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Relevant bibliographies by topics / 2005 g-087 / Journal articles
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Author: Grafiati
Published: 26 July 2024
Last updated: 27 July 2024
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Tarrant, Arthur, and Peter Stone. "Book reviews: Color: An Introduction to Practice and Principles, Second Edition, by Rolf G. Kuehni: ISBN 0471-66006-X, pp 199, John Wiley & Sons Inc © 2005; Richard Hobday, PhD. (2006) The light revolution. Health, architecture and the Sun: Findhorn Press. ISBN10:1-84409-087-6. ISBN13:978-1-84409-087-7. £9.99." Lighting Research & Technology 40, no.1 (March 2008): 89–91. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1477153508089929.
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Intrieri, Robert, and Paige Goodwin. "Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Perceived Stress Scale-10 Across Age Groups." Innovation in Aging 4, Supplement_1 (December1, 2020): 304–5. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/geroni/igaa057.975.
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Abstract The Perceived Stress Scale-10 (PSS; Cohen et al, 1983) was developed to measure subjective elements of stress. Most measures focus on objective characteristics of stress (e. g., frequency of occurrence) and specific situations that produce stress (e. g., divorce) but ignore the cognitive appraisal associated with stressful stimuli. The PSS-10 assesses the interplay between stressor and appraisal-mediated coping ability. Factor analytic studies provide support for two factors: perceived helplessness and perceived self-efficacy (see Roberti et al. 2006). The current study presents data from 591 people across three groups: 221 young adults (mean age 19.31, SD = 1.21), 283 middle-age adults (mean age 48.27, SD = 5.14), and 109 older adults (mean age 72.95, SD = 7.22). An ordinal confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) using robust weighted least squares (WLSMV) evaluated invariance across age groups. Results showed CFI/TLI values of .964/.953, 965/.960, and .964/.969 for Configural (CI), Metric (MI), and Scalar (SI) models. The RMSEA for CI, MI, and SI models was .086, .081, and .071. Based upon recommendations of Cheung and Rensvold (2002), Sass (2011), and Chen (2007), a cutoff of ΔCFI ≥ 0.01 was established as evidence of invariance. The ΔCFI between CI and MI models was < .01 so analysis continued with the SI test. Once again, ΔCFI between MI and SI models was < 0.01 which did not justify rejection of the null hypothesis. Based on these analyses, PSS-10 scores are valid across multiple age groups. Further, results support the multidimensional nature of the PSS-10.
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Moreno Coral, Claudia Ximena. "El derecho de los pederastas al olvido en Colombia." Revista UNIMAR 36, no.2 (January30, 2019): 91–108. http://dx.doi.org/10.31948/unimar36-2.art6.
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Este artículo de reflexión es el resultado de la revisión analítica, interpretativa y crítica de los documentos, leyes y jurisprudencia relacionada con el derecho al olvido de los pederastas, la pedofilia y la pederastia, cumpliendo con los objetivos principales de clarificar los conceptos objeto de discusión y formular posibles alternativas frente a las escasas limitaciones para la vinculación al mercado laboral de quienes han sido condenados por delitos sexuales contra menores de catorce años. Mediante la utilización del tipo de investigación dogmática, descriptiva y de análisis estático de precedente se logró concluir que la pedofilia, al ser una enfermedad incurable, debe ser tratada con el fin de evitar su materialización en la pederastia y, como medida preventiva de delitos, el Congreso de la República de Colombia ostenta la misión de reglar el manejo de las bases de datos de los condenados por estos delitos a través de una ley estatutaria. Referencias American Psychiatric Association. (2014). DSM-5. Guía de Consulta de los Criterios Diagnósticos del DSM-5. Argentina: Editorial Médica Panamericana.Bertini, C., De Luca, S., Fariña, N., Ganduglia, A. y Sisini, N. (2005). El maltrato hacia los niños. En Giberti, E. (Comp.), Abuso sexual y malos tratos contra niños, niñas y adolescentes. Perspectiva psicosocial y social (239-258). Buenos Aires, Argentina: Espacio Editorial.Bohórquez, L. y Bohórquez, J. (2008). Diccionario Jurídico Colombiano (8a. ed.). Bogotá, Colombia: Editora Jurídica Nacional.Botero Martínez, J. (2014). Sobre la Inimputabilidad: ¿Algo más que decir? ¿Los estados similares son una causal autónoma o amplificadora de la inimputabilidad? Sentido y alcance de los “estados similares”. Opinión Jurídica, 13(25), 207-208.Botero Bernal, J. (Comp.). (2018). Código Penal Colombiano (Ley 599 de 2000). Recuperado de http://perso.unifr.ch/derechopenal/assets/files/legislacion/l_20160208_02.pdfCastillero, O. (s.f.). Diferencias entre pedofilia y pederastia. Recuperado de https://psicologiaymente.net/clinica/diferencias-pedofilia-pederastiaCongreso de la República de Colombia. (s.f.). Proyecto de Ley “por el cual se tutela el derecho al libre desarrollo sexual de las niñas y niños menores de 14 años”. Recuperado de http://www.legisaldia.com/BancoMedios/Archivos/pl-041-16c-base-de-datos-pedofilos.pdf-------. (1991). Ley 12 de 1991 “por medio de la cual se aprueba la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño adoptada por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas el 20 de noviembre de 1989”. Recuperado de https://www.unidadvictimas.gov.co/sites/default/files/documentosbiblioteca/ley-12-de-1991.pdf-------. (1993). Ley 65 de 1993 “por la cual se expide el Código Penitenciario y Carcelario”. Recuperado de http://wp.presidencia.gov.co/sitios/normativa/leyes/Documents/Juridica/Ley%2065%20de%201993.pdf-------. (2000). Ley 599 de 2000 “por la cual se expide el Código Penal”. Recuperado de https://www.unodc.org/res/cld/legislation/can/codigo-penal_html/Codigo_Penal.pdf-------. (2002). Ley 734 de 2002 “por la cual se expide el Código Disciplinario Único”. Recuperado de http://secretariageneral.gov.co/transparencia/marco-legal/normatividad/ley-734-2002-------. (2004). Ley 890 de 2004 “aplicable a procesos de Ley 600 de 2000”. Recuperado de http://www.cortesuprema.gov.co/corte/index.php/2018/05/10/ley-890-de-2004-aplicable-a-procesos-de-ley-600-de-2000/-------. (2006). Ley 1098 de 2006 “por la cual se expide el Código de la Infancia y la Adolescencia”. Recuperado de https://www.icbf.gov.co/cargues/avance/docs/ley_1098_2006.htm-------. (2008). Ley 1236 de 2008 “por medio de la cual se modifica algunos artículos del Código Penal relativos a delitos de abuso sexual”. Recuperado de http://www.oas.org/dil/esp/ley_1236_de_2008_colombia.pdf-------. (2009). Ley 1336 de 2009, “por medio del cual se adiciona y robustece la Ley 679 de 2001, de lucha contra la explotación, la pornografía y el turismo sexual con niños, niñas y adolescentes”. Recuperado de https://diario-oficial.vlex.com.co/vid/robustece-pornografia-adolescentes-61325313-------. (2016). Proyecto de Ley Estatutaria Nº 112 de 2016 “por medio de la cual se crea el Registro Nacional de Ofensores Sexuales”. Recuperado de http://leyes.senado.gov.co/proyectos/images/documentos/Textos%20Radicados/proyectos%20de%20ley/2016%20-%202017/PL%20112-16%20REGISTRO%20NACIONAL%20DE%20OFENSORES%20SEXUALES.pdf-------. (2018). Ley 1918 de 2018 “por medio de la cual se establece el régimen de inhabilidades a quienes hayan sido condenados por delitos sexuales contra menores, se crea el Registro de inhabilidades y se dicta otras disposiciones”. Bogotá, Colombia. Recuperado de http://www.funcionpublica.gov.co/eva/gestornormativo/norma.php?i=87420Consejo Superior de Política Criminal. (s.f.). Consejo Superior de Política Criminal. Recuperado de http://www.politicacriminal.gov.co/Portals/0/Conceptos/ConceptosCSPC/2016/22%20CSPC%20PLE%20112,%20PL%2087S%20y%2041C%20(Registro%20agresores%20sexuales).pdfCorte Constitucional. República de Colombia. (Junio de 1992). Sentencia T-414/92. [MP Ciro Angarita Barón]. Bogotá, Colombia. Recuperado de http://www.corteconstitucional.gov.co/relatoria/1992/t-414-92.htm-------. (Julio de 1992). Sentencia T-444/92. [MP Alejandro Martínez Caballero]. Bogotá, Colombia. Recuperado de http://www.corteconstitucional.gov.co/relatoria/1992/T-444-92.htm-------. (Marzo de 1995). Sentencia SU-082/95. [MP Jorge Arango Mejía]. Bogotá, Colombia. Recuperado de https://vlex.com.co/tags/sentencia-su-082-95-corte-constitucional-565292-------. (Septiembre de 2002). Sentencia T-729/02. [MP Eduardo Montealegre Lynett]. Bogotá, Colombia. Recuperado de http://www.corteconstitucional.gov.co/relatoria/2002/t-729-02.htm-------. (Diciembre de 2002). 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Recuperado de http://www.medicinalegal.gov.co/documents/20143/49523/Violencia+sexual.pdfDada, C. (17 de agosto de 2018). Pensilvania es el caso de abuso más preocupante en EE. UU. El Espectador. Recuperado de https://www.elespectador.com/noticias/el-mundo/pensilvania-es-el-caso-de-abuso-mas-preocupante-en-ee-uu-articulo-806746Echeburúa, E. y Guerricaechevarría, C. (2009). Abuso Sexual en la Infancia: Víctimas y agresores. Un enfoque clínico. Barcelona, España: Editorial Ariel.Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (UNICEF). (2006). Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño. Recuperado de http://www.un.org/es/events/childrenday/pdf/derechos.pdfGobierno de España. Ministerio de la Presidencia, Relaciones con las Cortes e Igualdad. (28 de julio 2015). Ley 26/2015 “de modificación del sistema de protección a la infancia y a la adolescencia”. Recuperado de https://www.boe.es/buscar/act.php?id=BOE-A-2015-8470Humanium. (s.f.). Declaración de Ginebra sobre los Derechos del Niño, 1924. 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(2013). ¿Qué es el Estado social y democrático de derecho? Bogotá, Colombia: Imprenta Nacional de Colombia.Ministerio de la Protección Social. (2007). Resolución No. 2346 “por la cual se regula la práctica de evaluaciones médicas ocupacionales y el manejo y contenido de las historias clínicas ocupacionales”. Recuperado de https://vlex.com.co/vid/-495385211Ministerio del Interior y Seguridad Pública. Subsecretaría del Interior. (19 de junio de 2012). Ley 20594 de 2012 “Crea inhabilidades para condenados por delitos sexuales contra menores y establece registro de dichas inhabilidades”. Recuperado de https://www.leychile.cl/Navegar?idNorma=1041136Ministerio de Tecnologías de la Información y las Telecomunicaciones. (2012). Decreto 019 de 2012 “por el cual se dicta normas para suprimir o reformar regulaciones, procedimientos y trámites innecesarios existentes en la Administración Pública”. Recuperado de https://www.mintic.gov.co/portal/604/w3-article-3567.htmlMontes, R. (24 de mayo de 2018). Catorce sacerdotes suspendidos en Chile por denuncias de abusos sexuales. El País. Recuperado de https://elpais.com/internacional/2018/05/23/america/1527042814_750171.htmlNaciones Unidas. (s.f.). Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos. Recuperado de http://www.un.org/es/universal-declaration-human-rights/Oficina del Alto Comisionado para los Derechos Humanos (ACNUDH). (2018). Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos. Recuperado de https://www.ohchr.org/sp/professionalinterest/pages/ccpr.aspxOrganización de los Estados Americanos (OEA). (2015). Declaración Americana de los Derechos y Deberes del Hombre. Recuperado de http://www.oas.org/es/cidh/mandato/Basicos/declaracion.aspOrganización Panamericana de la Salud. (2017). INSPIRE. Siete estrategias para poner fin a la violencia contra los niños y las niñas. 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Scheidt,PeterC., BarryI.Graubard, HowardJ.Hoffman, DoloresA.Bryla, KarinB.Nelson, DeborahG.Hirtz, and LawrenceM.Gartner. "Intelligence at Six Years in Relation to Neonatal Bilirubin Level: Follow-up of The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Clinical Trial of Phototherapy." Pediatrics 87, no.6 (June1, 1991): 797–805. http://dx.doi.org/10.1542/peds.87.6.797.
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Results of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Randomized Controlled Trial of Phototherapy were examined for the relationship of neonatal bilirubin level to neurological and developmental outcome at 6-year follow-up. This analysis focused on 224 control children with birth weight of less than 2000 g. Bilirubin levels were maintained below previously specified levels by the use of exchange transfusion only (24%). Rates of cerebral palsy were not significantly higher for children with elevated maximum bilirubin level than for those whose level remained low. No association was evident between maximum bilirubin level and IQ (Full Scale, Verbal, or Performance) by simple correlation analysis (r = -.087, P = .2 for Full Scale) or by multiple linear regression adjusting for factors that covary with IQ (β = -.15, P = .58). IQ was not associated with mean bilirubin level, time and duration of exposure to bilirubin, or measures of bilirubin-albumin binding. Thus, over the range of bilirubin levels permitted in this clinical trial, there was no evidence of bilirubin toxicity to the central nervous system. Measures used to control the level of bilirubin in low birth weight neonates appear to prevent effectively the risk of bilirubin-induced neurotoxicity.
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Gouvêa, Guaracira. "A cultura visual e a técnica em imagens produzidas por estudantes de cursos de licenciatura (The visual culture and the technique in images produced by students of undergraduate courses)." Revista Eletrônica de Educação 14 (January15, 2020): 3834010. http://dx.doi.org/10.14244/198271993834.
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This article presents the results of a research that aimed to problematize how students of the undergraduate courses of an IFES represent the technique and technology in images produced by them. Those images then are constitutive of their visual culture. Image production workshops were organized. The following concepts were addressed: visual culture; Image Technical and technology. Participated in the Workshops 105 students (52 doubles) who produced 65 photographs from their choice of a phenomena in the surroundings of the university. They answered the questions: justify chosen phenomenon; has technique in that image? (Justify response); has technology in this image? (Justify the answer). Then the photos were projected and the concepts of visual culture, technique and technology were discussed. The analysis of the written responses of the students indicated that when choosing and justifying the phenomena they are holders of a visual culture "based on visuality, the tendency to figure or visualize existence". Most students understood the technique as a means to obtain an end. They also confused the technology with the technical apparatus and did not criticize technique or technology. All students showed familiarity with the "cellular" artifact, but did not criticize this use. The contemporary artifacts, particularly the cell phone, are so inserted in everyday life that it becomes difficult to surprise them, because there is a symbolic system, grounded in technical rationality, so rooted in everyday actions that make this familiarity difficult to miss. This is why they do not problematize the technique or technology, when producing or approaching a visual culture.ResumoEste artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa que tinha como objetivo problematizar como estudantes dos cursos de licenciatura de uma IFES (Instituição Federal de Ensino Superior) representam a técnica e a tecnologia, constitutivas da cultura visual, em imagens por eles produzidas. Organizou-se oficinas de produção de imagens. Abordou-se os seguintes conceitos: cultura visual; imagem; técnica e tecnologia. Participaram das oficinas 105 estudantes (52 duplas), que produziram 65 fotografias a partir da escolha de fenômenos no entorno da universidade. Quando as duplas voltavam, respondiam às questões: fenômeno escolhido (justificar a escolha); tem técnica nessa imagem? (justificar resposta); tem tecnologia nessa imagem? (justificar a resposta). Depois projetou-se as fotos e discutiu-se os conceitos de cultura visual, técnica e tecnologia. A análise das respostas escritas dos estudantes indicou que ao escolherem e justificarem os fenômenos eram detentores de uma cultura visual “pautada na visualidade, pela tendência de figurar ou visualizar a existência”. A maioria dos estudantes compreendeu a técnica como meio para se obter um fim, confundiu a tecnologia com o aparato técnico, e não criticou a técnica nem a tecnologia. Todos os estudantes demonstraram ter familiaridade com o artefato “técnico celular”, mas não criticaram esse uso. Os artefatos contemporâneos, particularmente o celular, estão tão inseridos no cotidiano, que se torna difícil estranhá-los, pois há um sistema simbólico, fundamentado na racionalidade técnica, tão arraigado em ações cotidianas, que é difícil estranhar o familiar. Por isso não se problematiza a técnica e nem a tecnologia, ambas produtoras da cultura visual.ResumenEste artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación que tenía como objetivo problematizar como estudiantes de los cursos de licenciatura de una IFES representan la técnica y la tecnología, constitutivas de la cultura visual, en imágenes por ellos producidas. Se organizaron talleres de producción de imágenes. Se abordaron los siguientes conceptos: cultura visual; imagen; técnica y tecnología. Participaron de los talleres 105 estudiantes (52 dobles), que produjeron 65 fotografías a partir de la elección de fenómenos en el entorno de la universidad. Cuando las dobles volvían, respondían a las preguntas: fenómeno escogido (justificar la elección); ¿tiene técnica en esa imagen? (justificar la respuesta); ¿tiene tecnología en esa imagen? (justificar la respuesta). Después se proyectó las fotos y se discutieron los conceptos de cultura visual, técnica y tecnología. El análisis de las respuestas escritas de los estudiantes indicó que al escoger y justificar los fenómenos eran poseedores de una cultura visual pautada en la visualidad, por la tendencia de figurar o visualizar la existencia". La mayoría de los estudiantes comprendieron la técnica como medio para obtener un fin, confundió la tecnología con el aparato técnico, y no criticó la técnica ni la tecnología. Todos los estudiantes demostraron tener familiaridad con el artefacto "técnico celular", pero no criticaron ese uso. Los artefactos contemporáneos, particularmente el celular, están tan insertados en lo cotidiano, que resulta difícil extrañarlos, pues hay un sistema simbólico, fundamentado en la racionalidad técnica, tan arraigado en acciones cotidianas, que es difícil extrañar al familiar. Por eso no se problematiza la técnica y ni la tecnología, ambas productoras de la cultura visual.Palavras-chave: Técnica, Tecnologia, Fotografia, Licenciatura.Keywords: Technique, Technology, Photograph, Undergraduate courses.Palabras clave: Técnica, Tecnología, Fotografía, Licenciatura.ReferencesAMORIM, M. Vozes e Silêncio no Texto de Pesquisa em Ciências Humanas. Cadernos de Pesquisa, n. 116, p.7-19, julho, 2002.ASSUMPÇÃO, A, M. Entrelaçamentos entre leitura de imagens e estudantes de pedagogia. 2019. 173 p. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) – Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 2019.AUMONT, J. A. Imagem. (Abreu, E, S. e Santoro, C., C., Trad). Campinas, SP: Papirus, 1993.BAKHTIN, M. Marxismo e filosofia da linguagem. São Paulo: Hucitec, 1986.BARTHES, R. O óbvio e o obtuso. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Nova Fronteira, 1990.BARTHES, R. A câmara clara: nota sobre a fotografia. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1984.BUNGE, M. Seudociencia e ideología. Madri: Alianza, 1985.CANCLINI, N. G. Diferentes, desiguais e desconectados: mapas da interculturalidade. Rio de Janeiro: Editora UFRJ, 2005.CRAIA, E. C. P.; PECORARO R. La Técnica en el ágora: repensar nuestro estado de cosas (Presentacíón). Quadranti –Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Contemporanea –v. IV, p.3-5, nº 1-2, 2016.CUCHE, D. A Noção de Cultura nas Ciências Sociais. 2ª ed. Bauru: EDUSC. 2002CUPANI, A. A tecnologia como problema filosófico: três enfoques. Centiæ zudia, São Paulo, v. 2, n. 4, p. 493-518, 2004.ELLUL, J. A técnica e o desafio do século. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1968.FISCHER, R.M.B.; MARCELLO, F. Pensar o outro no cinema: por uma ética das imagens. Revista Teias, v. 17, n. 47, jan./mar., p.13-28. 2016.FISCHER, M. R, Mídia, máquinas de imagens e práticas pedagógicas. Revista Brasileira de Educação, v. 12 n. 35 maio/ago. p.290-299, 2007.FLUSSER, V.. Filosofia da Caixa Preta: ensaios para uma futura filosofia da fotografia. São Paulo: Annablume, 2011.GOUVÊA, G. Divulgação científica para crianças: o caso da Ciência Hoje das Crianças, 2000. Tese de doutorado em Ciências. Programa de pós-graduação em Ciências do ICB/ UFRJ, 2000. 230pGOUVÊA, G.; OLIVEIRA, C. I. de C. Memória e representação: imagens nos livros didáticos de física. Ciências & Cognição, V. 15, N. 3, 2010, p.063-083. Disponível em: http://www.cienciasecognicao.org/revista/index.php/cec/article/view/368, Acesso em 20 novembro de 2018.HABERMAS, J. Técnica e ciência como “ideologia”. 1ªed. São Paulo: editora Unesp, 2014.HALL, S. Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices. Hall, S. (Ed), London: SAGE Publications, 2003.JAY, Martin. Relativismo Cultural e a Virada Visual. Aletria: Revista de Estudos de Literatura, v. 10, n.11, p. 14 - 28, 2003.KLEBA, J. Tecnologia, ideologia e periferia: um debate com a filosofia da técnica de Álvaro Vieira Pinto. Convergencia: Revista de Ciencias Sociales, v. 13, n. 42, p. 73-93, set./dez. 2006.KNAUSS, P. O desafio de fazer História com imagens: arte e cultura visual. ArtCultura, Uberlândia, v. 8, n. 12, p. 97-115, jan.-jun. 2006.MARCUSE, H. Cultura e sociedade. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1998.MARCUSE, H. O homem unidimensional: estudos das ideologias da sociedade industrial avançada. São Paulo: Edipro, 2015, 247p.MENESES, U. T. B. de. Fontes visuais, cultura visual, história visual: balanço provisório, propostas cautelares. Revista Brasileira de História, São Paulo. v. 23,n. 45, p. 11-36, July, 2003.MIRZOEFF, Nicholas. An introduction to visual culturee. London: Routledge, 1999MUMFORD, L. Técnica y Civilizacion. Madri: Alianza, 1979 © 1934.OLIVEIRA, et al. Imagem e educação. 1ª ed. v1.Rio de Janeiro: Fundação CECIERJ, 2006, 106p.PINTO, A. V. O Conceito de Tecnologia. Rio de Janeiro: Contraponto, v. 1, 2005.ROSA, G. A. de; TREVISAN, A. L. Filosofia da tecnologia e educação: conservação ou crítica inovadora da modernidade?. Avaliação. Campinas, online, vol.21, n.3, pp.719-738.2016; http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1414-40772016000300004. Acesso em 15 de fevereiro de 2019.SARDELICH, M. E.; GARCIA, A.; ALVES B. T. S. L. Cultura visual no Brasil: um panorama sobre a construção do campo de estudo. RDIVE, João Pessoa, v.1, n. 1, p. 158-175, jan./jun., 2016.SARDELICH, M. E. Leitura de imagens e cultura visual: desenredando conceitos para a prática educativa. Educar, Curitiba, n. 27, p. 203-219, 2006. SÉRVIO, P. P. P. O que estudam os estudos de cultura visual? Revista Digital do LAV, Santa Maria, vol. 7, n.2, p. 196-215 - maio/ago. 2014.SILVA, P. I. F. da. Marcuse e a racionalidade tecnológica: dominação ou liberdade. 2013. Dissertação (mestrado em Filosofia da Ciência e da Tecnologia). Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Universidade de São Paulo. São Paulo, 2013. SOUSA, A. C. G. Os engenheiros no fim do século XIX: ações e ideias. 2013. 249p. Tese (Doutorado em História das Ciências e das Técnicas e Epistemologia). Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro, 2013. WALKER, J. A.; CHAPLIN, S. Una introducción a la cultura visual. Barcelona: Octaedro, 2002.WILKE, V. C. L. A epistéme de dominação e o domínio da arte. 1994. 120 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Filosofia) – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 1994.e3834010
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Batanov,O.V. "Problems of modern Ukrainian unitarism in the focus of doctrinal interpretation of the Constitution of Ukraine." INTERPRETATION OF LAW: FROM THE THEORY TO THE PRACTICE, no.12 (2021): 42–49. http://dx.doi.org/10.33663/2524-017x-2021-12-7.
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1. Vlasov Yu. L. Problemy tlumachennia norm prava : avtoref. dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk: spets. 12.00.01 «Teoriia ta istoriia derzhavy i prava; istoriia polit. i pravovykh vchen». Kyiv, 2000. 17 s. 2. Malenta V. S. Neofitsiine tlumachennia norm prava : avtoref. dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk: spets. 12.00.01 «Teoriia ta istoriia derzhavy i prava; istoriia polit. i pravovykh vchen». Kyiv, 2010. 16 s. 3. Molyboha M. P. Tlumachennia (interpretatsiia) pravovykh norm: naukove ta praktychne znachennia : avtoreferat dys.… kand. yuryd. nauk: spets. 12.00.01 «Teoriia ta istoriia derzhavy i prava; istoriia polit. i pravovykh vchen». Kyiv,2010. 20 s. 4. Paleshnyk S. I. Tlumachennia v sudovii praktytsi: poniattia, osoblyvosti, vydy : avtoref. dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk: spets. 12.00.01 «Teoriia ta istoriia derzhavy i prava; istoriia polit. i pravovykh vchen». Kharkiv, 2016. 19 s. 5. Pryima S. V. Pryntsypy tlumachennia norm prava : avtoreferat dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk: spets. 12.00.01 «Teoriia ta istoriia derzhavy i prava; istoriia polit. i pravovykh vchen». Kharkiv, 2011. 18 s. 6. Chulinda L. I. Yurydychno-linhvistychne tlumachennia tekstiv normatyvno-pravovykh aktiv : avtoref. dys. … kand.yuryd. nauk: spets. 12.00.01 «Teoriia ta istoriia derzhavy i prava; istoriia polit. i pravovykh vchen». Kyiv, 2003. 20 s. 7. Slidenko I. D. Tlumachennia Konstytutsii Ukrainy: pytannia teorii i praktyky v konteksti svitovoho dosvidu : avtoref.dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk: spets. 12.00.02 «Konstytutsiine pravo». Odesa, 2001. 22 s. 8. Bohdanevych T. S. Ofitsiine tlumachennia Osnovnoho Zakonu Konstytutsiinym Sudom Ukrainy : dys. … d-ra filosofii za spets. (081-Pravo). Kyiv, 2019. 256 s. 9. Kontseptsiia administratyvnoi reformy v Ukraini: Zatverdzhena Ukazom Prezydenta Ukrainy vid 22 lypnia 1998 roku № 810/98. Ofitsiinyi sait Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy. URL: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/810/98?find=1&text=%D1%83%D0%BD%D1%96%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%80#w13 (data zvernennya 19.06.2021) 10. Kontseptsiia derzhavnoi rehionalnoi polityky: Zatverdzhena Ukazom Prezydenta Ukrainy vid 25 travnia 2001 roku № 341/2001. Ofitsiinyi sait Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy. URL: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/161/2010?find=1&text=%D1%83%D0%BD%D1%96%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%80 (data zvernennya 19.06.2021). 11. Zakon Ukrainy «Pro zasady derzhavnoi rehionalnoi polityky» vid 5 liutoho 2015 roku. Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy. 2015. № 13. st. 90. 12. Kontseptsiia derzhavnoi movnoi polityky: Skhvalena Ukazom Prezydenta Ukrainy vid 15 liutoho 2010 roku№ 161/2010. Ofitsiinyi sait Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy. URL: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/161/2010?find=1&text=%D1%83%D0%BD%D1%96%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%80 (data zvernennia 19.06.2021). 13. Zakon Ukrainy «Pro zabezpechennia funktsionuvannia ukrainskoi movy yak derzhavnoi» vid 25 kvitnia 2019 roku. Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy. 2019. № 21. St. 81. 14.Kalakura Ya. S. Ukrainska sobornist yak istoriohrafichna problema. Sobornist yak chynnyk ukrainskoho derzhavotvorennia (do 90-richchia Aktu zluky) : zbirnyk materialiv Vseukrainskoi naukovoi konferentsii (m. Kyiv, 21 sichnia 2009 r.). Kyiv, 2009. S. 63–67. 15. Ukrainsko-rosiiski vidnosyny: Test na politychnu zrilist. Analitychna dopovid. URL: https://ukraine-russia.wf.org.ua/4/?fbclid=IwAR2iCBmeAMxCUtNT_faSiCJxYptmhTAR0bRqro7DlxwGasry85NCWGSPMY0(data zvernennia 19.06.2021). 16. Dugin A. G. Osnovy geopolitiki. Moskva : Arktogeya, 1997. 591 s.
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Frioni, Tommaso, Cecilia Squeri, Filippo Del Zozzo, Paolo Guadagna, Matteo Gatti, Alberto Vercesi, and Stefano Poni. "Investigating Evolution and Balance of Grape Sugars and Organic Acids in Some New Pathogen-Resistant White Grapevine Varieties." Horticulturae 7, no.8 (August6, 2021): 229. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae7080229.
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Breeding technologies exploiting marker-assisted selection have accelerated the selection of new cross-bred pathogen-resistant grapevine varieties. Several genotypes have been patented and admitted to cultivation; however, while their tolerance to fungal diseases has been the object of several in vitro and field studies, their productive and fruit composition traits during ripening are still poorly explored, especially in warm sites. In this study, five white pathogen-resistant varieties (PRV) listed as UD 80–100, Soreli, UD 30–080, Sauvignon Rytos, Sauvignon Kretos were tested over two consecutive seasons in a site with a seasonal heat accumulation of about 2000 growing degree days (GDDs), and their performances were compared to two Vitis vinifera L. traditional varieties, Ortrugo and Sauvignon Blanc. Berries were weekly sampled from pre-veraison until harvest to determine total soluble solids (TSS) and titratable acidity (TA) dynamics. All tested PRV exhibited an earlier onset of veraison and a faster sugar accumulation, as compared to Ortrugo and Sauvignon Blanc, especially in 2019. At harvest, Sauvignon Blanc was the cultivar showing the highest titratable acidity (8.8 g/L). Ortrugo and PRV showed very low TA (about 4.7 g/L), with the exception of Sauvignon Rytos (6.5 g/L). However, data disclose that Sauvignon Rytos higher acidity at harvest relies on higher tartrate (+1.1 to +2.2 g/L, as compared to other PRV), whereas in Sauvignon Blanc, high TA at harvest is due to either tartaric (+1 g/L, compared to PRV) and malic (+2.5 g/L, compared to PRV) acid retention. Overall, Sauvignon Rytos is the most suited PRV to be grown in a warm climate, where retaining adequate acidity at harvest is crucial to produce high-quality white wines. Nevertheless, canopy and ripening management strategies must be significantly adjusted, as compared to the standard practice employed for the parental Sauvignon Blanc.
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Lunden,S., and W.Qiu. "First Report of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 2 in a Hybrid Grape ‘Vidal Blanc’ in Missouri." Plant Disease 96, no.3 (March 2012): 462. http://dx.doi.org/10.1094/pdis-10-11-0834.
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Grapevine leaf roll disease (GLRD) is one of the most prevalent viral diseases in vineyards worldwide. At least 10 Grapevine leafroll-associated viruses (GLRaV-1 to -7, and -9, -10, and -11) are associated with GLRD. GLRaV-2 has a number of distinct isolates that are associated not only with GLRD, but also with graft incompatibility, young vine decline, and rootstock stem lesions. In the United States, GLRaV-2 isolates have been reported in the states of California (4), New York (1), Oregon, and Washington (3). A survey of grapevine viruses was conducted on seven grape cultivars, Norton, Chambourcin, Chardonel, Vignoles, Vidal Blanc, Traminette, and Cayuga White, in a vineyard located at Mountain Grove, MO during the falls of 2009 and 2010 and late summer of 2011. Vines from each cultivar were assigned into three blocks. From each block, six individual vines were randomly selected. Phloem scrapings were collected for detecting viruses by ELISA and reverse-transcription (RT)-PCR. To test for GLRaV-2, a set of primers, GLRaV-2-Forward (5′-GGTGATAACCGACGCCTCTA, nt 6745 to 6764) and GLRaV-2-Reverse (5′-CCTAGCTGACGCAGATTGCT, nt 7268 to 7287), were designed from the coat protein coding region as reported previously (2). GRLaV-2 was detected only in the samples of ‘Vidal Blanc’. The detection of GLRaV-2 was further verified by ELISA using GRLaV-2-specific antisera (Bioreba AG, Reinach, Switzerland). The GLRaV-2-infected ‘Vidal Blanc’ vines did not exhibit visible symptoms. The RT-PCR amplified 543-bp cDNA fragments were isolated from agarose gel and cloned into the pCR2.1 vector (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA). Plasmid DNA was purified from three individual clones and sequenced from both directions. Comparison of the 543-bp sequences showed that the sequences shared 99% nt identity with the corresponding regions of 21 GLRaV-2 isolates, including PMC-083 isolate from Croatia (GenBank Accession No. HM185277), LN isolate from China (GenBank No. FJ786017), SE isolate from Brazil (GenBank No. EU204909), and four isolates from Washington (GenBank Nos. EU760836, 760838, 760843, and 760848). ‘Vidal Blanc’ is a white interspecific hybrid grape. Absence of visible symptoms on this cultivar emphasizes the importance of planting certified grapevines that have been indexed for viruses. Discovery of GLRaV-2 in asymptomatic white grape cultivars will warn growers on the potential damages and epidemics of GLRD in Midwest vineyards and promote planting clean grapevines. To our knowledge, this is the first report of GLRaV-2 in grapevines in Missouri. References: (1) M. Fuchs et al. Plant Dis. 93:395, 2009. (2) G. Gambino and I. Gribaudo. Phytopathology 96:1223, 2006. (3) R. R. Martin et al. Plant Dis. 89:763, 2005. (4) A. Rowhani et al. Phytopathology (Abstr.) 92:(suppl.):S71, 2002.
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Seal, Andrew, Emmanuel Kafwembe, Ismail AR Kassim, Mei Hong, Annie Wesley, John Wood, Fathia Abdalla, and Tina van den Briel. "Maize meal fortification is associated with improved vitamin A and iron status in adolescents and reduced childhood anaemia in a food aid-dependent refugee population." Public Health Nutrition 11, no.7 (July 2008): 720–28. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1368980007001486.
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AbstractObjectiveTo assess changes in the Fe and vitamin A status of the population of Nangweshi refugee camp associated with the introduction of maize meal fortification.DesignPre- and post-intervention study using a longitudinal cohort.SettingNangweshi refugee camp, Zambia.SubjectsTwo hundred and twelve adolescents (10–19 years), 157 children (6–59 months) and 118 women (20–49 years) were selected at random by household survey in July 2003 and followed up after 12 months.ResultsMaize grain was milled and fortified in two custom-designed mills installed at a central location in the camp and a daily ration of 400 g per person was distributed twice monthly to households as part of the routine food aid ration. During the intervention period mean Hb increased in children (0·87 g/dl;P< 0·001) and adolescents (0·24 g/dl;P= 0·043) but did not increase in women. Anaemia decreased in children by 23·4 % (P< 0·001) but there was no significant change in adolescents or women. Serum transferrin receptor (log10-transformed) decreased by −0·082 μg/ml (P= 0·036) indicating an improvement in the Fe status of adolescents but there was no significant decrease in the prevalence of deficiency (−8·5 %;P= 0·079). In adolescents, serum retinol increased by 0·16 μmol/l (P< 0·001) and vitamin A deficiency decreased by 26·1 % (P< 0·001).ConclusionsThe introduction of fortified maize meal led to a decrease in anaemia in children and a decrease in vitamin A deficiency in adolescents. Centralised, camp-level milling and fortification of maize meal is a feasible and pertinent intervention in food aid operations.
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Pelo, Sandro, Roberto Boniello, Giulio Gasparini, and Gianluigi Longobardi. "Maxillary Corticotomy and Extraoral Orthopedic Traction in Mature Teenage Patients: A Case Report." Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice 8, no.5 (2007): 76–84. http://dx.doi.org/10.5005/jcdp-8-5-76.
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Abstract Aim The authors’ propose to combine the reverse pull headgear with a Delaire type face mask and a maxillary corticotomy to treat a Class III non-growing patient with maxillary retrusion. The aim of this report is to present two cases in which this treatment strategy was successful. Background Several studies suggest the majority of Class III dento-skeletal malocclusions have components of maxillary retrusion. Early treatment of these patients with maxillary protraction devices have shown promising results. Facemask therapy has some important limits. Most important is the optimal timing of treatment between the ages of six to ten years. Closure of the maxillary suture occurs as a child ages which results in an increase of maxillary resistance to protraction. Report A proposed therapy carried out in orthodontic and surgical phases was used in the treatment of two young patients. They were both beyond the optimal age range for the application of the orthopedic device (a girl 15 years old and a boy 16 years old), however, they had not reached the necessary skeletal maturity for orthognathic surgery. Summary The described technique has the advantage of being quick and easy to perform with a low surgical risk yielding satisfactory results after 15-20 days of therapy instead of the six to nine months associated with traditional procedures. Citation Pelo S, Boniello R, Gasparini G, Longobardi G. Maxillary Corticotomy and Extraoral Orthopedic Traction in Mature Teenage Patients: A Case Report. J Contemp Dent Pract 2007 July;(8)5:076-084.
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Stepanova,KristinaV., NataliaM.Yakovleva, AlexanderN.Kokatev, and Håkan Pettersson. "Структура и свойства нанопористых анодных оксидных пленок на алюминиде титана." Kondensirovannye sredy i mezhfaznye granitsy = Condensed Matter and Interphases 21, no.1 (March6, 2019): 135–45. http://dx.doi.org/10.17308/kcmf.2019.21/724.
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Silvestre, Natália Gramelisch, Elvis Pantaleão Ferreira, Gustavo Haddad Souza Vieira, Jéssica Broseghini Loss, and Gabriel Peterle. "USO DA ÁGUA E DE TÉCNICAS DE MANEJO DE IRRIGAÇÃO NO CAFEEIRO CONILON." IRRIGA 26, no.2 (June30, 2021): 422–38. http://dx.doi.org/10.15809/irriga.2021v26n2p422-438.
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USO DA ÁGUA E DE TÉCNICAS DE MANEJO DE IRRIGAÇÃO NO CAFEEIRO CONILON NATÁLIA GRAMELISCH SILVESTRE1; ELVIS PANTALEÃO FERREIRA2; GUSTAVO HADDAD SOUZA VIEIRA3; JÉSSICA BROSEGHINI LOSS4 E GABRIEL PETERLE5 1Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Espírito Santo – IFES campus Santa Teresa, Rod. ES 080, km 93, 29.660-000, São João de Petrópolis, Santa Teresa, Espírito Santo, Brasil, e-mail:natygramelisch@gmail.com 2IFES campus Santa Teresa, Rod. ES 080, km 93, 29.660-000, São João de Petrópolis, Santa Teresa, Espírito Santo, Brasil, e-mail: epf150@hotmail.com 3IFES campus Santa Teresa, Rod. ES 080, km 93, 29.660-000, São João de Petrópolis, Santa Teresa, Espírito Santo, Brasil, e-mail: ghsvieira@gmail.com 4UENF, Av. Alberto Lamego, 2000 - Parque Califórnia, 28.013-602, Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, e-mail: jessicaloss54@gmail.com 5UFV, Av. Peter Henry Rolfs, s/n - Campus Universitário, 36.570-900, Viçosa, Minas Gerias, Brasil, e-mail: gabrielpeterle@gmail.com 1 RESUMO Buscou-se verificar a percepção dos cafeicultores do município de São Roque do Canaã quanto ao uso racional da água e das técnicas de manejo de irrigação empregadas nas lavouras cafeeiras. Também, foi verificado se a assistência técnica exerce influência na sensibilização e no conhecimento dos produtores quanto ao uso adequado da água para irrigação no município, para tanto foram aplicados questionários aos produtores. A pesquisa contou com uma amostra de 100 cafeicultores que fazem uso de diferentes tipos de sistemas de irrigação, que foram divididos em dois grupos caracterizados pela localização da propriedade rural em relação à margem do Rio Santa Maria do Rio Doce (SMRD), agrupados também entre aqueles que recebem assistência técnica particular ou pública (CAT) e os que não recebem (SAT). Constatou-se que, em todas as propriedades SAT visitadas (avaliadas), a determinação da duração dos eventos de irrigação é feita arbitrariamente pelo produtor (ou proprietário), sem a utilização de critérios técnicos, contra 92% das propriedades CAT. Quanto à outorga, na margem esquerda do Rio SMRD, 64% dos produtores CAT e 76% dos produtores SAT são outorgados, já na margem direita, 100% dos produtores CAT e 92% dos produtores SAT entrevistados possuem outorga de uso da água. Palavras-chave: irrigação, Coffea canephora, agricultura - assistência técnica, outorga, bacias hidrográficas. SILVESTRE, N. G.; FERREIRA, E. P.; VIEIRA, G. H. S.; LOSS, J. B.; PETERLE, G. USE OF WATER AND IRRIGATION MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES ON COFFEE CONILON CROP 2 ABSTRACT We sought to verify the perception of coffee growers in the municipality of São Roque do Canaã regarding the rational use of water and irrigation management techniques applied on coffee plantations. It was also verified whether technical assistance influences the awareness and knowledge of the producers regarding the proper use of water for irrigation in the municipality, for this purpose, questionnaires were applied to the producers. The survey included a sample of 100 coffee growers who use different types of irrigation systems, divided into two groups characterized by the location of the rural property in relation to Santa Maria of Doce River (SMDR) river bank, grouped among those who receive private or public technical assistance (CAT) and those that do not receive (SAT). It was found that, in all SAT properties visited (evaluated), the determination of the duration of irrigation events is made arbitrarily by the producer (or owner), without the use of technical criteria, against 92% of the CAT properties. Regarding the water use permit, on the left river bank of the SMDR River, 64% of the CAT producers and 76% of the SAT producers have water use permit, while on the right river bank, 100% of the CAT producers and 92% of the interviewed SAT producers have water use permit. Keywords: irrigation, Coffea canephora, agriculture - technical assistance, water use permit, watersheds.
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Kusuma Wijayanti, Puspita Adhi, and Surya Cahyadi. "Antecedents-Consequences Modification to Decrease Hyper-activity and Improve Attention of Child with ADHD." JPUD - Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini 13, no.2 (November30, 2019): 232–48. http://dx.doi.org/10.21009/jpud.132.03.
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The prevalence of ADHD children increases every year. Some researchers have shown that psychosocial behavior therapy (antecedents-consequences modification) was effective to decrease hyperactivity and increase attention to ADHD children. This study aims to find out the effectiveness of antecedents-consequences modification by parents and teachers to decrease hyperactivity and increase attention to a 6 years old boy with ADHD. The study was a single case experimental design. Psychosocial behavior therapy has been used with antecedents-consequences modification. The antecedents-consequences modification was applied by teacher at school and parents at home. Data were analyzed using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. Results showed that there’s a significant decrease of hyperactivity behavior and significant increase of doing his assignment both at school and also at home. Not only about the content of behavior therapy itself, but how to give the therapy is important. 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Takimoto, Hidemi, Emiko Okada, Jun Takebayashi, Yuki Tada, Takahiro Yoshizaki, Yuri Yokoyama, and Yoshiko Ishimi. "Nutrient Profiles of Dishes Eaten by High Salt Consumers and Adequate Salt Consumers in the 2013–2018 National Health and Nutrition Survey, Japan." Current Developments in Nutrition 5, Supplement_2 (June 2021): 457. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/cdn/nzab038_069.
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Abstract Objectives Dish based nutrient profile analyses are essential in setting goals to achieve a balanced diet. The Japanese enjoy longevity, but their current diet is still high in salt, which was 10.1g/day among adults in the 2019 National Health and Nutrition Survey. In 2013, the Japanese government's “Health Meal” proposed the salt content of 3g/650 kcal per meal. However, studies are scarce regarding the nutrient profiles of the dishes eaten by the general population, especially who exceed the current standard. In order to examine the current achievement status and related nutritional problems among a nationally representative sample, we conducted the secondary analyses of the 2013–2018 National Health and Nutrition Survey data. Methods Dietary data from 35,915 participants in the 2013–2018 National Health and Nutrition Survey aged 18–74 years who ate three meals on the survey day, were applied for analyses. We extracted 554,257 dishes from each meal, and categorized them according to the definition of “staple dish” (grain dish), “main dish”(meat, fish, eggs, or beans), and “side dish”(vegetables, seaweeds, potatoes, or mushrooms) shown in the 2005 “Japanese Food Guide Spinning Top”. Participants were grouped as “high salt” consumers if their intake were 3g/650kcal or higher, and “adequate” consumers if they consumed less. The nutrient profile of each dish category was compared between the two groups by using the Wilcoxon's signed rank test. Results 22 300 participants were identified as “high salt” and 13 615 as “adequate”. The mean age of the “high salt” group (53.2 years) was higher than the “adequate” group (50.5 years), but their mean energy intake was similar (1901 and 2081 kcal/day, respectively). The mean salt intake in the “high salt” group was 11.8 g/day and the “adequate” group was 7.7 g/day. Among the dishes, 59 936 were categorized as “staple dish”, 47 081 as “main dish”, 45 828 as “side dish”, 30 151 as “combined dish”, and 371 261 as “miscellaneous”. Except for “staple dish”, dishes consumed by the “high salt” group were significantly low in energy and fat but high in salt, compared to the “adequate”. Conclusions Older participants were more likely to consume dishes high in salt, but low in fat. Examples of balanced dishes low in both salt and fat could be proposed for further diet modification. Funding Sources Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare research grant.
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Reid,ChristineD. "International Encyclopedia of Technical Analysis200118Joel G. Siegel, Jae K. Shim, Anique Qureshi, Jeffrey Brauchler. International Encyclopedia of Technical Analysis. Chicago, IL and London: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers 2000. 356 pp, ISBN: 1 57958 085 8 £40.00." Reference Reviews 15, no.1 (January 2001): 21–22. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/rr.2001.
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Bacon, Simon. "Book Review ofHeart Disease: Environment, Stress And Gender, G. Weidner, M. Kopp and M. Kristenson (Eds.), Amsterdam, The Netherlands: IOS Press – NATO Science Series, 2002. i–xx + 384 pages. ISBN 1 58603 082 5 (hb)." Psychology & Health 19, no.1 (February 2004): 135. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0887044032000158901.
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Sudharsanan, Nikkil. "Population-level mortality benefits of improved blood pressure control in Indonesia: a modelling study." International Journal of Epidemiology 48, no.3 (November13, 2018): 954–65. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/ije/dyy232.
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Abstract Background There are few estimates of the potential gains in adult mortality from population-level improvements in systolic blood pressure (SBP) in a major low-and-middle income country (LMIC). Using nationally representative cohort data from Indonesia—the third most populous LMIC— I estimated the gains in adult life expectancy from improving SBP control among adults ages 40 and above and assessed the benefits among richer and poorer subpopulations. Methods I used longitudinal data from 10 085 adults ages 40 and above (75 288 person-age observations) enrolled in the 2007 and 2014/15 waves of the Indonesian Family Life Survey. Next, I used Poisson-regression parametric g-formulas to directly estimate age-specific mortality rates under different blood pressure control strategies and constructed period life expectancies using the observed and counterfactual mortality rates. Results Fully controlling SBP to a population mean of under 125 mmHg was associated with a life expectancy gain at age 40 of 5.3 years [95% confidence interval (CI): 3.2, 7.4] for men and 6.0 years (95% CI: 3.6, 8.4) for women. The gains associated with blood pressure control were similar for both rich and poor subpopulations. The life expectancy gains under scenarios with imperfect blood pressure control and coverage were more modest in size and ranged between 1 and 2.5 years for a large fraction of the scenarios. Conclusions In Indonesia, elevated SBP carries a large mortality burden, though the results suggest that realistic efforts to address hypertension will likely produce more modest gains in life expectancy. Comparing improvements from different strategies and identifying the most cost-effective ways to introduce and scale up hypertension interventions is a critical focus for both research and policy.
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Olafsdottir,AnnaH., Aril Slotte, Jan Arge Jacobsen, GuðmundurJ.Oskarsson, KjellR.Utne, and Leif Nøttestad. "Changes in weight-at-length and size-at-age of mature Northeast Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) from 1984 to 2013: effects of mackerel stock size and herring (Clupea harengus) stock size." ICES Journal of Marine Science 73, no.4 (August25, 2015): 1255–65. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsv142.
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Abstract Weight-at-length and length-/weight-at-age were analysed for mature 3- to 8-year-old Northeast Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus; n= 26 084) collected annually in autumn (September and October) at the end of the annual feeding season during 1984–2013 in the northern North Sea. The age range represented 92% of the mackerel stock size (age 3+). During the most recent decade, mackerel length- and weight-at-age continually declined. In 2013, the average mackerel was 3.7 cm shorter and weighed 175 g less than the average individual in 2002. Individual weight-at-length, demonstrating annual summer feeding success, continually declined during the most recent 5 years, whereas somatic growth of cohorts aged 3–8 continually declined for the last 11 of 25 cohorts investigated. Growth of the latest cohort was 34% of the maximum cohort growth recorded. Both weight-at-length and cohort growth were negatively affected by mackerel stock size and Norwegian spring-spawning herring (Clupea harengus) stock size (weight-at-length: r2 = 0.89; growth (length): r2 = 0.68; growth (weight): r2 = 0.78), while temperature was not significant. Conspecific density-dependence was most likely mediated via intensified competition associated with greater mackerel density. Negative effects of herring were likely mediated by exploitative competition for shared food resources rather than direct competition due to limited spatio-temporal overlap between mackerel and herring during the feeding season. Herring begin their seasonal feeding migration at least a month before mackerel; therefore, herring consumption influences prey availability for the later-arriving mackerel. Record low mackerel growth and negative effects of mackerel and herring stock size suggest that the carrying capacity of the Norwegian Sea and adjacent areas for plankton-feeding fish stocks have been reached. However, compounding effects of a less productive Norwegian Sea during the 30-year period cannot be excluded.
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Nichols, Gary. "MIDDLETON, G. V. (ed.) 2003. Encyclopedia of Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks. Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series. xxx + 821 pp. Dordrecht, Boston, London: Kluwer. Price Euros 399, US $390, £250 (hard covers). ISBN 1 4020 0872 4." Geological Magazine 141, no.6 (November 2004): 742–43. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0016756804250014.
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Arisu, Hacer Deniz, Mine Betül Üçtaşli, Hüma Ömürlü, Evrim Eligüzeloğlu, Suat Özcan, and Gülfem Ergun. "The Effect of Different Finishing and Polishing Systems on the Surface Roughness of Different Composite Restorative Materials." Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice 8, no.2 (2007): 89–96. http://dx.doi.org/10.5005/jcdp-8-2-89.
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Abstract Aim The purpose of this in vitro study was to examine the effect of two different finishing systems on the surface roughness of different types of composite restorative materials. Methods and Materials Thirty specimens, 8 mm in diameter and 3 mm in depth, were prepared using a microfill composite (Clearfil ST, Kuraray Co. Ltd., Osaka, Japan), a hybrid composite (Clearfil AP-X, Kuraray Co. Ltd., Osaka, Japan), and a packable composite (Clearfil Photo Posterior, Kuraray Co. Ltd., Osaka, Japan) cured against a Mylar matrix strip to create a baseline surface. The average surface roughness was measured using a surface profilometer (Surftest 211, Mitutoyo, Japan) in five different positions on each sample before and after finishing with one of the two finishing systems [Sof-Lex discs (3M) and Po-Go (Dentsply)]. The obtained data were analyzed by two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) at a p=0.05 significance level. Results There were statistically significant differences in the average surface roughness (Ra, ìm) between the Mylar matrix strip, Sof-Lex discs, and Po-Go discs (p<0.05). For all tested materials, the Mylar matrix strip provided smoother surfaces than both of the finishing systems (p<0.05). When the finishing discs were compared, Sof-Lex discs produced a smoother surface than Po-Go discs for all tested materials (p<0.05). Conclusion The Mylar matrix strip provided a smoother surface than Sof-Lex and Po-Go discs. Furthermore, Sof-Lex discs produced smoother surfaces than Po-Go discs. Sof-Lex and Po-Go systems produced clinically acceptable surface roughness for microfill, hybrid, and packable composite resin materials. The effect of finishing and polishing systems on surface roughness was dependent on both the system and the composite resin restorative material. Citation Üçtaşli MB, Arisu HD, Ömürlü H, Eligüzeloğlu E, Özcan S, Ergun G. The Effect of Different Finishing and Polishing Systems on the Surface Roughness of Different Composite Restorative Materials. J Contemp Dent Pract 2007 February;(8)2:089-096.
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Keutsch,FrankN., Dan Topa, Rie Takagi Fredrickson, Emil Makovicky, and WernerH.Paar. "Agmantinite, Ag2MnSnS4, a new mineral with a wurtzite derivative structure from the Uchucchacua polymetallic deposit, Lima Department, Peru." Mineralogical Magazine 83, no.02 (July2, 2018): 233–38. http://dx.doi.org/10.1180/mgm.2018.139.
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AbstractAgmantinite, ideally Ag2MnSnS4, is a new mineral from the Uchucchacua polymetallic deposit, Oyon district, Catajambo, Lima Department, Peru. It occurs as orange–red crystals up to 100 μm across. Agmantinite is translucent with adamantine lustre and possesses a red streak. It is brittle. Neither fracture nor cleavage were observed. Based on the empirical formula the calculated density is 4.574 g/cm3. On the basis of chemically similar compounds the Mohs hardness is estimated at between 2 to 2½. In plane-polarised light agmantinite is white with red internal reflections. It is weakly bireflectant with no observable pleochroism with red internal reflections. Between crossed polars, agmantinite is weakly anisotropic with reddish brown to greenish grey rotation tints. The reflectances (RminandRmax) for the four standard wavelengths are: 19.7 and 22.0 (470 nm); 20.5 and 23.2 (546 nm); 21.7 and 2.49 (589 nm); and 20.6 and 23.6 (650 nm), respectively.Agmantinite is orthorhombic, space groupP21nm, with unit-cell parameters:a= 6.632(2),b= 6.922(2),c= 8.156(2) Å,V= 374.41(17) Å3,a:b:c0.958:1:1.178 andZ= 2. The crystal structure was refined toR= 0.0575 for 519 reflections withI >2σ(I). Agmantinite is the first known mineral of${M}_{\rm 2}^{\rm I} $MIIMIVS4type that is derived from wurtzite rather than sphalerite by ordered substitution of Zn, analogous to the substitution pattern for deriving stannite from sphalerite. The six strongest X-ray powder-diffraction lines derived from single-crystal X-ray diffraction data [din Å (intensity)] are: 3.51 (s), 3.32 (w), 3.11 (vs), 2.42 (w), 2.04 (m) and 1.88 (m). The empirical formula (based on 8 apfu) is (Ag1.94Cu0.03)Σ1.97(Mn0.98Zn0.05)Σ1.03Sn0.97S4.03.The crystal structure-derived formula is Ag2(Mn0.69Zn0.31)Σ1.00SnS4and the simplified formula is Ag2MnSnS4.The name is for the composition and the new mineral and mineral name have been approved by the International Mineralogical Association Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification (IMA2014-083).
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Banning,E.B. "Burton MacDonald, Larry G. Herr, D. Scott Quaintance, Geoffrey A. Clark & Michael C.A. Macdonald. The Ayl to Ras an-Naqab archaeological survey, southern Jordan 2005–2007 (American Schools of Oriental Research Archaeological Report 16). 2 volumes, xvi+534 pages, 188 b&w illustrations, 24 tables, CD. 2012. Boston (MA): American Schools of Oriental Research; 978-0-89757-085-56 hardback £ 95." Antiquity 87, no.338 (November22, 2013): 1230–32. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0003598x00050055.
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Hartley, Adrian. "RENAULT, R. W. & ASHLEY, G. M. (eds) 2002. Sedimentation in Continental Rifts. SEPM Special Publication no. 73. iv + 329 pp. Tulsa: SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology). Price US $140.00; members' price US $100.00 (hard covers). ISBN 1 56576 082 4." Geological Magazine 141, no.3 (May 2004): 395–96. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0016756804299435.
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Gayet,J.F., G.Mioche, L.Bugliaro, A.Protat, A.Minikin, M.Wirth, A.Dörnbrack, et al. "On the observation of unusual high concentration of small chain-like aggregate ice crystals and large ice water contents near the top of a deep convective cloud during the CIRCLE-2 experiment." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 11, no.8 (August25, 2011): 23911–58. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/acpd-11-23911-2011.
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Abstract. During the CIRCLE-2 experiment carried out over Western Europe in May 2007, combined in situ and remote sensing observations allowed to describe microphysical and optical properties near-top of an overshooting convective cloud (11 080 m/−58 °C). The airborne measurements were performed with the DLR Falcon aircraft specially equipped with a unique set of instruments for the extensive in situ cloud measurements of microphysical and optical properties (Polar Nephelometer, FSSP-300, Cloud Particle Imager and PMS 2D-C) and nadir looking remote sensing observations (DLR WALES Lidar). Quasi-simultaneous space observations from MSG/SEVIRI, CALIPSO/CALIOP-WFC-IIR and CloudSat/CPR combined with airborne RASTA radar reflectivity from the French Falcon aircraft flying above the DLR Falcon depict very well convective cells which overshoot by up to 600 m the tropopause level. Unusual high values of the concentration of small ice particles, extinction, ice water content (up to 70 cm−3, 30 km−1 and 0.5 g m−3, respectively) are experienced. This very dense cloud causes a strong attenuation of the WALES and CALIOP lidar returns. The mean effective diameter is of 43 μm and the maximum particle size is about 300 μm. The SEVIRI retrieved parameters confirm the occurrence of small ice crystals at the top of the convective cell. Smooth and featureless phase functions with asymmetry factors of 0.776 indicate fairly uniform optical properties. Due to small ice crystals the power-law relationship between ice water content (IWC) and radar reflectivity appears to be very different from those usually found in cirrus and anvil clouds. For a given equivalent reflectivity factor, IWCs are significantly larger for the overshooting cell than for the cirrus. Assuming the same prevalent microphysical properties over the depth of the overshooting cell, RASTA reflectivity profiles scaled into ice water content show that retrieved IWC up to 1 g m−3 may be observed near the cloud top. Extrapolating the relationship for stronger convective clouds with similar ice particles, IWC up to 5 g m−3 could be experienced with reflectivity factors no larger than about 20 dBZ. This means that for similar situations, indication of rather weak radar echo does not necessarily warn the occurrence of high ice water content carried by small ice crystals. All along the cloud penetration the shape of the ice crystals is dominated by chain-like aggregates of frozen droplets. Our results confirm previous observations that the chains of ice crystals are found in a continental deep convective systems which are known generally to generate intense electric fields causing efficient ice particle aggregation processes. Vigorous updrafts could lift supercooled droplets which are frozen extremely rapidly by homogeneous nucleation near the −37 °C level, producing therefore high concentrations of very small ice particles at upper altitudes. They are sufficient to deplete the water vapour and suppress further nucleation as confirmed by humidity measurements. These observations address scientific issues related to the microphysical properties and structure of deep convective clouds and confirm that particles smaller than 50 μm may control the radiative properties in convective-related clouds. These unusual observations may also provide some possible insights regarding engineering issues related to the failure of jet engines commonly used on commercial aircraft during flights through areas of high ice water content.
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Gayet,J.F., G.Mioche, L.Bugliaro, A.Protat, A.Minikin, M.Wirth, A.Dörnbrack, et al. "On the observation of unusual high concentration of small chain-like aggregate ice crystals and large ice water contents near the top of a deep convective cloud during the CIRCLE-2 experiment." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12, no.2 (January16, 2012): 727–44. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/acp-12-727-2012.
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Abstract. During the CIRCLE-2 experiment carried out over Western Europe in May 2007, combined in situ and remote sensing observations allowed to describe microphysical and optical properties near-top of an overshooting convective cloud (11 080 m/−58 °C). The airborne measurements were performed with the DLR Falcon aircraft specially equipped with a unique set of instruments for the extensive in situ cloud measurements of microphysical and optical properties (Polar Nephelometer, FSSP-300, Cloud Particle Imager and PMS 2-D-C) and nadir looking remote sensing observations (DLR WALES Lidar). Quasi-simultaneous space observations from MSG/SEVIRI, CALIPSO/CALIOP-WFC-IIR and CloudSat/CPR combined with airborne RASTA radar reflectivity from the French Falcon aircraft flying above the DLR Falcon depict very well convective cells which overshoot by up to 600 m the tropopause level. Unusual high values of the concentration of small ice particles, extinction, ice water content (up to 70 cm−3, 30 km−1 and 0.5 g m−3, respectively) are experienced. The mean effective diameter and the maximum particle size are 43 μm and about 300 μm, respectively. This very dense cloud causes a strong attenuation of the WALES and CALIOP lidar returns. The SEVIRI retrieved parameters confirm the occurrence of small ice crystals at the top of the convective cell. Smooth and featureless phase functions with asymmetry factors of 0.776 indicate fairly uniform optical properties. Due to small ice crystals the power-law relationship between ice water content (IWC) and radar reflectivity appears to be very different from those usually found in cirrus and anvil clouds. For a given equivalent reflectivity factor, IWCs are significantly larger for the overshooting cell than for the cirrus. Assuming the same prevalent microphysical properties over the depth of the overshooting cell, RASTA reflectivity profiles scaled into ice water content show that retrieved IWC up to 1 g m−3 may be observed near the cloud top. Extrapolating the relationship for stronger convective clouds with similar ice particles, IWC up to 5 g m−3 could be experienced with reflectivity factors no larger than about 20 dBZ. This means that for similar situations, indication of rather weak radar echo does not necessarily warn the occurrence of high ice water content carried by small ice crystals. All along the cloud penetration the shape of the ice crystals is dominated by chain-like aggregates of frozen droplets. Our results confirm previous observations that the chains of ice crystals are found in a continental deep convective systems which are known generally to generate intense electric fields causing efficient ice particle aggregation processes. Vigorous updrafts could lift supercooled droplets which are frozen extremely rapidly by homogeneous nucleation near the −37 °C level, producing therefore high concentrations of very small ice particles at upper altitudes. They are sufficient to deplete the water vapour and suppress further nucleation as confirmed by humidity measurements. These observations address scientific issues related to the microphysical properties and structure of deep convective clouds and confirm that particles smaller than 50 μm may control the radiative properties in convective-related clouds. These unusual observations may also provide some possible insights regarding engineering issues related to the failure of jet engines commonly used on commercial aircraft during flights through areas of high ice water content. However, large uncertainties of the measured and derived parameters limit our observations.
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Spies,AlanR., JohnT.Johnson, JeriJ.Sias, and Jean-Christophe Rochet. "RICHARD R. ABOOD .Pharmacy Practice and the Law, 4th Edition. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Publishers; 2005. 390 pp, $60.22 (paperback), ISBN 0-7637-4724-6. AMERICAN PHARMACISTS ASSOCIATIONPharmacist Disease Management – Diabetes. 3rd Edition. Washington, DC: American Pharmacists Association; 2005. 155, $99.95 (paperback), ISBN 1-58212-082-X. GLENN L. KISCH .Essential Spanish for Pharmacists, 2nd Edition. Washington, D.C.: American Pharmacists Association; 2005. 69 pp, $13.95 (softcover). ISBN 1-58212-079-X. DAVID G. WATSON .Pharmaceutical Analysis: A Textbook for Pharmacy Students and Pharmaceutical Chemists,. Edinburgh: Elsevier; 2005. 2nd Edition. 382 pages (paperback), ISBN 0 443 07445 3." American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 70, no.2 (September 2006): 43. http://dx.doi.org/10.5688/aj700243.
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Bennett,DennisW. "Catalysis and Electrocatalysis at Nanoparticle Surfaces By Andrzej Wieckowski (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), Elena R. Savinova (Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Russian Academy of Sciences), and Constantinos G. Vayenas (University of Patras). Marcel Dekker, Inc.: New York, Basel. 2003. xviii + 970 pp. $225.00. ISBN 0-8247-0879-2." Journal of the American Chemical Society 126, no.14 (April 2004): 4741–42. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja0336123.
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Phuong, Nguyen Hong, Nguyen Ta Nam, and Pham The Truyen. "Development of a Web-GIS based Decision Support System for earthquake warning service in Vietnam." VIETNAM JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES 40, no.3 (June4, 2018): 193–206. http://dx.doi.org/10.15625/0866-7187/40/3/12638.
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This paper describes the development of a Decision support system (DSS) for earthquake warning service in Vietnam using Web GIS technology. The system consists of two main components: (1) an on-line database of earthquakes recorded from the national seismic network of Vietnam, and (2) a set of tools for rapid seismic hazard assessment. Using an online earthquake database, the system allows creating a shake map caused by a newly recorded earthquake. In addition, the Web GIS environment allows any user, including non-professional to get useful information about a just-occurred event and the possible impact caused by the earthquake shortly after its occurrence. A fault-source model developed for Vietnam was used as a part of the hazard calculation and mapping procedure. All information and results obtained from the system are automatically included in the earthquake bulletins, which will be disseminated national wide afterward by the Vietnam earthquake information and tsunami warning Center.The shake maps produced by the DSS in terms of both Peak Ground Acceleration and intensity values are rapidly available via the Web and can be used for emergency response, public information, loss estimation, earthquake planning, and post-earthquake engineering and scientific analyses. Application of the online decision support system in earthquake warning service can mitigate the earthquake risk and reduce the losses and damages due to earthquakes in Vietnam in future.ReferencesBoore D.M., Joyner W.B. and Fumal T.E., 1994. Estimation of Response Spectra and Peak Acceleration from Wester North American earthquakes: an interim report, USGS open file report, 94-127, Menlo Park, California, United States Geological Survey.Boore D.M. and Atkinson G.M., 2008. 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Sasaki, Koji, Nina Shah, Qaiser Bashir, ChitraM.Hosing, UdayR.Popat, Yago Nieto, Simrit Parmar, et al. "Outcome of Patients with Light Chain Multiple Myeloma Compared to IgG/IgA Myeloma after Autologous Stem Cell Transplant." Blood 126, no.23 (December3, 2015): 3194. http://dx.doi.org/10.1182/blood.v126.23.3194.3194.
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Abstract Introduction: High-dose chemotherapy followed by autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (auto-HCT) is the standard of care for younger patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (MM). In approximately 15% of MM patients the monoclonal (M) spike consists of k or l light chains only as opposed to heavy + light chains. It remains unclear whether light chain (LC) MM has a different prognosis compared to other monoclonal protein subtypes after an auto-HCT. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 1067 patients with MM who underwent auto-HCT between January 1, 2004 and January 1, 2011 at our institution. We evaluated the outcome of newly diagnosed patients with LCMM and compared it to patients with IgG or IgA MM, who underwent an auto-HCT after induction therapy. Primary endpoints were complete remission (CR), progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) from the date of auto-HCT. Kaplan-Meier analysis with the log-rank test was performed for univariate comparison of survival. Cox proportional hazards regression method was used for univariate and multivariate analyses. Results: Of 1067 patients who underwent auto-SCT during the period, 223 underwent auto-SCT after relapse, and were excluded. From the remaining 844 who underwent auto-SCT in first remission, we excluded 102 patients (AL amyloidosis 60, POEMS and other plasma cell disorders 10, non-secretory MM 15, IgD 10, IgM 6 and IgE 1) from the analysis. The remaining 742 patients were divided as follows: IgA, 162 patients (22%); IgG, 444 (60%) and LC, 136 (18%). Baseline patient characteristics are described in Table 1. Patients with LCMM were younger and had a higher CR rate to induction. Median follow-up for the entire cohort after auto-HCT was 38 months (range, 0.2-87.0). Post auto-HCT, 28% with IgG/IgA MM and 38% with LCMM achieved a CR (p=0.015). Median PFS was 26.0 months and 27.7 months in IgG/IgA MM and LCMM groups, respectively (p= 0.742). Median OS was not reached and 71.1 months in IgG/IgA MM and LCMM groups, respectively (p= 0.18, Figure 1). Multivariate Cox regression analysis for PFS identified <PR after auto-SCT, non-diploid karyotype, and induction chemotherapy without thalidomide or bortezomib as adverse prognostic factors. Multivariate Cox regression analysis for OS identified presence of hypodiploidy or monosomy 13/del13, higher lactate dehydrogenase pre-transplant, lower hemoglobin pre-transplant, and <PR after auto-HCT as adverse prognostic factors. M protein subtype did not affect PFS (hazard ratio [HR], 1.040; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.825-1.311; p=0.742) or OS (HR, 1.313; 95% CI, 0.874-1.971; p=0.190). Conclusions: Patients with LCMM have a higher CR rate after auto-HCT, but their PFS and OS were similar to patients with IgG/IgA MM. Table 1. Patient Characteristics Variables, No. (%)/median (range) IgG/IgA myelomaN= 606 Light chain myelomaN= 136 P Median age at transplant, (y) 59 (31-80) 56 (32-78) .004 Age >65 years 138 (23) 23 (17) .134 Male 357 (59) 74 (54) .337 Ethnicity .731 Caucasian 399 (66) 94 (69) African American 99 (16) 22 (16) Mixed 87 (14) 18 (13) Asian 16 (3) 2 (2) Cytogenetic abnormalities at diagnosis by conventional cytogenetics Diploid 180 (30) 36 (27) .159 Hyperdiploid 93 (15) 9 (7) .008 Hypodiploid 27 (5) 11 (8) .082 t(11;14) 4 (1) 3 (2) .092 Monosomy 13 / del 13 44 (7) 9 (7) .789 Other high-risk abnormalities 2 (0) 1 (1) .456 Induction chemotherapy Bortezomib or IMiD-based 507 (84) 123 (90) .046 Pre-transplant evaluation Bone marrow plasma cell, (%) 2 (0-71) 2 (0-50) .136 Bone marrow plasma cell >10% 90 (15) 18 (13) .735 Hemoglobin, (g/dL) 11.3 (4.4-16.0) 10.8 (6.8-15.3) .025 Lactate dehydrogenase, (IL/L) 526 (221-5062) 526 (239-2748) .522 Calcium, (mg/dL) 9.0 (7.6-10.4) 9.0 (7.5-11.0) .055 Creatinine, (mg/dL) 0.9 (0.4-12.5) 0.9 (0.5-9.8) .017 Beta-2 microglobulin (mg/dL) 2.4 (1.1-40.0) 2.8 (1.2-33.8) .001 Time from diagnosis to auto-HCT (month) 8.0 (1.9-174.4) 6.8 (2.4-44.6) .001 Pre-transplant disease status .004 ≥ CR 24 (4) 15 (11) VGPR/PR 545 (90) 109 (80) SD/PD 37 (6) 12 (9) Conditioning regimen .008 Melphalan alone 508 (84) 126 (93) Melphalan-based regimen 98 (16) 10 (7) Final response after transplant .080 ≥ CR 168 (28) 52 (38) VGPR/PR 353 (58) 70 (52) SD/PD 81 (13) 14 (10) Figure 1. a) Progression-free survival, b) Overall survival in patients with light chain myeloma compared to those with IgG/IgA myeloma Figure 1. a) Progression-free survival, b) Overall survival in patients with light chain myeloma compared to those with IgG/IgA myeloma Disclosures Shah: Celgene: Consultancy, Research Funding. Thomas:Novartis, Celgene, Acerta Pharmaceuticals, Idera Pharmaceuticals: Research Funding.
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Istiqomah, Nurul, Hapidin, and Elindra Yetti. "Roll Book Media Roll Book for Early Physical Science." JPUD - Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini 15, no.2 (November30, 2021): 342–60. http://dx.doi.org/10.21009/jpud.152.08.
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Studying physical science and then teaching it to children, as is known from decades of science education research, creates a huge problem of unknown origin. This study aims to develop a media and determine its effectiveness in increasing knowledge of physics for children. This research is a research and development with the stages of the ADDIE model to develop Roll Book media with the roll technique containing physical science material for early childhood. Data collection techniques were carried out through expert validation tests and field trial data. Analysis of effectiveness test data using a paired sample T-test statistical test. The results of the media effectiveness test showed an increase in knowledge of physics in the pre-test and pots-test. The summary of all the test results of the developed media shows that Roll Book products are effectively used to increase children's knowledge of physics. 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Devi Artanti, Guspri, Fidesrinur, and Meyke Garzia. "Stunting and Factors Affecting Toddlers in Indonesia." JPUD - Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini 16, no.1 (April30, 2022): 172–85. http://dx.doi.org/10.21009/jpud.161.12.
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ABSTRACT: Asia is the second region after Africa to have the tallest prevalence of stunting in the world. Indonesia is one of the countries in Southeast Asia with the fifth highest prevalence of stunting in the world at 37%, or nearly 9 million children who experience stunting. This study aims to examine the factors that influence and risk the occurrence of stunting in children in Indonesia. The research method uses a type of qualitative research with a traditional literature review. This study found that stunting is influenced by several complex factors not only at the individual level but also at the family and community levels. A comprehensive synthesis of the available evidence on the determinants of stunting in children in Indonesia outlines who is most vulnerable to stunting, which interventions are successful, and what new research is needed to fill knowledge gaps. Keywords: Indonesian toddlers, stunting factors References: Adair, L. S., & Guilkey, D. K. (1997). 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Panigrahi, Ashish Kumar, WilliamE.P.Renwick, DuncanP.Carradice, Andrew Lim, and Eleni Hatzis. "Early Monoclonal Para Protein Reduction and Response in Multiple Myeloma (EMPEROR study)." Blood 128, no.22 (December2, 2016): 5707. http://dx.doi.org/10.1182/blood.v128.22.5707.5707.
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Abstract Introduction. An early and rapid reduction of monoclonal para protein with bortezomib or bortezomib/doxorubicin therapy in relapsed/refractory myeloma has been associated with a longer time to progression1. However there are no studies to look at early monoclonal paraprotein reduction and response to treatment in newly diagnosed myeloma. Our unit looked at retrospective data in a cohort of newly diagnosed myeloma patients from 2010 till 2016 that were treated with regimens containing a novel agent backbone. The study looked at the paraprotein values pre-induction chemotherapy and the response to first cycle of induction chemotherapy. Further data was collected as regards the nadir paraprotein as well as death and follow-up. Methods. Data was collected on the patients with newly diagnosed myeloma including demographics, paraprotein isotype, and baseline paraprotein values. The patient's induction regimen including number of cycles for induction was collected. Paraprotein levels were measured post first cycle of induction as well as the lowest values post-induction were documented. Patients were grouped according to the best response based on International Myeloma Working Group classification2. Survival was calculated using the Kaplan-Meier product limit method with start time (ie landmark) designated as the date of the first measurement of paraprotein after cycle 1. Univariate analysis was performed using Fisher exact test for categorical variables, Wilcoxon rank-sum test for continuous variables, and logrank test for overall survival. Results: 44 patients were included in the study. There were 24 males and 20 females. Median age of patients was 67 years (range 41-85 years). The distribution of paraprotein isotypes were as follows: IgG kappa 13, IgG lambda 12, IgA kappa 5, IgA lambda 5, kappa light chain 7 and lambda light chain 2 patients. The median value of baseline paraprotein pre induction was 35 g/l (range 7-86 g/l) and light chain difference was 2892 mg/l (range 98-14388 mg/l). The distribution of the type of induction chemotherapy received was as follows: VCD 25, CTD 12, MPT 4 and VMP 3. The median percentage reduction in disease marker (paraprotein level or difference between involved and uninvolved light chain) post first cycle was 59% (range 0-100%) (Table 1). No significant difference in percentage reduction of disease marker post first cycle according to novel agent backbone was seen (P = .140, Table 2). Percentage reduction in disease marker was significantly greater for patients with light chain myeloma compared with those with intact paraprotein (P = .001, Table 3). The best response to induction was 2 patients with stable disease, 16 with partial response, 23 with very good partial response (VGPR) and 3 in complete remission (CR)2. Of 21 patients who had 50% or greater reduction of disease marker after first cycle of induction, 15 patients achieved VGPR/CR (71%) and 6 patients had a less than VGPR. Of 15 patients who had less than 50% reduction of paraprotein levels after first cycle, 6 patients had VGPR/CR and 9 patients had less than VGPR. Overall survival at 3 years after date of first cycle of induction was 63%. No difference in survival was noted in patients groups with more than 50% reduction or less than 50% reduction of disease marker after first cycle of induction . Conclusion : For patients with myeloma treated with novel agent containing regimens, an early rapid reduction in disease marker was more common with light chain myeloma compared with myeloma with intact paraprotein. However, no difference in depth of response or survival was observed according to early rapid reduction. These results suggest a difference in disease kinetics based on the type of disease marker in myeloma which may have implications for treatment scheduling. Patients with > 50% reduction in disease marker appeared to be more likely to achieve at least VGPR compared with those with < 50% reduction (odds ratio 3.6, P = .089) References: 1. Rapid early monoclonal protein reduction after therapy with bortezomib or bortezomib and pegylated liposomal doxorubicin in relapsed/refractory myeloma is associated with a longer time to progression. Shah J et al :Cancer :2011 Aug 15;117(16):3758-62 2. International uniform response criteria for multiple myeloma. BGM Durie et al. Leukemia: 2006:1-7 Disclosures No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.
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Burger,WilliamC. "Plant Invasions: Species Ecology and Ecosystem Management. Based on a conference held in Sardinia, Italy, 13–16 October 1999. Edited by G Brundu, J Brock, I Camarda, L Child, and, M Wade. Leiden (The Netherlands): Backhuys Publishers. $89.00 (paper). xiii + 338 p; ill.; index. ISBN: 90–5782–080–3. 2001.The Cambridge Illustrated Glossary of Botanical Terms. By Michael Hickey and, Clive King. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. $85.00 (hardcover); $29.95 (paper). xii + 208 p; ill.; no index. ISBN: 0–521–79080–8 (hc); 0–521–79401–3 (pb). 2000." Quarterly Review of Biology 77, no.1 (March 2002): 64–65. http://dx.doi.org/10.1086/343616.
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Mascarenhas, Yraguacyara Santos, Conceijécia Nóbrega da Cunha, Cristiane De Lira Fernandes, Ruzinete Moura dos Santos, and Ildone Forte de Morais. "O cuidado e suas dimensões: uma revisão bibliográfica." Trilhas Filosóficas 10, no.1 (July12, 2018): 85–106. http://dx.doi.org/10.25244/tf.v10i1.3064.
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Introdução: a problemática central deste artigo é o cuidado. O cuidado não como expressão única do tecnicismo, mas em suas múltiplas dimensões. Objetivo: discutir o cuidado numa perspectiva ampliada, envolvendo suas expressões subjetivas, espirituais, corporais e ambientais. Metodologia: trata-se de uma revisão bibliográfica sobre as dimensões do cuidado, tendo como base autores da filosofia, sociologia, psicologia e enfermagem. Resultados: as múltiplas dimensões do cuidado foram estruturadas em cinco eixos epistemológicos, quais sejam, cuidar de si, cuidar do outro, cuidar da terra, cuidar da psique e cuidar do espírito. Conclusão: A partir das discussões desta investigação, é perceptível que os indivíduos, em sua magnitude, precisam adquirir uma nova postura diante do cenário atual que o mundo está passando, pois a problemática apontada requer uma visão multidimensional do cuidado.Palavras-chave: cuidado, enfermagem, tecnicismo e multidimensionalidade. Abstract: Introduction: the central proprosition of this article is the care. Care is not a unique expression of technicality, but in its multiple dimensions. Objective: to discuss care in an extended perspective, involving its subjective, spiritual, corporeal and environmental expressions. Methodology: this is a bibliographical review on the dimensions of care, based on authors of philosophy, sociology, psychology and nursing. Results: the multiple dimensions of care were structured in five epistemological axes, namely, caring for oneself, caring for others, caring for the earth, caring for the psyche and caring for the spirit. Conclusion: From the discussions of this research, it is noticeable that individuals, in their magnitude, need to acquire a new posture in view of the current scenario that the world is going through, since the problematic pointed out requires a multidimensional view of care. Keywords: care, nursing, technicality and multidimensionality. REFERÊNCIAS AMORIM, K. 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Bahrun and Wildan. "Stunting in Indonesian Children and Its Contributing Factors: Study through Bibliometric Analysis." JPUD - Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini 16, no.2 (November30, 2022): 271–93. http://dx.doi.org/10.21009/jpud.162.07.
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Children's stunting is a problem because it is associated with an increased risk of pain and death, suboptimal brain development resulting in late motor development, and inhibition of mental growth. This study aims to examine the factors that influence the occurrence of stunting and risk in children in Indonesia. The research method used is a traditional review. The results of the review found that many factors cause the high incidence of stunting in toddlers, including energy intake, birth weight, maternal knowledge level, family economic status, parental parenting, and food security. WHO estimates the prevalence of stunting worldwide at 22 percent or as many as 149.2 million in 2020. According to the Indonesian Nutritional Status Study (SSGI) results of the Ministry of Health, the prevalence of stunting in children under five in Indonesia reached 24.4% in 2021. The prevalence of stunting of toddlers in Indonesia continues to show a decline. In 2018 the prevalence of stunting toddlers was still 30.8%. Then, it dropped to 27.7 in 2019 and continued to fall to 24.4% in SSGI 2024. The government even targets to drop to 14% by the end of 2024. Furthermore, WHO also recommends reducing stunting by 3.9% per year to meet the target of 40% stunting reduction by 2025. Keywords: Indonesian children; stunting data; causes of stunting; the prevalence of stunting References: Aguayo, V. M., & Menon, P. (2016). Stop stunting: Improving child feeding, women’s nutrition and household sanitation in South Asia. Maternal and Child Nutrition, 12, 3–11. https://doi.org/10.1111/mcn.12283 Chaparro, C. (2017). FANTA-Guatemala-ENSMI-Report_March 2012. Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. da Silva, I. C. M., França, G. V., Barros, A. J. D., Amouzou, A., Krasevec, J., & Victora, C. G. (2018). 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Adeleke,G.A., and P.O.Jegede. "Comparative Effects of ICT-Integrated Learning Strategies on Spatial Reasoning Skills Among Nigerian Lower Primary School Pupils." European Journal of Education 3, no.1 (January1, 2020): 31. http://dx.doi.org/10.26417/ejed.v3i1.p31-35.
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The study investigated the reported regressive performances of students in spatial reasoning concepts with a view to promote early spatial reasoning of lower primary school pupils across ability levels and sex. Non-equivalent experimental research design was employed. A hundred and five (105) pupils in four intact classes were exposed to six weeks intervention and subsequently post-tested. Data collected were analyzed using Analysis of Covariance. The study found significant effect of treatment on the performance of study participants in the ICT-integrated Think-Pair-Share treatment group. No significant interactive effect of ability was found though, the pupils of low-ability group benefitted more from the intervention (M = 12.32, 11.07; SD = 2.86, 2.98). There was no significant different of intervention between boys and girls across strategies and abilities. The study concluded that, while ICT-integrated learning strategies could improve output in spatial concepts of pupils at the primary school level, performances on the basis of sex-groups and ability groups have no significant interaction effect on the learners of spatial reasoning. Keywords: performance, spatial reasoning, treatment, strategies, ability group, think-pair-share, concrete-representation-abstract, learners’-self-controlled.INTRODUCTIONEarly graft of mathematic ability has been ascertained to predict later mathematical achievement and related endeavors in life [6]. Hence, the promotion of early mathematic competency is of critical importance. Established link between spatial ability and mathematics in early childhood by neuropsychological and brain imaging studies and behavioral evidences potent that math performance can be improved with spatial reasoning. Nigeria’s experience in local, national and international examinations show dwindling performances of examinees traceable to substantiated inefficient score in spatial reasoning items consistently featured [5, 1] in such standardized examinations. This was interpreted to mean that, children understanding of space pattern is necessary and demanded by the curriculum. The advent of information and communication technology (ICT) eulogized as potentially powerful and enabling tool for education change and reform is hereby engaged in learning delivery for comparative analysis of performance in learning spatial concepts among primary school pupils. METHODOLOGYNon-equivalent pretest, posttest and control group research design was adopted. The population consisted of 357,533 pupils’ enrolled in 1, 378 primary schools in Osun State (Daily Independent, 2013) characterized with male and female learners of varied academic abilities. Study sample was eked out using purposive and multi-stage sampling techniques. Primary III class was purposively selected based on the learners' age (6 – 8 years) limit in early childhood. Four schools with 105 intact class pupils were multi-stage sampled in the three major towns of the state considering available facilities for the study. Research instruments included Spatial Reasoning for Children (SpatReC), an interactive, multimedia package designed using C-Sharp (C#) programming language and follows the taxonomy based on Benjamin Blooms’ principles as revised by Anderson and Krathwohl in [8]; and Spatial Reasoning Test (SRT) used for pretest and posttest. Instruments, in a previous study [1] were adjudged validity and reliable. Learners in their intact classes were randomly assigned to study conditions namely; the three experimental groups and the one control group; three levels of cognitive ability groups - high, medium and low; and two sex groups - male and female. The intervention took forty minutes of Mathematics periods for three days in a week and six weeks in each of the schools excluding tests. ANALYSIS:Tests for significant interaction effect of treatment on groups were conducted. Result shows the test of equality of means to be significantly equal (t = 2.003, p - 0.05) in favor of equal variance assumed. The study’s subjects were thus adjudged to be reliably homogeneous (Table 1).Table 1: Test for Difference in the Participating group’s Post-test Scorest-test for Equality of MeanstdfSig.(2-tailed)Mean DifferenceStd. Error Difference95% Confidence Interval of the DifferenceLowerUpperEqual variances assumed2.003103.0481.253.626.0122.494Furthermore, the post-test scores of the research participants were subjected to a test of difference via analysis of covariance using their experimental groups as the differentiating variable and the pre-test scores as the covariate to remove the possible effect of previous learning and other confounds. The result showed significant difference in the post-test scores (F = 2.934, p - .05). It also showed from the table that, the R-squared value was 0.080 and the Adjusted R squared value stood at 0.053. This can be interpreted to mean that the maximum variance in the post test score is quite small. So other possible factors which might explain the difference in the post test scores and interact with the effectiveness of the learning strategies were sought after (Table 2).Table 2:Post-Test of Difference of Treatments Tests of Between-Subjects Effects - Dependent Variable: post test scoreSourceType III Sumof SquaresDfMean SquareFSig.Corrected Model96.677a332.2262.934.037Intercept34388.204134388.2043131.034.000GRP96.677332.2262.934.037R Squared = .080 (Adjusted R Squared = .053)The source of difference was located between the CRTL group and the CRA group (Table 3). It can be concluded that there exists significant difference among the learning strategies in improving performances.Table 3: Multiple Comparisons Post hoc TestDependent Variable: post-test score Tukey HSD(I) Treatment(J) TreatmentMean Difference(I-J)Std. ErrorSig.95% Confidence IntervalLower BoundUpper BoundCTRLTPS.413.924.970-2.002.83LSC.514.960.950-1.993.02CRA2.514*.960.049.015.02* The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.Would there be any interactive effect of intervention between various academic ability pupils by virtue of learning strategies? To answer this question, the post-test scores of the research participants were subjected to a test of difference via analysis of covariance. Result shown in Table 4 revealed that there is no significant interaction effect of experimental groupings and ability levels on the post-test scores (F = 1.440, p > .05). In this stance therefore, the research question is answerable in the negative.Table 4: Test of Difference of Treatment and Ability in Post-test Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: post test scoreSourceType III Sum of SquaresDfMean SquareFSig.Corrected Model113.502a716.2151.440.198Intercept28102.188128102.1882495.206.000GRP * ability113.502716.2151.440.198a. R Squared = .094 (Adjusted R Squared = .029)Lastly, could any difference in performance result from variation in sexes? Despite the slight differences in group sizes, no significant difference in the performance on the basis of sex-groups (value = 0.186, > 0.05) was found. It as well showed that, there was no significant interaction found between groups and sex in describing performance of pupils in spatial reasoning (F = 0.030, p > 0.05) (Table5).Table 5: Test of Difference on Post-test in Treatment / Sex Groups DescriptivePost test scoreNMeanStd. DeviationStd. Error95% Confidence Interval for MeanMin.Max.dffsigLower BoundUpper BoundMale4118.153.190.49817.1419.1511281.030.862Female6418.273.560.44517.3819.151226103Total10518.223.405.33217.5618.881128104DISCUSSION - CONCLUSION:The application of ICT unto learning strategies was with a view to improve performance in spatial concepts in pupils of low and high ability at the primary school level. Notable results included significant effect of treatment on performance at the removal of possible effect of previous learning and other confounds. This discovery agrees with [3] whose study established that particular intervention in the experimental group might increase learner’s motivation and in turn lead to higher achievement levels for learners in the experimental group than for those in the control group. [2, 4] also found particular learning strategies - conceptual learning strategy and online tool substantially increasing math performance growth in separate studies. Ability levels’ effect on academic achievement as investigated indicated no significance in the post-test scores even after controlling for the previous learning through the pre-test. This result was at variance to [7] study on game-based learning (GBL) which found that, many students with low confidence toward learning mathematics can be restored and improve their confidence toward mathematics. Conclusively, performances on the basis of sex-groups and ability groups have no significant interaction found between ICT-integrated strategy learners of spatial reasoning. REFERENCES Adeleke, A. G. (2015) Comparative Effectiveness of ICT-Integrated Learners’-Self-Controlled, Concrete-Representational-and Think-Pair-Share Strategies in Enhancing Spatial reasoning Skills of Primary School Pupils in Osun State. A Doctoral Dissertation Submitted to Postgraduate College, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. Adeleke, M. A. (2007) Strategic Improvement of Mathematical Problem-solving Performance of Secondary School Students using Procedural and Conceptual Learning Strategies. Educational Research and Review Vol. 2 (9), pp.259-263. Alrabai, F. (2014) The Effects of Teachers’ In-Class Motivational Intervention on Learners’ EFL Achievement. Applied Linguistics. 2014 Oxford University Press.Haelermans, C. - Ghysels, J. (2014) The Effect of an Individualized Online Practice Tool on Math Performance - Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment.Jegede, P. O., Adelodun, O. A. - Okoli, B. C. (1998) Evaluation of Test Characteristics of UME Mathematics Items in the Context of Bloom’s Taxonomic Categories. Journal of Creativity in Teaching for the Acquisition and Dissemination of Effective Learning (CITADEL) Vol.3 (6) pp.233-241.Krajewski, K - Schneider, W. (2009) Early development of quantity to number-word linkage as a precursor of mathematical school achievement and mathematical difficulties: Findings from a four-year longitudinal study. Learning and Instruction, 19(6), 513-526. Ku, O., Chen, S.-Y., Wu, D.-H., Lao, A.-C.-C., - Chan, T.-W. (2014). The Effects of Game-Based Learning on Mathematical Confidence and Performance: High Ability vs. Low Ability. Educational Technology - Society, 17 (3), 65–78.Wilson, L. O. (2013) Understanding the New Version of Bloom’s Taxonomy - A succinct discussion of the revisions of Bloom’s classic cognitive taxonomy by Anderson and Krathwohl and how to use them effectively. Available at http://www4.uwsp.edu/education/ lwilson/curric/newtaxonomy.htm
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Khang, Nguyen Sinh, Nguyen Thi Hien, Tran Huy Thai, Chu Thi Thu Ha, Nguyen Phuong Hanh, Nguyen Duc Thinh, Nguyen Quang Hieu, and Nguyen Trung Thanh. "Some Biological and Ecological Characteristics of Red Bayberry (Myrica rubra) at Cao Ma Po Commune, Quan Ba District, Ha Giang Province." VNU Journal of Science: Natural Sciences and Technology 34, no.3 (September24, 2018). http://dx.doi.org/10.25073/2588-1140/vnunst.4768.
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Red bayberry (Myrica rubra (Lour.) Siebold & Zucc.), small trees, evergreen, dioecious, natively grows in evergreen broad-leaved forests at elevation of 1580-1875 m a.s.l., and can survive in low nutrient soil at Cao Ma Po commune, Quan Ba district, Ha Giang province. Some data on morphology, phenology, population structure, natural regeneration and distribution of Red baybery, climatic characteristics, physical and chemical properties of soil, and vegetation structure of forests having Myrica rubra occurrence are presented in this paper. Keywords Red bayberry, Myrica rubra, biology, ecology, conservation, Ha Giang, Vietnam References [1] Lu A. & Bornstein A. J., Myricaceae in Wu Z. Y. & Raven P. H. (eds.). Flora of China Vol. 4, Science Press & Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Beijing & St. Louis, 1999, pp. 275-276.[2] He X. H., Chen L. 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K., Phytogeographic Review of Vietnam and Adjacent Areas of Eastern Indochina, Komarovia, 3, 2003, pp. 1-83.[33] Tsujino R. & Yumoto T., Topography-specific seed dispersal by Japanese macaques in a lowland forest on Yakushima Island, Japan, Journal of Animal Ecology, 78, 2009, pp. 119-125.[34] Đỗ Đình Sâm, Ngô Đình Quế, Nguyễn Tử Siêm và Nguyễn Ngọc Bình, Cẩm nang ngành Lâm nghiệp, Chương Đất và Dinh dưỡng đất, Bộ NN&PTNT, Chương trình hỗ trợ ngành Lâm nghiệp và đối tác, 2006, 143 tr.[35] Li Z. L., Zhang S. L. & Chen D. M., Red bayberry (Myrica rubra Sieb. & Zucc.): A valuable evergreen tree fruit for tropical and subtropical areas, Acta Horticulture 321, 1992, pp.112-121.[36] Sasakawa H., 1995: Effect of Frankia Inoculation on Growth and Nitrogen-Fixing Activity of Myrica rubra Seedlings Prepared Aseptically, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 41(4): 691-698.[37] Tian X. R., Shu L. F. & He Q. 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Gigoyan,K.S., K.K.Gigoyan, A.Sarkissian, G.R.Kostandyan, E.Karapetyan, M.Meftah, N.Azatyan, and F.Zamkotsian. "First Byurakan Spectral Survey. Late-Type Stars. Dwarfs." Communications of the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory, December29, 2022, 207–16. http://dx.doi.org/10.52526/25792776-22.69.2-207.
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A total of 18 lists of the First Byurakan Survey of Late-Type Stars (FBSLTS) were published between 1990 and 2016. The stars were found on FBS low-dispersion spectral plates. A systematic search and selection were carried out on a surface of ∼16 000deg2 on almost the whole area of the FBS. Since 2007, all FBS low-resolution spectral plates have been digitized. The second version of the “Revised And Updated Catalogue of the First Byurakan Survey of Late-Type Stars”, containing data for 1471 M and C (carbon) stars (130 C-type giants, 1105 M– giants, and 236 M dwarfs) was generated. Among the 236 M dwarfs selected, 176 are new discoveries. The Gaia EDR3 G broad-band magnitudes are in the range 11.3 < G < 17.1. New distance information by Bailer-Jones et al. (2021), which is based on the EDR3 parallaxes are used to estimate the G-band absolute magnitudes for M dwarfs. 9 FBS M dwarfs (out of 176 new discovered) lie within 25pc of the Sun. The object FBS 0909-082 is more distant (r = 780˙pc) M dwarf among the sample considered, for which G-band absolute magnitude M(G)=9.18, M= 0.59MSun, L=0.13597 LSun, and Teff = 3844 K. This object can be classified as M1-M2 subtype dwarf. The nearest object is FBS0250+167, a M7 subtype dwarf with very high proper motion (5.13 arcsec/yr) and is located at 3.83pc from the Sun. The TESS estimated masses lie in the range 0.095(±0.02)M⊙ ≤M≤0.7(±0.1)M⊙ and Teff in the range 4000K < Teff < 2790K for FBSM dwarfs. Color-absolute magnitude (CaMD) diagrams are constructed for the FBSM dwarfs based on Gaia EDR3 and TESS data.
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Bassuk,ShariS., PauletteD.Chandler, JulieE.Buring, and JoAnnE.Manson. "The VITamin D and OmegA-3 TriaL (VITAL): Do Results Differ by Sex or Race/Ethnicity?" American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, December24, 2020, 155982762097203. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1559827620972035.
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Whether vitamin D or marine omega-3 (n-3) fatty acid supplementation reduces risk of cancer or cardiovascular disease (CVD) in general populations at usual risk for these outcomes is relatively unexplored in randomized trials. The primary goal of the VITamin D and Omeg A-3 Tria L (VITAL), a nationwide, randomized, placebo-controlled, 2 × 2 factorial trial of vitamin D3 (2000 IU/day) and marine n-3 fatty acids (1 g/day) in the primary prevention of cancer and CVD among 25 871 US men aged ≥50 years and women aged ≥55 years, was to fill these knowledge gaps. Studying the influence of sex and race/ethnicity on treatment-related outcomes was a prespecified goal; such analyses help ensure that important effects are not missed and contribute to the foundation for developing targeted recommendations for supplement use. To enable investigation of potential sex- and race-specific treatment effects, trial investigators enrolled an even balance of men (n = 12 786) and women (n = 13 085) and oversampled African Americans (n = 5106). Significant or suggestive variation in intervention effects according to sex, race/ethnicity, and other participant characteristics was observed for some, though not all, outcomes. Additional research is needed to determine which individuals may be most likely to derive a net benefit from vitamin D or n-3 fatty acid supplementation. (VITAL clinicaltrials.gov identifier: NCT01169259).
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Romano Sánchez, José, David Vizcaya, Oriol Cunillera Puertola, Silvia Cobo Guerrero, Ariadna Arbiol Roca, and Betlem Salvador González. "Enfermedad renal crónica en Atención Primaria: ¿qué hacemos con la albuminuria? (póster)." Revista Clínica de Medicina de Familia, September15, 2023. http://dx.doi.org/10.55783/rcmf.16e1064.
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OBJETIVOS Describir la solicitud de albuminuria, el uso de fármacos inhibidores de la enzima conversora de la angiotensina (IECA) y de antagonistas receptores de angiotensina-II (ARA II), según hipertensión arterial (HTA) y/o diabetes mellitus 2 (DM2) previa y albuminuria en enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) en Atención Primaria. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS Diseño: estudio de cohortes retrospectivo según registros electrónicos salud. Ámbito: individuos ≥ 18 años atendidos en centros de salud incluidos en una base de datos de investigación de una comunidad autónoma. Criterios de selección: ERC de nuevo diagnóstico (codificado o dos determinaciones de filtrado glomerular estimado < 60 mL/min o albuminuria alterada (QAC ≥ 30 mg/g o albumina ≥ 20 mg/g) entre 2007-2017. Variables: sociodemográficas, grupo ERC (sin HTA/DM2 [ninguna], HTA [sin DM2], DM2 [sin HTA], HTA + DM2 [ambos]), categorías albuminuria KDIGO (A1, A2, A3), tratamiento IECA/ARA II. Análisis estadístico: chi cuadrado. Limitaciones: basado en registros electrónicos. Aspectos ético-legales: aprobación comité ético. RESULTADOS 467.802 individuos con nuevo diagnóstico de ERC. Mujeres: 53%. Edad media: 75 [66-81] años. Grupo ERC: sin HTA/DM2 12,2%, HTA 51,2%, DM2 3,91%, HTA + DM2 32,7%. Determinación albuminuria: 62,7% global (sin HTA/DM2 32,6%, HTA 55,1%, DM2 78,6%, HTA + DM2 83,8%; p < 0,001), con resultado: A1 54,6%, A2 40,3%, A3 5,19%. Tratamiento: IECA/ARA II 70% global (sin HTA/DM2 20,2%, HTA 75,6%, DM2 35,5%, HTA + DM2 83,8%), según KDIGO (A1 69,6%, A2 70,2%, A3 73,1%) (p < 0,001). CONCLUSIONES En 1 de 3 personas con ERC de nuevo diagnóstico en Atención Primaria no consta determinación de albuminuria, que es patológica en la mitad de los casos. El tratamiento con IECA/ARA II no aumenta de forma clínicamente relevante según albuminuria . Cabe implementar medidas que mejoren la valoración y el tratamiento de la albuminuria, importante factor pronóstico en ERC. CEI Comité Ético de Investigación Clínica del IDIAP Jordi Gol (19/082-P).
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Steinberg, Nili, Michal Shenhar, Jeremy Witchalls, Gordon Waddington, Gali Dar, Omer Paulman, and AharonS.Finestone. "The Association Between Chronic Ankle Instability and Neuromuscular Performance in Pre-Recruitment Infantry Soldiers." Journal of Athletic Training, July18, 2023. http://dx.doi.org/10.4085/1062-6050-0564.22.
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Context Ankle instability can include various impairments, including perceived instability (PI), mechanical instability (MI), and recurrent sprains (RS), alone or combined. Objective To examine the prevalence of eight ankle impairment subgroups and their effect on neuromuscular performance in pre-recruitment combat soldiers. Design Cross-sectional study. Setting Military Infantry basic training base. Participants A total of 364 pre-recruitment males combat soldiers (aged 18–21). Main Outcome Measures The participants were assessed for PI (via the Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool), MI (using the Anterior Drawer Test and Medial Talar Tilt Test ), and RS (based on history) in their dominant and non-dominant legs; injuries were combined into eight subgroups: (A) PI; (B) RS; (C) PI+RS; (D) MI; (E) PI+MI; (F) MI+RS; (G) PI+MI+RS; and (H) none. Participants were screened for neuromuscular performance (proprioceptive ability, hopping agility, triceps surae muscle strength, and dynamic postural balance) during the first week of military basic training. Results For the dominant and non-dominant leg, RS were reported by 18.4% and 20.5% of the participants, respectively; PI was reported by 27.8% and 29.2%; and MI was seen in 9.9% and 8.8% of the participants, respectively. One-Way ANOVA showed significant differences in the mean proprioceptive ability scores (assessed using the Active Movement Extent Discrimination Apparatus) of all subgroups with impairments in both the dominant and non-dominant leg [F=6.943, η2=.081, p<.001; and, F=7.871, η2=.091, p<.001, respectively]. Finally, significant differences were found in the mean muscle strength of subgroups with impairments in the non-dominant leg [F=4.884, η2=.056, p=.001]. Conclusions A high prevalence of ankle impairments were identified among the participants, who exhibited reduced abilities in most neuromuscular assessments compared to those without impairments. Moreover, participants with one impairment (either PI, RS, or MI) exhibited different neuromuscular performance deficits than those with more than one impairment.
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Wu, Jun, Hanrong Wang, Li Fang, Yunye Xie, and Lianping Wang. "First report of Colletotrichum godetiae causing anthracnose fruit rot on Prunus pseudocerasus in Zhejiang province, China." Plant Disease, August10, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1094/pdis-04-22-0862-pdn.
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Prunus pseudocerasus (L.) G. Don is an economically important crop, with 8,420 hm2 of harvested area and 35,000 tons in 2020 (https://www.fao.org/faostat/zh/#data/QCL), and is one of the favorite fruits among consumers. A severe fruit rot disease of P. pseudocerasus cultivar “HeiZhenZhu” was observed in an orchard in Pujiang county (119°42’E, 29°21’N), Zhejiang province in April 2022. Sixty-three plants from a survey of about 200 plants showed anthracnose symptoms, with a disease incidence of more than 30%. Ten diseased fruits were collected from eight different trees. The naturally affected fruits during color changing stage showed initial light brown necrotic lesions, later, the lesions were depressed, and dark brown, the fruits were rotten, and pink conidial masses were produced (Fig. 1 A-F). Conidia were transferred using a sterilized needle into sterile water, diluted to approx. 10 conidia/µL, and spread onto potato dextrose agar (PDA) (Thermo Scientific™) (containing cephalosporin 50 µg/mL). After 24 h, single colonies were transferred, and six single-spore isolates were obtained from different plants. When the strains were grown at 26°C for 7 days, the colonies on PDA were flat with entire margin, surface medium gray-green to white, reverse salmon, light gray-green to white (Fig. 1 G). The conidia of the representative strain YTTJ-JHGS5 were unicellular, hyaline, smooth-walled, cylindrical to fusiform with one end round and one end acute, or both acute ends, 14.4 to 18.9 µm (mean = 16.4 ± 0.9 µm, n = 30) × 4.4 to 5.8 µm (mean = 5.1 ± 0.3 µm, n = 30) (Fig. 1 I). Conidiogenous cells were hyaline, smooth-walled, cylindrical to clavate, 6.5-16.8 µm × 2.6-5.3 µm (n = 30), opening 1.1-2.0 µm (Fig. 1 H). Appressoria were single, light brown to medium brown, elliptical or irregular in shape, the outline entire or undulate, 9.2 to 12.1 µm (mean = 9.2 ± 1.1 µm, n = 30) × 4.6 to 6.7 µm (mean = 5.6 ± 0.4 µm, n = 30) (Fig. 1 J). The morphological characteristics of YTTJ-JHGS5 were consistent with the Colletotrichum acutatum species complex (Damm et al. 2012). To further identify the species, the internal transcribed spacer (ITS), actin (ACT), beta-tubulin (TUB), chitin synthase (CHS-1), calmodulin (CAL) and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPD) genes were sequenced (Weir et al. 2012; O’Donnell et al. 2000). The thirty-six sequences had been deposited in GenBank (ITS: ON155427-ON155432; ACT: ON191542-ON191547; CAL: ON191548-ON191553; CHS-1: ON167522-ON167527; GPD: ON191554-ON191559; TUB2: ON191560-ON191565, respectively). A BLAST search of these sequences (ITS, ACT, CHS-1, GPD, and TUB2) showed 99% identity with the sequences of ex-holotype C. godetiae CBS133.44 (ITS: JQ948402; ACT: JQ949723; CHS-1: JQ949063; GPD: JQ948733; TUB2: JQ950053) (Damm et al. 2012); the sequences of CAL genes of these strains showed 99% identity with the sequence of C. godetiae VV-087 (CAL: MK416001) (Varjas et al. 2020). The Bayes phylogenesis showed that six strains and C. godetiae CBS133.44 were clustered in a robust branch (Bayesian posterior probability = 1). Based on the morphological characteristics and phylogenesis, these strains were identified as C. godetiae. To fulfill Koch’s postulates, in April 2022, live plant pathogenicity tests were performed in the field, and color-changing-stage fruits of five-year-old trees were disinfected with 75% alcohol and air-dried for 10 min to volatilize excess alcohol. A conidial suspension (50 mL of 1 × 106 conidia/mL) was sprayed on fifteen fruits for each plant, fifteen fruits sprayed with sterilized water served as control. The experiment was repeated four times, each repeat contained ten trees. The daily average temperature and daily average RH in the orchard were 22°C and 67%, respectively. After 6 days, the fruit surfaces were depressed, dark brown, later, the lesions were expanded, and pink conidial masses were observed (Fig. 1, L). Control fruits remain healthy (Fig. 1, K). C. godetiae was re-isolated from the lesions of inoculated fruits. C. godetiae has been reported on Ceanothus sp., Fragaria × ananassa and so on worldwide (Farr and Rossman 2022), in addition, C. fructicola infected cherry (Zhao et al. 2022). To our knowledge, this is the first report of C. godetiae causing anthracnose fruit rot on Prunus pseudocerasus in China. This disease occurs mainly on immature fruits and leads to yield loss in the field, therefore it is necessary to take preventive measures in advance.
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Abrahamyan, Lusine, George Tomlinson, Jeannie Callum, Steven Carcone, Deep Grewal, Justyna Bartoszko, Murray Krahn, and Keyvan Karkouti. "Cost-effectiveness of Fibrinogen Concentrate vs Cryoprecipitate for Treating Acquired Hypofibrinogenemia in Bleeding Adult Cardiac Surgical Patients." JAMA Surgery, January4, 2023. http://dx.doi.org/10.1001/jamasurg.2022.6818.
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ImportanceExcessive bleeding requiring fibrinogen replacement is a serious complication of cardiac surgery. However, the relative cost-effectiveness of the 2 available therapies—fibrinogen concentrate and cryoprecipitate—is unknown.ObjectiveTo determine cost-effectiveness of fibrinogen concentrate vs cryoprecipitate for managing active bleeding in adult patients who underwent cardiac surgery.Design, Setting, and ParticipantsA within-trial economic evaluation of the Fibrinogen Replenishment in Surgery (FIBERS) randomized clinical trial (February 2017 to November 2018) that took place at 4 hospitals based in Ontario, Canada, hospitals examined all in-hospital resource utilization costs and allogeneic blood product (ABP) transfusion costs incurred within 28 days of surgery. Participants included a subset of 495 adult patients from the FIBERS trial who underwent cardiac surgery and developed active bleeding and acquired hypofibrinogenemia requiring fibrinogen replacement.InterventionsFibrinogen concentrate (4 g per dose) or cryoprecipitate (10 units per dose) randomized (1:1) up to 24 hours postcardiopulmonary bypass.Main Outcomes and MeasuresEffectiveness outcomes included number of ABPs administered within 24 hours and 7 days of cardiopulmonary bypass. ABP transfusion (7-day) and in-hospital resource utilization (28-day) costs were evaluated and a multivariable net benefit regression model built for the full sample and predefined subgroups.ResultsPatient level costs for 495 patients were evaluated (mean [SD] age 59.2 [15.4] years and 69.3% male.) Consistent with FIBERS, ABP transfusions and adverse events were similar in both treatment groups. Median (IQR) total 7-day ABP cost was CAD $2280 (US dollars [USD] $1697) (CAD $930 [USD $692]-CAD $4970 [USD $3701]) in the fibrinogen concentrate group and CAD $2770 (USD $1690) (IQR, CAD $1140 [USD $849]-CAD $5000 [USD $3723]) in the cryoprecipitate group. Median (interquartile range) total 28-day cost was CAD $38 180 (USD $28 431) $(IQR, CAD $26 350 [USD $19 622]-CAD $65 080 [USD $48 463]) in the fibrinogen concentrate group and CAD $38 790 (USD $28 886) (IQR, CAD $26 180 [USD $19 495]-CAD $70 380 [USD $52 409]) in the cryoprecipitate group. After exclusion of patients who were critically ill before surgery (11%) due to substantial variability in costs, the incremental net benefit of fibrinogen concentrate vs cryoprecipitate was positive (probability of being cost-effective 86% and 97% at $0 and CAD $2000 (USD $1489) willingness-to-pay, respectively). Net benefit was highly uncertain for nonelective and patients with critical illness.Conclusions and RelevanceFibrinogen concentrate is cost-effective when compared with cryoprecipitate in most bleeding adult patients who underwent cardiac surgery with acquired hypofibrinogenemia requiring fibrinogen replacement. The generalizability of these findings outside the Canadian health system needs to be verified.
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Van Nga, Vu, Le Thi Kim Anh, Dinh Thi My Dung, Nguyen Thi Binh Minh, Le Thi Diem Hong, and Vu Thi Thom. "Applying Logistic Regression to Predict Diabetic Nephropathy Based on Some Clinical and Paraclinical Characteristics of Type 2 Diabetic Patients." VNU Journal of Science: Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences 37, no.2 (June28, 2021). http://dx.doi.org/10.25073/2588-1132/vnumps.4312.
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Today, the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus is increasing rapidly on global. This disease is shown with many complications that significantly affect public health. One of them is kidney complications, which have a high incidence among diabetic patients in Vietnam (25.6-33.1%). Age, history of hypertension, and dyslipidemia are considered to be the main risk factors for diabetic nephropathy. Thus, early detection of these factors for kidney damage is significant for diagnosing, monitoring, treatment, and prognosis of diabetic patients. Our descriptive, cross-sectional study conducting on 120 diabetic patients at E Hospital has observed that blood cholesterol levels, HbA1c levels were independently related to eGFR decline below 60 mL/min/1.73m2. From those data, an equation to predict the risk of diabetic kidney disease was estimated as p = with k = Keyword: Type 2 diabetes, Diabetic nephropathy, Risk factor Today, the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus is increasing rapidly on global. This disease is shown with many complications that significantly affect public health. One of them is kidney complications, which have a high incidence among diabetic patients in Vietnam (25.6-33.1%). Age, history of hypertension, and dyslipidemia are considered to be the main risk factors for diabetic nephropathy. Thus, early detection of these factors for kidney damage is significant for diagnosing, monitoring, treatment, and prognosis of diabetic patients. Our descriptive, cross-sectional study conducting on 120 diabetic patients at E Hospital has observed that blood cholesterol levels, HbA1c levels were independently related to eGFR decline below 60 mL/min/1.73m2. 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Crosby, Alexandra, Jacquie Lorber-Kasunic, and Ilaria Vanni Accarigi. "Value the Edge: Permaculture as Counterculture in Australia." M/C Journal 17, no.6 (October11, 2014). http://dx.doi.org/10.5204/mcj.915.
Full textAbstract:
Permaculture is a creative design process that is based on ethics and design principles. It guides us to mimic the patterns and relationships we can find in nature and can be applied to all aspects of human habitation, from agriculture to ecological building, from appropriate technology to education and even economics. (permacultureprinciples.com)This paper considers permaculture as an example of counterculture in Australia. Permaculture is a neologism, the result of a contraction of ‘permanent’ and ‘agriculture’. In accordance with David Holmgren and Richard Telford definition quoted above, we intend permaculture as a design process based on a set of ethical and design principles. Rather than describing the history of permaculture, we choose two moments as paradigmatic of its evolution in relation to counterculture.The first moment is permaculture’s beginnings steeped in the same late 1960s turbulence that saw some people pursue an alternative lifestyle in Northern NSW and a rural idyll in Tasmania (Grayson and Payne). Ideas of a return to the land circulating in this first moment coalesced around the publication in 1978 of the book Permaculture One: A Perennial Agriculture for Human Settlements by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren, which functioned as “a disruptive technology, an idea that threatened to disrupt business as usual, to change the way we thought and did things”, as Russ Grayson writes in his contextual history of permaculture. The second moment is best exemplified by the definitions of permaculture as “a holistic system of design … most often applied to basic human needs such as water, food and shelter … also used to design more abstract systems such as community and economic structures” (Milkwood) and as “also a world wide network and movement of individuals and groups working in both rich and poor countries on all continents” (Holmgren).We argue that the shift in understanding of permaculture from the “back to the land movement” (Grayson) as a more wholesome alternative to consumer society to the contemporary conceptualisation of permaculture as an assemblage and global network of practices, is representative of the shifting dynamic between dominant paradigms and counterculture from the 1970s to the present. While counterculture was a useful way to understand the agency of subcultures (i.e. by countering mainstream culture and society) contemporary forms of globalised capitalism demand different models and vocabularies within which the idea of “counter” as clear cut alternative becomes an awkward fit.On the contrary we see the emergence of a repertoire of practices aimed at small-scale, localised solutions connected in transnational networks (Pink 105). These practices operate contrapuntally, a concept we borrow from Edward Said’s Culture and Imperialism (1993), to define how divergent practices play off each other while remaining at the edge, but still in a relation of interdependence with a dominant paradigm. In Said’s terms “contrapuntal reading” reveals what is left at the periphery of a mainstream narrative, but is at the same time instrumental to the development of events in the narrative itself. To illustrate this concept Said makes the case of novels where colonial plantations at the edge of the Empire make possible a certain lifestyle in England, but don’t appear in the narrative of that lifestyle itself (66-67).In keeping with permaculture design ecological principles, we argue that today permaculture is best understood as part of an assemblage of design objects, bacteria, economies, humans, plants, technologies, actions, theories, mushrooms, policies, affects, desires, animals, business, material and immaterial labour and politics and that it can be read as contrapuntal rather than as oppositional practice. Contrapuntal insofar as it is not directly oppositional preferring to reframe and reorientate everyday practices. The paper is structured in three parts: in the first one we frame our argument by providing a background to our understanding of counterculture and assemblage; in the second we introduce the beginning of permaculture in its historical context, and in third we propose to consider permaculture as an assemblage.Background: Counterculture and Assemblage We do not have the scope in this article to engage with contested definitions of counterculture in the Australian context, or their relation to contraculture or subculture. There is an emerging literature (Stickells, Robinson) touched on elsewhere in this issue. In this paper we view counterculture as social movements that “undermine societal hierarchies which structure urban life and create, instead a city organised on the basis of values such as action, local cultures, and decentred, participatory democracy” (Castells 19-20). Our focus on cities demonstrates the ways counterculture has shifted away from oppositional protest and towards ways of living sustainably in an increasingly urbanised world.Permaculture resonates with Castells’s definition and with other forms of protest, or what Musgrove calls “the dialectics of utopia” (16), a dynamic tension of political activism (resistance) and personal growth (aesthetics and play) that characterised ‘counterculture’ in the 1970s. McKay offers a similar view when he says such acts of counterculture are capable of “both a utopian gesture and a practical display of resistance” (27). But as a design practice, permaculture goes beyond the spectacle of protest.In this sense permaculture can be understood as an everyday act of resistance: “The design act is not a boycott, strike, protest, demonstration, or some other political act, but lends its power of resistance from being precisely a designerly way of intervening into people’s lives” (Markussen 38). We view permaculture design as a form of design activism that is embedded in everyday life. It is a process that aims to reorient a practice not by disrupting it but by becoming part of it.Guy Julier cites permaculture, along with the appropriate technology movement and community architecture, as one of many examples of radical thinking in design that emerged in the 1970s (225). This alignment of permaculture as a design practice that is connected to counterculture in an assemblage, but not entirely defined by it, is important in understanding the endurance of permaculture as a form of activism.In refuting the common and generalized narrative of failure that is used to describe the sixties (and can be extended to the seventies), Julie Stephens raises the many ways that the dominant ethos of the time was “revolutionised by the radicalism of the period, but in ways that bore little resemblance to the announced intentions of activists and participants themselves” (121). Further, she argues that the “extraordinary and paradoxical aspects of the anti-disciplinary protest of the period were that while it worked to collapse the division between opposition and complicity and problematised received understandings of the political, at the same time it reaffirmed its commitment to political involvement as an emancipatory, collective endeavour” (126).Many foresaw the political challenge of counterculture. From the belly of the beast, in 1975, Craig McGregor wrote that countercultures are “a crucial part of conventional society; and eventually they will be judged on how successful they transform it” (43). In arguing that permaculture is an assemblage and global network of practices, we contribute to a description of the shifting dynamic between dominant paradigms and counterculture that was identified by McGregor at the time and Stephens retrospectively, and we open up possibilities for reexamining an important moment in the history of Australian protest movements.Permaculture: Historical Context Together with practical manuals and theoretical texts permaculture has produced its foundation myths, centred around two father figures, Bill Mollison and David Holmgren. The pair, we read in accounts on the history of permaculture, met in the 1970s in Hobart at the University of Tasmania, where Mollison, after a polymath career, was a senior lecturer in Environmental Psychology, and Holmgren a student. Together they wrote the first article on permaculture in 1976 for the Organic Farmer and Gardener magazine (Grayson and Payne), which together with the dissemination of ideas via radio, captured the social imagination of the time. Two years later Holmgren and Mollison published the book Permaculture One: A Perennial Agricultural System for Human Settlements (Mollison and Holmgren).These texts and Mollison’s talks articulated ideas and desires and most importantly proposed solutions about living on the land, and led to the creation of the first ecovillage in Australia, Max Lindegger’s Crystal Waters in South East Queensland, the first permaculture magazine (titled Permaculture), and the beginning of the permaculture network (Grayson and Payne). In 1979 Mollison taught the first permaculture course, and published the second book. Grayson and Payne stress how permaculture media practices, such as the radio interview mentioned above and publications like Permaculture Magazine and Permaculture International Journal were key factors in the spreading of the design system and building a global network.The ideas developed around the concept of permaculture were shaped by, and in turned contributed to shape, the social climate of the late 1960s and early 1970s that captured the discontent with both capitalism and the Cold War, and that coalesced in “alternative lifestyles groups” (Metcalf). In 1973, for instance, the Aquarius Festival in Nimbin was not only a countercultural landmark, but also the site of emergence of alternative experiments in living that found their embodiment in experimental housing design (Stickells). The same interest in technological innovation mixed with rural skills animated one of permaculture’s precursors, the “back to the land movement” and its attempt “to blend rural traditionalism and technological and ideological modernity” (Grayson).This character of remix remains one of the characteristics of permaculture. Unlike movements based mostly on escape from the mainstream, permaculture offered a repertoire, and a system of adaptable solutions to live both in the country and the city. Like many aspects of the “alternative lifestyle” counterculture, permaculture was and is intensely biopolitical in the sense that it is concerned with the management of life itself “from below”: one’s own, people’s life and life on planet earth more generally. This understanding of biopolitics as power of life rather than over life is translated in permaculture into malleable design processes across a range of diversified practices. These are at the basis of the endurance of permaculture beyond the experiments in alternative lifestyles.In distinguishing it from sustainability (a contested concept among permaculture practitioners, some of whom prefer the notion of “planning for abundance”), Barry sees permaculture as:locally based and robustly contextualized implementations of sustainability, based on the notion that there is no ‘one size fits all’ model of sustainability. Permaculture, though rightly wary of more mainstream, reformist, and ‘business as usual’ accounts of sustainability can be viewed as a particular localized, and resilience-based conceptualization of sustainable living and the creation of ‘sustainable communities’. (83)The adaptability of permaculture to diverse solutions is stressed by Molly Scott-Cato, who, following David Holmgren, defines it as follows: “Permaculture is not a set of rules; it is a process of design based around principles found in the natural world, of cooperation and mutually beneficial relationships, and translating these principles into actions” (176).Permaculture Practice as Assemblage Scott Cato’s definition of permaculture helps us to understand both its conceptual framework as it is set out in permaculture manuals and textbooks, and the way it operates in practice at an individual, local, regional, national and global level, as an assemblage. Using the idea of assemblage, as defined by Jane Bennett, we are able to understand permaculture as part of an “ad hoc grouping”, a “collectivity” made up of many types of actors, humans, non humans, nature and culture, whose “coherence co-exists with energies and countercultures that exceed and confound it” (445-6). Put slightly differently, permaculture is part of “living” assemblage whose existence is not dependent on or governed by a “central power”. Nor can it be influenced by any single entity or member (445-6). Rather, permaculture is a “complex, gigantic whole” that is “made up variously, of somatic, technological, cultural, and atmospheric elements” (447).In considering permaculture as an assemblage that includes countercultural elements, we specifically adhere to John Law’s description of Actor Network Theory as an approach that relies on an empirical foundation rather than a theoretical one in order to “tell stories about ‘how’ relationships assemble or don’t” (141). The hybrid nature of permaculture design involving both human and non human stakeholders and their social and material dependencies can be understood as an “assembly” or “thing,” where everything not only plays its part relationally but where “matters of fact” are combined with “matters of concern” (Latour, "Critique"). As Barry explains, permaculture is a “holistic and systems-based approach to understanding and designing human-nature relations” (82). Permaculture principles are based on the enactment of interconnections, continuous feedback and reshuffling among plants, humans, animals, chemistry, social life, things, energy, built and natural environment, and tools.Bruno Latour calls this kind of relationality a “sphere” or a “network” that comprises of many interconnected nodes (Latour, "Actor-Network" 31). The connections between the nodes are not arbitrary, they are based on “associations” that dissolve the “micro-macro distinctions” of near and far, emphasizing the “global entity” of networks (361-381). Not everything is globalised but the global networks that structure the planet affect everything and everyone. In the context of permaculture, we argue that despite being highly connected through a network of digital and analogue platforms, the movement remains localised. In other words, permaculture is both local and global articulating global matters of concern such as food production, renewable energy sources, and ecological wellbeing in deeply localised variants.These address how the matters of concerns engendered by global networks in specific places interact with local elements. A community based permaculture practice in a desert area, for instance, will engage with storing renewable energy, or growing food crops and maintaining a stable ecology using the same twelve design principles and ethics as an educational business doing rooftop permaculture in a major urban centre. The localised applications, however, will result in a very different permaculture assemblage of animals, plants, technologies, people, affects, discourses, pedagogies, media, images, and resources.Similarly, if we consider permaculture as a network of interconnected nodes on a larger scale, such as in the case of national organisations, we can see how each node provides a counterpoint that models ecological best practices with respect to ingrained everyday ways of doing things, corporate and conventional agriculture, and so on. This adaptability and ability to effect practices has meant that permaculture’s sphere of influence has grown to include public institutions, such as city councils, public and private spaces, and schools.A short description of some of the nodes in the evolving permaculture assemblage in Sydney, where we live, is an example of the way permaculture has advanced from its alternative lifestyle beginnings to become part of the repertoire of contemporary activism. These practices, in turn, make room for accepted ways of doing things to move in new directions. In this assemblage each constellation operates within well established sites: local councils, public spaces, community groups, and businesses, while changing the conventional way these sites operate.The permaculture assemblage in Sydney includes individuals and communities in local groups coordinated in a city-wide network, Permaculture Sydney, connected to similar regional networks along the NSW seaboard; local government initiatives, such as in Randwick, Sydney, and Pittwater and policies like Sustainable City Living; community gardens like the inner city food forest at Angel Street or the hybrid public open park and educational space at the Permaculture Interpretive Garden; private permaculture gardens; experiments in grassroot urban permaculture and in urban agriculture; gardening, education and landscape business specialising in permaculture design, like Milkwood and Sydney Organic Gardens; loose groups of permaculturalists gathering around projects, such as Permablitz Sydney; media personalities and programs, as in the case of the hugely successful garden show Gardening Australia hosted by Costa Georgiadis; germane organisations dedicated to food sovereignty or seed saving, the Transition Towns movement; farmers’ markets and food coops; and multifarious private/public sustainability initiatives.Permaculture is a set of practices that, in themselves are not inherently “against” anything, yet empower people to form their own lifestyles and communities. After all, permaculture is a design system, a way to analyse space, and body of knowledge based on set principles and ethics. The identification of permaculture as a form of activism, or indeed as countercultural, is externally imposed, and therefore contingent on the ways conventional forms of housing and food production are understood as being in opposition.As we have shown elsewhere (2014) thinking through design practices as assemblages can describe hybrid forms of participation based on relationships to broader political movements, disciplines and organisations.Use Edges and Value the Marginal The eleventh permaculture design principle calls for an appreciation of the marginal and the edge: “The interface between things is where the most interesting events take place. These are often the most valuable, diverse and productive elements in the system” (permacultureprinciples.com). In other words the edge is understood as the site where things come together generating new possible paths and interactions. In this paper we have taken this metaphor to think through the relations between permaculture and counterculture. We argued that permaculture emerged from the countercultural ferment of the late 1960s and 1970s and intersected with other fringe alternative lifestyle experiments. In its contemporary form the “counter” value needs to be understood as counterpoint rather than as a position of pure oppositionality to the mainstream.The edge in permaculture is not a boundary on the periphery of a design, but a site of interconnection, hybridity and exchange, that produces adaptable and different possibilities. Similarly permaculture shares with forms of contemporary activism “flexible action repertoires” (Mayer 203) able to interconnect and traverse diverse contexts, including mainstream institutions. 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