Kerbal Space Program: Hardware Rich Combustion (2024)

Feb 13, 2013
Kerbal Space Program: Hardware Rich Combustion (1)

DStecks posted:

I wouldn't mind there being a new series; because I can mainline Wrongpuraes, but 80 episodes at 20 minutes each is way too much to catch up on. That's literally 26 hours.

So? It's just a bit over a day.
#¿Jul 9, 2014 03:19
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#¿May 17, 2024 22:54
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Feb 13, 2013
Kerbal Space Program: Hardware Rich Combustion (8)

Geirskogul posted:

Something like KAS (but not KAS due to madstatistics) would make that mainsail test easier. Hell, my main method of glomping asteroids is to eject 4 KAS grappling claws into it and pull it to the side of my ship, like an octopus grabbing prey and pulling it inwards into its beak

What's the deal with KAS and statistics? I was actually thinking of installing it.
#¿Jul 9, 2014 04:46
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haveblue posted:

Is there a maximum length for struts?

KAS was handed off to the guy responsible for Kethane, who installed an "analytics" module that uploads a bunch of things about your computer and KSP install to his server.

Ahh, why the gently caress? Thanks for the warning then, I was really just curious about it more than anything.
#¿Jul 9, 2014 05:17
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Arsonide posted:

It's not luck, it's providence. No I have a thing for procedural stuff. Ever since I played Elite, I've had a thing for procedural stuff, and I tend to love any game with it, as it extends replayability by miles. I already like Kerbal Space Program, so this is going to shoot it up a lot. I'm quite hyped and give zero f*cks who cares.

I'm not 100% sure, but I have a feeling you might be excited about the upcoming release.
#¿Jul 14, 2014 01:24
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Splode posted:

Egads I can tell it's randomly generated. It looks like those randomly generated essays, you read it and go yep, yep yep, wait, none of that made any sense at all.

Some of those essays are management consulting reports that cost a million bucks and get delivered by helicopter. They still don't make sense.
#¿Jul 16, 2014 04:15
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Feb 13, 2013
Kerbal Space Program: Hardware Rich Combustion (24)

Iceshade posted:

So the big part of why is that they're always trying to be proving unlikely theories about the fact that for some reason they had no idea what to do next.

And that's why they're here.

Spoken like a true scientist. Or politician.

Dammit, I actually spent a couple of minutes trying to decipher what the gently caress you meant. Nicely done.
#¿Jul 16, 2014 08:07
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Kerbal Space Program: Hardware Rich Combustion (28)
Does Procedural Fairings actually work in 0.24? I DL the latest and it comes up with a warning about KSPAPIExtensions, and KER doesn't work in flight. I then tried deleting the KSPAPIExtensions DLL but that whole thing froze on startup. This is all on Mac 32bit.

e: Apologies, it's been updated for 0.24 10 hours ago. DL now. Should have checked again before posting.

Unimpressed f*cked around with this message at 02:07 on Jul 21, 2014

#¿Jul 21, 2014 02:04
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Kerbal Space Program: Hardware Rich Combustion (32)

Ciaphas posted:

Score. Procedural Fairings still feels a bit like cheating except in the odd "oh come ON that totally fits Kerbal Space Program: Hardware Rich Combustion (33)" case, so now I can redownload this and do it right! Kerbal Space Program: Hardware Rich Combustion (34)

What do you mean?
#¿Jul 21, 2014 02:44
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Feb 13, 2013
Kerbal Space Program: Hardware Rich Combustion (38)
I need some help with NEAR. I have this rocket and it flies fine without NEAR, but with NEAR it just topples over and is in general very hard to control. I assume it is because the stabiliser fins have less authority due to reduced air pressure with NEAR. So any tips for flying/designing a long, (mostly) serially staged rocket?

In terms of weight, the SRB stage is 15.9t, the bottom 3xLF stage is 22.3, the single LF stage is 10.1 and the actual payload (under the fairings) is 4.3t, so as far as I understand it, it's not too top heavy.

Kerbal Space Program: Hardware Rich Combustion (39)

#¿Jul 22, 2014 09:36
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The Green Calx posted:

It probably has to do with your flight profile. Since it's based off of FAR, NEAR changes the way aerodynamics affect your ship when you're going through the atmosphere, so the typical fly to 10k then start your gravity turn won't work.

Either start to pitch slightly eastward as soon as you take off and keep your heading slightly inside your prograde marker as you make your turn, or fly straight up to 20k-25k then pitch 45 degrees eastward and give it full throttle, adjusting closer to the horizon as your AP gets closer to 70k.

Thanks. I tried this and many other variations, with SAS on and without, but to no avail. SAS makes the whole thing oscillate, and even without it on, eventually it loses control and tips over. If I try to keep straight up for a while, it oscillates and flips and if I gently tip it it slowly exacerbates the tip and flips. Really frustrating.


Also the upper control surfaces can be detrimental. Make sure your centre of lift is below the centre of mass in each stage.

Yeah, I tried a few times without those and only added them for my last couple of attempts. Centre of lift is under CoM for at least the first two stages (SRB and then main LF engines) and the problem happens well within those stages.

Could this possibly have something to do with having three engines? I read somewhere that KSP doesn't like 3 so much due to rounding errors, but the only adapter you get early on in the career mode is the tri-adapter...

#¿Jul 22, 2014 10:10
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Kerbal Space Program: Hardware Rich Combustion (47)

Orcrez posted:

I'm having one hell of a time getting to other planets outside of the Mun. I remember a Mod called "protractor" which would tell you when to launch to get to a planet, Is that Mod still around or has something took over it?

Here you go:
#¿Jul 31, 2014 03:52
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Nice avatar Arsonide.
#¿Aug 1, 2014 06:34
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I feel like this game doesn't offer a really great sense of advancement. I'd like if the career mode was a little more guided, or there was a campaign that slowly introduced all the parts to you (though maybe that goes against the spirit of the game). I tried career, and I ran out of money, so I tried out science, but the repeated identical launches felt tedious, and also I had no idea what to do with the parts I was unlocking. And sandbox is just overwhelming getting everything at once. So landing on the Mun looks like great fun, but I don't know how I'm supposed to develop the skills to actually do that.

Maybe this will provide some inspiration:
#¿Aug 6, 2014 07:58
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Arsonide posted:

Not to toot my own horn, but TOOT!

Well done mate, it's a good mod and deserves the attention.
#¿Aug 12, 2014 07:02
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Feb 13, 2013
Kerbal Space Program: Hardware Rich Combustion (63)


a bunch of nerds arguing about eyes

Hey Maxmaps, remember how you said a few pages back that you were glad you spent those Kerbal Space Program: Hardware Rich Combustion (64)? I bet you regret that now...
#¿Aug 13, 2014 04:46
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You sound upset
#¿Aug 13, 2014 04:58
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Kerbal Space Program: Hardware Rich Combustion (72)

Peas and Rice posted:

So I open the map to keep an eye on my Ap and cut the engines when it shows as 100km - and then begin a maneuver to get to orbit. I drag the prograde setting out to establish an orbit, and I'm usually seeing an Ap of 350km vs an Pe of like 70km on that maneuver, which leads me to believe my launch arc is just too steep (IE, I'm not turning soon / far enough).

As an aside, could I suggest you install at least Kerbal Engineer ( Looking up your orbital data on the map is a real hassle and you're much better off with a proper display.
#¿Sep 13, 2014 00:53
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Feb 13, 2013
Kerbal Space Program: Hardware Rich Combustion (76)
What's up with the crap performance on macs? I've only installed Engineer, and it's stuttering like crazy, taking about 3-4 secs to bring up the science dialogue for the goo container.
#¿Oct 12, 2014 11:16
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Feb 13, 2013
Kerbal Space Program: Hardware Rich Combustion (80)

Maxmaps posted:

Here's a thing we wrote.

This is fantastic news, and well communicated. You guys (and probably the Minecraft guys) are the poster children for how early access should be done. In fact, we should all actually be upset with you, because your outlier of excellent early access has caused lots of us (myself included) to spend too much on other EA projects that offer far too little. Just kidding, I'm not upset with you at all Kerbal Space Program: Hardware Rich Combustion (81)
#¿Oct 16, 2014 01:17
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Kerbal Space Program: Hardware Rich Combustion (85)

General Battuta posted:

Are there any stock keyboard controls for maneuver nodes? The mouse interface is infuriating.

Use Precise Node instead.
#¿Oct 18, 2014 03:21
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Kerbal Space Program: Hardware Rich Combustion (89)
#¿May 17, 2024 22:54
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Feb 13, 2013
Kerbal Space Program: Hardware Rich Combustion (92)

Geemer posted:

Have Kerbals have aspirations.
"I want to go to the Mun!" says Munhat Kerman. (Actual Kerbal name I have in my game, he's the only one allowed to go to the Mun.)
"I want to get as close to Kerbol as possible and be the biggest badass forever!" says Jebediah Kerman.
"I want to play with the Mystery Goo!" says Bill Kerman.
"I just want to go home. Kerbal Space Program: Hardware Rich Combustion (93)" Says Bob Kerman.

A craft piloted by Munhat would get bonuses when in the Mun's SOI. A craft piloted by Jeb would get bonuses when in low Kerbol orbit. A craft piloted by Bill would get extra science gains from Mystery Goo. Bob's craft would get bonuses when on a course that will bring the ship back home to Kerbin.

I like this a lot, it would make picking the crew for a mission so much more interesting. Suddenly, they all have "jobs" like being a pilot, or a payload specialist instead of just random Kerbals filling in the spot because the contract said "3 Kerbals".
#¿Oct 22, 2014 23:33
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Kerbal Space Program: Hardware Rich Combustion (2024)
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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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