Method Acting - Going Method For ... - Chapter 112 - drchemist (2024)

Chapter Text

Title: Method Acting - Going Method For WWE
Author: The Chemist
Characters (Sex): Liv Morgan, Dominik Mysterio
Codes: MF, Anal, Oral
Disclaimer: I make no money from this work of fiction. Do not read if under 18. These events did not happen, I do not know Liv Morgan or Dominik Mysterio nor am I associated with them in any way. I also don’t know nor am I associated with any of the shows/studios mentioned, specifically WWE or its characters in any way

Summary - Liv Morgan is a strict follower of kayfabe, which is professional wrestling’s version of method acting. Therefore, when her new storyline has her on a Revenge Tour against Rhea Ripley, this includes stealing her man, Dominik Mysterio. Therefore, she decides to have her real life imitate her art.

Method Acting - Going Method For ... - Chapter 112 - drchemist (1)
“I can’t believe she did that to you,” Dominik Mysertio fumed.

The ‘she’ that Dirty Dom was referring to was Liv Morgan, the gorgeous but probably insane 29 year old wrestler. The blonde had been on a self-described Revenge Tour since Wrestlemania, with her vitriol pointed at one woman - Rhea Ripley. The Australian had been the one who injured Liv, forcing her to vacate her Tag Team Championship and put her out of action for the better part of 2023.

And now, Liv was taking her revenge tour up another notch. Last week, Liv had attacked the Judgement Day star. Not only was it a complete blindside, but the blonde had actually hurt the stronger woman, giving Rhea a long-term shoulder injury, which would force her to give up her Women’s Title tonight.

“And then she had the balls to hit on me,” Dom spat with anger.

Dom wasn’t lying either. For two weeks in a row, he’d had a surprising confrontation with the woman who injured Mami. The first was the night of the assault, wear Liv had passed by him in the hall and give him her best ‘f*ck me’ eyes. She added a delicate touch of his arm as she passed by, then turned back to look at him once they were a few paces past one another.

But tonight’s flirting took things up another notch. The 29 year old stunner had sought him out, making sure Mami wasn’t around first. Dom was too angry at her to recall what Liv had to say, however he did recognize the look in her big beautiful eyes; lust. It was enough to finally break through to him, and when she knew she had his full attention, she leaned in close so the camera couldn’t hear her and told him she would be his new Mami.

Method Acting - Going Method For ... - Chapter 112 - drchemist (2)

“She really is taking her Revenge Tour to heart,” Rhea finally spoke. “I mean, she’s clearly trying to seduce you and steal you from me.”

“What? Seriously?” Dirty Dom asked, shocked by that statement. “But you and I aren’t actually together.”

“I know that, but our wrestling characters are,” Rhea reiterated. When she saw the confused look on her Judgement Day teammate’s face, she continued. “Dom…Liv is super into method acting or kayfabe or whatever.”

“And so…because she wants to steal me away from you…” Dom put the pieces together.

“Use that and have some fun with the tart,” the Australian Superstar finished for him. “In fact, she’s still in the building. If you act quick, you can have some good ol’ fashion Dirty Dom fun tonight.”

* * *

Method Acting - Going Method For ... - Chapter 112 - drchemist (3)


“She may be insane but you can’t take away from her that she’s punctual,” Dom thought to himself.

“I assume the open door was so I could let myself in?” Liv Morgan asked as she walked into Dom’s hotel room.

Dominik gave a non-commitual grunt before turning his back to the admittedly gorgeous woman. He was hoping to portray how pissed off he was at her for hurting his Mami. However, Dom didn’t actually feel like that. After all, Liv taking out Rhea was a fluke accident. But, Liv was a staying kayfabe or method acting, and so Dom was going to play up his roll in this too, especially since it would result in him f*cking the brains out of the beautiful blonde.

“Ahh…Dom…don’t be mad at me,” Liv purred as she sexily strutted her way to his side. “I can be your new Mami.”

Dom did his best to suppress his co*ck from hardening fully in his pants at the clearly suggestive comment. Instead, he kept his scowl firmly fixed on his face as he turned to look at the shorter girl. What he saw was a woman in her peak of beauty, staring up at him with her big sexy eyes with only one thought on her mind.

“So let Mami make this all better for her Dirty Dom,” Liv poured every ounce of her sexuality into the words.

Dom continued to sneer down at Morgan, who was giving him the most obvious pair of ‘f*ck me’ eyes he’d ever seen in his life. Normally, if Liv looked at anyone with even a tenth of this look, they’d be putty in her hands, but the Judgement Day star was making her sweat. However, there was only ever going to be one result.

“This is your one and only audition,” Dom hissed down at her.

The second the words left his mouth, the pair reacted accordingly. The two were instantly wrapped up in an embrace as they crashed their lips together. It was hot and heavy right from the start, with neither wanting to start slow. Instead, their lips were smacking aggressively as their jaws opened and closed, their tongues making an appearance in short order.

Method Acting - Going Method For ... - Chapter 112 - drchemist (4)

The kissing got even more frantic, with saliva appearing all around their lips as their tongue wagging couldn’t be contained to the interspace between their mouths. Not that it bothered either of the wrestlers. Nor did the constant nose-on-nose contact as they rapidly rotated their heads from tilting slightly right to slightly left.

“Mhmmm,” they both moaned into each other's mouths.

Dom started to pull down the zipper on the back of the little slip of a dress Liv wore to his hotel room but he was interrupted before it made more than an inch descent. He had to pull back his arms as Liv made short work of the buttons of his shirt. As Dom took over the finishing task of pulling the short-sleeve top off his body, Liv broke off their kiss and descended to her knees with a purpose as her hands immediately started on unhooking his belt and opening his pants.

“Mmmm…now that’s a great looking co*ck,” a smiling Liv stated as her hand reached out and started to lightly stroke his long and thick manhood. “Mami likes.”

“And he’s all yours,” Dom nodded, looking down to see the look of pure lust in her eyes.

Liv tossed her long golden hair over her far shoulder as she opened her mouth wide, lowered further then closed her lips around only his cut pink tip as her blue eyes flashed up to his face. Liv did a deep slow suck the first time, then pushed her face forward and took a little more into her gullet. The New Jersey girl continued this slow style of blowj*b, only focusing on the first few inches of his manhood as she began eliciting groans of pleasure from the faceless man.

“f*ck,” he grunted as his hand came down to hold the back of her head.

Usually when a guy placed his hand on her head during oral sex, Liv knew that they liked a more aggressive style of blowj*b. And since Dom was kind enough to indulge her little method acting, kayfabe experience, she felt it was right to give into this silent request. After another minute of warming up her jaw and getting accustomed to his sizable length and girth, Liv’s lips formed a seal around the halfway point of his dick as she pushed her head forward slowly.

“Gllkk…gllggg…ggwwwkkk,” Liv gurgled as thin streams of her saliva leaked from her mouth and down onto the floor

Rather than pull her lips all the way to his tip, Liv made sure his dickhe*d never left the warm, wet confines on her mouth. Instead, the blonde pushed forward, filling her mouth with the majority of his co*ck. When she felt his hands leave her head after a good minute, Liv wiggled her head with 6 inches of hard co*ck filling her mouth, grinding his dickhe*d against the back of her throat before slowly backing up, her plump lips rubbing his manhood from all sides.

“f*cking hell, Liv,” Dom grunted with her deep-throating antics.

With lust in her eyes, Liv looked up at the lucky man as she moved back forward, this time leading with her tongue. She gave him a wet lick from the underside of his base to the very tip, not once but twice. This had the added effect of spreading more spit onto his skin, allowing her fist to slide smoothly on the bottom portion of his shaft as her lips bobbed on the upper 5 inches.

This sped up version of the blowj*b-handjob combo lasted for a minute or two before Dom needed a break from it. It was just too intense and would make him pop his load WAY too soon. Therefore, he had to stop her, and he did so by leaving his dickhe*d still in her mouth, with one hand almost on her forehead to stop her head pumping while the other replaced her fist around the lower portion of his co*ck with his own hand. Having a good idea of what he wanted, she parted her lips in a wide O and let him push his dick impossibly far into her throat until her body gave a little shudder, at which point he backed out of her completely.

“f*ckkk,” the son of Rey Mysterio groaned.

The second his dick cleared her plump lips, Liv tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and parted her lips again. Dom obliged, repeating this single deep slow thrust 3 times, each one producing a wet throaty noise when he hit the back of the New Jersey girl’s throat. Finally after the third time, when he pushed back into the back of her throat, Liv took back control by essentially face f*cking herself on his towering dick, only retreating a few inches before jabbing forward.

“Gllkk…gllggg…ggwwwkkk,” Liv gurgled as once again thin streams of her saliva leaked from her mouth and down onto the floor

After a good 20 deep thrusts to the back of her mouth, Dom relented his grip on both her head and his co*ck fully. The second his hands dropped away, Liv seized back control. slowly pull her mouth from his dick in that slow fashion where her lips seductively slid along his sensitive shaft until it popped out of her mouth with a wet sound. She left his dick standing straight out in front of him as she moved her face to the side as her lips closed around the base of his co*ck like it was a cob of corn. This time she rubbed those plump lips along the side of his shaft, doing it to both sides and finally his underbelly before popping his dickhe*d back into her mouth.

“f*ckkk me,” Dom grunted, clearly enjoying her oral services immensely. After another minute of her lightning fast blowj*b-handjob combo, Dom needed a break or else this night would end prematurely. “Stand up.”

Liv decided to give his dick one last lick before getting off the floor, rocking back onto her heels before standing straight up. With her zipper already partially undone, but wanting to get her dress off as fast as possible, the blonde just pulled the garment up over her head. As she tossed the dress onto the floor, she immediately felt the cool air conditioned breeze against the bare patch of skin some women had pubic hair.

“She didn’t even bother with panties…wow,” Dom thought as he observed her shaved bare twat with bright pink lips.

Seeing the sexy 29 year old in the buff was great, but it was the view he got from the mirror behind Liv that really made Dom drool. Liv Morgan was stunning, simply put, but she had one characteristic that was deserving of more praise, and that was her ass. The blonde spent a lot of time in the gym training, but it was obvious Liv gave a lot of focus on beefing it the booty, and it worked.

Method Acting - Going Method For ... - Chapter 112 - drchemist (5)

“Jesus Christ,” Dom swore as he moved towards her.

It was no surprise that his hands went straight for her ass as he wrapped her arms around her. It was as thick and meaty as he was hoping, giving both cheeks a firm squeeze to the point of leaving his fingerprints indented on her flesh. As he molested her ass, Liv cradled his stubbly facial hair as they re-engaged their passionate makeout session.

“I think someone likes my butt,” Liv commented between kisses as his hands never left her meaty flesh.

“You could tell, could you?” Dom replied before pulling his arm back only to reverse course and send a resounding crack around the hotel room as he spanked her.

As they kissed and groped each other, Liv found herself being backed up under the intensity of their making out. Finally, the back of her legs hit the desk, but before she could sit atop it, she found herself being spun around so her ass was back facing . She didn't need to feel his hand press between her shoulder blades to know what he wanted her to do. Liv leaned forward by bending at the hips only so her legs remained straight making her firm ass pop backwards and made it look even juicer.

Liv felt her new lover lower himself to the floor, taking up a kneeling position right behind her. Even though the large bed was within sight, Dom wanted a taste of her right then and there, bent over the desk. She smiled as his hands came up to rub her plump backside while he practically worshipped the thick slab of ass.

Method Acting - Going Method For ... - Chapter 112 - drchemist (6)

"Gonna just stare at my booty or do some...Mhmm...yes," Liv began moaning as he got to work. "Much better."

With Liv bent almost at a 90 degree angle he used his hands to pull her thick cheeks apart to give him access to both her sex and butthole. Focusing on her pink folds initially, the son of Rey Mysterio stuck out his tongue and flick out at her exposed cl*t again, drawing another loud yelp of pleasure from Morgan.

Wanting to actually taste her, Dom rummaged his practiced tongue through her folds, which were already very wet. She had a delightful flavor, but the good juices always came from the source so the Judgement Day member stopped dallying and went straight for it. Once his tongue slid against her slick hole, he pushed it inside, cramming her tight puss* with his wet muscle.

"Holy crap you are really good at that," the pretty blonde complimented as she thrashed in pleasure.

"Just getting warmed up," Dom said with a smirk.

True to his word, the horny man began working his tongue in and out of her stuffed puss* with expert precision. Though they had never hooked up before, the pair were extremely in sync and knew what they each liked. While Dom used his tongue to now explore the very depths of the gorgeous woman's puss*, one arm snaked around her thighs so that he could slowly circle her cl*t from the front.

"Yes...God...Awwhhh," Liv cooed loudly.

It worked out perfectly for Dom as the result of rubbing her sensitive cl*tor*s was for Liv to shove her phat ass back towards his face even more. Taking advantage of the backward thrust, Dom twisted and pressed his face with all the strength in his neck. These actions allowed his skilled tongue to lick new depths of her puss*, which tasted so incredibly sweet. Liv responded by letting loose a torrent of moans and grunts into the hotel room due to the amazing work of her new lover giving her an expert eating out.

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" good...awwhh," Liv grunted in satisfaction.

Feeling all the tension leave her muscles, Dom kept eating out her puss*. Deciding to vary things up a little bit, he switched from rubbing her folds to burying two digits in her snatch moments later. Dominik pumped them a handful of times but his real objective was to grind the fingertips inwards to find the gorgeous woman's G-spot, knowing he hit her mark by the sharp cries of bliss. Repeatedly, Dom plunged back into her pink depths, hitting the spot all while giving the fleshy meat of her ass little kisses.

“I need you inside me. Now,” Liv demanded, leaving no room to debate the order.

“Yes Mami,” Dom replied with a happy grin as he retook his feet.

At some point when he was eating out the former Riott Squad member, Liv had removed her last article of clothing; her lacy black bra. Now free, he got to see her tit* were a perky pair, probably in the B cup range, which fit her athletic build perfectly. Especially since each were capped with a little pink nipple that were simply demanding to be sucked on.

“Whoa!” Liv shrieked as she found herself hoisted in the air.

The blonde instinctively wrapped her juicy legs around Dom’s muscular torso as he carried her easily to the bed, roughly 10 feet behind them. Once beside it, he threw both her and himself down onto it, with Liv landing on her back with Dom on top of her. The second they were laying, the son of Rey Mysterio went to grab his co*ck and drive it home in Liv’s womb, but a hand on his chest stopped him.

“Here. Condom,” Liv said, holding the package out to her new lover.

Dom took the package, unable to hide the look of disappointment on his face that he’d have to wrap up. It made sense as this was their first time together and neither knew each other’s health status, but condoms just dampened the pleasure so much. And once you got used to not wearing them, putting a rubber back on was terrible.

“Actually…Mami would never make me wear this,” Dom stated before pushing his lips to her neck.

“Mhmm…ahh…really?” Liv questioned with uncertainty.

“Absolutely. And you wanna be the new Mami, right?” Dom continued, his hand now rubbing her puss*, trying to confuse her brain with pleasure.

“Umm…well…I guess it does…” Liv stammered as she thought.

With her approval gained, Dom wanted to act swiftly so she didn’t change her mind. With his lengthy co*ck in hand, he rubbed his tip through her damp folds to get his head lathered in her juices before pressing it against her opening.

"God you feel good," Dom groaned as he eased the first few inches into her tight snatch.

"Ugh...right back at you, stud," Liv answered, hanging her head low.

It took Dom a few thrusts to get half his length stroking into her tight snatch and another handful of times before the gorgeous woman was taking his entire length. She felt fantastic as well. Her wet velvety folds completely hugging his dick from every angle as he slowly worked in and out. Knowing she was handling his impressive length, he started thrusting a little faster. After half a dozen strokes into her velvety hole he went a little faster with the slapping noise produced as his hips slammed against hers as she kept her legs wide. Liv simply moaned louder as well, so Dom continued to drive deeper and harder, making her perky tit* sway and jiggle with each thrust..

"Keep going...keep f*cking me just like that," she screamed, using her arms to shove back against the headboard and onto his dick.

Content to do just that, Dom brought his hips back so he could quickly plow back into her puss*, his ball sack once again crashing against the underside of her slick sex. He seemed to be thrusting deeper than ever before into the sexy girl's hot puss* to both of their enjoyment. He looked down to watch as his lengthy co*ck powered inside the sexy girl, with the moment it disappeared fully causing her tit* to bounce in response to the hearty collision from his pelvis.

"Mmm...yess," she moaned her thanks.

"Damn, Liv! You're so tight," Dom groaned as he relentlessly hammered inside her.

Based on her own moans of pleasure, the Judgement Day member was reminded once again that Liv was willing and able when it came to taking a hard plowing. Dom kept up the brutal pace and continued slamming his entire length into her tightness over and over again, having to focus on not spilling his seed into her womb too early. However, just as he started to slow his speed as he became aware of it, Liv was on the same page and wanted to change things up.

“Okay…” Liv said before putting her wrestling training to good use and rolling the pair over so she was on top. “This is my audition so let me show you what I bring to the table.”

With the sexy blonde was now on top, looking down at him as her hands pressed against his chiseled pecs. His dick had never left her puss* during the impromptu roll-over, though only his tip remained soaking in her juices. Therefore, she sank down nice and slow, almost teasingly, until all of his impressive length resided in her puss* once more.

"You feel so amazing," Dom groaned as she started back up his length.

“Trust me. You haven’t felt anything yet,” Liv replied with a co*cky grin on her gorgeous face.

With hands on his muscular chest, Liv used them and her fit legs to propel her body up his lengthy pole before crashing back down. Now taking his entire co*ck into her snatch, she thundered up and down and loved every second of it. His dick was so big that he was able to fill her completely and reach sensitive spots within her that made her moan louder than normal.

Liv was stretched out enough to handle his massive girth and so she was starting to ride him even faster now. The sound of their moaning and grunting filled the room as she worked up a light layer of sweat on her tanned skin. Though she had many great physical features, Dom’s hands seemed to gravitate to the same one each time - her ass. His hands reached around her slender body and groped her big, rippling cheeks, unable to help himself, not that Liv minded at all.

"Yes. Just like that," Dom grunted as her lips gripped his tool tightly.

"Yeah?! You like it when I ride your dick hard and fast?” Liv asked rhetorically as she thundered her firm booty to the top of his pole before crashing back down.

Method Acting - Going Method For ... - Chapter 112 - drchemist (8)

The New Jersey girl felt her new lover's fingers soften their grip on her meaty ass and roam down between her thighs. Remembering what had worked for her when he ate her out, he extended his long middle finger until he found the sensitive nub at the upper tip of her puss*. Knowing what he was intending and welcoming the org*sm that would result, Liv sank all the way down on his lap before pushing herself backwards.

“Rub my cl*t. Make me cum,” Liv encouraged, not that he needed it.

Dom’s wrist moved side-to-side with increasing speed, making his finger strum across her cl*t. Liv was reduced to slackening her jaw and being a constant source of moans and screams as her org*sm steadily built. At this point, it was going to be a race to who would cum first, and Dom wasn’t sure who it would be. Time after time Liv worked herself back and forth on his powerful groin until she decided to add a little up and down motion to her relentlessly deep grinding.

“So close,” the blonde warned between ear-piercing screams.

“Cum for me Liv,” Dom encouraged, his hand working even faster now.

“Yes Dom! I’m cumming! I’M CUMMING!” Liv howled as all their energy over the last 30 minutes culminated in one powerful org*sm for the stunning woman.

“f*ck that was some great riding,” Dom told Morgan, who had collapsed down on his chest after the energy-consuming org*sm.

Pushing herself back up with her hands on his chest, Liv looked down at him. “How do you want me?”

“Well…” Dom started.

However, he didn’t continue speaking before driving his right heel into the mattress, pushing with it until Liv was pushed from his lap. Her reflexes were sluggish after her climax so her shoulder hit the bed beside Dom. The end result was that they were both on their sides, Dom’s chest pressed against Liv’s back, and more importantly, her insanely thick ass in his lap.

“So…how would you feel about letting me f*ck this big, beautiful ass that you’re clearly very proud of?” Dom asked as his dickhe*d was currently rubbing right overtop her rosebud.

“In my ass?” Liv questioned, shocked about his request.

“Yeah, for sure,” Dom said with supreme confidence, all while making little circles over the tight sphincter. “That’s the price of taking up the role of Mami.”

“Damn! Rhea was taking Dirty Dom in the dumper?!” Liv gawked.

“I wouldn’t just make something like that up, right?” Dom countered. Of course that was a lie, but he wouldn’t let the truth stand in the way of him getting to sodomize a woman with an ass like Liv Morgan possessed.

“Well…um…again…if it’ll help your process…”

“Great,” Dom said before licking his fingers and first smearing the saliva all over her anal entrance before doing it again but this time adding the spit to his dickhe*d.

“What should I…how can I help,” Liv nervously asked.

“First, stay relaxed. And second, open your ass for me,” Dom demanded, helping by grabbing her wrist and putting her hand on her massive cheek.

“Relax and spread. Okay. Got it,” the blonde repeated as she clutched her hefty booty and spread herself for him.

From there, Dom did all the work. He held his co*ck steady with one hand and pulled her hip towards him with the other. It was a slow but strong motion, using the natural angle of his dickhe*d to exert ever increasing pressure against her backdoor. Over the course of 10 seconds, the son of Rey Mysterio finally breached one of the tightest assholes in his recent memory. However, it wasn’t just his tip that entered her colon, but also a good 4 inches into her asshole before he felt like he should stop.

“Oh my Gooddddd,” Liv moaned, really stretching out the name of the Lord as her sodomy began.

“Your ass is so big but your hole is so tight,” Dom grunted behind her.

Being perched up on his elbow and looking down at her, Dom saw that the method acting beauty was biting her bottom lip, but otherwise showing no signs of discomfort. In fact, her brows were knit in a way that it seemed like Liv expected pain that wasn’t happening. The blonde seemed to be on his same wavelength by what she said next.

“I can take it,” the blonde insisted after a minute of the smallest, lightest thrusts. “You can f*ck me a little harder.”

After his slow and gentle beginning, Dom listened to the blonde’s words as well as her body language and knew Morgan was ready for more. Not stopping at the tip, Dom slid more of his girthy co*ck until he sensed her tighten up. Dominik sat still for a moment and looked down to find that more than half his length was in her ass!

“Good girl…taking that co*ck so well,” Dom congratulated as he began pulling his hips back.

Now knowing where her limit was, Dom stayed within it, constantly pushing in and out only half his length. Dom didn’t go very fast but now wasn’t the time for speed, it was the time that Liv got comfortable with anal sex. Deciding she was ready for more, Dom grabbed her wrist and placed it between her legs and let her instincts take over.

Like Dom expected, the curvy blonde began to rub her cl*t and the rest of her folds and Dom could feel the shift in her muscles. More relaxed, Dom opted for pace rather than trying to cram inside deeper and was rewarded for his decision. Even though it was only 5 inches in her butt, Dom was plowing her just as fast as he had done to her puss* minutes earlier.

“You like f*cking my little ass,” she asked him . “Working that fat co*ck in my ass?”

“You f*cking bet I do,” Dom answered, surprised but loving the fact that Liv engaged in some dirty talk.

“I can take more. Give it all to me, Dom,” Liv urged, being more demanding like her character as Dom predicted. “Stuff your whole co*ck in my ass, Dirty Dom!”

Not only was Dom delighted to hear that she was so into the anal sex, but he loved that she was spunky enough to engage in dirty talk. Back on the task at hand, Dom slowed his pace to about half speed but started probing deeper. After every inch or so, Dom would speed up and stay at that depth for a while before plunging down again. Finally deciding now was the right time, Dom gave Liv what she wanted and pushed the rest of his shaft into her until hips slammed against her curvy ass cheeks.

“Oh sh*t,” she groaned in a combination of pain and pleasure as Dom stayed balls deep in her tiny hole.

“You okay,” he asked after hearing her sharp yelp.

“I’m good. I can take it,” she told him confidently.

He would have stopped if she wanted, but Dom was over the moon that Liv didn’t ask that. Unhurriedly, Dom pulled most of his shaft from her bowels before slowly working it back in. His hips touched her ass cheeks at a much lower speed then the last time Dom fully entered her ass, much to her liking.

“You like having a co*ck worked into your asshole?” Dom asked, engaging her in the dirty talk she started.

Before she could answer, her words died in her throat as her new lover pulled almost completely from her rectum before Dom crashed his hips against her ass, causing it to ripple. It drew a sharp scream from Liv again, but when she looked back at the Judgement Day member, her glance told him not to stop f*cking her. Listening to her silent instructions, Dom did the same thing and smiled with glee as his dick disappeared within the beauty’s asshole.

Now finding his stride, Dom wasn’t looking back or stopping for anything. Dom just seemed to tune everything out, including the burning feeling in his balls which was becoming more and more of a pressing issue. He continued to ignore the warning bells of an imminent org*sm as instead he slapped Liv’s ass, first the left cheek then the right all while looking down and watching as his entire dick would disappear then reappear every second or less.

“f*ck me! f*ck me! f*ck me!” Liv swore, her tit* bouncing wildly from the hard sodomy.

“So…f*cking…good,” Dom grunted while slamming into her asshole again at a quicker speed.

“Yes! That’s it! f*ck that ass! You know I f*cking love it,” Liv continued her encouragement.

Even with his co*ck gliding smoothly in and out of her ass, Dom wasn’t content. Giving her cheeks a firm squeeze, Dom pulled back his right hand and let it come crashing down onto her backside. Instantly her creamy white skin started to turn red and she let out another yelp of pain mixed with pleasure.

“That co*ck feels so good in my ass,” Liv told him while continuing to rub her sensitive cl*t with her finger.

“Oh f*ck! I’m cumming,” he announced, unaware his climax was happening until the last moment.

“Yes! Fill me up! Give my ass all that cum,” the normally sweet girl begged, wanting and needing the ji*zz she earned with her mouth, puss* and now asshole.

And with one final plunge into her asshole, Dom shot his entire load inside her bowels. His eyes were squinted shut and his mouth released a mighty bellow as his dick pulsed and spasmed, emptying his contents. The org*sm was intense after the anal f*ck session and felt much deserved to have reached its conclusion, although it was bittersweet in the sense that his time with the gorgeous blonde was reaching its end.

“Oh! That feels really nice,” Liv cooed, feeling his warm seed splashing and pooling in her sensitive bowels.

“f*cking hell,” Dom groaned as he rolled onto his back, completely exhausted.

“You can say that again,” Liv added with an exhausted giggle. “Plus I don’t think I’ll be able to sit right for a week. But it was worth it.”

“Glad you think so,” Dom said, a satisfied smile on his face.

“So…did I just become the new Mami?” Liv asked with a big sh*t-eating grin on her face.

“I’m not sure. The night is still young,” Dirty Dom replied. “Come on, let’s shower.”

Method Acting - Going Method For ... - Chapter 112 - drchemist (2024)
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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.