How Much Do I Need to Retire Comfortably? | The Motley Fool (2024)

How much money do you need to comfortably retire? $1 million? $2 million? More?

Financial planners often recommend replacing about 80% of your pre-retirement income to sustain the same lifestyle after you retire. This means that, if you earn $100,000 per year, you'd aim for at least $80,000 of income (in today's dollars) in retirement.

However, there are several factors to consider, and not all of your income will need to come from savings. With that in mind, here's a guide to help calculate how much money you will need to retire.

How Much Do I Need to Retire Comfortably? | The Motley Fool (1)

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It's not about money, it's about income

It's not about money, it's about income

One important point when it comes to determining your retirement "number" is that it isn't about deciding on a certain amount of savings. For example, the most common retirement goal among Americans is a $1 million nest egg. But this is faulty logic.

The most important factor in determining how much you need to retire is whether you'll have enough money to create the income you need to support your desired quality of life after you retire.

Will a $1 million savings balance allow you to create enough income forever? Maybe, but maybe not. That's what we're going to determine in this article.

How much income do you need to retire?

How much income do you need to retire?

The reason you don't need to replace 100% of your pre-retirement income is that, when you retire, you're typically able to eliminate certain expenses. For example:

  1. You'll no longer have to save for retirement (obviously).
  2. You might spend less on commuting expenses and other costs related to going to work.
  3. You may have paid off your mortgage by the time you retire.
  4. You may not need life insurance if you no longer have dependents.

But retiring on 80% of your annual income isn't perfect for everyone. You might want to adjust your goal based on the type of retirement lifestyle you plan to have and if your expenses will be significantly different.

For example, if you plan to travel frequently in retirement, you may want to aim for 90% to 100% of your pre-retirement income. On the other hand, if you plan to pay off your mortgage before you retire or downsize your living situation, you may be able to live comfortably on less than 80%.

Let's say you consider yourself the typical retiree. Between you and your spouse, you currently have an annual income of $120,000. Based on the 80% principle, you can expect to need about $96,000 in annual income after you retire, which is $8,000 per month.

Social Security, pensions, and other reliable income sources

Social Security, pensions, and other reliable income sources

The good news is that, if you're like most people, you'll get some help from sources other than your savings, such as your Social Security benefits. For most people, Social Security is a significant income source.

But the percentage of income that Social Security will replace is typically lower for higher-income retirees. For example, Fidelity estimates that someone earning $50,000 per year can expect Social Security to replace 35% of their income. But someone earning $300,000 per year would have a Social Security income replacement rate of just 11% on average.

If you aren't sure how much you can expect, check your latest Social Security statement, or create a my Social Security account to get a good estimate based on your work history.

If you have any pensions from current or former jobs, be sure to take those into consideration. The same goes for any other predictable and permanent sources of income. For example, if you bought an annuity that kicks in after you retire, or you’re tapping your home equity through a reverse mortgage.

Definition Icon


A pension is a type of retirement plan that promises workers a specific monthly benefit when they retire.

Continuing our example of a couple that needs $8,000 in monthly income to retire, let's say each spouse is expecting $1,500 per month from Social Security, and that one spouse also has a $1,000 monthly pension.

This means that, of the $8,000 in monthly income needs, $4,000 will come from guaranteed income. The remaining $4,000 will need to come from sources such as investments and savings.

In summary, you can estimate the monthly retirement income you need to generate using this formula:

How Much Do I Need to Retire Comfortably? | The Motley Fool (2)

Image source: The Motley Fool

How much savings will you need to retire?

How much savings will you need to retire?

Now let's determine how much savings you'll need to retire. After you've figured out how much income you'll need to generate from your savings, the next step is to calculate how large your retirement nest egg needs to be for you to produce this much income in perpetuity.

A retirement calculator is one option, or you can use the "4% rule." The 4% rule says that in your first year of retirement, you can withdraw 4% of your retirement savings.

So, if you have $1 million saved, you would take $40,000 out during your first year of retirement either in a lump sum or as a series of payments. In subsequent years of retirement, you would adjust this amount upward to keep up with cost-of-living increases.

The idea is that, if you follow this rule, you shouldn't have to worry about running out of money in retirement. Specifically, the 4% rule is designed to make sure your money has a high probability of lasting for a minimum of 30 years.

To calculate a retirement savings target based on the 4% rule, you use the following formula:

We saw in the previous section that our couple would need $4,000 per month ($48,000 per year) from their savings. So, in this case, they should aim for $1.2 million in retirement savings accounts, such as a 401(k) plan or individual retirement account (IRA), to provide $48,000 per year in sustainable retirement income.

It's important to note that the 4% rule has a number of flaws. It assumes you'll withdraw the same amount each year in retirement, adjusted for inflation. It also assumes that your portfolio will be split between stocks and bonds throughout your retirement.

In some circ*mstances, you may want to withdraw significantly more or less than the standard 4%. For example, as of mid-September 2023, the S&P 500 index is up about 15% for the year to date. During a stock market correction or a bear market, you may want to limit your withdrawals to give your investments time to rebound.

Regardless of your retirement goals, recent stock market volatility shows just how essential it is for retirees to have some cash on hand. This can act as a buffer for your portfolio by helping you avoid cashing out on investments while the market is still down.

The bottom line on retirement savings goals

There is no perfect method of calculating your retirement savings target. Investment performance will vary over time, and it can be difficult to accurately project your actual income needs.

Furthermore, it's worth mentioning that not all retirement plans are equal when it comes to income. Money you withdraw from a traditional IRA or 401(k) will be considered taxable income. On the other hand, any money you withdraw from a Roth IRA or Roth 401(k) is generally not taxable at all, which may change the calculation a bit.

There are other potential considerations as well. Many workers have to retire earlier than they planned. For example, about 3 million workers retired earlier than they anticipated because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Even in normal times, older workers often have to retire early due to layoffs, health problems, or caregiving duties. Saving for a longer retirement than anticipated gives you a safety cushion.

It's also important to consider the impact of inflation on your retirement plans. Inflation has gotten a lot of attention in 2023 as prices have increased at the fastest pace we've seen in 40 years.

But even when costs rise at a typical rate, inflation hits senior households harder than working-age households. That's because seniors spend a higher portion of their incomes on expenses such as healthcare and housing. These expenses tend to increase faster than the overall inflation rate.

While we're trying to present the broad strokes here, it's still a good idea to consult a financial advisor who can tailor a retirement savings goal to your particular situation and also help to set you on the right path with a savings and investment plan that can make sure you reach your goals.

By using the methods discussed in this article, you can get a good idea of how much you'll need to save to retire comfortably. Keep in mind this isn't designed to be a perfect method but a starting point to help you assess where you are and any adjustments you might need to make to get where you need to be.

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Expert Q&A

How Much Do I Need to Retire Comfortably? | The Motley Fool (4)

David C. John, MA, MBA,

AARP Senior Policy Advisor.

The Motley Fool: What is your advice for someone who may be worried about retiring because of recent financial setbacks?

David John: If your health, family responsibilities, and job status allows, continue to work longer than you might have before. The extra time allows you to save more and for the markets to continue to recover from past losses. Most important, delay taking your Social Security for as long as possible so you'll have a larger, inflation-protected benefit.

The Motley Fool: There are no hard and fast rules about when to retire or how much we should have saved, but what three pieces of advice would you give someone who is just starting their first retirement savings account?

David John:

  1. Make saving a priority and contribute a consistent percentage of your income that grows over time every payday.
  2. Invest only in a diversified option like a target date fund that uses passive index funds. Don't try to beat the market with your retirement money.
  3. Don't take a withdrawal unless you absolutely have to. Instead, start a separate emergency fund in addition to your retirement account.

The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

How Much Do I Need to Retire Comfortably? | The Motley Fool (2024)


How Much Do I Need to Retire Comfortably? | The Motley Fool? ›

Financial planners often recommend replacing about 80% of your pre-retirement income to sustain the same lifestyle after you retire. This means that, if you earn $100,000 per year, you'd aim for at least $80,000 of income (in today's dollars) in retirement.

What is a good amount of money to retire with comfortably? ›

By age 40, you should have accumulated three times your current income for retirement. By retirement age, it should be 10 to 12 times your income at that time to be reasonably confident that you'll have enough funds. Seamless transition — roughly 80% of your pre-retirement income.

Is $800,000 enough to retire at 60? ›

Yes, $800k provides a healthy nest egg that allows for annual withdrawals of around $32,000 from the age of 60 to 85, spanning 25 years. If $32,000 per year, or $2,667 per month, is sufficient to cover your retirement lifestyle, then $800k gives you an adequate buffer.

How much money do you need for comfortable retirement? ›

Assuming you qualify for the full State Pension of £10,600 2023/24 a year, the PLSA says you'll still need to build up a pension pot worth at least £590,000 to achieve a comfortable retirement1. This is if you want to turn your pension into an annuity, which pays you a guaranteed annual income for life in retirement.

How long will $400,000 last in retirement? ›

With $400,000, if you buy an annuity at age 62 and then retire, you might expect monthly payments of around $2,400 for the rest of your life. This comes to about $28,800 per year in guaranteed income according to one estimate.

How many people have $1,000,000 in retirement savings? ›

In fact, statistically, around 10% of retirees have $1 million or more in savings. The majority of retirees, however, have far less saved.

Is $2,000 a month enough to retire on? ›

Living on $2,000 per month is doable, but you won't be able to live just anywhere. This is important because at the time of writing the average Social Security benefit paid is $1,701 per month.

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What is considered a good monthly retirement income? ›

As a result, an oft-stated rule of thumb suggests workers can base their retirement on a percentage of their current income. “Seventy to 80% of pre-retirement income is good to shoot for,” said Ben Bakkum, senior investment strategist with New York City financial firm Betterment, in an email.

Can I live on $4,000 a month in retirement? ›

Bottom Line. With $800,000 in savings, you can probably cover $4,000 in monthly living costs. However, retirement accounts alone cannot safely sustain that spending for a 25- or 30-year retirement.

How long will 700k last in retirement? ›

How long will $700k last in retirement? $700k can last you for at least 25 years in retirement if your annual spending remains around $40,000, following the 4% rule. However, it will depend on how old you are when you retire and how much you plan to spend each month as a retiree.

How long will 200k last in retirement? ›

How long will $200k last in retirement?
Retirement ageLength of time covered by the $200k (assuming a life expectancy of 80 years)
5030 years
5525 years
6020 years
6515 years
3 more rows

What is the average retirement income by state? ›

What is the average retirement income by state?
StateAverage retirement income
47 more rows
Feb 28, 2024

What is the average Social Security check? ›

Social Security offers a monthly benefit check to many kinds of recipients. As of December 2023, the average check is $1,767.03, according to the Social Security Administration – but that amount can differ drastically depending on the type of recipient. In fact, retirees typically make more than the overall average.

Can I retire at 62 with $400,000 in 401k? ›

If you have $400,000 in the bank you can retire early at age 62, but it will be tight. The good news is that if you can keep working for just five more years, you are on track for a potentially quite comfortable retirement by full retirement age.

What is the magic number to retire? ›

According to the findings, Americans believe they need $1.46 million to retire comfortably right now. That “magic number” is $1.37 million shy of what those surveyed reported in actual savings, an average $88,400. That's more than $10,000 less in savings than the five-year peak in 2021 ($98,800).

How much does the average person retire with money? ›

What is the average and median retirement savings? The average retirement savings for all families is $333,940 according to the 2022 Survey of Consumer Finances.

Can you retire $1.5 million comfortably? ›

Americans expect to need at have $1.46 million on average to retire comfortably, a new survey shows. That figure grew 15% from last year and by more than 50% since 2020. Savers are better off focusing on a holistic approach to income planning, financial professionals say.

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After analyzing many scenarios, we found that 75% is a good starting point to consider for your income replacement rate. This means that if you make $100,000 shortly before retirement, you can start to plan using the ballpark expectation that you'll need about $75,000 a year to live on in retirement.

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Average Monthly Retirement Income

According to data from the BLS, average 2022 incomes after taxes were as follows for older households: 65-74 years: $63,187 per year or $5,266 per month. 75 and older: $47,928 per year or $3,994 per month.

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