your looking for three great reads with sexy, studly men who know what they want and the women who capture them, this is for you! Hot, sexy, individual unique characters and great stories!


9,021 reviews44 followers

February 7, 2019

Three steamy reads revolving around sports stars. The stories are fast-paced with loads of drama and suspense. I liked the characters and the chemistry is steamy and the stories entertaining. A good read.

Misty Goan

2,809 reviews14 followers

February 10, 2019

An amazing collection that takes you on a wild ride of emotions. Its action packed and fast paced.The characters characters were realistic, complex, well developed, and relatable. I was not disappointed will this addicting page turning collection. I voluntarily reviewed this ARC.

Sheila Schwartz

1,529 reviews5 followers

February 10, 2019

A box set of exceptional stories that will have you glued to your seat page after page! Every story holds your attention and your emotions! Prepare for heartbreak, forgiveness, miscommunication and misunderstanding but above all happily ever after!

Joan Neal

327 reviews1 follower

July 6, 2020

Not for me.

I tried. I started and stopped repeatedly on book 1. I powered through book 2 and by to stop and start on book 3. No the books aren't bad or poorly written. They just couldn't hold my interest. Sorry to say this author and I are a mismatched couple...


20.6k reviews19 followers

February 15, 2019

I loved this series. Wonderful box set. I'm voluntarily leaving an honest review for a copy of the book set.

Debra Johnson

10.6k reviews163 followers

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March 9, 2024

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Out of Bounds: A Contemporary Romance Box Set (2024)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Rating: 4.1 / 5 (72 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.