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TABLE OF CONTENTS CREDITS Designers • Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, StephenRadney-MacFarland, and Mark Seifter Developers • Adam Daigle, James Jacobs, and ErikMona Editors • Judy Bauer, Christopher Carey, James Case, Leo Glass, Lyz Liddell, Adrian Ng, Lacy Pellazar, and Jason Tondro Graphic Designers • Emily Crowell, Sonja Morris, and Sarah Robinson Interior Artist • Wayne Reynolds Page Border Design • Taylor Fischer PAIZO EDITORIAL Creative Management • James Jacobs, RobertG.McCreary, Erik Mona, Mark Moreland, Sarah Robinson, and Gabriel Waluconis Design • Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, StephenRadney-MacFarland, Mark Seifter, and Owen K.C. Stephens Development • John Compton, Adam Daigle, EleanorFerron, Thurston Hillman, Jason Keeley, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Luis Loza, RonLundeen, JoePasini, Michael Sayre, Chris S. Sims, and LindaZayas-Palmer Editing • Judy Bauer, Christopher Carey, James Case, Leo Glass, Lyz Liddell, Adrian Ng, Lacy Pellazar, and Jason Tondro Graphic Design • Emily Crowell, Sonja Morris, and Adam Vick PAIZO INCORPORATED Executive • Jeffery Alvarez, John Parrish, Erik Mona, Lisa Stevens, and Vic Wertz Customer Service • Sharaya Copas, Katina Davis, SaraMarie, Samantha Phelan, and Diego Valdez Finance • Christopher Caldwell and B. Scott Keim Human Resources • Megan Gilchrist Licensing and Marketing • Jim Butler, Glenn Elliott, Aaron Shanks, and Dan Tharp Organized Play • Tonya Woldridge Sales • Cosmo Eisele and Pierce Watters Technology • Brian Bauman, Robert Brandenburg, Whitney Chatterjee, Erik Keith, ChrisLambertz, Gary Teter, and Andrew White Warehouse • Laura Wilkes Carey, Will Chase, MikaHawkins, Heather Payne, Jeff Strand, and Kevin Underwood Webstore • Rick Kunz





Climate Natural Disasters Hazards Simple Hazards Complex Hazards

9 9 11 14 17





Creatures by Name Creatures by Level Doomsday Dawn Creature List

CATALOG OF CREATURES A creatures B creatures C creatures D creatures E creatures G creatures H creatures J creatures K creatures L creatures M creatures N creatures O creatures P creatures R creatures S creatures T creatures U creatures V creatures W creatures X creatures Y creatures Z creatures

24 26 29

30 30 31 36 40 62 68 78 82 83 84 87 90 91 94 97 100 109 110 110 114 117 118 118







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Pathfinder Playtest Bestiary © 2018, Paizo Inc. All Rights Reserved. Paizo, Paizo Inc., the Paizo golem logo, Pathfinder, the Pathfinder logo, Pathfinder Society, Starfinder, and the Starfinder logo are registered trademarks of Paizo Inc.; Pathfinder Accessories, Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, Pathfinder Adventure Path, Pathfinder Adventures, Pathfinder Battles, Pathfinder Campaign Setting, Pathfinder Cards, Pathfinder Combat Pad, Pathfinder Flip-Mat, Pathfinder Legends, Pathfinder Map Pack, Pathfinder Module, Pathfinder Pawns, Pathfinder Player Companion, Pathfinder Playtest, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Pathfinder Tales, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Combat Pad, Starfinder Flip-Mat, Starfinder Pawns, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, and Starfinder Society are trademarks of Paizo Inc.

DANGER IS EVERYWHERE! The Pathfinder Playtest Rulebook contains the rules for building characters and playing the game. This document provides the final pieces you need as a GM to run the game: environments, hazards, and, of course, lots of monsters! And wow, is it a lot of monsters. When we started crafting the first monsters for this playtest, we didn’t expect to have nearly as large a selection of creatures as you’ll find here. Once we got rolling, though, we just had so many ideas for how our favorite monsters might work that we kept going and going. That’s why you’ll find everything from the redcap to the jabberwock. Not all these creatures will make it into the first official monster book, but these creatures can give you a good sense of the sort of monsters you will find in the new version of Pathfinder. We want your input on these monsters. Do you like the new abilities we’ve added to them? Do you find the stat blocks easy to use? Do you wish monsters had statistics more like PCs, as they used to? Was finding and disarming traps satisfying? Do you think the animated broom is too silly? We want all sorts of information from you! Try out these monsters and hazards in your games and let us know how they fared by providing feedback at Jason Bulmahn, Director of Game Design; Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Senior Designer; Logan Bonner, Designer; Mark Seifter, Designer; and the entire team at Paizo Inc. This document contains a broad selection of challenges to use in your Pathfinder Playtest games, including all the adversaries from the playtest adventure, Doomsday Dawn (you can find a list of those and their page numbers on page 29). If you’re adapting other adventures to playtest even further or creating your own adventures, you’ll find a broad selection of hazards and creatures here, along with guidelines for building encounters with them. Because this document is meant to be used in the playtest and won’t appear in a print edition, it contains less art and information than a standard bestiary and has a different layout. This document is divided into the following sections. • Environments (see page 5) gives you what you need for adventures in different locations and climates. It also includes the rules for hazards (see page 11)—traps, haunts, and environmental dangers—as well as a large selection of individual hazards that are ready to use. • Building Encounters (see page 21) describes how to construct balanced encounters for an adventuring party. This includes instructions for adjusting encounters for large or small groups and for your desired degree of challenge. • How to Use Creatures (see page 22) covers all the special rules for running monsters and other creatures that aren’t covered in the Pathfinder Playtest Rulebook. You’ll also find a description of how to read creature stat blocks here. They’re structured much like the stat blocks for feats, spells, and items, but they have a few special additions. This section also includes the rules for making monsters stronger or weaker by 1 level and for adjudicating special situations that might come up in play.


• Creatures by Name (see page 24) lists the creatures in this book alphabetically by the names that appear in their stat blocks, while Creatures by Level lists them by their levels. • Catalog of Creatures (see page 30) is the real meat of this document: statistics for hundreds of creatures! Those included here are primarily monsters and other antagonists. The Playtest Bestiary includes less information about each creature than a full book would. If you want to know more about a creature, the entries list a sourcebook where you can look up more information and find an image of the creature! Most of the creatures are monsters, but you’ll also find a small number of NPC-style creatures starting on page 119. Many of these NPC-style creatures are used in Doomsday Dawn. • Ability Glossary (see page 121) contains special creature abilities that are summarized in creature stat blocks instead of being described in full each time (these were called Universal Monster Rules in Pathfinder First Edition). If you encounter an ability in a stat block without the rules needed to use it, check here to learn how it works. • Creature and Hazard Traits (see page 123) supplements the traits presented in the Pathfinder Playtest Rulebook, adding ones that are specific to the creatures and hazards in this document. As with the other parts of the Pathfinder Playtest, we’ll be soliciting your opinions on the monsters and hazards in this document. Go to to find the surveys and forums, where you can weigh in on any problems or preferences you discover!

ENVIRONMENTS Each of the environments presented uses the terrain rules (see page 340 of the Pathfinder Playtest Rulebook) in different ways, so be sure to familiarize yourself with those rules before reading this section. Some environments refer to the rules for climate and natural disasters on page 9. Many places have the traits of multiple environments; a snow-covered mountain might use both the arctic and mountain environments. For environmental features with effects based on how tall or deep, those effects vary further based on a creature’s size. For instance, a shallow bog for a Medium creature might act as a deep bog for smaller creatures, and a deep bog for a Medium creature might act as a shallow bog for a larger creature (or might even be insignificant enough to not be difficult terrain for a truly massive creature). If the environment is hazardous, it can deal damage. Because the amount varies based on the specific circ*mstances, the sections on specific environments and natural disasters use categories rather than exact numbers to describe the damage. Use Table 1: Environmental Damage to set the damage from an environment or natural disaster.

TABLE 1: ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE Category Minor Moderate Major Massive

Damage 1d6–2d6 4d6–6d6 8d6–12d6 18d6–24d6

AQUATIC Aquatic environments are among the most challenging for PCs short of unusual planes and other worlds. PCs in an aquatic environment need a way to breathe (typically a water breathing spell) and must usually Swim in order to move, though a PC who sinks to the bottom can walk awkwardly, as if through greater difficult terrain. Use the aquatic combat rules and drowning and suffocation rules on page 315 of the Playtest Rulebook.

Currents and Flowing water Ocean currents, flowing rivers, and the like are difficult terrain or greater difficult terrain (depending on the speed of the water) when you’re swimming against them. At the end of your turn, the current moves you a certain amount of distance depending on its speed. For instance, a 10-foot current moves you 10 feet in the current’s direction at the end of your turn.

Visibility It’s much harder to see things at a distance underwater than it is on land due to light scattering, and it’s particularly difficult if the water is murky or full of particles. In pure



Dungeon environments, which include both ruins and contemporary buildings constructed in the wilderness, are a fairly common venue for adventures. As an environment type, they combine urban features like doors and buildings (see page 7) with features from the dungeon’s or ruin’s environment. While underground dungeons are particularly common, consider setting your adventure in a ruin reclaimed by the forest, with giant trees spreading their roots through the walls, or a ruin deep in a swamp, with bogs covering access to some of the ruin’s hidden secrets.


water, the maximum visual range is roughly 240 feet to see a small object, and in murky water visibility can be reduced to only 10 feet or even less.

ARCTIC The main challenge in an arctic environment is the cold climate (see Climate on page 9), but arctic environments also contain ice and snow. The most common disasters are avalanches, blizzards, and floods (see pages 9–10).

iCe Icy ground counts as both uneven ground and difficult terrain, as characters slip and slide due to poor traction.

snow Depending on the depth of snow and its composition, most snowy ground is either difficult terrain or greater difficult terrain. Denser snow might allow characters to attempt to walk along the surface without breaking through, but some patches might be loose enough that they’re uneven ground.

desert Desert describes sandy and rocky deserts and badlands. (Though tundra is technically a desert, it’s classified as arctic because the climate is the primary challenge there). Sandy deserts often have quicksand hazards (see page 18) and sandstorms (see page 10).

rubble Rocky deserts are strewn with rubble, which counts as difficult terrain. Piles of rubble dense enough to be walked over rather than navigated through are considered uneven ground.

sand Packed sand doesn’t usually significantly impede characters’ movement, but loose sand can be difficult terrain if it’s shallow or uneven ground if it’s deep. The wind in a desert often shifts sand into sand dunes, which are inclines on the side facing into the wind.




These environments include jungles and other wooded areas. They are often struck by wildfires (see page 11).

Light undergrowth is common in mountains. It is difficult terrain and allows a character to Take Cover.



Particularly dense forests, such as rain forests, have a canopy level above the ground. A creature trying to reach the canopy or travel across it must Climb (they can also use this action to swing on vines and branches). A canopy provides cover, and a thicker one can prevent creatures in the canopy from seeing those on the ground, and vice versa.

The plains environment encompasses grasslands such as savannas and farmland. The most common disasters are wildfires (see page 11).

trees While trees are omnipresent in a forest, they typically don’t provide cover unless a character uses the Take Cover action. Only particularly massive trees that take up an entire 5-foot square on the map (or more) are big enough to provide cover automatically.

undergrowth Light undergrowth is difficult terrain and allows a character to gain cover with the Take Cover action. Heavy undergrowth is greater difficult terrain that provides cover. Some sorts of undergrowth, such as thorns, might also be hazardous terrain, and areas with plenty of twisting roots might be uneven ground.

hedges Hedges are planted rows of bushes, shrubs, and trees. In adventures, they most iconically occur in the form of tall hedges grown into mazes. A typical hedge is up to 5 feet tall, takes up a row of squares, and provides cover. A character trying to push through a hedge treats it as greater difficult terrain, but it might be faster to Climb over.

undergrowth Light undergrowth is difficult terrain and allows a character to Take Cover. Heavy undergrowth is greater difficult terrain that provides cover. Undergrowth in plains is usually light with a few scattered areas of heavy undergrowth, but fields of certain crops, like corn, are entirely heavy undergrowth.


Mountain environments also include hills, which don’t contain the more extreme features of mountains. The most common disasters are avalanches (see page 9).

Swamps are generally wetlands, but this category also includes drier marshes such as moors. Swamps often have quicksand hazards (see page 18). Despite their soggy nature, swamps are less likely than many areas to experience heavy flood disasters, since they act as natural sponges and absorb a great deal of water before they flood.



Chasms are natural pits, typically at least 20 feet long, which are clearly visible barring mundane or magical efforts to conceal them. The main danger posed by a chasm is that characters must typically use a Long Jump to get across. Alternatively, characters can take the safer but slower route, Climbing down the near side and back up the far side.

Also called mires, bogs are watery areas that accumulate peat, are typically covered by shrubs and moss, and sometimes feature floating islands of vegetation covering deeper pools. Shallow bogs are difficult terrain for a Medium creature, and deep bogs are greater difficult terrain. A creature has to Swim if a bog is deep enough that the creature can’t reach the bottom. Bogs are typically acidic, so particularly extreme or magical bogs can act as hazardous terrain.


CliFFs Cliffs and rock walls require Climb to ascend or descend. Without extensive safety precautions, a critical failure carries the risk of significant falling damage.

rubble Mountains often have extremely rocky areas or shifting, gravelly scree that makes for difficult terrain. Especially deep or pervasive rubble is uneven ground.

slopes Slopes vary from gentle rises of normal terrain to difficult terrain and inclines, depending on the angle of elevation. Moving down a slope is typically normal terrain.


undergrowth Light undergrowth is difficult terrain and allows a character to Take Cover, and heavy undergrowth is greater difficult terrain that provides cover. Some sorts of undergrowth, such as thorns, might also be hazardous terrain, and areas with plenty of twisting roots might be uneven ground.

URBAN Urban environments include open city spaces and buildings; the building information on pages 7–8 also applies to ruins and constructed dungeons. Depending on construction and location, cities may be vulnerable to many sorts of disasters, especially fire and floods (see pages 10–11).

doors, gates, and walls


Some of the most common obstacles characters face in urban areas and dungeons are doors, gates, and walls.


Climbing struCtures The table below gives the typical level for Athletics checks to Climb a structure and the DC of high-difficulty checks of that level. As with other ordinary tasks (see page 336 of the Playtest Rulebook), these tasks typically use the high-difficulty DC for their level, but you might adjust the degree of challenge based on the specifics of the structure and environment. In most cases, structures of above-average quality are harder to climb; increase the task’s level by 2 for each degree of quality above standard (so an expertquality masonry wall would be level 6 to climb and a master-quality one would be level 8).


breaking open struCtures



Structures that can open, like doors, gates, and windows, can be forced open with the Break Open action of Athletics. This is usually necessary only if they’re locked or stuck. The Break Open DC for a structure is typically 5 higher than the Thievery DC of its lock. Breaking Open a door or window that’s just stuck (or that is unnecessarily being Broken Open when it could have been opened normally) is usually a level 2 task, or higher level for something that’s exceptionally stuck, like a metal door wedged in a strange position. Break Open can also be used to lift portcullises. This is usually a level 4 task for a wooden portcullis, level 6 for an iron one, or 5 higher than the Thievery DC of the locking mechanism, whichever is higher. Bending bars wide enough for a character to squeeze through them is typically a level 8 task.


demolishing struCtures A character might want to smash their way through a door, a window, or certain walls. The hardness values provided on the table below are based on the material the structure is made out of, so a portcullis made of adamantine, for example, would have an appropriately high hardness. If the material can take more than 1 Dent without becoming broken, the table also lists (in parentheses) the number of Dents it can take. A reinforced door, such as a wooden door reinforced with iron bands, can usually take 1 additional Dent before becoming broken. (For more on Dents and the broken condition, see page 175 of the Playtest Rulebook.) Strong walls, such as well-maintained masonry or hewn stone, can’t be broken without dedicated work and proper tools. Getting through such walls requires downtime. Door Iron Stone Wood

Climb Level 6 9 7

High-Difficulty DC 22 26 23

Door Iron Stone Wood

Hardness (Dents) 18 (4) 14 (2) 10

Wall Hewn stone Lath and plaster Masonry Wood slats

Climb Level 5 8 4 5

High-Difficulty DC 21 24 19 21

Wall Crumbling masonry Lath and plaster Wood slat

Hardness (Dents) 14 (6) 12 (3) 10

Portcullis Iron Wood

Climb Level 1 1

High-Difficulty DC 14 14

Portcullis Iron Wood

Hardness (Dents) 18 (2) 10




Crowded thoroughfares and similar areas are difficult terrain, or greater difficult terrain if the area is truly packed. You might allow a character to get a crowd to part using Diplomacy, Intimidation, or Performance. A crowd exposed to an obvious danger, like a fire or a rampaging monster, attempts to move away from the danger as quickly as possible, but is often slowed by its own mass. A fleeing crowd typically moves at the Speed of an average member (usually 25 feet for a crowd mostly made up of humans), potentially trampling or leaving behind slower-moving members of the crowd.

Opening a sewer grate usually requires 2 or more Interact actions. Sewers are generally 10 or more feet lower than street level and often have ladders or other means to ascend or descend. Raised paths along the walls allow sewer workers access, while channels in the center carry the actual waste. Less sophisticated sewers, or sections removed from those the workers usually access, might require wading through disease-ridden waste in order to progress. Since sewer gas often contains pockets of methane and hydrogen sulfide, it can be highly flammable. Any pocket of sewer gas exposed to a source of flame explodes, dealing fire damage (typically 6d6) to creatures in the area.

doors Opening an unlocked door requires an Interact action (or several for a particularly complicated or large door). Locked or stuck doors require Break Open or Pick a Lock.

Floors Wooden floors are relatively easy to walk along, as are flagstone floors made of fitted stones. However, floors of worn flagstone often contain areas of uneven ground. A floor of smooth and polished stone is rare and usually involves expensive techniques or magic.

gates Walled settlements often have gates, which the city can open for defense or travel. A typical gate consists of one portcullis on each end of a gatehouse, with murder holes or protected spots from which guards can attack foes in the open space between.

guards Most settlements of significant size have guards. The size of this force varies from one guard for every 1,000 residents to a force 10 times this number, working in shifts to protect the settlement at all hours, patrolling the streets, and guarding various posts.

portCullises A portcullis is a wooden or iron grate that descends to seal off a gate or corridor. Most are raised on ropes or chains operated by a winch and have locking mechanisms to keep them from being lifted easily. If a portcullis falls on a creature, use a slamming door trap (see page 14).

rooFtops Rooftops make for a memorable battle, chase, or infiltration. Flat roofs are easy to move across, but they’re rare in any settlement that receives significant snowfall, since snow builds up and can collapse the roof. Angled roofs are uneven ground, and the peak of a pitched roof is a narrow surface. Hurdling from roof to roof often requires a Long Jump, though some buildings are close enough to Leap. A High Jump might be necessary to reach a higher roof, or a Leap followed by Grabbing an Edge and Climbing to the top.


stairs Moving up stairs is typically difficult terrain, though shoddy stairs might also be uneven ground. Some temples and giant-built structures have enormous stairs that are greater difficult terrain or even require Climbing each step.

streets Most settlements have narrow and twisting streets from organic growth. These are rarely more than 20 feet wide, with alleys as narrow as 5 feet. The streets are generally paved with cobblestones that, if in poor repair, might be difficult terrain or uneven ground. Particularly lawful or planned cities might have major thoroughfares to allow wagons and merchants to move through town to a marketplace or other important area. These need to be at least 25 feet wide to allow wagons moving in both directions, and they often have small sidewalks to allow pedestrians to avoid wagon traffic.

walls Well-built structures have exterior walls of brick or stone masonry. Smaller, lower-quality, or temporary structures might have entirely wooden walls. Interior walls tend to be less sturdy, made of only wood, plaster, and lath, or even of thick, opaque paper in a wooden frame. An underground structure might have thick walls carved out of solid rock to prevent the weight of the ground above from collapsing the structure.

UNDERGROUND Underground environments consist of caves and natural underground areas. Artificial dungeons and ruins combine underground features with urban features like stairs and walls. Deep underground vaults have some of the same terrain features as mountains, such as chasms and cliffs. The most common disasters are collapses (see page 10).

Floors Natural underground environments rarely have flat floors, instead featuring abrupt changes in elevation that result in difficult terrain, uneven ground, and inclines.



Ledges are narrow surfaces that overlook a lower area or provide the only means to move along the edge of a chasm.

Usually temperature isn’t important enough to worry about beyond describing clothing. Temperatures below freezing (32° F) are mild cold, and temperatures above around 95° F (ranging from 80° in high humidity to 120° in low humidity) are mild heat. They don’t damage characters dressed appropriately, but they reduce the time it takes for characters to become fatigued by exertion to 4 hours for most simple exploration tactics or simple overland travel, or 5 minutes for a fatiguing tactic. Temperatures 12° F and lower are severe cold, which deals 1d4 to 1d8 cold damage per hour unless the character is wearing gear designed for low temperatures. Temperatures above around 105° F (from 90° to 130° based on humidity) are severe heat, dealing 1d4 to 1d8 fire damage, regardless of gear. Temperatures much above 115° F (from 100° to 140° based on humidity) are extreme heat and dangerous without magic. Temperatures –20° F or colder are extreme cold and occur in cold regions; an arctic region at its coldest might be over 100° colder! Gear can reduce the severity of such cold but can’t overcome it entirely. Extreme cold or heat deals 1d12 damage of the appropriate type every 10 minutes. At –80° F or less or 140° F or more, the damage occurs every minute.

rubble Caverns can be covered in rubble, which is difficult terrain. Deep or pervasive rubble is also uneven ground.

stalagmites and stalaCtites Stalagmites are tapering columns that rise from the floor of a cave. Areas filled with stalagmites are greater difficult terrain, and especially large stalagmites have to be sidestepped or Climbed. Stalagmites can be sharp enough they can be used as hazardous terrain in some circ*mstances, as can stalactites (icicle-shaped formations that hang from the roof of a cave) if they’re knocked loose from a ceiling or overhang.

walls Natural cave walls are uneven, with nooks, crannies, and ledges. Since most caves are formed by water, cave walls are often damp, making them even more difficult to climb.

CLIMATE Weather is more than just set dressing to establish mood; it has mechanical effects you can combine with encounters for a memorable experience. Weather can impose circ*mstance penalties on certain checks, from –1 to –4 based on severity.

Fog Fog imposes a circ*mstance penalty on visual Perception checks, depending on the thickness; it causes creatures viewed through significant amounts of fog to be concealed; and it cuts off all visibility at half a mile or less—or much less. Conditions limiting visibility to about a mile are called mist, and those that do so to about 3 miles are called haze.

preCipitation Precipitation includes rain as well as colder snow, sleet, and hail. Most of these impose penalties on visual Perception checks (hail is sparser but loud, instead penalizing auditory Perception checks). Wet precipitation douses flames, and frozen precipitation can create areas of snow or ice on the ground. Precipitation causes discomfort and fatigue. Anything heavier than drizzle or light snowfall reduces the time it takes for characters to become fatigued by exertion to 4 hours for normal exploration tactics or simple overland travel, or 5 minutes for a fatiguing tactic. Heavy precipitation can be dangerous in cold environments when characters go without protection. Soaked characters treat the temperature as one step colder (mild to severe, severe to extreme; see Temperature below). There’s a negligible chance that a character is struck by lightning during a storm. If necessary, use damage from lightning bolt, heightened for a severe thunderstorm.

wind Wind imposes a circ*mstance penalty on auditory Perception checks depending on its strength. It also interferes with physical ranged attacks like arrows, imposing a penalty on attack rolls involving such weapons and potentially making attacks with them impossible in powerful windstorms. Wind snuffs out handheld flames; lanterns protect their flame from the wind, but particularly powerful winds extinguish them. Wind counts as difficult or greater difficult terrain when Flying. Moving in wind of sufficient strength requires a Maneuver in Flight action, and fliers are blown away on a critical failure or if they don’t succeed at at least one such check each round. Even on the ground, particularly strong winds might require an Athletics check to move, knocking creatures back and prone on a critical failure. On such checks, Small creatures typically take a –1 penalty and Tiny creatures typically take a –2 penalty.

NATURAL DISASTERS Bad weather can be a hindrance or long-term threat, but natural disasters represent imminent danger, especially to those exposed to their direct fury. The damage in the following sections uses the categories in Table 1: Environmental Damage on page 5.

aValanChes Though the term avalanche specifically refers to a cascading flow of ice and snow down a mountain’s slope, the same rules work for landslides, mudslides, and other



similar disasters. Avalanches made of particularly powdery snow can travel as fast as 2,000 feet per round, though wet snow avalanches rarely travel faster than 200 feet per round and rockslides and mudslides are slower still. Avalanches are usually no more than a few hundred feet long (though other slides can extend much farther). Avalanches deal major bludgeoning damage to creatures and objects in their path. Victims are also buried under a significant mass. At the GM’s discretion, creatures could also risk suffocation if they have an insufficient air pocket (see page 315 of the Playtest Rulebook). Affected creatures can attempt a Reflex save; if they succeed, the bludgeoning damage is halved, and if they critically succeed, they also avoid being buried. Buried creatures take minor bludgeoning damage each minute, and potentially take cold damage. A buried creature is restrained and usually can’t dig itself out, though allies or bystanders can attempt to do so. Each person digging clears roughly a 5-foot-by-5-foot square every 4 minutes with a successful Athletics check (or every 2 minutes with a critical success). Using shovels or other proper tools halves the time.

blizzards Blizzards combine cold weather, heavy snow, and strong winds. They don’t pose one direct threat as other disasters do; instead, the combination of all three factors makes them an incredible impediment to characters.

Collapses Collapses and cave-ins occur when caverns or buildings fall, dumping tons of rock or other material on those caught below. Creatures under the collapse take major bludgeoning damage and become buried, just as with an avalanche (see above). Fortunately, collapses don’t spread unless they weakened the overall integrity of the area and lead to further collapses.

earthquakes Earthquakes often cause other natural disasters in the form of avalanches, collapses, floods, and tsunamis (all detailed elsewhere in this section), but their unique threats include tremors, fissures, and soil liquefaction. Tremors knock creatures prone, causing them to fall or careen into other objects, which can cause bludgeoning damage appropriate to the severity of the quake. Fissures and other ground ruptures can destabilize structures, but more directly they lead to creatures falling into a fissure and taking falling damage. Finally, liquefaction occurs when granular particles shake to the point where they temporarily lose their solid form and become liquids, which can cause creatures and even buildings to sink into the ground. You can use the earthquake spell for more specific rules, though that represents only a particular kind of localized quake.

Floods Though slower floods can damage structures and drown


creatures, flash floods are similar to avalanches (see above), except with a liquid mass instead of a solid one. Instead of burying creatures, a flash flood carries creatures and even massive objects away, buffeting and potentially drowning them.

sandstorms Mild sandstorms or dust storms don’t present much more danger than a windy rainstorm, but they can cause damage to a creature’s lungs and spread diseases across long distances. Heavy sandstorms deal minor slashing damage each round to those exposed to the sand, force creatures to hold their breath to avoid suffocation, or both.

tornadoes In a tornado’s path, wind conditions impose severe penalties, except creatures that would be blown away are instead picked up in the tornado’s funnel, where they take massive bludgeoning damage from flying debris as they rise through the cone until they are eventually expelled (taking falling damage). Tornadoes usually travel around 300 feet per round (roughly 30 miles per hour) and travel a few miles before dissipating. Some are stationary or travel much faster.

tsunamis Tsunamis present many of the same dangers as flash floods but are much larger and more destructive. Tsunami waves can reach 100 feet or more in height, wrecking buildings and creatures alike with massive bludgeoning damage from both the wave itself and debris created by its path of destruction.

VolCaniC eruptions Volcanic eruptions may contain any combination of ash, steam, lava bombs, lava flows, and pyroclastic flows. Ash from volcanic eruptions is hot enough to cause minor fire damage each minute. It limits visibility like a thick fog (see page 9) and can make air unbreathable, requiring characters to hold their breath or suffocate. Ash clouds generate ash lightning strikes, which use the same rules as lightning bolt. Ash buildup on the ground creates areas of uneven ground or difficult or greater difficult terrain, and ash in the atmosphere can block the sun for weeks or even months, leading to colder temperatures and longer winters. Steam vents shoot from the ground, dealing moderate fire damage in a wide column. Pressure can launch lava into the air that falls as lava bombs: masses of lava that solidify as they fly and shatter on impact, dealing moderate bludgeoning damage and moderate fire damage. Volcanic eruptions can also release acidic and poisonous gases from beneath the surface, creating hazardous terrain that deals minor acid damage or minor poison damage. Lava flows are an iconic volcanic threat; they usually move between 5 and 60 feet per round over normal

ground, so characters can often outrun them. However, flows can move up to 300 feet per round in a steep volcanic tube or channel. Lava emanates heat that deals minor fire damage even before it comes into contact with creatures, and immersion deals massive fire damage each round. Pyroclastic flows—a mix of hot gases and rock debris— spread much faster than lava, sometimes more than 4,000 feet per round. While cooler than the hottest lava, pyroclastic flows deal major fire damage and are capable of overwhelming entire settlements. They work like avalanches (see page 9) but deal half of their damage as fire damage.

wildFires Wildfires travel mainly along a front moving in a single direction. In a forest, the front can advance up to 70 feet per round (7 miles per hour overland). They can move up to twice as fast in plains due to lack of shade and the lower humidity. Depending on conditions and fuel, wildfires can advance sideways or even backward. Embers from the fire, carried by winds and rising hot air, can scatter, forming spot fires as far as 10 miles away from the main wildfire. Wildfires present three main threats. First, they increase the heat to nearly 1,500° F in advance of the front and the fire’s arrival, as hot as some lava. This begins as minor fire damage per round at a reasonable distance from the front and increases to massive fire damage. Second, the smoke and heated air provide concealment like heavy fog and force characters to hold their breath or suffocate. Finally, the flames act as hazardous terrain and can potentially set a character on fire, dealing moderate persistent fire damage. The flames from a small fire are often less dangerous than the advancing heat from the front of a large fire.

HAZARDS Dungeons are rife with ancient traps meant to protect the treasures within. These range from simple mechanical devices that shoot darts or drop heavy blocks to magic runes that explode into bursts of flame. In addition to traps, adventurers occasionally stumble into other types of hazards, including naturally occurring environmental hazards, mysterious hauntings, and more.

deteCting a hazard When characters approach a hazard, they have a chance to find the trigger area or mechanism before they trigger the hazard. Some hazards are impossible to detect unless a character has a minimum proficiency rank in Perception, as indicated in the hazard’s Stealth entry (see Hazard Format on page 12), and such hazards can’t be discovered unless a character is actively searching. When a character actively searches for hazards, roll a secret Perception check against the hazard’s Stealth DC. Actively looking for hazards during combat or another type of encounter requires a Seek action. Magic hazards with no Stealth proficiency requirement or a Stealth proficiency requirement of trained can be detected with detect magic. Determining the properties

of such a magic hazard thoroughly enough to disable it requires a successful skill check to detect the hazard or the use of more powerful magic—detect magic alone is insufficient and, if it works at all, reveals only the presence of the hazard. Magic hazards that require expert or better proficiency are always masked to protect them from detection with detect magic.


triggering a hazard When the PCs come across a hazard in exploration mode while searching their surroundings, determine whether they detect the hazard when they first enter the general area in which it appears. If they succeed, they become aware of the hazard, and you might want to map out or describe the area as they look closer. If they fail to detect the hazard, the circ*mstance that triggers the hazard occurs so long as it’s a standard part of traveling, such as stepping on a floor plate trigger or moving through a magical sensor. Hazards that would trigger only when someone directly manipulates the environment—by opening a door or pulling a chain, for example—should trigger their reactions only if a PC explicitly uses that action. Hazards that appear in encounters require you to pay attention to the specific manner in which they are triggered. If the PCs get to the end of an encounter without triggering a hazard that’s present, they should get full XP for the hazard. However, if they haven’t fully explored the area before or during the fight, they might still trigger the hazard if they sweep the area afterward (this does not result in additional XP awards). When the PCs trigger a complex hazard, the hazard first performs its initial reaction; then have the PCs roll initiative. If the hazard has a routine—a set of preprogrammed actions it performs on its turn—add the hazard’s Stealth modifier to its initiative roll.

disabling a hazard The most versatile method to deactivate traps is the Disable a Device use of the Thievery skill, though most mechanical traps can also be smashed (see Destroying a Hazard on page 12) and magical traps can usually be dispelled (see Dispelling a Magic Hazard on page 12). Environmental hazards are often overcome with Nature or Survival, and haunt hazards are often deactivated with Occultism or Religion. The specific skill and DC required to disable a hazard is listed in the Disable entry of the hazard’s stat block (see Hazard Format on page 12). As with detecting a hazard, disabling a hazard might require a certain proficiency rank in the listed skill, which appears after that skill and DC in the Disable entry. A character must first detect a hazard in order to attempt to deactivate it, since details of the hazard dictate the proper countermeasures. A character can attempt to deactivate a hazard whether or not it’s already been triggered, though some hazards no longer pose a danger once they’ve been triggered.



TABLE 2: HAZARD STATISTICS Level 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

AC 13 15 16 18 19 20 21 23 25 26 27 29 31 33 34 36 38 39 40 42 44 45 47 49

Good Save +4 +5 +7 +8 +10 +12 +13 +14 +15 +16 +18 +20 +22 +24 +25 +26 +28 +29 +30 +32 +34 +36 +38 +40

Bad Save +1 +3 +4 +5 +6 +8 +9 +10 +11 +13 +14 +15 +17 +19 +20 +21 +23 +24 +25 +27 +29 +31 +33 +35

Hardness (Dents)* 3 6 8 11 11 (2) 13 (2) 13 (3) 15 (3) 17 (3) 17 (4) 18 (4) 20 (4) 22 (4) 22 (5) 23 (5) 24 (5) 26 (5) 28 (5) 30 (5) 32 (5) 34 (5) 37 (5) 40 (5) 43 (5)

Attack Bonus† +8 +10 +11 +12 +14 +16 +18 +20 +21 +22 +23 +25 +26 +28 +29 +31 +32 +33 +35 +37 +38 +40 +41 +43

Damage Simple 8 9 13 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 46 49 53 56 60 63 67 70 74 77 81 84

Damage Complex 6 9 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 37 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52

Save DC 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 28 30 31 32 34 35 36 38 40 42 44 46

* The number in parentheses is the number of Dents a hazard can take before becoming broken. † The attack bonus for a complex hazard is typically 2 lower since it makes more than one attack.

A success with the listed skill against the DC in the stat block disables the hazard without triggering it. Any other means of deactivating the hazard, such as counteracting a magic trap, are included in the hazard’s stat block, as are any additional steps required to properly deactivate it. A critical failure on any roll to disable a hazard triggers it, including a critical failure on a spell roll to disable it. Some hazards require multiple checks to deactivate, either for a particularly complicated component or for different portions of a larger hazard. For such hazards, a critical success counts as two successes on a single component.

destroying a hazard Rather than trying to carefully disable a hazard, a character might just smash it. Damaging a mechanical trap or another physical hazard works like damaging objects. An attack that deals at least as much damage as the hazard’s Hardness dents it, and an attack that deals twice as much damage as the Hardness dents it twice (usually breaking it). In most cases, breaking or destroying the hazard also triggers it. Hazards’ AC, TAC, Hardness, Fortitude saves, and Reflex saves are listed in their stat blocks. Hazards are immune to anything an object is immune to unless noted otherwise, and can’t be targeted by anything that doesn’t target objects.


dispelling a magiC hazard Some magic hazards can be dispelled using dispel magic. Such a hazard lists its spell DC in the Disable entry of the stat block, followed by its spell level in parentheses. Dispelling a hazard otherwise works like using a skill check to disable the hazard.

hazard Format Hazard stat blocks are formatted like those of monsters.

Name, Rarity, and Level The first line of a hazard gives the hazard’s name, its rarity, and the level of party it challenges. Common hazards are black, uncommon ones are red, rare ones are orange, and unique ones are blue. If the hazard has a component toxin, curse, or other non-spell feature, that feature’s level is the hazard’s level.

Traits Many hazards fall into a specific category that’s important for how other abilities and skills interact with them, the most notable categories being trap (for hazards specifically constructed to harm intruders), environmental (for natural hazards), and haunt (for spectral phenomena). Traps have a trait to indicate whether they’re magical

or mechanical. Hazards that have initiative and a routine have the complex trait to indicate this.

Stealth DC This is the hazard’s Stealth DC, which it uses to avoid being detected. A complex hazard instead lists its Stealth modifier for rolling initiative, followed by a DC if there’s a chance someone might detect it. If the hazard requires a minimum proficiency rank in Perception to find it, that rank appears in parentheses. Hazards that can be detected using detect magic (see Detecting a Hazard on page 11) indicate that quality in this entry.

TABLE 3: HAZARD EXPERIENCE Level Party level – 4 Party level – 3 Party level – 2 Party level – 1 Party level Party level + 1 Party level + 2 Party level + 3 Party level + 4

Simple Hazard XP 2 3 4 6 8 12 16 24 30

Complex Hazard XP 10 15 20 30 40 60 80 120 150


Reaction Description This entry details the parts of the hazard and how they work together.

Disable The skills and DCs required to deactivate or bypass the hazard are described here. A hazard that requires the disabler to have a minimum proficiency rank in a skill lists that information in parentheses. For magic traps that can be dispelled, this entry includes the spell DC and the minimum level of dispel magic required (listed in parentheses).

AC Attacks against a mechanical trap or other physical hazard target this AC. When designing a mechanical trap, it’s usually appropriate to set the TAC equal to or less than its AC – 4. An attack roll that critically fails triggers the hazard, as does breaking or destroying the hazard.

Most hazards have reactions that occur when they’re triggered. For most hazards, the reaction is the entirety of the hazard’s effect. For complex hazards, the reaction also causes the hazard to roll initiative, either starting a combat encounter or joining one already in progress.

Routine This entry describes what a complex hazard does on its initiative. Unlike creatures, a hazard usually has a rote program it follows. The hazard’s number of actions per turn is noted in parentheses; if partially disabling the hazard reduces the number of actions it can take each round, this is noted in the Routine entry.

Speed If a complex hazard can move during its routine, it has a Speed entry. A hazard without a routine describes any movement it can make in the Reaction entry instead.



A mechanical trap or other physical hazard’s modifiers to Fortitude and Reflex saves are listed here. On rare occasions (usually for haunts), hazards have Will saves.

If a hazard makes attacks, it has the appropriate melee or ranged attack entries.

Reset Hardness A physical hazard’s Hardness indicates how difficult it is to break. If a hazard can take more than 1 Dent without becoming broken, this entry lists in parentheses the total number of Dents it can take before becoming broken. For example, “Hardness 11 (2 Dents)” means the hazard could take damage equal to or exceeding its Hardness twice (either taking damage twice or taking double its Hardness in damage at once) and still function. The next time it took that much damage, it would be broken. If the hazard has multiple components, the part of the trap with the listed Hardness is set in parentheses.

Immunities and Resistances Physical hazards are immune to critical hits and precision damage, and have the immunities common to objects (see page 175 of the Playtest Rulebook). Other immunities a specific hazard has are listed in this entry, followed by any resistances or weaknesses it has.

If a hazard can activate multiple times, the reset entry explains how it is reset and how long it takes to do so.

Upgrades Some hazards presented on the following can be made more powerful, as described in this entry.

designing a hazard When designing your own hazards, use the numbers in Table 2: Hazard Statistics on page 12 for many of the hazard’s statistics. These values are meant to be used as baselines; a particular hazard’s statistics might be drastically different, typically so unusual strengths are balanced by weaknesses. For instance, a hidden pit deals more damage than most hazards of its level, but to compensate, it has lower defenses and is a little easier to find than normal.

Hazard DCs Other than the save DC, which should be drawn from



Table 2, hazards draw their DCs from the table of DCs on page 337 of the Playtest Rulebook. Choose the strongest aspect of the hazard to have an extreme-difficulty DC for its level, or one slightly lower. For example, a trap that should be hard to detect would use this DC for its Stealth. You might also use an extreme-difficulty DC if the characters will have multiple chances to succeed, such as for a hazard that doesn’t require training to detect, therefore granting more players rolls to detect it (and sometimes multiple rolls). No other DC should be extremely difficult; other DCs generally use the high-difficulty DC value, or occasionally the severe-difficulty DC value. If some aspect of a hazard makes it abnormally dangerous for its level, you might use the low-difficulty DC for its level for some aspect of the hazard. For example, you might do so if the hazard deals damage without requiring an attack roll or allowing a saving throw (such as a magic trap that uses magic missile). Similarly, when you’re building a hazard that requires multiple checks to deactivate, you typically use a lower-difficulty DC, such as the low-difficulty DC for its level or the high-difficulty DC of a hazard 2 levels lower. The low-difficulty DC could also be used if disabling it requires a higher proficiency rank than normal. For instance, a level 3 sound-based hazard that can be disarmed only by an expert in Performance could require a DC 14 Performance check, and other means of disabling it that require less proficiency would probably have higher DCs.

AC 10, TAC 7; Fort +1, Ref +1 Hardness 4 (trapdoor); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage Pitfall Trigger A creature walks onto the trapdoor. Effect The triggering creature falls in and takes falling damage (typically 10 bludgeoning damage). That creature can use the Grab Edge reaction to avoid falling. Reset The trap still causes falling damage if anyone falls in, but the trapdoor must be reset manually for the trap to become hidden again.

Proficiency Requirements


When setting proficiency requirements, the trained restriction starts to appear as early as level 1, expert at level 4 or 5, master at level 8 or 9, and legendary at level 16 or 17. Hazards that don’t require special measures to detect don’t have a proficiency requirement, but they usually use extreme-difficulty Stealth DCs since each character gains a secret Perception check to detect them.

Stealth DC 16 (trained) Description Pressure-sensitive panels in the floor connect to a stone slab hidden in a hallway’s ceiling. Disable Thievery DC 15 (trained) on the floor panels before the slab falls AC 15, TAC 10; Fort +5, Ref +1 Hardness 5; Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage Slam Shut Trigger Pressure is placed on any floor tile. Effect The door falls, closing off the hallway. The stone slab deals 4d8 bludgeoning damage to anyone beneath or adjacent to the stone slab when it drops and pushes them out in a random direction. A creature that succeeds at a DC 15 Reflex save takes no damage and rolls out of the way in a random direction. On a critical success, they can choose the direction. Lifting the fallen slab requires a successful DC 26 Athletics check. Destroying the floor panels triggers the trap. The slab itself uses the same AC and saves as the trap, but it has Hardness 12 and can take 4 Dents before breaking.

hazard experienCe Characters gain Experience Points for overcoming a hazard, whether they disable it, avoid it, or simply endure its attacks. The XP for a complex hazard is equal to the XP for a monster of the same level. The XP for a simple hazard is equal to one-fifth of that. These numbers appear in Table 3: Hazard Experience on page 13. Hazards of a lower level than those shown on the table are trivial and award no XP.

simple hazards The following are example hazards of various levels.

HIDDEN PIT Mechanical Trap




Stealth DC 15 (trained) Description A spring-loaded poisoned spine is hidden near the keyhole of a lock. Disable Thievery DC 18 (trained) on the spring mechanism AC 15, TAC 12; Fort +4, Ref +3 Hardness 6; Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage Spring (attack) Trigger A creature attempts to unlock or Pick the Lock. Effect A spine springs out and attacks the triggering creature. Melee spine +10, Damage 1 piercing plus cladis poison Cladis Poison (poison) Fortitude DC 15; Maximum Duration 4 hours; Stage 1 1d6 poison damage and drained 1 (1 hour); Stage 2 2d6 poison damage and drained 2 (1 hour); Stage 3 3d6 poison damage and drained 2 (1 hour)

Mechanical Trap



Mechanical Trap

Stealth DC 16

Description A trapdoor covers a 10-foot-square pit that is 20 feet deep. Disable Thievery DC 12 to remove the trapdoor, making the trap no longer hidden (Perception DC 0 to notice)






Stealth DC 19 (trained) Description A wall socket loaded with a spear connects to a floor tile in one 5-foot square.

Mechanical Trap

Disable Thievery DC 15 (trained) on the floor tile or wall socket AC 16, TAC 11; Fort +7, Ref +4 Hardness 8; Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage Spear (attack) Trigger Pressure is applied to the floor tile. Effect The trap makes an attack against the creature or object on that tile. Ranged spear +11, Damage 2d6+6 piercing




Stealth DC 19 (trained) or detect magic Description An invisible rune imprinted on a door latch releases a powerful electric discharge. Disable Thievery DC 19 (expert) to scratch out the rune without allowing electricity to flow, or spell DC 17 (2nd level) to dispel the rune Electrocution (arcane, electricity, evocation) Trigger A creature grasps the door latch directly or with a tool. Effect The trap deals 3d12 electricity damage to the triggering creature (Reflex DC 16 half, or no damage on a critical success).

Magical Trap




Stealth DC 23 (trained) Description Two blades, each hidden in a 15-footlong ceiling groove, are both connected to a trip wire. Disable Thievery DC 19 (trained) to disable each groove AC 19, TAC 15; Fort +10, Ref +6 Hardness 11 (2 Dents); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage Falling Scythes (attack) Trigger The trip wire is pulled or severed. Effect Both blades swing down, attacking all creatures under the ceiling grooves. Melee scythe +14 (deadly, trip), Damage 3d12 slashing plus an extra 1d12 slashing on a critical hit; no multiple attack penalty Reset The trap resets after 15 minutes.

Mechanical Trap




Stealth DC 25 (expert) Description An invisible rune creates an invisible, spherical magical sensor with a 20-foot radius. Disable Thievery DC 22 (expert) to erase the rune without triggering the sensor, or spell DC 21 (3rd level) to dispel the rune Fireball (arcane, evocation, fire) Trigger A living creature enters the sensor area. Effect The rune shoots a fireball that explodes, centered on the triggering creature’s square. This has the effects of a 3rd-level fireball spell with a save DC of 19.

Magical Trap




Stealth DC 23 (expert) Description A tube of hallucinogenic powder armed with a miniature explosive has been connected to a doorknob or similar latch.

Mechanical Trap

Disable Thievery DC 26 (expert) to disable the hammer that strikes the percussion cap AC 21, TAC 20; Fort +0, Ref +0 Hardness 1; Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage Powder Burst (mental, poison) Trigger The latch is opened or the tube is broken. Effect The tube explodes, spraying hallucinogenic powder in a 30-foot cone. Any creature in the cone must succeed at a DC 22 Will save or be confused for 1 round and take a –3 conditional penalty on Perception checks and saves against mental effects for 1d4 hours. On a critical failure, the penalty is instead –4.




Stealth DC 24 (expert) Description A magical curse is imbued in a lintel above an entryway. Disable Thievery DC 23 (master) to painstakingly remove the lintel without triggering the magic, or spell DC 22 (4th level) to dispel the rune Curse the Intruders (curse, divine, necromancy) Trigger The seal on the tomb is broken from the outside. Effect Each living creature within 60 feet must succeed at a DC 21 Will save or be subjected to the pharaoh’s curse. A cursed creature takes a –2 conditional penalty to Fortitude saves, and any natural or magical healing it receives is halved. The curse remains until removed by remove curse or similar magic. Reset The trap resets when the door is shut.

Magical Trap




Stealth DC 29 (trained) Description Poisonous mold assaults nearby creatures with spores. Disable Survival DC 24 (expert) to remove the mold without triggering the spores AC 22, TAC 17; Fort +15, Ref +11 Hardness 11; Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage Spore Explosion Trigger A creature moves into the mold’s space or damages the mold. The mold doesn’t use this reaction if it’s in direct sunlight or if it takes fire damage. Effect The triggering creature and all creatures within 10 feet are automatically exposed to yellow mold spores. Yellow Mold Spores (poison) Fortitude DC 22; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d8 poison damage and drained 1 (1 round); Stage 2 2d8 poison damage and drained 2 (1 round); Stage 3 3d8 poison damage and drained 3 (1 round)





Stealth DC 30 or detect magic Description A trapdoor covers an infinitely deep 10-foot-square pit. Disable Thievery DC 23 (trained) to remove the trapdoor, making the trap no longer hidden (Perception DC 0 to notice) AC 26, TAC 22; Fort +13, Ref +13

Magical Mechanical Trap



Hardness 17 (4 Dents) for the trapdoor; Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage Infinite Pitfall Trigger A creature walks onto the trapdoor. Effect The triggering creature falls in and continues to fall, potentially forever. That creature can try to Grab an Edge to avoid falling (see page 144 of the Playtest Rulebook) and can subsequently attempt to Climb out if it succeeds. The DC to Climb the walls or Grab an Edge is 24. The pit contains many handholds, so the falling creature can try to Grab an Edge again every 6 seconds, and if successful, can start to Climb out from that point (though it might be a very long climb, depending on how far the creature fell). Since the creature falls endlessly, it can rest and even prepare spells while falling, though dropped items fall at a different speed and are generally lost forever. Reset The trap still causes creatures to fall forever if they fall in, but the trapdoor must be reset manually for the trap to become hidden again.



Stealth DC 29 (trained) Description An object imbued with echoes of a vicious mind tries to kill someone who comes near. Disable Religion DC 27 (master) to exorcise the spirit or Diplomacy DC 29 (expert) to talk it down Quietus (emotion, fear, illusion, mental, occult) Trigger A creature moves within 10 feet of the haunted object. Effect The haunt takes control of the triggering creature, forcing it to attack itself. The creature is affected by phantasmal killer (DC 25), except that instead of mental damage, the damage type is based on a weapon the creature has drawn, an object it holds, or its unarmed attack damage if it’s holding nothing.





Stealth DC 30 (expert) Magical Description An enormous hammer at an edifice’s Mechanical Trap entrance swings down to damage creatures, push them back, and prevent them from entering the area. Disable Thievery DC 27 (expert) twice on the hammer itself and once on its joint to prevent the hammer from swinging AC 29, TAC 23; Fort +20, Ref +15 Hardness 22 (4 Dents) for the hammer, 16 (2 Dents) for the joint; Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage Forbid Entry (abjuration, attack, divine) Trigger A creature attempts to enter the edifice through the entrance. Effect The hammer swings down, slamming into the creature and knocking it back. On a hit, the target is knocked back 10 feet and must succeed at a Will save (DC 30) or be unable to enter the edifice through any entrance for 24 hours. On a critical hit, the target automatically fails its Will save. Melee hammer +25, Damage 6d8+15; no multiple attack penalty Reset The trap resets over the course of the round, ready to swing again 1 round later.





Stealth DC 32 (trained) or detect magic Description A Druidic glyph transforms a trespasser into an animal. Disable Thievery DC 30 (master) to drain out the glyph’s power harmlessly, or spell DC 27 (6th level) to dispel the glyph before it triggers Baleful Polymorph (primal, transmutation) Trigger A creature moves within 30 feet of the glyph without speaking the pass phrase in Druidic. Effect The creature is affected by baleful polymorph (DC 28).

Magical Trap




Stealth DC 35 (trained) or detect magic Description A rift sucks creatures into another plane (the GM chooses the specific plane). Disable Thievery DC 33 (master) to assemble a rift seal using objects strongly grounded to your plane, or spell DC 30 (7th level) to dispel the rift before it triggers Into the Great Beyond (conjuration, occult, teleportation) Trigger A creature moves within 10 feet of the rift. Effect The triggering creature and all creatures within 30 feet of the rift are sucked into another plane (Reflex DC 30 negates).

Magical Trap




Stealth DC 37 (master) Description A 30-foot-radius dome made of a noqual alloy falls, trapping spellcasters without their magic. Disable Thievery DC 35 (master) to carefully jam the dome in place before it falls without bringing any magic into the area AC 36, TAC 32; Fort +26, Ref +21 Hardness 26 (5 Dents); Immunities critical hits, magic, object immunities, precision damage Antimagic Imprisonment (abjuration, arcane) Trigger A creature walks underneath the dome or any magic enters the area underneath the dome. Effect The dome drops, trapping creatures inside while negating and preventing spells, magic items, and magical effects from originating inside the dome. This also prevents magic outside the dome from affecting the area inside or the dome itself. Creatures on the outside who attack the dome don’t apply their magic weapons’ item bonuses to attack rolls or extra damage, and creatures using Athletics to lift the dome don’t get conditional bonuses or item bonuses from magic items. A creature that succeeds at a DC 34 Reflex save when the dome falls rolls out of the way in a random direction. On a critical success, they can choose the direction. Lifting the dome requires a successful DC 40 Athletics check. Destroying the mechanism triggers the trap. The dome itself uses the same AC and saves as the trap, but it is incredibly difficult for most captives to Dent due to their inability to gain bonuses from magic weapons. Reset The trap can be reset manually from the outside, lifting the dome back to its original position.

Magical Mechanical Trap




Stealth DC 40 (master) Description Warding magic traps intruders in a disrupted time flow. Disable Thievery DC 38 (legendary) to rapidly disassemble the spell’s myriad components in a single blink of an eye, or spell DC 35 (9th level) to dispel the trap before it triggers or dispel the effect on one victim Adrift in Time (occult, transmutation) Trigger A creature touches the warded object or area. Effect The triggering creature and all creatures within 30 feet are trapped in a disrupted time flow (Fortitude DC 35 negates). The creatures’ minds move so quickly that each round seems to last a century, but their bodies and magical energies move so slowly that they can’t act except to Recall Knowledge. An affected creature must attempt a DC 33 saving throw against a warp mind spell immediately and again for every minute of normal time flow that passes while it is trapped in the frozen moment.

Magical Trap




Stealth DC 44 (expert) Description A wickedly sharp saw blade descends and travels along grooves in a complex path throughout the room, decapitating everyone within. Disable Thievery DC 39 (expert) at four different junctions to jam all the saw blade’s possible paths, preventing it from traveling through the room. AC 42, TAC 36; Fort +29, Ref +30 Hardness 32 (2 Dents) at each of the four junctions; Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage Total Decapitation (attack) Trigger A creature attempts to exit the room. Effect The saw blade travels along its path, attacking all creatures in the room, twisting and varying its height for a maximum chance of beheading its targets. Melee saw blade +37 (deadly 1d12), Damage 6d12+25 slashing plus decapitation; no multiple attack penalty Decapitation On a critical hit, a target must succeed at a DC 38 Fortitude save or be decapitated, dying instantly unless they can survive without a head. Reset The trap resets over the course of the round, and is ready to strike again 1 round later.

Mechanical Trap




Stealth DC 47 (legendary) Description Powerful warding magic tied to a particular object or location regresses a creature’s age. Disable Thievery DC 47 (legendary) to take apart the spell one tiny piece at a time with eyes closed while recalling every vivid life memory in order, starting from the earliest memory In the Beginning (divine, transmutation) Trigger A creature tries to steal the object or intrude upon the location; if someone uses a proxy or dupe for the theft or intrusion, the trap unerringly targets the true perpetrator or perpetrators at any distance and across planes.

Magical Trap

Effect The triggering creature and up to five coconspirators instantly revert to infants, losing all memories, class abilities, and other skills acquired during their lives (Fortitude DC 42 negates). Reversing this effect is nearly impossible, requiring powerful magic such as miracle or wish.



Stealth DC 10 or detect magic Description A roiling red orb, forged from a drop of Rovagug’s blood, rains fire from the sky when a specified condition is met. Disable Thievery DC 51 (legendary) to imbue thieves’ tools with aspects representing Asmodeus and Sarenrae and use them to drain away the orb’s power over 10 minutes, taking 5 fire damage each round during that time Burn It All (divine, evocation, fire) Trigger A special condition set by the trap’s creator, typically on the event of her death. Effect Fire rains from the sky in a 100-mile radius, dealing 10d6 fire damage to creatures and objects in the area (Reflex DC 46 for half damage, or no damage on a critical success). Any creature reduced to 0 Hit Points in this way dies instantly. This is not enough damage to completely burn away a forest or level a mountain or city, but it typically kills most creatures in the area.

Magical Trap

Complex hazards Complex hazards are involved enough to be their own encounters, or to take the place of monsters in multiplemonster encounters. They roll initiative and have actions of their own, though these are usually automated through specific routines. Here are a number of complex hazards of various levels.




Stealth +5 (trained) or detect magic Description An invisible cloud of magical sensors in a 10-foot radius surrounds an invisible wall or floor rune the size of the creature to be summoned. Disable Acrobatics DC 15 to approach without triggering the trap followed by Thievery DC 15 (trained) to carefully erase the rune, or spell DC 15 (1st level) to dispel the rune Summon Monster (arcane, conjuration, summon) Trigger A creature enters the cloud of magical sensors. Effect This trap summons a specific type of level 1 creature. The creature uses the trap’s initiative and remains for 2d6 rounds, after which the spell ends and the creature disappears. The creature also disappears if someone disables the trap before the duration expires. The summoned creature can use 3 actions each round and can use reactions, unlike most summoned creatures. Reset The trap resets each day at dawn. Upgrades Stronger summoning traps can summon creatures of a level equal to the trap’s level. Higher-level summoning traps have a spell DC equal to the save DC of a trap of the same level (see Table 2 on page 12), and their Stealth modifiers and other

Complex Magical Trap



disable DCs are equal to a severe-difficulty skill DC of that level. Stronger summoning traps usually require an expert or higher proficiency rank in Perception to find and might require a higher proficiency rank in Thievery to disable.




Stealth +8 (trained) or DC 21 (expert) to notice the water spouts once the pit opens Description A trapdoor covers a 10-foot-square pit that’s 30 feet deep and has 5 feet of water at the bottom. Four water spouts in the walls connect to hidden water tanks. Disable Thievery DC 16 (trained) to seal each water spout, Thievery DC 21 (untrained) to open the trapdoor, or Athletics DC 21 (untrained) to force open the trapdoor AC 18, TAC 14; Fort +8, Ref +5 Hardness 15 for the trapdoor, 8 for each spout; Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage Pitfall Trigger A creature walks onto the trapdoor. Effect The triggering creature falls in and takes damage from the fall, reduced by 5 feet for falling into the water (typically 12 bludgeoning damage). A creature can use the Grab an Edge reaction to avoid falling (see page 144 of the Playtest Rulebook). The trapdoor then slams shut. Routine (4 actions) The trap loses 1 action each turn for each disabled water spout. On each of the trap’s actions, a spout pours water, increasing the depth of the water by 5 feet. Once the pit is full of water, the pit stops taking actions, but creatures in the pit begin drowning (see page 315 of the Playtest Rulebook). Reset The trap can be reset if the door is manually reengaged and the water tanks refilled; it can be reset without draining the pit, but doing so renders it less effective.

Complex Mechanical




Stealth +11 (trained) Description A patch of water and sand 15 feet across submerges creatures who step onto it. Disable Survival DC 17 (trained) to disturb the surface and make the trap no longer hidden (Perception DC 0) Submerge Trigger A Huge or smaller creature walks onto the quicksand. Effect The triggering creature is pulled down into the quicksand up to its waist. The quicksand rolls initiative if it hasn’t already. Routine (1 action) On its initiative, the quicksand pulls down each creature within it. A creature that was submerged up to its waist becomes submerged up to its neck, and a creature that was submerged up to its neck is pulled under and has to hold its breath to avoid suffocation. On its turn, a creature in the quicksand can attempt a DC 18 Athletics check to Swim to raise itself by one step, or to move 5 feet if it’s submerged only up to its waist. On a critical failure, the creature is pulled down one step. A creature that swims out of the quicksand patch escapes the hazard and is prone in a space adjacent to the quicksand.

Complex Environmental


Reset The hazard still submerges anyone who walks in, but the surface doesn’t become hidden again until it settles over the course of 24 hours.




Stealth +10 (trained) or DC 24 (expert) to notice the Complex control panel Mechanical Trap Description A metal pole with three razor-sharp spinning blades is hidden in the floor, connected to trigger plates in up to eight floor tiles and a hidden control panel within 30 feet. Disable Thievery DC 18 (trained) twice on the pillar, or Thievery DC 16 (expert) once on the control panel deactivates the whole trap AC 19, TAC 15; Fort +6, Ref +10 Hardness 11 (2 Dents) on the pillar, denting the panel causes the trap to stay constantly active and prevents disabling the panel; Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage Rising Pillar (attack) Trigger A creature steps on one of the trapped floor tiles. Effect The trap pops up in a grid intersection and makes a spinning blade attack against one adjacent creature (if any), then rolls initiative. Routine (3 actions) On its initiative, the trap spends its first action making a spinning blade attack against each adjacent creature, its second action moving straight in a random direction (roll 1d4 to determine the direction), and its third action attacking each adjacent creature. This trap doesn’t take a multiple attack penalty. Speed 10 ft. Melee spinning blade +12, Damage 2d10+5 slashing Reset The trap deactivates and resets after 1 minute.




Stealth +12 (expert) Description A mechanized iron maiden on clockwork wheels and fitted with vibration-sensing mechanisms is hidden behind a false wall. Disable Thievery DC 21 (expert) to jam the false wall closed or to unlock the iron maiden once a creature is within, or Thievery DC 25 (expert) to disable the trap’s wheels or vibration sensors AC 20, TAC 16; Fort +12, Ref +10 Hardness 13 (3 Dents); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage Maiden’s Arrival (attack) Trigger A creature moves into a square within a straight line of the false wall. A creature that wouldn’t be detected by tremorsense can’t be detected by the iron maiden. Effect The false wall opens and the iron maiden rushes forward, targeting the first Medium or smaller creature in its path. Unless the creature succeeds at a DC 19 Reflex save, it’s restrained in the iron maiden, which immediately locks. The trap then rolls initiative. Routine (3 actions) On its initiative, if the iron maiden has a creature inside, it spends 1 action to make a stab attack against the trapped creature, 1 action to rotate until there’s no obstacle directly in front of it, and 1 action to move as far as it can in a straight line.

Complex Mechanical Trap

If there’s no creature inside, it instead spends 1 action to rotate to face the nearest creature it can detect (if necessary) and spends 1 action to move directly toward the nearest creature (if necessary). It then spends its remaining actions attempting to capture an adjacent creature (Reflex DC 19 avoids). The iron maiden doesn’t stop acting until it’s broken or its wheels are disabled. Speed 30 ft. Melee stab +16, Damage 2d8+5 plus 1d6 persistent bleed Reset When the iron maiden’s sensors detect no vibrations within 60 feet for 1 minute, it returns to its hiding place and resets over the course of 30 minutes. This includes replacing the false wall and dumping out any remains.




Stealth +13 (expert) Complex Description An ornate wheel set into a wall, Magical Mechanical divided into six segments with colored runes on Trap each, is controlled by a magical sensor that detects any creature within 100 feet in front of it. Disable Thievery DC 26 (expert) on the wheel to stop it from spinning, Thievery DC 19 (master) to erase each rune, or spell DC 20 (4th level) to dispel each rune AC 21, TAC 17; Fort +12, Ref +11 Hardness 13 (3 Dents); Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage Wheel Spin Trigger A creature enters the sensor’s detection area. Effect The wheel begins to spin and rolls initiative. Routine (2 actions) On its initiative, the trap spends its first action spinning. Roll 1d6 to determine which segment is topmost when it stops spinning. It spends its second action replicating the spell listed for that segment (3rd level, DC 20, attack bonus +16), targeting, centered on, or otherwise including the nearest creature in the area. This increases the spell’s range to 100 feet if necessary. Any spell cast by this trap is arcane. 1: sleep 2: paralyze 3: lightning bolt (100-foot line) 4: blindness 5: acid arrow 6: ray of enfeeblement Reset The trap deactivates and resets if 1 minute passes without any creatures in range of its sensor.




Stealth +16 (expert) or DC 29 (master) to notice the Complex control panel Mechanical Trap Description Countless holes to launch poison darts line a long hallway with a hidden control panel on the far end. Disable Thievery DC 21 (expert) on the control panel deactivates it. AC 25, TAC 22; Fort +11, Ref +15 Hardness 17 (2 Dents) to destroy the control panel and disable the trap; Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage

Dart Volley (attack) Trigger A creature enters the hallway. Effect The trap attacks the triggering creature and then rolls initiative. Routine (1 action) The trap launches one dart against every creature in the gallery as 1 action. Because it launches darts continuously, the trap also has a free action to launch a dart at each creature during that creature’s turns. Ranged poisoned dart +18, Damage 3d4 piercing plus flesset poison; no multiple attack penalty Continuous Barrage Trigger A creature within the active gallery finishes an action. Effect The trap makes a poisoned dart Strike against the triggering creature. Flesset Poison (poison) Fortitude DC 20; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d6 poison damage and sluggish 1 (1 round); Stage 2 2d6 poison damage and sluggish 2 (1 round); Stage 3 3d6 poison damage and sluggish 3 (1 round) Reset The trap deactivates and resets after 1 minute.



Stealth +18 (trained) Description Four gated channels carved into the stone allow lava to flow into the 20-foot-tall room; the floor can withdraw to allow the hardened lava to fall into a dump beneath. Disable Thievery DC 27 (expert) twice to block a channel, or Thievery DC 30 (master) to force the floor open and escape to the dump AC 27, TAC 22; Fort +18, Ref +14 Hardness 18 to destroy a channel gate, causing it to release lava at all times (this prevents that channel from being disabled and stops the trap from resetting), or 18 (4 Dents) to destroy the floor; Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage Flume Activation Trigger A creature attempts to leave the room. Effect The exits seal off instantly and the trap rolls initiative. Routine (4 actions) The trap loses 1 action per disabled channel each turn. On each of its actions, a different channel spews lava, dealing 4d6 fire damage to each creature within 10 feet of the channel (Reflex DC 25 half) and increasing the depth of the lava in the room by 5 feet. A creature that starts its turn in lava takes 8d6 fire damage and is immobile until it succeeds at a DC 25 Athletics check as an Interact action to break free of the hardening lava. Creatures less than 5 feet tall also risk suffocation. Lava from the previous round hardens fully at the start of the trap’s turn, effectively raising the floor of the room by 5 feet. Once the room is full of lava, the trap stops taking actions, but creatures in the room remain stuck until the floor opens and the trap resets. Reset The trap deactivates and resets after 1 hour by withdrawing the floor, cracking and dumping the hardened lava (and any creatures still trapped inside) into the dump area.

Complex Mechanical Trap






Stealth +22 (expert) Description Three nondescript decorations instilled with telekinetic magic pull objects and pieces of the room itself into spinning clouds of objects that attack all creatures within the room. Disable Thievery DC 27 (expert) to take apart each telekinetic cloud, Thievery DC 30 (master) to disable each telekinetic decoration, or spell DC 28 (6th level) to dispel each telekinetic decoration AC 31, TAC 28; Fort +22, Ref +17 Hardness 22 to destroy one telekinetic cloud Agitate (arcane, evocation) Trigger A creature stays in the room for at least 6 seconds. Effect Each telekinetic decoration constructs a cloud of objects in the room (three clouds total) and rolls initiative. The creatures in the room become the trap’s targets, regardless of whether they leave the room or other creatures later enter the room. A target creature that moves at least 1 mile from the trap ceases being a target. Routine (9 actions) Each decoration uses three of the trap’s actions each turn, and the trap loses 3 actions each turn for every decoration that is disabled. A decoration spends its first action to move its cloud of objects up to 200 feet, its second action to have that cloud attack, and then its third action to add more objects to the cloud, increasing its damage by 2d6 (to a maximum of 10d6). If a decoration’s cloud has been destroyed, the decoration instead spends its first action to create a new cloud of objects inside the room (using the starting damage value) and then its second and third actions to have the cloud move and attack. Melee cloud slam +21, Damage 6d6 bludgeoning Reset The trap deactivates and resets 10 minutes after it has no target creatures (because they moved too far away or died).

Complex Magical Mechanical Trap



Stealth +26 (master) to notice it isn’t a regular Complex mirror Magical Mechanical Description A magic mirror replaces characters Trap with evil mirror duplicates from another dimension. Disable Thievery DC 36 (legendary) to retrieve a creature from the other dimension within 10 minutes of the switch (possible only if the corresponding mirror duplicate is dead), Thievery DC 39 (master) to permanently disable the mirror once all mirror duplicates are dead, or spell DC 31 (7th level) to dispel the mirror for 1 minute and prevent additional replacements during that time AC 32, TAC 30; Fort +25, Ref +20 Hardness 1, but can’t be harmed while any mirror duplicate is alive Reflection of Evil (arcane, conjuration, teleportation) Trigger A non-evil creature is reflected in the mirror. Effect The mirror absorbs the creature into the mirror, replaces it with an evil mirror duplicate (Reflex DC 31 to avoid being absorbed into the mirror), and rolls initiative. Routine (1 action) The mirror absorbs another reflected creature into the mirror and replaces it with a mirror duplicate. Mirror duplicates attack on their own initiative, using the same


statistics as the original creature, but with an evil alignment (changing only abilities that shift with the alignment change). A mirror duplicate can spend 10 minutes in contact with the mirror to return to its original dimension and release the creature it duplicated, but most mirror duplicates prefer not to. Reset The mirror is always ready to absorb creatures into the other dimension. Ten minutes after a creature is sucked into the mirror, if an ally doesn’t rescue it with Thievery, it reaches the other dimension, where it might be captured or killed. In the mirror dimension, it counts as a mirror duplicate, so the denizens of the other dimension can’t destroy the mirror on their side while the absorbed creature is there. These dimensions are alternate realities, not planes, so even rituals like plane shift can’t reach them.




Stealth +31 (legendary) Description A magically contagious wail of the banshee spell is trapped in the larynx of an invisible mummified elf. Disable Thievery DC 39 (master) to pierce the invisible larynx so precisely that the magic releases in a trickle before the trap activates, Thievery DC 44 (legendary) three times to deconstruct the larynx while the trap is active in such a way that it tears apart the spell, or spell DC 36 (9th level) to dispel the wail of the banshee before the trap activates Scream Trigger At least three living creatures spend at least 6 seconds within 100 feet of the trap together. Effect The trap releases an arcane wail of the banshee (DC 36) with a 100-foot-radius area instead of 40 feet (counting all living creatures as enemies) and rolls initiative. Routine (1 action) On the trap’s initiative, it uses its action to force one random creature that failed its save against wail of the banshee last turn to emit a 100-foot-radius wail of the banshee. The creature wails even if it is dead or unable to speak, no matter how far away from the trap it is. Unlike normal, the drain from these multiple wail of the banshee effects increases the targets’ drained values. A creature that critically succeeds at its save can still be affected by the trap on future rounds but can’t be forced to wail again. Reset The trap ends when the trap is unable to make a creature scream (usually because no creature failed its save on the previous turn or because all creatures have critically succeeded in the past). It then resets over 24 hours, as a new scream builds up in the mummified larynx.

Complex Magical Trap

BUILDING ENCOUNTERS Creatures appear in your game during encounters, typically combat encounters. These guidelines will help you build encounters that pose appropriate challenges to your group. To build an encounter, first decide how the encounter fits in the adventure as a whole. Assign a rough difficulty to the encounter using one of five possible degrees below. Trivial encounters are so easy that the characters have essentially no chance of losing; they shouldn’t even need to spend significant resources unless they are particularly wasteful. These encounters work best as warm-ups, palate cleansers, or reminders of how awesome the characters are. Low-threat encounters present a veneer of difficulty and typically use some of the party’s resources; in a low-threat encounter with characters who are particularly frugal, a character might even be reduced to 0 Hit Points, but it would be a fluke or the result of very poor tactics for the entire party to be seriously threatened. High-threat encounters are a true threat to the characters, though unlikely to overpower them completely. Characters usually need to use sound tactics and manage their resources wisely to come out of a highthreat encounter ready to continue on to face a harder challenge without resting. Severe-threat encounters are the hardest encounters most groups of characters can consistently defeat, and as such they are most appropriate for major encounters, such as with a final boss. Bad luck, tactics, or a lack of resources due to prior encounters can easily turn a severethreat encounter against the characters, and a wise group keeps the option to disengage open. Extreme-threat encounters are so dangerous that they are likely to be an even match for the characters, particularly if the characters are low on resources due to prior encounters. This makes them too challenging for most uses. An extreme-threat encounter might be appropriate for a fully rested group of characters that can go all out, for an endof-campaign encounter, or for a group of veteran players with powerful character teamwork.

BUILDING AN ENCOUNTER Once you’ve selected an encounter difficulty, it’s time to build your encounter. You have an XP budget based on the difficulty you chose (see Table 5), and each creature costs some of that budget. Many encounters won’t match the XP budget exactly, but they should come fairly close. The XP budget assumes you have four characters in the adventuring group. If your group is larger or smaller, use the guidelines presented in Different Party Sizes below. When the group overcomes an encounter, as long as the encounter was not a trivial encounter, each character gains XP equal to the total XP of the creatures in the encounter. Trivial encounters don’t normally grant any XP, but you

TABLE 4: CREATURE XP AND ROLE Creature’s Level Party’s level – 4 Party’s level – 3 Party’s level – 2 Party’s level – 1 Party level Party’s level + 1 Party’s level + 2 Party’s level + 3 Party’s level + 4

XP 10 15 20 30 40 60 80 120 160

Suggested Role Low-threat minion Low- or high-threat minion Any minion or standard Any standard Any standard or low-threat boss Low- or high-threat boss High- or severe-threat boss Severe- or extreme-threat boss Extreme-threat solo boss

TABLE 5: ENCOUNTER BUDGET Difficulty Trivial Low High Severe Extreme

XP Budget 40 or less 60 80 120 160

Character Adjustment 10 or less 15 20 30 40

might decide to award the same XP as a minor or moderate accomplishment (Pathfinder Playtest Rulebook 339) for a trivial encounter that was important to the story.

Choosing Creatures In all but the most unusual circ*mstances, you’ll select creatures for your encounter that range only from 4 levels lower than the PCs to 4 levels higher. Each creature has a role to play in your encounter, based on its level, from lowly minions to a boss so mighty that it poses an extreme threat to your player group even though it fights alone. A creature costs some of the XP from your XP budget for the encounter, based on its level compared to the level of the party (see Table 4). For instance, if the party is 5th level, a 2nd-level creature is a “party level – 3” creature. Level 0 creatures are weaker than normal, counting as a “party level – 2” creature for a 1st-level party, a “party level – 3” creature for a 2nd-level party, and a “party level – 4” creature for a 3rd-level party.

diFFerent party sizes For each character in the party beyond the fourth, include additional creatures worth an amount of XP equal to the Character Adjustment value for your encounter on Table 5. Don’t adjust the actual XP the characters each gain for defeating the encounter. If you have fewer than four characters, use the same process in reverse: for each missing character, remove creatures worth an amount of XP equal to the Character Adjustment on Table 5 from the encounter, but keep the XP that the characters each earn the same. It’s best to use the XP increase from more characters to add more enemies and the XP decrease from fewer characters to subtract enemies, rather than making one enemy tougher or weaker. Encounters are typically more satisfying if the number of creatures is fairly close to the number of player characters.




Each creature’s rules appear in a stat block, with a structure similar to those of feats, spells, and magic items. Because creatures have more abilities, their statistics include more entries, many of which have special formats. In addition to the traits in the Pathfinder Playtest Rulebook, other traits appear in Creature and Hazard Traits on page 123. A creature’s size (Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Huge, or Gargantuan) is one of its traits, and traits for the creature’s alignment also appear here. Actions, reactions, free actions, and activities the creature can use have the appropriate icons next to the names of those abilities. A creature always has any proficiencies or other abilities needed to use what’s listed in its stat block. For instance, a creature can use any spellcasting actions required to perform the Cast a Spell activity, and it is never untrained with any of its listed items. Some abilities are described in full in the Ability Glossary on page 121 and abbreviated in each stat block. Rarity is indicated on the line with the creature’s name. Common creatures are marked with black, uncommon ones are marked with red, rare ones are marked with orange, and unique ones are marked with blue.

Constant Auras The creature’s constant auras appear here. Defensive or Reactionary Abilities Any abilities that automatically affect the creature’s defenses, as well as free actions or reactions that usually trigger when it’s not the creature’s turn, appear here in alphabetical order. Speed, followed by special Speeds or movement abilities. Melee The name of the weapon or unarmed attack the creature uses for a melee Strike, followed by the attack bonus, and traits in parentheses, Damage amount, then damage type, plus any special effects (this entry is “Effect” if the Strike doesn’t deal damage). Ranged As Melee, but also lists range increment or range with traits, Damage as Melee. Spells The entry starts with the magical tradition and whether the spells are prepared or spontaneous, followed by the DC and attack bonus (if any spells require attack rolls). Spells are listed by level, followed by cantrips. A spell prepared multiple times lists the number of times in parentheses—for example, “(×2).” Spontaneous spells list the number of slots after the spell level. Innate Spells These are listed like other spells, with exceptions for constant and at-will spells. Spells of these types list a spell level in parentheses if they are cast at a level higher than their base level. This number appears right after “Constant” or “At Will” if it’s the same level for all the creature’s constant or at-will spells. Rules for constant and at-will spells appear in the Ability Glossary. Class Powers If a creature has powers taken from a character class, this entry lists the Spell Points, DC, and powers. Each power lists its Spell Point cost in parentheses. Rituals Any rituals the creature can cast appear here. Offensive or Proactive Abilities Any actions, activities, or abilities that automatically affect the creature’s offense, as well as free actions or reactions that usually trigger on the creature’s turn, appear here in alphabetical order.



This section provides the information you need to use creatures in your game and to understand the statistics presented here and in Doomsday Dawn. You’ll learn how to adjust statistics to make creatures more useful, and how to deal with some unusual circ*mstances.



Perception The creature’s perception modifier, followed by any special senses. Languages The languages for a typical creature of that kind, followed by any special communication abilities. A dash (—) indicates the creature cannot understand languages. If it can understand language but cannot speak, this is also noted. Skills The first number is the creature’s base skill modifier, which you add to the relevant ability modifier for any skill not listed. For specifically listed skills, use the given modifier only. Ability Modifiers The creature’s six ability modifiers are listed. Items Any significant gear the creature carries is listed here. Interaction Abilities Special abilities or exceptions to general rules that affect how the creature interacts using its skills, or that present broad changes for creatures that function differently from other creatures, are listed in alphabetical order after items (or after ability modifiers if the creature has no items). AC and TAC (followed by any special bonuses to AC or TAC); Saving Throws A special bonus to a specific save appears in parentheses after that save’s bonus, followed by any special bonuses to all three saving throws against particular types of effects. HP, followed by automatic abilities that affect the creature’s healing; Immunities; Resistances; Weaknesses



The creatures presented in this document have appropriate statistics for their levels. In many cases, you can make relatively minor adjustments to their statistics to make them function 1 level lower or higher than normal.

elite adjustments Sometimes you’ll want a creature that’s just a bit more powerful than normal, so you can present a challenge that would normally be trivial or show that one enemy is stronger than its kin. To do this quickly and easily, apply an elite adjustment to its statistics by adjusting them as follows. • Increase the creature’s AC, attack bonuses, DCs, saving throws, Perception, and skill modifiers by 2. • Increase the damage of its Strikes and other offensive abilities by 2. If the creature can use an ability (such as a dragon’s breath weapon) only a limited number of times, increase the damage by 4 instead. • Increase the creature’s Hit Points based on the its starting level. Starting Level 0–1

HP Increase 10

2–4 5–19 20+

15 20 30

Elite adjustments work best with martial creatures. Spellcasters—or creatures that rely heavily on innate spells or unique, noncombat abilities—typically need more specific adjustments.

weak adjustments Sometimes you’ll want a creature that’s weaker than normal, so you can present a challenge that would normally be extreme, or show that one enemy is weaker than its kin. To do this quickly and easily, apply a weak adjustment to its statistics by adjusting them as follows. • Decrease the creature’s AC, attack bonuses, DCs, saving throws, and skill modifiers by 2. • Decrease the damage of its Strikes and other offensive abilities by 2. If the creature can use an ability (such as a dragon’s breath weapon) only a small number of times, decrease the damage by 4 instead. • Decrease the creature’s HP based on its starting level. Starting Level 1–2 3–5 6–20 21+

HP Decrease 10 15 20 30

Like elite adjustments, weak adjustments work best with creatures that are primarily combat-focused. Creatures that rely heavily on innate spells or unique, noncombat abilities usually need more specific adjustments.

CREATURES IN PLAY Unlike PCs, who are built using a strict set of rules, creatures in this document have special abilities and statistics that cover a broader range. They aren’t always suited to adventuring situations, and the extremes of their statistics and abilities go both higher and lower than those of PCs. The game rules define how PCs work so the players at your table understand the consequences of what they do. Since creatures are a part of the world, more of their rules are left flexible so when you experience situations unique to your game, you can make a judgment call. Likewise, some creature rules are abbreviated and might require you to adjudicate how they function in play. The advice here can help guide you. As always, make a different call if it makes more sense for an individual creature, is consistent with your own previous decisions, or is simply easier!

roleplaying Creatures Whether its an adversary or a potential ally, chances are a creature has a very different worldview than the PCs. When roleplaying creatures, think about how they experience the world differently due to their senses, body shape, appendages, and ecology. This can give you roleplaying cues as simple as a difference in idioms

(perhaps saying “in the other tentacle” rather than “on the other hand”) and as complex as determining motivations, hopes, and dreams. Understanding the creatures you run also helps you determine what tactics they will use, as well as whether they are willing to surrender or flee.


lost gear Some creatures rely on gear, like armor and weapons. You might need statistics for a creature that doesn’t have its gear. For example, it could get disarmed, an ambush might catch it while it’s out of its armor, or one of its worn magic items could get dispelled. If a creature loses its weapon, it needs to use an unarmed attack or draw another weapon. In the latter case, find a Strike entry for the creature that most closely matches the substitute, reducing the attack bonus by 2 and using the damage die for the new Strike. If the creature needs to make an unarmed attack and doesn’t have one listed, it uses the statistics for a fist (Playtest Rulebook 179). For a creature that has lost its armor, find the armor in its Items entry. Reduce its AC and TAC by the item’s bonuses (Playtest Rulebook 176). If the armor has magical potency, reduce its AC, TAC, and saves by the armor’s potency. For other magic items, the creature doesn’t gain benefits.

languages The languages listed in a creature’s entry are the typical ones known by a creature of that type. However, you may want to vary these, based on the specific creature. For instance, a creature probably wants to talk to other local creatures; if Common is the language listed for the creature but isn’t the local language, consider replacing it with a more appropriate language (perhaps Undercommon if this specific creature lives in the Darklands, or the language of the region it inhabits). Beings from other planes are very unlikely to know a regional language from a particular Material Plane world, even Common, unless they specifically travel there.

skills, perCeption, and proFiCienCy In rare situations, such as when a creature is trying to Disable a PC’s snare, you may need to know the creature’s proficiency rank. You should normally use expert for a listed skill if the creature is 5th level or higher, master if the creature is 9th level or higher, and legendary if the creature is 17th level or higher. A certain rank of proficiency in Perception might be necessary to detect certain things; a creature gains ranks in Perception in a similar fashion, though Perception typically improves faster than skills. A particularly perceptive creature might have expert proficiency at 1st level! At your discretion, you can treat creatures with worldclass aptitude at a particular skill or in Perception, such as a doppelganger with Deception, as having a higher rank in that skill. Rarely, a creature might have a skill modifier than its base modifier plus its relevant ability modifier. In those cases, always treat the skill as untrained.



CREATURES BY NAME All the creatures are listed alphabetically by the name that appears on their stat block, with page references.


Adamantine golem Adult black dragon Adult blue dragon Adult green dragon Adult red dragon Adult white dragon Air mephit Alchemical renegade Ancient black dragon Ancient blue dragon Ancient green dragon Ancient red dragon Ancient white dragon Animated armor Animated broom Animated bureau Animated statue Animated tree Ankhrav Ankylosaurus


Ball python Banshee Barbed devil Barghest Bat swarm Bearded devil Black pudding Blood demon Bloodseeker Blue shark Boar Boar demon Bobcat Boggard scout Bone devil Brain collector Bugbear fighter Bugbear thug Bulette Bunyip


Caligni creeper Caligni stalker Camel Cave bear Giant centipede Chimera Choker Clay golem Cleric of Calistria Cleric of Rovagug co*ckatrice Crocodile Cyclops


Page 74 Page 54 Page 55 Page 57 Page 58 Page 60 Page 62 Page 120 Page 55 Page 56 Page 57 Page 59 Page 60 Page 30 Page 30 Page 30 Page 30 Page 110 Page 31 Page 52 Page 107 Page 31 Page 48 Page 31 Page 32 Page 48 Page 33 Page 41 Page 33 Page 104 Page 34 Page 40 Page 37 Page 34 Page 49 Page 34 Page 35 Page 35 Page 35 Page 36 Page 36 Page 36 Page 37 Page 33 Page 38 Page 38 Page 39 Page 75 Page 120 Page 119 Page 39 Page 39 Page 40


Degenerate serpentfolk Deh-nolo Deinonychus Demilich Demonologist Devastator Donkey Doppelganger Dread wraith Drider Drow fighter Drow noble cleric Dryad


Earth mephit Efreeti Elder air elemental Elder earth elemental Elder fire elemental Elder water elemental Electric eel Ettin


Fire beetle Fire demon Fire giant Fire mephit Fire yai Flesh golem Frost giant Fury devil


Gargoyle Gelatinous cube Ghast Ghost commoner Ghost mage Ghost soldier Ghoul Giant anaconda Giant animated statue Giant bat Giant rat Giant scorpion Giant viper Gnoll sergeant Gnoll warrior Goblin commando Goblin dog Goblin pyro Goblin war chanter Goblin warrior Goliath spider Gray ooze Great white shark Greater barghest Greater air elemental Greater earth elemental Greater fire elemental Greater shadow Greater water elemental Green hag

Page 103 Page 40 Page 52 Page 86 Page 119 Page 47 Page 94 Page 53 Page 117 Page 61 Page 61 Page 62 Page 62 Page 64 Page 69 Page 64 Page 65 Page 66 Page 68 Page 62 Page 68 Page 33 Page 42 Page 71 Page 65 Page 92 Page 76 Page 71 Page 49 Page 69 Page 69 Page 71 Page 70 Page 70 Page 70 Page 70 Page 107 Page 30 Page 32 Page 97 Page 102 Page 107 Page 73 Page 73 Page 74 Page 74 Page 74 Page 74 Page 74 Page 108 Page 77 Page 105 Page 32 Page 63 Page 65 Page 66 Page 104 Page 67 Page 78

Grendel Grim reaper Grizzly bear Guard dog


Halfling footpad Harpy Hell hound Hill giant Hobgoblin sniper Hobgoblin soldier Homunculus Horned devil Hunting spider Hydra Hyena Hyaenodon


Ice devil Ice yai Imp Iron golem


Jabberwock Janni


Kobold dragon mage Kobold scout Kobold warrior Kraken


Lemure Leng spider Leopard Lesser air elemental Lesser earth elemental Lesser fire elemental Lesser water elemental Lich Lion Lizardfolk druid Lizardfolk scout Lizardfolk warrior Lust demon


Major air elemental Major earth elemental Major fire elemental Major water elemental Manticore Masterful rogue Mastodon Medusa Megalodon Mercenary scout Mimic Minor air elemental Minor earth elemental Minor fire elemental Minor water elemental

Page 77 Page 78 Page 33 Page 53 Page 119 Page 79 Page 80 Page 72 Page 80 Page 80 Page 80 Page 50 Page 107 Page 81 Page 82 Page 82 Page 50 Page 92 Page 51 Page 76 Page 82 Page 69 Page 83 Page 83 Page 83 Page 84 Page 51 Page 84 Page 37 Page 63 Page 64 Page 66 Page 67 Page 85 Page 37 Page 87 Page 87 Page 87 Page 42 Page 63 Page 64 Page 66 Page 67 Page 87 Page 120 Page 68 Page 88 Page 105 Page 119 Page 88 Page 63 Page 64 Page 65 Page 67

Minotaur Mu spore Mummy guard Mummy pharaoh Mummy retainer Mutilation demon


Night hag Nightmare Norn


Ochre jelly Ogre Ogre mage Orc brute Orc warchief Orc warrior Otyugh Ox Owlbear


Panther Phoenix Pig Pit fiend Plague zombie Poltergeist Pride demon Pteranodon Purple worm


Quasit Quetzalcoatlus


Rakshasa Rat swarm Redcap Reefclaw Riding dog Riding horse Riding pony Roc Roper Rune giant Rusalka Rust monster


Sahuagin mutant Sahuagin warrior Salamander Sandpoint Devil Saxra Sea serpent Serpentfolk Sewer ooze Shadow Shambler Shoggoth Sinspawn Skeletal champion

Page 89 Page 89 Page 89 Page 90 Page 89 Page 43


Page 79 Page 90 Page 91


Page 91 Page 91 Page 92 Page 93 Page 94 Page 93 Page 94 Page 95 Page 94


Page 37 Page 95 Page 34 Page 51 Page 118 Page 95 Page 44 Page 96 Page 96 Page 44 Page 96 Page 97 Page 97 Page 98 Page 98 Page 53 Page 81 Page 81 Page 98 Page 99 Page 72 Page 99 Page 100 Page 100 Page 100 Page 101 Page 101 Page 101 Page 102 Page 103 Page 103 Page 103 Page 104 Page 105 Page 105 Page 106


Skeleton guard Slaver demon Slime demon Sloth demon Smilodon Spider swarm Star-spawn of Cthulhu Stone giant Stone golem


Thanatotic titan Tiger Toad demon Treachery demon Treant Troll Tyrannosaurus


Unseen servant


Valkyrie Vampire count Vampire spawn rogue Vampire wizard Vargouille Vile necromancer Viper


War horse War pony Warg Winter wolf Warsworn Water mephit Water yai Wendigo Wererat rogue Werewolf fighter Wight Will-o’-wisp Wolf Wraith Wrath demon


Xulgath warrior


Yeti Young black dragon Young blue dragon Young green dragon Young red dragon Young white dragon


Zombie brute Zombie shambler


Page 106 Page 45 Page 45 Page 45 Page 38 Page 108 Page 108 Page 73 Page 77 Page 109 Page 38 Page 46 Page 46 Page 110 Page 110 Page 53 Page 110 Page 110 Page 112 Page 113 Page 113 Page 113 Page 119 Page 107 Page 81 Page 81 Page 114 Page 114 Page 114 Page 67 Page 93 Page 115 Page 115 Page 116 Page 116 Page 116 Page 117 Page 117 Page 47 Page 117 Page 118 Page 54 Page 55 Page 57 Page 58 Page 59 Page 118 Page 118

CREATURES BY LEVEL The following lists are divided by creature level, and give the page reference for the creature.

leVel 0

Animated broom Beetle, fire Bloodseeker Boar, pig Cat, bobcat Centipede (giant) Dog, guard Goblin warrior Halfling footpad Homunculus Horse, riding pony Kobold warrior Orc brute Pack animal, donkey Pack animal, ox Rat (giant) Skeleton guard Snake, viper Spider swarm Unseen servant Zombie shambler

leVel 1

Animated bureau Bat swarm Boggard scout Camel Cat, leopard Demon, quasit Devil, imp Dog, riding dog Drow fighter Eel, electric Elemental, air mephit Elemental, earth mephit Elemental, fire mephit Elemental, water mephit Ghoul Goblin commando Goblin dog Goblin pyro Goblin war chanter Hobgoblin soldier Horse, riding horse Horse, war pony Hyena Kobold scout Lizardfolk scout Lizardfolk warrior Orc warrior Rat swarm Reefclaw Sewer ooze Snake, ball python Spider, hunting Wolf Xulgath warrior Zombie, plague

Page 30 Page 33 Page 33 Page 34 Page 37 Page 38 Page 53 Page 74 Page 119 Page 80 Page 81 Page 83 Page 93 Page 94 Page 95 Page 97 Page 106 Page 107 Page 108 Page 110 Page 118 Page 30 Page 32 Page 34 Page 37 Page 37 Page 44 Page 51 Page 53 Page 61 Page 62 Page 62 Page 64 Page 65 Page 67 Page 70 Page 74 Page 74 Page 74 Page 74 Page 80 Page 81 Page 81 Page 82 Page 83 Page 87 Page 87 Page 93 Page 97 Page 98 Page 103 Page 107 Page 107 Page 117 Page 117 Page 118

leVel 2

Animated armor Bat, giant Boar Bugbear thug Caligni creeper Cat, panther Choker Crocodile Demon, sloth Devil, lemure Dinosaur, deinonychus Gnoll warrior Gray ooze Horse, war horse Kobold dragon mage Lizardfolk druid Mummy guard Orc warchief Pterosaur, pteranodon Sahuagin warrior Serpentfolk Shark, blue Sinspawn Skeleton, skeletal champion Snake, viper (giant) Vargouille Warg Werecreature, wererat rogue Zombie brute

leVel 3

Animated statue Ankhrav Bear, grizzly Bugbear fighter Bunyip Cat, lion Cleric of Rovagug co*ckatrice Doppelganger Drow noble cleric Dryad Elemental, air (minor) Elemental, earth (minor) Elemental, fire (minor) Elemental, water (minor) Gelatinous cube Ghoul, ghast Hell hound Hyena, hyaenodon Mercenary scout Ogre Rust monster Scorpion, giant Serpentfolk, degenerate Vile necromancer Werecreature, werewolf fighter Wight

leVel 4

Barghest Caligni stalker Cat, tiger Gargoyle Ghost commoner

Page 30 Page 32 Page 34 Page 35 Page 36 Page 37 Page 39 Page 39 Page 45 Page 51 Page 52 Page 73 Page 77 Page 81 Page 83 Page 87 Page 89 Page 94 Page 96 Page 100 Page 103 Page 104 Page 105 Page 106 Page 107 Page 113 Page 114 Page 115 Page 118

Gnoll sergeant Hag, green Hobgoblin sniper Genie, janni Mimic Minotaur Otyugh Owlbear Sahuagin mutant Shadow Shark, great white Vampire spawn rogue

leVel 5

Alchemical renegade Cat, smilodon Cyclops Demonologist Devil, bearded Elemental, air (lesser) Elemental, earth (lesser) Elemental, fire (lesser) Elemental, water (lesser) Harpy Ochre jelly Poltergeist Redcap Troll Warg, winter wolf Yeti

leVel 6 Page 30 Page 31 Page 33 Page 35 Page 36 Page 37 Page 119 Page 39 Page 53 Page 62 Page 62 Page 63 Page 64 Page 65 Page 67 Page 69 Page 71 Page 80 Page 82 Page 119 Page 91 Page 100 Page 102 Page 103 Page 119 Page 116 Page 116 Page 31 Page 36 Page 38 Page 69 Page 70

Bear, cave Demon, lust Dinosaur, ankylosaurus Dragon, white (young) Drider Ettin Hydra Manticore Mummy retainer Nightmare Salamander Shambler Treant, animated tree Vampire count Will-o’-wisp Wraith

leVel 7

Animated statue (giant) Barghest (greater) Black pudding Cleric of Calistria Demon, blood Dragon, black (young) Elemental, air (major) Elemental, earth (major) Elemental, fire (major) Elemental, water (major) Ghost soldier Giant, hill Medusa Pterosaur, quetzalcoatlus Shadow (greater)

Page 73 Page 78 Page 80 Page 69 Page 88 Page 89 Page 94 Page 94 Page 100 Page 103 Page 105 Page 113


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Page 33 Page 42 Page 52 Page 59 Page 61 Page 68 Page 81 Page 87 Page 89 Page 90 Page 101 Page 104 Page 110 Page 112 Page 116 Page 117 Page 30 Page 32 Page 33 Page 120 Page 41 Page 54 Page 63 Page 64 Page 66 Page 67 Page 70 Page 72 Page 88 Page 96 Page 104


leVel 8

Brain collector Bulette Chimera Fury devil Dragon, green (young) Elephant, mastodon Giant, stone Golem, flesh Oni, ogre mage Sandpoint Devil Snake, anaconda (giant) Treant

leVel 9

Demon, wrath Devil, bone Dragon, blue (young) Elemental, air (greater) Elemental, earth (greater) Elemental, fire (greater) Elemental, water (greater) Genie, efreeti Giant, frost Hag, night Mummy pharaoh Roc Shark, megalodon Vampire wizard Wraith, dread

leVel 10

Demon, slaver Devil, barbed Dinosaur, tyrannosaurus Dragon, red (young) Dragon, white (adult) Ghost mage Giant, fire Golem, clay Masterful rogue Rakshasa Roper

leVel 11

Demon, toad Dragon, black (adult) Elemental, air (elder) Elemental, earth (elder) Elemental, fire (elder) Elemental, water (elder) Golem, stone Spider, goliath

leVel 12

Demon, slime Dragon, green (adult) Lich Rusalka Sea serpent Valkyrie

leVel 13

Banshee Demon, treachery Devil, ice


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Dragon, blue (adult) Golem, iron Leng spider Oni, ice yai Purple worm

leVel 14

Dragon, red (adult) Demon, boar Deh-nolo Oni, fire yai

leVel 15

Dragon, white (ancient) Lich, demilich Phoenix

leVel 16

Demon, mutilation Devil, horned Dragon, black (ancient) Giant, rune Warsworn

leVel 17

Demon, pride Dragon, green (ancient) Oni, water yai Wendigo

leVel 18

Dragon, blue (ancient) Golem, adamantine Kraken Norn Saxra Shoggoth

leVel 19

Dragon, red (ancient) Grendel

leVel 20

Demon, fire Devil, pit fiend Star-spawn of Cthulhu

leVel 21 Grim reaper Mu spore

leVel 22

Devastator Titan, thanatotic

leVel 23 Jabberwock

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doomsday dawn Creature and hazard lists Creatures and hazards detailed in this document and referenced in Doomsday Dawn are listed below, each by the chapter in which they appear. They are then listed in alphabetical order by the name appearing in the adventure. If a creature is listed in this document by another name, that name is presented between parentheses following the creature’s name. The table then lists the type and level of the entry, followed by the page number that you can find that entry in this document. Monsters with an asterisk (*) have the elite template. You can find that template on page 22.

Giant Rat Giant Centipede Goblin Commando Goblin Pyro Goblin Warrior Poisoned Lock Quasit Sewer Ooze

Creature 0 Creature 0 Creature 1 Creature 1 Creature 0 Hazard 1 Creature 1 Creature 1

97 38 74 74 74 14 44 103

Skeleton Guard

Creature 0


Chapter 2: in pale mountain’s shadow Creature 3 Hazard 3 Creature 3 Creature 2 Creature 3 Creature 1 Creature 5 Creature 5 Creature 3 Creature 4 Creature 6 Creature 3 Creature 3 Creature 3 Creature 2 Hazard 3 Creature 3

31 15 102 73 82 82 66 67 119 69 87 63 64 119 89 18 119

Chapter 3: aFFair at sombreFell hall Ghast Greater Shadow Ilvoresh (Brain Collector) Poltergeist Vampire Spawn Rogue Wight* Zombie Shambler

Creature 3 Creature 7 Creature 9 Creature 5 Creature 4 Creature 4 Creature 0

Creature 8 Creature 6

Fire Giant Hidimbi (Mummy Pharaoh) Hill Giant Lake Monster (Sea Serpent) Liruthall (Young Red Dragon) Mu Spore Mummy Retainer Roc Smilodon Treant Troll Tulaeth (Dryad*)

Chapter 5: the heroes

Creature 10 Creature 9 Creature 7 Creature 12 Creature 10 Creature 21 Creature 6 Creature 9 Creature 5 Creature 8 Creature 5 Creature 4




71 90 72 102 58 89 89 98 38 110 110 62



Banshee Boar Demon Blood Demon Demilich Dread Wraith Ghost Mage Lich Mutilation Demon Risen Corpse (Mummy Retainer) Slaver Demon Slime Demon Toad Demon Treachery Demon Wrath Demon

Creature 13 Creature 14 Creature 7 Creature 15 Creature 9 Creature 10 Creature 12 Creature 16 Creature 6 Creature 10 Creature 12 Creature 11 Creature 13 Creature 9

31 40 41 86 117 70 85 43 89 45 45 46 46 47

Chapter 6: red Flags 71 104 34 95 113 116 118

Chapter 4: the mirrored moon Brain Collector Cyclops*



Chapter 1: the lost star

Ankhrav Electric Latch Rune Giant Scorpion Gnoll Warrior Hyaenodon Hyena Lesser Fire Elemental Lesser Water Elemental Libar (Mercenary Scout) Mabar ( Janni) Manticore Minor Air Elemental Minor Earth Elemental Motek (Cleric of Rovagug) Mummy Guard Quicksand Randwik (Vile Necromancer)


34 40

Darkside Mirror Kraken Whark’s Guard (Masterful Rogue)

Hazard 14 Creature 18 Creature 10

20 84 120

Chapter 7: when the stars go dark Aeteperax (Ancient Green Dragon*) Deh-nolo Malignant Theorem (Rune Giant) Shoggoth Star-Spawn of Cthulhu

Creature 18 Creature 14 Creature 16 Creature 18 Creature 20

57 40 72 105 108


CATALOG OF CREATURES You can use the following creatures in your games. Many of them appear in Pathfinder Playtest Adventure: Doomsday Dawn, and you can use others in expansions to that adventure or for adventures you design. These creatures are presented by categories, such as cats, demons, or kobolds. There’s also a selection of NPCs on page 119; these represent people with abilities more like those of player characters. See page 24 for an alphabetical listing of creatures and page 26 for a listing of creatures by level.

effects, enervated, enfeebled, healing, mental, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralysis, poison, stun Construct Armor As animated broom. Speed 20 feet Melee drawer +7, Damage 2d4 +1 bludgeoning Ranged drawer +5 (range increment 20 feet), Damage 2d4+1 bludgeoning Drawers An animated bureau has six drawers. It can fire a drawer as a ranged attack and can make melee attacks as long as it has at least one drawer remaining. A creature can attempt to pull a drawer free with a Grapple action, making that drawer inanimate. An animated bureau’s drawers often contain treasure or other items of interest.



Granted a semblance of life through the use of rituals or strange magic, animated objects can take many forms and serve a variety of uses. Listed below are just a few examples of common animated objects. Many of these creatures serve as guardians, surprising unsuspecting adventurers when they suddenly attack. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 14.

Perception +2; darkvision Languages — Skills +1; Athletics +6 Str +3, Dex –3, Con +4, Int –5, Wis –5, Cha –5 AC 18 (14 when broken), TAC 12 (10 when broken); construct armor; Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +2 HP 20; Hardness 9; Immunities asleep, bleed disease, death effects, enervated, enfeebled, healing, mental, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralysis, poison, stun Construct Armor As animated broom. Speed 20 feet Melee glaive +8 (deadly 1d8, forceful, reach 10 feet), Damage 1d8+3 slashing Melee gauntlet +8 (agile, free hand), Damage 1d4+3 bludgeoning



Perception –1; darkvision Languages — Skills –1 Str +0, Dex –1, Con +0, Int –5, Wis –5, Cha –5 AC 14 (12 when broken), TAC 10 (9 when broken); construct armor; Fort +4, Ref +1, Will –1 HP 6; Hardness 3; Immunities asleep, bleed, disease, death effects, enervated, enfeebled, healing, mental, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralysis, poison, stun Construct Armor Like other objects, an animated object has Hardness. This Hardness reduces any damage it takes by an amount of damage equal to the Hardness. The construct armor takes damage equal to the attack’s damage, and might become dented or broken. The construct’s AC and TAC might be lower when it’s broken. The construct armor can’t be entirely destroyed since it’s part of the creature’s construction. Speed 15 feet Melee bristles +7, Damage 1d4 bludgeoning plus dust Dust A creature hit by the broom’s bristles must succeed at a DC 13 Fortitude save or spend its next action coughing. Even if hit by multiple dust attacks, the creature has to spend only 1 action coughing to clear the dust out. A creature that doesn’t breathe is immune to this effect.

Construct Mindless Small




Perception +1; darkvision Languages — Skills +0 Str +1, Dex –3, Con +2, Int –5, Wis –5, Cha –5 AC 16 (13 when broken), TAC 11 (10 when broken); construct armor; Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +1 HP 10; Hardness 5; Immunities asleep, bleed, disease, death

Construct Medium Mindless




Construct Medium Mindless




Perception +3; darkvision Languages — Skills +2; Athletics +8 Str +3, Dex –2, Con +5, Int –5, Wis –5, Cha –5 AC 20 (16 when broken), TAC 13 (12 when broken); construct armor; Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +3 HP 40; Hardness 7; Immunities asleep, bleed, disease, death effects, enervated, enfeebled, healing, mental, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralysis, poison, stun Construct Armor As animated broom. Speed 20 feet Melee stone fist +8, Damage 1d8+6 bludgeoning plus Grab

Construct Earth Medium Mindless




Perception +7; darkvision Construct Languages — Earth Huge Skills +6; Athletics +15 Mindless Str +7, Dex –3, Con +6, Int –5, Wis –5, Cha –5 AC 25 (22 when broken), TAC 17 (15 when broken); construct armor; Fort +14, Ref +7, Will +7 HP 100; Hardness 9; Immunities asleep, bleed, disease, death effects, enervated, enfeebled, healing, mental, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralysis, poison, stun Construct Armor As animated broom. Speed 30 feet

Melee stone fist +17, Damage 2d12+7 bludgeoning plus Grab Ranged flaming coal +15 (range increment 80 feet), Damage 2d8 bludgeoning and 2d8 fire Burn Alive (fire) The statue grinds a creature it has grabbed into the red-hot coals of its brazier. The target takes 3d8 fire damage and 1d8 persistent fire damage. Brazier The statue carries a wide brazier full of hot coals. To make flaming coal Strikes or use Burn Alive, the statue must have the brazier held in one hand or otherwise have it within reach. Instead of targeting the statue with an attack, a creature can target the brazier instead. The brazier has the same AC and saves as the statue. Dealing 15 cold damage to the brazier or dousing it with at least 2 gallons of water extinguishes the coals. This prevents the statue from using Burn Alive and causes its ranged attacks to no longer deal 2d8 fire damage.

ANKHRAV (ANKHEG) Preying on livestock and humanoids who tend herds, ankhravs are a deadly rural menace. In addition to fighting with their powerful mandibles, these insectile creatures can spit a caustic acid at their victims. Ankhravs’ plans for attack are more calculated than mindless vermin. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 15.




Perception +8; darkvision, tremorsense 60 feet Languages — Skills +1; Acrobatics +5, Athletics +9, Stealth +7, Survival +9 Str +4, Dex +1, Con +3, Int –4, Wis +0, Cha –2 AC 19, TAC 15; Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +5 HP 38 Speed 25 feet, burrow 20 feet Melee mandibles +9, Damage 1d6+4 piercing plus 1d6 acid Ranged acid spit +6 touch (range 30 feet), Damage 2d6 acid Armor-Rending Bite The ankhrav makes a mandibles Strike; if the Strike hits, the target’s armor is dented. Spray Acid (acid) Frequency Once per hour Effect The ankhrav spews acid in a 30-foot cone, dealing 3d6 acid damage and 1d4 persistent acid damage (Reflex DC 17 half, no damage on a critical success, double damage on a critical failure).

Animal Large

BANSHEE Risen from the grave due to strong feelings of betrayal, this undead apparition was once a living elven woman. Undying grief drives banshees to seek out vengeance upon the living. They are best known for their deadly wails. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 41.

BANSHEE Chaotic Evil Incorporeal Medium Undead



Perception +22; blindsense (hears heartbeats) 60 feet, darkvision Languages Common, Elven Skills +16; Acrobatics +26 Str –5, Dex +6, Con +0, Int –3, Wis +7, Cha +7

AC 31, TAC 31; Fort +18, Ref +23, Will +24 HP 190, negative healing; Immunities asleep, disease, nonmagical attacks, paralysis, poison, precision; Resistances all damage 10 (except force, ghost touch, or positive); Weaknesses sunlight powerlessness Speed fly 60 feet Melee hand +24 touch, Damage 3d8+7 negative plus terrifying touch Persistence of Fear (abjuration, divine) Trigger The banshee damages a creature that is protected against fear by a spell or magic item. Effect The banshee attempts to dispel the protection effect, with the effect of a 7th-level dispel magic spell. The banshee can use this reaction before applying her terrifying touch ability. Spectral Ripple When a banshee Strides at least 10 feet, she’s concealed until the start of her next turn. Sunlight Powerlessness If in direct sunlight, the banshee is slowed 2 and can’t make actions with the attack trait. Terrifying Touch (divine, emotion, enchantment, fear) A creature damaged by the banshee’s touch that isn’t already frightened must attempt a DC 30 Will save (DC 35 if the attack was a critical hit). If the creature fails its save, it’s frightened 2; on a critical failure, the creature also cowers with fear, making it stunned and flat-footed for 1d4 rounds. Wail (auditory, concentrate, death, divine, necromancy) The banshee spends 2 Verbal Casting actions to unleash a soulchilling wail of the banshee (DC 30). This wail overcomes silence and similar effects of 3rd level or lower. The banshee can add a third Verbal Casting action when casting to overcome such effects of up to 6th level. The wail resonates from the banshee for 1 round, and any creature that comes within the area during that time must attempt a save against the effect. A creature can’t be affected more than once by the same wail. Once she wails, a banshee can’t wail again for 2d6 rounds.

BARGHEST Said to be a fiendish relative of all goblinoid ancestries, these cruel creatures consume their victims, ingesting their life essence to empower their transformations into greater barghests. A barghest shares similar features with a wolf or other canine, but it also has unnervingly humanoid qualities, such as front limbs with humanoid hands. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 27.




Perception +10; darkvision, scent 30 feet Beast Languages Abyssal, Common, Goblin Chaotic Evil Skills +4; Acrobatics +11, Deception +11, Stealth +9 Goblin Str +5, Dex +2, Con +3, Int +2, Wis +1, Cha +3 Medium AC 19, TAC 17; Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +8 HP 47; Resistances fire 5, physical 5 (except magical) Attack of Opportunity Speed 25 feet Melee jaws +11, Damage 2d6+5 piercing



goblin, it loses its jaws and claw Strikes, it becomes Small, and its Speed changes to 20 feet. When the barghest is a wolf, its Speed changes to 40 feet and its jaws gain Knockdown. Each individual barghest has only one goblin form and one wolf form. Mutation The process of consuming corpses to evolve into a greater barghest results in odd and unpredictable physiological changes. A greater barghest has one mutation, typically chosen from the list in the Barghest Mutations sidebar.

Barghest Mutations Select one of the following mutations when creating a greater barghest. Fangs (poison) The barghest grows elongated fangs that seep poison. Its jaws deal 1d6 additional poison damage and 1d6 persistent poison damage. Toxic Breath (arcane, evocation, poison) The barghest breathes a cloud of toxic gas that deals 8d6 poison damage to all creatures in a 30-foot cone (Fortitude DC 21 half, no damage on a critical success, double damage on a critical failure). It can’t use Toxic Breath again for 1d4 rounds. Vestigial Arm Strike Frequency Once per round Trigger The barghest completes a Strike. Effect The barghest makes a claw Strike with a shriveled third arm hanging from its torso. This attack doesn’t count for the barghest’s multiple attack penalty, nor does that penalty apply on the attack. Wings The barghest has malformed wings extending from its back. It gains a fly Speed of 25 feet.

BAT Typically seen in caves or flitting through the air at night, bats can be found throughout the world and are generally harmless. However, when bats gather in great numbers and form swarms, they can be deadly to weaker creatures, and giant specimens can be dangerous predators. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 30.


Melee claw +11 (agile), Damage 2d6+2 slashing Arcane Innate Spells DC 18; 4th confusion; At Will blink, levitate Change Shape (arcane, concentrate, polymorph, transmutation) The barghest takes on the shape of a goblin or a wolf, or it transforms back into its true form. When the barghest is a goblin, it loses its jaws and claw Strikes, it becomes Small, and its Speed changes to 20 feet. When the barghest is a wolf, its Speed changes to 40 feet and its jaws gain Knockdown. Each individual barghest has only one goblin form and one wolf form. Feed Once per month, a barghest can spend 1 minute to devour a corpse, gaining a permanent +1 conditional bonus to all its d20 rolls. Each subsequent time it feeds, its bonus increases by 1. The fourth time a barghest feeds, it sheds its skin and mutates into a greater barghest, and the conditional bonus ends.




Perception +14; darkvision, scent 30 feet Beast Languages Abyssal, Common, Goblin Chaotic Evil Skills +7; Acrobatics +14, Athletics + 13, Deception +15, Goblin Stealth +13 Large Str +6, Dex +2, Con +4, Int +3, Wis +2, Cha +5 Mutant AC 23, TAC 20; Fort +13, Ref +12, Will +12 HP 120; Resistances fire 8, physical 8 (except magical); Weaknesses good 8, lawful 8 Attack of Opportunity Speed 35 feet Melee jaws +17, Damage 2d8+6 piercing Melee claw +11 (agile), Damage 2d6+6 slashing Arcane Innate Spells DC 21; 4th confusion, dimension door, enlarge; At Will blink, invisibility, levitate Change Shape (arcane, concentrate, polymorph, transmutation) The barghest takes on the shape of a goblin or a wolf, or it transforms back into its true form. When the barghest is a




Perception +5; echolocation 20 feet, low-light vision Languages — Skills –1; Athletics +0 (+6 to Climb), Acrobatics +6 Str –2, Dex +4, Con –1, Int –4, Wis +2, Cha –3 Echolocation A bat swarm can use its hearing as a precise sense at the listed range. AC 14, TAC 14; Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1 HP 15; Immunities precision, targeted effects; Resistances bludgeoning 5, piercing 5, slashing 2; Weaknesses area damage 4, splash damage 4 Speed 5 feet, fly 30 feet Swarming Bites Each enemy in the swarm’s space takes 1d4 piercing damage plus 1 persistent bleed damage (Reflex DC 15 half, no damage on a critical success, double damage on a critical failure).

Animal Large Swarm




Perception +7; echolocation 40 feet, low-light vision Languages — Skills +0; Athletics +4, Acrobatics +7, Stealth +6 Str +3, Dex +2, Con +1, Int –4, Wis +2, Cha –2 Echolocation A bat can use its hearing as a precise sense at the listed range. AC 16, TAC 15; Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +4 HP 30 Wing Thrash Trigger An adjacent enemy damages the giant bat. Effect The bat makes wing Strikes against up to two adjacent creatures with its wings. If possible, one of them must be the creature that damaged the bat. The bat’s multiple attack penalty doesn’t apply to this attack, but each attack takes a –5 penalty. Speed 15 feet, fly 30 feet Melee fangs +8, Damage 1d10+3 piercing Melee wing +8 (agile), Damage 1d6+3 bludgeoning

Animal Large

BEAR Found in forests throughout the world, bears typically

forage for nuts and berries or hunt fish and small mammals. Bears can be extremely territorial and protective of their young, which leads them to fiercely attack those creatures that happen upon them. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 31.




Animal Large

Perception +8; low-light vision, scent 30 feet Languages — Skills +1; Acrobatics +5, Athletics +9, Survival +9 Str +4, Dex +1, Con +5, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha –2 AC 17, TAC 15; Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +5 HP 54 Speed 35 feet Melee jaws +8, Damage 2d6+4 piercing Melee claw +8 (agile), Damage 1d10+4 slashing plus Grab Rush The bear Strides and makes a Strike at the end of that movement. During the Stride, the bear is accelerated 10. Mauler The bear gets a +2 circ*mstance bonus to damage rolls against creatures it has grabbed.




Animal Large

Perception +13; low-light vision, scent 30 feet Languages — Skills +4; Acrobatics +10, Athletics +13, Survival +13 Str +6, Dex +1, Con +6, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha –1 AC 20, TAC 18; Fort +13, Ref +9, Will +10 HP 110 Speed 35 feet Melee jaws +15, Damage 2d10+6 piercing Melee claw +15 (agile), Damage 2d8+6 slashing plus Grab Rush The bear Strides and makes a Strike at the end of that movement. During the Stride, the bear is accelerated 10. Mauler The bear gets a +4 circ*mstance bonus to damage rolls against creatures it has grabbed.

BEETLE Fire beetles are nocturnal insects with bioluminescent glands that allow them to navigate in the dark. When threatened, they emit a blinding flash that disorients aggressors who get too close. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 33.

FIRE BEETLE Animal Small


Perception +3; low-light vision Languages — Skills –2; Acrobatics +2, Athletics +3 Str +0, Dex +0, Con +0, Int –5, Wis +0, Cha –2 AC 14, TAC 11; Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +0 HP 6 Luminescent Aura (aura, light) 10 feet. The fire beetle’s glowing glands shed bright light. Speed 20 feet, fly 15 feet Melee mandibles +6, Damage 1d4 piercing Light Flash (concentrate, light) The beetle creates a flash of light. All creatures in its luminescent aura must succeed at a

DC 13 Fortitude save or be dazzled for 1d4 rounds. The beetle’s glands then go dark, disabling its aura for 24 hours.

BLACK PUDDING Most often found belowground, these amorphous oozes scour caves for metallic and organic objects to dissolve with their corrosive secretions. This caustic acid is particularly dangerous to creatures attacking black puddings, as it can quickly damage and destroy weapons and armor. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 35.




Perception +7; blindsight 60 feet Languages — Skills +5; Athletics +14 Str +3, Dex –5, Con +6, Int –5, Wis –5, Cha –5 AC 4, TAC 4; Fort +14, Ref +7, Will +7 HP 165; Immunities acid, asleep, critical hits, mental, piercing, precision, slashing, visual Corrosive Mass A creature that hits the pudding with a metal or wooden weapon must succeed at a DC 19 Reflex save or the weapon takes a Dent. Thrown weapons and ammunition are dented automatically with no save. Split When the pudding is hit by an attack that would deal slashing or piercing damage, and the pudding has 10 or more HP, it splits into two identical puddings, each half the original’s HP. One pudding is in the same space as the original, and the other appears in an adjacent unoccupied space. If no adjacent space is unoccupied, the new pudding automatically pushes creatures out of the way to fill a space. Speed 20 feet, climb 20 feet; suction Melee pseudopod +16 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d8+3 bludgeoning plus 2d6 acid, corrosive touch, and Grab Constrict 6 bludgeoning plus 3 acid Corrosive Touch When the pudding deals an amount of acid damage to a creature that is greater than the Hardness of the creature’s armor or clothing, the creature must succeed at a DC 19 Reflex save or its armor or clothing takes a Dent. Suction The pudding can climb on ceilings and other inverted surfaces, treating them as difficult terrain.

Huge Mindless Ooze

BLOODSEEKER (STIRGE) These blood-drinking pests can be found in and around swamps, and they resemble insectile creatures fluttering around on bat-like wings. When attacking, they attach to their prey and drain them of blood. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 260.



Perception +3; darkvision, scent 30 feet Languages — Skills –2; Acrobatics +4, Athletics +0, Stealth +4 Str –4, Dex +4, Con –1, Int –5, Wis +1, Cha –2 AC 14, TAC 13; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1 HP 6 Speed 10 feet, fly 30 feet

Animal Tiny



Melee barbed legs +6 touch, Effect attach Blood Drain Requirements The bloodseeker is attached to a creature. Effect The bloodseeker drains blood from the creature. This deals 1d4 damage, and the bloodseeker gains temporary HP equal to the damage dealt. A creature that has its blood drained by a bloodseeker is drained 1 until it receives healing (of any kind or amount). Attach When a bloodseeker hits a target larger than itself, its barbed legs attach it to that creature. This is similar to grabbing the creature, but the bloodseeker moves with that creature rather than holding it in place. The bloodseeker is flat-footed while attached. If the bloodseeker is killed or pushed away while attached to a creature it has drained blood from, that creature takes 1 persistent bleed damage. Escaping the grab or removing the bloodseeker in other ways doesn’t cause bleed damage.

BOAR Boars are aggressive and ornery beasts that are dangerous to encounter in the wild. Often attacking with no provocation, boars charge their enemies and are difficult to put down. Even their calm, domesticated cousin, the pig, can still deal nasty wounds with its tusks. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 36, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 113.




Perception +7; low-light vision, scent 30 feet Languages — Skills +0; Acrobatics +5, Athletics +8, Survival +6 Str +4, Dex +1, Con +4, Int –4, Wis +2, Cha –2 AC 15, TAC 14; Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +4 HP 30 Ferocity Trigger The boar is reduced to 0 HP. Effect The boar avoids being knocked out and remains at 1 HP. Speed 40 feet Melee tusk +8, Damage 1d8+4 piercing Boar Charge The boar Strides up to double its Speed in a straight line and then makes a tusk Strike. If the boar moved at least 20 feet, it gains a +2 circ*mstance bonus to its attack roll.

Animal Medium



Perception +4; low-light vision, scent 30 feet Languages — Skills –3; Acrobatics +4, Athletics +7, Survival +7 Str +0, Dex +1, Con +4, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha –2 AC 13, TAC 11; Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +1 HP 8 Speed 40 feet Melee tusk +6, Damage 1d6 piercing

Animal Medium

BOGGARD Boggards form settlements in deep swamps, sometimes clashing with lizardfolk and other swamp denizens. These


foul creatures look like humanoid frogs and prey upon creatures in their swamps; they use their unnerving croak to frighten their victims. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 37.

BOGGARD SCOUT Amphibious Boggard Chaotic Evil Humanoid Medium



Perception +5; darkvision Languages Boggard Skills +1; Acrobatics +3, Athletics +6, Stealth +4 (+6 in water) Str +2, Dex +0, Con +2, Int –1, Wis +0, Cha +0 Items leather armor, morningstar, sling with 10

bullets AC 15, TAC 14; Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +3 HP 20 Speed 20 feet, swim 25 feet Melee morningstar +7 (versatile P), Damage 1d6+2 bludgeoning Melee tongue +7 touch (reach 10 feet); Effect tongue grab Ranged sling +5, Damage 1d6+1 bludgeoning Terrifying Croak (auditory, emotion, fear, mental) The boggard unleashes a terrifying croak. Any non-boggard within 30 feet becomes frightened 1 (Will DC 15 negates). Tongue Grab If the boggard hits a creature with its tongue, that creature is grabbed by the boggard. Unlike with a normal Grab, the creature isn’t immobilized, but it can’t move beyond the reach of the boggard’s tongue. A creature can sever the tongue by hitting AC 13 and dealing at least 2 slashing damage. This doesn’t deal any damage to the boggard, but it can’t use this attack again for a week as it regrows its tongue.

BRAIN COLLECTOR (NEH-THALGGU) These strange, grotesque aliens from the depths of space prey upon humanoids, extracting their brains to increase the brain collector’s power. These alien menaces are part of a larger conglomeration of sinister aliens from beyond the solar system known as the Dominion of the Black. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 197.




Perception +14; darkvision Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Common, Draconic, Protean, Undercommon; telepathy 100 feet Skills +8; Acrobatics +15, Arcana +15, Athletics +17, Lore (all skills) +15, Occultism +17, Stealth +15 Str +6, Dex +3, Con +5, Int +4, Wis +4, Cha +3 AC 24, TAC 23; Fort +13, Ref +11, Will +12, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 145; Immunities confused; Weaknesses brain loss Brain Blisters A brain collector has seven brain blisters on its back that it uses to store brains. A brain collector without all seven blisters full is enervated with a value equal to the number of empty blisters. It also reduces its bonus to all Lore skills by 1 per empty blister (to a minimum bonus of +12). Brain Loss If it takes 35 damage from a critical hit or takes 30 mental damage, the brain collector is stupefied 2 for 1 round and might lose one of its brains. It must succeed at a DC 22

Aberration Chaotic Evil Large

save (Fortitude for critical damage or Will for mental damage) or have one of its brain blisters destroyed. Speed 25 feet, fly 30 feet Melee jaws +18, Damage 2d12+6 plus brain collector venom Melee claw +18 (agile), Damage 2d8+6 slashing Occult Spontaneous Spells DC 22, attack +18; 4th (2 slots) confusion, phantasmal killer; 3rd (3 slots) dispel magic, haste, paralyze; 2nd (4 slots) humanoid form, invisibility, mirror image, paranoia; 1st (4 slots) mindlink, ray of enfeeblement, true strike, unseen servant; Cantrips dancing lights, detect magic, mage hand, prestidigitation Brain Collector Venom (poison) Saving Throw Fortitude DC 22; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d6 poison and enfeebled 1 (1 round); Stage 2 1d6 poison, enfeebled 1, and slowed 1 (1 round); Stage 3 2d6 poison, enfeebled 2, and slowed 1 (1 round) Collect Brain (manipulate) The brain collector collects a brain of a creature that has been dead for up to 1 minute. It can then use an Interact action to secure the brain in one of its brain blisters.




Perception +6; darkvision, scent 30 feet Evil Languages Common, Goblin Goblin Humanoid Skills +2; Acrobatics +4, Athletics +5, Intimidation +6, Medium Stealth +7 Str +3, Dex +1, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +0, Cha –1 Items bastard sword, 3 javelins, leather armor AC 15, TAC 14; Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +4 HP 35 Speed 25 feet Melee bastard sword +8 (two-hand d12), Damage 1d8+3 piercing Melee fist +8 (agile, nonlethal), Damage 1d4+3 bludgeoning Ranged javelin +6, Damage 1d6+3 piercing Bushwhack The bugbear Strides up to 10 feet and attempts to Grapple a creature it’s unseen by. If it succeeds, it also deals fist damage to that creature. Mauler The bugbear gets a +3 circ*mstance bonus to damage rolls against creatures it has grabbed.




Perception +8; darkvision, scent 30 feet Evil Languages Common, Goblin Goblin Skills +3; Acrobatics +6, Athletics +8, Intimidation Humanoid Medium +9, Stealth +7 Str +4, Dex +1, Con +3, Int +0, Wis +0, Cha +0 Items flail, heavy wooden shield (Hardness 3), 4 javelins, scale mail AC 18 (20 with shield raised), TAC 16 (18 with shield raised); Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +4




Ravenous beasts that burrow through the ground, bulettes erupt from hiding to devour their prey. In addition to burrowing, bulettes are known for leaping great distances and closing on their prey with deadly claws. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 39.





Animal Huge

These stealthy and cruel goblinoid creatures delight in spreading fear and tormenting their victims. Hulking and rangy, bugbears are typically loners, but they sometimes gather in groups or serve alongside hobgoblins as brutes and guards. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 38.


HP 45 Attack of Opportunity Shield Block Speed 20 feet Melee flail +10 (disarm, trip, sweep), Damage 1d6+6 bludgeoning Ranged javelin +8, Damage 1d6+6 piercing Bushwhacking Flail The bugbear Strides up to 10 feet and attempts to Trip a creature it’s unseen by with its flail. If it succeeds, it also deals flail damage to that creature.

Perception +15; darkvision, scent 30 feet Languages — Skills +7; Acrobatics +13, Athletics +19 Str +7, Dex +2, Con +6, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha –2 AC 26, TAC 22; Fort +15, Ref +12, Will +10 HP 136 Speed 40 feet, burrow 30 feet Melee jaws +18, Damage 2d12+7 piercing Melee claw +18 (agile), Damage 2d8+7 slashing Delicious Target A bulette gains a +1 circ*mstance bonus to attack and damage rolls with its jaws against a specific type of creature designated as its favorite food. Unless otherwise stated, a bulette prefers halflings. Fin Slash Requirement The bulette must be burrowing 5 feet under the surface of the ground. Effect The bulette Burrows up to double its burrow Speed in a straight line and slices each creature on the surface in a line that follows the center of the bulette’s movement. This deals 2d8+7 slashing damage, but each creature that succeeds at a DC 22 Reflex save takes half damage (no damage on a critical success, double damage on a critical failure). Leaping Charge The bulette attempts a High Jump or Long Jump. If it’s adjacent to an enemy at the apex of its High Jump or the end of its Long Jump, it can make a claw Strike against the enemy at that moment. If the bulette jumps at least 5 feet vertically or at least 20 feet horizontally, it can attempt two claw Strikes instead of one. The bulette’s multiple attack penalty doesn’t increase until it has made all the claw Strikes that are part of its Leaping Charge. Powerful Jumper A bulette jumps 10 feet up on a successful High Jump, or 20 feet up on a critical success.

BUNYIP Bunyips are dangerous aquatic predators that resemble a cross between a shark and a seal. Found in freshwater inlets or saltwater coves worldwide, bunyips hunt where prey is plentiful, often to the consternation of coastal residents and fisherfolk.



Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 50.




Perception +8; darkvision, shark scent 100 feet Languages — Skills +3; Athletics +9, Stealth +9 Str +4, Dex +3, Con +4, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha –1 Shark Scent The bunyip’s scent extends three times as far as normal, and it can smell blood in the water up to a mile away. AC 18, TAC 16; Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +5 HP 45 Aquatic Opportunity As Attack of Opportunity, but both the bunyip and the triggering creature must be in water. Speed 10 feet, swim 40 feet Melee jaws +9, Damage 1d10+4 piercing plus 1d6 persistent bleed Melee tail +9 (agile), Damage 1d8+4 bludgeoning Shift Form (morph, primal, transmutation) A bunyip can alter its form slightly to gain an advantage and make it harder to recognize. If it does, its teeth shrink and it loses the 1d6 persistent bleed from its jaws Strike. It can choose to gain either a long snake tail, granting its tail Strike reach 10 feet and Grab, or squat crocodile legs, increasing its land Speed to 20 feet. If it uses Shift Form again, the bunyip can return to normal or switch between a long tail or crocodile legs. Blood Frenzy Requirement The bunyip is not fatigued or already in a frenzy. Trigger The bunyip deals bleed damage to a living creature. Effect The bunyip flies into a frenzy that lasts 1 minute. While frenzied, the bunyip gains a +4 conditional bonus to damage rolls with its jaws, gains 8 temporary HP that go away at the end of the frenzy, and takes a –2 penalty to AC. Roar (auditory, concentrate, emotion, enchantment, fear, mental, primal) The bunyip lets out a loud and horrifying roar. Other creatures within 100 feet must succeed at a DC 15 Will save or become frightened 2 (frightened 3 on a critical failure, frightened 1 on a success, or unaffected on a critical success). No matter the result, the creature is bolstered.

Animal Aquatic Medium

CALIGNI (DARK FOLK) After fleeing underground during a cataclysmic event, these former humans changed over time into a new species of enigmatic creatures with their own unique culture. Many different types of caligni exist in their darkened communities deep beneath the surface; the following are just two examples. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 53, 54.




Perception +7; greater darkvision, light blindness Caligni Languages Caligni Chaotic Humanoid Skills +2; Athletics +4, Acrobatics +6, Stealth +8, Small Thievery +6 Str +0, Dex +3, Con +2, Int –1, Wis +0, Cha –1 Items 3 doses of black smear poison, dagger Light Blindness When first exposed to bright light, the creeper is


blinded for 1 round. After this exposure, light doesn’t blind the creeper again until after it spends 1 hour in darkness. As long as a creeper is in an area of bright light, however, it is dazzled. AC 17, TAC 15; Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +4 HP 26, death flash Death Flash When the creeper dies, its body combusts in a flash of bright light. All creatures in a 10-foot burst must succeed at a DC 16 Fortitude save or be blinded for 1d6 rounds. Creatures with light blindness who successfully save are still blinded for 1 round. The creeper’s gear and treasure are left in a pile where it died. Speed 25 feet Melee dagger +8 (agile, versatile S), Damage 1d4 piercing and black smear poison Ranged dagger +8 (agile, thrown 10 feet, versatile S), Damage 1d4 piercing and black smear poison Arcane Innate Spells DC 15; At Will darkness; Cantrips (1st) detect magic Sneak Attack (precision) The dark creeper deals 1d6 extra precision damage to flat-footed creatures.




Perception +10; greater darkvision, light blindness Caligni Languages Caligni, Undercommon Chaotic Humanoid Skills +4; Athletics +7, Acrobatics +9, Stealth +11, Medium Thievery +9 Str +2, Dex +4, Con +2, Int –1, Wis +0, Cha +1 Items 6 doses of black smear poison, leather armor, 2 shortswords Light Blindness As dark creeper. AC 20, TAC 19; Fort +6, Ref +10, Will +6 HP 50, death flame Death Flame When the stalker dies, its body combusts in a flash of white-hot flame. All creatures in a 20-foot burst take 3d6 fire damage. Each creature must attempt a DC 18 Reflex save (half damage on a success, no damage on a critical success, double damage on a critical failure). The stalker’s gear and treasure are unaffected by the flames and lie in a pile where it died. Speed 30 feet Melee shortsword +11 (agile, versatile S), Damage 1d6+4 piercing Arcane Innate Spells DC 18; At Will darkness, obscuring mist; Cantrips (2nd) detect magic Double Slice The stalker makes two Strikes against the same target, one with each of its shortswords. The stalker combines the damage of any attacks that hit and applies precision damage, resistance, and weaknesses only once. Both attacks count toward the stalker’s multiple attack penalty, but the penalty increases only after both attacks. Encircling Command (auditory) Each caligni creeper within 30 feet of the stalker can Step. Each creeper can benefit from only one Encircling Command per round. Sneak Attack (precision) The stalker deals 1d6 extra precision damage to flat-footed creatures.

BLACK SMEAR POISON Caligni carry black smear poison.




Price 5 gp Alchemical Consumable Method of Use held, 2 hands; Bulk L Injury Activation Operate Activation, no cost Poison Saving Throw Fortitude DC 16; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d6 poison and enfeebled 1 (1 round); Stage 2 As stage 1; Stage 3 1d6 poison, and enfeebled 2 (1 round)

CAMEL Camels are often used as mounts and beasts of burden in arid climates. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 154.




Animal Large

Perception +3; low-light vision, scent 30 feet Languages — Skills –1; Acrobatics +2, Athletics +6 Str +3, Dex +1, Con +4, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha –2 Desert Survivor A camel lasts up to a week in severe heat without drinking water, or up to 6 months without drinking water at cooler temperatures. AC 13, TAC 12; Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +2 HP 30 Speed 35 feet Melee jaws +5, Damage 1d4+3 bludgeoning Range spit (range increment 10 feet) +4 touch, Effect camel spit Camel Spit Once per hour, a camel can regurgitate the contents of its stomach as a foul spit. On a successful attack, the target is dazzled for 1 round (or blinded for 1 round on a critical hit) and it must succeed at a DC 14 Fortitude save or be sick 1.

CAT Big cats of different varieties and sizes can be found throughout a range of wilderness regions, from forests and jungles to hills and plains. These stealthy hunters pounce upon unsuspecting prey. Sources: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 40, 193, 265.



Perception +4; low-light vision, scent 30 feet Languages — Skills –2; Acrobatics +4, Athletics +3, Stealth +5 Str –1, Dex +3, Con +0, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha –2 AC 13, TAC 12; Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +0 HP 7 Speed 25 feet, climb 20 feet Melee jaws +6, Damage 1d6–1 piercing plus Grab Melee claw +6 (agile), Damage 1d4–1 slashing Pounce The bobcat Strides and makes a Strike at the end of that movement. If the bobcat began this action hidden, it remains hidden until after the attack. Sneak Attack (precision) The bobcat deals 1d4 extra precision damage to flat-footed creatures.

Animal Small




Perception +5; low-light vision, scent 30 feet Languages — Skills –1; Acrobatics +5, Athletics +4, Stealth +6 Str +1, Dex +3, Con +1, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha –2 AC 15, TAC 14; Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +2 HP 18 Speed 30 feet, climb 20 feet Melee jaws +7, Damage 1d6+1 piercing plus Grab Melee claw +7 (agile), Damage 1d4+1 slashing Maul The leopard makes two claw Strikes against a creature it has grabbed. Both count toward its multiple attack penalty, but the penalty increases only after both attacks. Pounce The leopard Strides and makes a Strike at the end of that movement. If the leopard began this action hidden, it remains hidden until after the attack. Sneak Attack (precision) The leopard deals 1d4 extra precision damage to flat-footed creatures.

Animal Medium




Animal Medium

Perception +7; low-light vision, scent 30 feet Skills +0; Acrobatics +6, Athletics +5, Stealth +7 Str +2, Dex +4, Con +2, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha –2 AC 16, TAC 15; Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +3 HP 30 Speed 30 feet, climb 20 feet Melee jaws +8, Damage 1d8+3 piercing plus Riding Grab Melee claw +8 (agile), Damage 1d6+3 slashing Pounce The panther Strides and makes a Strike at the end of that movement. If the panther began this action hidden, it remains hidden until after the attack. Riding Grab Requirements On the panther’s most recent action this turn, it hit a creature of its size or larger with a jaws attack. Effect The panther grabs the creature it just hit and leaps onto the creature’s back, entering its space. The grabbed creature isn’t immobilized, and when it moves, the panther moves with it. A panther doesn’t trigger reactions for moving in this way. The creature takes a –2 circ*mstance penalty to attack rolls against the panther. Sneak Attack (precision) The panther deals 1d4 extra precision damage to flat-footed creatures.




Animal Large

Perception +8; low-light vision, scent 30 feet Languages — Skills +1; Acrobatics +7, Athletics +8, Stealth +9 Str +4, Dex +4, Con +2, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha –1 AC 18, TAC 17; Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +4 HP 46 Speed 30 feet Melee jaws +9, Damage 1d8+4 piercing plus Grab Melee claw +9 (agile), Damage 1d4+4 slashing Pounce The lion Strides and makes a Strike at the end of that movement. If the lion began this action hidden, it remains hidden until after the attack.



Pack Attack The lion’s Strikes deal 1d6 extra damage to creatures within the reach of at least two of the lion’s allies. Sneak Attack (precision) The lion deals 1d6 extra precision damage to flat-footed creatures.




Perception +9; low-light vision, scent 30 feet Languages — Skills +2; Acrobatics +11, Athletics +9, Stealth +11 Str +5, Dex +3, Con +3, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha –2 AC 19, TAC 18; Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +5 HP 63 Speed 30 feet Melee jaws +11, Damage 1d10+5 piercing plus Grab Melee claw +11 (agile), Damage 1d6+5 slashing plus Grab Pounce The tiger Strides and makes a Strike at the end of that movement. If the tiger began this action hidden, it remains hidden until after the attack. Wrestle The tiger makes a claw Strike against a creature it has grabbed. If the attack hits, that creature is knocked prone. Sneak Attack (precision) The tiger deals 1d6 extra precision damage to flat-footed creatures.

Animal Large




Perception +10; low-light vision, scent 30 feet Languages — Skills +3; Acrobatics +12, Athletics +10, Stealth +12 Str +6, Dex +2, Con +4, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha –1 AC 20, TAC 18; Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +6 HP 77 Speed 30 feet Melee teeth +13, Damage 1d12+6 piercing plus Grab Melee claw +13, Damage 1d8+6 slashing plus Grab Pierce Armor The smilodon makes a teeth Strike against a creature it has grabbed. If the attack hits, that creature’s armor is dented, the creature falls prone, and the creature takes 1d8 persistent bleed damage. Pounce The smilodon Strides and makes a Strike at the end of that movement. If the smilodon began this action hidden, it remains hidden until after the attack. Sneak Attack (precision) The smilodon deals 1d6 extra precision damage to flat-footed creatures.

Animal Large

CENTIPEDE Crawling about on dozens of pairs of legs, giant centipedes inject venom into their prey with their powerful mandibles. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 43.

GIANT CENTIPEDE Perception +4; darkvision Languages — Skills –2; Acrobatics +3, Athletics +5, Stealth +6 Str –1, Dex +2, Con +1, Int –5, Wis +0, Cha –4 AC 13, TAC 10; Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +1 HP 8 Speed 30 feet, climb 30 feet

Animal Medium



Melee mandibles +6, Damage 1d4–1 piercing plus centipede venom Centipede Venom (poison) Saving Throw Fortitude DC 13; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d6 poison and flat-footed (1 round); Stage 2 1d6 poison, flat-footed, and sluggish 2 (1 round)

CHIMERA Chimeras are a mix of various beasts, typically sporting the head of a goat, lion, and dragon attached to a lion’s body. Powerful wings stretch from the beast’s back. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 44.




Perception +16; darkvision, scent 30 feet Beast Languages Draconic Chaotic Evil Skills +8; Acrobatics +15, Athletics +17, Stealth +15 Large Str +5, Dex +1, Con +3, Int –3, Wis +1, Cha +0 AC 24, TAC 21; Fort +15, Ref +13, Will +11 HP 156 Attack of Opportunity Three Heads Any ability that would sever a chimera’s head (such as a critical hit with a vorpal weapon) severs one head at random. Losing a head doesn’t kill a chimera (as long as it has one head left), but it does prevent it from making Strikes with the lost head or using the head’s Breath Weapon. Triple Opportunity A chimera gains 2 extra reactions each round that it can use only to make Attacks of Opportunity. It must use a different head for each one it attempts, and it can’t make more than one on the same triggering action. If it loses one of its heads, it also loses one of these extra reactions. Speed 25 feet, fly 40 feet Melee dragon jaws +18, Damage 2d10+5 piercing plus 2d6 dragon bite Melee lion jaws +18, Damage 2d10+10 piercing Melee goat horns +18, Damage 2d8+10 piercing Melee claw +18 (agile), Damage 2d8+10 slashing Breath Weapon (arcane, evocation) The chimera breathes a cone or line that deals 9d6 damage to all creatures in the cone or line (Reflex DC 22 half, double damage on a critical failure, no damage on a critical success). The color of the chimera’s dragon head determines the size and shape of the Breath Weapon, the type of damage it deals, and the type of save to avoid it. The chimera can’t use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds. This activity gains the trait corresponding to the damage type. Black 60-foot line of acid (DC 22 Reflex) Blue 60-foot line of electricity (DC 22 Reflex) Green 30-foot cone of poison (DC 22 Fortitude) Red 30-foot cone of fire (DC 22 Reflex) White 30-foot cone of cold (DC 22 Reflex) Dragon Bite A chimera’s dragon head deals 2d6 extra damage of a type matching the dragon’s color (see Breath Weapon). Three-Headed Strike The chimera makes a Strike with its dragon jaws, lion jaws, and goat horns, each at a –2 penalty and targeting a different creature. These Strikes count as one attack for the chimera’s multiple attack penalty, and the penalty doesn’t increase until after all three attacks.

CHOKER Chokers are small, vaguely humanoid creatures that have limbs that stretch like tentacles, ending in five wide, spiny digits. Chokers lurk in dark places, often clinging to walls, waiting to reach out with rubbery arms to grab their victims. While they keep their distance, chokers are intrigued by the trappings of society, and their lairs are often filled with mundane items and valuables plucked from their victims. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 45.




Perception +7; darkvision Languages Undercommon Skills +2; Athletics +5 (+9 to Grapple), Stealth +7 Str +2, Dex +2, Con +1, Int –3, Wis +1, Cha –2 AC 17, TAC 16; Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +4 HP 22 Yank (manipulate) Trigger An enemy targets the choker with an attack. Effect The choker attempts to pull a creature it has Grabbed or restrained into the path of the attack. The choker attempts an Athletics check. If it succeeds against both the grabbed or restrained creature’s Fortitude DC and the attacker’s attack DC, the choker redirects the attack to the grabbed or restrained creature. The attacker rolls to hit the grabbed or restrained creature instead of the choker. If the triggering attack is a melee attack, the choker must pull the creature into a space adjacent to itself and within the attacker’s reach. If the triggering attack is a ranged attack, the choker must pull the creature into a space adjacent to itself and in a line between it and the attacker. The choker can’t use the triggering enemy to block the attack, even if it’s grabbing or restraining that enemy. Speed 20 feet, climb 15 feet Melee tentacle +8 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d4+2 bludgeoning plus strangling fingers Constrict 4 bludgeoning Hidden Movement If the choker starts its turn unseen or sensed by a creature, that creature is flat-footed against its attacks until the end of the turn. Strangling Fingers A choker automatically grabs any creature it hits and begins to strangle that creature. The creature is suffocating as long as it’s strangled, and can’t speak. This prevents it from using the Verbal Casting and Command Activation actions.

Aberration Small

co*ckATRICE This small, strange beast resembles a horrific rooster with leathery bat wings and a scaly tail. co*ckatrices have the ability to turn their victims to stone with their pecks. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 48.

co*ckATRICE Perception +8; darkvision Animal Languages — Small Skills +1; Acrobatics +9 Str –1, Dex +3, Con +0, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha +1



AC 18, TAC 16; Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +5 HP 42; Immunities calcification Speed 20 feet, fly 40 feet Melee beak +9, Damage 1d6–1 plus calcification Calcification (primal, transmutation) A peck from a co*ckatrice hardens the flesh of the creature hit. It must succeed at a DC 17 Fortitude save or be slowed 1 (or slowed 2 on a critical failure). Further pecks increase the slowed condition by 1. Once a creature’s actions are reduced to 0 by calcification, that creature becomes petrified. Every 24 hours after it was petrified, the victim can attempt a DC 17 Fortitude save to recover. On a success, it becomes flesh again, but is slowed 1 for the next 24 hours. On a critical success, the creature recovers and isn’t slowed. On a failure, the creature remains petrified, but can try again in 24 hours. On a critical failure, the petrification is permanent and the creature can’t attempt any more saves.

CROCODILE Crocodiles can be found basking on riverbanks, lurking in swamps, or floating in freshwater lakes; from afar, they are difficult to distinguish from floating logs. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 51.




Perception +7; low-light vision Languages — Skills +0; Acrobatics +4, Athletics +8, Stealth +5 (+7 in water) Str +4, Dex +1, Con +3, Int –5, Wis +1, Cha –4 AC 15, TAC 12; Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +4 HP 36 Speed 20 feet, swim 25 feet Melee jaws +8, Damage 1d10+4 piercing plus Grab Melee tail +8 (agile), Damage 1d6+4 bludgeoning Ambush Sprint Trigger While the crocodile is hiding in water, a creature that hasn’t detected the crocodile moves within 30 feet of it. Effect The crocodile is accelerated 10 and moves toward the creature. It Swims first, and if it reaches land, it can use any remaining Speed left from using the Swim action to Stride further toward the creature. It then makes a jaws Strike against the triggering creature, which is flat-footed against the crocodile’s attack. Death Roll Requirement A creature is grabbed or restrained by the crocodile. Effect The crocodile tucks in its legs and rolls rapidly, twisting its victim. The crocodile makes a jaws Strike against the grabbed creature with a +2 circ*mstance bonus to the attack roll. If the crocodile hits, it deals jaws damage and knocks the creature prone. If the crocodile misses, it releases the creature. Deep Breath If the crocodile uses the Breathe Deep action, it can hold its breath for 320 actions.

Animal Large

CYCLOPS Cyclopes are much fewer in number and tend to live in more isolated areas than the during age in which they



were often rulers of great kingdoms. These towering, oneeyed giants are known for their ferocity in combat as well as their ability to glimpse into the future. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 52.




Perception +12; low-light vision Evil Languages Common, Cyclops, Jotun Giant Skills +5; Acrobatics +8, Athletics +12, FortuneHumanoid Large telling Lore +12, Intimidation +10, Survival +10 Str +5, Dex –1, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +1, Cha –1 Items greataxe, heavy crossbow with 10 bolts, hide armor AC 19, TAC 16; Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +8 HP 80 Ferocity Trigger The cyclops is reduced to 0 HP. Effect The cyclops avoids being knocked out and remains at 1 HP. Flash of Insight (divination, divine, fortune) Once per day, the cyclops can peer into an occluded spectrum of possible futures. Trigger The cyclops is about to roll a d20. Effect The cyclops gets a success (but not a critical success) on the roll instead of rolling. Speed 30 feet Melee greataxe +12 (sweep), Damage 2d12+5 slashing Ranged heavy crossbow +9, Damage 2d10 piercing Swipe (open) The cyclops makes a melee Strike and compares the attack roll to the AC of up to two foes, each of whom must be within its melee reach and adjacent to each other. Roll damage only once, and apply it to each creature hit. If the cyclops critically hits one target and not the other, roll the extra critical hit damage separately. A Swipe counts as two attacks for the cyclops’s multiple attack penalty, and the penalty doesn’t increase until after both attacks.

DEH-NOLO Deh-nolos are aberrant aliens associated with brain collectors. They hail from the depths of space, and visit worlds to hunt their preferred prey—intelligent beings. Deh-nolos use the brains of other creatures to amplify their own magical abilities and slake their unending thirst for knowledge. These creatures have a bulbous bodies held up by four spindly legs, and four translucent sacs that stand at the end of appendages growing from their backs. Source: Starfinder Alien Archive 32.



Perception +24; darkvision Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Common, Draconic, Protean, Undercommon; telepathy 100 feet Skills +17; Arcana +27, Lore (all skills) +27, Medicine +24, Occultism +27 Str +4, Dex +4, Con +6, Int +8, Wis +4, Cha +4 AC 33, TAC 32; Fort +21, Ref +19, Will +25 (+2 conditional vs. mental), +1 conditional to saves vs. spells HP 255; Immunities confusion, disease, poison; Resistances cold 10, fire 10, mental 10; Weaknesses brain loss

Aberration Chaotic Evil Large


Brain Blisters A deh-nolo has four brain blisters on its back that it uses to store brains. If the deh-nolo’s four brain blisters are not all full, it becomes enervated with a value equal to the number of empty blisters. It also reduces its bonus to Lore skills by 1 per empty blister (to a minimum of +25). Brain Loss If it takes 55 damage from a critical hit or takes 50 mental damage, the deh-nolo is stupefied 2 for 1 round and must also succeed at a DC 31 Fortitude save (for critical damage) or DC 31 Will save (for mental damage) to avoid having one of its brain blisters destroyed. Open Pustules Trigger The deh-nolo takes at least 20 physical damage at once. Effect Pustules on the deh-nolo’s body erupt, exposing each adjacent creature that does not succeed at a DC 31 Reflex save to dominion bile. Speed 15 feet, fly 30 feet Melee bite +25, Damage 4d10+8 piercing plus dominion bile Ranged synthesized crystal +26 (range increment 60 feet), Damage 6d6 piercing plus augment crystal Occult Spontaneous Spells DC 31, attack +24; 6th (3 slots) dominate, feeblemind; 5th (4 slots) dispel magic, sending, synaptic pulse, synesthesia; 4th (4 slots) confusion, dimension door, enervation, phantasmal killer; 3rd (4 slots) haste, paralyze; 2nd (4 slots) invisibility, mirror image; 1st (4 slots) mindlink, ray of enfeeblement, true strike; Cantrips detect magic, mage hand, read aura, shield Augment Crystal Each time a deh-nolo attacks with a synthesized crystal Strike, it can add either dominion bile, 3d6 acid damage, 3d6 cold damage, 3d6 electricity damage, or 3d6 fire damage. Collect Brain (manipulate) The deh-nolo collects the brain of a creature that has been dead for up to 1 minute. It can then take an Interact action to secure the brain in one of its brain blisters. Dominion Bile (poison) Saving Throw Fortitude DC 23; Stage 1 4d6 poison (1 round); Stage 2 4d6 poison and drained 1 (1 round); Stage 3 4d6 poison and drained 2 (1 round); Stage 4 dead

DEMON Demons are fiendish natives of the Abyss who seek to twist mortals to sin. Demons seek to drag more beings into the pit following their death and final judgment. Many different types of demons exist, but only 13 of their kind are presented here.

BOAR DEMON (NALFESHNEE) This corpulent fiend has the head of a boar and is covered in patches of greasy feathers. Nalfeshnees form from the souls of greedy or avaricious evil mortals. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 65.



Perception +24; darkvision, true seeing Chaotic Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, telepathy Demon Evil 100 feet Fiend Skills +17; Acrobatics +22, Arcana +24, Deception Huge +24, Diplomacy +24, Intimidation +27, Religion +27 Str +8, Dex +2, Con +7, Int +6, Wis +6, Cha +5

AC 33, TAC 30; Fort +25, Ref +17, Will +23, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 365; Weaknesses acid 15, cold iron 15, good 15 Greedy Grab (attack) Trigger A creature critically fails a weapon Strike against the boar demon Effect The boar demon tries to snatch the weapon used in the triggering Strike by attempting an Athletics check to Disarm the boar demon at a –2 penalty. On a success or critical success, the boar demon takes the weapon into one of its hands instead of the normal success effect. Speed 25 feet, fly 35 feet Melee jaws (reach 15 feet) +26, Damage 3d12+16 piercing Melee claw (agile, reach 15 feet) +26, Damage 3d8+16 slashing Divine Innate Spells DC 31; Constant true seeing; 5th dimension door; At Will dimension door, dispel magic (6th), divine wrath (6th), illusory object (5th), glyph of warding (7th) Rituals Abyssal pact Claim Wealth (conjuration, divine, extradimensional) The boar demon lays claim to all unattended items glowing with its light of avarice, making them disappear into an extradimensional space innately tied to the boar demon. The boar demon can use an Interact action to regurgitate any number of these items, expelling them from its mouth. If the boar demon dies, uses teleportation magic, or consumes an extradimensional space (such as a bag of holding), it immediately vomits up all the stolen items. Light of Avarice (attack, divine, enchantment, light, mental) Frequency Once per hour Effect Beams of unholy light shoot out from the boar demon, targeting up to four items within 60 feet. To affect a held or worn item, the boar demon must succeed at a ranged touch attack with a +28 modifier against the creature holding or wearing the item; these attacks don’t affect the boar demon’s multiple attack penalty. For 1 minute, all affected items glow in nauseating colors, and visions of obscene greed flit over their surface. Any non-demon is sick 2 and slowed 1 as long as it holds, wears, or touches any glowing item. To recover from this sickness, a creature must succeed at a DC 29 Will save instead of a Fortitude save. If the sickness ends, the creature ends the slow condition and becomes bolstered. If the creature removes or drops the item, both the sick and slow conditions end immediately.

BLOOD DEMON (BABAU) These emaciated fiends are horned and skeletal figures coated in a bone-tight hide of slimy and bloody leather. Babaus form from the mortal souls of lone killers who took pleasure in personal and intimate murders. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 57.

BLOOD DEMON Chaotic Demon Evil Fiend Medium



Perception +14; darkvision, see invisibility Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic; telepathy 100 feet Skills +7; Acrobatics +15, Athletics +13, Religion +13, Stealth +17, Thievery +13

the Weaknesses




Demons are creatures of sin, and despite their overt displays of strength and magical might, these sins corrupt them. Each demon has weaknesses tied to the sin or sins most associated with them. Sin Weakness Envy Fire Gluttony Positive Greed Acid Lust Cold Pride Sonic Sloth Electricity Wrath Cold


aByssal Pacts Many demons can cast the Abyssal pact ritual to coax others of their kind into servitude. Rules for rituals appear on page 274 of the Pathfinder Playtest Rulebook.




Casting 1 day Proficiency Expert Religion (you must be a demon) You call in a favor from another demon with a level of, at most, twice the spell level of the Abyssal pact, two demons up to 2 levels lower than that, or three demons up to 3 levels lower than that. If the ritual succeeds, you owe the summoned demons a favor, depending on their nature and eagerness to pursue whatever tasks you had in mind. Success You summon the demon or demons. Critical Success You summon the demon or demons, and because they are so eager to perform the task, they do not ask for a favor. Failure You don’t summon the demon or demons. Critical Failure Each demon is angry that you disturbed them. They appear before you, but they have the summoned trait and immediately attack you.


Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int +2, Wis +1, Cha +3 Items expert longspear AC 23, TAC 21; Fort +14, Ref +11, Will +11, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 143; Immunities acid; Weaknesses cold 7, cold iron 7, good 7 Protective Slime Trigger A creature Strikes the blood demon with a weapon or unarmed attack, or otherwise touches the blood demon. Effect If the creature hit the blood demon with an unarmed Strike or touched the blood demon, the creature takes 2d4 acid damage (Reflex DC 20 negates). If the creature hits the blood demon with a melee weapon, the creature has to succeed at a DC 20 Reflex save or the weapon is dented. On a critical failure, the weapon is broken. Thrown weapons and ammunition are broken automatically with no save. This doesn’t affect items the blood demon holds or wears. Speed 25 feet


Melee longspear (reach 10 feet) +17, Damage 2d8+7 piercing Melee jaws +17, Damage 2d6+5 piercing plus 2d4 acid Melee claw (agile) +17, Damage d6+5 plus 2d4 acid Divine Innate Spells DC 20; Constant see invisibility (3rd); 5th dimension door; At Will darkness, dispel magic, dimension door Rituals Abyssal pact Hidden Strike If a blood demon starts its turn unseen or sensed by a creature, that creature is flat-footed against the blood demon’s attacks until the end of its turn. Lurking Assassin If the blood demon is unseen or sensed by a creature at the start of the blood demon’s turn, the demon can attempt to frighten that creature if it hits the creature with its first attack on that turn. The target must succeed at a DC 22 Will save or become frightened 2. On a critical failure, the creature can’t reduce its fear below frightened 1 for 1 minute. Sneak Attack When attacking a flat-footed creature, the blood demon deals 1d6 additional precision damage.

FIRE DEMON (BALOR) The strongest of all demonkind, a fire demon is a towering fiend with a horned head, powerful wings, and a wreath of lashing flames. The Abyss births balors only from the souls of the most evil and powerful mortal souls—often requiring the souls of multiple villains. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 58.



Perception +35; darkvision, true seeing Chaotic Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic; telepathy Demon Evil 100 feet Fiend Str +9, Dex +7, Con +9, Int +6, Wis +6, Cha +8 Large Skills +26; Acrobatics +32, Arcana +35, Deception +35, Diplomacy +32, Intimidation +35, Religion +35, Society +35, Stealth +32 Items legendary longsword AC 44, TAC 42; Fort +30, Ref +30, Will +33, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 460; Immunities fire; Weaknesses cold iron 20, cold 20, good 20 Aura of Flame (aura, divine, evocation) 20 feet. Any creature that starts its turn in the aura takes 20 fire damage, or 40 fire damage if the fire demon has grabbed or restrained it. Any creature that hits a fire demon with an unarmed Strike takes 20 fire damage, and weapons that hit a fire demon also take 20 fire damage. Attack of Opportunity Disruptive In addition to its normal triggers, the fire demon’s Attack of Opportunity can also be used when a creature within the fire demon’s reach uses an action with the concentrate trait. Furthermore, the fire demon doesn’t take the normal –2 penalty when it makes an Attack of Opportunity. Death Throes (death, divine, evocation, fire) When a fire demon dies, it explodes in a 100-foot-aura flash of intense demonic flame. All creatures and objects in range take 100 fire damage. A creature that succeeds at a DC 42 Reflex save halves the damage (no damage on a critical success, double damage on a


critical failure). Because the flame is infused with divine energy, creatures in the area apply only half their usual fire resistance. A creature that is immune to fire treats its result on the saving throw as one degree of success better, instead of gaining the usual benefit of immunity. The bodies of creatures reduced to 0 HP by this fire are completely incinerated into dust, as per disintegrate. Speed 35 feet, fly 75 feet Melee +5 vorpal longsword +35 (reach 10 feet, versatile P), Damage 6d8+18 slashing Melee +5 vorpal flame whip (disarm, finesse, reach 15 feet, trip), Damage 6d4+18 fire plus Improved Grab and whip reposition Divine Innate Spells DC 40; Constant (8th) true seeing; 10th dimension door, divine decree ×2); At Will dimension door, dispel magic (9th), dominate (9th) Rituals Abyssal pact Dimensional Dervish A fire demon can cast its at-will innate dimension door using only one Verbal Casting action. Dispelling Strike Frequency Once per round. Trigger The fire demon hits a creature, object, or spell effect with a weapon Strike. Effect The fire demon casts its innate dispel magic on the target it hit with its Strike. Infuse Weapons (divine, evocation) Any weapon a fire demon wields is treated as a +5 vorpal weapon made of cold iron and silver. Damage resulting from the fire demon’s weapon Strikes also triggers any weakness to chaos or evil the target has. The demon can also conjure a flaming whip with an Interact action that gains the same benefits as other weapons the fire demon wields. Lifedrinker (divine, healing) Trigger The fire demon kills a living creature that is at least 13th level. Effect The fire demon drinks the triggering creature’s life force and gains the benefits of a 10th-level heal spell. Whip Reposition When a fire demon Grabs a creature with its whip, it can move the creature to any space in its whip’s reach. The fire demon can move without ending the Grab—as long as it keeps the creature within the whip’s reach—and it can use an action with the manipulate trait to move the creature to any other space within its reach.

LUST DEMON (SUCCUBUS) Lust demons are manipulative, cruel fiends that use charm and lust as weapons. Succubi are physically attractive, have wings and horns, and are formed from the souls of lustful and rapacious mortals. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 68.

LUST DEMON Chaotic Demon Evil Fiend Medium



Perception +13; darkvision Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, three mortal languages; telepathy 100 feet, tongues Skills + 6; Acrobatics +11, Deception +15, Diplomacy +16, Religion +11, Society +13, Stealth +11

Str +2, Dex +3, Con +3, Int +4, Wis +2, Cha +7 AC 20, TAC 19; Fort +11, Ref +10, Will +12, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 84; Weaknesses cold 5, cold iron 5, good 5 Seductive Presence (aura, charm, emotion, mental) 10 feet. Any creature in the aura that could be sexually attracted to the lust demon takes a –2 circ*mstance penalty to checks and DCs to oppose the lust demon’s Deception, Diplomacy and mental spells. Speed 25 feet, fly 40 feet Melee claw +15 (agile), Damage 2d8+4 slashing Divine Innate Spells DC 21, attack +15; Constant tongues; 6th dominate; 5th dimension door; At Will (4th) charm, mind reading, suggestion, vampiric touch Rituals Abyssal pact Change Shape (concentrate, divine, polymorph, transmutation) The lust demon can take on the appearance of any Small or Medium humanoid. This doesn’t change her Speed, or her attack and damage bonuses with her Strikes, but might change the damage type her Strikes deal (typically to bludgeoning). Embrace (attack) Instead of using the Athletics skill, the lust demon attempts a Diplomacy check to Grapple a creature. If the creature is willing, the lust demon Grapples it automatically. Passionate Kiss (divine, emotion, enchantment, mental) Frequency Once per round Effect The lust demon engages a creature she has grabbed in a kiss or other act of passion in order to drain its energy. The kiss makes the creature enervated 1 for 1 day. The creature must also succeed at a DC 21 Will save or become affected by a suggestion to submit to more acts of passion rather than trying to escape. Further Passionate Kisses increase the amount of the enervated condition by 1. A creature whose enervated condition becomes equal to its level is slain by the Passionate Kiss. Profane Gift (divine, enchantment, mental) Frequency Once per day Effect The lust demon can give a willing humanoid a profane gift. That creature gains a +1 conditional bonus to all attack rolls, skill checks, and saving throws. As long as the gift persists, the lust demon can communicate telepathically with the creature at any distance, perceive through the creature’s senses, and target the creature with suggestion through the telepathic link. In addition, the creature treats the results of any saving throw against the lust demon’s suggestion spell as one degree of success worse than normal. A humanoid can’t have more than one profane gift at a time, and a lust demon can’t grant more than one profane gift at a time. Removing the gift requires an atone ritual. The lust demon can remove the gift as an action to give the recipient a permanent stupefied 3 condition. This condition is especially potent. It takes a 4th-level restoration spell to reduce the stupefied condition by 1. A summoned lust demon can’t use Profane Gift.

MUTILATION DEMON (SHEMHAZIAN) Prone to violence at a whim, these fiends are among the most predacious of their kind. Each of these massive

demons has multiple eyes on its bestial head and a pair of insectile appendages stretching from its back. Shemhazians are formed from the souls of torturers and mortals who delighted in mutilation. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 80.




Perception +28; darkvision, scent 30 feet, true seeing Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic; telepathy 100 feet Skills +20; Athletics +30, Deception +27, Medicine +30, Religion +27 Str +9, Dex +5, Con +7, Int +0, Wis +6, Cha +3 AC 38, TAC 35; Fort +28, Ref +22, Will +26; +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 370; Weaknesses cold 15, cold iron 15, good 15 Paralyzing Gaze (aura, divine, enchantment, visual) 30 feet. Any nonevil creature that ends its turn in the aura must attempt a DC 32 Fortitude save. If this creature fails, it’s slowed 1 for 1 round, and if it critically fails, it’s paralyzed for 1 round. A creature can spend an action averting its gaze (this action has the concentrate trait) to gain a +2 circ*mstance bonus to its saves against Paralyzing Gaze and Focused Gaze for 1 round. Tail Whip (attack) Trigger A creature within the reach of the mutilation demon’s tail uses an action with the move trait to leave a square. Effect The mutilation demon attempts to Trip the triggering creature at a –2 penalty. On a success, the creature also takes damage as if the mutilation demon hit with its tail Strike, and if the creature was flying, it falls 30 feet. Speed 30 feet, climb 20 feet, fly 60 feet Melee jaws (reach 20 feet) +29, Damage 3d12+18 piercing plus enfeebling bite Melee claw (agile, reach 20 feet) +29, Damage (3d8+18 slashing Melee pincer (reach 20 feet) +29, Damage 3d12+18 bludgeoning plus Grab Melee tail (reach 30 feet) +29, Damage 3d8+18 slashing Divine Innate Spells DC 33; Constant (7th) fly, true seeing; 8th divine decree (evil), 5th dimension door, prying eye (×3); 4th clairvoyance (×3); At Will dimension door, invisibility (2nd) Rituals Abyssal pact Focus Gaze (concentrate, divine, enchantment, visual) The mutilation demon can focus its gaze on a nonevil creature it can see within 30 feet. If that creature isn’t slowed by the mutilation demon’s focused gaze, it must attempt a save against the mutilation demon’s focused gaze. If that creature is slowed, it must succeed at a DC 34 Fortitude save or become paralyzed for 1 round. A mutilation demon can’t use this ability against the same creature more than once per round. Rend After hitting the same enemy with two consecutive claw attacks in the same round, a mutilation demon can deal claw damage again as its next action, without an attack roll. Enfeebling Bite (divine, necromancy) When the mutilation demon hits a creature with a jaws Strike, the creature becomes enfeebled 3. The creature can attempt a DC 34 Fortitude save to reduce this to enfeebled 1 (unaffected on a critical success).

Chaotic Demon Evil Fiend Gargantuan



PRIDE DEMON (MARILITH) Pride demons are fiends with the upper body of a six-armed woman wielding deadly weaponry and the lower body of a snake. Mariliths form from the souls of arrogant and proud evil mortals, often warlords and despots. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 63.




Perception +26; darkvision, true seeing Chaotic Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic; telepathy Demon 100 feet Evil Fiend Skills +21; Acrobatics +31, Deception +31, Large Diplomacy +31, Intimidation +31, Religion +29, Stealth +29, Warfare Lore +33 Str +8, Dex +6, Con +6, Int +4, Wis +4, Cha +7 Items 6 master longswords (Medium size) AC 39, TAC 37; Fort +28, Ref +27, Will +25, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 380; Weaknesses cold iron 15, good 15, sonic 15 Commander’s Aura (aura, divine, enchantment) 100 feet. Commanded or allied evil creatures in the aura that are lower level than the pride demon gain a +1 circ*mstance bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, AC, saves, and skill checks. Attack of Opportunity Sextuple Opportunity A pride demon gains 5 extra reactions per round that it can use only to make Attacks of Opportunity. It can’t use more than one on the same triggering action, even if a creature leaves several squares in its reach, and it must use a different weapon for each Attack of Opportunity. Speed 50 feet, fly 30 feet (from fly) Melee +2 longsword +30 (reach 10 feet, versatile P), Damage 3d8+16 slashing Melee tail +30 (reach 10 feet), Damage 5d10+12 plus Grab Divine Innate Spells DC 34; Constant (7th) fly, true seeing; 9th blade barrier (×2), weapon storm (×2); 5th dimension door; At Will dimension door Rituals Abyssal pact Defensive Assault The pride demon makes two Strikes with different weapons, and uses the remaining weapons its holding to protect itself. The pride demon gains a circ*mstance bonus to AC for 1 round equal to the number of weapons that it didn’t attack with. If it uses any of those weapons to attack (including making an Attack of Opportunity), the bonus decreases by 1 for each weapon it used. Focused Assault The pride demon attacks a single target with all the weapons it wields, overwhelming the target with multiple attacks and leaving nowhere to dodge. The demon makes a longsword Strike. On a successful attack, it deals its longsword damage to the target, plus 1d8 additional damage for every longsword it wields beyond the first (typically 5d8 extra). Even on a failed attack, the pride demon deals the damage from one longsword to the target, though it still misses completely on a critical failure. This counts toward the pride demon’s multiple attack penalty as a number of attacks equal to the number of longswords the pride demon wields.


Infuse Weapons (divine, evocation) Any weapon a pride demon wields is treated as a +2 weapon made of cold iron and silver. Damage from the pride demon’s weapon Strikes also triggers any weakness to chaos or evil the target has. Greater Constrict 20 bludgeoning, DC 35 Sextuple Strike The pride demon makes six longsword Strikes, each against a different target. These attacks count toward the pride demon’s multiple attack penalty, but the multiple attack penalty doesn’t increase until after it makes all its attacks.

QUASIT Among the smallest demons, these fiends have thin and wiry bodies, horned heads, and tattered bat wings. They often serve others of their kind or are brought to the Material Plane by evil conjurers to serve as familiars. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 66.




Perception +4; darkvision Chaotic Languages Abyssal, Common Demon Skills +1; Acrobatics +4, Arcana +6, Deception +6, Evil Fiend Diplomacy +4, Planar Lore +6, Religion +6, Stealth +5 Tiny Str –1, Dex +2, Con +0, Int +0, Wis +1, Cha +0 Abyssal Knowledge When a quasit Aids an ally with an Arcana, Planar Lore, or Religion check, any result that is a success is instead a critical success and any result that is a failure is instead a critical failure. AC 15, TAC 14; Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +4 HP 26; Weaknesses cold iron 3, good 3, sonic 3 Speed 15 feet, fly 40 feet Melee claw +7 (agile), Damage 1d4–1 slashing plus quasit venom Divine Innate Spells DC 15; 4th read omens; 1st fear; At Will detect alignment (good only), invisibility (self only); Cantrips detect magic Abyssal Healing (concentrate, divine, healing, necromancy) The quasit restores 1d4 HP to itself. Change Shape (concentrate, divine, polymorph, transmutation) • Bat echolocation 40 feet; Speed 15 feet, fly Speed 30 feet; fangs Strike +7 for 1d4–1 piercing, wing Strike +7 (agile) for 1d4–1 bludgeoning • Centipede Speed 10 feet, climb Speed 10 feet; mandibles Strike +7 for 1 piercing plus 1d4 poison • Toad scent 30 feet; Speed 5 feet; jaws Strike +7 for 1 bludgeoning • Wolf size Medium; scent 30 feet; Speed 40 feet, climb Speed 10 feet; jaws Strike +7 for 1d6+1 piercing plus Knockdown Quasit Venom (poison) Saving Throw Fortitude DC 15; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d4 poison (1 round); Stage 2 As stage 1; Stage 3 1d4 poison and slowed 1 (1 round).

SLAVER DEMON (KALAVAKUS) Slaver demons sprout dozens of horns from their muscular bodies, and often work as slavers and mercenaries within the Abyss, serving more powerful demons or even demon lords. Kalavakuses form from the souls of mortal slavers. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 78.



Perception +18; darkvision Chaotic Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic; telepathy Demon 100 feet Evil Fiend Skills +11; Acrobatics +14, Athletics +20, Medium Intimidation +18, Religion +16, Stealth +16 Str +7, Dex +1, Con +5, Int +2, Wis +3, Cha +3 AC 27, TAC 25; Fort +18, Ref +13, Will +14, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 215; Weaknesses acid 10, cold iron 10, good 10 Attack of Opportunity Horn Snare Trigger A creature misses the slaver demon with a melee weapon Strike. Effect The slaver demon attempts to Disarm the weapon used in the triggering Strike at a –2 penalty. Because it uses its horns, the slaver demon doesn’t need a free hand, and if the result is a success, it is instead a critical success. Speed 25 feet Melee horns +20 (charge, deadly 1d6), Damage 4d8+7 piercing Melee claw +20 (agile), Damage 4d6+7 slashing Melee jaws +20, Damage 2d6+10 piercing Divine Innate Spells DC 25; 5th dimension door; 4th air walk (×2); 3rd haste; At Will command, dimension door Rituals Abyssal pact Enslave Soul (arcane, enchantment, mental) The slaver demon attempts to enslave the soul of a living creature within 60 feet. The target can resist this enslavement with a successful DC 25 Will save. On a failure, the target is enfeebled 2 for 24 hours or until the slaver demon is slain, whichever comes first; on a critical failure, it also suffers the effects of a failure against dominate. On a successful save, the target is bolstered. If a slaver demon kills a creature whose soul it has enslaved, the demon regains 20 HP and the slain foe’s soul is enslaved to a life of toil in the Abyss, adding to the slaver demon’s tally of souls. A slaver demon can have only one living soul enslaved with this ability at a time, and no more than one slaver demon can enslave the same soul.

SLIME DEMON (OMOX) Slime demons are amorphous fiends made of churning sewage. They revel in despoiling waters and guarding already corrupted bodies of water. Omox demons form from souls who took great pleasure in desecrating purity. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 79.

SLIME DEMON Amphibious Aquatic Chaotic Demon Evil Fiend Medium



Perception +22; darkvision Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic; telepathy 100 feet Skills +14; Acrobatics +23, Athletics +23, Religion +21, Stealth +21 Str +7, Dex +5, Con +5, Int +2, Wis +4, Cha +4

AC 31, TAC 30; Fort +21, Ref +20, Will +17, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 220; Immunity acid, critical hits, poison, precision; Weaknesses cold iron 12, fire 12, good 12 Speed 30 feet, swim 50 feet Melee fist (agile) +23, Damage 2d8+12 bludgeoning plus 3d6 acid and Grab Ranged slime +20 touch, Damage 2d6 bludgeoning plus 3d6 acid plus slime trap Divine Innate Spells DC 27 5th cloudkill, dimension door; 4th gaseous form; 3rd stinking cloud; At Will (5th) create water Rituals Abyssal pact Liquid Leap (concentrate, conjuration, teleportation) The slime demon transports itself from its current space to any clear space within range that it can see, as long as both spaces are within a liquid. Smother A slime demon can flow over a creature it has grabbed, coating it in acidic slime which covers the creature’s face and oozes down its throat. The creature must hold its breath and is blind; succeeding at a DC 28 Fortitude save negates both effects. Otherwise, this effect lasts as long as the slime demon continues to Grab the creature. Slime Trap A creature struck by the slime demon’s slime attack is coated in the sticky substance, becoming entangled for 1d6 rounds unless it succeeds at a DC 28 Reflex save. On a critical failure, that creature is also immobilized. If the creature or its allies spend a total of six Interact actions, they can scrape off the slime before the duration expires.

SLOTH DEMON (DRETCH) Least among demonkind and mostly found serving more powerful fiends, these pitiful beings are small, bloated, and humanoid in shape. Dretches typically form from the souls of slothful, evil mortals. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 60.




Perception +4; darkvision Languages Abyssal (can’t speak); telepathy 100 feet (can communicate only with speakers of Abyssal) Skills +0; Stealth +5 Str +2, Dex +0, Con +2, Int –3, Wis +0, Cha +0 Sloth At the start of each of the sloth demon’s turns, roll 1d4. The sloth demon has that many actions that turn (maximum 3). Effects like the slowed condition can reduce its number of actions further. AC 15, TAC 12; Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +3 HP 45; Weaknesses cold iron 3, electricity 3, good 3 Speed 20 feet Melee jaws +8, Damage 2d8+4 piercing Melee claw +8 (agile), Damage 2d6+4 slashing Divine Innate Spells DC 15; 3rd slow; 1st fear

Chaotic Demon Evil Fiend Small

TOAD DEMON (HEZROU) Toad demons resemble bulky humanoid toads with



gaping, toothy mouths and slimy armored flesh. They exude a noxious sweat that can poison their enemies and pollute waters. Hezrous form from the souls of evil mortals who poisoned either themselves, their kin, or their surroundings. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 62.




Amphibious Perception +20; darkvision Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic; telepathy Chaotic 100 feet Demon Evil Skills +12; Acrobatics +19, Arcana +21, Athletics Fiend +21, Intimidation +19, Religion +19 Large Str +6, Dex +0, Con +7, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +4 AC 28, TAC 26; Fort +20, Ref +13, Will +15, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 265; Immunities poison; Weaknesses cold iron 10, electricity 10, good 10 Caustic Stench (aura, olfactory, poison) 30 feet. A creature entering the aura must succeed at a DC 25 Fortitude saving throw or be sick 1 (plus slowed for 1 round on a critical failure). While within the aura, creatures take a –2 circ*mstance penalty to saves to recover from the sick condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is bolstered. In addition, plant life in the aura twists and knurls, and water becomes foul-smelling and brackish. Speed 25 feet, swim 25 feet Melee jaws +22 (reach 10 feet), Damage 3d10+12 piercing plus Grab Melee claw +22 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 3d6+12 slashing plus Grab Divine Innate Spells DC 25; 7th divine decree (evil); 5th dimension door; At Will swamp of sloth (6th) Rituals Abyssal pact Poison Minds (divine, illusion, mental, poison) The toad demon can pollute the minds of creatures in its caustic stench aura, causing them to suffer the effects of paranoia (Will DC 25). A creature that is grabbed or restrained by the toad demon takes a –2 circ*mstance penalty to its Will saving throw against this ability. Nauseating Sweat (poison) When a creature becomes grabbed or restrained by the toad demon, or the toad demon is grabbed or restrained by a creature, the creature must attempt a DC 26 Fortitude save. Success The creature is sick 1; once the creature recovers from the sick condition, it’s bolstered. Critical Success The creature is unaffected and bolstered. Failure or Critical Failure The creature is sick 2 and slowed 1 until it recovers from the sickness.

TREACHERY DEMON (GLABREZU) Treachery demons seek to twist the wishes and desires of mortals to foul ends, delighting in betrayal and manipulation. Appearing as massive demons with a large pair of pincers as its main limbs and a pair of smaller humanoid arms sprouting from their chests,


these fiends form from the souls of mortals engaged in treason, deception, and lies. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 61.

TREACHERY DEMON Chaotic Demon Evil Fiend Huge



Perception +24; darkvision, true seeing Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic; telepathy 100 feet, tongues Skills +16; Deception +28, Diplomacy +23, Intimidation +26, Religion +22, Society +24,

Stealth +22 Str +7, Dex +2, Con +7, Int +3, Wis +3, Cha +5 AC 32, TAC 29; Fort +24, Ref +18, Will +21, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 315; Immunities poison; Weaknesses cold iron 12, fire 12, good 12 Speed 35 feet Melee pincer (deadly 2d10, reach 15 feet) +25, Damage 3d10+14 bludgeoning plus Grab Melee claw +25 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 2d10+7 slashing Melee jaws +25 (reach 10 feet), Damage 4d8+14 piercing Captive Rake (attack) The treachery demon pulls a creature that is grabbed in its pincer up to 5 feet closer, and then makes two claw Strikes against that creature. Those Strikes count as one attack when determining the treachery demon’s multiple attack penalty, and the penalty isn’t applied until after both Strikes. Divine Innate Spells DC 30; Constant true seeing; 7th reverse gravity; 5th dimension door; At Will confusion, dimension door, dispel magic (6th), illusory disguise (7th), mirror image (2nd) Rituals Abyssal pact Steady Spellcasting A treachery demon’s spells are disrupted by reactions only if it takes 27 damage or more, even if the reaction normally disrupts manipulate actions automatically. Sudden Betrayal A treachery demon can always roll a Deception check when rolling initiative as long as it’s aware of at least one opponent before initiative is rolled. When using Deception for initiative, the treachery demon receives an additional +2 circ*mstance bonus to its initiative roll. Treacherous Veil When using its illusory disguise innate spell, a treachery demon can appear as a creature of any size category. Twisted Desires (divination, divine) Once per month, a treachery demon can grant a mortal humanoid a miracle granted by its Abyssal patron, though the treachery demon perverts the miracle to its own whims following its insidious sense of humor.

WRATH DEMON (VROCK) These red-skinned demons have heads that resemble those of vultures and wings covered in black feathers. Wrath demons can work together to perform a corrupted dance that brings the wrath of a storm upon their enemies. Vrocks form from the souls of hateful and wrathful mortals. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 69.




Perception +16; darkvision Chaotic Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic; telepathy Demon 100 feet Evil Fiend Skills +9; Acrobatics +17, Arcana +16, Intimidation Large +18, Performance +16, Religion +18, Stealth +16, Survival +18 Str +6, Dex +2, Con +5, Int +2, Wis +3, Cha +3 AC 26, TAC 23; Fort +16, Ref +14, Will +13; +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 183; Resistances electricity 10; Weaknesses cold 7, cold iron 7, good 7 Attack of Opportunity If the wrath demon is flying and a creature triggers its Attack of Opportunity, the wrath demon can make two talon Strikes against that creature instead of one Strike. Both are made at the same penalty. Speed 25 feet, fly 40 feet Melee beak +19 (reach 10 feet), Damage 4d8+6 piercing Melee claw +19 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 2d6+12 slashing Melee talon +19 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 1d10+12 slashing Divine Innate Spells DC 22; 5th dimension door; 2nd mirror image; At Will dimension door (3rd) Rituals Abyssal pact Dance of Ruin (arcane, evocation, manipulate) The wrath demon dances to create a ruinous explosion of electricity. The wrath demon can choose to delay the dance to allow up to three additional wrath demons within 30 feet to join in; in that case, the explosion occurs after the last wrath demon uses Dance of Ruin or one of the dancers chooses to unleash the effects of the dance. When the dance is completed, all nondemon creatures in a 20-foot aura of any of the dancers take 2d12 electricity damage (Reflex DC 23 half, double damage on a critical failure, no damage on a critical success). For each additional wrath demon that joins, the damage increases by 1d12 and the DC of the save increases by 1 (to a maximum of 5d12 damage and a DC 27 save with four wrath demons). The wrath demons can continue dancing for up to two additional rounds by using Dance of Ruin on consecutive rounds, increasing the aura by 20 feet each round and the damage by an additional 1d12 per wrath demon each round (to a maximum of four wrath demons dealing 13d12 damage on the third round). Spore Cloud (disease, poison) The wrath demon releases a cloud of spores from its body, dealing 2d8 poison damage to all adjacent creatures. Each damaged creature must succeed at a DC 23 Fortitude save or take 1d12 persistent piercing damage as the spores implant in its skin and grow into thick, green vines. The vines cease growing after 10 rounds, and wither away in 1d4 days if not removed before then. The vines can be destroyed if the creature is affected by a good spell or if holy water is applied to the vines with an Interact action. Once the wrath demon uses Spore Cloud, its spores are depleted for 1d6 rounds. Screech (auditory, sonic) Frequency Once per hour Effect The wrath demon emits a shrill screech. All nondemon creatures within a 30-foot aura must attempt a DC 23 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is slowed 2 for 1 round; on a critical failure, it’s stunned for 1 round.

DEVASTATOR Devastators are created by demonic crafters to fight for the hordes of the Abyss against angelic choirs and other good celestials. The ritual to animate these massive machines of destruction requires the battered and corrupted body of an angel or other powerful good outsider. Source: Pathfinder Adventure Path #78: City of Locusts 90.



Perception +38; darkvision, lifesense 60 feet, Chaotic true seeing Construct Evil Languages Abyssal, Celestial Gargantuan Skills +29; Athletics +40, Intimidation +40, Religion +38 Str +10, Dex +7, Con +9, Int +5, Wis +5, Cha +7 Lifesense (divination, divine) This blindsense detects living creatures based on their life force. AC 47, TAC 43; Fort +39, Ref +35, Will +38, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 325; Immunities asleep, bleed, disease, death effects, enervated, enfeebled, healing, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralysis, poison, stun; Resistances all 20 (except adamantine or good) Fiendish Aura (aura, divine, enchantment, mental) 100 feet. Any chaotic evil fiend of 20th level or lower in the aura gains a +4 conditional bonus to AC, saving throws, attack rolls, and DCs. Absorb Good (abjuration, divine) Trigger A good spell target or area lies within the devastator’s fiendish aura. Effect The devastator rolls a spell roll (+34) to attempt to dispel the spell (as a 10th-level spell). Roll the spell roll even if the dispel attempt is automatically successful because the spell is lower than 10th level. On a critical success, the spell’s caster also can’t cast spells for 1 minute. Attack of Opportunity Opportune Armaments The devastator can use Attack of Opportunity as a free action, and adds actions with the concentrate trait to the potential triggers. Speed 45 feet, burrow 30 feet, fly 60 feet Melee +5 vile armaments +38 (agile, magical, reach 40 feet), Damage 4d10+20 bludgeoning plus evil (see vile armaments) Melee wing +38 (agile, reach 20 feet), Damage 4d8+10 slashing plus 3d8 persistent bleed Divine Innate Spells DC 44; Constant haste, true seeing; 10th divine decree (chaotic or evil only, ×3), earthquake, implosion, plane shift ×2); At Will (10th) blade barrier, dimensional anchor, dispel magic Rend vile armaments Wingover The devastator Flies and makes a wing Strike at any point during its movement. Vile Armaments (divine, evocation) The devastator bristles with massive weapons, and its magic makes them all function as +5 unholy weapons made of adamantine, cold iron, and silver. A devastator’s vile armaments deal bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage—whichever is most favorable to the devastator. A devastator’s vile armaments are agile and take only a –3



multiple attack penalty per attack instead of –4. On a failed attack roll (but not a critical failure) they still deal minimum damage. Vile Strike A devastator’s vile armaments deal an extra 3d6 evil damage against good creatures.

DEVIL Masters of corruption and despoilers of innocence, devils seek to destroy all that is good and drag mortal souls back with them to the depths of Hell.

BARBED DEVIL (HAMATULA) Barbed devils bristle with spines that constantly shift and grow. These devils often act as jailers of souls in Hell’s prisons or soldiers in Hell’s armies. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 72.



Perception +20; greater darkvision Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal; telepathy 100 feet Skills +11; Acrobatics +20, Arcana +18, Intimidation +20, Religion +18, Stealth +20, Survival +18 Str +6, Dex +6, Con +5, Int +1, Wis +2, Cha +4 AC 27, TAC 25; Fort +16, Ref +18, Will +14, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 155; Immunities fire; Resistances physical 10 (except silver), poison 10; Weaknesses good 10 Attack of Opportunity Barbs Each time a creature hits the barbed devil with an unarmed attack or non-reach melee weapon, or otherwise touches it, that creature takes 2d6 piercing damage. Speed 30 feet Melee barb (agile) +20, Damage 2d8+12 piercing plus bloodletting and shocking strike Divine Innate Spells DC 24, attack +20; 5th dimension door; 3rd paralyze (×2); At Will dimension door, glyph of warding (5th); Cantrips (5th) produce flame Rituals infernal pact Bloodletting On a critical hit, the barbed devil’s barbs also deal 2d6 persistent bleed damage. Frightful Strike (divine, emotion, enchantment, fear, mental) Trigger The barbed devil hits a creature with a claw Strike. Effect The creature must succeed at a DC 23 Will save or be frightened 2 (or frightened 3 on a critical failure). Regardless of whether it succeeds, the creature is bolstered. Impaling Strike The barbed devil makes a barb Strike, then Strides up to half its Speed without triggering reactions. If the Strike hits, the barbed devil impales the target with one of its barbs and snaps the barb free. This deals an additional 2d8 piercing damage and pins the target to an adjacent surface, rendering it immobile. The target creature can use an action to attempt a DC 24 Athletics check; on a success it pulls the barb free. Warden of Erebus A barbed devil’s glyph of warding innate spell can contain any common spell from the Pathfinder Playtest Rulebook that meets glyph of warding’s requirements; the barbed devil doesn’t need to provide the spell.


BEARDED DEVIL (BARBAZU) These horned, red-skinned devils have a writhing beard of spiky, fleshy strands. They serve in Hell’s armies as elite warriors, fighting with a savage dedication to their diabolical lords. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 73.




Perception +12; greater darkvision Devil Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal; Evil Fiend telepathy 100 feet Lawful Skills +5; Acrobatics +9, Athletics +12, Medium Intimidation +10, Religion +10, Stealth +10 Str +4, Dex +2, Con +4, Int –2, Wis +1, Cha +1 Items expert glaive AC 20, TAC 18; Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +7, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 60; Immunities fire; Resistances physical 5 (except silver), poison 10; Weaknesses good 5 Attack of Opportunity Speed 35 feet Melee glaive +13 (deadly 1d8, forceful, reach 10 feet), Damage 2d8+4 slashing plus infernal wound Melee claw +13 (agile), Damage 2d6+6 slashing Melee beard +13, Damage 2d4+4 piercing plus avernal fever Divine Innate Spells DC 17; 5th dimension door; At Will dimension door Rituals infernal pact Avernal Fever (disease) Saving Throw Fortitude DC 19; Stage 1 carrier with no ill effect (1 day); Stage 2 enfeebled 1 (1 day); Stage 3 enfeebled 2 (1 day). Infernal Wound (divine, necromancy) A glaive wound caused by a bearded devil also deals 1d6 persistent bleed damage that’s difficult to heal. The flat check DC starts out at 21 and drops to 16 if the bleeding creature or an ally successfully Aids with the recovery. The DC for applying first aid to a creature with an infernal wound is increased by 2. A caster or item trying to use healing magic on a creature suffering the effects of an infernal wound must succeed at a DC 21 spell roll or the magic fails to heal the creature. Reposition Trigger The devil hits a creature with its glaive Strike. Effect The devil moves the creature 5 feet in any direction. The destination square must be within reach of the devil’s glaive. This movement doesn’t trigger reactions. Wriggling Beard Frequency Once per round Effect The devil makes a beard Strike that ignores the multiple attack penalty and doesn’t count toward that penalty.

BONE DEVIL (OSYLUTH) These skeletal devils have a long scorpionlike tail and the barest frame of wings. Bone devils act as interrogators and inquisitors of devilkind, enforcing the order of Hell through their sad*stic machinations. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 74.




Perception +17; greater darkvision Devil Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal; Evil Fiend telepathy 100 feet Large Skills +9; Arcana +16, Deception +18, Intimidation Lawful +18, Religion +16, Stealth +18 Str +5, Dex +5, Con +4, Int +3, Wis +2, Cha +4 AC 26, TAC 24; Fort +15, Ref +15, Will +13, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 120; Immunities fire; Resistances physical 10 (except silver), poison 10; Weaknesses good 10 Attack of Opportunity Speed 35 feet, fly 30 feet (from fly) Melee jaws +19, Damage 2d8+10 piercing Melee claw +19 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 2d4+10 slashing Melee stinger +18 (reach 15 feet), Damage 1d10+10 piercing plus bone devil venom Ranged bone shard +19 (range increment 30 feet), Damage 3d6+5 piercing Divine Innate Spells DC 23; Constant fly; 5th dimension door, phantom pain; 4th dimensional anchor (×2), discern lies; At Will dimension door, invisibility (can target only itself) Rituals infernal pact Bone Devil Venom (poison) Saving Throw Fortitude DC 23; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 2d6 poison and enfeebled 1 (1 round); Stage 2 3d6 poison and enfeebled 1 (1 round); Stage 3 3d6 poison and enfeebled 2 (1 round). Quick Invisibility The bone devil can cast its innate invisibility on itself with only one Somatic action. sad*stic Strike A bone devil deals 2d6 extra damage when it hits an enfeebled or sick creature. Stygian Inquisitor A bone devil gains a +2 circ*mstance bonus to Intimidation checks against a creature it holds captive, as well as on Perception checks against a captive’s Deception. Tail Sweep The bone devil sweeps its tail in a 15-foot cone. Any creature in the cone must succeed at a DC 23 Reflex save or be knocked prone.

FURY DEVIL (ERINYES) Appearing as fallen angels or dark valkyries, these devils carry flaming bows and use ropes woven from their own hair to snatch their enemies from the ground before dropping them to their deaths. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 75.




Perception +16; greater darkvision, true seeing Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal; telepathy 100 feet Skills +8; Acrobatics +17, Crafting +15, Deception +16, Intimidation +16, Religion +15, Stealth +15 Str +5, Dex +5, Con +5, Int +2, Wis +4, Cha +5 Items expert breastplate, +1 composite longbow with 60 arrows, expert longsword, 100 feet of silk rope AC 26, TAC 24; Fort +13, Ref +15, Will +13, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic

Devil Evil Fiend Lawful Medium

infernal Pacts


Many devils can cast the infernal pact ritual to force others of their kind into servitude. Rules for rituals appear on page 274 of the Pathfinder Playtest Rulebook.





Casting 1 day Conjuration Proficiency Expert Religion (you must be a devil) You make an appeal to a powerful devil, asking it to bind some of its subordinates to your service. If you succeed, the devil sends you its choice of one devil of double infernal pact’s level, two devils of up to 2 levels lower than that, or three devils up to 3 levels lower than that. At the end of their term of servitude, these fiends are recalled to Hell. Success The devils are sent to you and serve you for 1d4 days. Critical Success The devils are sent to you and serve you for 1d4 weeks. Failure Your request is denied. Critical Failure Not only is your request denied, but the devil you appealed to sends word of its displeasure to your master.

HP 90; Immunities fire; Resistances physical 5 (except silver), poison 10; Weaknesses good 5 Weeping Wound Trigger The fury devil takes piercing or slashing damage. Effect The wound begins to bleed, causing the fury devil to take 1d6 persistent bleed damage (see angel’s blood). Speed 25 feet, fly 40 feet Melee flaming longsword +18 (versatile P), Damage 1d8+5 slashing plus 1d6 fire Ranged +1 flaming composite longbow +18 (deadly 1d10, magical, range increment 100 feet, volley 50), Damage 2d8+5 piercing plus 1d6 fire Ranged rope +18 touch (range increment 30 feet), Effect entangled (see rope snare) Divine Innate Spells DC 20; Constant true seeing; 5th dimension door; At Will dimension door, fear (3rd) Rituals infernal pact Angel’s Blood (emotion) Whether or not she arose from a fallen celestial, a fury devil’s form is a mockery of an angel’s, and she relishes her own body’s harm. As long as she’s taking persistent bleed damage, the fury devil gains a +2 conditional bonus to damage rolls and is accelerated 10. Flames of Fury Any weapon a fury devil holds gains the effects of a flaming rune. Furious Fusillade The fury devil fires one arrow at each creature she chooses in a 30-foot cone. She makes each attack roll separately. This counts as one attack for the purpose of her multiple attack penalty. Rope Snare A fury devil carries a coil of nonmagical rope that animates in her hands. When a creature is hit by the fury devil’s rope, a segment of the rope tears loose and entangles the creature (Escape DC 22). The piece that tears off is 10 feet long



for a Medium or smaller creature, and doubles in length for each creature size larger than Medium. When a creature Escapes the rope snare, the broken segment of rope rots away into useless black sludge.

HORNED DEVIL (CORNUGON) Deadly horns crown the head of these powerful winged devils. Horned devils are among the more powerful of their kind, and often satiate their appetites for destruction by serving as warriors that serve the whims of Hell. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 76.




Perception +27; greater darkvision Devil Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal; Evil Fiend telepathy 100 feet Large Skills +20; Acrobatics +27, Athletics +30, Lawful Intimidation +30, Religion +27, Stealth +27, Warfare Lore +31 Str +8, Dex +6, Con +7, Int +2, Wis +6, Cha +6 Items +3 unholy spiked chain AC 39, TAC 36; Fort +27, Ref +25, Will +23, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 200, fast healing 25; Immunities fire; Resistances physical 15 (except silver), poison 15; Weaknesses good 15 Circle of Protection (abjuration, aura, divine, evil) 10 feet. A constant circle of protection against good is centered on the horned devil. The horned devil can deactivate or reactivate its aura with a Verbal Casting action. Commander’s Aura (aura, divine, enchantment) 100 feet. Commanded or allied evil creatures of lower level than the horned devil in the aura gain a +1 circ*mstance bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, AC, saves, and skill checks. Frightful Presence (aura, divine, emotion, enchantment, fear, mental) 10 feet, DC 32 Attack of Opportunity Speed 25 feet, fly 50 feet Melee +3 unholy spiked chain +29 (disarm, magical, reach 10 feet, trip), Damage 4d8+16 slashing plus stunning chain Melee jaws +29, Damage 3d10+16 Melee tail +29 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d10+16 plus infernal wound and unholy Melee claw +29 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 2d8+16 Divine Innate Spells DC 34; 7th dispel magic; fireball (×2), lightning bolt (×2); 5th dimension door; At Will dimension door Rituals infernal pact Chain of Malebolge (attack) Requirement The horned devil hit a creature with its spiked chain on its most recent action this turn. Effect The devil pulls the creature it hit 5 feet closer to itself and Grabs it with the spiked chain. To free itself, the creature can Escape (DC 40) or use an action to attempt an Athletics check (DC 40). The creature is automatically freed if the devil makes another attack with its spiked chain or moves away. Infernal Wound (divine, necromancy) A tail wound caused by a horned devil also deals 2d6 persistent bleed damage that’s


difficult to heal. The flat check DC starts out at 21 and drops to 16 if the bleeding creature or an ally successfully Aids with the recovery. The DC for applying first aid to a creature with an infernal wound is increased by 2. A caster or item attempting to use healing magic on a creature suffering effects of an infernal wound must succeed at a DC 36 spell roll or the magic fails to heal the wounded creature. Maul The horned devil makes one jaws Strike, one tail Strike, and one claw Strike in any order, all against the same creature. The multiple attack penalty applies normally. Stunning Chain If the result of the horned devil’s Strike with its spiked chain is a critical hit, the target must succeed at a DC 34 Fortitude save or be stunned for 1 round (1d4 rounds on a critical failure).

ICE DEVIL (GELUGON) Ice devils are bloated, rime-covered insectile creatures that act as strategists and masterminds in Hell’s armies, using their superior intellect to plan strikes against the forces of good. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 77.




Perception +25; greater darkvision Devil Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal; Evil Fiend telepathy 100 feet Large Skills +16; Acrobatics +23, Athletics +26, Lawful Deception +24, Intimidation +23, Occultism +26, Religion +26, Society +23, Society +23, Stealth +23, Warfare Lore +28 Str +6, Dex +5, Con +5, Int +8, Wis +5, Cha +4 Items +2 frost longspear AC 33, TAC 29; Fort +23, Ref +21, Will +20, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 200, fast healing 10; Immunities cold, fire; Resistances physical 10 (except silver), poison 10; Weaknesses good 10 Frightful Presence (aura, divine, emotion, enchantment, fear, mental) 10 feet, DC 28 Attack of Opportunity Speed 35 feet, fly 30 feet (from fly) Melee +3 frost longspear +25 (reach 15 feet), Damage 3d8+12 piercing plus 2d6 cold and slowing frost Melee tail +25 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 2d10+6 plus 3d6 cold plus slowing frost Ranged +2 frost longspear +24 (thrown 20 feet), Damage 3d8+12 piercing plus 1d6 cold Divine Innate Spells DC 30; Constant fly; 7th cone of cold (×2); 5th dimension door, wall of ice (×3); At Will dimension door, ray of frost Rituals infernal pact Slowing Frost (cold) The ice devil channels the extreme cold of its body through its appendages and weapons. A creature hit by an ice devil’s weapon or unarmed attack in melee must attempt a DC 29 Fortitude save or be slowed 1 for 1d4 rounds. A weapon used by an ice devil permanently gains the effects of a frost rune after extended exposure to this ability, and the ice devil

can throw any such weapon with a 20 foot range increment, trailing motes of frost. Tactician of Cocytus (concentrate) An ice devil’s logical mind devises genius tactics from its perfect memory. It can telepathically send a tactical repositioning to its allies, allowing all commanded or allied evil creatures in the range of its telepathy to Stride (or Fly, Swim, Climb, or Burrow if the creature has one of those speeds).

IMP Imps have a knack for deceiving and manipulating other creatures, and are often found on the Material Plane serving as powerful familiars to evil spellcasters. Imps typically have red skin, bat wings, and small frames with a long barbed tail that can deliver a debilitating poison with its strikes. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 78.




Perception +5; greater darkvision Languages Common, Infernal; telepathy 100 feet Skills +1; Acrobatics +6, Arcana +6, Deception +7, Religion +6 Str –1, Dex +3, Con +0, Int +1, Wis +1, Cha +2 AC 15, TAC 14; Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +4 HP 13, fast healing 1; Immunities fire; Resistances physical 3 (except silver), poison 5; Weaknesses good 3 Speed 20 feet, fly 30 feet Melee stinger +7, Damage 1d4–1 plus imp venom Change Shape (concentrate, divine, polymorph, transmutation) • Boar size Medium; scent 30 feet; Speed 40 feet; tusk Strike +6 for 1d8 piercing • Giant Spider size Medium; tremorsense 40 feet; Speed 25 feet; climb Speed 25 feet; fangs Strike +6 for 1d4 piercing plus 1d4 poison • Rat scent 30 feet; Speed 20 feet; jaws Strike +7 (agile) for 1 piercing • Raven scent 30 feet; Speed 10 feet; fly Speed 40 feet; beak Strike +7 for 1 piercing Divine Innate Spells DC 15, attack +7; Constant detect magic; 4th charm, read omens; 2nd augury; At Will invisibility (can target only itself); Cantrips produce flame (1st) Imp Venom (poison) Saving Throw Fortitude DC 15; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d6 poison and sluggish 1 (1 round); Stage 2 1d6 poison damage, sluggish 1, and slowed 1 (1 round) Infernal Temptation (divine, concentrate, enchantment, evil, fortune) Frequency Once per day Effect The imp offers a non-fiend within 15 feet a bargain, granting a boon of good luck for 1 hour if the creature accepts. If the creature dies while the boon is in place, its soul travels to Hell, where it is bound for eternity and unable to be raised or resurrected by any means short of miracle or similarly powerful magic. One time during the hour, the creature that accepts this boon can roll twice on an attack roll or saving throw and take the higher result.

Devil Evil Fiend Lawful Tiny

LEMURE These shapeless masses of quivering flesh are the least of devilkind. These pathetic creatures form on Hell’s first layer, which they roam alongside millions of damned and suffering souls. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 79.




Perception +2; greater darkvision Devil Languages — Evil Fiend Skills +0 Lawful Str +0, Dex +0, Con +1, Int –5, Wis +0, Cha –3 Medium AC 17, TAC 14; Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +2 Mindless HP 18; Immunities fire, mental; Resistances physical 3 (except silver), poison 5; Weaknesses good 3 Speed 20 feet Melee claw +8, Damage 2d8 slashing Subservience Lemures have little drive of their own, but other devils can take command of them. A non-lemure devil can issue a command to all lemures within 60 feet of it with an action (this action has the auditory and concentrate traits). The devil picks one of the following orders lemures can understand, causing all lemures who hear it to do as instructed. The command and its effects end once the commander is out of sight of the lemure, a new command is issued by the same or another devil, or the lemure dies. Kill The lemure attacks one target the commander chooses and gains a +1 circ*mstance bonus to attack rolls against the target. Defend The lemure circles nears the commander and attacks anyone who approaches. The lemure gains a +1 circ*mstance bonus to AC and saves. Fetch The lemure is accelerated 10 and attempts to retrieve an object or creature the commander chooses. The lemure attacks anyone or anything that gets in the way. Work The lemure performs tasks dictated by the commander.

PIT FIEND A pit fiend can often be found ruling an infernal realm or serving as a general of Hell’s armies, as it is among the most powerful of its kind. This diabolical, muscular fiend has scaly red hide, numerous horns, and a wide span of batlike wings. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 80.



Perception +35; greater darkvision, true seeing Devil Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal; Evil Fiend telepathy 100 feet Large Skills +22; Acrobatics +35, Arcana +35, Lawful Deception +36, Diplomacy +35, Intimidation +35, Religion +35, Society +35, Stealth +35 Str +9, Dex +8, Con +9, Int +8, Wis +9, Cha +8 AC 44, TAC 41; Fort +33, Ref +31, Will +30, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 300, fast healing 30; Immunities fire; Resistances physical 15





Transmutation Casting Between 1 and 9 days Cost a number of lemures Proficiency Master Religion Requirements You must be a pit fiend. You reshape a number of pathetic lemures into one or more higher-level devils to swell Hell’s legions. You can shape 100 lemures into devils per day, and can cast the ritual for up to 9 days to shape a maximum of 900 lemures’ worth of devils.

DEVIL SHAPING Devil Level 3–4 5–6 7–8 9–10 11–12 13–14 15–16 17–18 19–20

Number of Lemures 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512

Most devils you shape are in thrall to you, and follow your orders. However, if you shape a pit fiend or any other level 20 devil, it’s independent of your control. Few pit fiends choose to do this. Success You shape the lemures into the desired number of higher-level devils. Critical Success You shape devils more quickly, reshaping double the normal number of lemures allowed each day, assuming you have enough lemures. Failure You shape half the normal number of devils allowed each day (for a maximum of 450, preventing you from shaping a 19th-level or 20th-level devil at all). Critical Failure You fail to shape any devils, and draw the ire of an archdevil for your failure.

(except silver), poison 15; Weaknesses good 15 Commander’s Aura (aura, divine, enchantment) 100 feet. Commanded or allied evil creatures of lower level than the pit fiend within the aura gain a +1 circ*mstance bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, AC, saves, and skill checks. Frightful Presence (aura, divine, emotion, enchantment, fear, mental) 20 feet, DC 38 Attack of Opportunity Disruptive In addition to its normal triggers, the pit fiend’s Attack of Opportunity can also be used when a creature within the pit fiend’s reach uses an action with the concentrate trait. Furthermore, the pit fiend doesn’t take the normal –2 penalty when it makes an Attack of Opportunity. Speed 35 feet, fly 60 feet Melee jaws +35 (reach 10 feet), Damage 4d8+18 piercing plus pit fiend venom Melee claw +35 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 3d6+18 slashing


Melee tail +35 (reach 10 feet), Damage 3d8+18 bludgeoning plus Improved Grab Melee wing +35 (reach 15 feet), Damage 3d6+18 slashing Divine Innate Spells DC 40; Constant (8th) true seeing; 10th meteor swarm, miracle (once per year), power word stun (×2); 5th dimension door; At Will bind soul, dimension door, dispel magic (8th), divine decree (8th), fireball (8th), scrying, wall of fire (8th) Rituals infernal pact, shape devils (see sidebar) Constrict 20 bludgeoning Improved Grab A pit fiend can use Improved Grab with its tail Strike. Masterful Quickened Casting Frequency Once per round Trigger The pit fiend starts to cast an innate spell of 8th level or lower. The spell must require two or more spellcasting actions to cast. Effect The pit fiend chooses one of the spell’s spellcasting actions. The pit fiend doesn’t need to use that action to finish casting the spell. Pit Fiend Venom (poison) Saving Throw Fortitude DC 40; Maximum Duration 10 rounds; Stage 1 6d6 poison and drained 1 (1 round); Stage 2 7d6 poison and drained 2 (1 round); Stage 3 8d6 poison and drained 3 (1 round). Wingover The pit fiend Flies and makes a wing Strike at any point during its movement.

DINOSAUR Remnants from the world’s primeval era, these enormous reptilian animals still exist in large numbers in isolated jungles and remote wildernesses. Sources: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 83, 84, 86.




Perception +7; low-light vision, scent 30 feet Languages — Skills +0; Acrobatics +7, Athletics +6, Stealth +7 Str +2, Dex +4, Con +3, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha +2 AC 16, TAC 15; Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +4 HP 28 Speed 50 feet Melee talon +8 (agile), Damage 1d4+2 slashing plus 1d4 bleed Melee jaws +8, Damage 1d10+2 Darting Attack The deinonychus Strides up to 10 feet and then makes a Strike, or makes a Strike and then Strides up to 10 feet. Predator’s Advantage Bleeding creatures are flat-footed to the deinonychus.

Animal Dinosaur Medium



Perception +11; low-light vision, scent 30 feet Languages — Skills +4; Acrobatics +8, Athletics +14 Str +7, Dex +0, Con +3, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha –1 AC 23, TAC 18; Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +7 HP 72

Animal Dinosaur Huge


Speed 25 feet Melee tail +14 (backswing, reach 15 feet), Damage 2d8+7 bludgeoning plus punishing tail Melee foot +14 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d6+7 bludgeoning Punishing Tail A creature struck by the ankylosaurus’s tail must attempt a DC 19 Fortitude save. On a failure, it’s slowed 1 for 1 round; on a critical failure, it’s stunned for 1 round. Trample Large or smaller, foot, DC 19



Perception +18; low-light vision, scent 30 feet Languages — Skills +8; Athletics +22 Str +7, Dex +1, Con +5, Int –4, Wis +2, Cha +0 AC 25, TAC 23; Fort +19, Ref +15, Will +14 HP 233 Speed 40 feet Melee jaws +20 (deadly 1d12, reach 20 feet), Damage 3d12+7 piercing plus Grab Melee foot +20 (reach 15 feet), Damage 3d8+7 Earth Shaker The tyrannosaurus creates tremors as it moves. Any time the tyrannosaurus moves adjacent to a Large or smaller creature, that creature must succeed at a DC 22 Acrobatics check or fall prone. A creature needs to attempt the check only the first time the tyrannosaur moves adjacent to it in a given turn. Fling Requirement A creature is grabbed in the tyrannosaurus’s jaws. Effect The tyrannosaurus flings the creature into the air up to 10 feet up from its mouth and 20 feet away. The creature falls 25 feet (assuming the tyrannosaurus flings it as high as it can) and takes falling damage accordingly. If the flung creature lands in the same square as another creature, the creature it lands on takes 4d6 damage. The creature being landed on can attempt a DC 23 Reflex save to halve the damage (or take no damage on a critical success). Swallow Whole (attack) Medium, 2d6+7 bludgeoning, toughness 18 Trample Huge or smaller, foot, DC 24

Animal Dinosaur Gargantuan

DOG Dogs are trusted and loyal companions that can serve as guardians and protectors. Larger breeds can even act as mounts for small adventurers. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 87.



Perception +5; low-light vision, scent 30 feet Languages — Skills –2; Acrobatics +5, Athletics +4, Stealth +5 Str +0, Dex +1, Con +2, Int –4, Wis +0, Cha –1 AC 13, TAC 12; Fort +4, Ref +2, Will –1 HP 8 Speed 30 feet Melee jaws +5, Damage 1d4 piercing

Animal Small

Pack Attack The dog’s Strikes deal 1d4 extra damage to creatures within the reach of at least two of the dog’s allies.




Perception +6; low-light vision, scent 30 feet Languages — Skills –1; Acrobatics +4, Athletics +6 Str +1, Dex +1, Con +2, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha –1 AC 15, TAC 14; Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +1 HP 20 Shake Off The riding dog won’t use this reaction against a creature in control of it or that domesticated or trained it. Trigger A creature Mounts the riding dog or gives it a Command while riding upon it. Effect The rider must succeed at a DC 15 Acrobatics check to Maintain their Balance or fall off. Speed 35 feet Melee jaws +7, Damage 1d6+1 piercing Pack Attack The dog’s Strikes deal 1d4 extra damage to creatures within the reach of at least two of the dog’s allies.

Animal Medium

 In their natural forms, these humanoid creatures are gray and appear unfinished. As masters of mimicry, they use their ability to impersonate others in devious ways, often infiltrating a society and living among it for years without detection. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 89.




Perception +6; darkvision Languages Common, two other languages Skills +4; Deception +11, Diplomacy +9, Society +9, Stealth +7, Thievery +9 Str +3, Dex +3, Con +0, Int +1, Wis +2, Cha +1 AC 17, TAC 16; Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +8 HP 42 End the Charade (attack) Trigger The doppelganger is transformed with Change Shape and another creature moves adjacent to it or takes a hostile action against it. Effect The doppelganger reverts to its natural form and can make a Strike against the triggering creature. If the creature was unaware the doppelganger was in disguise, it’s flat-footed against this attack. Speed 25 feet Melee claw +9 (agile), Damage 1d10+4 slashing Arcane Innate Spells DC 17; At Will mind reading Change Shape (arcane, concentrate, polymorph, transmutation) The doppelganger takes on the specific appearance of any Small or Medium humanoid who it has seen and whose appearance it remembers. This doesn’t change the doppelganger’s Speed or its attack and damage bonuses with its Strikes, but might change the damage type its Strikes deal (typically to bludgeoning).

Humanoid Medium



Arcane Prepared Spells DC 21, attack +15; 3rd slow, stinking cloud; 2nd blur, glitterdust, invisibility; 1st alarm, ray of enfeeblement, true strike; Cantrips (3rd) dancing lights, detect magic, prestidigitation, tanglefoot

Melee jaws +17 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d10+8 piercing plus 1d8 acid Melee claw +17 (agile), Damage 2d8+8 slashing Melee tail +17 (reach 15 feet), Damage 2d8+8 bludgeoning Melee horns +16 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d8+4 piercing Breath Weapon (acid, arcane, evocation) The dragon breathes a spray of acid that deals 8d6 acid damage to all creatures in a 60-foot line (Reflex DC 21 half, double damage on a critical failure, no damage on a critical success). It can’t use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds. Draconic Frenzy The dragon makes two claw Strikes and one horns Strike in any order. Draconic Momentum When the dragon scores a critical hit with a Strike, it recharges its Breath Weapon.



Arcane Spells DC 26, attack +20; As young black dragon, plus 5th black tentacles, mariner’s curse; 4th clairvoyance, dimension door, suggestion; 3rd paralyze; Cantrips (5th)

Perception +21; darkvision, scent 60 feet Acid Amphibious Languages Common, Draconic, Jotun Skills +12; Acrobatics +19, Arcana +19, Athletics +21, Chaotic Deception +19, Intimidation +21, Stealth +21 Dragon Evil Str +6, Dex +3, Con +5, Int +2, Wis +3, Cha +2 Large AC 29, TAC 27; Fort +20, Ref +15, Will +17, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 195; Immunities acid, asleep, paralyzed Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 90 feet, DC 24 Tail Lash Trigger A creature within reach of the dragon’s tail takes an action to Strike or attempts a skill check. Effect The dragon Strikes with its tail at the triggering creature at a –2 penalty. If it hits, the creature takes a –2 circ*mstance penalty on the triggering roll. Speed 50 feet, 120 feet, swim 50 feet Melee jaws +22 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d12+12 piercing plus 2d6 acid Melee claw +22 (agile), Damage 2d10+12 slashing Melee tail +22 (reach 15 feet), Damage 2d10+12 bludgeoning Melee horns +21 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d8+6 piercing Arcane Innate Spells DC 26; At Will darkness Breath Weapon (acid, arcane, evocation) The dragon breathes a spray of acid that deals 12d6 acid damage to all creatures in an 80-foot line (Reflex DC 26 half, double damage on a critical failure, no damage on a critical success). It can’t use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds. Corrupt Water (arcane, concentrate, necromancy) Frequency Once per day Effect The dragon permanently befouls 10 cubic feet of liquid within 90 feet. The liquid becomes undrinkable and unable to support water-breathing life. This destroys liquid magic or alchemical items if they’re of a lower level than the dragon (a creature can attempt a DC 24 Will save to protect liquids in its possession). This doesn’t affect the liquids in a creature’s body. Draconic Frenzy The dragon makes two claw Strikes and one horns Strike in any order. Draconic Momentum When the dragon scores a critical hit with a Strike, it recharges its Breath Weapon.

Black Dragon sPellcasters To make a black dragon spellcaster, remove the dragon’s Draconic Frenzy and Draconic Momentum abilities and give it the following spells. You can swap out any number of these with other arcane spells, provided you keep the same number of spells for each level. You might also want to increase the dragon’s Intelligence or Charisma modifier by 1 or 2.


ancient Arcane Spells DC 34, attack +27; As adult black dragon, plus 7th finger of death, mask of terror, reverse gravity; 6th dominate, true seeing, wall of force; 5th prying eye; Cantrips (7th)

DRAGON Rare and powerful, dragons combine great magical power with devastating brute strength and multiple deadly attacks. Many types of dragons exist, but this section describes only the chromatic dragons—the most evil of dragonkind.

BLACK DRAGON Black dragons make their hidden lairs in fetid swamps and remote marshes where they use their power and influence to control the local denizens using fear and intimidation. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 92.




Perception +15; darkvision, scent 60 feet Languages Draconic Skills +7; Acrobatics +13, Arcana +13, Athletics +15, Deception +13, Intimidation +15, Stealth +15 Str +4, Dex +2, Con +3, Int +0, Wis +1, Cha +1 AC 23, TAC 21; Fort +14, Ref +10, Will +12 HP 115; Immunities acid, asleep, paralyzed Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 90 feet, DC 19 Tail Lash Trigger A creature within reach of the dragon’s tail takes an action to Strike or attempt a skill check. Effect The dragon Strikes with its tail at the triggering creature at a –2 penalty. If it hits, the creature takes a –2 circ*mstance penalty on the triggering roll. Speed 40 feet, fly 100 feet, swim 40 feet

Acid Amphibious Chaotic Dragon Evil Large






Perception +29; darkvision, scent 60 feet Acid Amphibious Languages Common, Draconic, Jotun, Goblin, Orcish Skills +20; Acrobatics +27, Arcana +27, Athletics Chaotic Dragon +30, Deception +27, Intimidation +30, Stealth +30 Evil Str +7, Dex +5, Con +6, Int +4, Wis +5, Cha +4 Huge AC 38, TAC 36; Fort +28, Ref +23, Will +25, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 295; Immunities acid, asleep, paralyzed Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 90 feet, DC 32 Tail Lash Trigger A creature within reach of the dragon’s tail takes an action to Strike or attempt a skill check. Effect The dragon makes a tail Strike at the creature with a –2 penalty. If it hits, the creature takes a –2 circ*mstance penalty on the triggering roll. Speed 60 feet, fly 150 feet, swim 60 feet Melee jaws +29 (reach 15 feet), Damage 2d12+14 piercing plus 4d6 acid and 2d6 persistent acid Melee claw +29 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 4d10+14 slashing Melee tail +29 (reach 20 feet), Damage 3d10+14 bludgeoning Melee horns +28 (reach 15 feet), Damage 3d10+7 piercing Arcane Innate Spells DC 34; At Will darkness Breath Weapon (acid, arcane, evocation) The dragon breathes a spray of acid that deals 17d6 acid damage to all creatures in a 100-foot line (Reflex DC 34 half, double damage on a critical failure, no damage on a critical success). It can’t use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds. Corrupt Water (arcane, concentrate, necromancy) As adult black dragon, but DC 32. Draconic Frenzy The dragon makes two claw Strikes and one horns Strike in any order. Draconic Momentum When the dragon scores a critical hit with a Strike, it recharges its Breath Weapon.

BLUE DRAGON The schemers and manipulators of dragonkind, blue dragons lair in vast deserts and often attack from the air in order to weaken their victims before landing to finish them off. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 94.




Perception +17; darkvision, scent 60 feet Languages Common, Draconic Skills +10; Acrobatics +18, Arcana +18, Deception +18, Diplomacy +18, Intimidation +16, Society +18, Stealth +16, Survival +18 Str +5, Dex +1, Con +3, Int +1, Wis +1, Cha +1 Sound Imitation The dragon can mimic any sound it has heard. It must succeed at a Deception check with a +4 circ*mstance bonus to do so. AC 26, TAC 23; Fort +15, Ref +14, Will +15 HP 155; Immunities electricity, asleep, paralyzed Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 90 feet, DC 21

Dragon Electricity Evil Large Lawful

change shaPe Some dragons can take humanoid form, allowing them to infiltrate settlements or mislead others to their true nature. They gain the following ability: Change Shape (concentrate, divine, polymorph, transmutation) The dragon can take on the appearance of any Small or Medium humanoid. This doesn’t change its Speed or attack and damage bonuses with its Strikes, but might change the damage type its Strikes deal (typically to bludgeoning).


Wing Deflection Trigger The dragon is targeted with an attack. Effect The dragon raises its wing, gaining a +2 circ*mstance bonus to AC against the triggering attack. If the dragon is flying at the time it is attacked, it descends 10 feet after the attack is complete. Speed 30 feet, burrow 15 feet, fly 100 feet Melee jaws +19 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d10+10 piercing plus 1d12 electricity Melee claw +19 (agile), Damage 2d8+10 slashing Melee tail +19 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d8+10 bludgeoning Melee horns +18 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d8+5 piercing Arcane Innate Spells DC 23; At Will create water (see desert thirst); Cantrips (4th) ghost sound Breath Weapon (arcane, electricity, evocation) The dragon breathes lightning that deals 6d12 electricity damage to all creatures in an 80-foot line (Reflex DC 23 half, double damage on a critical failure, no damage on a critical success). It can’t use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds. Desert Thirst (arcane, transmutation) When casting create water, the dragon can attempt to destroy liquid instead of creating it, turning an equal amount of liquid into sand. This destroys liquid magic or alchemical items if they’re of a lower level than the dragon (a creature can attempt a DC 21 Will save to protect all liquids in its possession). This doesn’t affect the liquids in a creature’s body. Draconic Frenzy The dragon makes two claw Strikes and one horns Strike in any order. Draconic Momentum When the dragon scores a critical hit with a Strike, it recharges its Breath Weapon.




Perception +25; darkvision, scent 60 feet Languages Auran, Common, Draconic, Jotun Skills +17; Acrobatics +26, Arcana +26, Deception +26, Diplomacy +26, Intimidation +23, Society +26, Stealth +23, Survival +26 Str +6, Dex +3, Con +4, Int +3, Wis +3, Cha +3 Sound Imitation The dragon can mimic any sound it has heard. It must succeed at a Deception check with a +4 circ*mstance bonus to do so. AC 33, TAC 30; Fort +23, Ref +21, Will +23, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic

Dragon Electricity Evil Huge Lawful



Blue Dragon sPellcasters To make a blue dragon spellcaster, remove the dragon’s Draconic Frenzy and Draconic Momentum abilities and give it the following spells. You can swap out any number of these with other arcane spells, provided you keep the same number of spells for each level. You might also want to increase the dragon’s Intelligence or Charisma modifier by 1 or 2.

young Arcane Prepared Spells DC 23, attack +17; 4th dimension door, paralyze; 3rd dispel magic, dream message, hypnotic pattern; 2nd invisibility, mirror image, resist energy; 1st alarm, charm, unseen servant; Cantrips (4th) detect magic, message, shield, sigil

aDult Arcane Spells DC 30, attack +23; As young blue dragon, plus 6th baleful polymorph, mislead; 5th chromatic wall, false vision, illusory scene; 4th clairvoyance; Cantrips (6th)

ancient Arcane Spells DC 36, attack +30; As adult blue dragon, plus 8th disappearance, maze, mind blank; 7th paralyze, prismatic spray, spell turning; 6th feeblemind; Cantrips (8th)

HP 235; Immunities asleep, electricity, paralyzed Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 90 feet, DC 28 Wing Deflection Trigger The dragon is targeted with an attack. Effect The dragon raises its wing, gaining a +2 circ*mstance bonus to AC against the triggering attack. If the dragon is flying at the time it is attacked, it descends 10 feet after the attack is complete. Speed 40 feet, burrow 20 feet, fly 140 feet Melee jaws +25 (reach 15 feet), Damage 3d10+12 piercing plus 1d12 electricity Melee claw +25 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 4d8+9 slashing Melee tail +25 (reach 20 feet), Damage 4d8+9 bludgeoning Melee horns +24 (reach 15 feet), Damage 4d8+3 piercing Arcane Innate Spells DC 30; 6th illusory creature, illusory object; At Will create water (see desert thirst), ventriloquism (6th); Cantrips (6th) ghost sound Breath Weapon (arcane, electricity, evocation) The dragon breathes lightning that deals 8d12 electricity damage to all creatures in a 100-foot line (Reflex DC 30 half, no damage on a critical success, double damage on a critical failure). It can’t use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds. Desert Thirst (arcane, transmutation) As a young blue dragon, but DC 28. Draconic Frenzy The dragon makes two claw Strikes and one horns Strike in any order. Draconic Momentum When the dragon scores a critical hit with a Strike, it recharges its Breath Weapon.





Perception +31; darkvision, scent 60 feet Dragon Languages Auran, Common, Draconic, Jotun, Ignan, Electricity Infernal Evil Gargantuan Skills +23; Acrobatics +32, Arcana +32, Deception Lawful +32, Diplomacy +32, Intimidation +30, Society +32, Stealth +30, Survival +32 Str +7, Dex +4, Con +6, Int +5, Wis +5, Cha +6 Sound Imitation The dragon can mimic any sound it has heard. To do so, it must succeed at a Deception check with a +4 circ*mstance bonus. AC 40, TAC 37; Fort +29, Ref +27, Will +29, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 335; Immunities asleep, electricity, paralyzed Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 90 feet, DC 34 Wing Deflection Trigger The dragon is targeted with an attack. Effect The dragon raises its wing, gaining a +2 circ*mstance bonus to AC against the triggering attack. If the dragon is flying, it descends 10 feet after the attack is complete. Speed 50 feet, burrow 30 feet, fly 200 feet Melee jaws +32 (reach 20 feet), Damage 4d10+14 piercing plus 2d12 electricity Melee claw +32 (agile, reach 15 feet), Damage 4d8+14 slashing Melee tail +32 (reach 25 feet), Damage 4d8+14 bludgeoning Melee horns +31 (reach 20 feet), Damage 4d8+7 piercing Arcane Innate Spells DC 36; 7th project image (see mirage); At Will create water (see desert thirst), hallucinatory terrain (8th), illusory creature (8th), illusory object (8th), ventriloquism (8th); Cantrips (8th) ghost sound Breath Weapon (arcane, electricity, evocation) The dragon breathes lightning that deals 10d12 electricity damage to all creatures in a 120-foot line (Reflex DC 36 half, double damage on a critical failure, no damage on a critical success). It can’t use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds. Each time the dragon uses its Breath Weapon, a miniature storm cloud with a 20-foot radius appears 80 feet above a point of the dragon’s choosing along the Breath Weapon’s path. Clouds last for 10 minutes, and allow the dragon to use Storm Breath. Desert Thirst (arcane, transmutation) As young blue dragon, but DC 34. Draconic Frenzy The dragon makes two claw Strikes and one horns Strike in any order. Draconic Momentum When the dragon scores a critical hit with a Strike, it recharges its Breath Weapon. Storm Breath (arcane, concentrate, electricity, evocation) Requirement A storm cloud created by the dragon’s breath is within 500 feet, and the dragon can see the cloud. Frequency Once per round Effect The dragon calls down a lightning bolt from a storm cloud created by its Breath Weapon. This creates a vertical line of lightning to the ground that deals 6d12 electricity damage to all enemies in its path (Reflex DC 36 half, double damage on a critical failure, no damage on a critical success). Mirage Whenever the dragon uses its Breath Weapon while the illusory image from its innate project image spell persists, it can cause the Breath Weapon to originate from itself or the image.

GREEN DRAGON Armed with a deadly breath weapon that emits a toxic cloud, green dragons reside in remote forest lairs and are considered the most diplomatic of the chromatic dragons. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 96.




Perception +17; darkvision, scent 60 feet Languages Common, Draconic Skills +9; Acrobatics +15, Arcana +17, Athletics +17, Diplomacy +17, Intimidation +17, Nature +15, Occultism +17, Society +17, Stealth +15 Str +5, Dex +1, Con +2, Int +2, Wis +1, Cha +2 AC 26, TAC 23; Fort +15, Ref +11, Will +15 HP 113; Immunities asleep, paralyzed, poison Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 90 feet, DC 20 Twisting Tail Trigger A creature within reach of the dragon’s tail uses a move action or leaves a square during a move action it’s using. Effect The dragon makes a tail Strike at the creature with a –2 penalty. If it hits, the dragon disrupts the creature’s action. Speed 30 feet, fly 120 feet, swim 30 feet; woodland stride Melee jaws +18 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d10+10 piercing plus 2d4 poison Melee claw +18 (agile), Damage 2d8+10 slashing Melee tail +18 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d8+10 bludgeoning Melee horn +17 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d8+5 piercing Arcane Innate Spells DC 22; 2nd entangle; 1st charm (×2) Breath Weapon (arcane, evocation, poison) The dragon breathes a toxic cloud that deals 9d6 poison damage to all creatures in a 40-foot cone (Fortitude DC 22 half, double damage on a critical failure, no damage on a critical success). It can’t use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds. Draconic Frenzy The dragon makes two claw Strikes and one horn Strike in any order. Draconic Momentum When the dragon scores a critical hit with a Strike, it recharges its Breath Weapon. Woodland Stride The green dragon ignores difficult terrain and greater difficult terrain from nonmagical foliage.

Amphibious Dragon Evil Large Lawful




Amphibious Perception +24; darkvision, scent 60 feet Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Sylvan Dragon Evil Skills +15; Acrobatics +21, Arcana +23, Athletics Huge +23, Diplomacy +23, Intimidation +23, Nature +21, Lawful Occultism +23, Society +23, Stealth +21 Str +6, Dex +3, Con +3, Int +4, Wis +3, Cha +4 AC 32, TAC 29; Fort +22, Ref +17, Will +22, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 180; Immunities asleep, paralyzed, poison Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 90 feet, DC 26 Twisting Tail Trigger A creature within reach of the dragon’s tail uses a move action or leaves a square during a move action it’s using. Effect The dragon makes a tail Strike at the creature with a –2 penalty. If it hits, the dragon disrupts the creature’s action.

Speed 40 feet, fly 160 feet, swim 40 feet; trackless step, woodland stride Melee jaws +23 (reach 15 feet), Damage 3d10+12 piercing plus 2d6 poison Melee claw +23 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 3d8+12 slashing Melee tail +23 (reach 20 feet), Damage 3d8+12 bludgeoning Melee horn +22 (reach 15 feet), Damage 3d8+6 piercing Arcane Innate Spells DC 28; 4th suggestion; 2nd entangle (×2); At Will charm Breath Weapon (arcane, evocation, poison) The dragon breathes a toxic cloud that deals 13d6 poison damage to all creatures in a 50-foot cone (DC 28 Fortitude save for half, no damage on a critical success, double damage on a critical failure). It can’t use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds. Draconic Frenzy The dragon makes two claw Strikes and one horn Strike in any order. Draconic Momentum When the dragon scores a critical hit with a Strike, it recharges its Breath Weapon. Trackless Step The green dragon always gains the benefits of Cover Tracks in natural surroundings, without moving at half speed. Woodland Stride The green dragon ignores difficult terrain and greater difficult terrain from nonmagical foliage.



Amphibious Perception +31; darkvision, scent 60 feet Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Elven, Dragon Jotun, Sylvan Evil Gargantuan Skills +22; Acrobatics +29, Arcana +31, Athletics +31, Lawful Diplomacy +31, Intimidation +31, Nature +29, Occultism +31, Society +31, Stealth +29 (camouflage) Str +8, Dex +4, Con +5, Int +6, Wis +5, Cha +6 Camouflage The dragon can Hide in natural environments even if it doesn’t have cover. AC 40, TAC 37; Fort +29, Ref +24, Will +29, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 262; Immunities asleep, paralyzed, poison Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 90 feet, DC 33 Miasma (aura, poison) 20 feet. After the dragon uses its Breath Weapon, a cloud of poison gas continues to emanate from its body for 1 round. Any creature that ends its turn in the miasma takes 4d6 poison damage. Any creature in the aura is concealed and treats other creatures as concealed. The dragon ignores this concealment. Twisting Tail Trigger A creature within reach of the dragon’s tail uses a move action or leaves a square during a move action it’s using. Effect The dragon makes a tail Strike at the creature with a –2 penalty. If the tail Strike hits, the dragon disrupts the creature’s action. Speed 50 feet, fly 200 feet, swim 50 feet; trackless step, woodland stride Melee jaws +30 (reach 20 feet), Damage 3d10+16 piercing plus 4d6 poison Melee claw +30 (agile, reach 15 feet), Damage 4d8+16 slashing Melee tail +30 (reach 25 feet), Damage 4d8+16 bludgeoning Melee horn +29 (reach 20 feet), Damage 4d8+8 piercing



green Dragon sPellcasters To make a green dragon spellcaster, remove the dragon’s Draconic Frenzy and Draconic Momentum abilities and give it the following spells. You can swap out any number of these with other arcane spells, provided you keep the same number of spells for each level. You might also want to increase the dragon’s Intelligence or Charisma modifier by 1 or 2.

young Arcane Prepared Spells DC 22, attack +16; 3rd dispel magic, locate, mind reading; 2nd humanoid form, mirror image, see invisibility; 1st illusory image, true strike, ventriloquism; Cantrips (3rd) dancing lights, detect magic, ghost sound, shield

aDult Arcane Spells DC 28, attack +21; As young green dragon, plus 5th cloudkill, summon monster, tongues; 4th clairvoyance, dimension door, stoneskin; Cantrips (5th)

ancient Arcane Spells DC 35, attack +28; As adult green dragon, plus 8th mind blank, prismatic wall; 7th contingency, prismatic spray, spell turning; 6th feeblemind, teleport, true seeing; Cantrips (8th)

Str +6, Dex +1, Con +4, Int +1, Wis +2, Cha +2 Smoke Vision The dragon ignores concealment from smoke. AC 27, TAC 24; Fort +18, Ref +14, Will +15 HP 195; Immunities asleep, fire, paralyzed; Weakness cold 10 Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 90 feet, DC 23 Opportune Bite As Attack of Opportunity, but only with the dragon’s jaws. Speed 40 feet, fly 120 feet Melee jaws +20 (reach 10 feet), Damage 3d6+12 piercing plus 2d6 fire Melee claw +20 (agile), Damage 3d6+12 slashing Melee tail +20 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d10+12 slashing Melee wing +19 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 3d6+6 piercing Arcane Innate Spells DC 25; Cantrips (4th) detect magic, read aura Breath Weapon (arcane, evocation, fire) The dragon breathes a blast of flame that deals 11d6 fire damage to all creatures in a 40-foot cone (Reflex DC 25 half, double damage on a critical failure, no damage on a critical success). It can’t use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds. Draconic Frenzy The dragon makes two claw Strikes and one wing Strike in any order. Draconic Momentum When the dragon scores a critical hit with a Strike, it recharges its Breath Weapon.

ADULT RED DRAGON Arcane Innate Spells DC 28; 6th dominate; 4th suggestion; At Will charm (4th), entangle Breath Weapon (arcane, evocation, poison) The dragon breathes a toxic cloud that deals 18d6 poison damage to all creatures in a 60-foot cone (Fortitude DC 35 half, double damage on a critical failure, no damage on a critical success). The Breath Weapon also creates a Miasma. It can’t use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds. Draconic Frenzy The dragon makes two claw Strikes and one horn Strike in any order. Draconic Momentum When the dragon scores a critical hit with a Strike, it recharges its Breath Weapon. Trackless Step The green dragon always gains the benefits of Cover Tracks in natural surroundings, without moving at half speed. Woodland Stride The green dragon ignores difficult terrain and greater difficult terrain from nonmagical foliage.

RED DRAGON Considered by many a dragonslayer to be the most powerful of the chromatic dragons, red dragons lord over their minions in mountain lairs throughout the world. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 98.

YOUNG RED DRAGON Chaotic Dragon Evil Fire Large Stealth +18



Perception +20; darkvision, scent 60 feet, smoke vision Languages Common, Draconic Skills +11; Acrobatics +16, Arcana +19, Athletics +18, Deception +20, Diplomacy +20, Intimidation +20,

Chaotic Dragon Evil Fire Huge


Perception +27; darkvision, scent 60 feet, smoke vision Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Orcish Skills +17; Acrobatics +22, Arcana +26, Athletics +24, Deception +27, Diplomacy +27, Intimidation +27,

Stealth +24 Str +7, Dex +2, Con +6, Int +3, Wis +4, Cha +4 Smoke Vision The dragon ignores concealment from smoke. AC 34, TAC 31; Fort +25, Ref +20, Will +22, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 285; Immunities asleep, fire, paralyzed; Weaknesses cold 15 Dragon Heat (arcane, aura, evocation, fire) 5 feet. A creature that enters the aura or ends its turn within it takes 3d6 fire damage. A creature can take this damage only once per round. Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 90 feet, DC 29 Opportune Bite As Attack of Opportunity, but only with the dragon’s jaws. Speed 50 feet, fly 140 feet Melee jaws +26 (reach 15 feet), Damage 2d12+14 piercing plus 3d6 fire Melee claw +26 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 4d6+14 slashing Melee tail +25 (reach 20 feet), Damage 3d10+14 slashing Melee wing +26 (agile, reach 15 feet), Damage 4d6+7 piercing Arcane Innate Spells DC 31; 4th suggestion; Cantrips (6th) detect magic, read aura Breath Weapon (arcane, evocation, fire) The dragon breathes a blast of flame that deals 15d6 fire damage to all creatures in a 50-foot cone (Reflex DC 31 half, double damage on a critical failure, no damage on a critical success). It can’t use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds.

Draconic Frenzy The dragon makes two claw Strikes and one wing Strike in any order. Draconic Momentum When the dragon scores a critical hit with a Strike, it recharges its Breath Weapon.




Perception +34; darkvision, scent 60 feet, Chaotic smoke vision Dragon Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Evil Fire Jotun, Orcish Gargantuan Skills +24; Acrobatics +29, Arcana +32, Athletics +31, Deception +33, Diplomacy +33, Intimidation +33, Stealth +31 Str +9, Dex +4, Con +8, Int +5, Wis +6, Cha +7 Smoke Vision The dragon ignores concealment from smoke. AC 42, TAC 39; Fort +32, Ref +27, Will +29, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 385; Immunities asleep, fire, paralyzed; Weaknesses cold 20 Dragon Heat (arcane, aura, evocation, fire) 10 feet. A creature that enters the aura or ends its turn within it takes 4d6 fire damage. A creature can take this damage only once per round. Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 90 feet, DC 36 Opportune Bite As Attack of Opportunity, but only with the dragon’s jaws. Redirect Fire (abjuration, arcane) Trigger A creature within 100 feet casts a fire spell, or a fire spell otherwise comes into effect from a source within 100 feet. Effect The dragon makes all the choices to determine the targets, destination, or other effects of the spell, as though it were the caster. Speed 60 feet, fly 180 feet Melee jaws +34 (reach 20 feet), Damage 2d12+18 piercing plus 5d6 fire Melee claw +34 (agile, reach 15 feet), Damage 5d6+18 slashing Melee tail +34 (reach 25 feet), Damage 3d10+18 slashing Melee wing +33 (agile, reach 20 feet), Damage 5d6+9 piercing Arcane Innate Spells DC 31; At Will suggestion, wall of fire (8th); Cantrips (9th) detect magic, read aura Breath Weapon (arcane, evocation, fire) The dragon breathes a blast of flame that deals 20d6 fire damage to all creatures in a 60-foot cone (Reflex DC 38 half, double damage on a critical failure, no damage on a critical success). It can’t use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds. Draconic Frenzy The dragon makes two claw Strikes and one wing Strike in any order. Draconic Momentum When the dragon scores a critical hit with a Strike, it recharges its Breath Weapon. Manipulate Flames (arcane, concentrate, transmutation) The red dragon takes control of a magical fire or a fire spell within 100 feet. If it succeeds at its check to dispel (+21, counteract level 10), the original caster loses control of the spell or magic fire, control is transferred to the dragon, and the dragon counts as having Concentrated on the Spell, if applicable. On a success, the dragon can instead choose to dispel the fire magic.

WHITE DRAGON White dragons make their homes in sparkling ice caves

reD Dragon sPellcasters


To make a red dragon spellcaster, remove the dragon’s Draconic Frenzy and Draconic Momentum abilities and give it the following spells. You can swap out any number of these with other arcane spells, provided you keep the same number of spells for each level. You might also want to increase the dragon’s Intelligence or Charisma modifier by 1 or 2.




Arcane Prepared Spells DC 25, attack +18; 4th fear, invisibility, stoneskin; 3rd dispel magic, haste, mind reading; 2nd comprehend language, resist energy, see invisibility; 1st charm, grease, true strike; Cantrips (4th) detect magic, mage hand, message, sigil


aDult Arcane Spells DC 31, attack +24; As young red dragon, plus 6th dispel magic, teleport, wall of force; 5th command, crushing despair, tongues; Cantrips (6th)

ancient Arcane Spells DC 38, attack +32; As adult red dragon, plus 9th fiery body, prismatic sphere; 8rd discern location, mind blank, prismatic wall; 7th prismatic spray, resist energy, reverse gravity; Cantrips (9th)

atop frozen mountaintops. Some consider these dragons to be the weakest of the chromatic dragons. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 100.




Perception +14; darkvision, scent 60 feet, snow vision Chaotic Languages Draconic Cold Skills +6; Acrobatics +11, Arcana +10, Athletics +14, Dragon Evil Intimidation +13, Stealth +11 Large Str +4, Dex +2, Con +3, Int –1, Wis +0, Cha –1 Snow Vision The dragon ignores concealment from snowfall. AC 20, TAC 17; Fort +13, Ref +11, Will +9 HP 120; Immunities asleep, cold, paralyzed; Weaknesses fire 5 Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 90 feet, DC 18 Freezing Blood (arcane, cold) Trigger An adjacent creature deals piercing or slashing damage to the dragon. Effect The dragon’s blood sprays on the creature, dealing 1d6 cold damage. If the creature takes cold damage, it is slowed 1 for 1 round. Speed 30 feet, fly 100 feet, ice climb 30 feet Melee jaws +14 (reach 10 feet), Damage 1d10+8 piercing plus 2d6 cold Melee claw +15 (agile), Damage 2d6+8 slashing Melee tail +14 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d6+4 bludgeoning Breath Weapon (arcane, cold, evocation) The dragon breathes a cloud of frost that deals 7d6 cold damage to all creatures in a 30-foot cone (Reflex DC 20 half, no damage on a


critical success, double damage on a critical failure). It can’t use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds. Draconic Frenzy The dragon makes two claw Strikes and one tail Strike in any order. Draconic Momentum When the dragon scores a critical hit with a Strike, it recharges its Breath Weapon. Ice Climb A white dragon can climb on ice as though it had the listed climb Speed. It ignores difficult terrain from ice and snow, and doesn’t risk falling when crossing ice. Ground Slam The dragon slams into the ground. It can do this if it’s on the ground or by Flying at most 10 feet straight down. Each creature on the ground within 10 feet must succeed at a DC 20 Acrobatics check to Maintain its Balance or fall prone and take 2d6 bludgeoning damage. The dragon can then Step. Shape Ice (arcane, transmutation, water) The dragon reshapes a cube of ice or snow up to 10 feet across. Any creature standing atop the ice must succeed at a DC 15 Acrobatics check to Maintain Balance or fall prone.



Perception +19; darkvision, scent 60 feet, snow Chaotic vision Cold Dragon Languages Common, Draconic Evil Skills +11; Acrobatics +18, Arcana +17, Athletics +21, Large Intimidation +20, Stealth +18 Str +6, Dex +2, Con +5, Int +1, Wis +2, Cha +1 Snow Vision Snow doesn’t impair a white dragon’s vision. The dragon ignores concealment from snowfall. AC 26, TAC 23; Fort +18, Ref +16, Will +14, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 215; Immunities asleep, cold, paralyzed; Weaknesses fire 5 Dragon Chill (arcane, aura, cold, evocation) 5 feet. A creature that enters the aura or ends its turn within the aura takes 2d6 cold damage. A creature can take this damage only once per round. Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 90 feet, DC 23 Freezing Blood (arcane, cold) Trigger An adjacent creature deals piercing or slashing damage to the dragon. Effect The dragon’s blood sprays on the creature, dealing 2d6 cold damage. If the creature takes cold damage, it is slowed 1 for 1 round. Speed 30 feet, fly 120 feet, ice climb 30 feet Melee jaws +19 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d10+12 piercing plus 2d6 cold Melee claw +20 (agile), Damage 3d6+12 slashing Melee tail +19 (reach 10 feet), Damage 3d6+6 bludgeoning Arcane Innate Spells DC 25; At Will fog cloud, gust of wind Breath Weapon (arcane, cold, evocation) The dragon breathes a cloud of frost that deals 11d6 cold damage to all creatures in a 40-foot cone (Reflex DC 25 half, double damage on a critical failure, no damage on a critical success). It can’t use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds. Draconic Frenzy The dragon makes two claw Strikes and one tail Strike in any order.


Draconic Momentum When the dragon scores a critical hit with a Strike, it recharges its Breath Weapon. Ground Slam The dragon slams into the ground. It can do this if it’s on the ground or by Flying at most 10 feet straight down. Each creature on the ground within 10 feet must succeed at a DC 25 Acrobatics check to Maintain its Balance or fall prone and take 3d6 bludgeoning damage. The dragon can then Step. Ice Climb A white dragon can climb on ice as though it had the listed climb Speed. It ignores difficult terrain from ice and snow, and doesn’t risk falling when crossing ice. Shape Ice (arcane, transmutation, water) The dragon reshapes a cube of ice or snow up to 10 feet across. Any creature standing atop the ice must succeed at a DC 15 Acrobatics check to Maintain Balance or fall prone.



Perception +27; darkvision, scent 60 feet, snow vision Chaotic Languages Common, Draconic Cold Dragon Skills +18; Acrobatics +27, Arcana +26, Athletics Evil +29, Intimidation +28, Stealth +27 Huge Str +7, Dex +3, Con +7, Int +2, Wis +3, Cha +2 Snow Vision Snow doesn’t impair a white dragon’s vision. The dragon ignores concealment from snowfall. AC 35, TAC 32; Fort +26, Ref +23, Will +21, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 351; Immunities asleep, cold, paralyzed; Weaknesses fire 15 Blizzard (arcane, aura, cold) 50 feet. After the dragon uses its Breath Weapon, a blizzard surrounds its body for 1 round. Everything in the area is difficult terrain for creatures on the ground, climbing, or flying. The blowing snow creates concealment in the area. While the blizzard rages, the dragon’s Dragon Chill extends to the full area of the blizzard. Dragon Chill (arcane, aura, cold, evocation) 10 feet. A creature that enters the aura or ends its turn within it takes 3d6 cold damage. A creature can take this damage only once per round. Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 90 feet, DC 30 Freezing Blood (arcane, cold) Trigger An adjacent creature deals piercing or slashing damage to the dragon. Effect The dragon’s blood sprays on the creature, dealing 3d6 cold damage. If the creature takes cold damage, it is slowed 1 for 1 round. Speed 40 feet, fly 160 feet, ice climb 40 feet Melee jaws +27 (reach 15 feet), Damage 4d8+14 piercing plus 3d6 cold Melee claw +28 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 5d6+14 slashing Melee tail +27 (reach 20 feet), Damage 5d6+7 bludgeoning Arcane Innate Spells DC 32; At Will fog cloud, gust of wind, wall of ice (6th) Breath Weapon (arcane, cold, evocation) The dragon breathes a cloud of frost that deals 16d6 cold damage to all creatures in a 50-foot cone (Reflex DC 32 half, no damage on a critical success, double damage on a critical failure). It can’t use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds. Draconic Frenzy The dragon makes two claw Strikes and one tail Strike in any order.

Draconic Momentum When the dragon scores a critical hit with a Strike, it recharges its Breath Weapon. Ground Slam The dragon slams into the ground. It can do this if it’s on the ground or by Flying at most 10 feet straight down. Each creature on the ground within 10 feet must succeed at a DC 31 Acrobatics check to Maintain Balance or fall prone and take 5d6 bludgeoning damage. The dragon can then Step. Ice Climb A white dragon can climb on ice as though it had the listed climb Speed. It ignores difficult terrain from ice and snow, and doesn’t risk falling when crossing ice. Shape Ice (arcane, transmutation, water) The dragon reshapes a cube of ice or snow up to 10 feet across. Any creature standing atop the ice must succeed at a DC 15 Acrobatics check to Maintain Balance or fall prone.

White Dragon sPellcasters

aDult Arcane Spells DC 25, attack +18; As young white dragon, plus 4th charm, dimension door, freedom of movement; 3rd dispel magic, earthbind, haste; Cantrips (4th)



DROW Elves corrupted by evil, drow live in cities and settlements deep beneath the surface where they enslave others and perform foul rites in worship of demon lords. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 114.




Perception +13; darkvision Aberration Languages Elven, Undercommon Chaotic Skills +6; Arcana +13, Athletics +13, Intimidation +11, Drow Elf Religion +13, Stealth +13 Evil Str +2, Dex +2, Con +3, Int +2, Wis +3, Cha +3 Large Items expert composite longbow with 20 arrows, expert mace AC 21, TAC 18; Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +13, +1 conditional vs. magic HP 92; Immunities asleep Speed 30 feet, climb 20 feet Melee mace +15 (shove), Damage 2d6+4 bludgeoning Melee fangs +15, Damage 2d6+2 piercing plus drider venom Ranged composite longbow +15 (deadly 1d10, volley 50 feet), Damage 2d8 piercing Ranged web +15 touch (range increment 30 feet), Effect web trap Arcane Prepared Spells DC 20, attack +14; 3rd fireball; 2nd acid arrow, invisibility; 1st magic missile (×2), ray of enfeeblement; Cantrips ghost sound, mage hand, ray of frost Arcane Innate Spells DC 20; 4th clairvoyance; 3rd clairaudience, dispel magic, levitate; At Will darkness, faerie fire; Cantrips dancing lights Drider Venom (poison) Saving Throw Fortitude DC 20; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d8 poison and enfeebled 1 (1 round) Web Trap A creature struck by the drider’s web attack is immobilized by the web—stuck to the nearest surface until it frees itself using Escape (DC 21) or an action to attempt an Athletics check (DC 21).



Arcane Prepared Spells DC 20, attack +13; 2nd invisibility, obscuring mist, resist energy; 1st ray of enfeeblement, true strike (×2); Cantrips (2nd) detect magic, ghost sound, mage hand, ray of frost

Victims of drow fleshwarping, these tauric creatures have drow torsos atop gigantic spider bodies. Driders are found deep underground near drow cities, where they often act as guards. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 113.



To make a white dragon spellcaster, remove the dragon’s Draconic Frenzy and Draconic Momentum abilities and give it the following spells. You can swap out any number of these with other arcane spells, provided you keep the same number of spells for each level. You might also want to increase the dragon’s Intelligence or Charisma modifier by 1 or 2.


ancient Arcane Spells DC 32, attack +26; As adult white dragon, plus 7th paralyze, resist energy; 6th baleful polymorph, dominate, true seeing; 5th chromatic wall, passwall, tongues; Cantrips (7th)




Perception +5; darkvision Chaotic Languages Elven, Undercommon Drow Elf Skills +1; Athletics +4, Acrobatics +6, Stealth +6 Evil Str +2, Dex +4, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +1, Cha +1 Medium Items hand crossbow with 10 bolts, leather armor, rapier, 2 doses of sleep poison (Pathfinder Playtest Rulebook 368) Light Blindness When they are first exposed to bright light, a drow is blinded for 1 round. After this exposure, light doesn’t blind a drow again until after the drow spends 1 hour in total darkness. However, a drow is dazzled anytime they are in an area of bright light. AC 16, TAC 15; Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +4, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic, +2 conditional to saves vs. mental HP 16; Immunities asleep Attack of Opportunity Speed 30 feet Melee rapier +8 (deadly 1d8, disarm), Damage 1d6+2 piercing Melee main-gauche +8 (agile, disarm, parry, versatile S), Damage 1d4+2 piercing Ranged crossbow +8, Damage 1d8 piercing plus sleep poison Arcane Innate Spells DC 13; At Will darkness, faerie fire; Cantrips dancing lights Quick Draw The drow fighter draws a weapon using the Interact action, then Strikes with the weapon they just drew. Skewer The drow fighter Strikes with its rapier. The drow fighter gains a +1 circ*mstance bonus to the attack roll and any creature damaged by the attack takes 1d6 persistent bleed damage.





Perception +9; darkvision Chaotic Languages Elven, Undercommon Drow Skills +3; Deception +7, Religion +10, Intimidate +7, Elf Evil Stealth +7 Medium Str +2, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +4, Cha +2 Items 4 doses of sleep poison (Pathfinder Playtest Rulebook 368), chain mail, expert rapier, hand crossbow with 10 bolts, heavy steel shield (Hardness 5), religious symbol Light Blindness When first exposed to bright light, the drow is blinded for 1 round. After this exposure, light doesn’t blind the drow again until after they spend 1 hour in total darkness. However, a drow is dazzled anytime they’re in an area of bright light. AC 17 (19 with shield raised), TAC 14 (16 with shield raised); Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +8, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic, +2 conditional to saves vs. mental HP 42; Immunities asleep Shield Block Speed 30 feet Melee expert rapier +9 (deadly 1d8, disarm), Damage 2d6+2 piercing Ranged hand crossbow +9, Damage 2d6 piercing plus sleep poison Divine Prepared Spells DC 17; 2nd harm (×5), silence, sudden shift (×4); 1st bless, command; Cantrips detect magic, guidance, know direction, stabilize Arcane Innate Spells DC 17; At Will darkness, faerie fire, dancing lights

DRYAD Making their homes in secluded old growth forests, these fey each have an innate connection to a particular tree. Traditionally goodly creatures, dryads combat the encroachment of civilization and fight against those who despoil the forest. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 116.




Perception +8; low-light vision Chaotic Languages Common, Elven, Sylvan; speak with plants Fey Good Skills +3; Acrobatics +9, Athletics +7, Crafting +8 (+11 Medium woodworking), Nature +10, Stealth +9, Survival +10 Str +0, Dex +4, Con +1, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +4 Items sickle Nature Empathy The dryad can use Diplomacy to Make an Impression and make very simple Requests of animals and plants. AC 17, TAC 15; Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +7 HP 65; Weaknesses cold iron 5, tree dependent Tree Dependent A dryad must remain within 300 feet of the single, enormous tree to which it is bonded, or it becomes sick 1 and is unable to recover. The dryad must succeed at a DC 17 Fortitude save every hour or increase the sick value by 1 (to a maximum of sick 4). After 24 hours beyond the range of its tree, it becomes drained 1, with this value increasing by 1 for every additional 24hour period. A dryad can perform a 24-hour ritual to bond itself to a new tree. Most dryads are mystically bonded to oak trees.


Speed 25 feet Melee sickle +8 (agile, trip), Damage 2d4+2 slashing Primal Innate Spells DC 17, attack +8; Constant speak with plants; 5th tree stride (×2); 4th suggestion; 3rd charm (×3), sleep; At Will entangle, tree shape; Cantrips (2nd) tanglefoot Tree Meld (primal, transmutation) The dryad touches an adjacent tree of enough volume to contain it, and merges into the tree indefinitely. It can cast spells while inside as long as they don’t require it to have line of effect outside the tree, and it can hear, but not see, what’s going on outside the tree. Significant physical damage to the tree while the dryad is inside expels the dryad and deals 3d6 damage to it. Passwall expels the dryad without dealing damage and dismisses Tree Meld. The dryad can dismiss this effect with the Verbal Casting action. If a dryad uses this ability on its bonded tree, it instead enters an extradimensional living space within the tree, and this ability gains the extradimensional space trait. A dryad can bring one other creature with it when entering its home within its bonded tree.

EEL As long as a human is tall, these snakelike fish typically live in warm fresh waters and can discharge a powerful electric shock with their tails. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 119.




Perception +5; low-light vision Languages — Skills +0; Acrobatics +5, Athletics +6, Stealth +6 Str +1, Dex +2, Con +2, Int –5, Wis +0, Cha –1 AC 15, TAC 14; Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3 HP 18; Resistances electricity 5 Speed 5 feet, swim 30 feet Melee jaws +7, Damage 2d4+1 piercing Melee tail +7 (agile), Damage 1d4 bludgeoning plus 1d4 electricity Stunning Shock On a critical hit with its tail, the eel stuns its target for 1 round unless the creature succeeds at a DC 15 Fortitude save (stunned 1d4 rounds on a critical failure).

Animal Aquatic Small

ELEMENTAL, AIR Hailing from the Plane of Air, these beings appear in a variety of sizes and shapes. Even air elementals with the same statistics can appear differently. One might be a swirling vortex of smoke and wind, while another might appear as a smoky birdlike creature with wind for wings. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 120.




Perception +4; darkvision Languages Auran Skills –1; Acrobatics +8, Stealth +8 Str +1, Dex +4, Con +0, Int –3, Wis +0, Cha +0 AC 17, TAC 17; Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +3 HP 12; Immunities asleep, critical hits, paralysis, poison, precision, stun

Air Elemental Small

Disperse Trigger The air elemental takes damage from a hostile source. Effect The air elemental disperses. Until the end of the current turn, it can’t be attacked or targeted and doesn’t take up space. At the end of the turn, the elemental re-forms in any square within 10 feet of where it where it dispersed. Speed 80 feet; swiftness Melee gust +7 (reach 10 feet), Damage 1d4 bludgeoning Swiftness An air elemental’s movement doesn’t trigger reactions.




Perception +7; darkvision Languages Auran Skills +3; Acrobatics +11, Stealth +11 Str +2, Dex +4, Con +1, Int –3, Wis +0, Cha +0 High Winds (air, aura) 30 feet. Air in the aura is difficult terrain for flying creatures that do not have the air trait. AC 20, TAC 20; Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +5 HP 32; Immunities asleep, critical hits, paralysis, poison, precision, stun Disperse Trigger The air elemental takes damage from a hostile action. Effect The air elemental disperses. Until the end of the current turn, it can’t be attacked or targeted, doesn’t take up space, and deactivates its aura. At the end of the turn, the elemental re-forms in any square within 15 feet of where it dispersed and its aura reactivates. Speed fly 80 feet; swiftness Melee gust +10 (reach 10 feet), Damage 1d6+4 bludgeoning Swiftness An air elemental doesn’t trigger reactions with its movement.

Air Elemental Medium




Perception +11; darkvision Languages Auran Skills +5; Acrobatics +14, Stealth +13 Str +3, Dex +5, Con +3, Int –2, Wis +0, Cha +0 High Winds (air, aura) 40 feet. Air in the aura is difficult terrain for flying creatures that do not have the air trait. AC 22, TAC 22; Fort +7, Ref +13, Will +8 HP 55; Immunities asleep, critical hits, paralysis, poison, precision, stun Disperse Trigger The air elemental takes damage from a hostile action. Effect The air elemental disperses. Until the end of the current turn, it can’t be attacked or targeted, doesn’t take up space, and deactivates its aura. At the end of the turn, the elemental re-forms in any space it can fit in within 25 feet of where it dispersed and its aura reactivates. Speed fly 100 feet; swiftness Melee gust +13 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d6+4 bludgeoning plus Push 5 feet Swiftness An air elemental’s movement doesn’t trigger reactions.

Air Elemental Large



Perception +13; darkvision Languages Auran Skills +7; Acrobatics +17, Stealth +15


Str +4, Dex +6, Con +4, Int –2, Wis +0, Cha +0 High Winds (air, aura) 40 feet. Air in the aura is difficult terrain for flying creatures that do not have the air trait. AC 25, TAC 25; Fort +10, Ref +15, Will +10 HP 80; Immunities asleep, critical hits, paralysis, poison, precision, stun Disperse Trigger The air elemental takes damage from a hostile action. Effect The air elemental disperses. Until the end of the current turn, it can’t be attacked or targeted, doesn’t take up space, and deactivates its aura. At the end of the turn, the elemental re-forms in any space it can fit in within 35 feet of where it dispersed and its aura reactivates. Speed fly 100 feet; swiftness Melee gust +17 (reach 15 feet), Damage 3d6+4 bludgeoning plus Push 5 feet Breath Weapon (air) The elemental breathes a 30-foot cone of air. Creatures within the cone must succeed at a DC 21 Fortitude save or be knocked away from the elemental. A creature knocked into a solid object takes 4d6 bludgeoning damage. It can’t use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds. Success Knocked back 10 feet Critical Success Unaffected Failure Knocked back 20 feet Critical Failure Knocked back 20 feet and knocked prone Swiftness An air elemental’s movement doesn’t trigger reactions.




Perception +15; darkvision Languages Auran Skills +9; Acrobatics +20, Stealth +18 Str +5, Dex +7, Con +4, Int –1, Wis +0, Cha +0 High Winds (air, aura) 40 feet. Air in the aura is difficult terrain for flying creatures that do not have the air trait. AC 28, TAC 28; Fort +13, Ref +17, Will +13 HP 110; Immunities asleep, critical hits, paralysis, poison, precision, stun Disperse Trigger The air elemental takes damage from a hostile action. Effect The air elemental disperses. Until the end of the current turn, it can’t be attacked or targeted, doesn’t take up space, and deactivates its aura. At the end of the turn, the elemental re-forms in any space it can fit in within 50 feet of where it dispersed and its aura reactivates. Speed fly 100 feet; swiftness Melee gust +19 (reach 15 feet), Damage 3d6+7 bludgeoning plus Push 5 feet Breath Weapon (air) The elemental breathes a 30-foot cone of air. Creatures within the cone must succeed at a DC 23 Fortitude save or be knocked away from the elemental. A creature knocked into a solid object takes 4d6 bludgeoning damage. It can’t use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds. Success Knocked back 10 feet Critical Success Unaffected Failure Knocked back 20 feet Critical Failure Knocked back 20 feet and knocked prone Swiftness An air elemental’s movement doesn’t trigger reactions.

Air Elemental Huge






Perception +19; darkvision Languages Auran Skills +12; Acrobatics +23, Stealth +21 Str +6, Dex +7, Con +4, Int +0, Wis +0, Cha +0 High Winds (air, aura) 40 feet. Air in the aura is difficult terrain for flying creatures that do not have the air trait. AC 31, TAC 31; Fort +15, Ref +21, Will +15 HP 145; Immunities asleep, critical hits, paralysis, poison, precision, stun Disperse Trigger The air elemental takes damage from a hostile source. Effect The air elemental disperses. Until the end of the current turn, it can’t be attacked or targeted, doesn’t take up space, and deactivates its aura. At the end of the turn, the elemental re-forms in any space it can fit in within 50 feet of where it dispersed and its aura reactivates. Speed fly 100 feet; swiftness Melee gust +22 (reach 15 feet), Damage 4d6+8 bludgeoning plus Push 5 feet Breath Weapon (air) The elemental breathes a 30-foot cone of air. Creatures in the cone must succeed at a DC 26 Fortitude save or be knocked away from the elemental. A creature knocked into a solid object takes 4d6 bludgeoning damage. The air elemental can’t use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds. Success Knocked back 10 feet Critical Success Unaffected Failure Knocked back 20 feet Critical Failure Knocked back 20 feet and the target is knocked prone Swiftness An air elemental doesn’t trigger reactions with its movement.

Air Elemental Huge

ELEMENTAL, EARTH Stubborn and ponderous, earth elementals are beings of living rock and dirt from the Plane of Earth. They are often called to the Material Plane by conjurers and druids as defense, but some slip through where barriers between the planes are thin. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 122.




Perception +5; darkvision Languages Terran Skills –1; Athletics +6, Stealth +4 Str +3, Dex –1, Con +2, Int –3, Wis +0, Cha –1 Earthbound When not touching solid ground, an earth elemental is slowed 1 and can’t take reactions. AC 16, TAC 12; Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +4 HP 18; Immunities asleep, critical hits, paralysis, poison, precision, stun Speed 20 feet, burrow 20 feet (earth glide) Melee fist +6, Damage 1d4+3 bludgeoning Earth Glide The elemental can burrow through dirt and stone at its full burrow Speed, leaving no tunnels or signs of its passing.

Earth Elemental Small





Perception +8; darkvision Languages Terran Skills +3; Athletics +9, Stealth +7 Str +4, Dex –1, Con +3, Int –3, Wis +0, Cha –1 Earthbound When not touching solid ground, an earth elemental is slowed 1 and can’t take reactions. AC 19, TAC 15; Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +6 HP 40; Immunities asleep, critical hits, paralysis, poison, precision, stun Crumble Trigger The elemental takes damage from a hostile source while atop rock or earth. Effect The elemental crumbles into the ground, burrowing down 5 feet. This burrowing does not trigger reactions. The elemental can’t use this reaction if it emerged from the ground earlier this round. Speed 20 feet, burrow 20 feet (earth glide) Melee fist +8, Damage 1d8+4 bludgeoning Earth Glide The elemental can burrow through dirt and stone at its full burrow Speed, leaving no tunnels or signs of its passing.

Earth Elemental Medium




Perception +12; darkvision Languages Terran Skills +5; Athletics +12, Stealth +10 Str +5, Dex –1, Con +4, Int –2, Wis +0, Cha –1 Earthbound When not touching solid ground, an earth elemental is slowed 1 and can’t take reactions. AC 21, TAC 17; Fort +12, Ref +7, Will +9 HP 70; Immunities asleep, critical hits, paralysis, poison, precision, stun Crumble Trigger The elemental takes damage from a hostile source while atop rock or earth. Effect The elemental crumbles into the ground, burrowing down 10 feet. This burrowing does not trigger reactions. The elemental can’t use this reaction if it emerged from the ground earlier this round. Speed 25 feet, burrow 25 feet (earth glide) Melee fist +12 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d8+5 bludgeoning Earth Glide The elemental can burrow through dirt and stone at its full burrow Speed, leaving no tunnels or signs of its passing.

Earth Elemental Large




Perception +14; darkvision Languages Terran Skills +7; Athletics +15, Stealth +13 Str +6, Dex –1, Con +5, Int –2, Wis +0, Cha –1 Earthbound When not touching solid ground, an earth elemental is slowed 1 and can’t take reactions. AC 24, TAC 20; Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +11 HP 105; Immunities asleep, critical hits, paralysis, poison, precision, stun Spike Stones (arcane, aura, earth, transmutation) 10 feet. Spikes of rock rise up from all stone surfaces in the aura, creating difficult terrain. A creature moving in the terrain takes 1d10 piercing damage for each square of spikes it moves into (though a Large

Earth Elemental Huge

or larger creature takes damage only once for each square it moves, even if its space covers multiple squares of spikes). Creature with the earth trait ignore all effects of the aura. Crumble Trigger The elemental takes damage from a hostile source while atop rock or earth. Effect The elemental crumbles into the ground, burrowing down 15 feet. This burrowing does not trigger reactions. The elemental can’t use this reaction if it emerged from the ground earlier this round. Speed 30 feet, burrow 30 feet (earth glide) Melee fist +16 (reach 15 feet), Damage 2d10+6 bludgeoning Earth Glide The elemental can burrow through dirt and stone at its full burrow Speed, leaving no tunnels or signs of its passing.




Perception +16; darkvision Languages Terran Skills +9; Athletics +18, Stealth +16 Str +7, Dex –1, Con +6, Int –1, Wis +0, Cha –1 Earthbound When not touching solid ground, an earth elemental is slowed 1 and can’t take reactions. AC 27, TAC 23; Fort +16, Ref +12, Will +14 HP 145; Immunities asleep, critical hits, paralysis, poison, precision, stun Spike Stones (arcane, aura, earth, transmutation) 10 feet. Spikes of rock rise up from all stone surfaces in the aura, creating difficult terrain. A creature moving in the terrain takes 2d6 piercing damage for each square of spikes it moves into (though a Large or larger creature takes damage only once for each square it moves, even if its space covers multiple squares of spikes). Creature with the earth trait ignore all effects of the aura. Crumble Trigger The elemental takes damage from a hostile source while atop rock or earth. Effect The elemental crumbles into the ground, burrowing down 15 feet. This burrowing does not trigger reactions. The elemental can’t use this reaction if it emerged from the ground earlier this round. Speed 30 feet, burrow 30 feet (earth glide) Melee fist +18 (reach 15 feet), Damage 2d12+7 bludgeoning Earth Glide The elemental can burrow through dirt and stone at its full burrow Speed, leaving no tunnels or signs of its passing.

Earth Elemental Huge




Perception +20; darkvision Languages Terran Skills +12; Athletics +21, Stealth +19 Str +7, Dex –1, Con +7, Int +0, Wis +0, Cha –1 Earthbound When not touching solid ground, an earth elemental is slowed 1 and can’t take reactions. AC 30, TAC 26; Fort +20, Ref +14, Will +16 HP 185; Immunities asleep, critical hits, paralysis, poison, precision, stun Spike Stones (arcane, aura, earth, transmutation) 10 feet. Spikes of rock rise up from all stone surfaces in the aura, creating

Earth Elemental Huge

difficult terrain. A creature moving in the terrain takes 2d8 piercing damage for each square of spikes it moves into (though a Large or larger creature takes damage only once for each square it moves, even if its space covers multiple squares of spikes). Creature with the earth trait ignore all effects of the aura. Crumble Trigger The elemental takes damage from a hostile source while atop rock or earth. Effect The elemental crumbles into the ground, burrowing down 15 feet. This burrowing does not trigger reactions. The elemental can’t use this reaction if it emerged from the ground earlier this round. Speed 30 feet, burrow 30 feet (earth glide) Melee fist +21 (reach 15 feet), Damage 3d10+7 bludgeoning Earth Glide The elemental can burrow through dirt and stone at its full burrow Speed, leaving no tunnels or signs of its passing.

ELEMENTAL, FIRE Formed of flickering flames from the Plane of Fire, these quick and aggressive elementals enjoy frightening creatures that are weaker than themselves. Fire elementals avoid water at all costs. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 124.




Perception +5; darkvision Languages Ignan Skills –1; Acrobatics +6 Str +1, Dex +2, Con +0, Int –3, Wis +0, Cha +0 AC 15, TAC 15; Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3 HP 21, explosion; Immunities asleep, critical hits, fire, paralysis, poison, precision, stun; Weaknesses cold 3, water 3 Explosion (fire) When the elemental dies, it explodes, dealing 2d4 fire damage to all creatures in a 5-foot aura (Reflex DC 14 half, double damage on a critical failure, no damage on a critical success). Speed 40 feet Melee tendril +7, Damage 1d4+1 fire and 1d4 persistent fire Water Weakness When this creature is doused with water, either through a spell or some other effect (such as pouring a bucket of water over it) it takes damage equal to its water weakness value. If it starts its turn within water, it also takes that amount of damage.

Elemental Fire Small




Perception +8; darkvision Languages Ignan Skills +3; Acrobatics +9 Str +2, Dex +3, Con +1, Int –3, Wis +0, Cha +0 AC 18, TAC 18; Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +5 HP 47, explosion; Immunities asleep, critical hits, fire, paralysis, poison, precision, stun; Weaknesses cold 5, water 5 Explosion (fire) When the elemental dies, it explodes, dealing 2d6 fire damage to all creatures in a 5-foot aura (Reflex DC 16 half, double damage on a critical failure, no damage on a critical success).

Elemental Fire Medium



Speed 40 feet Melee tendril +9, Damage 1d8+4 fire plus 1d4 persistent fire Water Weakness When this creature is doused with water, either through a spell or some other effect (such as pouring a bucket of water over it) it takes damage equal to its water weakness value. If it starts its turn within water, it also takes that amount of damage.




Perception +12; darkvision Languages Ignan Skills +5; Acrobatics +12 Str +3, Dex +4, Con +2, Int –2, Wis +0, Cha +0 AC 20, TAC 20; Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +8 HP 79, explosion; Immunities asleep, critical hits, fire, paralysis, poison, precision, stun; Weaknesses cold 8, water 8 Explosion (fire) When the elemental dies, it explodes, dealing 3d6 fire damage to all creatures in a 10-foot aura (Reflex DC 18 half, double damage on a critical failure, no damage on a critical success). Speed 50 feet Melee tendril +13 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d6+6 fire plus 2d4 persistent fire Water Weakness When this creature is doused with water, either through a spell or some other effect (such as pouring a bucket of water over it) it takes damage equal to its water weakness value. If it starts its turn within water, it also takes that amount of damage.

Elemental Fire Large




Perception +14; darkvision Languages Ignan Skills +7; Acrobatics +15 Str +4, Dex +5, Con +3, Int –2, Wis +0, Cha +0 AC 23, TAC 23; Fort +11, Ref +14, Will +10 HP 120, explosion; Immunities asleep, critical hits, fire, paralysis, poison, precision, stun; Weaknesses cold 10, water 10 Intense Heat (aura, fire) 10 feet. Any creature that enters or starts its turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 19 Fortitude save or take 2d6 fire damage (half damage on a success, no damage on a critical success, double damage on a critical failure). Explosion (fire) When the elemental dies, it explodes, dealing 3d6 fire damage to all creatures in a 15-foot aura (Reflex DC 18 half, double damage on a critical failure, no damage on a critical success). Speed 60 feet Melee tendril +17 (reach 15 feet), Damage 2d8+4 fire plus 2d6 persistent fire Blue Flames When the fire elemental scores a critical hit, its body surges with blue flames, increasing the damage of its intense heat to 2d10 until the start of its next turn. Water Weakness When this creature is doused with water, either through a spell or some other effect (such as pouring a bucket of water over it) it takes damage equal to its water weakness value. If it starts its turn within water, it also takes that amount of damage.

Elemental Fire Huge





Perception +16; darkvision Languages Ignan Skills +9; Acrobatics +18 Str +6, Dex +6, Con +4, Int –1, Wis +0, Cha +0 AC 26, TAC 26; Fort +14, Ref +16, Will +13 HP 160, explosion; Immunities asleep, critical hits, fire, paralysis, poison, precision, stun; Weaknesses cold 10, water 10 Intense Heat (aura, fire) 10 feet. Any creature that enters or starts its turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 21 Fortitude save or take 4d6 fire damage (half damage on a success, no damage on a critical success, double damage on a critical failure). Explosion (fire) When the elemental dies, it explodes, dealing 6d6 fire damage to all creatures in a 20-foot aura (Reflex DC 21 half, double damage on a critical failure, no damage on a critical success). Speed 70 feet Melee tendril +19 (reach 15 feet), Damage 3d8+6 fire plus 2d8 persistent fire Blue Flames When the fire elemental scores a critical hit, its body surges with blue flames, increasing the damage of its intense heat to 4d10 until the start of its next turn. Water Weakness When this creature is doused with water, either through a spell or some other effect (such as pouring a bucket of water over it) it takes damage equal to its water weakness value. If it starts its turn within water, it also takes that amount of damage.

Elemental Fire Huge




Perception +20; darkvision Languages Ignan Skills +12; Acrobatics +21 Str +7, Dex +7, Con +5, Int +0, Wis +0, Cha +0 AC 29, TAC 29; Fort +16, Ref +20, Will +15 HP 205, explosion; Immunities asleep, critical hits, fire, paralysis, poison, precision, stun; Weaknesses cold 15, water 15 Intense Heat (aura, fire) 10 feet. Any creature that enters or starts its turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 24 Fortitude save or take 5d6 fire damage (half damage on a success, no damage on a critical success, double damage on a critical failure). Explosion (fire) When the elemental dies, it explodes, dealing 7d6 fire damage to all creatures in a 25-foot aura (Reflex DC 24 half, double damage on a critical failure, no damage on a critical success). Speed 80 feet Melee tendril +22 (reach 15 feet), Damage 3d10+7 fire plus 3d6 persistent fire Blue Flames When the fire elemental scores a critical hit, its body surges with blue flames, increasing the damage of its intense heat to 5d10 until the start of its next turn. Water Weakness When this creature is doused with water, either through a spell or some other effect (such as pouring a bucket of water over it) it takes its water weakness value damage. If it starts its turn within water it also takes that amount of damage.

Elemental Fire Huge

ELEMENTAL, WATER These patient and relentless elementals from the Plane

of Water are composed of living water. Some carry with them the briny smell of the sea, while others are formed from fresh water. In combat, water elementals try to drown their enemies. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 126.




Perception +5; darkvision Languages Aquan Skills –1; Athletics +6, Stealth +4 Str +1, Dex +2, Con +1, Int –3, Wis +0, Cha +0 Vortex (aura, water) 15 feet. Water in the aura and also in the same body of water as the elemental is difficult terrain for swimming creatures that do not have the water trait. Waterbound When not touching water, a water elemental is slowed 1 and can’t take reactions. AC 15, TAC 15; Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3 HP 20; Immunities asleep, critical hits, paralysis, poison, precision, stun; Resistances fire 3 Speed 15 feet, swim 50 feet Melee wave +7, Damage 1d6+1 bludgeoning plus Push 5 feet Drench (abjuration, arcane) The elemental puts out all fires within 5 feet. It extinguishes all nonmagical fires automatically, and attempts to dispel any magical fire (as dispel magic, spell roll +5).

Aquatic Elemental Small Water




Perception +8; darkvision Languages Aquan Skills +3; Athletics +9, Stealth +7 Str +2, Dex +3, Con +2, Int –3, Wis +0, Cha +0 Vortex (aura, water) 20 feet. Water in the aura and also in the same body of water as the elemental is difficult terrain for swimming creatures that do not have the water trait. Waterbound When not touching water, a water elemental is slowed 1 and can’t take reactions. AC 18, TAC 18; Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +5 HP 45; Immunities asleep, critical hits, paralysis, poison, precision, stun; Resistances fire 5 Vortex Pull (water) Trigger A creature in the elemental’s vortex takes a move action. Effect The elemental creates a current of water, forcing the triggering creature to attempt a DC 17 Athletics check to Swim. If the triggering creature fails, it’s pulled 10 feet toward the elemental and the triggering move action is lost. Speed 15 feet, swim 60 feet Melee wave +9, Damage 1d12+4 bludgeoning plus Push 5 feet Drench (abjuration, arcane) The elemental puts out all fires within 5 feet. It extinguishes all nonmagical fires automatically, and attempts to dispel any magical fire (as 2nd-level dispel magic, spell roll +7).

Aquatic Elemental Medium Water

LESSER WATER ELEMENTAL Aquatic Elemental Large Water


Perception +12; darkvision Languages Aquan Skills +5; Athletics +12, Stealth +10 Str +3, Dex +4, Con +3, Int –2, Wis +0, Cha +0


Vortex (aura, water) 30 feet. Water in the aura and also in the same body of water as the elemental is difficult terrain for swimming creatures that do not have the water trait. Waterbound When not touching water, a water elemental is slowed 1 and can’t take reactions. AC 20, TAC 20; Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +8 HP 75; Immunities asleep, critical hits, paralysis, poison, precision, stun; Resistances fire 5 Vortex Pull (water) Trigger A creature in the elemental’s vortex takes a move action. Effect The elemental creates a current of water, forcing the triggering creature to attempt a DC 19 Athletics check to Swim. If the triggering creature fails, it’s pulled 15 feet toward the elemental and the triggering move action is lost. Speed 20 feet, swim 65 feet Melee wave +13 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d8+6 bludgeoning plus Push 5 feet Drench (abjuration, arcane) The elemental puts out all fires within 5 feet. It extinguishes every nonmagical fire automatically, and attempts to dispel any magical fire (as 3rdlevel dispel magic, spell roll +9).




Perception +14; darkvision Languages Aquan Skills +7; Athletics +15, Stealth +13 Str +4, Dex +5, Con +4, Int –2, Wis +0, Cha +0 Vortex (aura, water) 40 feet. Water in the aura and also in the same body of water as the elemental is difficult terrain for swimming creatures that do not have the water trait. Waterbound When not touching water, a water elemental is slowed 1 and can’t take reactions. AC 23, TAC 23; Fort +11, Ref +14, Will +10 HP 115; Immunities asleep, critical hits, paralysis, poison, precision, stun; Resistances fire 8 Vortex Pull (water) Trigger A creature in the elemental’s vortex takes a move action. Effect The elemental creates a current of water, forcing the triggering creature to attempt a DC 21 Athletics check to Swim. If the triggering creature fails, it’s pulled 20 feet toward the elemental and the triggering move action is lost. Speed 25 feet, swim 70 feet Melee wave +17 (reach 15 feet), Damage 2d12+6 bludgeoning plus Push 10 feet Drench (abjuration, arcane) The elemental puts out all fires within 5 feet. It extinguishes all nonmagical fires automatically, and attempts to dispel any magical fire (as 4th-level dispel magic, spell roll +11).

Aquatic Elemental Huge Water




Perception +16; darkvision Aquatic Languages Aquan Elemental Skills +9; Athletics +18, Stealth +16 Huge Water Str +5, Dex +6, Con +5, Int –1, Wis +0, Cha +0 Vortex (aura, water) 40 feet. Water in the aura and also in the



same body of water as the elemental is difficult terrain for swimming creatures that do not have the water trait. Waterbound When not touching water, a water elemental is slowed 1 and can’t take reactions. AC 26, TAC 26; Fort +14, Ref +16, Will +13 HP 155; Immunities asleep, critical hits, paralysis, poison, precision, stun; Resistances fire 10 Vortex Pull (water) Trigger A creature in the elemental’s vortex takes a move action. Effect The elemental creates a current of water, forcing the triggering creature to attempt a DC 23 Athletics check to Swim. If the triggering creature fails, it’s pulled 25 feet toward the elemental and the triggering move action is lost. Speed 30 feet, swim 80 feet Melee wave +19 (reach 15 feet), Damage 2d12+10 bludgeoning plus Push 10 feet Drench (abjuration, arcane) The elemental puts out all fires within 5 feet. It extinguishes all nonmagical fires automatically, and attempts to dispel any magical fire (as 5th-level dispel magic, spell roll +13).




Perception +20; darkvision Aquatic Languages Aquan Elemental Skills +9; Athletics +21, Stealth +19 Huge Water Str +6, Dex +7, Con +6, Int +0, Wis +0, Cha +0 Vortex (aura, water) 40 feet. Water in the aura and also in the same body of water as the elemental is difficult terrain for swimming creatures that do not have the water trait. Waterbound When not touching water, a water elemental is slowed 1 and can’t take reactions. AC 29, TAC 29; Fort +17, Ref +20, Will +15 HP 195; Immunities asleep, critical hits, paralysis, poison, precision, stun; Resistances fire 10 Vortex Pull (water) Trigger A creature in the elemental’s vortex takes a move action. Effect The elemental creates a current of water, forcing the triggering creature to attempt a DC 26 Athletics check to Swim. If the triggering creature fails, it’s pulled 30 feet toward the elemental and the triggering move action is lost. Speed 30 feet, swim 80 feet Melee wave +22 (reach 15 feet), Damage 3d12+9 bludgeoning plus Push 10 feet Drench (abjuration, arcane) The elemental puts out all fires within 5 feet. It extinguishes nonmagical fires automatically, and tries to dispel any magical fire (as 6th-level dispel magic, spell roll +16).

Skills +6; Acrobatics +11, Athletics +18 Str +7, Dex +1, Con +5, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha –2 AC 24, TAC 22; Fort +15, Ref +12, Will +11 HP 155 Speed 35 feet Melee tusk +18 (reach 15 feet), Damage 3d10+7 piercing Melee trunk +19 (reach 15 feet), Effect trunk grab Melee foot +17 (reach 10 feet); Damage 2d10+7 bludgeoning Dual Tusk The mastodon makes two tusk Strikes, each against a different creature. The two creatures can be no more than 10 feet away from one another. This counts as one attack for the mastodon’s multiple attack penalty, and the penalty doesn’t increase until after both attacks. Trample Large or smaller, foot, DC 22 Trunk Grab If the mastodon hits a creature with its trunk, that creature is automatically grabbed by the mastodon.

ETTIN This towering giant has two heads atop its powerful torso. Ettins are vicious and cruel, and while not very intelligent, they have independent brains that allow them to split their actions and gain a greater edge in combat. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 130.




Perception +14; low-light vision Chaotic Languages Giant Evil Skills +6; Acrobatics +9, Athletics +13 Giant Humanoid Str +5, Dex –1, Con +2, Int –2, Wis +0, Cha +0 Large Independent Brains Each of the ettin’s heads rolls its own initiative and has its own turn. Neither head can Delay. On each head’s turn, the ettin gets two actions and one reaction. Each brain controls one of the ettin’s arms, and tracks its multiple attack penalty separately. Any ability that would sever an ettin’s head (such as a vorpal sword) instead severs one of its heads at random. Losing a head doesn’t cause the ettin to die, but does cause it to lose the actions and reaction of that head. Items 2 expert flails AC 20, TAC 18; Fort +13, Ref +9, Will +11 HP 105 Attack of Opportunity Speed 35 feet Melee flail +14 (disarm, reach 10 feet, sweep, trip), Damage 2d6+5 bludgeoning Melee fist (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 2d4+5 bludgeoning



This massive animal has long curving tusks, a prehensile trunk, and wide ears. Mastodons are primeval cousins of the more common elephant. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 128.

These winged creatures have a stony hide and can perch in place for long periods of time, where many mistake them for a decorative statue. Treacherous and petty, many gargoyles are loners, though some gather in small groups for a time. If they reside in a city long enough, their forms shift slightly to resemble the local architecture. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 137.

MASTODON Animal Huge


CREATURE Perception +14; low-light vision, scent Languages —





Perception +10; darkvision Languages Common, Terran Skills +3; Acrobatics +9, Athletics +7, Stealth +11 Str +2, Dex +2, Con +3, Int –2, Wis +0, Cha –2 AC 19, TAC 16; Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +6 HP 40; Resistances physical 6 (except adamantine) Clawed Feet (attack) Trigger The gargoyle is flying and a creature moves into an adjacent square below it. Effect The gargoyle makes a claw Strike against the triggering creature. Speed 25 feet, fly 50 feet Melee jaws +11, Damage 2d8+3 piercing Melee claw +11 (agile), Damage 2d6+3 slashing Statue (concentrate) Until the next time it acts, the gargoyle appears to be a statue. It has an automatic result of 31 on Deception and Stealth checks and DCs to pass as a statue.

Beast Earth Medium

GELATINOUS CUBE Found underground or in dungeons, these massive, quivering cubes of slime continuously scour their domain for food. While their bodies contain acid, it’s weak enough that many gelatinous cubes contain the gear of their previous victims. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 138.




Perception +1; blindsight 60 feet Languages — Skills +1; +3 Athletics (+7 to Break Grapple or Shove) Str +2, Dex –5, Con +6, Int –5, Wis –5, Cha –5 AC 4, TAC 4; Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +3 HP 90; Immunities asleep, critical hits, mental, precision, visual; Resistances electricity 5 Transparent A gelatinous cube is so clear that it’s difficult to discern from its surroundings. A DC 20 Perception check is required to notice a stationary cube, and a creature must be actively searching to attempt this check. Anyone who walks into the gelatinous cube moves into its body and is automatically Engulfed. Speed 15 feet Melee cube face +8, Damage 1d6 acid and paralysis Engulf A creature Engulfed by the gelatinous cube must also save against paralysis. DC 17, 2d6 acid, escape DC 16, toughness 7 Paralysis A creature Engulfed by the cube or hit by its attack is paralyzed unless it succeeds at a DC 17 Fortitude save. Once paralyzed, it can attempt a new save at the end of each of its turns to recover. Weak Acid A gelatinous cube’s acid damages only organic material—not metal, stone, or other inorganic materials.

Mindless Large Ooze

GENIE Genies are closely tied to the Elemental Planes, and some of the more powerful ones can grant wishes.

There is a type of genie for each Elemental Plane, and the weakest of geniekind, the jann, are formed out of all four elements. Only two of the five types of genies are presented here: the janni and the fiery efreeti. Sources: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 140, 141.




Perception +16; darkvision, detect magic Languages Common, Ignan Skills +9; Arcana +16, Athletics +18, Deception +18, Crafting +16, Diplomacy +18, Intimidation +16, Society +16 Str +5, Dex +3, Con +4, Int +1, Wis +2, Cha +3 Items expert breastplate, expert heavy steel shield (Hardness 6), +1 scimitar AC 25 (27 with shield raised), TAC 23 (25 with shield raised); Fort +14, Ref +15, Will +16 HP 150; Immunities fire Shield Block Speed 25 feet, fly 35 feet Melee +1 scimitar +19 (forceful, magical, reach 10 feet, sweep), Damage 4d6+7 slashing Melee fist +19 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 1d6+5 plus 2d6 fire Ranged fire ray +17 touch (arcane, evocation, range 100 feet), Damage 4d6 fire Innate Arcane Spells DC 22, attack +17; Constant detect magic; 5th illusory object; 4th gaseous form, invisibility (×2); At Will plane shift (7th, to Elemental Planes, Astral Plane, or Material Plane only); Cantrips produce flame (4th) Burning Grasp (fire) When the efreeti successfully Grapples a creature, that creature takes 2d6 fire damage. Change Size (arcane, concentrate, polymorph, transmutation) Once per day, the efreeti can change a creature’s size. This works as a 4th-level enlarge or shrink spell, but can target an unwilling creature. The target can attempt a DC 23 Fortitude save to negate the effect. Grant Wishes (arcane, evocation) Three times per day, an efreeti can grant a wish to a single nongenie. This is almost always part of a bargain with that nongenie, carries unforeseen consequences for the creature the wishes are granted to, or both.

Evil Fire Genie Large Lawful




Perception +9; darkvision Languages Common, one elemental language (Aquan, Auran, Ignan, or Terran), one planar language (Abyssal, Celestial, or Infernal); telepathy 100 feet Skills +4; Acrobatics +9, Arcana +10, Crafting +11 Str +4, Dex +2, Con +1, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +1 Items chain mail, expert composite shortbow with 20 arrows, expert scimitar AC 19, TAC 16; Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +7 HP 55; Resistance fire 5 Elemental Endurance A janni can survive on the Plane of Air, Plane of Earth, Plane of Fire, or Plane of Water for up to

Genie Medium



48 hours. After that time, it takes 1 damage per hour until it leaves that plane or dies. Speed 20 feet, fly 15 feet Melee scimitar +11 (forceful, sweep), Damage 2d6+4 slashing Melee fist (agile, nonlethal) +10, Damage 1d4+4 bludgeoning Ranged composite shortbow +10 (deadly 1d10), Damage 2d6+2 piercing Arcane Innate Spells DC 18; 7th plane shift (to Elemental Planes, Astral Plane, or Material Plane only); 2nd create food, enlarge, shrink, invisibility (×3), speak with animals (×3); 1st create water

GHOST When some mortals die through tragic circ*mstances or without closure on something emotionally important to them, their spirits are unable to fully pass over into the River of Souls, and they remain behind. These anguished souls haunt the places of their death, constantly trying to right their perceived wrongs. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 144.




Perception +8; darkvision Chaotic Languages Common Evil Skills +4; Dwelling Lore +11 (applies only to the Ghost Incorporeal place the ghost is bound to), Stealth +11 Medium Str –5, Dex +1, Con +0, Int +0, Wis +0, Cha +3 Undead AC 17, TAC 17; Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +8 HP 40, negative healing, rejuvenation; Immunities asleep, death effects, disease, nonmagical attacks, paralysis, poison, precision; Resistances all damage 5 (except force, ghost touch, or positive) Rejuvenation (divine, necromancy) When a ghost is destroyed, it reforms after 2d4 days within the location it’s bound to, fully healed. A ghost can be permanently destroyed only if someone determines the reason for its existence and sets right whatever prevents the spirit from resting. Speed fly 30 feet Melee ghostly hand +11 touch, Damage 2d4+6 negative Frightful Moan (auditory, divine, emotion, enchantment, fear, mental) The ghost laments its fate, forcing each living creature within 30 feet to attempt a DC 18 Will save. On a failure, a creature becomes frightened 2 (or frightened 3 on a critical failure). On a success, a creature is bolstered.

GHOST SOLDIER Chaotic Evil Ghost Incorporeal Medium Undead



Perception +13; darkvision Languages Common Skills +7; Dwelling Lore +15 (applies only to the place the ghost is bound to), Stealth +15 Str –5, Dex +1, Con +0, Int +0, Wis +0, Cha +5 Rejuvenation (divine, necromancy) As ghost

commoner. AC 21, TAC 21; Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +13 HP 75, negative healing, rejuvenation; Immunities asleep, death effects, disease, nonmagical attacks, paralysis, poison, precision; Resistances all damage 10 (except force, ghost touch, or positive) Attack of Opportunity


Speed fly 20 feet Melee ghostly blade +17 touch, Damage 2d8+7 negative Innate Arcane Spells DC 19; Cantrips (4th) shield Swipe The ghost makes a ghostly blade Strike and compares the attack roll to the AC of up to two foes, each of whom must be within its melee reach and adjacent to each other. It rolls damage only once, and applies it to each creature hit. If it critically hits one target and not the other, it rolls the extra critical hit damage separately. A Swipe counts as two attacks for its multiple attack penalty. Frightful Moan (auditory, divine, emotion, enchantment, fear, mental) As ghost commoner, but DC 20



Perception +17; darkvision Chaotic Languages Common, Draconic Evil Ghost Skills +11; Arcana +20, Dwelling Lore +22 (applies Incorporeal only to the place the ghost is bound to), Stealth +18 Medium Str –5, Dex +3, Con +0, Int +6, Wis +3, Cha +6 Undead AC 25, TAC 25; Fort +13, Ref +14, Will +16 HP 125, negative healing, rejuvenation; Immunities asleep, death effects, disease, nonmagical attacks, paralysis, poison, precision; Resistances all damage 10 (except force, ghost touch, or positive) Rejuvenation (divine, necromancy) As ghost commoner. Speed fly 40 feet Melee ghostly hand +19 touch, Damage 2d8+9 negative Arcane Innate Spells DC 25, attack +19; 5th cone of cold, hallucination; 4th phantasmal killer, suggestion; 3rd blindness, dispel magic, mind reading; 2nd telekinetic maneuver (×2); 1st ray of enfeeblement (×2); Cantrips detect magic, ghost sound, mage hand, prestidigitation Frightful Moan (auditory, divine, emotion, enchantment, fear, mental) As ghost commoner, but DC 24

GHOUL Ghouls are ravenous undead that feed on corpses, digging them out from graveyards ghouls infest. While most ghouls live near cemeteries or on the fringes of civilization, rumors whisper of entire cities of ghouls deep underground. More powerful than ghouls, ghasts have a grotesque stench that nauseates creatures nearby. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 146.




Perception +5; darkvision Chaotic Languages Common, Necril Evil Skills +4; Acrobatics +6, Athletics +6, Stealth +4 Ghoul Medium Str +1, Dex +2, Con +0, Int +1, Wis +2, Cha +2 Undead AC 15, TAC 14; Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +5 HP 20; Immunities asleep, death effects, disease, paralysis, poison Speed 30 feet Melee jaws +7, Damage 1d6+1 piercing plus ghoul fever and paralysis Melee claw +7 (agile), Damage 1d4+1 slashing plus ghoul fever and paralysis

Consume Flesh Requirement The ghoul is adjacent to a corpse of a creature that has died within the last hour. Effect The ghoul devours a chunk of the corpse and regains 1d6 Hit Points. It can regain Hit Points from any given corpse only once. Ghoul Fever (disease) Elves are immune. Saving Throw Fortitude DC 13; Stage 1 carrier with no ill effect (1 day); Stage 2 2d6 damage and regains half as many Hit Points from all healing (1 day); Stage 3 as step 2 (1 day); Stage 4 2d6 damage and gains no benefit from healing (1 day); Stage 5 as step 4 (1 day); Stage 6 dead, and rises as a ghoul the next midnight. Paralysis (arcane, necromancy) Any non-elf, living creature hit by a ghoul’s attack must succeed at a DC 12 Fortitude save or become paralyzed. It gets a new save at the end of each of its turns, and the DC decreases by 1 cumulatively on each such save. Swift Leap (move) The ghoul jumps up to half its Speed. This movement doesn’t trigger reactions.




Perception +8; darkvision Chaotic Languages Common, Necril Evil Skills +3; Athletics +9, Acrobatic +9, Stealth +9 Ghoul Medium Str +3, Dex +3, Con +0, Int +1, Wis +2, Cha + 3 Undead AC 18, TAC 16; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +8 HP 45, negative healing; Immunities asleep, death effects, disease, paralysis, poison Stench 10 feet (aura, olfactory) A creature entering the aura must succeed at a DC 16 Fortitude save or become sick 1 until the end of its turn (plus slowed 1 on a critical failure for the same duration). While within the aura, the creature takes a –2 circ*mstance penalty to saves against disease and to recover from the sick condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is bolstered. Speed 30 feet Melee jaws +9, Damage 2d6+3 piercing plus ghast fever and paralysis Melee claw +9 (agile), Damage 2d4+3 slashing plus ghast fever and paralysis Consume Flesh As ghoul, but 3d6 HP Ghast Fever (disease) Saving Throw Fortitude DC 15; Stage 1 carrier with no ill effect (1 day); Stage 2 3d8 damage and regains half as many Hit Points from all healing (1 day); Stage 3 as step 2 (1 day); Stage 4 3d8 damage and gains no benefit from healing (1 day); Stage 5 as step 4 (1 day); Stage 6 dead, and rises as a ghoul the next midnight. Paralysis (arcane, necromancy) As ghoul, but DC 14. Swift Leap (move) As ghoul.

GIANT Giants are massive humanoid creatures who live in remote regions scattered throughout the world. Five of their kind are detailed here.

Fire Giant These towering tyrants stand between 12 and 16 feet tall and are often clad in armor of their own creation. They are

the most rigid and militaristic of giantkind, training and preparing for war every waking moment. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 148.



Perception +18; low-light vision Languages Common, Jotun Skills Athletics +20; Crafting +18, Intimidation +18 Str +7, Dex –1, Con +5, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +0 Items +1 greatsword, expert half plate, sack with 5 rocks AC 28, TAC 25; Fort +18, Ref +14, Will +16 HP 165; Immunities fire; Weaknesses cold 10 Attack of Opportunity Catch Rock See the sidebar on page 72. Speed 25 feet Melee +1 greatsword +20 (magical, reach 10 feet, versatile P), Damage 2d12+14 slashing Melee gauntlet +20 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 3d4+14 bludgeoning Ranged rock +18 (range increment 120 feet), Damage 2d10+7 bludgeoning plus 1d6 fire Flaming Strike (arcane, attack, evocation, fire) The fire giant ignites its blade in flames and makes a greatsword Strike at a –2 circ*mstance penalty against each creature in a 15-foot line. The fire giant makes its attack roll only once and compares it to each creature’s AC. This Strike deals an additional 1d6 fire damage and counts as one attack for the giant’s multiple attack penalty. Rock Throwing (fire) A rock thrown by a fire giant deals an additional 1d6 fire damage on a hit. See the sidebar on page 72.

Evil Fire Giant Humanoid Large Lawful

Frost Giant Frost giants live in frozen climates, commonly in cave lairs at the tops of frigid mountains. They are fearless combatants and are consumed with a lust for battle. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 149.

FROST GIANT Chaotic Cold Evil Giant Humanoid Large



Perception +16; low-light vision Languages Common, Jotun Skills +9; Athletics +18, Crafting +16, Intimidation +16, Stealth +12 (+16 in snow) Str +6, Dex –1, Con +5, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +0 Items expert chain mail, +1 greataxe, sack with

5 rocks AC 26, TAC 23; Fort +16, Ref +13, Will +14 HP 170; Immunities cold; Weaknesses fire 10 Catch Rock See the sidebar on page 72. Speed 30 feet; ice stride Melee +1 greataxe (magical, reach 10 feet, sweep) +19, Damage 2d12+12 slashing Melee fist +19 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 2d8+12 bludgeoning Ranged rock +17 (range increment 120 feet), Damage 2d10+9 bludgeoning Chill Breath (arcane, cold, evocation) The frost giant breathes



CatCHinG and tHrowinG roCks Giants have an inborn ability to catch and hurl rocks. All giants can wrench stones from the ground to throw them, and many carry sacks of rocks to heave at their enemies. The Catch Rocks reaction and the Rock Throwing ability work as follows, and might be modified for each individual giant. The damage from a thrown rock appears in the giant’s ranged Strike entry. Catch Rock Trigger The giant is targeted with a thrown rock attack, or a rock would fall on the giant. Effect The giant can attempt a DC 20 Acrobatics or Athletics check. On a success, it safely catches the rock, takes no damage, and is now holding the rock. On a failure, the giant takes half damage. On a critical failure, the giant takes full damage. The giant must have a free hand to catch a rock, but can release anything it’s holding in that hand as part of this reaction. Rock Throwing A giant can pick up a rock or take out one from its sack (if it has one) and throw it using a single Strike action.

AC 22, TAC 19; Fort +14, Ref +10, Will +8 HP 135 Catch Rock See the sidebar. Speed 35 feet Melee greatclub +17 (backswing, reach 10 feet, shove), Damage 3d10+5 bludgeoning Melee fist +17 (reach 10 feet, agile), Damage 3d8+5 bludgeoning Ranged rock +15 (range increment 120 feet), Damage 2d10+7 bludgeoning Rock Throwing See the sidebar. Wide Swing The giant makes a greatclub Strike and compares the attack roll to the ACs of up to two foes, each of whom must be within its melee reach. The giant rolls damage only once, and applies it to each creature hit. If it critically hits one target and not the other, it rolls the extra critical hit damage separately. A Wide Swing counts as two attacks for the giant’s multiple attack penalty.

rune Giant Ages ago, ancient wizards made the first rune giants by crossbreeding two other types of giants. Their creations had a powerful physical stature and the ability to control other giants, making them ferocious combatants. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 130.

RUNE GIANT out a 15-foot cone of freezing moisture that quickly condenses into a coating of ice crystals. Any creature in the cone must succeed at a DC 23 Reflex save or take 2d6 cold damage (half damage on a success, no damage on a critical success, double damage on a critical failure). A creature that fails its save is also entangled and takes 2d6 cold damage at the end of each of its turns until it gets free (Escape DC 23). The giant can’t use Chill Breath again for 1d4 rounds. Ice Stride A frost giant isn’t impeded by difficult terrain caused by snow or ice, nor does it need to make Acrobatics checks to keep from falling on slippery ice. Rock Throwing See the sidebar above. Wide Swing The giant makes a greataxe Strike and compares the attack roll to the ACs of up to two foes, each of whom must be within its melee reach. The giant rolls damage only once, and applies it to each creature hit. If it critically hits one target and not the other, it rolls the extra critical hit damage separately. A Wide Swing counts as two attacks for the giant’s multiple attack penalty.

Hill Giant Prone to ambush and raiding, hill giants make their homes in remote hills. Hill giants stand about 10 feet tall and have a less civilized intelligence than many other giants. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 150.

HILL GIANT Chaotic Evil Giant Humanoid Large


CREATURE Perception +14; low-light vision Language Common, Jotun Skills +7; Athletics +15, Intimidation +13 Str +6, Dex –1, Con +4, Int –2, Wis +0, Cha –2 Items greatclub, hide armor, sack with 5 rocks




Perception +26; low-light vision Evil Languages Common, Jotun, Terran Gargantuan Skills +20; Athletics +30, Craft +32, Society +27 Giant Humanoid Str +9, Dex +2, Con +7, Int +2, Wis +6, Cha +4 Lawful Items +3 greatsword, +2 splint mail, three +1 spears AC 38, TAC 35; Fort +26, Ref +22, Will +28 HP 330; Immunities fire Attack of Opportunity Catch Rock See the sidebar above. Speed 35 feet; air walk Melee +3 greatsword +29 (magical, reach 20 feet, versatile piercing), Damage 4d12+9 Melee fist +29 (agile, reach 20 feet), Damage 4d6+9 Ranged +1 spear +27 (magical, thrown 20 feet), Damage 2d6+18 bludgeoning Ranged rock +27 (range increment 120 feet), Damage 2d10+9 bludgeoning Arcane Innate Spells DC 33, Constant air walk; 8th charm, sending; 6th dominate (×3), true seeing; 4th sending; At Will charm (4th), suggestion Invoke Rune (arcane, concentrate, electricity, evocation) The rune giant invokes one of the runes on its body, causing the rune to spray forth a 30-foot cone of sparks that deals 6d12 electricity damage to all creatures in the cone (Reflex DC 34 half, no damage on a critical success). A glowing copy of the invoked rune appears on a single weapon the giant holds, granting the weapon one effect listed below of the giant’s choice. The giant can’t use Invoke Rune again for 1d4 rounds. The effect on the weapon lasts for 1 minute. If the giant places a new rune on a weapon, any previous rune on it wears off immediately.

• Rune of Destruction The weapon gains the deadly trait with three dice of the same die size as the weapon, and any armor worn by a creature hit with the weapon takes 1 Dent (a second Dent causes it to become broken) unless the creature succeeds at a DC 32 Fortitude save. • Rune of Flames The weapon deals an additional 2d6 fire damage on all attacks. • Rune of Smiting When the weapon hits, the giant pushes the target back 10 feet. Command Giants When a rune giant casts a mental spell against a giant, the rune giant gains a +4 circ*mstance bonus to the spell roll or spell DC. Demand (arcane, enchantment, mental) When a rune giant casts its innate sending, it can also send a suggestion to the recipient of the message (with the normal DC). Flashing Rune (arcane, evocation, light) Trigger The rune giant uses an arcane ability or casts an arcane spell. Effect The runes on the giant’s body flash as they produce magical energy. Each creature within a 10-foot aura must succeed at a DC 32 Fortitude save or become blinded for 1 round. On a success, the creature is dazzled for 1 round (or unaffected on a critical success). Rock Throwing See the sidebar on page 72.

stone Giant Highly skilled at throwing rocks, stone giants make their homes in remote mountains where they gather into clans. Their stonelike skin grants natural camouflage, allowing them to hide among rocky slopes while standing still. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 151.




Perception +15; darkvision Earth Languages Common, Giant Giant Skills +8; Acrobatics +15, Athletics +17, Humanoid Large Intimidation +15, Stealth +13 (+17 in rocky terrain) Str +6, Dex +2, Con +4, Int +0, Wis +1, Cha +0 Items expert greatclub, sack with 5 rocks AC 26, TAC 23; Fort +15, Ref +11, Will +13 HP 115 Catch Rock See the sidebar on page 72. Speed 35 feet Melee greatclub +18 (backswing, reach 10 feet, shove), Damage 2d10+12 bludgeoning Melee fist +18 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 2d8+9 bludgeoning Ranged rock +16 (range increment 120 feet), Damage 2d10+6 bludgeoning Big Swing The giant makes a greatclub Strike. The target is knocked back up to 10 feet if the Strike hits, or up to 20 feet on a critical hit. If the target collides with a solid object or lands on the ground, it takes bludgeoning damage as though it had fallen the distance it moved. Rock Throwing See the sidebar on page 72.

GNOLL These vicious, hyena-like humanoids form bands in warm plains or desert regions, where they hunt in packs and raid nearby humanoid settlements. Gnolls are lazy creatures, and they scavenge or raid when they get the opportunity, rather than hunt. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 155.




Perception +7; darkvision Skills +0; Acrobatics +3, Athletics +5, Stealth +5, Survival +7 Languages Gnoll Str +3, Dex +1, Con +1, Int –1, Wis +0, Cha –1 Items battleaxe, leather armor, shortbow with 20 arrows AC 16, TAC 15; Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +4 HP 29 Speed 25 feet Melee battleaxe (sweep) +8, Damage 1d8+3 slashing Melee bite (agile) +7, Damage 1d4+3 piercing Ranged shortbow +7 (deadly 1d10), Damage 1d6 piercing Pack Attack The gnoll’s Strikes deal 1d4 extra damage to creatures within reach of at least two of the gnoll’s allies. Rugged Travel A gnoll ignores the first square of difficult terrain it moves into each time it Steps or Strides.

Chaotic Evil Gnoll Humanoid Medium




Perception +10; darkvision Chaotic Skills +3; Athletics +9, Intimidation +11, Stealth +9, Evil Survival +9 Gnoll Humanoid Languages Common, Gnoll Medium Str +4, Dex +3, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +2, Cha +1 Items composite shortbow with 20 arrows, hide armor, scimitar AC 19, TAC 16; Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +9 HP 65 Attack of Opportunity Speed 25 feet Melee scimitar (forceful, sweep) +11, Damage 2d6+4 slashing Melee bite (agile) +10, Damage 1d4+4 piercing Ranged composite shortbow +10 (deadly 1d10), Damage 2d6+2 piercing Bark Orders (auditory, lingual) The sergeant issues a command to reposition its allies. Any allies who hear and understand this order can use a reaction to Step. Pack Attack The gnoll’s Strikes deal 1d4 extra damage to creatures within reach of at least two of the gnoll’s allies. Rugged Travel A gnoll ignores the first square of difficult terrain it moves into each time it Steps or Strides.

GOBLIN These small humanoids have green skin and large heads with wide ears. While some goblins are civilized and have worked their way into other humanoid communities, many goblins are wild and vicious creatures that delight in wreaking havoc. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 156.





Perception +1; darkvision Chaotic Languages Goblin Evil Skills –2; Acrobatics +3, Athletics +3, Stealth +5 Goblin Humanoid Str +0, Dex +3, Con +0, Int +0, Wis –1, Cha +1 Small Items dogslicer, leather armor, shortbow with 10 arrows AC 14, TAC 13; Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +0 HP 6 Goblin Scuttle Trigger A goblin ally ends a move action adjacent to the warrior. Effect The warrior Steps. Speed 25 feet Melee dogslicer +6 (agile, backstabber), Damage 1d6 slashing Ranged shortbow +6 (deadly 1d10), Damage 1d6 piercing




Perception +5; darkvision Chaotic Languages Common, Goblin Evil Skills –1; Acrobatics +4, Athletics +4, Stealth +6 Goblin Humanoid Str +1, Dex +3, Con +2, Int –1, Wis +0, Cha +0 Small Items horsechopper, shortbow with 20 arrows, studded leather AC 15, TAC 13; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +3 HP 18 Goblin Scuttle Trigger A goblin ally ends a move action adjacent to the commando. Effect The commando Steps. Speed 25 feet Melee horsechopper +7 (reach 10 feet, trip, versatile P), Damage 1d8+1 slashing Ranged shortbow +8 (deadly 1d10), Damage 1d6 piercing




Perception +2; darkvision Chaotic Languages Common, Goblin Evil Skills –1; Fire Lore +6 Goblin Humanoid Str –1, Dex +2, Con +0, Int +0, Wis –1, Cha +3 Small Items club AC 13, TAC 13; Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1 HP 15 Goblin Scuttle Trigger A goblin ally ends a move action adjacent to the pyro. Effect The pyro Steps. Speed 25 feet Melee club +4, Damage 1d6–1 bludgeoning Ranged club +6 (thrown 10 feet), Damage 1d6–1 bludgeoning Arcane Spontaneous Spells DC 15, attack +6; 1st (2 slots) burning hands, grease; Cantrips light, mage hand, prestidigitation, produce flame, tanglefoot

GOBLIN WAR CHANTER Chaotic Evil Goblin Humanoid Small




Perception +4; darkvision Languages Common, Goblin Skills +1; Performance +6, Stealth +4 Str +0, Dex +2, Con +0, Int +1, Wis +0, Cha +3 Items dogslicer, leather armor, shortbow with 10 arrows

AC 14, TAC 13; Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +4 HP 18 Goblin Scuttle Trigger A goblin ally ends a move action adjacent to the war chanter. Effect The war chanter Steps. Speed 25 feet Melee dogslicer +6 (agile, backstabber), Damage 1d6 slashing Ranged shortbow +6 (deadly 1d10), Damage 1d6 piercing Arcane Spontaneous Spells DC 15; Cantrips inspire courage

GOBLIN DOG Despite their name, goblin dogs are in fact a species of large rodent that some goblins use as mounts. These cowardly beasts are nearly hairless and have dry, flaky skin that irritates most creatures who come in contact with them. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 157.




Perception +6; low-light vision, scent Languages — Skills +1; Stealth +6 Str +2, Dex +1, Con +2, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha –1 AC 15, TAC 14; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +3 HP 18 Allergenic Dander A creature that hits the goblin dog with an unarmed attack, tries to Grapple it, or otherwise touches it is exposed to goblin pox. Juke Requirement A creature must be mounted on the goblin dog. Trigger The rider issues a command to the goblin dog. Effect The goblin dog Steps before following the command. Speed 40 feet Melee jaws +7, Damage 1d6+2 piercing plus allergenic dander Scratch (manipulate) The goblin dog vigorously scratches itself, exposing all creatures within 5 feet of it to allergenic dander. Goblin Pox (disease) Goblins and goblin dogs are immune. Saving Throw Fortitude DC 15; Stage 1 sick 1 (1 round); Stage 2 sick 1 and slowed 1 (1 round); Stage 3 sick 1 and can’t reduce its sick value below 1 (1 day).

Animal Medium

GOLEM Golems are magically created, mindless automatons that typically guard wizard’s laboratories, dangerous dungeons, and crumbling ruins.

adamantine Golem This hulking construct fashioned from durable black metal has forge-like stacks that burn above its head and back. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 134.

ADAMANTINE GOLEM Construct Golem Huge Mindless


Perception +22; darkvision Languages — Skills +16; Athletics +32 Str +8, Dex –1, Con +9, Int –5, Wis +0, Cha –5


AC 41, TAC 36; Fort +33, Ref +22, Will +23 HP 255, repair mode; Immunities asleep, bleed, death effects, disease, enervated, enfeebled, fire, healing, magic (see below), mental, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poison, stunned; Resistances physical 20 (except vorpal adamantine) Immunity to Magic The adamantine golem is immune to spells and magical abilities other than its own, though certain spells bypass this immunity. • Harmed by Acid Any acid magic that targets the adamantine golem causes it to take 10d10 damage instead of the usual effect. If the golem starts its turn in the area of acid magic, it takes 3d10 damage. • Healed by Fire Any fire magic that targets the golem makes the golem lose the slowed condition and gain HP equal to half the fire damage the spell would have dealt. If the golem starts its turn in the area of fire magic, it regains 2d10 HP. • Slowed by Electricity Any electricity magic that targets the adamantine golem causes it to be slowed 1 for 2d6 rounds instead of the usual effect. If the golem starts its turn in the area of electricity magic, it’s slowed 1 for that round. • Vulnerable to Dispelling The golem can be targeted by disjunction and dispel magic. If targeted by such a spell of 9th level or higher, the golem has its resistance to physical damage lowered to 15 and is slowed 1 (or slowed 2 if in repair mode) for 1d4 rounds. During this time, if the golem is reduced to 0 HP while already in repair mode, it is destroyed. Repair Mode When the adamantine golem is at 0 HP, it isn’t destroyed. Instead, it enters repair mode, during which it is slowed 1, can’t take reactions, and can take only the SelfRepair action. Once it has more than 30 HP again, it can use any type of action and can use reactions, though it remains slowed 1 until the start of its next turn. If a critical hit with an adamantine vorpal weapon reduces the golem to 0 HP, or hits it while it’s already at 0 HP, the golem is destroyed. Speed 30 feet Melee fist +31 (reach 15 feet), Damage 3d10+16 bludgeoning plus destructive strike Destructive Strike An adamantine golem’s Strike both damages the target and dents the target’s armor. If the target has a shield raised, the shield takes the Dent instead of the armor. On a critical hit, the armor or shield takes 2 Dents instead. Inexorable March The adamantine golem Strides up to its Speed, pushing back and damaging each creature whose space it moves into. A creature can bar the way by succeeding at a Fortitude save against the adamantine golem’s Athletics DC (42). Regardless of success or failure, the creature is damaged and its armor is dented as if hit by the adamantine golem’s fist (though on a critical success, the creature takes no damage and its armor takes no Dent). Self-Repair (manipulate) The adamantine golem repairs itself, regaining 30 Hit Points. Vent (fire) The golem vents a 30-foot cone of superheated steam from its internal forge. This deals 19d6 fire damage to all creatures in the cone (Reflex DC 34 half, no damage on critical success). The forge can’t be vented again for 1d6 rounds.

Clay Golem These golems are sculpted in various forms, often matching the cultures of their creators. Their attacks carry with them a curse that makes the wounds they deliver difficult to heal. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 159.



Perception +18; darkvision Construct Languages — Golem Large Skills +8; Athletics +20 Mindless Str +6, Dex –1, Con +4, Int –5, Wis +0, Cha –5 AC 26, TAC 23; Fort +18, Ref +13, Will +13 HP 174; Immunities acid, asleep, bleed, death effects, disease, enervated, enfeebled, healing, magic (see below), mental, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralysis, poison, stun; Resistance physical 10 (except adamantine) Berserk A severely damaged clay golem has a chance of going berserk at the start of its turn. If it has 50 or fewer Hit Points, it must succeed at a DC 5 flat check or go berserk. A berserk golem wildly attacks the nearest living creature, or the nearest object if no creatures are nearby. Immunity to Magic The clay golem is immune to spells and magical abilities other than its own, though certain spells bypass this immunity. • Harmed by Cold and Water Any cold or water magic that targets the golem causes it to take 5d12 damage instead of the usual effect. If the clay golem starts its turn in the area of cold or water magic, it takes 3d6 damage. • Healed by Acid Any acid magic that targets the golem makes the golem lose the slowed condition and gain HP equal to half the acid damage the spell would have dealt. If the clay golem starts its turn in the area of acid magic, it regains 2d6 HP. • Slowed by Earth Any earth magic that targets the golem causes it to be slowed 1 for 2d6 rounds instead of the usual effect. If the golem starts its turn in the area of earth magic, it’s slowed 1 for that round. • Vulnerable to Disintegrate A disintegrate spell affects the golem but deals half the normal amount of damage and causes the clay golem to become slowed 2 for 1 round. Quicken (arcane, transmutation) Frequency Once per day Trigger The clay golem’s turn begins. It can’t trigger this reaction on the first turn of combat. Effect The clay golem becomes quick for 1 minute. Speed 20 feet Melee fist +20 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d10+12 bludgeoning plus cursed wound Berserk Slam Requirement The golem is berserk. Effect The clay golem Strikes with its fist at a –1 circ*mstance penalty to the attack roll. If it hits, the clay golem deals an additional 1d8 damage and knocks the target prone. Cursed Wound (arcane, curse, necromancy) A creature hit by the clay golem’s fist must succeed at a DC 27 Fortitude save or suffer the effects of a cursed wound. This curse lasts until the



cursed creature is healed to its maximum HP. The creature can’t regain HP except via magic, and anyone casting a spell to heal the creature must succeed at a DC 25 spell roll or the healing has no effect.

FlesH Golem Stitched together from various body parts, flesh golems have a tendency to go berserk when in combat. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 160.




Perception +14; darkvision Construct Languages — Golem Large Skill +6; Athletics +17 Mindless Str +5, Dex –1, Con +3, Int –5, Wis +0, Cha –5 AC 24, TAC 22; Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +10 HP 143; Immunities asleep, bleed, disease, death effects, electricity, enervated, enfeebled, healing, magic (see below), mental, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralysis, poison, stun; Resistance physical 5 (except adamantine) Berserk A severely damaged flesh golem has a chance of going berserk at the start of its turn. If a flesh golem has 40 or fewer Hit Points, it must succeed at a DC 5 flat check or go berserk. A berserk golem wildly attacks the nearest living creature, or the nearest object if no creatures are nearby. Immunity to Magic The golem is immune to spells and magical abilities other than its own, though certain spells bypass this immunity. • Harmed by Fire Any fire magic that targets the flesh golem causes it to take 6d8 damage instead of the usual effect. If the golem starts its turn in the area of fire magic, it takes 3d4 damage. • Healed by Electricity Any electricity magic that targets the flesh golem makes the golem lose the slowed condition and gain HP equal to half the electricity damage the spell would have dealt. If the flesh golem starts its turn in the area of electricity magic, it regains 2d4 HP. • Slowed by Cold Any cold magic that targets the golem causes it to be slowed 1 for 2d6 rounds instead of the usual effect. If the golem starts its turn in the area of cold magic, it’s slowed 1 for that round. • Vulnerable to Flesh to Stone Casting a flesh to stone spell on the iron golem affects the golem normally. Speed 25 feet Melee fist +18 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d12+5 bludgeoning Berserk Slam Requirement The flesh golem is berserk. Effect The flesh golem makes a fist Strike against a target at a –1 circ*mstance penalty to the attack roll. If it hits, it deals 1d6 extra damage and knocks the target prone.

iron Golem Iron golems have been specifically crafted to excel as armored warriors, making them favored choices as guardians and protectors. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 162.





Perception +22; darkvision Languages — Skills +11; Athletics +26 Str +8, Dex –1, Con +4, Int –5, Wis +0, Cha –5 AC 33, TAC 29; Fort +24, Ref +17, Will +18 HP 190; Immunities asleep, bleed, death effects, disease, enervated, enfeebled, fire, healing, magic (see below), mental, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralysis, poison, stun; Resistance physical 15 (except adamantine) Immunity to Magic The iron golem is immune to spells and magical abilities other than its own, though certain spells bypass this immunity. • Harmed by Acid Any acid magic that targets the iron golem causes it to take 6d12 damage instead of the usual effect. If the golem starts its turn in the area of acid magic, it takes 3d8 damage. • Healed by Fire Any fire magic that targets the iron golem makes the golem lose the slowed condition and gain HP equal to half the fire damage the spell would have dealt. If the iron golem starts its turn in the area of fire magic, it regains 2d8 HP. • Harmed by Rust Magical rusting effects, like a rust monster’s antennae, affect the iron golem normally. • Slowed by Electricity Any electricity magic that targets the iron golem causes it to be slowed 1 for 2d6 rounds instead of the usual effect. If the iron golem starts its turn in the area of electricity magic, it’s slowed 1 for that round. • Vulnerable to Neutralize Poison Casting neutralize poison on the golem deactivates its Breath Weapon for 1 minute. Speed 20 feet Melee fist +25 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d10+16 bludgeoning Breath Weapon (arcane, necromancy, poison) The iron golem exhales poisonous gas in a 10-foot radius centered on the corner of one of the iron golem’s squares. The gas persists for 1 round. Any creature in the area (or that later enters the area) is exposed to the iron golem’s poison. The golem can’t use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds. Inexorable March The iron golem Strides up to its Speed, pushing back and damaging each creature whose space it moves into. A creature can bar the way by succeeding at a Fortitude save against the iron golem’s Athletics DC (36). Regardless of success or failure, the creature is damaged as if hit by the golem’s fist (though on a critical success, the creature takes no damage). Iron Golem Poison (poison) Any drained value from this poison is reduced by 1 every hour. Saving Throw Fortitude DC 31; Maximum Duration 4 rounds; Stage 1 6d6 poison and drained 1 (1 round); Stage 2 8d6 poison and drained 2 (1 round); Stage 3 10d6 poison and drained 3 (1 round). Powerful Blows If an iron golem hits with an attack and rolls a natural 19 on the d20 roll, the attack is a critical hit, even if the result isn’t 10 higher than the target’s AC.

Construct Golem Large Mindless

stone Golem Chiseled from durable stone, these golems have the ability

to hinder creatures that fight against them by slowing their actions. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 163.




Perception +18; darkvision Languages — Skills +9; Athletics +22 Str +7, Dex –1, Con +4, Int –5, Wis +0, Cha –5 AC 29, TAC 25; Fort +20, Ref +15, Will +14 HP 165; Immunities acid, asleep, bleed, death effects, disease, enervated, enfeebled, healing, magic (see below), mental, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralysis, poison, stun; Resistances physical 10 (except adamantine) Immunity to Magic The stone golem is immune to spells and magical abilities other than its own, though certain spells bypass this immunity. • Harmed by Cold and Water Any cold or water magic that targets the stone golem causes it to take 6d10 damage instead of the usual effect. If the stone golem starts its turn in the area of cold or water magic, it takes 3d8 damage. • Healed by Acid Any acid magic that targets the golem makes it lose the slowed condition and gain HP equal to half the acid damage the spell would have dealt. If the golem starts its turn in the area of acid magic, it regains 2d8 HP. • Slowed by Earth Any earth magic that targets the golem causes it to be slowed 1 for 2d6 rounds instead of the usual effect. If the golem starts its turn in the area of earth magic, it’s slowed 1 for that round. • Vulnerable to Stone to Flesh A stone to flesh spell negates the golem’s immunity to magic and its resistance to physical damage for 1 round. A flesh to stone spell reverses this effect immediately. Speed 20 feet Melee fist +22 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d10+14 Impose Paralysis Trigger The stone golem hits a slowed creature. Effect The creature must succeed at a DC 26 Will save or become paralyzed for 1 round. Inexorable March The stone golem Strides up to its Speed, pushing back and damaging each creature whose space it moves into. A creature can bar the way by succeeding at a Fortitude save against the stone golem’s Athletics DC (32). Regardless of success or failure, the creature is damaged as if hit by the golem’s fist (though on a critical success, the creature takes no damage). Slowing Pulse (arcane, concentrate, transmutation) Each creature in a 10-foot aura must succeed at a DC 25 Will save or be affected by the slow spell. After using this ability, the golem can’t use it again for 1d4 rounds.

Construct Golem Large Mindless

GRAY OOZE Believed to be the result of a failed alchemical or magical experiment, these transparent creatures are difficult to detect as they slink through dungeons and cold swamps.

Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 166.




Perception +0; blindsight 60 feet Languages — Skills +0 Str +3, Dex –3, Con +4, Int –5, Wis –5, Cha –5 Transparent A gray ooze usually lies in an inert puddle that’s difficult to discern from its surroundings. A creature that is actively searching notices it with a DC 17 Perception check. Anyone who walks into the gray ooze is automatically hit by its pseudopod, and then combat begins. AC 5, TAC 5; Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +2 HP 60; Immunities asleep, cold, critical hits, fire, mental, paralysis, poison, polymorph, precision, stun, visual Speed 10 feet Melee pseudopod +8, Damage 1d6+3 plus 1d6 acid plus Grab Constrict 4 bludgeoning and 3 acid

Medium Mindless Ooze

GRENDEL This reaver of the cold marsh is not just a monster; he is a force of nature. Where there is peace and prosperity in the world, Grendel strikes, eager to prove that tranquility is transitory and death is the only constant. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 145.




Perception +35; darkvision, peerless hearing Beast Languages Common Chaotic Skills +24; Acrobatics +31, Athletics +35, Evil Large Intimidation +33, Stealth +33 Str +10, Dex +5, Con +9, Int +2, Wis +5, Cha +3 Peerless Hearing Grendel’s hearing grants him auditory blindsense to a range of 100 feet. He can hear the movement of any creature within 1 mile unless that creature is Sneaking, though he can only pinpoint their location to within 20 feet. AC 43, TAC 40; Fort +34, Ref +32, Will +28 HP 300, regeneration 40 (deactivated by unarmed attacks); Resistances all damage 20 (except unarmed attacks) Ferocity Trigger Grendel is reduced to 0 or fewer Hit Points. Effect Grendel continues to stand and has 1 Hit Point. Unstoppable At the beginning of Grendel’s turn, he decreases the durations of detrimental spells, conditions, and other effects affecting him by 1 round, and reduces the condition value of any detrimental condition by 1. If a detrimental effect allows subsequent saves to recover, Grendel automatically succeeds on these saves. Speed 60 feet Melee jaws +34 (reach 10 feet), Damage 4d10+20 piercing Melee claw +34 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 3d10+20 slashing plus Grab Gruesome Dismemberment Grendel deals 20 slashing damage and 3d6 persistent bleed damage to a creature that is grabbed by him. He also tears off one of the creature’s arms or legs unless the victim succeeds at a DC 40 Fortitude save. A creature



missing one or more arms can’t use the missing arms. A creature with only one leg is permanently hampered 15, and a character with no legs can’t take Stride actions. Incredible Leap (move) Grendel leaps up to 100 feet. He must end his movement next to a creature that attacked him last turn and is within his auditory blindsense. If Grendel leaps vertically, he remains in the air until the end of his turn, at which point he falls and takes no damage. If, at this time, he has an airborne creature grabbed, it falls as well and takes Grendel’s claw damage instead of falling damage. Brutal Grappler Whenever Grendel Grabs a creature, he counteracts any freedom of movement on that creature (counteract level 9, bonus +28).

GRIM REAPER The personification of violent death, the grim reaper is more akin to a force of nature than an individual being. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 5 134.




Perception +38; darkvision, see invisibility, status sight, true seeing Languages Common, Necril Skills +26; Acrobatics +38, Athletics +36, Deception +38, Intimidation +38, Religion +36, Society +36, Stealth +40 Str +8, Dex +10, Con +8, Int +5, Wis +6, Cha +8 Items legendary scythe Aura of Misfortune (aura, divination, divine, misfortune) 20 feet. Living creatures in the aura must roll twice on all d20 rolls and take the lower result. Death’s Grace The grim reaper can choose not to count as undead for effects that affect undead differently. Even if it does, the grim reaper still never counts as a living creature. Status Sight The grim reaper automatically knows the Hit Points and emotions of all creatures it can see, as well as all conditions and afflictions affecting those creatures. AC 45, TAC 44; Fort +34, Ref +35, Will +36, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 350; Immunities asleep, death effects, disease, paralysis, poison; Resistances all damage 10 Lurking Death (attack, teleportation) Trigger A creature within 100 feet uses an action with the concentrate, manipulate, or move trait, or makes a ranged attack. Effect The grim reaper teleports to a square adjacent to the triggering creature and makes a melee Strike against it with a –2 penalty. If the Strike hits, the grim reaper disrupts the triggering action. Speed 50 feet, fly 75 feet Melee +5 keen scythe +37 (agile, deadly 3d10, magical, reach 10 feet, trip), Damage 6d10+8 slashing plus death strike and energy drain Innate Divine Spells DC 42, attack +37; Constant haste, true seeing (6th); 10th finger of death (×4); 7th plane shift Death Strike (death) Any creature critically hit by any of the grim reaper’s attacks or spells must succeed at a DC 44 Fortitude save or die.

Evil Medium Undead


Energy Drain When the grim reaper hits with its scythe, it regains 20 Hit Points and the target must succeed at a DC 40 Fortitude save or become enervated 2. On a critical failure, this condition is permanent. Final Death Any creature killed by the grim reaper can’t be brought back to life by any means short of divine intervention. Infuse Weapon (divine, evocation) Any scythe a grim reaper wields is treated as a +5 keen scythe, has the agile trait, and can’t be disarmed. If it Strikes a creature with a weakness to any specific type of damage, the scythe’s damage counts as that type of damage, in addition to slashing.

HAG Malevolent crones who lurk at the edges of civilization, these creatures have deceptive, magical abilities and prey upon humanoids, manipulating and corrupting them. Though a number of different types of hags exist in the world, this document details only the green hag and the night hag.

GREEN HAG These hags typically lurk in swamps and dark forests, far from polite society. They have the ability to change their appearance to lure travelers into their clutches. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 167.




Perception +10; darkvision Chaotic Languages Aklo, Common, Giant; tongues Evil Skills +4; Arcana +11, Athletics +9, Deception +11, Hag Humanoid Stealth +11 Medium Str +4, Dex +2, Con +1, Int +2, Wis +1, Cha +3 Coven A green hag adds entangle, outcast’s curse, and wall of thorns to her coven’s spells. Sound Imitation A green hag can mimic the sounds of any animal found near her lair. To do so, she must succeed at a Deception check with a +4 circ*mstance bonus. AC 18, TAC 17; Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +9, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 75; Weaknesses cold iron 3 Speed 25 feet, swim 25 feet Melee claw +11 (agile), Damage 1d8+6 slashing plus enfeeblement Arcane Innate Spells DC 18, attack +9; Constant tongues; At Will invisibility, pass without trace, water breathing; Cantrips (2nd) acid splash, dancing lights, ghost sound Betraying Touch The hag touches a creature that doesn’t realize she’s an enemy, exposing the creature to enfeeblement. The betrayed creature takes a –4 circ*mstance penalty to its save against enfeeblement. Change Shape (arcane, concentrate, polymorph, transmutation) A green hag can take on the appearance of any Medium female humanoid. This doesn’t change her Speed or her attack and damage bonuses with her Strikes, but might change the damage type her Strikes deal (typically to bludgeoning, if her new form lacks claws). Enfeeblement (arcane, necromancy) A creature damaged by a

hag’s claw must succeed at a DC 19 Fortitude save or become enfeebled 1 for 1 day. On a critical failure, or if the creature is hit again and fails a second time, the creature is instead enfeebled 2 for 1 day. Enfeebling Blight (arcane, necromancy) The hag unleashes a foul miasma. Each living creature in a 15-foot cone is affected by her enfeeblement ability (attempting a save as normal). She can’t use Enfeebling Blight again for 1d4 rounds.

NIGHT HAG These terrifying hags make their homes on the Ethereal Plane, where they attempt to pilfer souls on their way to the afterlife. Night hags prey upon mortals in their dreams, debilitating them as they rest; many victims die unaware that a night hag had them in her clutches. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 215.




Perception +16; darkvision Evil Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Infernal Fiend Skills +10; Arcana +18, Deception +19, Diplomacy Hag Humanoid +18, Religion +17 Medium Str +5, Dex +4, Con +5, Int +4, Wis +3, Cha +3 Items heartstone Coven A night hag adds dominate, nightmare, scrying, and spellwrack to her coven’s spells. Nightmare Rider When a night hag rides a nightmare (see page 90), the nightmare also gains the night hag’s conditional bonus to saves against magic, and both the hag and rider benefit when the night hag uses her etherealness innate spell. AC 26, TAC 25; Fort +15, Ref +14, Will +16, +2 conditional to saves vs. magic, –2 to saves if heartstone is missing HP 180; Immunities asleep, emotion; Resistances mental 10; Weaknesses cold iron 8 Speed 25 feet Melee jaws +19, Damage 2d8+10 piercing plus abyssal plague Melee claw +19 (agile), Damage 2d6+10 slashing Arcane Innate Spells DC 23; Constant detect alignment (2nd, all alignments simultaneously), detect magic (3rd); 8th dream council, 5th nightmare, shadow blast (×2, from heartstone); At Will dream message, etherealness (from heartstone), invisibility, magic missile (3rd), ray of enfeeblement, sleep, soul bind (from heartstone) Change Shape (arcane, concentrate, polymorph, transmutation) A night hag can take on the appearance of any Medium female humanoid. This doesn’t change her Speed or her attack and damage bonuses with her Strikes, but might change the damage type her Strikes deal (typically to bludgeoning, if her new form lacks claws). Abyssal Plague (disease) A creature can’t recover from drained until abyssal plague is cured. Saving Throw Fortitude DC 23; Stage 1 drained 1 (1 day); Stage 2 drained increases by 2 (1 day). Dream Haunting (arcane, enchantment, mental) If a night hag is ethereal and hovering over a sleeping creature that is chaotic or evil, she can ride the victim’s back until dawn. The creature endures tormenting dreams as the hag casts nightmare on

it, and the creature is also exposed to abyssal plague. Any drained condition caused by dream haunting is cumulative. Only an ethereal being can confront a night hag and stop her dream haunting. Spell Ambush A creature flat-footed to the night hag takes a –2 circ*mstance penalty to all checks and DCs to defend against her spells.

A night hag draws a great deal of magical power from a magic item called a heartstone.



Price 600 gp (200 gp when nonmagical) Method of Use worn; Bulk — Activation Command Activation This gemstone grants a +2 item bonus to all saving throws. You can activate the heartstone while touching it to counteract one disease affecting you (counteract level 5, spell bonus +13). Each heartstone is powered by the spirit of a specific night hag. If a heartstone is separated from the night hag whose spirit powers it for 24 hours (or she’s been dead for 24 hours), it becomes a nonmagical gemstone. Her heartstone allows the hag to use additional arcane innate spells: etherealness and soul bind at will and shadow blast twice per day. Craft Requirements You must be a night hag.

Abjuration Arcane Invested

HARPY Harpies appear as feral humanoids with sharp talons and filthy, tattered wings. Harpies have the ability to fascinate other creatures, luring them near so that the harpies can tear their prey to shreds and feast on their victims’ flesh. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 172.








Perception +12; darkvision Chaotic Languages Common Evil Humanoid Skills +5; Acrobatics +12, Athletics +9, Deception Medium +10, Performance +12 (+14 singing) Str +2, Dex +2, Con +0, Int –2, Wis +1, Cha +3 Items expert morningstar, leather armor AC 20, TAC 19; Fort +10, Ref +12, Will +9 HP 68 Speed 20 feet, fly 70 feet Melee morningstar +13 (versatile P), Damage 2d8+4 bludgeoning Melee talon +13 (agile), Damage 2d6+4 slashing Captivating Song (arcane, auditory, concentrate, enchantment, mental) Non-harpy creatures within a 300-foot aura must succeed at DC 16 Will saves or become captivated by the harpy’s song. The effect lasts for 1 round, but if the harpy uses this ability again on subsequent rounds, it extends the duration by 1 round for any affected creature. Once a creature succeeds at any save against Captivating Song, that creature is bolstered. Failure The creature is fascinated, and it must spend each of its actions to move closer to the harpy as expediently as



possible, while avoiding obvious dangers. If a captivated creature is adjacent to the harpy, it stays still and doesn’t act. If attacked by the harpy, the creature is freed from captivation at the end of the harpy’s turn. Critical Failure As failure, but if attacked, the creature can attempt a new save at the start of its next turn, rather than being freed at the end of the harpy’s turn.

HELL HOUND Relentless hunters from the fires of Hell, these canine creatures appear as black dogs wreathed in flames and have the ability to breathe fire. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 173.




Perception +8; darkvision, scent Beast Languages Infernal (can’t speak) Evil Skills +3; Athletics +7, Acrobatics +7, Stealth +9 Fiend Fire Str +1, Dex +1, Con +2, Int –2, Wis +0, Cha –2 Lawful AC 18, TAC 17; Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +5 Medium HP 50; Immunities fire; Weaknesses cold 5 Flame Overflow Trigger The hell hound is hit with a fire attack or effect. Effect The hell hound’s breath recharges. It can immediately use its Breath Weapon as part of this reaction. Speed 40 feet Melee jaws +9, Damage 1d8+4 piercing plus 1d6 fire Breath Weapon (arcane, evocation, fire) The hell hound breathes flames that deal 4d6 fire damage to all creatures in a 15-foot cone (Reflex DC 17 half, no damage on critical success, double damage on a critical failure). The Breath Weapon can’t be used again for 1d4 rounds.

HOBGOBLIN The more warlike and organized cousins of goblins, hobgoblins stand as tall as a human and have gray, ashen skin. Hobgoblins require little provocation to declare war, as they were born for battle. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 175.




Perception +4; darkvision Evil Languages Common, Goblin Goblin Skills +1; Athletics +4, Stealth +6 Humanoid Lawful Str +2, Dex +2, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +1, Cha –1 Medium Items heavy wooden shield (Hardness 3), longsword, shortbow with 10 arrows AC 15 (17 with shield raised), TAC 13 (15 with shield raised); Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +3 HP 20 Attack of Opportunity Formation When it’s adjacent to at least two other allies, the hobgoblin gains a +1 circ*mstance bonus to AC and saving throws. This bonus increases to +2 on Reflex saves against area effects. Shield Block Speed 15 feet


Melee longsword +7 (versatile P), Damage 1d8+2 slashing Ranged shortbow +7 (deadly 1d10, range increment 60 feet), Damage 1d6 piercing




Perception +10; darkvision Evil Languages Common, Goblin Goblin Skills +4; Acrobatics +9, Athletics +8, Stealth +11 Humanoid Lawful Str +2, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +3, Cha –1 Medium Items expert composite longbow with 20 arrows, scale mail, shortsword AC 19, TAC 17; Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +8 HP 56 Formation When it’s adjacent to at least two other allies, the hobgoblin gains a +1 circ*mstance bonus to AC and saving throws. This bonus increases to +2 for Reflex saves against area effects. Speed 20 feet Melee shortsword +10 (agile, versatile S), Damage 2d6+2 piercing Ranged composite longbow +12 (deadly 1d10, range increment 100 feet, volley 50 feet), Damage 2d8+1 piercing plus critical specialization Bow Critical Specialization If the target of a critical hit with the hobgoblin’s composite longbow is adjacent to a surface, it that creature is pinned to that surface by the missile. The target is immobile and must spend an Interact action to attempt a DC 10 Athletics check to pull the missile free before it can move from its space. The creature doesn’t become stuck if it’s incorporeal, liquid (like a water elemental or some oozes), or could otherwise free itself without effort. Perfect Aim The hobgoblin sniper ignores the concealed condition. When the hobgoblin sniper attacks a creature, that creature doesn’t benefit from being screened, and it reduces the AC bonus it gets from cover by 2 against that attack.

HOMUNCULUS Wizards and alchemists create homunculi to serve them as assistants, spies, messengers, and scouts. A homunculus is weak in battle, but is often one of the first constructs built by an aspiring creator. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 176.



Perception +2; darkvision Languages Common (can’t speak); master link Skills –1; Acrobatics +5, Stealth +5 Str –1, Dex +2, Con +0, Int +0, Wis +1, Cha –2 Master Link (arcane, divination, mental) A homunculus can’t speak, but it is telepathically linked to its creator. It can share information back and forth, including its master’s knowledge and everything the homunculus hears. The range of this link is 1,500 feet. The homunculus adopts the same alignment as its creator, and is utterly faithful. If the homunculus is destroyed, the master takes 2d10 mental damage. If the master is slain, the homunculus becomes mindless, claims its current location as its lair, and instinctively attacks anyone who comes near.

Construct Tiny

AC 14, TAC 13; Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +1 HP 6; Immunities asleep, bleed, disease, death effects, enervated, enfeebled, healing, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralysis, poison, stun Speed 15 feet, fly 40 feet Melee jaws +6, Damage 1d4–1 piercing plus homunculus poison Homunculus Poison (poison) A homunculus can hold one dose of poison in a reservoir in its head. The homunculus can generate a new dose of poison to refill its reservoir using an Interact action. Saving Throw Fortitude DC 13; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d6 poison and enfeebled 1 (1 round).

HORSE Horses are bred and trained for various uses, and have served as mounts and beasts of burden for ages. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 177.



Perception +4; low-light vision, scent Languages — Skills –2; Acrobatics +2, Athletics +3 Str +1, Dex +2, Con +2, Int –4, Wis +0, Cha +0 AC 12, TAC 11; Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +0 HP 10 Buck The riding pony won’t use this reaction against a creature in control of it, that domesticated it, or that trained it. Trigger A creature Mounts the riding pony or gives it a Command while riding upon it. Effect The rider must succeed at a DC 14 Acrobatics check to Maintain its Balance or fall off the riding pony. Speed 35 feet Melee hoof +4, Damage 1d4+1 bludgeoning Gallop The riding pony Strides twice. It’s accelerated 10 during these Strides.

Animal Medium




Perception +5; low-light vision, scent Languages — Skills –1; Acrobatics +3, Athletics +5 Str +2, Dex +2, Con +3, Int –4, Wis +0, Cha –1 AC 14, TAC 13; Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +2 HP 25 Buck The horse won’t use this reaction against a creature in control of it or that domesticated or trained it. Trigger A creature Mounts the horse or gives it a Command while riding upon it. Effect The rider must succeed at a DC 16 Acrobatics check to Maintain its Balance or fall off. Speed 40 feet Melee hoof +5, Damage 1d6+2 bludgeoning Gallop The horse Strides twice. It’s accelerated 10 during these Strides.

Animal Large

WAR PONY Animal Medium

CREATURE Perception +5; low-light vision, scent Languages —


Skills –1; Acrobatics +3, Athletics +4 Str +2, Dex +2, Con +2, Int –4, Wis +0, Cha +0 AC 15, TAC 14; Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +2 HP 20 Buck The war pony won’t use this reaction against a creature in control of it, that domesticated it, or that trained it. Trigger A creature Mounts the war pony or gives it a Command while riding upon it. Effect The rider must succeed at a DC 16 Acrobatics check to Maintain its Balance or fall off the war pony. Speed 35 feet Melee hoof +6, Damage 1d6+2 bludgeoning Gallop The war pony Strides twice. It’s accelerated 10 during these Strides.




Perception +7; low-light vision, scent Languages — Skills +0; Acrobatics +4, Athletics +6 Str +3, Dex +2, Con +4, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha –2 AC 16, TAC 14; Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +3 HP 33 Buck The war horse won’t use this reaction against a creature in control of it, that domesticated it, or that trained it. Trigger A creature Mounts the war horse or gives it a Command while riding upon it. Effect The rider must succeed at a DC 17 Acrobatics check to Maintain its Balance or fall off the war horse. Speed 40 feet Melee hoof +7, Damage 1d8+3 bludgeoning Gallop The war horse Strides twice. It’s accelerated 10 during these Strides.

Animal Large

HYDRA The hydra is a multiheaded, serpentine creature that often inhabits swampland and is known for its regenerative abilities. When one of the hydra’s heads is severed, two grow in its place. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 178.

HYDRA Beast Huge



Perception +11; all-around vision, low-light vision, scent

Languages — Skills +4; Athletics +14 Str +6, Dex +3, Con +5, Int –4, Wis +0, Cha –1 AC 20, TAC 16, all-around vision; Fort +13, Ref +10, Will +8 HP (body) 150, hydra regeneration HP (head) 15, head severing; Immune area damage; Weaknesses slashing 5 All-Around Vision As long as it has at least two heads, a hydra can’t be flanked. Attack of Opportunity Head Regrowth The hydra ordinarily has five heads. A creature can attempt to sever one of the hydra’s heads by specifically attacking it and dealing damage equal to the head’s HP value.



A head that is not completely severed returns to full HP at the end of any creature’s turn. Once the hydra’s head has been severed, the hydra can regrow it using hydra regeneration. A creature can prevent this regrowth by dealing any acid or fire damage to the remaining stump, cauterizing it. Single-target acid or fire attacks need to be directed at a stump, but splash damage and areas covering the hydra’s whole space cauterize all stumps if they deal acid or fire damage. If the attack that severs a head deals any acid or fire damage, the stump is cauterized instantly. Hydra Regeneration The hydra has regeneration equal to 5 per head it has. If a hydra’s head is severed and the remaining stump is not cauterized, the hydra attempts a DC 27 Fortitude save after it regains its HP from regeneration. On a success, one uncauterized stump regrows into two heads; on a critical success, two uncauterized stumps regrow into two heads each. The hydra can never grow more than double the number of heads it ordinarily has. The hydra’s regeneration only fully deactivates if all its heads are severed and all stumps are cauterized. Multiple Opportunities The hydra gains an extra reaction per round for each of its heads beyond the first, which it can use only to make Attacks of Opportunity. It can’t use more than one reaction on the same triggering action, even if a creature leaves several squares in its reach, and the hydra must use a different head for each Attack of Opportunity. Whenever one of the hydra’s heads is severed, the hydra loses one of its extra reactions per round. Speed 25 feet, swim 25 feet Melee fangs +15 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d6+6 piercing Focused Assault The hydra attacks a single target with its heads, overwhelming it with multiple attacks and leaving almost nowhere to dodge. The hydra Strikes with its fangs. On a successful attack, the hydra deals the damage from its fangs Strike to the target, plus an additional 1d6 damage for every head beyond the first. Even on a failed attack, the hydra deals the damage from one fangs Strike to the target creature, though it still misses completely on a critical failure. This counts toward the hydra’s multiple attack penalty as a number of attacks equal to the number of heads the hydra has. Storm of Jaws The hydra makes a Strike with each of its heads, each against a different target. These attacks count toward the hydra’s multiple attack penalty, and the multiple attack penalty doesn’t increase until after the hydra makes all its attacks.

HYENA Hyenas are quick, crafty, and powerfully built animals with tan fur marked by black and brown stripes and dots. They prefer to scavenge, but will fight alongside one another when hunting. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 179.



Perception +5; low-light vision, scent Languages — Skills –1; Acrobatics +4, Athletics +6, Stealth +6 Str +2, Dex +1, Con +2, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha –2 AC 15, TAC 13; Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +2

Animal Medium



HP 21 Speed 40 feet Melee jaws +7, Damage 1d6+2 piercing plus Knockdown Drag (attack, move) The hyena attempts a jaws Strike against a prone enemy. If it hits, in addition to dealing damage, the hyena Strides up to 10 feet, dragging the enemy along. Its movement doesn’t trigger reactions from the creature being dragged. Pack Attack The hyena’s Strikes deal 1d4 extra damage to creatures within reach of at least two of the hyena’s allies.




Perception +8; low-light vision, scent Languages — Skills +1; Acrobatics +7, Athletics +9, Stealth +9 Str +5, Dex +1, Con +2, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha –2 AC 18, TAC 16; Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +5 HP 47 Speed 40 feet Melee jaws +9, Damage 1d10+5 piercing plus Knockdown Drag (attack, move) The hyaenodon attempts a jaws Strike against a prone enemy. If it hits, in addition to dealing damage, the hyaenodon Strides up to 10 feet, dragging the enemy along. The hyaenodon’s movement doesn’t trigger reactions from the creature being dragged. Pack Attack The hyaenodon’s Strikes deal 1d6 extra damage to any creature that’s within the reach of at least two of the hyaenodon’s allies.

Animal Large

JABBERWOCK This bizarre, dragon-like creature is a beast of legend, and a subject of poetry, song, and myth in many cultures. The jabberwock hails from the fey realm of the First World, and is part of a group of powerful, First World creatures referred to as the Tane. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 168.



Perception +42; blindsight (sound) 120 feet, Chaotic darkvision, scent, true seeing Evil Huge Languages Aklo, Common, Draconic, Gnomish, Sylvan Tane Skills +32; Acrobatics +42, Arcana 42, Athletics +42, Intimidation +44, Nature +42, Survival +42 Str +10, Dex +7, Con +10, Int +4, Wis +9, Cha +8 Planar Acclimation Like all Tane, jabberwocks are always considered to be on their home plane. AC 49, TAC 46; Fort +42, Ref +37, Will +38, +1 conditional to saves vs. spells HP 500, regeneration 50 (deactivated by vorpal weapons); Immunities asleep, paralysis; Resistances fire 20; Weaknesses vorpal weapons 25, vorpal fear Burbling (auditory, aura, mental) 100 feet. The jabberwock constantly burbles nonsense in languages both known and unknown. Any creature that starts its turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 44 Will save or become confused for 1 round (or 1 minute on a critical failure).

Whiffling (aura) 100 feet. Whenever the jabberwock Flies or makes a wing Strike, whiffling begins until the start of its next turn, raising severe winds around the jabberwock. Any creature that approaches must succeed at a DC 44 Athletics check to move closer to the jabberwock. On a critical failure, the creature is blown directly away until it exits the aura, at which point it falls prone. Physical ranged attacks shot through the whiffling take a –4 circ*mstance penalty. Claws That Catch Trigger A creature moves into the reach of the jabberwock’s claw. Effect The jabberwock makes a claws Strike against the triggering creature. If the Strike hits, the jabberwock disrupts the triggering action. Vorpal Fear A jabberwock damaged by a vorpal weapon becomes frightened 1. Even if the jabberwock succeeds at its save against the critical hit Activation of a vorpal weapon, it is still slowed 1 for 1 round. Speed 50 feet, fly 80 feet; tulgey wood Melee jaws +40 (agile, deadly 3d12, reach 30 feet), Damage 5d12+20 piercing Melee claw +40 (agile, reach 20 feet), Damage 5d12+20 slashing plus Improved Grab Melee tail +40 (agile, reach 40 feet), Damage 5d10+20 bludgeoning Melee wing +40 (agile, reach 30 feet), Damage 5d8+20 bludgeoning Ranged eyes of flame +38 touch (range 500 feet), Damage 12d6 fire plus 8d6 persistent fire Primal Innate Spells DC 44; Constant haste, true seeing Jaws That Bite A jabberwock’s jaws score a critical hit on a natural 18, 19, or 20 as long as the attack would hit on that result. Manxome Burble (evocation, primal, sonic) The jabberwock’s burbling deals 25d6 sonic damage to all creatures in the aura (Fortitude DC 46 half, double damage on a critical failure, no damage on a critical success). The jabberwock can’t use this ability again for 1d4 rounds. Tulgey Wood A jabberwock ignores difficult terrain from forest vegetation.

KOBOLD Kobolds are small, reptilian humanoids who make their lairs underground or in deep, ancient forests where the sun fails to penetrate the thick canopy. Although they claim to be scions of dragonkind, kobolds are actually cowardly creatures who scheme against each other when they aren’t plotting against their enemies. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 183.



Perception +3; darkvision Evil Languages Draconic Humanoid Kobold Skills –1; Acrobatics +4, Stealth +4 Lawful Str –1, Dex +3, Con +0, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha –1 Small Items leather armor, light pick, sling with 20 bullets AC 14, TAC 13; Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +2

HP 6 Speed 25 feet Melee light pick (agile, fatal d8), Damage 1d4–1 piercing Ranged sling (propulsive), Damage 1d6–1 bludgeoning Hurried Retreat Requirement The kobold warrior is adjacent to at least one enemy. Effect The kobold warrior Strides up to its speed plus 5 feet and gains a +2 circ*mstance bonus to AC against reactions triggered by this movement. It must end this movement in a space that’s not adjacent to any enemy. Sneak Attack (precision) The kobold warrior deals 1d4 extra precision damage to flat-footed creatures.




Perception +6; darkvision Languages Draconic Skills +2; Crafting +5, Nature +5, Stealth +7, Survival +5 Str –1, Dex +4, Con +0, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha –1 Items crossbow with 20 bolts, leather armor, shortsword, snare kit AC 16, TAC 14; Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +3 HP 15 Speed 25 feet Melee shortsword +7 (agile, versatile S), Damage 1d6–1 piercing Ranged crossbow +7, Damage 1d8 piercing Kobold Snare (manipulate) The kobold scout sets a snare trap in its square or an adjacent unoccupied square. A creature that sets foot in that space must succeed at a DC 15 Reflex save or take 1d4 piercing damage and becomes immobile in the trap. The creature trapped in the snare can attempt to Escape (DC 14) or use an action to attempt an Athletics check to break free (DC 14). A snare can be disabled with a successful DC 13 Thievery check. It can be detected with a successful DC 18 Perception check. The kobold scout carries enough supplies to lay four snares. Sneak Attack (precision) The kobold scout deals 1d6 extra precision damage to flat-footed creatures. Trapped Retreat Requirement The kobold scout is adjacent to at least one enemy. Effect The scout uses Kobold Snare to set a snare in its space, then Strides up to its Speed or attempts to Climb. It must end its move in a space that’s not adjacent to any enemies.

Evil Humanoid Kobold Lawful Small

KOBOLD DRAGON MAGE Evil Humanoid Kobold Lawful Small



Perception +4; darkvision Languages Common, Draconic Skills +2; Arcana +6, Blue Dragon Lore +8, Deception +7, Diplomacy +7, Stealth +6 Str –2, Dex +2, Con –1, Int +2, Wis +0, Cha +4

Items staff AC 16, TAC 14; Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +6 HP 22; Resistances electricity 5 Speed 25 feet



Melee staff +6 (two-hand d8), Damage 1d4–2 bludgeoning Melee claw +6 (agile), Damage 1d4–2 slashing Arcane Spontaneous Spells DC 17, attack +7; 1st (4 slots) fear, illusory object, shocking grasp; Cantrips detect magic, electric arc, ghost sound, mage hand Illusory Retreat (arcane, illusion, manipulate, move) Requirement The dragon mage is adjacent to at least one enemy. Effect The dragon mage spends two Somatic Casting actions to create an illusion of itself in its square and to turn itself invisible (as 2nd-level invisibility) for 1d4 rounds. As part of the second Somatic Casting action, the dragon mage can move up to half its Speed, but must end its move in a space that’s not adjacent to any enemies. Sneak Attack (precision) The dragon mage deals 1d6 extra precision damage to flat-footed creatures.

KRAKEN These mythical leviathans from the depths of the sea prey on sailors and others who spend their time on or in the open ocean. A kind of monstrous squid, krakens have eight tentacles and two longer arms. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 184.




Perception +30; darkvision Languages Aquan, Common Skills +22; Athletics +32, Intimidation +30, Nature +32, Stealth +30 Str +9, Dex +2, Con +7, Int +5, Wis +5, Cha +4 AC 39, TAC 36; Fort +30, Ref +25, Will +27 (+2 vs. mental) HP 360; Resistances cold 15, poison 15 Altered Weather (aura, evocation, primal) A kraken reshapes the weather within 2 miles of it. This has the same effects as the control weather ritual, but is centered on the kraken and alters the weather depending on the kraken’s emotional state. When the kraken’s mood shifts, it takes between 30 seconds and 30 minutes for the weather to change. If the kraken dies, the weather returns to normal immediately. Speed 10 feet, swim 40 feet Melee arm +32 (reach 60 feet), Damage 4d10+18 bludgeoning plus Grab Melee beak +32 (reach 20 feet), Damage 3d12+18 Melee tentacle +32 (agile, reach 40 feet), Damage 4d8+18 plus Grab Ranged hurled flotsam +30 (range increment 60 feet), Damage 3d12+9 bludgeoning Primal Innate Spells DC 36; 9th dominate (target must be an animal); 8th punishing winds; 7th resist energy Double Attack (attack) The kraken makes two Strikes with different arms or tentacles as a single action. Each Strike must target a different creature. This counts as two attacks for the kraken’s multiple attack penalty, and the penalty doesn’t increase until after both attacks. If the kraken subsequently takes the Grab action, it Grabs any number of creatures it hits with this action.

Aquatic Beast Gargantuan


Ink Cloud The kraken emits a cloud of black, venomous ink in an 80-foot-radius burst centered on it. This cloud has no effect outside water. Anyone inside the ink cloud is unseen and is exposed to kraken ink poison. The cloud dissipates after 1 minute. After making an ink cloud, a kraken can’t use Ink Cloud again for 2d6 rounds. Jet The kraken Swims up to 280 feet in a straight line without triggering reactions. Kraken Constrict The kraken deals 12 bludgeoning damage to each creature grabbed or restrained by it. Any of those creatures that is holding its breath must succeed at a DC 36 Fortitude save or lose 1d6 actions worth of air. Kraken Ink (poison) Krakens are immune to this poison. Saving Throw Fortitude DC 36; Maximum Duration 10 rounds; Stage 1 2d6 poison and sick 1 (1 round); Stage 2 2d6 poison, sick 1, and slowed 1 (1 round). Rend Ship Requirements A ship of the kraken’s size or smaller is within reach of the kraken’s arms, and the kraken has four arms free. Effect The kraken uses four tentacles in an attempt to Grab the ship. To Grab the ship, the kraken must succeed at an DC 28 Athletics check, or the pilot’s Sailing Lore DC, whichever is higher. If the kraken succeeds, the ship is grabbed and the kraken slowly compresses and damages it—at the end of each of the kraken’s turns while it has the ship grabbed, the ship takes 1 Dent. The ship’s captain can attempt a Sailing Lore check against the kraken’s Athletics DC (normally 42) to escape the grab. The kraken does not need to continue to use Rend Ship every turn to inflict these Dents on the ship. Reposition The kraken moves a creature it’s grabbing or restraining up to 20 feet to another position within the grabbing appendage’s reach. If the creature is within reach of the kraken’s beak after this movement, the kraken can make a beak Strike against it as part of this action.

LENG SPIDER The bloated, purple spiders of Leng dwell on a strange plane where they war with the native inhabitants, but they visit the Material Plane from time to time to hunt prey. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 176.

LENG SPIDER Beast Chaotic Evil Huge



Perception +21; darkvision, detect magic, websense 60 feet

Languages Aklo; tongues Skills +16; Acrobatics +23, Athletics +26, Crafting +23, Lore (any one) +23, Occultism +23 Str +6, Dex +7, Con +6, Int +5, Wis +3, Cha +5 Websense While touching its webs, the Leng spider can detect other creatures touching its web, as tremorsense. AC 33, TAC 30; Fort +22, Ref +23, Will +20, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 190, fast healing 15; Immunities confused; Resistances cold 10, poison 15 Speed 40 feet, climb 40 feet; air walk, freedom of movement, web descent 120 feet

Melee web war flail +24 (disarm, reach 15 feet, sweep, trip), Damage 3d10+12 bludgeoning Melee fangs +24 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d12+12 plus Leng spider venom Melee leg +24 (agile, reach 15 feet), Damage 2d8+12 plus Knockdown Ranged web bolas +25 (range increment 30 feet), Damage 4d6+6 bludgeoning plus entangling bolas Occult Innate Spells DC 30; Constant air walk, detect magic, freedom of movement, tongues; 7th illusory disguise, illusory scene, warp mind; 4th charm (4th); At Will dispel magic (5th), invisibility Create Web Weaponry (manipulate) The Leng spider creates a weapon by applying a cord of webbing to heavy objects, such as rocks, chunks of metal, or skulls—either attaching two heavy objects together to create a bolas, or fastening one to its leg to create a war flail. Entangling Bolas The Leng spider’s bolas wraps around its target, causing it to become it entangled (Escape DC 28). Lay Web Trap (manipulate) The Leng spider spins a web within 20 feet of itself to create a 10-foot-by-10-foot web trap. This trap stays viable for 1 week, after which it decays into uselessness. A Leng spider can create four web traps per day. When a creature enters a square of the web trap, the trap uses a reaction with the following effect: The creature must succeed at a DC 30 Reflex save or become grabbed by the web. The DC to Escape is equal to the Leng spider’s Crafting DC at the time the trap was created (typically 33). The trap is destroyed if it takes 25 fire damage. Leng Spider Venom (poison) Saving Throw Fortitude DC 30; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 drained 1 (1 round); Stage 2 drained 1 and confused for 1 round (1 round). Descend on a Web (move) The Leng spider Descends on a Web up to 120 feet straight down. It can hang from the web or drop off. The distance it Descends on the Web doesn’t count for calculating falling damage. If a creature succeeds at an attack against the web, the creature can sever the web (AC 20, TAC 17, 15 hardness).

LICH A lich is a powerful spellcaster that has pursued immortality by subjecting itself to undeath. Most liches undergo this transformation so that they can continue their esoteric research or complete some sad*stic, longterm plan. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 188.




Perception +20; darkvision; see invisibility Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Common, Draconic, Elven, Infernal, Necril, Undercommon Skills +14; Arcana +25, Crafting +21 (can craft magic items), Diplomacy +21, Religion +21, Stealth +21 Str +0, Dex +2, Con +0, Int +6, Wis +2 Cha +3 Items greater staff of fire, potion of invisibility, scroll of dominate, scroll of teleport

Evil Medium Undead

AC 29, TAC 28; Fort +17, Ref +16, Will +22, +1 conditional to saves vs. positive HP 140 plus 12 temporary, negative healing, rejuvenation; Immunities asleep, death effects, disease, paralysis, poison; Resistances cold 20, physical 15 (except magic bludgeoning) Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 60 feet, DC 26 Counterspell Trigger A creature casts a spell the lich has prepared. Effect The lich expends a prepared spell to counter the triggering creature’s casting of that same spell. It can then attempt to dispel the triggering spell. Rejuvenation (arcane, necromancy) When a lich is destroyed, its soul immediately transfers to its phylactery. A lich can be permanently destroyed only if its phylactery is found and destroyed. Speed 25 feet Melee hand +21 touch, Damage 4d8 negative plus paralyzing touch Arcane Prepared Spells DC 29, attack +22; 6th chain lightning, dominate, vampiric exsanguination; 5th cloudkill, cone of cold (×2), wall of ice; 4th dimension door, enervation, fire shield, fly; 3rd blindness, dispel magic, magic missile, vampiric touch; 2nd false life (already cast), mirror image, resist energy, see invisibility (already cast); 1st fleet step, ray of enfeeblement (×2), true strike; Cantrips detect magic, mage hand, message, ray of frost, shield Paralyzing Touch (arcane, curse, necromancy) A creature damaged by the lich’s touch must attempt a DC 28 Fortitude save. On a success, the creature is slowed 1 for 1 round. On a failure, the creature is paralyzed for 1 round; on a critical failure, the creature is paralyzed permanently, falls prone, and appears to be dead, though a creature who succeeds at a DC 25 Medicine check recognizes the victim is alive. Phylactery Bond Once per day, a lich can tap into its phylactery’s power to cast any arcane spell of 6th level or lower from the Pathfinder Playtest Rulebook, even if it’s not one of its normal arcane spells. If it does so and is destroyed on the same day, its body takes 1d10+2 days to rebuild instead of 1d10 days. The phylactery doesn’t need to be present for the lich to use this ability. Steady Spellcasting A lich’s spells are disrupted by reactions only it takes 25 or more damage.

PHylaCtery A lich’s phylactery allows it to rise from the dead.




Price 1,500 gp Method of Use held, 1 hand; Bulk — This item is crafted by a spellcaster who wishes to become a lich, and serves to return the lich to unlife if the lich is slain. When a lich’s soul flees to its phylactery, the phylactery rebuilds the lich’s undead body over the course of 1d10 days. Then, the lich returns fully healed in its new body (but lacking any gear it had on its old body). If the body is destroyed, the phylactery just starts the process anew. The phylactery must be destroyed to prevent a lich from returning.

Arcane Necromancy Negative



A typical phylactery is a sealed metal box containing strips of parchment on which magical phrases have been transcribed. This box has a hardness of at least 30, but some liches devise even more impregnable or unattainable phylacteries. A lich may also craft its phylactery from a ring, amulet, or similar item.

DEMILICH The floating skull called a demilich forms from the degenerate remains of a lich. This happens after a lich’s phylactery has been destroyed or has failed in some other way, but the lich is too complacent after vast centuries of undeath to create a new one. Without the phylactery to sustain it, the lich wastes away in body and mind. As the lich loses its autonomy, its magic items become part of it and its knowledge of spells twists. The curse of undeath overwhelms all the former lich’s higher ideals. Over time, negative energy is drawn to the powerful undead, crystallizing into black gemstones of blight quartz that form its teeth. A demilich lies in torpor most of the time, but when the living draw near, an aching hunger for souls rouses the creature.




Perception +24; darkvision, true seeing Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Common, Draconic, Elven, Infernal, Necril, Undercommon Skills +19; Acrobatics +28, Arcana +30, Deception +26, Occultism +26, Religion +24, Stealth +26 Str –3, Dex +4, Con +0, Int +7, Wis –2, Cha +5 Items two eye gems Torpor Typically, a demilich is inert when encountered and doesn’t act until its contingency reaction has been triggered. AC 36, TAC 35; Fort +20, Ref +24, Will +27; +1 conditional to saves vs. positive HP 220, negative healing; Immunities asleep, disease, paralysis, poison, polymorph; Resistances cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5, piercing 5, slashing 5 Telekinetic Storm (arcane, aura, evocation) 20 feet. This aura activates when the demilich leaves its torpor; telekinetically whipping loose debris into a whirling storm. This obscures vision, causing any creature in the area to become concealed, and causing creatures in the area to treat all creatures as concealed. Any creature other than the demilich that enters or begins its turn in the telekinetic storm takes 2d12 bludgeoning damage. Contingency A demilich has one permanent 8th-level contingency spell in effect with one of its other innate spells as the companion spell—typically dimension door. Trigger While the lich is in torpor, a creature disturbs the demilich’s remains, disturbs its treasure, casts a spell that targets the demilich, or would cause the demilich to come into the area of a spell. Effect The demilich leaves its torpor, rolls initiative, and gains the benefit of its contingency’s companion spell. Countermeasures Trigger The demilich’s turn begins. Effect The demilich casts blink, fly, spell turning, or true seeing

Evil Tiny Undead


on itself. It usually chooses spell turning unless it already has that spell in effect. Speed fly 30 feet (from fly) Melee jaws +26 (reach 0 feet), Damage 1d6–3 piercing plus 2d6 negative Arcane Innate Spells DC 32, attack +28; Constant fly, true seeing; 9th wail of the banshee; At Will blink, dimension door, spell turning, telekinetic maneuver; Cantrips (8th) mage hand, telekinetic projectile Devour Soul (arcane, necromancy, negative) Requirement A soul has been trapped in one of the demilich’s blight quartz gems for 24 hours. Effect The demilich consumes the soul. The soul is utterly destroyed, and the demilich regains HP equal to double the creature’s level. Joined Items (arcane) As a lich becomes a demilich, some of its magic items bleed over into the substance of the creature itself. A demilich has 20 Resonance Points, which it can use to Activate these items (and to Trap Souls). It recovers all spent points after 8 hours spent in torpor. Many of the specific item abilities vary from demilich to demilich. • Eye Gems (arcane) A demilich has eye gems that glow when the demilich is active. It can Activate an eye gem by spending Focus Activation actions equal to the number of spellcasting actions the spell requires. Each eye gem contains an 8thlevel spell that targets one creature. Usually, one eye gem has maze and the other has polar ray. When the demilich casts a spell from an eye gem, that eye gem stops glowing for 1d4 rounds, during which time that eye gem’s spell can’t be used. Occasionally, one or both of the two eye gems can be harvested from a destroyed demilich as magic items. • Staff Gems A demilich absorbs the spells from a single staff into gemstone nodules across its head, with larger nodules representing higher-level spells. It can cast any of the spells at a cost of 1 Resonance Point as though it were activating the staff and expending a spell slot of the appropriate level. A typical demilich has the spells from a staff of necromancy, but it could have those from another staff of 13th level or lower. Mental Magic A demilich can replace Material and Somatic Casting actions with Verbal Casting, and can replace Operate Activation actions with Focus Activation. It does so by manipulating the magical parts of its skull, so any such Verbal Casting or Focus Activation actions also gain the manipulate trait. Trap Soul Ten black blight quartz gemstones on the demilich’s skull can trap the souls of the living. The demilich can Activate each gem once per day with a Focus action to cast bind soul. This bind soul can target and affect a dying creature instead of a corpse. If it does, the dying creature must attempt a DC 32 Fortitude save. If it succeeds, it is enervated 2 instead of dying and having its soul trapped; if it critically succeeds, it is unaffected. The body of a creature whose soul is trapped rapidly turns to dust. The gemstones function as the black sapphire used in bind soul, except they can hold creatures of up to level 17 despite having a value of 200 gp apiece. The demilich can Devour a Soul it has trapped for at least 24 hours.

eye Gems A demilich’s eye gems are magic items.



Price 3,000 gp (can’t be crafted) Method of Use held 1 hand; Bulk — Activation Operate Activation or more This glowing gem harvested from a demilich has an 8th-level spell magically bonded to it. Once per day, you can cast that spell by spending a number of Operate actions equal to the number of actions normally required to cast the spell. Once the spell is cast, the gem’s glow goes out. After 24 hours, the gem’s glow returns, and the spell can be used once again. This item has the traits of the spell bonded to it. Craft Requirements Demilich eye gems can’t be crafted


LIZARDFOLK These reptilian humanoids gather in tribes in temperate swamplands around the world. They are typically neutral, territorial, and standoffish, leading other humanoids to avoid them lest they raise the ire of the lizardfolk. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 195.




Perception +4 Languages Draconic Skills +1; Acrobatics +5, Athletics +6, Survival +4 Str +2, Dex +0, Con +1, Int –1, Wis +0, Cha +0 Items 3 javelins, light wooden shield (Hardness 3), spiked club (as morningstar) AC 15 (16 with shield raised), TAC 14 (15 with shield raised); Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +3 HP 19; Weaknesses cold-blooded Attack of Opportunity Cold-Blooded If the lizardfolk warrior takes cold damage, it’s slowed 1 for 1 round. Shield Block Speed 25 feet, swim 15 feet Melee spiked club +7 (versatile P), Damage 1d6+2 bludgeoning Melee jaws +5, Damage 2d4+2 piercing Melee claw +7 (agile), Damage 1d4+2 slashing Ranged javelin +5 (thrown 30 feet), Damage 1d6+2 piercing Deep Breath If the lizardfolk warrior takes the Breathe Deep action, the lizardfolk warrior can hold its breath for 240 actions. Terrain Advantage Creatures in difficult terrain, or that are in water and lack a Swim speed, are flat-footed to lizardfolk. Terrain advantage can’t be used on other lizardfolk.

Humanoid Lizardfolk Medium

LIZARDFOLK SCOUT Humanoid Lizardfolk Medium



Perception +6 Languages Draconic Skills +1; Athletics +4, Nature +6, Stealth +6,

Survival +6 Str +0, Dex +3, Con +0, Int –1, Wis +1, Cha +0 Items blowgun with 10 darts AC 15, TAC 14; Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +4

HP 16; Weaknesses cold-blooded Cold-Blooded If the scout takes cold damage, it’s slowed 1 for 1 round. Speed 25 feet, swim 15 feet Melee claw +7 (agile), Damage 1d4 slashing Melee jaws +5, Damage 2d4 piercing Ranged blowgun +7 (agile, nonlethal, range increment 20 feet), Damage 1 piercing plus giant centipede venom Giant Centipede Venom (poison) Saving Throw Fortitude DC 14; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d4 poison (1 round); Stage 2 1d6 poison and flat-footed (1 round); Stage 3 1d8 poison, flatfooted, and sluggish 1 (1 round). Deep Breath If the lizardfolk scout takes the Breathe Deep action, the scout can hold its breath for 200 actions. Hidden Movement If the lizardfolk scout starts its turn unseen by a creature or merely sensed by it, that creature is flat-footed against the scout’s attacks until the end of the turn. Sneak Attack (precision) The lizardfolk scout deals 1d6 extra precision damage to flat-footed creatures. Terrain Advantage Creatures in difficult terrain or that are in water and lack a Swim speed are flat-footed to lizardfolk. Terrain advantage can’t be used on other lizardfolk.




Perception +6 Languages Draconic, Druidic Skills +2; Nature +7, Stealth +4, Survival +6 Str +2, Dex +1, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +4, Cha +1 Wild Empathy The druid can attempt a Diplomacy check to Make an Impression on animals and to make very simple requests of them. AC 15, TAC 14; Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +7 HP 26; Weaknesses cold-blooded Cold-Blooded If the druid takes cold damage, it’s slowed 1 for 1 round. Speed 25 feet, swim 15 feet Melee claw +8 (agile), Damage 1d4+2 slashing Melee jaws +6, Damage 2d4+2 piercing Primal Prepared Spells DC 16, attack +8; 1st heal, heal animal (×3), magic fang, summon nature’s ally; Cantrips dancing lights, know direction, produce flame, stabilize Deep Breath If it takes the Breathe Deep action, the lizardfolk druid can hold its breath for 240 actions. Terrain Advantage Creatures in difficult terrain or that are in water and lack a Swim speed are flat-footed to lizardfolk. Terrain advantage can’t be used on other lizardfolk.

Humanoid Lizardfolk Medium

MANTICORE Cruel and prone to violence, manticores are dangerous beasts that have the body of a lion, a humanoid head, tattered batlike wings, and a spiked tail that they use to attack their enemies from the safety of the air. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 199.

MANTICORE Beast Evil Large Lawful



Perception +13; darkvision, scent Languages Common Skills +5; Acrobatics +9, Athletics +11, Intimidation +11, Survival +13



Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int –2, Wis +1, Cha –1 AC 20, TAC 18; Fort +13, Ref +10, Will +7 HP 95 Speed 25 feet, fly 40 feet Melee jaws +15, Damage 2d8+7 piercing Melee claw +15 (agile), Damage 2d6+7 slashing Ranged spike +12 (range 40 feet), Damage 1d10+5 piercing Spike Volley The manticore flings up to two spikes from its tail. If the manticore targets multiple creatures, these creatures must be within 20 feet of one another and the manticore makes a separate Strike against each; this counts as one Strike for the manticore’s multiple attack penalty, and the penalty doesn’t increase until after both attacks. If the manticore fires both spikes at the same creature, it makes a single Strike. If the attack hits, it deals the damage of a single spike, but the second spike pins the target in place, rendering it immobile. A creature who succeeds a DC 18 Athletics check can pull the spike free. A manticore can fire no more than 12 spikes in 24 hours.

Medusas dwell in swamps and underground ruins, typically accompanied by dozens of statues of their victims, as medusas have the ability to turn creatures into stone. The head of a medusa is a mass of writhing snakes. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 201.



Perception +14; darkvision Languages Common Skills +7; Deception +15, Diplomacy +15, Stealth +13 Str +2, Dex +4, Con +4, Int +1, Wis +1, Cha +2 Items +1 composite shortbow with 60 arrows, expert shortsword AC 23, TAC 22, all-around vision; Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +11 HP 105 Petrifying Gaze (arcane, aura, transmutation, visual) 30 feet. When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it must attempt a DC 21 Fortitude save. If it fails, it’s slowed 1 for 1 minute. A creature can avert its gaze by spending an action (this action has the concentrate trait). This grants the creature a +2 circ*mstance bonus to saves against Petrifying Gaze and Focus Gaze for 1 round. All-Around Vision A medusa can’t be flanked. Biting Snakes Trigger A creature ends its turn adjacent to the medusa. Effect The medusa makes a snake fangs Strike against the triggering creature. The multiple attack penalty doesn’t apply to this attack. Speed 25 feet Melee shortsword +17 (agile, versatile S), Damage 2d6+4 piercing Melee snake fangs +15 (agile), Damage 2d8+2 piercing plus serpent venom Ranged +1 shortbow +17 (deadly 1d10, magical, range 60 feet), Damage 3d6+1 piercing plus serpent venom Focus Gaze (arcane, concentrate, transmutation, visual) The medusa stares at a creature she can see within 30 feet,

Evil Humanoid Lawful Medium


MIMIC Thought to be the result of a failed experiment meant to animate objects, mimics are clever creatures able to take the form of common, manufactured objects. They remain disguised until unsuspecting adventurers happen by, then lash out in ambush. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 205.




Perception +8; darkvision Languages Common Skills +4; Acrobatics +7, Athletics +10, Dwelling Lore (applies only to the dungeon it lives in) +11 Str +4, Dex +1, Con +3, Int +0, Wis +1, Cha +0 AC 18, TAC 15; Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +7 HP 79 Adhesive The mimic is coated in an adhesive slime. Any creature that hits the mimic, is hit by the mimic, or otherwise touches the mimic must succeed at a DC 19 Reflex save or becomes grabbed. A weapon that hits the mimic is stuck to the mimic, and can be removed with a successful DC 21 Athletics check. To free itself, a grabbed creature must successfully Escape (DC 21) or Break Grapple (DC 21). A mimic can have any number of objects or creatures stuck to it at a time. The mimic can release a stuck creature or object with an action, and the adhesive dissolves 1d10 rounds after the mimic dies. Object Lesson Trigger A creature touches or physically interacts with the mimic while it is disguised. Effect The triggering creature is automatically affected by the mimic’s adhesive, and then the mimic makes a pseudopod Strike against any creature adjacent to the mimic. This reaction can’t be used again until the mimic escapes and takes on a new disguise. Speed 10 feet Melee pseudopod +11, Damage 2d8+4 bludgeoning plus adhesive Mimic Object (concentrate, polymorph) The mimic assumes the shape of any Medium object. It has an automatic result of 28 on Deception checks to Impersonate that object until it decides to act. This doesn’t change the mimic’s texture or overall size, but can alter its coloration and visual appearance.

Aberration Medium



who must immediately attempt a save against her petrifying gaze. If the creature was already slowed by her petrifying gaze before attempting its save, a failed save causes it to be petrified permanently. A medusa can’t use Focus Gaze on the same creature more than once per round. Serpent Venom (poison) Saving Throw Fortitude DC 21; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d6 poison and enfeebled 1 (1 round); Stage 2 2d6 poison and enfeebled 2 (1 round).

MINOTAUR These broad-shouldered, bull-headed humanoids hunt and stalk creatures that trespass in dungeons and labyrinths. Minotaurs are said to be the profane creations

of the demon lord Baphomet, and they can sometimes be found in the employ of more powerful creatures. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 206.




Perception +10; darkvision Languages Jotun Skills +2; Acrobatics +6, Athletics +11, Intimidation +10, Survival +13 (natural cunning) Str +5, Dex +0, Con +2, Int –2, Wis +0, Cha –1 Items greataxe Natural Cunning A minotaur automatically critically succeeds at Survival checks to avoid becoming lost or to find its way, including those resulting from the maze spell. AC 18, TAC 15; Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +7 HP 70 Speed 25 feet Melee greataxe +11 (reach 10 feet, sweep), Damage 1d12+7 slashing Melee gore +11 (agile), Damage 1d8+5 piercing Powerful Charge The minotaur Strides up to double its Speed in a straight line and makes a gore Strike. As long as the minotaur moved at least 20 feet, the Strike’s damage is increased to 2d8+10.

Chaotic Evil Humanoid Large

MU SPORE Tentacles and eyes cover these floating, fungoid monsters. Mu spores are massive creatures that cough dangerous spores, entrap foes in grasping tendrils, and devour victims in gaping maws resembling toothy caverns. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 195.




Perception +38; blindsight (air tremors) 240 feet, low-light vision Languages Aklo, Common, Terran, Undercommon Skills +28; Nature +37 Str +10, Dex +3, Con +9, Int +5, Wis +9, Cha +9 AC 45, TAC 42; Fort +36, Ref +30, Will +32 HP 360, regeneration 50 (deactivated by sonic); Resistances acid 20, all (except sonic) 10 Spores (aura) 60 feet. A living creature that enters the aura or ends its turn within it becomes corrupted by spores. It must succeed at a DC 40 Fortitude save or become enfeebled 1, slowed 1, and sluggish 1 for 1 round. Creatures with the plant or fungus trait are immune. Grasping Tendrils Sticky tendrils cover a mu spore’s body. Trigger A creature within 10 feet of the mu spore attacks the mu spore or moves. Effect The spore automatically Grabs the triggering creature. There is no limit to how many creatures its tendrils can Grab. Speed 35 feet, fly 40 feet Melee jaws +37 (deadly 3d12, reach 30 feet), Damage 6d12+10 piercing plus Grab Melee tentacle +37 (agile, reach 100 feet), Damage 6d8+10 bludgeoning plus Grab Enormous Inhalation The mu spore breathes in deeply, pulling

Chaotic Fungus Gargantuan

all creatures and objects within a 400-foot cone to its maw. Creatures can attempt a DC 42 Athletics check to avoid being inhaled. The mu spore can’t use this ability again for 1d4 rounds. Success The creature is pulled adjacent to the mu spore and falls prone. Critical Success The creature can choose to stay in place or move to any space directly closer to the mu spore. Failure The creature is pulled to the mu spore’s mouth and the mu spore immediately uses Swallow Whole on the creature. Critical Failure The creature takes damage as if hit by the mu spore’s jaws and is automatically Swallowed Whole. Greater Constrict 15 bludgeoning, DC 42 Massive Jaws The mu spore still deals 16 piercing damage if its jaws Strike is a failure (but not if the Strike is a critical failure). Spore Cough The mu spore releases a cloud of burrowing spores in a 400-foot cone. The spores deal 20d8 piercing damage to all creatures, objects, and unliving plant or fungal matter (such as a wooden structure), but not to living plants or fungi or to creatures with the plant or fungus trait (Reflex DC 44 half, no damage on a critical success, double damage on a critical failure). The mu spore can’t use this ability again for 1d4 rounds. Swallow Trigger The mu spore Grabs a creature with its jaws. Effect The spore uses Swallow Whole. Swallow Whole (attack) Gargantuan, 20d8 acid, toughness 37

MUMMY Often wrapped in linen from head to toe, these undead beings are created through a lengthy and precise process so that they can continue to guard tombs. They have the ability to supernaturally frighten their enemies, and they carry with them a potent disease. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 210.




Perception +7; darkvision Languages one ancient language Skills +0; Acrobatics +2, Athletics +6, Stealth +6 Str +4, Dex +0, Con +2, Int –2, Wis +1, Cha +2 AC 16, TAC 13; Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +7 HP 40, negative healing; Immunities asleep, death effects, disease, paralysis, poison; Weaknesses fire 10 Speed 20 feet Melee fist +8, Damage 1d8+4 bludgeoning plus lesser mummy rot Lesser Mummy Rot (curse, disease, divine, necromancy) This is both a curse and a disease. The disease can’t be healed until the curse is first counteracted. Saving Throw Fortitude DC 16; Stage 1 carrier with no ill effect (1 minute); Stage 2 –1 conditional penalty to Charisma-based checks and DCs (1 day).

Evil Lawful Medium Mummy Undead

MUMMY RETAINER Evil Lawful Medium Mummy Undead



Perception +13; darkvision Languages one ancient language Skills +6; Acrobatics +8, Stealth +12 Str +5, Dex +0, Con +2, Int –2, Wis +2, Cha +2 AC 20, TAC 17; Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +12



HP 90, negative healing; Immunities asleep, death effects, disease, paralysis, poison; Weaknesses fire 8 Despair (aura, divine, emotion, enchantment, fear, mental) 30 feet. Living creatures are frightened 1 as long as they remain in the aura. They can’t naturally recover from this fear while in the aura. When a creature first enters the aura, it must succeed at a DC 18 Will save (after taking the penalty from being frightened) or become paralyzed with fear for 1 round. After a creature attempts this save, it’s bolstered against the paralyzing effect of the aura. Speed 20 feet Melee fist +15, Damage 3d6+5 bludgeoning plus mummy rot Mummy Rot (curse, disease, divine, necromancy) This is both a curse and a disease. The disease and any damage from it can’t be healed until the curse is first counteracted. A creature killed by mummy rot turns to sand and can’t be resurrected except by casting a 7th-level resurrect ritual, a wish spell, or similarly powerful magic. Saving Throw Fortitude DC 18; Stage 1 carrier with no ill effect (1 minute); Stage 2 1d10+10 damage and a –1 conditional penalty to Charisma-based checks and DCs (1 day).




Perception +15; darkvision Evil Languages one ancient language, Necril Lawful Medium Skills +9; Acrobatics +13, Diplomacy +18, Mummy Intimidation +16, Occultism +16, Religion +16, Undead Stealth +18 Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int +1, Wis +4, Cha +4 Items +1 longspear AC 25, TAC 22; Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +15, +1 conditional to saves vs. positive HP 150, negative healing; Immunities asleep, death effects, disease, paralysis, poison; Weaknesses fire 10 Great Despair (aura, divine, emotion, enchantment, fear, mental) 30 feet. Living creatures are frightened 1 as long as they remain in the aura. They can’t naturally recover from this fear while in the aura. When a creature first enters the aura, it must succeed at a DC 21 Will save or become paralyzed with fear for 1d4 rounds. After a creature attempts this save, it’s bolstered against the paralyzing effect of the aura. Undead Mastery (aura, divine, necromancy) 100 feet. Commanded or allied undead in the aura that are of a lower level than the pharaoh gain a +1 circ*mstance bonus to AC, attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and skill checks. Attack of Opportunity Disruptive In addition to its normal triggers, the pharaoh’s Attack of Opportunity can also be used when a creature within the pharaoh’s reach uses an action with the concentrate trait. Furthermore, the pharaoh doesn’t take the normal –2 penalty when it makes an Attack of Opportunity. Rejuvenation (divine, necromancy) When a mummy pharaoh is destroyed, necromancy rebuilds its body in its tomb over 1d10 days. If the body is destroyed, the process starts anew. A mummy pharaoh can be permanently destroyed with a consecrate ritual. Speed 20 feet Melee +1 longspear +19 (magical, reach 10 feet), Damage 2d8+5 piercing plus 1d8 negative and insidious mummy rot


Melee fist +19 (agile), Damage 3d6+5 bludgeoning plus insidious mummy rot Channel Rot The mummy pharaoh can deliver insidious mummy rot through melee weapons it wields. Insidious Mummy Rot (curse, disease, divine, necromancy) This is both a curse and a disease. The disease and any damage from it can’t be healed until the curse is first counteracted. A creature killed by mummy rot turns to sand and can’t be resurrected except by casting a 7th-level resurrect ritual, a wish spell, or similarly powerful magic. Saving Throw Fortitude DC 21; Stage 1 carrier with no ill effect (1 minute); Stage 2 1d10+15 damage and a –2 conditional penalty to Charisma-based checks and DCs (1 day). Sandstorm Wrath (concentrate, divine, evocation, fire) The mummy pharaoh exhales a 60-foot cone of superheated sand that deals 5d6 fire and 5d6 slashing damage to all creatures in the area (Reflex DC 23 half, double damage on a critical failure, no damage on a critical success). It can’t use Sandstorm Wrath again for 1d4 rounds.

NIGHTMARE These black horses have eyes that glow like embers, flames flickering from their mouths, and hooves wreathed in fire. They sometimes serve as mounts for other evil creatures, especially night hags. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 216.




Perception +11; darkvision Beast Languages Abyssal, Infernal Evil Fiend Skills +6; Acrobatics +13, Athletics +13, Intimidation Large +13, Survival +13 Str +4, Dex +2, Con +3, Int +1, Wis +1, Cha +2 Smoke (aura) 15 feet. The nightmare continually exhales black smoke that creates concealment in an aura around it. Nightmares can see through this smoke. A creature that begins its turn in the aura becomes sick 2 (Fortitude DC 18 negates) and is then bolstered against the aura’s sick effect. The nightmare, its rider, any creature currently holding its breath (or that does not need to breathe), and any creature immune to poison is immune to the aura’s sick effect, but not the concealment. AC 21, TAC 19; Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +9 HP 95; Resistances fire 10 Speed 40 feet, fly 80 feet Melee jaws +15, Damage 2d10+6 piercing Melee hoof +15 (agile), Damage 1d8+6 bludgeoning plus 1d8 fire Divine Innate Spells DC 19; 7th plane shift (self and rider only) Flaming Gallop (fire) The nightmare Strides or Flies up to triple its Speed. As the nightmare moves, its hooves burst with intense flame, dealing 3d6 fire damage (Reflex DC 22 negates) once to each creature other than the nightmare’s rider that the nightmare moved adjacent to during its movement.

NORN These towering women carry with them golden shears that they use to cut the threads of fate and destiny. Powerful

fey, norns reside in the First World, but sometimes visit the Material Plane when important events arise. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 202.




Perception +27; blindsight 120 feet (reading fate), detect magic, low-light vision, true seeing Languages Common, Giant, Sylvan; tongues Skills +23; Crafting +32, Deception +30, Intimidation +32, Medicine +30, Performance +30 Str +4, Dex +4, Con +6, Int +5, Wis +7, Cha +9 Items expert shears Lack of Surprise A norn always scores a natural 20 on initiative checks. AC 39, TAC 37; Fort +26, Ref +25, Will +30, +4 conditional to saves vs. death, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic, +4 conditional to saves vs. mental HP 315, regeneration 15 (deactivated by cold iron); Immunities enervated, flat-footed, negative; Resistances cold 20; Weaknesses cold iron 15 Speed 40 feet Melee shears +32 (forceful, keen, magical, reach 10 feet, sweep), Damage 6d8+8 slashing plus energy drain Melee hand of fate +32 touch (agile, reach 10 feet), Effect energy drain Occult Innate Spells DC 36; Constant detect magic (4th), mind blank, tongues, true seeing; 10th time stop; 9th power word kill (2); 8th maze, wind walk; 5th dimension door (3); At Will (7th) augury, spellwrack, dispel magic Rituals geas, legend lore Energy Drain (necromancy, occult) When a norn hits with her hand of fate or her shears, she regains 10 Hit Points and the target must succeed at a DC 34 Fortitude save or become enervated 1. On a critical failure, this condition cannot be removed normally, but only by magical treatment. Fated When a creature is subject to a fortune or misfortune effect from a norn and a misfortune or fortune effect from a non-norn, the norn’s effect automatically counteracts the other effect and then takes place normally, rather than the two effects canceling each other out. If both the fortune and misfortune effect are from a norn, then the two cancel each other out as normal. At the GM’s discretion, powerful entities related to fate or luck, like Desna or Pharasma, may count as a norn for the purpose of this ability. Shears (evocation, occult) Shears wielded by a norn function as a +5 keen mithral scimitar. They’re expert quality and nonmagical when wielded by other creatures.
 Shift Fate (divination, fortune, misfortune, occult) Trigger A creature within 120 feet rolls a saving throw. The norn can use this ability after the results of the saving throw are revealed. Effect The creature rerolls the saving throw. If the creature is rerolling a successful saving throw, this is a misfortune effect. If the creature rerolls a failed saving throw, this is a fortune effect. Snip Thread (death, manipulate, necromancy, occult) Frequency Three times per day

Fey Large Lawful

Effect The norn produces a golden thread linked to a creature’s fate, then attempts to snip it short with her shears. The target must be within 120 feet. The target takes 100 damage (Fortitude DC 36 half, no damage on a critical success, double damage on a critical failure) and becomes bolstered. If the creature is reduced to 0 HP from this damage, the norn snips through the thread— the creature dies immediately and can’t be restored to life except by miracle or similarly powerful magic, or by divine intervention. The norn can’t use Snip Thread again for 1d4 rounds.

Ochre jellies are animate masses of protoplasm hued a sickly combination of yellow, orange, and brown. Their acidic bodies dissolve flesh but leave other materials intact. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 218.



Perception +1; blindsight (tremors) 60 feet Languages — Skills +3; Athletics +12 Str +4, Dex –5, Con +6, Int –5, Wis –5, Cha –5 AC 4, TAC 4; Fort +13, Ref +5, Will +5 HP 150; Immunities asleep, critical hits, electricity, mental, piercing, precision, slashing, visual Split Whenever the jelly is hit by an attack or effect that would deal slashing, piercing, or electricity damage, if the jelly has at least 10 HP, the jelly splits into two identical jellies with half the original’s Hit Points. One jelly is in the same space and the other appears in an adjacent unoccupied space. If no adjacent space is unoccupied, it automatically pushes creatures out of the way to fill a space. Speed 10 feet, climb 10 feet Melee pseudopod +13, Damage 1d12+4 bludgeoning plus 2d4 acid and Grab Constrict 5 bludgeoning plus 2 acid Ochre Acid An ochre jelly’s acid damages only flesh—not bone, stone, wood, or other materials.

Large Mindless Ooze

OGRE Lumbering brutes who take pleasure in other creatures’ suffering and misery, ogres can be found throughout the world, most often on the fringes of civilization where they gather in terrible tribes. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 220.








Perception +5; darkvision Chaotic Languages Giant Evil Skills +1; Acrobatics +4, Athletics +9 Giant Humanoid Str +5, Dex –1, Con +2, Int –2, Wis +0, Cha –2 Large Items hide armor, javelin (6), ogre hook AC 16, TAC 14; Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +5 HP 60 Speed 25 feet



Melee ogre hook +10 (deadly 1d10, reach 10 feet, trip), Damage 1d10+7 piercing Ranged javelin +8 (thrown 30 feet), Damage 1d6+7

ONI Oni are malicious spirits that manifest physical bodies based on the shapes and desires of humanoid mortals. Most oni seek to attain positions of leadership and power, often in the guise of normal humanoids, in order to secure a never-ending supply of sensory experiences. Sources: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 206, 207, 212; Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 221.



Perception +24; darkvision Evil Languages Common, Giant, Senzar Fire Giant Skills +17; Acrobatics + 23, Arcana +22, Crafting Humanoid +24, Deception +27, Intimidation +24, Nature +24 Large Str +7, Dex +3, Con +6, Int +2, Wis +3, Cha +2 Oni Items +2 katana AC 34, TAC 31; Fort +25, Ref +20, Will +20, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 245, regeneration 15 (deactivated by acid or cold); Immunities fire; Weaknesses cold 10 Attack of Opportunity Speed 40 feet, fly 30 feet Melee +2 katana +26 (magical, reach 10 feet, versatile P), Damage 3d8+14 slashing Melee fist +26 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 1d10+7 bludgeoning plus 2d6 fire and 1d8 persistent fire Ranged fiery missile +26 touch (range increment 60 feet), Damage 4d8+4 fire plus 2d8 persistent fire Primal Innate Spells DC 31; Constant fly; 7th fireball, fire shield, wall of fire; 4th charm (3); At Will darkness, fireball (5th), invisibility (self only) Change Shape (concentrate, polymorph, primal, transmutation) The fire yai can take on the appearance of any Small, Medium, or Large humanoid. This doesn’t change its Speed or attack and damage bonuses with its Strikes, but might change the damage type its Strikes deal (typically to bludgeoning, if its new form lacks claws). Impaling Push (move) Requirement The fire yai must have hit with a piercing katana attack on its previous action. Effect The fire yai deals 2d8 persistent bleed damage to the creature it hit on its previous action, then moves up to half its Speed in the direction of the creature, pushing the creature in the same direction. At the end of the movement, the fire yai can either withdraw its blade or leave its blade in the target to make the target grabbed. If it leaves its blade in the target, it is unable to attack with its katana while the target remains grabbed. Smoke Form (concentrate, primal, transmutation) The fire yai turns into a cloud of smoke. This functions as gaseous form, except any creature within the smoke must succeed at a DC 30 Fortitude save or become sick 2. After a creature has attempted this save, the creature is bolstered.


Swipe The fire yai makes a melee attack against two foes that are adjacent to each other and within its reach. The fire yai rolls one attack roll and applies the result to each foe. If the roll is a critical success against both foes, the fire yai applies the critical to only one foe of its choice. This attack counts as one attack toward the fire yai’s multiple attack penalty.




Perception +23; darkvision Languages Common, Giant, Senzar Skills +15; Acrobatics +23, Arcana +20, Deception +26, Intimidation +23, Nature +21, Stealth +20 (+23 in snow) Str +6, Dex +6, Con +5, Int +1, Wis +2, Cha +4 AC 33, TAC 31; Fort +22, Ref +23, Will +19, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 225, regeneration 15 (deactivated by acid or fire); Immunities cold; Weaknesses fire 10 Icy Deflection (cold) Trigger The ice yai is targeted by a ranged attack that does not have the fire trait. Effect The ice yai creates a reflective blockade of ice, gaining a +4 circ*mstance bonus to AC against the triggering attack. If the attack misses, the ice yai redirects the attack to another creature within 20 feet of the yai. The attacker rerolls the attack against the new target. Speed 40 feet, fly 30 feet Melee fist +25 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 1d10+6 bludgeoning plus 2d6 cold and frost strike Ranged icy missile +25 touch (range increment 60 feet), Damage 2d8+8 cold and frost strike Primal Innate Spells DC 30; Constant fly; 4th charm (3), gaseous form, solid fog; At Will cone of cold, darkness, invisibility (self only) Change Shape (concentrate, polymorph, primal, transmutation) The ice yai can take on the appearance of any Small, Medium, or Large humanoid. This doesn’t change its Speed or attack and damage bonuses with its Strikes, but might change the damage type its Strikes deal (typically to bludgeoning, if its new form lacks claws). Double Punch The ice yai makes two fist Strikes. Frost Strike (cold) When the ice yai damages a creature twice in the same turn with fist Strikes, or once with its icy missile Strike, the creature must attempt a DC 30 Fortitude save or become slowed 1 for 1 round (slowed 2 on a critical failure). If the ice yai scores a critical hit with a fist or icy missile, the target must attempt the Fortitude save and is instead slowed 1 on a success, slowed 2 on a failure, or slowed 3 on a critical failure.

Chaotic Cold Evil Giant Humanoid Large Oni




Perception +14; darkvision Evil Languages Common, Giant, Senzar Giant Skills +8; Acrobatics +13, Arcana +15, Athletics +15, Humanoid Large Deception +15, Intimidation +15, Nature +16 Lawful Str +5, Dex +2, Con +5, Int +2, Wis +1, Cha +2 Oni Items expert composite shortbow with 20 arrows, expert falchion

AC 24, TAC 21; Fort +14, Ref +13, Will +12 HP 115, regeneration 10 (deactivated by acid or fire) Attack of Opportunity Speed 30 feet, fly 30 feet Melee falchion +18 (forceful, reach 10 feet, sweep), Damage 2d10+7 slashing Ranged composite shortbow +16 (deadly 1d10), Damage 2d6+5 piercing Primal Innate Spells DC 22; Constant fly; 5th cone of cold; 4th charm, gaseous form; 3rd darkness, fear, sleep; At Will invisibility (2nd) Change Shape (concentrate, polymorph, primal, transmutation) The ogre mage can take on the appearance of any Small, Medium, or Large humanoid. This doesn’t change its Speed or attack and damage bonuses with its Strikes, but might change the damage type its Strikes deal (typically to bludgeoning, if its new form lacks claws).




Perception +28; darkvision Languages Common, Giant, Senzar Skills +21; Acrobatics +29, Athletics +29 (+33 to Swim), Arcana +29, Deception +31, Intimidation +31, Nature +30, Performance +29 Str +7, Dex +4, Con +5, Int +3, Wis +5, Cha +7 Items +3 longspear AC 38, TAC 36; Fort +28, Ref +25, Will +26, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 285, regeneration 20 (deactivated by acid and fire); Immunity electricity Speed 40 feet, fly 30 feet, swim 50 feet; water walk Melee +3 longspear +30 (magical, reach 20 feet), Damage 5d8+14 piercing Melee kimono +30 touch, Damage 10 electricity and envelop Melee fist +30 (agile, reach 15 feet), Damage 2d10+14 bludgeoning plus 1d6 electricity Ranged electric missile +29 touch (range increment 60 feet), Damage 3d8+14 electricity plus flat-footed for 1 round Shocking Douse Trigger A creature within 100 feet casts a fire spell. Effect The water yai attempts to dispel the spell before it comes into effect, as if with an 8th-level dispel magic spell. Any actions spent to cast the triggering spell are still used. If the dispel attempt is successful, the triggering creatures takes 4d6 electricity damage. Primal Innate Spells DC 34; Constant fly, freedom of movement, water breathing, water walk; 9th—horrid wilting; 4th charm (3); At Will chain lightning (6th), control water, create water, darkness, invisibility (4th, self only) Change Shape (concentrate, polymorph, primal, transmutation) The water yai can take on the appearance of any Small, Medium, or Large humanoid. This doesn’t change its Speed or its Strikes’ attack and damage bonuses, but might change the damage type its Strikes deal (typically to bludgeoning, if its new form lacks claws). Envelop The water yai wears a silk kimono infused with

Chaotic Electricity Evil Giant Huge Humanoid Oni Water

magical rainwater and crackling lightning. It can extend a loose sash or sleeve to envelop a creature within 15 feet. A creature hit by the water yai’s kimono is entangled and takes 10 electricity damage at the end of its turn as long as it remains entangled. Creatures can attempt to get free of the kimono as if they were grabbed, with a DC of 36. The water yai can have up to three creatures entangled at a time. If it moves beyond 15 feet from an entangled creature, that creature is automatically released. Liquid Form (concentrate, primal, transmutation) The water yai turns into a puddle of water that occasionally lets off a spark. This functions as gaseous form, except the yai can’t fly. It has its normal land Speed in this form and doubles its swim Speed.


ORC These green-skinned brutes are violent and aggressive, often banding together to raid and pillage other humanoid settlements. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 222.

ORC BRUTE Chaotic Evil Humanoid Medium Orc



Perception +0; darkvision Languages Orc Skills –2; Acrobatics +2, Athletics +3 Str +2; Dex +1, Con +2, Int –2, Wis –1, Cha –1 Items poor breastplate, 3 javelins, 2 orc knuckle

daggers AC 13, TAC 11; Fort +3, Ref +1, Will –1, +1 conditional to Will saves against magic HP 6 Ferocity Trigger The orc is reduced to 0 or fewer Hit Points. Effect The orc continues to stand and has 1 Hit Point. Speed 20 feet Melee orc knuckle dagger +5 (agile, disarm), Damage 1d6+2 piercing Ranged javelin +4 (thrown 30 feet), Damage 1d6+2 piercing




Perception +3; darkvision Chaotic Languages Orc Evil Skills –1; Acrobatics +3, Athletics +6 Humanoid Medium Str +2; Dex +1, Con +2, Int –2, Wis –1, Cha –1 Orc Items breastplate, 4 javelins, 2 orc necksplitters AC 15, TAC 13; Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +1, +1 conditional to Will saves against magic HP 13 Attack of Opportunity Ferocity Trigger The orc is reduced to 0 or fewer Hit Points. Effect The orc continues to stand and has 1 Hit Point. Speed 20 feet Melee orc necksplitter +7 (forceful, versatile P), Damage 1d8+2 slashing Ranged javelin +6 (thrown 30 feet), Damage 1d6+2 piercing Rend orc necksplitter





Perception +6; darkvision Chaotic Languages Common, Orc Evil Skills +1; Acrobatics +4, Athletics +7, Intimidation +5 Humanoid Medium Str +4, Dex +1, Con +4, Int –1, Wis +0, Cha +1, Orc +1 conditional to Will saves against magic Items falchion, hide armor, 6 javelins AC 16, TAC 13; Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +4 HP 25 Ferocity Trigger The orc is reduced to 0 or fewer Hit Points. Effect The orc continues to stand and has 1 Hit Point. Speed 25 feet Melee falchion +8 (forceful, sweep), Damage 1d10+4 slashing Ranged javelin +6 (thrown 30 feet), Damage 1d6+4 piercing Battle Cry (auditory, concentrate) The warchief gives itself and all orc allies within 60 feet a +1 conditional bonus to attack and damage rolls until the start of its next turn.

OTYUGH This odd creature stands on three stumpy legs and has three tentacles, two with raspy barbs that it uses to grab objects and a third, sensory tentacle topped with a multitude of eyes. Otyughs live in sewers and underground areas full of fetid water, scouring their domains for food. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 223.




Perception +8; darkvision, scent 30 feet Languages Common Skills +3; Acrobatics +7, Athletics +11, Stealth +9 (+12 in lair) Str +4, Dex +0, Con +3, Int –2, Wis +1, Cha –2 AC 19, TAC 16; Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +8 HP 65 Immunities disease Stench (aura, olfactory) 40 feet. A creature entering the aura must succeed at a DC 16 Fortitude save or become sick 1 until the end of its next turn (plus slowed 1 on a critical failure for the same duration). While within the aura, creatures take a –2 circ*mstance penalty to saves against disease. A creature that saves is bolstered against the sick and slowed effects. An otyugh’s stench is due to the offal and refuse that it wallows in, so thoroughly cleaning the creature (such as with create water and copious scrubbing) deactivates the aura. Speed 20 feet Melee jaws +11 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d8+4 piercing plus filth fever Melee tentacle +11 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 2d6+2 bludgeoning and Grab Constrict 7 bludgeoning Reposition Requirement The otyugh has one or two creatures grabbed in its tentacles. Effect The otyugh attempts to reposition one or both grabbed creatures to other spaces within reach, rolling an Athletics check against their Fortitude DC. On a failure, the creature

Aberration Large


doesn’t move but remains in place, and on a critical failure, the creature is no longer grabbed. Filth Fever (disease) Sickness and unconsciousness from filth fever can’t be recovered from naturally. Saving Throw Fortitude DC 17; Stage 1 carrier with no ill effect (1d4 hours), Stage 2 sick 1 (1 day), Stage 3 sick 1 and slowed 1 as long as it remains sick (1 day), Stage 4 unconscious (1 day), Stage 5 dead.

OWLBEAR Thought to be the result of a wizard tinkering with nature, this ferocious creature resembles a mix between a bear and an owl, with sharp claws, tufts of feathers that poke through brown fur, and an owl head with a flesh-rending beak. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 223.




Perception +10; low-light vision, scent Languages — Skills +2; Acrobatics +9, Athletics +11 Str +4, Dex +1, Con +4, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha +0 AC 18, TAC 16; Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +6 HP 70 Speed 25 feet Melee beak +10, Damage 2d10+4 piercing Melee talon +10 (agile), Damage 2d6+4 piercing plus Grab Bloodcurdling Screech (auditory, emotion, fear, mental) The owlbear unleashes a loud screech that strikes fear into its prey. All creatures in an 80-foot radius must succeed at a DC 16 Will save. On a failure, the creature is frightened 2; on a critical failure, it’s frightened 2 and fleeing for 1 round; on a success, it’s frightened 1; and on a critical success, it’s unaffected. If the creature damages the owlbear, it is immediately no longer frightened due to this ability. All creatures in the area become bolstered. Gnaw The owlbear can chew on a creature it has grabbed in an attempt to disembowel it so it can later feed its young by regurgitating its victim’s guts. It makes a beak Strike against the creature. If it succeeds, the creature must also succeed at a DC 18 Will save or become sick 1 and slowed 1 until it’s no longer sick. If it succeeds at the save, it’s sick 1, and on a critical success it’s unaffected. Screeching Advance (auditory, emotion, fear, mental) The owlbear charges forward, screeching. It makes a Bloodcurdling screech and Strides up to twice its Speed. All creatures within 80 feet of the owlbear at any point during its movement are within the area of its Bloodcurdling Screech.

Animal Chaotic Large

PACK ANIMAL People throughout the world have domesticated animals to serve as beasts of burden.



Perception +1; low-light vision, scent 30 feet Languages — Skills –2; Acrobatics +2, Athletics +3 Str +3, Dex +1, Con +3, Int –4, Wis +0, Cha +0 AC 11, TAC 10; Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +0

Animal Medium

HP 11 Speed 30 feet Melee hoof +2, Damage 1d4+1 bludgeoning



Perception +1; low-light vision, scent 30 feet Languages — Skills –2; Acrobatics +0, Athletics +4 Str +4, Dex –1, Con +4, Int –4, Wis +0, Cha +0 AC 10, TAC 9; Fort +5, Ref –1, Will +0 HP 13 Speed 20 feet Melee hoof +1, Damage 1d4+2 bludgeoning

Animal Large


PHOENIX Legendary symbols of rebirth, phoenixes live in remote deserts and have a reputation as knowledgeable scholars and loremasters. These benevolent creatures protect good folk and drive back evil when given the chance. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 227.



Primal Innate Spells DC 32; Constant detect magic (8th), see invisibility; 8th dispel magic (×3), flame strike, heal (×3), remove curse (8th), wall of fire (×3); 6th restoration (×3); At Will dispel magic (7th); Cantrips (8th) light Flaming Strafe (fire) The phoenix blazes with superheated flame and Flies up to its Speed. It deals 4d6 fire damage to each creature that it passes within 20 feet of while moving (Reflex DC 32 Reflex half, no damage on a critical success).


Perception +24; darkvision, detect magic, see Beast invisibility Fire Gargantuan Languages Auran, Celestial, Common, Ignan Good Skills +18; Acrobatics +28, Athletics +26, Diplomacy +26, Intimidation +26, Nature +28 Str +6, Dex +7, Con +5, Int +7, Wis +6, Cha +6 AC 35, TAC 35; Fort +23, Ref +26, Will +22, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 305, regeneration 20 (deactivated by cold or evil), selfresurrection; Immunities fire; Weaknesses cold 10, evil 10 Shroud of Flame (aura, evocation, fire, primal) 20 feet. A creature that enters or ends its turn in the aura takes 4d6 fire damage. A creature can take this damage only once per round. While this aura is active, any adjacent creature who hits the phoenix with a melee attack takes 2d6 fire damage. The phoenix can activate or deactivate the aura by using an action (this action has the concentrate trait). Self-Resurrection (healing, necromancy, primal) Frequency Once per year Effect When a phoenix dies, it collapses into a pile of smoldering ashes, returning to life fully healed as if brought back by a 7th-level resurrection 1d4 rounds later. SelfResurrection can be used only if there are some remains to resurrect; for instance, a phoenix killed by a disintegrate spell can’t return. A phoenix whose remains rest within an area devoted to an evil deity by consecrate can’t resurrect itself until its remains are no longer in that area. Speed 25 feet, fly 65 feet Melee beak +28 (reach 20 feet), Damage 2d12+12 piercing plus 2d6 fire and 2d6 persistent fire Melee talon +28 (agile, reach 20 feet), Damage 2d8+12 piercing plus 2d6 fire and 2d6 persistent fire Ranged flame jet +28 touch (range increment 40 feet), Damage 4d6+12 fire and 2d6 persistent fire

Sometimes when a person dies, their spirit is unable to leave the site of their death, resulting in an angry and unquiet presence. These incorporeal spirits rage against the living, throwing objects about in a flurry of telekinetic activity. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 211.




Perception +8; darkvision Evil Languages typically Common Ghost Skills +5; Acrobatics +12, Intimidation +12, Incorporeal Lawful Stealth +10 Medium Str –5, Dex +4, Con +0, Int –1, Wis +2, Cha +3 Undead Site Bound A poltergeist is tied to a location and can’t travel more than 120 feet from the place where it was created or formed. Some poltergeists are instead bound to a specific room, building, or similar area. AC 19, TAC 19; Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +11 HP 55, rejuvenation; Immunities asleep, death effects, disease, nonmagical attacks, paralysis, poison, precision; Resistances all damage 5 (except force, ghost touch, or good) Natural Invisibility A poltergeist is naturally invisible. It can become visible only when using its frighten ability. Rejuvenation (necromancy, occult) When a poltergeist is destroyed, it re-forms where it was destroyed—fully healed— after 2d4 days. A poltergeist can be permanently destroyed only if someone determines the reason for its existence and sets right whatever prevents the spirit from resting. Telekinetic Defense Trigger A creature approaches within 10 feet of the poltergeist. Effect The poltergeist makes a telekinetic object Strike against the triggering creature. Speed fly 20 feet Ranged telekinetic object +13 (evocation, occult, range increment 60 feet), Damage 2d12 Occult Innate Spells DC 19; At Will telekinetic maneuver; Cantrips (3rd) mage hand Frighten (concentrate, emotion, fear, mental) Requirement The poltergeist must be invisible. Effect The poltergeist becomes visible, appearing as a skeletal, ghostlike humanoid. Each creature within 30 feet must attempt a DC 19 Will save. On a success, the creature is bolstered. On a failure, the creature becomes frightened 2. On a critical failure, the creature is fleeing as long as it’s frightened.



Telekinetic Storm (attack, concentrate, evocation, occult) The poltergeist telekinetically throws numerous small objects, such as dozens of pieces of silverware, either spreading them out among multiple foes or directing them at one target. When spread out among multiple foes, the poltergeist makes a telekinetic object Strike at a –2 penalty against each creature within 30 feet. These count as one attack for the multiple attack penalty, and the penalty doesn’t increase until after all the attacks. When Telekinetic Storm is directed at a single target, the poltergeist makes a telekinetic object Strike against the target, with the damage increased to 4d6+4. It deals 8 damage even on a failure, but misses completely on a critical failure. Vanish (concentrate) Requirement The poltergeist is visible. Effect The poltergeist becomes invisible.

PTEROSAUR These prehistoric animals managed to survive into the current day, soaring high in the air on leathery wings.




Perception +6; low-light vision, scent 30 feet Languages — Skills +0; Athletics +5, Acrobatics +8 Str +2, Dex +4, Con +1, Int –4, Wis +2, Cha –1 AC 14, TAC 13; Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2 HP 20 Speed 10 feet, fly 40 feet Melee beak +7, Damage 1d10+2 piercing Swoop The pteranodon flies up to its Speed and makes one beak Strike at any point during that movement.

Animal Large




Perception +13; low-light vision, scent 30 feet Languages — Skills +5; Athletics +15, Acrobatics +15 Str +6, Dex +4, Con +3, Int –4, Wis +2, Cha –1 AC 22, TAC 20; Fort +10, Ref +14, Will +9 HP 125 Speed 10 feet, fly 40 feet Melee beak +17 (deadly 1d12), Damage 2d10+9 piercing plus 1d6 persistent bleed Melee talon +17, Damage 2d6+9 piercing plus Grab Snatch A quetzalcoatlus can move at half Speed while it has a single creature grabbed or restrained in both its talons.

Animal Huge

PURPLE WORM These immense creatures are covered in purple chitinous plates and have mouths filled with enormous, sharp teeth and deadly stingers that deliver a virulent poison. Purple worms live deep beneath the ground where they burrow through the earth, but they sometimes tunnel up to the surface where they attempt to eat other creatures whole.


Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 230.




Perception +19; darkvision, tremorsense 100 feet Languages — Skills +16; Acrobatics +20, Athletics +28 Str +10, Dex –2, Con +7, Int –5, Wis +0, Cha –3 AC 30, TAC 26; Fort +26, Ref +16, Will +18 HP 350; Immunities inexorable Inexorable A purple worm automatically recovers from any paralyzed, slowed, and stunned conditions at the end of its turn. It’s also immune to being hampered or immobilized and ignores difficult terrain. Once per day, when a spell or ability causes the purple worm to be affected by a condition or become afflicted by some other negative effect (such as baleful polymorph), it can negate the effects to itself as a reaction. This doesn’t cancel any hit point damage or prevent the spell or ability from affecting other creatures or the environment around it, nor does it prevent an ongoing effect from inflicting conditions on it later. This ability does not apply against effects from artifacts, deities, or a similarly powerful source. Speed 40 feet, burrow 30 feet, swim 20 feet Melee jaws +25 (deadly 2d12, reach 15 feet), Damage 3d12+14 piercing plus Grab Melee stinger +25 (agile, reach 15 feet), Damage 3d8+14 piercing plus purple worm venom Melee body +24 (reach 15 feet), Damage 3d8+14 bludgeoning Ranged regurgitate +21, Damage varies (see below) Fast Swallow Trigger The purple worm Grabs a creature. Effect The worm uses Swallow Whole. Regurgitate A purple worm can violently regurgitate a creature or boulder it has swallowed to make a ranged Strike. The range increment and damage depend on the size of the creature or boulder. A creature regurgitated in this way takes falling damage from the height of the target or from 20 feet, whichever is greater. Boulders occupy space in a purple worm’s stomach as a creature of equivalent size, and purple worms often have several boulders swallowed to assist with digestion and to use for this attack. Purple worms can spend an action to swallow a chunk of rock of a desired size from the ground. Huge 4d8+14, 20 feet Large 3d8+14, 40 feet Medium 2d8+14, 80 feet Small 2d6+14, 80 feet Tiny or smaller 1d6+14, 80 feet Swallow Whole Huge, 2d10+7 bludgeoning, toughness 24 Thrash The purple worm Strikes once against each creature in its reach. It can Strike up to once with its jaws, Strike up to once with its stinger, and Strike any number of times with its body. Each attack takes a –2 circ*mstance penalty and counts toward the worm’s multiple attack penalty, but the multiple attack penalty doesn’t increase until after all the attacks.

Animal Gargantuan

Purple Worm Venom (poison) Saving Throw Fortitude DC 30, Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 3d6 poison and enfeebled 2 (1 round), Stage 2 4d6 poison, and enfeebled 2 (1 round); Stage 3 6d6 poison and enfeebled 2 (1 round).

RAKSHASA Rakshasas are evil spirits that cloak themselves in the guises of humanoid creatures, that they might walk unseen among their prey. They embody what is taboo among most societies, and in the shape of those they seek to defile, rakshasas gorge themselves on these hideous acts. Rakshasas are humanoid in shape, but they have a tiger’s head and backward-bending fingers on their hands. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 231.




Perception +17; darkvision Languages Common, Infernal, Undercommon Skills +11; Arcana +18, Deception +20, Diplomacy +20, Intimidation +18, Performance +18, Stealth +20 Items +1 kukri Str +3, Dex +5, Con +4, Int +2, Wis +1, Cha +5 AC 27, TAC 26; Fort +14, Ref +18, Will +16, +2 conditional to saves vs. magic, +3 conditional to saves vs. divine magic HP 160; Resistances bludgeoning 10, slashing 10; Weaknesses good 5 Scoff at the Divine Trigger A creature within 30 feet casts a divine spell or uses a divine ability. The rakshasa must have a spell slot that can be used to cast dispel magic remaining. Effect The rakshasa expends a dispel magic spell and attempts to dispel the triggering spell or counteract the triggering ability. The rakshasa can’t Scoff at the Divine for 1d4 rounds. Speed 35 feet Melee +1 kukri +19 (agile, magical, trip), Damage 3d6+6 slashing Melee fangs +19, Damage 3d8+6 piercing Melee claw +19 (agile), Damage 3d6+6 slashing Arcane Spontaneous Spells DC 25, 5th (3 slots) cone of cold, dispel magic, hallucination; 4th (4 slots) clairvoyance, dispel magic, fly, suggestion; 3rd (4 slots) clairaudience, dispel magic, lightning bolt, nondetection; 2nd (4 slots) blur, hideous laughter, invisibility; 1st (4 slots) charm, illusory object, item facade; Cantrips detect magic, ghost sound, mage hand, sigil Arcane Innate Spells DC 25, At Will mind reading Change Shape (arcane, concentrate, polymorph, transmutation) The rakshasa takes on the appearance of any Medium humanoid. This doesn’t change the rakshasa’s Speed or its attack and damage bonuses with its Strikes, but might change the damage type its Strikes deal (typically to bludgeoning). It typically loses its fangs Strike unless the humanoid form has fangs or a similar unarmed attack. Disturbing Vision (arcane, concentrate, enchantment,

Evil Fiend Lawful Medium Rakshasa

mental) The rakshasa’s eyes flash green as it projects a telepathic wave in a 30-foot aura. All creatures in the aura are assailed by a vision of evil decadence from one of the rakshasa’s past lives. While the visions last, the rakshasa and all evil creatures in the aura gain a +1 conditional bonus to all d20 rolls. All nonevil creatures in the area must succeed at a DC 25 Will save or become sick 1 (and slowed 1 on a critical end. The visions last 2d4 rounds, and the rakshasa can use this ability again once the previous visions end.

RAT Scurrying through sewers and being nuisances in barns and food stores, rats are ubiquitous in the world. Especially large specimens can even be dangerous to humanoids, and when common rats band together in large enough numbers, their destruction can be deadly. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 232.



Perception +4; low-light vision, scent 30 feet Languages — Skills +1; Athletics +2 (+5 to Climb or Swim), Acrobatics +4, Stealth +4 Str +0, Dex +2, Con +2, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha –3 AC 13, TAC 13; Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +1 HP 8 Speed 30 feet, climb 10 feet Melee jaws +6 (agile), Damage 1d4 piercing plus filth fever Filth Fever (disease) Sickness and unconsciousness from filth fever can’t be reduced or recovered from naturally. Fort DC 13. Stage 1 carrier with no ill effect (1d4 hours), Stage 2 sick 1 (1 day), Stage 3 sick 1 and slowed 1 as long as it remains sick (1 day), Stage 4 unconscious (1 day), Stage 5 dead.

Animal Small




Perception +6; low-light vision, scent Animal Languages — Large Swarm Skills –1; Athletics +4, Acrobatics +4, Stealth +6 Str –2, Dex +2, Con +1, Int –4, Wis +0, Cha –3 AC 13, TAC 13; Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +0 HP 15; Immunities precision, targeted effects; Resistances bludgeoning 3, piercing 6, slashing 6; Weaknesses area damage 5 Speed 25 feet, climb 5 feet Swarming Bites Each enemy in the swarm’s space takes 1d6 piercing damage and is exposed to filth fever. A DC 15 Reflex save halves the damage and negates the exposure to filth fever (no damage on a critical success, double damage on a critical failure). Filth Fever (disease) Sickness and unconsciousness from filth fever can’t be reduced or recovered from naturally until the disease is cured. Saving Throw Fort DC 14. Stage 1 carrier with no ill effect (1d4 hours), Stage 2 sick 1 (1 day), Stage 3 sick 1 and slowed 1 as long as it remains sick (1 day), Stage 4 unconscious (1 day), Stage 5 dead.





These sad*stic fey are identified by the red hats they soak in the blood of their enemies. Small in stature, redcaps wield scythes and wear iron boots. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 233.

Perception +6; darkvision Languages Common; can’t speak Skills +0; Acrobatics +4, Athletics +6 Str +1, Dex +1, Con +2, Int –3, Wis +1, Cha +1 AC 16, TAC 14; Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +3 HP 17 Death Strike Trigger The reefclaw is reduced to 0 Hit Points. Effect The reefclaw makes a claw Strike before being knocked out. Speed 5 feet, swim 40 feet Melee claw +7, Damage 1d6+2 plus reefclaw venom and Grab Constrict 3 bludgeoning Reefclaw Venom (poison) Saving Throw Fortitude DC 15; Maximum Duration 4 rounds; Stage 1 1d6 poison and enfeebled 1 (1 round), Stage 2 1d6 poison and enfeebled 2 (1 round).




Perception +10; low-light vision Evil Languages Aklo, Common, Jotun, Sylvan Fey Small Skills +5; Acrobatics +12, Athletics +12, Deception +12, Intimidation +10, Nature +10, Stealth +12 Str +4, Dex +4, Con +4, Int +3, Wis +1, Cha +2 Items expert Medium scythe, iron boots, red cap Red Cap (necromancy, primal) A redcap’s woolen hat is dyed with the blood of its victims. If the redcap loses its cap, it no longer benefits from fast healing and takes a –4 conditional penalty to its damage rolls. It can create a new cap in 10 minutes, but that cap doesn’t grant its powers until the redcap has turned it red with Blood Soak. A redcap’s hat has no benefit for creatures other than redcaps. AC 20, TAC 19; Fort +8, Ref +11, Will +9 HP 55, fast healing 10; Weaknesses cold iron 5, irreligious Sacrilegious (emotion, fear, mental) If a redcap sees a creature brandish a holy symbol of a good deity or use one for the Material Casting of a divine spell, the redcap must attempt a DC 17 Will save. On a failure, the redcap is frightened 4 and fleeing for 1 round; on a success, it’s frightened 2; on a critical success, it’s unaffected. To brandish a holy symbol, a creature must Interact while holding it in hand to brandish it for 1 round. Once a redcap has to attempt a save against a brandished holy symbol, it is bolstered to brandished holy symbols for the next 10 minutes. Speed 50 feet Melee scythe +13 (deadly 1d10, trip), Damage 2d10+4 slashing Melee boot +13 (agile, versatile B), Damage 2d4+8 piercing Blood Soak (manipulate) The redcap dips its cap in the blood of a slain foe. The foe must have died in the last minute, and the redcap must have helped kill it. The redcap gains a +4 conditional bonus to damage rolls for 1 minute. Deadly Cleave Trigger The redcap drops a creature to 0 Hit Points with a scythe Strike. Effect The redcap makes another scythe Strike against a different creature, using the same multiple attack penalty as the scythe Strike that triggered this reaction. This counts toward its multiple attack penalty. Stomp The redcap Strides up to half its Speed and makes a boot Strike at any point during that movement. If the boot Strike hits a prone creature, it deals 2d6 extra persistent bleed damage.

REEFCLAW These creatures appear to be a monstrous lobster with the tail of an eel. Often mistaken for a common animal, reefclaws are surprisingly intelligent and make for vicious predators. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 234.




Aberration Aquatic Chaotic Small

ROC These legendary birds are known to carry off elephants in their deadly talons. They soar high in the air and make their nests on the peaks of mountains. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 236.




Perception +16; low-light vision Languages — Skills +7; Acrobatics +16, Athletics +19 Str +8, Dex +2, Con +3, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha +0 AC 25, TAC 23; Fort +16, Ref +13, Will +11 HP 180 Wing Rebuff Trigger A creature moves from beyond the reach of the roc’s wing to within the reach of the roc’s wing. Effect The roc makes a wing Strike against the creature. If the roc Pushes the creature, it disrupts the triggering move action. Speed 20 feet, fly 60 feet Melee talon +19 (agile, reach 15 feet), Damage 2d6+12 piercing plus Improved Grab Melee beak +19 (reach 15 feet), Damage 2d10+12 piercing Melee wing +19 (agile, reach 20 feet), Damage 2d6+8 bludgeoning plus Push 10 feet Flying Strafe The roc Flies up to its Speed and makes two talon Strikes at any point during that movement. Each Strike must target a different creature. The attacks take the normal multiple attack penalty, which increases between the first attack and the second. Snack A roc gains a +2 circ*mstance bonus to hit with its beak Strike if the target is grabbed or restrained in its talon. Snatch A roc can Fly at half Speed while it has a creature grabbed or restrained in either or both of its talons, carrying that creature along with it.

Animal Gargantuan

ROPER Ropers lurk in the depths of the earth, patiently waiting

for prey to wander by. Upon casual observation, a roper appears to be a stalagmite, but it breaks this disguise when it opens its solitary red eye or its toothy mouth, sending out fibrous strands to capture its prey. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 237.



Perception +18; darkvision Languages Aklo, Undercommon Skills +11; Athletics +20, Dungeon Lore +22, Religion +20, Stealth +18 (+22 in stony or icy areas) Str +6, Dex +1, Con +6, Int +1, Wis +3, Cha +1 AC 27, TAC 24; Fort +15, Ref +12, Will +17, +2 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 215; Resistances cold 10, electricity 15; Weaknesses fire 15 Reactive Lash Trigger A creature within reach of the roper’s strand leaves a square during a move action it’s taking. Effect The roper makes a strand Strike at a –2 penalty against the triggering creature. This Strike doesn’t count toward its multiple attack penalty, and its multiple attack penalty doesn’t apply to this Strike. Speed 10 feet Melee jaws +20, Damage 2d12+12 piercing Melee strand +20 touch (reach 50 feet), Effect sticky strand Extend Strands A roper extends six thin, sticky tendrils from its body, or retracts them back into its body. While they’re extended, the roper takes a –4 circ*mstance penalty to Stealth checks, and while they’re retracted, it can’t use its strand Strikes. Flurry of Strands The roper makes a strand Strike with each of its strands (except those that are entangling creatures). Each attack must be against a different target. These attacks count toward the roper’s multiple attack penalty, but its multiple attack penalty doesn’t increase until after all the attacks. Pull the Strands The roper pulls every creature entangled by its strands toward itself. The roper attempts a single Athletics check against each entangled creature’s Fortitude DC. On a success, the creature is pulled 25 feet closer to the roper; on a critical success, it’s pulled 50 feet closer; on a failure, it’s pulled 10 feet closer, and on a critical failure it’s not pulled at all. Sticky Strand Any creature hit by a roper’s strand is enfeebled 1 and entangled. A creature entangled by a roper can’t move beyond the reach of the roper’s strand. Each additional hit from a roper’s strand increases the amount of enfeeblement by 1 (to a maximum of enfeebled 4). The enfeebled value from the roper’s strands decreases by 1 every 8 hours. Entangling a creature occupies one of the roper’s strands. It can choose not to entangle a creature it hits, and can release an entangled creature as a free action triggered when the roper is about to act or ends its turn. A creature entangled in a roper’s strand can attempt to Escape as though freeing itself from a grab. A creature can sever a strand by hitting AC 25 (TAC 24), and dealing at least 18 points of slashing damage. This doesn’t deal any damage to the roper itself, though it can no longer attack with a severed strand.

Aberration Chaotic Evil Large

RUSALKA Rusalkas are cruel and bitter fey who inhabit waterways near humanoid settlements. They are fond of keeping a few charmed monsters or powerful humanoids nearby to aid in their defense or for other forms of cruel and humiliating entertainment. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 232.




Perception +21; low-light vision Languages Common, Sylvan Skills +14; Acrobatics +21, Deception +23, Diplomacy +21, Nature +21, Performance +21 (+23 to sing), Stealth +23 Str +5, Dex +6, Con +3, Int +1, Wis +2, Cha +6 AC 29, TAC 28; Fort +16, Ref +22, Will +20, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 235; Resistances fire 10; Weaknesses cold iron 10 Charming Tresses (enchantment, mental, primal) Trigger A creature grabbed in the rusalka’s tresses of hair makes an attack against the rusalka. Effect The creature must succeed at a DC 28 Will save or its attack is disrupted. Speed 25 feet, swim 50 feet, water walk Melee hair +23 (agile, reach 15 feet), Damage 3d6+10 slashing plus tangle Melee hand +23 touch (agile), Effect shameful touch Primal Innate Spells DC 28; Constant (6th) blur, water walk; 7th summon monster (major water elemental only); 5th charm (×3), control water (×3); At Will (2nd) invisibility, obscuring mist Beckoning Call (auditory, concentrate, enchantment, mental, primal) Non-fey creatures within a 300-foot aura must succeed at a DC 27 Will save or become captivated by the rusalka’s song. A creature that fails is fascinated, and it must spend each of its actions to move closer to the rusalka as expediently as possible, while avoiding obvious dangers. If a beckoned creature is adjacent to the rusalka, it stays still and doesn’t act. The effect lasts for 1 round, but if the rusalka uses Beckoning Call again on subsequent rounds, she extends the duration by 1 round for any affected creature. If the rusalka attacks a beckoned creature, that creature is freed from the call at the end of the turn. A creature that critically failed its initial save isn’t automatically freed when attacked, but it can attempt a new save at the start of its turn if the rusalka attacked it that round. Once a creature succeeds at any of these saves, it’s bolstered. Constrict and Charm The rusalka deals 10 bludgeoning damage to any number of creatures grabbed or restrained in her hair. In addition, she can target one creature tangled in her hair with charm. This expends one of her innate charm spells. Shameful Touch (emotion, enchantment, mental, primal) When the rusalka hits with her hand, the target is filled with overwhelming feelings of desire and shame. The target is sick 2 and must attempt a DC 28 Will save. If it fails, it’s slowed 2 for 1 round; if it succeeds, it’s slowed 1 for 1 round; if it critically succeeds, it isn’t slowed.

Amphibious Aquatic Evil Fey Medium



Tangle Requirement The rusalka hit a creature with her hair on her most recent action this turn. Effect The rusalka automatically grabs the creature she hit. A creature grabbed in the rusalka’s hair can attempt to escape as normal. A rusalka can have up to eight creatures grabbed in her hair. Whipping Hair The rusalka makes two hair Strikes, each against a different creature.

RUST MONSTER Each of these insectile monsters has four legs, a strange propeller-shaped protrusion at the end of its tail, and two long, feathery antennae. Feared by adventurers for their ability to turn precious arms and armor to dust, rust monsters inhabit underground caverns and abandoned dungeons, searching out rich deposits of iron to eat. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 238.




Perception +8; darkvision, metal scent 30 feet Languages — Skills +1; Athletics +7 Str +0, Dex +3, Con +1, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha –1 Metal Scent A rust monster has the scent ability, but it can smell only metals using it. AC 18, TAC 15; Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +5 HP 41 Tail Trip Trigger A creature carrying a metal item moves out of a square the rust monster threatens. Effect The rust monster makes a tail Strike against the triggering creature. Speed 35 feet, climb 10 feet Melee antenna +8 touch, Effect rust Melee mandibles +8, Damage 2d8 piercing Melee tail +7 (agile), Damage 2d4 plus Improved Knockdown Antenna Disarm The rust monster can make an antenna Strike against a creature’s Reflex DC to attempt to disarm a metal item that creature is holding. If the attack is a critical hit, the rust monster drops the item on the ground in its own space (in addition to rusting the item). Rust A rust monster’s antenna causes metal to rapidly rust and corrode. If it hits a creature with an antenna attack, the rust monster can rust a metal item the creature is holding or wearing (including metal armor). If it hits an unattended metal item, it rusts the item. The rust dents the item (or deals two Dents on a critical hit). If a creature uses the Shield Block reaction against an antenna attack, the shield is automatically dented if it’s made of metal, but it protects the creature’s other items. The rust monster can dent an unattended item within reach with an antenna Strike.

Aberration Medium

SAHUAGIN Terrors of the sea, sahuagin are ravenous and cruel marauders of the oceans. They gather in cities on the


ocean floor and raid passing ships and coastal settlements to slake their thirst for blood. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 239.




Perception +4; darkvision, tremorsense 30 feet Languages Aquan; shark commune 150 feet Skills +2; Acrobatics +6, Athletics +7, Stealth +5, Survival +7 Str +2, Dex +1, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +1, Cha –1 Items heavy crossbow with 20 bolts, trident Shark Commune (mental, telepathy) The sahuagin can communicate telepathically with sharks in the listed range. It can communicate only simple concepts like “come,” “guard,” or “attack.” AC 16, TAC 14; Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +5 HP 28 Attack of Opportunity Speed 25 feet, swim 50 feet Melee trident +8, Damage 1d8+4 piercing Melee claw +8 (agile), Damage 1d4+4 slashing Melee jaws +8, Damage 1d6+4 piercing Ranged heavy crossbow +7, Damage 1d10 piercing Ranged trident +7 (thrown 20 feet), Damage 1d8+4 piercing Blood Frenzy Requirement The sahuagin is not fatigued or already in a frenzy. Trigger The sahuagin deals bleed damage to a living creature. Effect The sahuagin flies into a frenzy that lasts 1 minute. While frenzied, the sahuagin gains a +1 conditional bonus to attack rolls with its claws and jaws, gains a +4 conditional bonus to damage rolls with its claws and jaws, gains 7 temporary HP until the end of the frenzy, and takes a –2 conditional penalty to AC. Bloodletting When the sahuagin deals piercing or slashing damage, it also deals 1d4 persistent bleed damage if the target was flat-footed or if the attack was a critical hit.

Amphibious Aquatic Evil Humanoid Lawful Medium Sahuagin




Amphibious Perception +8; darkvision, tremorsense 30 feet Languages Aquan; shark commune 150 feet Aquatic Evil Skills +4; Acrobatics +9, Athletics +11, Stealth +9, Humanoid Survival +11 Lawful Str +3, Dex +0, Con +3, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha –1 Medium Items heavy crossbow with 20 bolts, trident Mutant Shark Commune (mental, telepathy) As sahuagin Sahuagin warrior AC 19, TAC 17; Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +6 HP 58 Attack of Opportunity Speed 25 feet, swim 55 feet Melee trident +11, Damage 2d8+6 piercing Melee claw +11 (agile), Damage 2d4+6 slashing Melee jaws +11, Damage 2d6+6 piercing Ranged heavy crossbow +8, Damage 1d10 piercing Ranged trident +8 (thrown 20 feet), Damage 2d8+6 piercing Blood Frenzy As sahuagin warrior, but 9 temporary HP

Claw Whirl The sahuagin mutant makes a claw Strike against each creature within reach. The sahuagin’s multiple attack penalty doesn’t increase until after all these attacks. Bloodletting When the sahuagin deals piercing or slashing damage, it also deals 1d4 persistent bleed damage if the target was flat-footed or if the attack was a critical hit.

SALAMANDER Natives to the Plane of Fire, salamanders are snakebodied humanoids wreathed in crackling flame. They are regarded as fierce warriors and expert metalworkers— two traits that sometimes push stronger elemental fire races to enslave them. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 240.




Perception +12; darkvision Chaotic Languages Ignan Elemental Skills +6; Acrobatics +12, Athletics +13, Crafting Evil Fire +11 (+15 for blacksmithing), Deception +11, Medium Intimidation +11, Society +11, Stealth +11 Items expert ranseur Str +3, Dex +1, Con +4, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +1 AC 21, TAC 19; Fort +13, Ref +8, Will +9 HP 106; Immunities fire; Weaknesses cold 7 Attack of Opportunity Ignite (fire) Trigger A creature adjacent to the salamander touches it or hits it with a physical attack. Effect The triggering creature takes 1d6 persistent fire damage (DC 19 Reflex save to negate) or 2d6 persistent fire damage (DC 21) if the salamander’s Armor of Flames is active. Speed 30 feet Melee ranseur +15 (disarm, reach 10 feet), Damage 1d10+6 piercing plus 1d6 fire Melee tail +15 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 1d10+3 bludgeoning plus 1d6 fire and Grab Armor of Flames The salamander stokes the flames from within its scales, empowering its defenses. It gains a +2 circ*mstance bonus to AC for 1 round, and its Ignite improves. Constrict 4 bludgeoning plus 3 fire

SANDPOINT DEVIL This mangy, horselike beast walks perversely upright. Wings, a dragon’s tail, and a fanged mouth complete its vile appearance. The legendary Sandpoint Devil has haunted the lands around its namesake town for years, commonly appearing on misty, moonless nights. Source: Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea World Guide 311.

SANDPOINT DEVIL Beast Evil Fiend Large



Perception +15; darkvision, scent Languages Abyssal, Varisian Skills +8; Acrobatics +15, Athletics +17, Deception +15, Intimidation +17, Stealth +17, Survival +17

Str +6, Dex +4, Con +5, Int –1, Wis +3, Cha +3 AC 25, TAC 22; Fort +15, Ref +11, Will +14 HP 135 Opportune Hoof As Attack of Opportunity, but only with the Sandpoint Devil’s hooves. Speed 35 feet, fly 50 feet Melee jaws +18, Damage 3d10+6 piercing Melee hoof +18 (agile), Damage 3d8+6 bludgeoning Occult Innate Spells DC 21, 4th phantasmal killer (×3); At Will dimension door, gust of wind, obscuring mist Accursed Breath (evocation, fire, occult) Frequency Once per minute Effect The Sandpoint Devil breathes a 30-foot cone of fire. Creatures in the cone take 8d6 fire damage (Reflex DC 22 half, no damage on a critical success). If a creature critically fails its save, it is cursed by the flame for one month, appearing horribly burned and suffering a –2 conditional penalty on all attack rolls, saving throws, Perception checks, and skill checks. Healing never alters the appearance of the burns while the curse remains. This critical failure effect is a curse effect. Bay (auditory, emotion, enchantment, fear, mental, occult) The Sandpoint Devil screams. Other creatures within 300 feet must succeed at a DC 22 Will save or become frightened 3; on a critical failure, the creature is also fleeing for 1 round. On a successful save, a creature is frightened 1, and on a critical success, it’s unaffected. No matter the result of its save, the creature is bolstered. Trample Medium or smaller, hoof, DC 22

SAXRA These undead spirits of bones and wind make their homes high atop remote mountains. Legends claim that saxras can call forth amazing insights from latent memories stored in the very bones that make up their forms. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 5 220.




Perception +30; darkvision, true seeing Evil Languages Necril; Skeletal Lore languages Huge Undead Skills +22; Acrobatics +32, Intimidation +32, Religion +30, Skeletal Lore +34, Stealth +32 Str +8, Dex +6, Con +6, Int +2, Wis +6, Cha +7 Skeletal Lore (divination, divine) A saxra taps into the memories of the creatures whose bones make up its body. This gives it the Skeletal Lore skill, which it can use to Recall Knowledge of any kind, and lets it speak all the languages known by the creatures whose bones make up its body (typically including Common and the regional language of the saxra’s home region). The saxra can use Skeletal Lore as the primary skill check for the legend lore ritual, and it can cast legend lore without secondary casters. AC 40, TAC 37; Fort +27, Ref +29, Will +26, +1 conditional to saves vs. positive HP 300; Immunities asleep, death effects, disease, paralysis, poison; Resistances piercing 15, slashing 15



Shard Storm (air, aura, divine, necromancy) 10 feet. A whirling cloud of bone shards surrounds a saxra. When a creature moves into the aura or begins its turn there, the aura attempts to dispel any death ward effect on the creature (counteract level 8), and then deals the creature 5d6 slashing damage and 5d6 negative damage (Reflex DC 34 for half damage, no damage on a critical success, double damage on a critical failure). Rebuffing Gale (air, conjuration, divine) Trigger A creature approaches within 100 feet of the saxra. Effect The saxra hurls a blast of wind at the triggering creature with. The creature must succeed at a DC 36 Fortitude save or be pushed 20 feet in a direction of the saxra’s choice (30 feet on a critical failure). If the creature is pushed, its action ends. Speed 30 feet, fly 60 feet Melee jaws +32 (deadly 2d12, reach 10 feet), Damage 4d10+8 piercing plus 2d6 negative and energy drain Melee claw +32 (agile, deadly 2d12, reach 15 feet), Damage 4d6+8 slashing plus 2d6 negative and energy drain Ranged bone javelin +30 (range increment 100 feet), Damage 3d10+4 piercing plus 2d6 negative Divine Innate Spells DC 36; Constant true seeing; 8th finger of death (×2), horrid wilting (×2), punishing winds (×2); At Will enervation Rituals legend lore Bonetaker (divine, necromancy) Whenever a creature dies within 60 feet of a saxra, the saxra draws a small fragment of the creature’s bones into its aura. The creature must succeed at a DC 36 Will save or rise as a skeletal champion (see page 106) in 1d4 rounds. Creatures raised as skeletal champions are overcome with the desire to slay living creatures, but the saxra has no special control over them. Energy Drain (divine, necromancy) When a saxra hits with a melee Strike, the target must succeed at a DC 35 Fortitude save or become enervated 2. On a critical failure, this condition cannot be removed normally, but only by magical treatment. Splintered Ground The saxra causes splintered bones to erupt from all solid surfaces in a 100-foot aura, except for surfaces of worked stone. Any creature moving through the bones takes 10 piercing damage and 10 negative damage for every 5 feet of movement. The first time each round a creature takes piercing damage from these splintered bones, it must succeed at a Reflex save or be hampered 10 for 10 minutes, or hampered 15 for 24 hours on a critical failure. Once hampered, the creature is bolstered until it recovers from the condition. The bones remain in place until the saxra uses this action again, or the bones are manually removed, which takes 10 minutes for each 5-foot square.

SCORPION These creatures make their homes in arid climates, where they prey upon whatever they come across. They are no different from their smaller cousins, except that they are nearly 16 feet long. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 242.





Perception +8; darkvision, tremorsense 60 feet Languages — Skills +1; Acrobatics +7, Athletics +9, Stealth +7 Str +4, Dex +0, Con +3, Int –5, Wis +0, Cha –4 AC 18, TAC 14; Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +4 HP 45 Scorpion Sting Trigger A creature moves from out of the scorpion’s reach into the scorpion’s reach. Effect The scorpion makes a stinger Strike against the triggering creature. The scorpion’s multiple attack penalty is not applied to this attack. Speed 40 feet Melee pincer +9 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 2d4+4 slashing plus Grab Melee stinger +7 (reach 10 feet), Damage 1d12+4 plus giant scorpion venom Constrict 5 bludgeoning Giant Scorpion Venom (poison) Saving Throw Fortitude DC 17; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d4 poison and enfeebled 1 (1 round); Stage 2 1d4 poison and enfeebled 2 (1 round).

Animal Large

SEA SERPENT Dangerous threats to sailors crossing seas or oceans, these elusive beasts can capsize a boat with ease. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 244.




Perception +22; darkvision Animal Languages — Aquatic Gargantuan Skills +12; Acrobatics +23, Athletics +23 (+25 to Swim), Stealth +25 Str +8, Dex +4, Con +6, Int –4, Wis +2, Cha +0 Undetectable A sea serpent automatically tries to counteract any detection, revelation, or scrying divination attempted against it, using a Stealth check. This has a counteract level of 7. AC 31, TAC 28; Fort +22, Ref +19, Will +16 HP 215; Resistances cold 15, fire 10 Speed 20 feet, swim 90 feet Melee jaws +23 (reach 20 feet), Damage 2d12+16 piercing plus Grab Melee tail +23 (agile, reach 30 feet), Damage 2d6+16 bludgeoning plus Grab Ranged water spout +22 touch (range increment 100 feet, water), Damage 2d6+8 bludgeoning plus sea serpent algae Capsize (attack, move) The sea serpent attempts to capsize an aquatic vessel of its size or smaller that it’s adjacent to. It must succeed at an Athletics check with a DC of 28 or the pilot’s Sailing Lore DC, whichever is higher. Constrict 15 bludgeoning Sea Serpent Algae (poison) The water in the ballast organs around the sea serpent’s neck is full of psychotropic algae. Saving Throw Fortitude DC 28; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 confused and, if flying, descends 20 feet (1 round); Stage 2

confused and, if flying, descends to the ground or water below (1 round). Spine Rake (move) The sea serpent extends the spines along its back and Swims or Strides. Each creature the serpent is adjacent to at any point during its movement takes 4d6+8 slashing damage (DC 28 Reflex save for half, or no damage on a critical success). Swallow Whole (attack) Huge, 2d6+8 bludgeoning, toughness 18

SERPENTFOLK These ancient creatures are covered in green scales and have a snake’s head and tail. They once ruled the surface world through their vast knowledge and skill with magic, but they have since retreated belowground. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 242.




Perception +6; darkvision, scent Evil Languages Aklo, Common, Draconic, Undercommon; Humanoid telepathy 100 feet Medium Serpentfolk Skills +2; Acrobatics +7, Arcana +7, Deception +9, Occultism +7, Society +7 Items dagger, shortbow with 30 arrows Str –1, Dex +3, Con +2, Int +4, Wis +2, Cha +3 AC 15, TAC 14; Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +7, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic, +4 conditional to saves vs. mental HP 24; Resistances poison 5 Speed 25 feet Melee dagger +8 (agile, versatile S), Damage 1d4–1 piercing plus serpentfolk venom Melee fangs +8, Damage 2d6–1 piercing plus serpentfolk venom Ranged shortbow +8 (deadly 1d10, range increment 60 feet), Damage 1d6 piercing plus serpentfolk venom Ranged dagger +8 (agile, thrown 10 feet, versatile S), Damage 1d4–1 piercing plus serpentfolk venom Occult Innate Spells DC 16; 4th suggestion; At Will blur, illusory disguise, mirror image, ventriloquism Serpentfolk Venom (poison) Saving Throw Fortitude DC 16; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d4 poison and enfeebled 1 (1 round); Stage 2 2d4 poison and enfeebled 1 (1 round).



Perception +8; darkvision, scent Evil Languages Aklo, Undercommon Humanoid Medium Skills +2; Acrobatics +9, Athletics +9 Serpentfolk Items falchion Str +4, Dex +1, Con +3, Int –3, Wis +0, Cha –1 AC 18, TAC 16; Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +3, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic, +4 conditional to saves vs. mental HP 60; Resistances poison 5 Attack of Opportunity Speed 25 feet Melee falchion +9 (forceful, sweep), Damage 1d10+6 slashing Melee fangs +9, Damage 1d8+6 piercing plus serpentfolk venom Serpentfolk Venom (poison) As serpentfolk, but DC 18

SEWER OOZE These amorphous masses of sewage and other detritus make their way through filthy culverts beneath cities large and small.




Perception +1; blindsight (tremors) 60 feet Medium Languages — Mindless Ooze Skills –1; Stealth –3 (+6 in sewers) Str +1, Dex –2, Con +3, Int –5, Wis –5, Cha –5 AC 5, TAC 5; Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +1 HP 40; Immunities acid, asleep, critical hits, mental, precision, visual Speed 10 feet Melee pseudopod +7, Damage 1d6+1 bludgeoning plus 1d4 acid Filth Wave Frequency Once per minute Effect The sewer ooze unleashes a wave of filth and slime, hitting all creatures within a 20-foot aura. Creatures in the area take 1d4 acid damage and are hampered 10 feet for 1 minute unless they succeed at a DC 15 Reflex save (no damage or hampered on a success, and a character additionally falls prone on a critical failure). An affected creature can clean off the muck as an Interact action, reducing the hampered condition by 5 feet with each action.

SHADOW These sinister undead creatures appear as flitting silhouettes that are typically attracted to dark places, as they are vulnerable to light. A shadow can snatch away its victim’s own shadow, weakening the target and allowing the shadow to create more of its kind. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 245.




Perception +8; darkvision Chaotic Languages Necril Evil Skills +3; Acrobatics +11, Stealth +13 Incorporeal Medium Str –5, Dex +2, Con +0, Int –2, Wis +2, Cha +3 Shade AC 17, TAC 17; Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +8 Undead HP 42; Immunities asleep, death effects, disease, nonmagical attacks, paralysis, poison, precision; Resistances all 5 (except force, ghost touch, or positive); Weaknesses light vulnerability Light Vulnerability An object shedding magical light (such as from the light spell) is treated as magical for the purpose of bypassing the shadow’s immunity to nonmagical attacks. Speed fly 30 feet Melee shadow hand +10 touch, Damage 2d6 negative Cast Shadow (arcane, concentrate, darkness, evocation) The shadow fills its square with magical darkness that moves with the shadow and persists for 1d4 rounds. The shadow can’t Cast a Shadow again until the magical darkness expires. Shadow Spawn When a creature’s shadow is pulled free by Steal Shadow, it becomes a shadow spawn under the command of



the shadow that created it. This shadow spawn doesn’t have Steal Shadow, and is perpetually and incurably enervated 2. If the creature the shadow spawn was pulled from dies, the shadow spawn becomes a full, autonomous shadow. A creature separated from its shadow recovers from Steal Shadow’s enfeeblement half as quickly. If it recovers entirely, its shadow returns to it and the shadow spawn is extinguished. Slink in Shadows Requirement The shadow is hiding in darkness. Effect The shadow Sneaks up to its Speed and doesn’t need to stop hiding if it ends its movement in darkness. Steal Shadow (divine, necromancy) Requirement The shadow hit a living creature with a shadow hand Strike on its previous action. Effect The shadow pulls at the target’s shadow, making the creature enfeebled 1 (or enfeebled 2 if the previous action was a critical hit). This is cumulative with other enfeebled conditions from shadows. If this increases a creature’s enfeebled value to 3 or more, the shadow tears the target’s shadow free from its body (see shadow spawn). The enfeebled condition from Steal Shadow reduces by 1 every 8 hours, ending once it hits enfeebled 0. The recovery speed is halved if the shadow is separated from the creature’s body.




Perception +12; darkvision Chaotic Languages Necril Evil Skills +7; Acrobatics +15, Stealth +17 Incorporeal Medium Str –5, Dex +5, Con +0, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +3 Shade AC 22, TAC 22; Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +12 Undead HP 91; Immunities asleep, death effects, disease, nonmagical attacks, paralysis, poison, precision; Resistances all 8 (except force, ghost touch, or positive); Weaknesses light vulnerability Light Vulnerability An object shedding magical light (such as from the light spell) is treated as magical for the purposes of bypassing the shadow’s immunity to nonmagical attacks. Speed fly 30 feet Melee shadow hand +16 touch, Damage 3d6 negative Divine Innate Spells DC 20, At Will darkness Shadow Spawn As shadow, but the spawn isn’t enervated. Steal Shadow (divine, necromancy) As shadow, but causes enfeebled 2 (or enfeebled 3 on a critical hit). Leap through Shadows (action, conjuration, divine, move, teleportation) Requirement The greater shadow is hiding in darkness. Effect The greater shadow instantly teleports from one area of darkness to another within 30 feet and remains hidden. Slink in Shadows As shadow

SHAMBLER (SHAMBLING MOUND) These creatures appear to be a tangled mass of wet vines, twisted branches, clumps of moss, and other plant matter. They live in deep forests and vast marshes where they stealthily hunt their prey.


Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 246.




Perception +12; darkvision Languages Common or Elven, Sylvan; can’t speak Skills +5; Athletics +13, Stealth +11 (+14 in forests or swamps) Str +5, Dex +0, Con +5, Int –2, Wis +0, Cha –1 AC 19, TAC 17; Fort +13, Ref +8, Will +10 HP 126; Immunities electricity; Resistances fire 8 Shamble Requirements The shambler is in mound form. Trigger A creature that’s unaware the mound is a creature comes within 10 feet. Effect The shambler makes a Strike against the creature. Combat begins after this attack. Electric Surge Whenever the shambler would take electricity damage or is targeted with an electricity effect, it gains 12 temporary HP and is quick for 1 round, able to Stride, Strike, or Swim with the extra action. Speed 20 feet, swim 20 feet Melee vine +15 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d10+7 bludgeoning plus Grab Vine Lash The shambler makes a vine Strike against each creature within its reach. Increase its multiple attack penalty only after all the attacks. Mound When it’s not in danger, the shambler spends 1 minute settling into a pile that looks like a lump of loose vegetation. In this form, creatures must actively search and succeed at a DC 24 Perception check (DC 27 in forests or swamps) to detect its true nature.

Large Plant

SHARK Powerful predators of the sea, sharks constantly swim in search of prey. The world’s oceans hold a variety of sharks, all of which are dangerous to any creatures in the water. Sources: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 247; Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 241.




Perception +7; shark scent 100 feet, tremorsense 30 feet Languages — Skills +1; Athletics +8, Stealth +6 Str +3, Dex +1, Con +1, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha –4 Shark Scent The shark can smell blood in the water from up to a mile away. AC 16, TAC 14; Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +3 HP 34 Speed swim 50 feet Melee jaws +7, Damage 2d6+3 piercing Chomp (Attack) Trigger The shark is adjacent to a creature and moves away during a move action. Effect The shark makes a jaws Strike against the creature it’s moving away from. This Strike deals 1d6+1 damage instead of the normal amount.

Animal Aquatic Large




Perception +11; shark scent, tremorsense 30 feet Languages — Skills +2; Athletics +11, Stealth +9 Str +6, Dex +2, Con +4, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha –4 Shark Scent The shark can smell blood in the water from up to a mile away. AC 19, TAC 17; Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +5 HP 60 Speed swim 60 feet Melee jaws +11, Damage 2d8+6 piercing Breach The shark Swims up to its speed, then Leaps vertically out of the water up to 10 feet high, making a Strike against a creature at the apex of the jump (this lets it attack a creature within 15 feet of the water’s surface). After the Strike, the shark splashes back down. Chomp (attack) Trigger The shark is adjacent to a creature and moves away during a move action. Effect The shark makes a jaws Strike against the creature it’s moving away from. This Strike deals 1d8+3 damage instead of the normal amount. Savage Requirement The shark hit with a jaws Strike on its most recent action this turn. Effect The target takes 7 slashing damage.

Animal Aquatic Huge




Perception +17; shark scent, tremorsense 30 feet Languages — Skills +7; Athletics +18, Stealth +16 Str +8, Dex +2, Con +5, Int –5, Wis +1, Cha –2 Shark Scent The shark can smell blood in the water from up to a mile away. AC 25, TAC 22; Fort +17, Ref +13, Will +11 HP 181 Speed swim 80 feet Melee jaws +19 (reach 10 feet), Damage 3d10+8 piercing plus Grab Melee tail +19 (agile, reach 15 feet), Damage 3d10+4 plus Push 15 feet Breach The shark Swims up to its speed, then Leaps vertically out of the water up to 25 feet high, making a Strike against a creature at the apex of the jump (this lets it attack a creature within 30 feet of the water’s surface). After the Strike, the shark splashes back down. Savage Requirement The shark hit with a jaws Strike on its most recent action this turn. Effect The target takes 12 slashing damage. Swallow Whole (attack) Large, 2d6+5 bludgeoning, toughness 18

Animal Aquatic Gargantuan

SHOGGOTH Covered in hundreds of eyes and mouths, shoggoths are massive creatures of black slime. Said to be created eons

ago, long before the first gods turned their attention to the Material Plane, these beings are surrounded by a cacophony of hundreds of voices and unspeakable sounds that can drive listeners mad. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 249.




Perception +30; darkvision, scent, tremorsense 60 feet Languages Aklo Skills +21; Athletics +32, Intimidation +30 Str +8, Dex +6, Con +7, Int –3, Wis +6, Cha +1 AC 37, TAC 34, all-around vision; Fort +30, Ref +22, Will +27 HP 275, fast healing 20; Immunities asleep, critical hits, precision; Resistances acid 20, cold 20, electricity 20, fire 20, sonic 20 Maddening Cacophony (auditory, aura, mental) 60 feet. A shoggoth constantly voices sounds and words that mortal life was not meant to hear. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 34 Will save or become confused for 1 round (2d4 rounds on a critical failure). A creature that successfully saves is bolstered. All-Around Vision A shoggoth can’t be flanked. Speed 40 feet, climb 25 feet, swim 50 feet Melee pseudopod +32 (reach 30 feet), Damage 4d12+16 bludgeoning plus Grab Constrict 21 bludgeoning Eat Away A creature that begins its turn inside the shoggoth takes 4d10 acid damage. Engulf DC 34, 2d6+8 acid, escape DC 42, toughness 23

Amphibious Aquatic Chaotic Huge Ooze

SINSPAWN Sinspawn are the corrupted products of magic used by spellcasters in a past era as shock troops for their armies. The embodiment of sin made flesh, they are sentient abominations of distilled ectoplasm imprinted with the soul-image of slain creatures that committed an abundance of a particular sin. Sinspawn come in many forms, often reflecting the sin they are most attuned to. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 246.




Perception +7; darkvision, sin scent 30 feet Languages Thassilonian Skills +2; Athletics +5, Stealth +7, Survival +7 Str +4, Dex +2, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +1, Cha +1 Items ranseur Sin Scent A sinspawn can smell creatures that reflect its sin, as the scent ability. The GM determines which creatures are appropriately sinful. AC 16, TAC 15; Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +7, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic, +4 conditional to saves vs. mental HP 30 Attack of Opportunity Speed 25 feet Melee jaws +8, Damage 1d8+4 piercing plus sinful bite

Aberration Evil Medium



Customizing sinspawn The statistics here function for basic sinspawn, but some sinspawn gain skills and abilities based on their sins, often filling a role similar to a character class. The most common adjustments follow. • Envyspawn are short and thin, often filling the role of scouts. They typically have Dex +3, Wis +3, Cha –1 and carry composite longbows. • Gluttonyspawn are obese and hardy, fighting on the front lines. They typically have Dex +0, Con +4, and carry backup weapons, such as javelins and shortswords. • Greedspawn have gold-tinged veins, stand over 7 feet tall, and are skilled thieves. They typically have Str +2, Dex +4, Int +1, and carry one finesse weapon and one agile weapon. • Lustspawn have beautiful bodies while retaining their grotesque faces and claws. They typically have Str +2, Wis +0, and Cha +4, and know a small number of spontaneous arcane spells, primarily of the enchantment school. • Pridespawn are gaunt with long manes of styled hair. They typically have Str +1, Int +4, Wis –2, and know a small number of prepared arcane spells. • Slothspawn hang heavy with dense rolls of excess skin. They typically have Dex +0, Wis +3, and know a small number of prepared divine spells. • Wrathspawn are muscular and pale. Their ability scores don’t change, but some of them carry highdamage weapons like greataxes.

Melee ranseur +8 (disarm, reach 10 feet), Damage 1d10+4 piercing plus weapon mastery Melee claw +8 (agile), Damage 1d6+4 slashing Sinful Bite (mental) A creature hit by the jaws Strike of a sinspawn must attempt a DC 15 Will save as it is assailed by sinful thoughts. Success Sick 1. Critical Success Unaffected. Failure Sick 2. Critical Failure Sick 2 and slowed 1 as long as it remains sick. Sin A sinspawn gains one or more skills and a special ability based on its sin. The skills and abilities of the most common sins are found below. • Envy Survival +7. A creature struck by the envyspawn’s jaws suffers the effects of a paranoia spell (DC 16), then is bolstered. • Gluttony Survival +7. Increase the damage of a gluttonyspawn’s bite to 1d10+4. On critical hit with a bite Strike, the gluttonyspawn regains 2d6 Hit Points. • Greed Thievery +7. The greedspawn has the Pickpocket skill feat and counts as having master proficiency rank for it. • Lust Diplomacy + 7. The lustspawn can cast charm as an arcane innate spell at will (DC 15). • Pride Performance +7, Society +7. The first time each round the pridespawn hits a creature, it gains 4 temporary Hit Points (8 on a critical hit). If it doesn’t hit at all during a


round of combat, the pridespawn takes a –1 circ*mstance penalty to AC and saving throws for 1 round. • Sloth Deception +7. A creature struck by a slothspawn’s jaws suffers the effects of a slow spell (DC 16), then is bolstered. • Wrath Athletics +7, Intimidation +7. The wrathspawn can cast weapon surge as an innate arcane spell (DC 15). A wrathspawn can’t cast the spell again for 1d4 rounds. Weapon Mastery Sinspawn are masters of armaments, and gain the critical specialization benefit for any weapons they wield. For example, if a sinspawn scores a critical hit with a ranseur, the target is moved 5 feet in a direction of the sinspawn’s choice.

SKELETON Skeletons are often found in forgotten dungeons and underground caverns, or serving as guardians of a necromancer’s stronghold. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 250.



Perception +0; darkvision Evil Languages — Medium Skills –3; Acrobatics +3, Athletics +3 Mindless Skeleton Str +0, Dex +4, Con +0, Int –5, Wis +0, Cha +0 Undead Items scimitar AC 14, TAC 12; Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +1 HP 6, negative healing; Immunities asleep, disease, mental, paralysis, poison; Resistances cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5, piercing 5, slashing 5 Speed 25 feet Melee scimitar +6 (forceful, sweep), Damage 1d6 slashing Melee claw +6 (agile), Damage 1d4 slashing Ranged shortbow +6 (deadly 1d10, range increment 60 feet), Damage 1d6 piercing




Perception +3; darkvision Evil Languages Common, Necril Medium Skeleton Skills +2; Acrobatics +5, Athletics +7, Intimidation +5 Undead Str +3, Dex +1, Con +2, Int –1, Wis +0, Cha +1 Items chain mail, heavy steel shield (Hardness 5), longsword AC 16 (18 with shield raised), TAC 13 (15 with shield raised); Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +4, +1 conditional to saves vs. positive HP 28, negative healing; Immunities asleep, death effects, disease, paralysis, poison; Resistances cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5, piercing 5, slashing 5 Attack of Opportunity Shield Block Speed 20 feet Melee longsword +8 (versatile P), Damage 1d8+3 slashing Melee claw +8 (agile), Damage 1d6+3 slashing

SNAKE Snakes come in an array of several varieties, from jungledwelling constrictors that wrap around their prey to venomous vipers that can fell creatures much larger than themselves with a single bite.

Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 133, 255; Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 252.



Perception +3; low-light vision, scent Languages — Skills –2; Acrobatics +5, Athletics +3, Stealth +5, Survival +3 Str –3, Dex +3, Con –1, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha –2 AC 15, TAC 15; Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +1 HP 5 Slink (move) Trigger A foe ends its movement adjacent to the viper or within the viper’s square. Effect The viper Strides, Climbs, or Swims up to 10 feet (or up to the relevant Speed, if that Speed is less than 10 feet). It must end its movement in a location that isn’t within 5 feet of a foe. This movement doesn’t trigger reactions. Speed 20 feet, climb 20 feet, swim 20 feet Melee fangs +6 (agile), Damage 1 piercing plus poison Viper Venom (poison) Saving Throw Fortitude DC 14; Maximum Duration 4 rounds; Stage 1 1d4 poison (1 round)

Animal Tiny




Perception +4; low-light vision, scent Languages — Skills –1; Acrobatics +5, Athletics +6, Stealth +6, Survival +4 Str +3, Dex +3, Con +3, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha –2 AC 14, TAC 13; Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +2 HP 25 Tighten Coils Trigger A creature grabbed or restrained by the ball python attempts an Acrobatics check to Escape or an Athletics check to Break Grapple. Effect The DC for the triggering roll is increased by 2. Speed 20 feet, climb 20 feet, swim 20 feet Melee jaws +7, Damage 1d6+3 piercing plus Grab Constrict 3 bludgeoning Wrap in Coils Requirement A Medium or smaller creature is grabbed or restrained in the ball python’s jaws. Effect The ball python moves the creature into its coils, freeing its mouth to make attacks, then uses Constrict against the creature. The ball python’s coils can hold one creature.

Animal Medium




Perception +6; low-light vision, scent Languages — Skills +0; Acrobatics +7, Athletics +7, Stealth +6, Survival +5 Str +3, Dex +4, Con +3, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha –2 AC 16, TAC 14; Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +4 HP 30 Coiled Opportunity As Attack of Opportunity, but the snake can use this reaction only if it’s Coiled. Speed 20 feet, climb 20 feet, swim 20 feet Melee fangs +8, Damage 1d8+3 piercing plus poison Coil The giant viper takes an action to coil itself, increasing

Animal Medium

its reach with its fangs from 5 to 10 feet. After the giant viper Strikes with its fangs, it becomes uncoiled. Giant Viper Venom (poison) Saving Throw Fortitude DC 16; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d6 poison (1 round); Stage 2 1d6 poison and drained 1.




Perception +15; low-light vision, scent Languages — Skills +6; Acrobatics +15, Athletics +18, Stealth +15, Survival +15 Str +7, Dex +3, Con +6, Int –4, Wis +2, Cha –2 AC 23, TAC 21; Fort +16, Ref +12, Will +10 HP 180 Tighten Coils Trigger A creature grabbed or restrained by the ball python attempts an Acrobatics check to Escape or an Athletics check to Break Grapple. Effect The DC for the triggering roll is increased by 2. Speed 30 feet, climb 30 feet, swim 30 feet Melee jaws +18 (reach 10 feet), Damage 3d10+7 piercing plus Grab Melee tail +18 (agile, reach 15 feet), Damage 3d10+3 bludgeoning plus Push 10 feet Greater Constrict 11 bludgeoning, DC 21 Slither The giant anaconda Strides, Climbs, or Swims up to half its Speed, pulling any creatures it has grabbed with it. Swallow Whole (attack) Large, 1d10+7 bludgeoning, toughness 21 Wrap in Coils Requirement A Large or smaller creature is grabbed or restrained in the giant anaconda’s jaws. Effect The giant anaconda moves the creature into its coils, freeing its mouth to make attacks, then uses Greater Constrict against the creature. The giant anaconda’s coils can hold as many creatures as will fit in its space.

Animal Huge

SPIDER While their smaller cousins hardly pose a threat to humanoids, there are some massive spiders that hunt and kill all they encounter. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 258; Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 252.




Perception +4; darkvision, tremorsense 40 feet Languages — Skills –1; Athletics +4, Acrobatics +3, Stealth +6 Str +0, Dex +3, Con +1, Int –5, Wis +0, Cha –4 Tremorsense The hunting spider’s tremorsense applies only against creatures touching its web. AC 15, TAC 14; Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3 HP 20 Spring Upon Prey Requirements Initiative has not yet been rolled. Trigger A creature touches the hunting spider’s web while the spider is lying in wait within the web.

Animal Medium



Effect The hunting spider automatically notices the creature and Strides, Climbs, or Descends on a Web before it rolls initiative. Speed 25 feet, climb 25 feet; Descend on a Web 40 feet Melee fangs +7, Damage 2d4 piercing plus hunting spider venom Ranged web +6 touch (range increment 30 feet), Effect web trap Descend on a Web (move) The hunting spider Descends on a Web up to 40 feet straight down. It can hang from the web or drop off. The distance it Descends on the Web doesn’t count for calculating falling damage. If a creature succeeds at an attack against the web, it can sever it (AC 20, TAC 17, 5 hardness). Hunting Spider Venom (poison) Saving Throw Fortitude DC 15; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d6 poison and flat-footed (1 round); Stage 2 1d6 poison, flat-footed, and sluggish 1 (1 round) Web Trap A creature hit by the hunting spider’s web attack is immobilized and stuck by the web to the nearest surface until it succeeds at an Acrobatics check to Escape (DC 15).



Perception +1; darkvision, tremorsense 30 feet Languages — Skills –2; Acrobatics +4, Athletics +4, Stealth +4 Str –5, Dex +3, Con +0, Int –5, Wis +0, Cha –4 Tremorsense The spider swarm’s tremorsense only applies against creatures touching its web. AC 13, TAC 12; Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +1 HP 8; Immunities precision, targeted effects; Resistances bludgeoning 5, piercing 5, slashing 2; Weaknesses area damage 4, splash damage 4 Swarming Bites Each enemy in the spider swarm’s space takes 1 piercing damage and is exposed to spider swarm venom. A DC 13 Reflex save negates the damage (double damage on a critical failure). Spider Swarm Venom (poison) Saving Throw Fortitude DC 13; Maximum Duration 4 rounds; Stage 1 1 poison and enfeebled 1 (1 round); Stage 2 2 poison and enfeebled 1 (1 round)

Animal Large Swarm




Perception +18; darkvision, tremorsense 120 feet Languages — Skills +9; Acrobatics +19, Athletics +21, Stealth +19 Str +8, Dex +7, Con +7, Int –5, Wis +1, Cha –4 Tremorsense The spider’s tremorsense applies against only creatures touching its web. AC 28, TAC 25; Fort +20, Ref +15, Will +14 HP 228 Spring Upon Prey Requirements This reaction can be used only before initiative has been rolled. Trigger A creature touches the spider’s web while the spider is lying in wait within the web. Effect The goliath spider automatically notices the creature and can Stride, Climb, or Descends on a Web before rolling initiative. Speed 45 feet, climb 30 feet, web descent 120 feet Melee fangs +22 (reach 10 feet), Damage 3d10+8 piercing plus goliath spider venom

Animal Gargantuan


Melee leg +22 (agile, reach 15 feet), Damage 3d8+8 bludgeoning Ranged web +20 touch (range increment 60 feet), Effect web tether Descend on a Web (move) The goliath spider Descends on a Web up to 120 feet straight down. It can hang from the web or drop off. The distance it Descends on the Web doesn’t count for calculating falling damage. If a creature succeeds at an attack against the web, it can sever it (AC 20, TAC 17, 20 hardness). Goliath Spider Venom (poison) Saving Throw Fortitude DC 26; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 2d6 poison and slowed 1 (1 round); Stage 2 2d6 poison and slowed 2 (1 round); Stage 3 paralyzed for 2d4 hours Leg Strikes (attack) The spider makes two leg Strikes, each against a different creature. The two attacks use the same multiple attack penalty and count as one attack for calculating the spider’s multiple attack penalty. Web Reel (manipulate) Requirements A creature is tethered to the goliath spider’s web tether. Effect If the goliath spider succeeds at an Athletics check against the creature’s Fortitude DC, it pulls that creature 20 feet closer to it (double distance on a critical success, half distance on a failure, no distance on a critical failure). Web Tether A creature hit by the spider’s web Strike is entangled and tethered to the spider, preventing it from moving farther away from the spider. The trapped creature or an adjacent creature can attempt a DC 28 Athletics check to Break Open the entangling web. Severing the tether requires attacking it and breaking it (AC 20, TAC 17, Hardness 20).

STAR-SPAWN OF CTHULHU Of all the strange and malefic denizens of the void between the stars, few evoke the same terror as a star-spawn of Cthulhu. Humanoid in shape, a star-spawn’s immense body has rubbery flesh that wriggles and seethes like a halfsolidified ooze. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 254.



Perception +35; blindsight (sentient creatures) 30 feet, darkvision Languages Aklo; telepathy 300 feet Skills +26; Acrobatics +32, Arcana +35, Athletics +35 (+37 to Swim), Intimidation +35, Occultism +37, Religion +35, Society +35, Stealth +35 Str +10, Dex +4, Con +9, Int +6, Wis +9, Cha +6 AC 44, TAC 40; Fort +32, Ref +29, Will +34 (+4 conditional vs. mental), +3 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 335, regeneration 40 (deactivated by fire); Resistances cold 15, poison 15 Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 150 feet, DC 38 Mental Dominance (aura, mental) 150 feet. The star-spawn of Cthulhu projects its mental presence in an aura around it, preventing its foes from concentrating. A foe attempting a concentrate action in the area must succeed at a DC 36 Will save or the action fails.

Aberration Chaotic Evil Huge

Immortality The star-spawn of Cthulhu doesn’t age, nor does it need to eat or breathe. It can die only as a result of violence. Overwhelming Mind (mental) Trigger The star-spawn of Cthulhu makes mental contact with a creature either using its own abilities (including telepathy) or the creature’s divination or mental effect. Effect The creature must succeed at a DC 40 Will save or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. On a success, the creature is slowed 1 for 1 round; on a critical success, the creature is unaffected; on a critical failure, the creature is stunned for 1d4 rounds and permanently confused, as per the effects of a critical failure when casting warp mind. Regardless of the save result, the creature becomes bolstered. Speed 35 feet, fly 50 feet, swim 35 feet; starflight Melee claw +35 (agile, reach 15 feet), Damage 6d6+15 slashing Melee tentacle +35 (reach 15 feet), Damage 6d6+15 bludgeoning plus Grab Occult Innate Spells DC 40, Constant (10th) mind blank; 10th gate; At Will (10th) dream message, nightmare, sending, warp mind Focused Assault (attack) The star-spawn of Cthulhu attacks a single target with all six of its face tentacles, overwhelming it with multiple attacks and leaving almost nowhere to dodge. On a successful attack, the star-spawn of Cthulhu deals damage from one tentacle to the target, plus an additional 1d6 damage for every tentacle beyond the first (normally 5d6 unless a tentacle is severed or occupied). Even on a failed attack, the star-spawn deals the damage from one tentacle to the target. It can’t Grab a creature on a failed attack and still misses completely on a critical failure. This counts toward the starspawn’s multiple attack penalty as a number of attacks equal to the number of tentacles it uses. Greater Constrict 18 bludgeoning, DC 40 Tangle of Tentacles The star-spawn of Cthulhu makes up to six tentacle Strikes at a –2 penalty, each against a different target in a 15-foot cone. If it follows this by using a Grab action, it can Grab any number of creatures it hit instead of just one. These attacks count toward the star-spawn’s multiple attack penalty, and the multiple attack penalty doesn’t increase until after it makes all its attacks. Starflight A star-spawn of Cthulhu can use its fly Speed to fly in outer space despite the lack of atmosphere.

TITAN Titans are gargantuan, armor-clad humanoids that wield massive weapons. Said to be the first children of the gods, the titans waged war upon their creators. Thanatotic titans were banished to the Abyss as punishment for their hubris. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 267.



Perception +40; darkvision, true seeing Languages Abyssal, Celestial; telepathy 300 feet, tongues Skills +29; Acrobatics +38, Arcana +42, Athletics +40, Crafting +42, Deception +40, Diplomacy +40, Intimidation +40, Performance +40, Religion +38, Stealth +36

Chaotic Evil Gargantuan Titan

Str +10, Dex +4, Con +10, Int +8, Wis +5, Cha +8 Items full plate, titanic halberd AC 47, TAC 42; Fort +34, Ref +32, Will +34, +3 conditional to saves vs. mental, +2 conditional to saves vs. divine HP 380; Immunities death effects, disease; Resistances all 20 (except lawful orichalcum) Aura of Blasphemy (aura, divine) 100 feet. The thanatotic titan’s aura attempts to dispel all divine spells cast within the aura. This is a 10th-level dispel magic spell with a spell roll of +34. Attack of Opportunity Disruptive In addition to its normal triggers, the thanatotic titan’s Attack of Opportunity can also be used when a creature within the thanatotic titan’s reach uses an action with the concentrate trait. Furthermore, the thanatotic titan doesn’t take the normal –2 penalty when it makes an Attack of Opportunity. Speed 50 feet; air walk Melee titanic halberd +38 (reach 60 feet, versatile S), Damage 5d10+20 piercing Melee foot +38 (agile, reach 30 feet), Damage 4d10+20 bludgeoning Ranged rock +36 (thrown 500 feet), Damage 6d6+10 variable plus primordial rock Divine Innate Spells DC 44, attack +36; Constant (10th) air walk, foresight, haste, mind blank, spell turning, tongues, true seeing; 10th meteor swarm; At Will (10th) augury, disintegrate, dispel magic, heal, read omens, scrying, sending, spiritual epidemic, suggestion Rituals planar ally, resurrection Change Shape (concentrate, divine, polymorph) A thanatotic titan can take the shape of any humanoid of any size. In humanoid shape, it can Trample only creatures of its new size or smaller and its reach decreases to match its new size. If a titan is Huge, the reach of its halberd decreases to 40 feet, while the reach of its foot decreases to 20 feet (20 feet [halberd] and 10 feet [foot] if Large; and as normal for both Strikes if the titan is smaller). Godslayer (divine) Trigger The thanatotic titan damages a creature that can cast divine spells or use divine abilities. Effect The damaged creature must succeed at a DC 44 Will save or become unable to use any of its divine spells and abilities for 1 day and become frightened 2 for as long as this restriction lasts. A success reduces the duration to 1 round, a critical success negates the effect, and a critical failure causes the damaged creature to lose its divine spells and abilities forever. Primordial Rock (divine) A thanatotic titan can shape creatures and objects alike from the primordial nature of the universe. When it creates a rock to throw, the titan imbues it with that nature, choosing any damage type for it to deal. After a rock Strike, the rock explodes in the square of its target, even on a miss (though not on a critical failure). This deals 10d6 damage of the chosen type to all creatures in a 20-foot burst (Reflex DC 44 half, no damage on a critical success, double damage on a critical failure). Trample Gargantuan or smaller, foot, DC 44 Vicious Arc The titan swings its halberd in a wide arc, making a Strike at a –2 penalty against every creature in a cone with a



length equal to the reach of its titanic halberd (a 60-foot cone when the titan is Gargantuan). These Strikes deal slashing damage, and—even on a failure—deal minimum damage (typically 25, no damage on a critical failure). These attacks count as one attack toward the titan’s multiple attack penalty, and the penalty increases only after all the attacks have been made.

TREANT Guardians of the forest, treants are huge animated trees, each with a humanoid visage in its ancient bark. They are found in old forests that they steadfastly protect, crushing those who cut down the trees they cherish and see as kin. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 266.




Perception +15; low-light vision Languages Common, Sylvan, Treant; speak with plants Skills +8; Athletics +18, Diplomacy +15, Intimidation +15, Nature +15, Stealth +7 (+19 in forests) Str +7, Dex –1, Con +6, Int +1, Wis +3, Cha +1 AC 25, TAC 21; Fort +15, Ref +9, Will +12 HP 145; Resistances bludgeoning 5, piercing 5; Weaknesses axe vulnerability, fire 10 Axe Vulnerability A treant takes 5 additional damage from axes. Speed 25 feet Melee branch +18 (reach 15 feet), Damage 2d12+7 bludgeoning Melee foot +18, Damage 2d8+7 bludgeoning Ranged rock +16 (range increment 120 feet), Damage 2d10+7 bludgeoning Primal Innate Spells DC 15; Constant speak with plants Animate Tree The treant causes a tree within 180 feet to uproot itself and fight as a minion using the statistics for an animated tree. A treant can control up to two animated trees at a time, and it can issue commands to both trees with one action (this action has the auditory trait). Rock Throwing A treant can pick up and throw a rock with a single Strike action. Sunder Objects Anytime a treant damages an item or structure, it deals an additional Dent.

Good Huge Plant




Perception +15; low-light vision Huge Languages — Minion Plant Skills +4; Athletics +14, Stealth +3 (+15 in forests) Str +6, Dex –1, Con +6, Int –5, Wis +3, Cha +0 AC 21, TAC 17; Fort +14, Ref +6, Will +9 HP 90; Resistances bludgeoning 5, piercing 5; Weaknesses axe vulnerability, fire 10 Axe Vulnerability An animated tree takes 5 additional damage from axes. Speed 15 feet Melee branch +15 (reach 15 feet), Damage 2d10+6 bludgeoning Melee foot +15, Damage 2d6+6 bludgeoning Ranged rock +13 (range increment 120 feet), Damage 2d10+6 bludgeoning


Rock Throwing An animated tree can pick up and throw a rock with a single Strike action. Sunder Objects Anytime an animated tree damages an item or structure, it deals an additional Dent.

TROLL Trolls are large, bestial giants with tusks, an underbite, and powerful claws. They have the ability to regenerate wounds that would kill lesser creatures outright. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 268.




Perception +11; darkvision Chaotic Languages Jotun Evil Skills +4; Athletics +12, Intimidation +12 Giant Large Str +5, Dex +2, Con +6, Int –2, Wis +0, Cha –2 Troll AC 18, TAC 16; Fort +13, Ref +8, Will +5 HP 115, regeneration 20 (deactivated by acid or fire); Weaknesses fire 10 Attack of Opportunity Speed 30 feet Melee jaws +13 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d10+5 piercing Melee claw +13 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 2d8+5 slashing Rend claw

UNSEEN SERVANT Unseen servants are invisible servants conjured by spellcasters that help their masters complete tasks.



Perception +0; darkvision Languages — (understands its creator) Skills –2; Stealth +8 Str –4 Dex +2, Con +0, Int –5, Wis +0, Cha +0 Invisible An unseen servant is invisible, though it normally doesn’t Sneak, allowing it to be sensed. AC 13, TAC 13; Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +0 HP 4; Immunities asleep, disease, mental, nonmagical attacks, paralysis, poison, precision; Resistances all 5 (except force or ghost touch) Speed fly 30 feet Force Body An unseen servant’s physical body is made of force, and it can’t make attack actions. It can move and use Interact actions to do things such as fetch objects, open unstuck or unlocked doors, hold chairs, and clean. It can’t pass through solid objects.

Medium Mindless

VALKYRIE Valkyries are outsiders who scour the battlefields of the Material Plane for warriors of great prowess and legendary renown. Valkyries are always female, and appear as strong and beautiful human, dwarven, or elven women. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 277.

VALKYRIE Chaotic Medium



Perception +21; darkvision, lifesense 60 feet Languages Celestial, Common; ravenspeaker, tongues

Skills +14; Acrobatics +21, Athletics +23, Intimidation +21, Medicine +23, Nature +23, Religion +21 Str +6, Dex +3, Con +5, Int +3, Wis +5, Cha +5 Items breastplate, valkyrie’s spear Lifesense (arcane, divination) Lifesense is a blindsense that senses living creatures based on their life force. Ravenspeaker (divination, divine) Valkyries use ravens as servants and spies. They can speak with ravens, and they can command up to three normal ravens at will. Valkyries can constantly observe whatever their commanded ravens sense. Valkyrie’s Spear (conjuration, divine) This spear is a +2 returning spear. In the valkyrie’s hands, the spear has reach 10 feet. AC 31, TAC 29; Fort +21, Ref +18, Will +21, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 185; Resistances all 10 (except cold iron); Weaknesses lawful 10 Attack of Opportunity Speed 25 feet, fly 80 feet Melee valkyrie’s spear +23 (magical, reach 10 feet), Damage 4d8+12 piercing Ranged valkyrie’s spear +21 (magical, thrown 20 feet), Damage 4d8+6 piercing Divine Innate Spells DC 27, attack +21; Constant death ward, tongues (5th); 7th plane shift (self and mount only); 6th heal (×3); 5th breath of life, death ward (×3); At Will gentle repose; Cantrips (5th) electric arc Choose the Slain (concentrate, manipulate) The valkyrie can draw a soul from a newly dead body into her spear for transport to the afterlife, but only if the dead creature’s soul is willing. Lightning Sweep (attack, electricity) The valkyrie can call lightning onto her spear and then sweep it in a circle, damaging all foes within her reach. Each affected creature must succeed at a Reflex save or take the damage from the valkyrie’s spear plus 3d12 electricity damage (half damage on a successful save, no damage on a critical success, double damage on a critical failure). The valkyrie can’t make another Lightning Sweep for 1d4 rounds. Ride The valkyrie can use Command an Animal to control her mount without needing to use Handle an Animal first.

VAMPIRE (MOROI) Vampires are undead creatures that drink the blood of the living. The most common vampire is the moroi. Although the rules here include a template to convert the statistics for a living creature into those of a moroi vampire, the vampires presented below don’t exactly match what you would get if you used the template. It is best to build a vampire from scratch—creating its statistics as you see fit and then adding the special abilities below—but if you don’t have the time, simply apply the template. A creature should be at least level 3 before being converted to a vampire.

Creating Vampires You can turn an existing, living creature into a moroi vampire by completing the following steps. First, increase the creature’s level by 1 and change its statistics as follows.

• Increase its AC, attack bonuses, DCs, saving throws, and skill modifiers by 1. • Increase its damage with Strikes and other offensive abilities by 1. If the vampire is limited in how often it can use an ability (such as a breath weapon), increase the damage by 2 instead. • The creature gains fast healing and resistance to physical damage (except silver) roughly equal to the amount shown on the table. • Reduce its HP by roughly the amount shown on the table. This lower HP compensates for the creature’s fast healing. Starting Level 3–4 5–7 8–14 15+

Fast Healing/Resistance 5 7 10 15


HP Decrease –10 –15 –30 –55

Vampire Abilities A vampire gains the undead and vampire traits, and its alignment is usually adjusted to evil. All vampires gain the following abilities. If the base creature has any abilities that come from it being a living creature, it loses them. It also loses any traits that represented its life as a living creature, such as human and humanoid. You might also need to adjust some abilities that conflict with the theme of a vampire (such as abilities with the good trait). The vampire master gains additional abilities, as described below. Coffin Restoration (divine, necromancy, negative) Unlike other undead, a vampire isn’t destroyed if reduced to 0 HP. Instead, it falls unconscious. If the vampire’s body is placed in its coffin for 1 hour, the vampire is restored to 1 HP, after which its fast healing begins to function normally. Negative Healing Immunities asleep, death effects, disease, paralysis, poison Vampire Weaknesses A moroi vampire has several weaknesses specific to its kind. A vampire’s coffin can bring it back to unlife from 0 Hit Points, but wooden stakes and sunlight can be used to permanently slay it. • Compulsions Vampires are creatures of strange and unknowable compulsions. A typical moroi vampire can’t voluntarily cross running water unless the vampire is in its coffin, or enter a private home or dwelling unless invited by someone with the authority to do so, though other vampires might have different compulsions. The vampire can still be forced to do these things, and might be able to overcome its compulsion just as it does its revulsion (see below). • Revulsion A vampire can’t voluntarily come within 10 feet of garlic or a brandished holy symbol of a non-evil deity. A creature can use an Interact action to brandish a holy symbol for 1 round (similar to Raising a Shield). If the vampire involuntarily comes within 10 feet of an object of its revulsion, it gains the fleeing condition until it ends an action beyond 10 feet from the object. After 1 round of being exposed to the object of its revulsion, a vampire can take an action to attempt a DC 26 Will save (this action has the



concentrate trait). On a success, it overcomes its revulsions for 1d6 rounds (or 1 hour on a critical success). • Stakes A wooden stake driven through the vampire’s heart reduces the vampire to 0 HP and prevents it from healing above 0 HP, even in its coffin. Staking a vampire requires three actions and can be done only if the vampire is unconscious. If the vampire’s head is severed and anointed with holy water while the stake is in place, the vampire is destroyed. If the stake is removed, the vampire can heal again and, if the vampire is in its coffin, its 1-hour rest period begins. • Sunlight If exposed to direct sunlight, a vampire becomes slowed 1 immediately. The slowed value increases by 1 each time the vampire ends its turn in sunlight. If the vampire loses all its actions in this way, it’s destroyed. Antithetical to light by their very nature, vampires don’t cast shadows or show a reflection in mirrors. Climb Speed The creature gains a climb Speed equal to its land Speed. Claws If the creature had hands, it gains a claw Strike (an agile unarmed attack that deals slashing damage). If the monster had any agile attacks, the damage amount should be roughly the same. If it had only non-agile attacks, use that damage reduced by 25%. Drink Blood (divine, necromancy) Requirements An asleep, grabbed, paralyzed, restrained, or unconscious creature is within the vampire’s reach. Effect The vampire sinks its fangs into that creature to drink its blood. If the creature is grabbed, this requires the vampire to attempt an Athletics check against the victim creature’s Fortitude DC, but Drink Blood is automatic for any of the other conditions. The creature becomes drained 1 and the vampire regains a set amount of HP, gaining any excess as temporary HP. When you create a vampire, decide how much HP it regains (this amount should be between 10% and 20% of its maximum HP). Drinking blood from a creature that’s already drained doesn’t restore any HP but does increase the victim’s drained condition by 1. A vampire can drink blood that has been already removed from a creature, but gains no HP. A victim’s drained condition reduces by 1 every week. A creature who succeeds at a DC 18 Medicine check (requiring sufficient blood or blood donors) can perform a blood transfusion to reduce this condition by 1 after 10 minutes. Grab The creature gains Grab and can Grab with its claw attacks, or with equivalent unarmed attacks if it doesn’t have claws.

Vampire Master Abilities Powerful vampires that can create and control vampire spawn also get these abilities. To make a good vampire master, a creature should be at least level 5. Children of the Night (divine, enchantment, mental) A vampire master’s presence beckons creatures of the night that do its bidding. These typically include rat swarms, bat swarms, wolves, or other creatures. The vampire master can give orders to these creatures, but they can’t communicate back. Resistance Overcoming a vampire’s resistance requires magical silver. Create Progeny (divine, downtime, necromancy) If a creature dies after being reduced to 0 HP by Drink Blood, the vampire can turn this victim into a vampire spawn or vampire master by


pouring some of its own blood into the victim and burying the victim’s coffin in earth for three nights. If the new vampire is a lower level than its creator, it is under the creator’s control. If a vampire controls too many progeny at once (as determined by the GM), a strong-willed progeny can attempt a Will save against its master’s Will DC to break free. Mist Escape Trigger The vampire is reduced to 0 HP. Effect The vampire uses turn to mist (see below). It can still take actions even though it’s at 0 HP, but the only actions it can take are move actions to move toward its coffin. While at 0 HP in this form, it’s unaffected by further damage. It automatically returns to its corporeal form, unconscious, if it reaches its coffin or after 2 hours, whichever comes first. Change Shape (concentrate, divine, polymorph, transmutation) The vampire can transform into one or more animal forms. This is a bat for most moroi, but could be a different creature modeled after the options in the animal form and aerial form spells. • Bat The vampire can change in size to Tiny, Small, or Large. It gains echolocation 40 feet and has a land Speed of 20 feet and a fly Speed of 30 feet. It gains two Strikes at the same attack bonus as its highest melee attack: a fangs Strike that deals 25% more damage than its claws (and is piercing instead of slashing) and an agile wing Strike that deals the same damage as its claws (but is bludgeoning). Dominate The vampire can cast dominate at will as an innate divine spell; its Somatic Casting gains the visual trait and includes staring into the target’s eyes. The DC is 2 lower than the standard DC for the vampire’s level, and a creature that succeeds is bolstered. Slaying the vampire ends the domination, but reducing the vampire to 0 HP is insufficient to break the spell. Drink Blood The victim creature becomes drained 2 instead of 1. Turn to Mist (concentrate, divine, transmutation) The vampire turns into a cloud of vapor, as the gaseous form spell, or back to its normal form. The vampire loses fast healing while in gaseous form. The vampire can remain in this form indefinitely.

Vampire statistiCs These stat blocks represent typical vampires that were once human.

VAMPIRE COUNT Evil Medium Undead Vampire



Perception +11; darkvision Languages Common, Necril, regional language Skills +6; Acrobatics +11, Athletics +13, Deception +13, Diplomacy +11, Intimidation +13, Society +11,

Stealth +13 Str +5, Dex +3, Con +2, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +4 Items expert rapier, leather armor Children of the Night (divine, enchantment, mental) AC 21, TAC 20; Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +13, +1 conditional vs. positive HP 55, coffin restoration, fast healing 7, negative healing; Immunities asleep, death effects, disease, paralysis, poison; Resistances physical 7 (except magical silver); Weaknesses vampire weaknesses Mist Escape

Vampire Weaknesses Speed 25 feet, climb 25 feet Melee rapier +15 (deadly 1d8, disarm), Damage 3d6+5 piercing Melee claw +15 (agile), Damage 2d8+5 slashing plus Grab Change Shape (concentrate, divine, polymorph, transmutation) fangs +15 for 2d10+5 piercing, wing (agile) +15 for 2d6+5 bludgeoning. Create Spawn (divine, downtime, necromancy) Dominate (divine, enchantment, mental, visual) DC 18 Drink Blood (divine, necromancy) When Drinking Blood, the vampire regains 10 HP. Turn to Mist (concentrate, divine, transmutation)




Perception +9; darkvision Evil Languages Common, regional language Medium Undead Skills +5; Acrobatics +11, Athletics +9, Intimidation Vampire +11, Society +9, Stealth +11 Str +3, Dex +4, Con +0, Int –1, Wis +1, Cha +2 AC 19, TAC 18; Fort +6, Ref +10, Will +7, +1 conditional vs. positive HP 35, coffin restoration, fast healing 5, negative healing; Immunities asleep, death effects, disease, paralysis, poison; Resistances physical 5 (except silver); Weaknesses vampire weaknesses Speed 25 feet, climb 25 feet Melee claw +11 (agile), Damage 1d8+4 slashing plus Grab Drink Blood (divine, necromancy) When Drinking Blood, the spawn regains 4 HP Sneak Attack (precision) The vampire spawn deals an additional 1d6 precision damage to flat-footed creatures.




Perception +14; darkvision Evil Languages Common, Draconic, Necril, regional Medium Undead language Vampire Skills +9; Acrobatics +16, Arcana +18, Athletics +18, Deception +16, Diplomacy +16, Intimidation +14, Society +16, Stealth +16 Str +3, Dex +4, Con +1, Int +4, Wis +2, Cha +3 Children of the Night (divine, enchantment, mental) AC 25, TAC 24; Fort +14, Ref +12, Will +16, +1 conditional vs. positive HP 105, coffin restoration, fast healing 10, negative healing; Immunities asleep, death effects, disease, paralysis, poison; Resistances physical 10 (except magical silver); Weaknesses vampire weaknesses Mist Escape Vampire Weaknesses Speed 25 feet, climb 25 feet Melee claw +18 (agile), Damage 2d8+6 slashing plus Grab Arcane Prepared Spells DC 23, attack +18; 4th fire shield, phantasmal killer, veil, wall of fire; 3rd dispel magic, fireball, haste, lightning bolt; 2nd flaming sphere, invisibility, mirror image, touch of idiocy; 1st color spray (×2), fleet step, ray of enfeeblement; Cantrips detect magic, mage hand, message, ray of frost Change Shape (concentrate, divine, polymorph, transmutation)

fangs +18 for 3d10+6 piercing, wing (agile) +18 for 3d6+6 bludgeoning. Create Spawn (divine, downtime, necromancy) Dominate (divine, enchantment, mental, visual) DC 21 Drain Arcane Focus (arcane, wizard) Frequency Once per day for each spell level Trigger The vampire’s turn begins. Effect The vampire expends the magical power stored in its arcane focus. This gives the vampire the ability to cast one spell it prepared today and previously cast, without spending a spell slot to do so. It must still complete the required spellcasting actions and any other of the spell’s requirements to cast this spell. Drink Blood (divine, necromancy) When Drinking Blood, the vampire regains 10 HP. Turn to Mist (concentrate, divine, transmutation) Steady Spellcasting A vampire wizard’s spells are disrupted only by reactions that result in the vampire taking 18 damage or more, even if the reaction normally disrupts manipulate actions automatically.

VARGOUILLE Vargouilles are hideous monsters, little more than fiendish heads that fly upon leathery bat wings. They are known for tormenting living creatures and can often be found haunting graveyards, ancient battlefields, or anywhere that has been transformed by the touch of massive death. Their kiss can transform victims into vargouilles. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 272.




Perception +5; darkvision Beast Languages Infernal Evil Fiend Skills +1; Acrobatics +7, Stealth +7 Small Str +1, Dex +2, Con +2, Int –2, Wis +1, Cha –1 AC 16, TAC 15; Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +4 HP 26 Speed fly 25 feet Melee fangs +8, Damage 1d8+2 piercing plus vargouille venom Kiss The vargouille kisses an adjacent creature that’s asleep, paralyzed, or unconscious, exposing it to the vargouille transformation disease. Shriek (auditory, concentrate, visual) The vargouille’s shriek paralyzes all non-vargouilles in a 60-foot aura for 3 rounds (Fortitude DC 14 negates). The effect ends early for a creature if the vargouille moves out of sight, moves farther than 60 feet from the creature, or attacks the creature with its fangs. After attempting its save, a creature is bolstered. Vargouille Transformation (disease) Exposing the victim to sunlight or any light spell of 3rd level or higher pauses the progress of the disease until the victim is no longer in light. Saving Throw Fortitude DC 17; Stage 1 carrier with no effect (1d6 hours); Stage 2 victim’s hair falls out (1d6 hours); Stage 3 ears grow into leathery wings, tentacles sprout on the chin and scalp, and the teeth become long, pointed fangs (1 day); Stage 4 victim’s mind regresses to a vicious and unintelligent shell of its




former self (1d6 hours); Stage 5 victim’s head breaks free of the body (which dies) and becomes a new vargouille. Vargouille Venom (poison) Saving Throw Fortitude DC 15; Stage 1 Damage the victim has taken from vargouille fangs can’t be healed magically. Once all vargouille fang damage has been healed nonmagically, the poison ends.

The animate masses of armed and armored corpses known as warsworns are enormous undead amalgams formed by gods and goddesses of undeath or war. These creatures exist to spread the ravages of war and carnage of battle. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 272.



These beasts appear to be large and powerful wolves, but their eyes show an intelligence beyond that of a common animal. Some of these creatures serve evil goblins as mounts. Their larger cousins, known as winter wolves, inhabit colder climates and have the supernatural ability to breathe a cone of freezing energy. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 280.

Perception +27; darkvision Evil Languages Common; can’t speak Gargantuan Undead Skills +20; Athletics +30 Str +9, Dex +3, Con +7, Int –1, Wis +3, Cha +5 Animated Weapons (divine, evocation) The warsworn automatically assumes control of unattended weapons within 100 feet, drawing them to levitate by its side. The warsworn can telekinetically wield these weapons to make melee Strikes with a reach of 100 feet. AC 37, TAC 33; Fort +28, Ref +20, Will +24; +1 conditional to saves vs. positive HP 345; Immunities asleep, death effects, disease, paralysis, poison Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 100 feet. DC 32 Speed 40 feet Melee corpse wave +29, Damage 4d12+9 bludgeoning plus energy drain Melee animated weapon +29 (agile, reach 100 feet, versatile B, versatile P), Damage 4d8+9 slashing Ranged scrap ball +28 (range increment 100 feet, versatile P, versatile S), Damage 10d6 bludgeoning plus plummet Absorb (death, divine, necromancy) Trigger The warsworn moves into a dying creature’s space. Effect The warsworn absorbs the dying creature into itself, instantly killing the creature and healing the warsworn for a number of Hit Points equal to the creature’s level. Creatures can’t be resurrected except by miracle or a similarly powerful effect while the warsworn that absorbed them still exists. Trample Huge or smaller, wave, DC 34 Energy Drain (divine, necromancy) When a warsworn hits with a corpse wave Strike or damages a creature with Trample, the target must succeed at a DC 33 Fortitude save or become enervated 1. On a critical failure, this condition cannot be removed normally, only by magical treatment. Plummet A creature hit by a warsworn’s scrap ball Strike must attempt a Reflex save. On a failure, an airborne creature falls up to 120 feet; if it hits the ground, it takes damage from the fall and falls prone. On a critical failure, the target is knocked prone (even if it didn’t take falling damage) and restrained under a pile of scrap (DC 34 to Escape or Break Grapple).




Perception +7; darkvision, scent Languages Common, Goblin Skills +2; Deception +5, Stealth +8, Survival +8 Str +3, Dex +2, Con +3, Int –1, Wis +1, Cha +0 AC 16, TAC 14; Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +4 HP 38 Guardian Bite Trigger A creature within the warg’s reach attacks one of the warg’s allies. Effect The warg makes a jaws Strike against the triggering creature. Speed 40 feet Melee jaws +8; Damage 1d8+3 piercing plus Knockdown Pack Attack The warg’s Strikes deal 1d4 extra damage to creatures within the reach of at least two of the warg’s allies.

Beast Evil Medium




Perception +12; darkvision, scent Beast Languages Common, Jotun Evil Large Skills +5; Deception +9, Stealth +11 (+14 in snow), Survival +10 Str +4, Dex +1, Con +4, Int –1, Wis +1, Cha +0 AC 20, TAC 18; Fort +11, Ref +9, Will +9 HP 88; Immunities cold; Weaknesses fire 5 Guardian Bite Trigger A creature within the winter wolf’s reach attacks one of the winter wolf’s allies. Effect The winter wolf makes a jaws Strike against the triggering creature. Speed 40 feet Melee jaws +13, Damage 1d10+4 piercing plus 1d6 cold and Knockdown Breath Weapon (arcane, cold, evocation) The winter wolf breathes a cloud of frost that deals 7d6 cold damage to all creatures in a 15-foot cone (Reflex DC 19 half, double damage on a critical failure, no damage on a critical success). It can’t use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds. Pack Attack The winter wolf’s Strikes deal 1d6 extra damage to creatures within the reach of at least two of the winter wolf’s allies.




WENDIGO Beings of ancient evil, wendigos haunt the minds of mortals, driving them to desperation and, ultimately, into a cannibalistic frenzy. Wendigos are encountered in frozen climates, be it an icy tundra or the tops of snowcapped mountains. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 281.




Perception +27; darkvision, heatsight 60 feet Beast Languages Aklo, Common, Jotun; telepathy 1 mile Chaotic Skills +21; Acrobatics +31, Arcana +29, Deception Cold +29, Intimidation +31, Nature +29, Religion +29, Evil Fiend Stealth +29, Survival +29 Large Str +7, Dex +7, Con +8, Int +6, Wis +4, Cha +6 Heatsight (divination, primal) Heatsight is a blindsight that sees heat signatures. AC 39, TAC 37; Fort +29, Ref +27, Will +23, +1 conditional to saves vs. magic HP 310, regeneration 30 (deactivated by fire); Immunities cold, fear; Weaknesses fire 10, magic cold iron 10 Speed fly 100 feet Melee jaws +30 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d10+7 piercing plus 4d6 cold and cannibal feast Melee claw +30 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 2d10+7 slashing plus 4d6 cold and Grab Primal Innate Spells DC 35; 4th nightmare (see dream haunting) Rituals control weather Cannibal Feast (healing, necromancy, primal) If the wendigo deals bite damage to a creature it’s grabbing or restraining, it devours the victim’s flesh. The wendigo gains temporary HP equal to half the damage dealt and gains a +1 conditional bonus to all d20 rolls for 1 round. The victim takes 2d10 persistent bleed damage. Dream Haunting When the wendigo casts nightmare, a target that fails at its save is exposed to wendigo torment. Howl (auditory, concentrate, enchantment, fear, mental, primal) The wendigo unleashes a forlorn howl that can be heard up to 1 mile away. Any creature that hears the howl must succeed at a DC 35 Will save or be frightened 1. Any creature that critically fails and is within 120 feet of the wendigo is instead frightened 3, and also flees for 1d4 rounds (or until it’s no longer frightened, whichever comes first). A creature frightened by a wendigo’s howl still naturally recovers from its fright but can’t reduce it below frightened 1 in this way until 1 hour has passed or magic is used. Whether it succeeds or fails, a creature is bolstered. Ride the Wind (concentrate, primal, transmutation) The wendigo turns into vapor (as gaseous form) and flies through the air. While in this form, it can spend an action to ride the wind rapidly, moving 200 feet in a straight line (this action has the move trait). The wendigo can spend an action to return to its normal form (this action has the concentrate trait). If the effect ends while the wendigo is airborne, the wendigo benefits from feather fall. If the wendigo has a creature grabbed or restrained when it Rides the Wind, it can attempt to turn the grabbed creature into wind and carry it along as part of the action. The creature can attempt a DC 35 Will save to prevent being transformed. If the creature succeeds, the wendigo still transforms, automatically releasing the victim. A creature forced to Ride the Wind along with the wendigo is exposed to wendigo torment. The creature can attempt a new Will save each round to return to normal, though it immediately turns corporeal and begins falling if it succeeds. Wendigo Torment (curse, mental, necromancy, primal) A creature affected by wendigo torment can’t recover beyond stage 1 until brought to full HP. Saving Throw Will DC 35; Stage 1 Stupefied 4

(1 day); Stage 2 As stage 1 (1 day); Stage 3 The creature searches for an individual of its own race to kill and devour. If the creature succeeds, it then runs off at full speed, and after 1d4 rounds sprints into the sky so fast that its feet burn away into jagged stumps. As the creature rides the wind into the sky, it turns into a new wendigo over 2d6 minutes. The victim is replaced by a new wendigo, and only alter reality, miracle, primal phenomenon, wish, or a 9th-level resurrection spell can return it to life. The new wendigo remains even if the victim is resurrected.




These shapechanging creatures are the result of a curse transmitted through a bite, and they have the ability to transform from normal humanoids into animals, as well as hybrids. There are many types of werecreatures, and wererats and werewolves (here presented in their hybrid form) are the most common. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 196.





Perception +6; low-light vision, scent Beast Languages Common; rat empathy Evil Skills +2; Acrobatics +8, Athletics +6, Deception +7, Human Society +6, Stealth +8 Humanoid Lawful Str +2, Dex +3, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha –2 Medium Items crossbow with 20 bolts, leather armor, Werecreature shortsword Rat Empathy (divination, primal) A wererat can communicate with rodents AC 17, TAC 16; Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +6 HP 41; Weaknesses silver 7 Nimble Dodge Trigger The wererat is targeted with a melee or ranged attack by an attacker it can see. Effect The wererat gains a +2 circ*mstance bonus to AC against the triggering attack. Speed 25 feet Melee shortsword +9 (agile, versatile S), Damage 1d6+2 piercing Melee jaws +9, Damage 1d4+2 piercing plus curse of the wererat Melee claw +9 (agile), Damage 1d4+2 slashing Ranged crossbow +9 (range increment 120 feet), Damage 1d8 piercing Change Shape (concentrate, polymorph, primal, transmutation) The wererat changes into its human, hybrid, or giant rat shape. Each of the wererat’s shapes has a specific, persistent appearance. In human shape, the wererat loses its jaws and claw Strikes and gains a fist Strike that deals 1d4+2 bludgeoning damage. In rat shape, its Speed increases to 40 feet, its Size changes to Small, and it loses its shortsword and crossbow Strikes. Curse of the Wererat (curse, necromancy, primal) This curse affects only humanoids. Saving Throw Fortitude DC 15. On each full moon, the cursed creature must succeed at another Fortitude save or turn into a wererat and go on a rampage. During the rampage, the creature is under the GM’s control. Once the rampage ends, she falls unconscious until dawn, at which time she reverts to normal.



Moon Frenzy (primal, transmutation) When a full moon rises in the night sky, the wererat must enter hybrid form. Until the full moon sets, the wererat can’t leave hybrid form, is affected by an enlarge spell, and has the damage of its jaws increased by 1d4. At daybreak, the wererat returns to human or giant rat form and is fatigued for 2d4 hours. Sneak Attack (precision) The wererat deals 1d6 extra precision damage to flat-footed creatures.




Perception +7; low-light vision, scent Beast Languages Common; wolf empathy Chaotic Skills +3; Acrobatics +7, Athletics +9, Survival +8 Evil Str +4, Dex +1, Con +2, Int –1, Wis +2, Cha –1 Human Humanoid Items battle axe, composite shortbow with 20 Medium arrows, studded leather Werecreature Wolf Empathy (divination, primal) A werewolf can communicate with canines. AC 18, TAC 16; Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +6 HP 75; Weaknesses silver 10 Attack of Opportunity Speed 25 feet Melee battle axe +9 (sweep), Damage 1d8+4 slashing Melee jaws +9, Damage 1d4+4 piercing plus curse of the werewolf Melee claw +9 (agile), Damage 1d4+4 slashing Ranged composite shortbow +7 (deadly 1d10, range increment 60 feet), Damage 1d6+2 piercing Change Shape (concentrate, polymorph, primal, transmutation) The werewolf changes into its human, hybrid, or wolf shape. Each of the werewolf’s shapes has a specific, persistent appearance. In human shape, the werewolf loses its jaws and claw Strikes and gains a fist Strike dealing 1d4+4 bludgeoning damage. In wolf shape, its Speed increases to 40 feet, it loses its battle axe and shortbow Strikes, and its jaws gain Knockdown. Curse of the Werewolf (curse, necromancy, primal) This curse affects only humanoids. Saving Throw Fortitude DC 16. On each full moon, the cursed creature must succeed at another Fortitude save or turn into a werewolf and go on a rampage. During the rampage, the creature is under the GM’s control. Once the rampage ends, she falls unconscious until dawn, at which time she reverts to normal. Moon Frenzy (primal, transmutation) When a full moon rises in the night sky, the werewolf must enter hybrid form. Until the full moon sets, the werewolf can’t leave hybrid form, is affected by an enlarge spell, and has the damage of its jaws increased by 1d4. At daybreak, the werewolf returns to human or wolf form and is fatigued for 2d4 hours. Pack Attack The werewolf’s Strikes deal 1d6 extra damage to creatures within the reach of at least two of the werewolf’s allies.

WIGHT Wights are humanoids who rise as undead due to necromancy, a violent death, or an extremely malevolent personality. When encountered, wights appear as they did in life, but with rotting flesh hanging from their gaunt frames and their eyes glowing with menacing red light.


Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 276.




Perception +8; darkvision Evil Languages Common, Necril Lawful Medium Skills +3; Athletics +9, Intimidation +7, Religion +9, Undead Stealth +7 Str +3, Dex +1, Con +4, Int +0, Wis +3, Cha +2 AC 18, TAC 15; Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +7 HP 45, negative healing; Immunities asleep, death effects, disease, paralysis, poison Final Spite Trigger The wight is reduced to 0 Hit Points. Effect The wight makes a Strike before being destroyed. It doesn’t regain HP from energy drain on this Strike. Speed 25 feet Melee fist +9, Damage 2d8+3 bludgeoning plus energy drain Create Spawn (arcane, necromancy) A living humanoid slain by a wight becomes a wight itself after 1d4 rounds. When it rises, it is under the command of the wight that created it, can’t create spawn, and becomes perpetually and incurably enervated 2. If the creator dies, the servant wight becomes a full wight. It regains its free will, loses its enervated condition, and gains create spawn. Energy Drain (arcane, necromancy) When a wight hits with its fist, it regains 3 Hit Points and the target must succeed at a DC 15 Fortitude save or become enervated 1. On a critical failure, this condition cannot be removed normally, but only by magical treatment.

WILL-O’-WISP Will-o’-wisps are malevolent aberrations that appear as globes of light, haunting swamplands. They feed off of the fear of other creatures, so they delight in frightening and harrying those who pass through their domain. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 277.




Perception +12; darkvision Aberration Languages Aklo, Common Air Skills +6; Acrobatics +14, Deception +11, Stealth +13 Chaotic Evil Str –5, Dex +6, Con +0, Int +2, Wis +3, Cha +2 Small AC 25, TAC 25; Fort +7, Ref +14, Will +8 HP 40; Immunities magic Glow (aura, light) 20 feet. A will-o’-wisp is itself naturally invisible, but glows with a colored light, casting bright light in the aura and making it visible. Magic Immunity A will-o’-wisp is immune to all spells except magic missile and maze. Speed fly 50 feet Melee shock +15 touch, Damage 3d8 electricity Feed on Fear (concentrate) Requirement An enemy is under a fear effect or dying within 15 feet of the will-o’-wisp. Effect The will-o’-wisp feeds on the creature’s terror. It regains 2d4 Hit Points, and if it was invisible, its natural

glow reignites. A will-o’-wisp can take this action only once per round. Go Dark (concentrate) The will-o’-wisp extinguishes its natural glow, becoming invisible. It can end this effect with another action (this action has the concentrate trait). If it uses its shock attack while invisible, the arc of electricity lets any observer determine its location, making it sensed by the observer until it moves.

WOLF Wolves roam the forests of the world, often hunting in packs where they surround their prey to take it down. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 278.




Perception +5; low-light vision, scent Languages — Skills –1; Acrobatics +6, Stealth +6 Str +1, Dex +2, Con +1, Int –4, Wis +1, Cha –2 AC 15, TAC 14; Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +3 HP 22 Speed 40 feet Melee jaws +7, Damage 1d6+1 plus Knockdown Pack Attack The wolf’s Strikes deal 1d6 extra damage to creatures within the reach of at least two of the wolf’s allies.

Animal Medium

WRAITH Wraiths are undead creatures born of evil and darkness. They loathe the light and living things, as they have lost much of their connection to their former lives. These incorporeal undead often attack their enemies after passing through walls or other barriers. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 281.




Perception +12; darkvision, lifesense 60 feet Evil Languages Common, Necril Lawful Skills +6; Acrobatics +13, Intimidation +13, Stealth +13 Incorporeal Medium Str –5, Dex +4, Con +0, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +5 Shade Lifesense (divination, divine) This blindsense Undead detects living creatures based on their life force. AC 20, TAC 20; Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +11, +1 conditional vs. positive HP 65, negative healing; Immunities asleep, death effects, disease, nonmagical attacks, paralysis, poison, precision; Resistances all 5 (except force, ghost touch, or positive) Speed fly 50 feet Melee spectral hand +14 touch, Damage 2d8+5 negative plus drain life Attack of Opportunity Drain Life (divine, necromancy) When the wraith damages a living creature with a touch attack, the wraith gains 5 temporary Hit Points. A living creature damaged by a wraith’s touch must also succeed at a DC 19 Fortitude save or become drained 1. Further damage dealt by the wraith increases the amount of drain by 1 on a failed save. Wraithspawn (divine, necromancy) A living humanoid slain by a wraith’s touch rises as a wraith after 1d4 rounds. It’s under the

command of the wraith that killed it, can’t create spawn, and becomes perpetually and incurably enervated 2. If the creator dies, the wraithspawn becomes a full wraith. It regains its free will, loses its enervated condition, and gains create spawn.




Perception +15; darkvision, lifesense 60 feet Evil Languages Common, Necril Incorporeal Skills +9; Acrobatics +18, Intimidation +18, Stealth +16 Large Lawful Str –5, Dex +7, Con +0, Int +3, Wis +4, Cha +7 Shade Lifesense (divination, divine) This blindsense Undead detects living creatures based on their life force. AC 25, TAC 25; Fort +11, Ref +13, Will +14, +2 conditional vs. positive HP 95, negative healing; Immunities asleep, death effects, disease, nonmagical attacks, paralysis, poison, precision; Resistances all 10 (except force, ghost touch, or positive) Draining Presence (aura, negative) 10 feet. A creature entering the aura becomes temporarily drained 1 (Fortitude DC 20 negates). It recovers after it has been out of the aura for 1 minute. This drain is cumulative with that of drain life, but not with multiple draining presence auras. A creature that succeeds at its save is bolstered to the same dread wraith’s draining presence, but not to the draining effect of its touch. Attack of Opportunity Speed fly 60 feet Melee spectral hand +18 touch (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d10+7 negative plus drain life Drain Life (divine, necromancy) When the wraith damages a living creature with a touch attack, the wraith gains 10 temporary Hit Points. A living creature damaged by a wraith’s touch must succeed at a DC 22 Fortitude save or become drained 1. Further damage dealt by the wraith increases the amount of drain by 1 on a failed save. Wraithspawn (divine, necromancy) A living humanoid slain by a dread wraith’s touch rises as a wraith after 1d4 rounds. It’s under the command of the dread wraith that killed it. If the creator dies, the spawn becomes a free-willed wraith.

XULGATH (TROGLODYTE) These savage reptilian humanoids have scaly skin like that of cave lizards. Xulgaths gather in small bands in caverns beneath the earth, where it is said they have vast cities. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 267.




Perception +3; darkvision Chaotic Languages Draconic Evil Skills +0; Athletics +4, Stealth +6 Humanoid Medium Str +2, Dex –1, Con +2, Int –1, Wis +0, Cha –2 Xulgath Items club, 3 javelins Stench (aura, olfactory) 30 feet. A creature entering the aura must attempt a DC 13 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is sick 1, and on a critical failure is also slowed 1 for 1 round. While within the aura, the creature takes a –2 circ*mstance penalty on saves to recover from the sick condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is bolstered.




AC 15, TAC 13; Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +3 HP 20 Speed 25 feet Melee club +7, Damage 1d6+2 bludgeoning Melee jaws +7, Damage 1d6+2 piercing Melee claw +7 (agile), Damage 1d4+2 slashing Ranged javelin +5 (thrown), Damage 1d6+2 piercing

YETI Yetis live atop frigid mountain peaks, banding together into small tribes. Feared but rarely seen by mountaineers, yetis are dangerous to encounter, and they sometimes descend from their mountain homes to raid nearby settlements. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 287.




Perception +12; darkvision, scent Languages Aklo Skills +5; Athletics +13, Stealth +11 (+14 in snow), Survival +10 Str +5, Dex +0, Con +2, Int –1 Wis +3, Cha –1 Snowblind For the purpose of hiding, the yeti gains concealment from any snow, even if it’s not thick enough to provide concealment for other creatures. AC 18, TAC 16; Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +8, +4 conditional to saves vs. fear and dreams HP 120; Immunities cold; Weaknesses fire 10 Nightmare Guardian Yetis defend the world from eldritch portals high in the mountains. They gain a +4 conditional bonus to saves against fear and against spells and abilities that affect dreams. Yetis who fall prey to nightmares lose this ability and become permanently maddened, gaining a +1 conditional bonus to attack and damage rolls but a –1 conditional penalty to AC. Vanish Trigger A creature sees or hears the yeti, and the yeti is in a snowy environment. This can’t be used if the yeti is already in combat. Effect The yeti Strides or Climbs up to half its Speed, then Hides. If its new Stealth check result beats the triggering creature’s result, the yeti remains hidden. Speed 35 feet, climb 20 feet Melee claw +13, Damage 2d6+5 slashing plus 1d8 cold Grisly Arrival (emotion, fear, mental) Trigger The yeti hits a creature in the first round of combat. This must be a creature the yeti was hidden from at the start of combat. Effect All enemies within 30 feet that witness the attack (including the target of the attack) must attempt a DC 20 Will save. On a failure, the creature is frightened 2; on a critical failure, it’s frightened 4 and fleeing for 1 round. Rend claw

Beast Large

ZOMBIE These walking corpses are among the most common types of undead. Unthinking and eternally hungry, zombies attack the living with the slightest provocation. Source: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 288.



Perception –1; darkvision Evil Languages — Medium Skills –2; Athletics +4 Mindless Undead Str +2, Dex –2, Con +2, Int –5, Wis +0, Cha –2 Zombie Slow A zombie is permanently slowed 1 and can’t use reactions. AC 11, TAC 8; Fort +5, Ref –1, Will +0 HP 20, negative healing; Immunities asleep, disease, paralysis, poison; Weaknesses positive 5, slashing 5 Speed 25 feet Melee fist +6, Damage 1d6+2 bludgeoning plus Grab Bite Requirement The zombie has a creature grabbed or restrained. Effect The zombie makes a bite unarmed melee Strike against the grabbed or restrained creature with an attack bonus of +6 that deals 2d4+3 piercing damage.




Perception +2; darkvision Languages — Skills –1; Athletics +5 Str +3, Dex –2, Con +3, Int –5, Wis +0, Cha –2 Slow A zombie is permanently slowed 1 and can’t use reactions. AC 13, TAC 10; Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +2 HP 60, negative healing; Immunities asleep, disease, paralysis, poison; Weaknesses positive 10, slashing 10 Speed 25 feet Melee fist +7, Damage 1d8+3 bludgeoning plus Grab and zombie rot Bite Requirement The zombie has a creature grabbed or restrained. Effect The zombie makes a bite unarmed melee Strike against the grabbed or restrained creature with an attack bonus of +7 that deals 2d4+4 piercing damage. A creature damaged by the bite is exposed to zombie rot. Zombie Rot (disease, necromancy) An infected creature can’t heal damage it takes from zombie rot. Saving Throw Fortitude DC 15; Stage 1 carrier with no ill effect (1 day); Stage 2 1d6 damage (1 day); Stage 3 1d6 damage (1 day); Stage 4 1d6 damage (1 day); Stage 5 dead, and rises as a plague zombie immediately.

Evil Medium Mindless Undead Zombie




Perception +3; darkvision Languages — Skills +0; Athletics +7 Str +5, Dex –3, Con +4, Int –5, Wis +0, Cha –2 Slow A zombie is permanently slowed 1 and can’t use reactions. AC 14, TAC 11; Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +3 HP 80, negative healing; Immunities asleep, disease, paralysis, poison; Weaknesses positive 10, slashing 10 Speed 25 feet Melee fist +8 (reach 10 feet), Damage 1d10+6 bludgeoning plus knockback

Evil Large Mindless Undead Zombie

NPCS These creatures work more like player characters than the others in this document. Some of them will refer to rules appearing in the classes from the Playtest Rulebook. For instance, several of the spellcasters have Spell Points and powers to spend them on.



Perception +4 Languages Common, Halfling Skills –1; Acrobatics +5, Deception +3, Society +1, Stealth +5, Thievery +5 Str –1, Dex +4, Con +0, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +2 Items dagger, leather armor, sling with 6 bullets Distracting Shadows The footpad can use creatures that are at least one size larger than it as cover for the Hide and Sneak actions. AC 14, TAC 13; Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +2 HP 6 Speed 20 feet Melee dagger +6 (agile, versatile S), Damage 1d4–1 piercing Ranged sling +6, Damage 1d6–1 bludgeoning Ranged dagger +6 (agile, thrown 10 feet, versatile S), Damage 1d4–1 piercing Sneak Attack (precision) The footpad deals 1d4 extra precision damage to flat-footed creatures.

Evil Halfling Humanoid Small




Perception +8 Languages Common, Orcish Skills +1; Athletics +7, Intimidation +5, Religion +8 Str +3, Dex +0, Con +2, Int –1, Wis +4, Cha +1 Items chain mail, greataxe, heavy crossbow with 10 bolts, scroll of ray of enfeeblement AC 18, TAC 15; Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +8 HP 41 Speed 20 feet Melee greataxe +8 (sweep), Damage 1d12+3 slashing Ranged heavy crossbow +5, Damage 1d10 piercing Divine Prepared Spells DC 17, attack +9; 2nd harm (×4), sound burst, spiritual weapon; 1st bane, burning hands (×2); Cantrips (2nd) daze, detect magic, know direction, light Cleric Powers 4 Spell Points, DC 17; 2nd destructive cry (1 Spell Point)

Chaotic Evil Human Humanoid Medium




Perception +10 Languages Common, Gnoll Skills +1; Acrobatics +9, Athletics +8, Nature +8, Stealth +9, Survival +9 Str +2, Dex +4, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +0 Items expert composite shortbow with 40 arrows, lesser healing potion, hide armor, 2 kukris AC 18, TAC 15; Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +7 HP 45 Speed 30 feet

Evil Human Humanoid

Melee kukri +9 (agile, trip), Damage 2d6+2 slashing Melee fist (agile, nonlethal), Damage 1d4+4 bludgeoning Ranged composite shortbow +9 (deadly 1d10), Damage 2d6+2 piercing Perfect Aim The scout ignores the concealed condition. When he targets a creature, that creature doesn’t benefit from being screened; reduce the AC bonus the creature gets from cover by 2 against that attack.




Perception +5 Languages Common, Abyssal, Necril Skills +1; Arcana +9, Deception +7, Occultism +9 Str +0, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +4, Wis +0, Cha +1 Items bracers of armor (1st), lesser healing potion, scroll of web, expert sickle AC 17, TAC 17; Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +6 HP 32 plus 10 temporary Speed 25 feet Melee sickle +7 (agile, trip), Damage 2d4 slashing Melee fist (agile, nonlethal) +5, Damage 1d4 bludgeoning Arcane Prepared Spells DC 17, attack +8; 2nd acid arrow, false life (already cast), invisibility; 1st fear, grease, grim tendrils, magic missile; Cantrips (2nd) chill touch, detect magic, light, mage hand, ray of frost Wizard Powers 4 Spell Points, DC 17; 2nd call of the grave (1 Spell Point)

Chaotic Evil Human Humanoid Medium




Perception +8 Languages Common, Abyssal Skills +5; Deception +11, Intimidation +13, Religion +11 Str +1, Dex +3, Con +3, Int +2, Wis +0, Cha +4 Items crossbow with 20 bolts, sickle AC 19, TAC 19; Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +8 HP 58 Speed 25 feet Melee sickle +11 (agile, trip), Damage 1d4+1 slashing Ranged crossbow +11, Damage 1d8 piercing Divine Spontaneous Spells DC 19, attack +11; 3rd (3 slots) crisis of faith, darkness, slow, summon monster, vampiric touch; 2nd (4 slots) darkness, deafness, resist energy, see invisibility, summon monster; 1st (4 slots) command, fear, mage armor (already cast), summon monster; Cantrips (3rd) chill touch, detect magic, light, sigil Sorcerer Powers 4 Spell Points, DC 19; 3rd glutton’s jaws (1 Spell Point) Reach Spell (metamagic) Trigger The demonologist starts to cast a spell that has a range and has a maximum of two spellcasting actions. Effect The demonologist adds a Somatic Casting action to the casting of the triggering spell to increase its range by 30 feet. If the spell normally has a range of touch, extend its range to 30 feet. Steady Spellcasting The demonologist’s spells are disrupted by reactions only if they take 10 or more damage.

Chaotic Evil Human Humanoid Medium






Perception +10 Languages Common, Dwarven Skills +5; Acrobatics +13, Crafting +13, Stealth +13 Str +0, Dex +4, Con +3, Int +4, Wis +2, Cha +0 Items expert alchemist’s tools, 2 infused darkvision elixirs, 2 infused lesser elixirs of life, expert light mace, formula book, 2 infused lesser quicksilver mutagens (one already consumed), studded leather armor, sunrod AC 19, TAC 17; Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +8 HP 68 (10 damage from quicksilver mutagen) Speed 35 feet Melee light mace +11 (agile, shove), Damage 2d4 bludgeoning Ranged empowered bomb +13 (range increment 20 feet, splash), Damage by bomb • Alchemist’s Fire 2d8 fire plus 2 persistent fire and 1 fire splash damage • Liquid Ice 2d4 cold plus 1 cold splash damage and hampered 10 until the end of its next turn Alchemical Formulas 6 Resonance Points; 5th lesser quicksilver mutagen, lesser silvertongue mutagen; 4th lesser elixir of life; 3rd bomber’s eye elixir, bravo’s brew, cat’s eye elixir; 2nd cognition elixir; 1st alchemist’s fire, cheetah’s elixir, liquid ice, sunrod, tanglefoot bag Quick Alchemy 1 Resonance Point Quick Bomber The renegade can draw two bombs with one Interact action, and when using Quick Alchemy can also draw one bomb as part of the action.

Chaotic Evil Human Humanoid Medium




Perception +13; low-light vision Languages Common, Elven Skills +7; Athletics +10, Deception +15, Diplomacy +13, Medicine +15, Religion +15 Str +0, Dex +3, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +4, Cha +4 Items chain mail, expert light steel shield (Hardness 6), expert whip AC 23 (24 with shield raised), TAC 20 (21 with shield raised); Fort +12, Ref +11, Will +14 HP 90 Shield Block Speed 25 feet Melee whip +16 (disarm, nonlethal, reach 10 feet, trip), Damage 3d4 slashing Ranged crossbow +16, Damage 2d8 piercing Divine Prepared Spells DC 21, attack +16; 4th enervation, freedom of movement, heal (×7); 3rd dispel magic, heroism, neutralize poison; 2nd enthrall, shield other, undetectable alignment; 1st bless, charm, ventriloquism; Cantrips (4th) detect magic, message, prestidigitation, read aura Cleric Powers 4 Spell Points, DC 21; 4th retributive pain (2 Spell Points), savor the sting (1 Spell Point) Emblazon Symbol The cleric has her religious symbol emblazoned on her shield. She can perform Material Casting and Somatic Casting actions without a free hand.

Chaotic Elf Humanoid Medium




Perception +18 Languages Common Skills +8; Acrobatics +20, Athletics +18, Deception +18, Diplomacy +18, Intimidation +18, Stealth +20, Thievery +20 Str +0, Dex +5, Con +3, Int +3, Wis +1, Cha +3 Items +1 dagger, gallows tooth (affixed to rapier), 2 greater healing potions, +2 leather armor, potion of flying, +2 rapier AC 28, TAC 27; Fort +15, Ref +19 (evasion), Will +14 HP 155 Deny Advantage The rogue isn’t treated as flat-footed by flanking, sensed, or unseen creatures of 10th level or lower. Evasion When the rogue succeeds at a Reflex save, they treat it as a critical success. Sidestep Trigger A Strike attack roll against the rogue fails or critically fails. Effect The rogue redirects the attack to a creature of the rogue’s choice that is adjacent to the rogue and within the reach of the triggering attack. The attacker rerolls the Strike’s attack roll at the same multiple attack penalty against the new target. Speed 25 feet, light step, mobility Melee +2 rapier +20 (deadly 1d8, disarm, magical), Damage 3d6+5 piercing Melee +1 dagger +19 (agile, magical, versatile S), Damage 2d4+5 piercing Melee fist +18 (agile, nonlethal), Damage 1d4+5 bludgeoning Ranged +1 dagger +19 (agile, magical, versatile S), Damage 2d4+5 piercing Debilitating Strike Trigger The rogue hits and deals damage to a flat-footed creature with a Strike. Effect The rogue applies one of the following debilitations, which lasts until the end of the rogue’s next turn. Debilitation The target becomes entangled. Debilitation The target becomes enfeebled 1. Light Step When the rogue Strides or Steps, they ignore difficult terrain. Mobility When the rogue takes a Stride action to move half their Speed or less, that movement does not trigger reactions. Sneak Attack If the rogue’s Strike hits a flat-footed creature, it deals 2d6 extra precision damage. Surprise Attack On the first round of combat, the rogue treats any creatures that haven’t acted yet as if they were flat-footed.

Human Humanoid Medium

ABILITY GLOSSARY The following creature abilities are listed here because they are shared by many creatures or are highly complex. The statistics for individual creatures might alter the traits, number of actions, or other rules of these abilities. Anything noted in a specific creature’s stat block overrides the general rules for the ability below. In these abilities, “monster” is used for the creature that has the ability, to differentiate it from any other creatures the ability might affect. At-Will Spells The monster can cast its at-will spells any number of times without using up spell slots. An at-will spell that the monster casts at a higher level than the spell’s base level has that level listed in parentheses. Attack of Opportunity Trigger A creature within the monster’s reach uses a manipulate action or a move action, makes a ranged attack, or leaves a square during a move action it’s using. Effect The monster attempts a melee Strike against the triggering creature at a –2 penalty. If the attack hits and the trigger was a manipulate action, the monster disrupts that action. This Strike doesn’t count toward the monster’s multiple attack penalty, and its multiple attack penalty doesn’t apply to this Strike. Change Shape (concentrate, polymorph, transmutation) The monster changes its shape indefinitely. It can use this action again to return to its natural shape or adopt a new shape. Unless otherwise noted, a monster cannot use Change Shape to appear as a specific individual. Using Change Shape counts as creating a disguise for the Impersonate use of Deception. The monster’s transformation automatically defeats Perception DCs to determine whether the creature is a member of the race into which it transformed, and it gains a +4 conditional bonus to its Deception DC to prevent others from seeing through its disguise. Change Shape abilities specify what shapes the monster can adopt. The monster doesn’t gain any special abilities of the new shape, only its physical form. In each shape, it replaces its normal Speeds and Strikes, and might potentially change its senses or size. Any changes are listed in its stat block. Constant Spells A constant spell affects the monster without the monster needing to cast it, and its duration is unlimited. If a constant spell gets dispelled, the monster can reactivate it by spending the normal spellcasting actions the spell requires. Continuous Aura A monster’s continuous aura automatically affects everything within a specified radius emanating from that monster. The monster doesn’t need to spend actions on a continuous aura; rather, a continuous aura’s effects are applied at specific times, such as at the end of each creature’s turn or when creatures enter the aura. Constrict The monster automatically deals the listed amount of damage to any number of creatures grabbed or restrained by it. Coven (arcane, divination, mental) This monster can form a coven with two or more other creatures who also have this ability. This involves performing an 8-hour ceremony with all prospective coven members. After the coven is formed, each of its members

gains elite adjustments (see page 22), adjusting their level accordingly. Coven members can sense other members’ locations and conditions by spending an action and can sense what another coven member is sensing with an activity that takes two actions (these both have the concentrate trait). Covens also grant spells and rituals to their members, but these can be cast only in cooperation between three coven members who are all within 30 feet of one another. A coven member can contribute to a coven spell with a Verbal Casting action. If two coven members have contributed these actions within the last round, a third member can cast a coven spell on her turn by spending the normal spellcasting actions. A coven can cast its coven spells an unlimited number of times, but can cast only one coven spell each round. All covens include the 8th-level baleful polymorph spell and all the following spells, which the coven can cast at any level up to 5th: augury, charm, clairaudience, clairvoyance, dream message, illusory disguise, illusory scene, prying eye, and talking corpse. Individual creatures with the coven ability also grant additional spells to any coven they join. A coven can also cast the control weather ritual, with a DC of 23 instead of the standard DC. If a coven member leaves the coven, the coven ends immediately. If the death of a coven member brings the coven below three members, the remaining members keep their elite adjustments for 24 hours, but without enough members to contribute the necessary actions, they can’t cast coven spells. Disease When a creature is exposed to a monster’s disease, it attempts a Fortitude save or succumbs to the disease. The disease follows the rules for afflictions found on page 324 of the Pathfinder Playtest Rulebook. Engulf The monster Strides up to double its Speed and can move through the spaces of any creatures in its path. Any creature of the monster’s size or smaller whose space the monster moves through can attempt a Reflex save with the listed DC to avoid being engulfed. A creature unable to act automatically critically fails this save. If a creature succeeds at its save, it chooses to be either pushed aside (out of the monster’s path) or pushed in front of the monster to the end of the monster’s movement. The monster can’t attempt to Engulf the same creature twice in a single action. The monster can contain as many creatures as can fit in its space. A creature that fails its save is pulled into the monster’s body. It is grabbed, is slowed 1, and has to hold its breath or start suffocating. The creature takes the listed amount of damage when first engulfed and at the end of each of its turns while it’s engulfed. An engulfed creature can get free by Escaping against the listed escape DC. An engulfed creature can attack the monster engulfing it, but only with unarmed attacks or with weapons of light Bulk or less. These attacks target the monster’s TAC. If the monster takes piercing or slashing damage equaling or exceeding the toughness value listed in its Engulf entry, the engulfed creature cuts itself free. A creature that gets free by either method can immediately breathe and exits the swallowing monster’s space. If the monster dies, all engulfed creatures are automatically released as the monster’s form loses cohesion.



Fast Healing A monster with this ability regains the given number of Hit Points each round at the beginning of its turn. Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) A creature that enters the area must attempt a Will save. It’s frightened 1 on a success, unaffected on a critical success, frightened 2 on a failure, or frightened 3 and fleeing for 1 round on a critical failure. After a creature attempts its save, it’s bolstered. Grab Requirements The monster’s last action was a success with an attack that lists Grab in its damage entry, or it has a creature grabbed using this action. Effect The monster automatically Grabs the target until the end of the monster’s next turn. The creature is grabbed by whichever body part the monster attacked with, and that body part can’t be used to Strike creatures until the grab is ended. Using Grab extends the duration of the monster’s Grab until the end of its next turn for all creatures grabbed by it. The grabbed creature can Escape using Acrobatics or Break the Grapple with Athletics, and the Grab ends if the monster moves away. Greater Constrict The monster automatically deals the listed amount of damage to a creature grabbed or restrained by it, and the creature must attempt a Fortitude save at the listed DC or fall unconscious. A creature that succeeds at its save is bolstered against falling unconscious in this way. Improved Grab, Improved Knockdown, or Improved Push The monster can use Grab, Knockdown, or Push (as appropriate) as a free action triggered by a hit with its initial attack. A creature with Improved Grab still needs to spend an action to extend the duration for creatures it already has grabbed. Knockdown Requirements The monster’s last action was a success with an attack that lists Knockdown in its damage entry. Effect The monster automatically knocks the target prone. Poison When a creature is exposed to a monster’s poison, it attempts a Fortitude save or becomes poisoned. The poison follows the rules for afflictions found in the Pathfinder Playtest Rulebook (page 324). Push Requirements The monster’s last action was a success with an attack that lists Push in its damage entry. Effect The monster automatically knocks the target away from the monster. Unless otherwise noted in the ability description, the creature is pushed 5 feet. If the attack was a critical hit, this distance is doubled. Raise a Shield Requirements You are wielding a shield. Effect You position your shield to protect yourself. When you have Raised a Shield, you gain its listed bonuses to AC and TAC as circ*mstance bonuses and you can use the Shield Block reaction. Your shield remains raised until the start of your next turn. Regeneration This monster regains the listed number of Hit Points each round at the beginning of its turn. It can’t die from damage or the dying condition; its dying condition never increases beyond dying 3 as long as its regeneration is active. If it takes


damage of a type listed in the regeneration entry, however, its regeneration deactivates until the end of its next turn. Deactivate the regeneration before applying the damage, since that damage might kill the monster by bringing it to dying 4. Rend A Rend entry lists a Strike the monster has. Requirements The monster hit the same enemy with two consecutive Strikes of the listed type in the same round. Effect The monster automatically deals that Strike’s damage again to the enemy. Shield Block Trigger While you have your shield raised, you take damage from a physical attack. Effect You snap your shield into place to deflect a blow. Your shield prevents you from taking an amount of damage up to its Hardness—the shield takes this damage instead, possibly becoming dented or broken. Swallow Whole (attack) The monster attempts to swallow a creature of the listed size or smaller that it has grabbed in its jaws or mouth. If a swallowed creature is of the maximum size listed, the monster can’t use Swallow Whole again. If the creature is smaller than the maximum, the monster can usually swallow more creatures; the GM determines the maximum. The monster attempts an Athletics check opposed by the grabbed creature’s Reflex DC. If it succeeds, it swallows the creature. The monster’s jaws or mouth no longer grabs a creature it has swallowed, so the monster is free to use them to Strike or Grab once again. The monster can’t attack creatures it has swallowed. A swallowed creature is grabbed, slowed 1, and has to hold its breath or start suffocating. The swallowed creature takes the listed amount of damage when first swallowed and at the end of each of its turns while it’s swallowed. Escaping this ability’s grabbed condition puts the victim back in the monster’s mouth. This frees any other creature grabbed in the monster’s mouth. A swallowed creature can attack the monster that has swallowed it, but only with unarmed attacks or with weapons of light Bulk or less. These attacks target the monster’s TAC. If the monster takes piercing or slashing damage equaling or exceeding the toughness value listed in its Swallow Whole entry, the swallowed creature cuts a large enough opening to exit through. The creature can immediately breathe and exits the swallowing monster’s space. If the monster dies, a swallowed creature can be freed by creatures adjacent to the corpse spending a combined total of 3 actions cutting with a weapon or unarmed attack that deals piercing or slashing damage. Telepathy (aura, divination, magical) A monster with telepathy in can communicate mentally with any creatures within the listed radius, as long as they have a language. This doesn’t give any special access to their thoughts, and communicates no more information than normal speech would. Trample The monster Strides up to double its Speed and can move through the spaces of creatures of the listed size, Trampling each creature whose space it enters. A trampled creature takes the damage of the listed Strike, but can attempt a Reflex save at the listed DC (half damage on a success, no damage on a critical success, double damage on a critical failure).

CREATURE AND HAZARD TRAITS Some of these traits appear in the Pathfinder Playtest Rulebook, while others are new to this document. Aberration Aberrations are creatures from beyond the planes or corruptions of the natural order. Acid Effects with this trait deal acid damage. An item with 5 or lower Hardness takes 1 extra Dent from acid damage. Creatures with this trait have a magical connection to acid. Air Effects with the air trait either manipulate or conjure air. Those that manipulate air have no effect in a vacuum or an area without air. Creatures with this trait consist primarily of air or have a magical connection to the element. Amphibious An amphibious creature can breathe either in water or in air and outside of their preferred environment, usually indefinitely but at least for hours. These creatures often have a swim Speed. Animal An animal is a creature with a relatively low intelligence. It typically doesn’t have an Intelligence ability score over 3, can’t speak languages, and can’t be trained in Intelligence-based skills. Aquatic Aquatic creatures are at home underwater. Their bludgeoning and slashing unarmed Strikes don’t take the –2 penalty for being underwater. Unless they have amphibious or another trait that says otherwise, aquatic creatures can breathe water but not air. Beast A creature similar to an animal but with an Intelligence of 4 or higher is usually a beast. Unlike an animal, a beast might be able to speak and reason. Boggard Boggards are frog-like humanoids. They typically have darkvision, a grabbing tongue, and a horrifying croak. Caligni Subterranean people with powers to create darkness are called caligni. Chaotic Chaotic effects often manipulate energy from chaosaligned Outer Planes and are anathema to lawful divine servants and divine servants of lawful deities. A creature with this trait is chaotic in alignment. Cold Effects with this trait deal cold damage. Creatures with this trait have a magical connection to cold. Complex Hazards with this trait roll initiative after their reactions, possibly starting a new encounter, and use actions of their own. Construct A construct is an artificial creature empowered by a force other than necromancy. Constructs are often mindless; they are immune to disease, paralysis, and poison; and they may have Hardness based on the materials used to construct their bodies. Constructs are not living creatures, nor are they undead. When reduced to 0 Hit Points, a construct creature is destroyed. Demon A race of fiends, demons hail from or trace their origins to the Abyss. Most are irredeemably chaotic evil. They typically have darkvision and resistances to damage. Devil A race of fiends from Hell, most devils are irredeemably lawful evil. They typically have greater darkvision, immunity to fire, and telepathy. Dinosaur These reptiles have survived from prehistoric times. Dragon Dragons are reptilian creatures, often winged or with the power of flight. Most are able to use a breath weapon and are immune to sleep and paralysis.

Drow Subterranean kin of the elves, drow typically have darkvision and inborn magical abilities. Earth Effects with the earth trait either manipulate or conjure earth. Those that manipulate earth have no effect in an area without earth. Creatures with this trait consist primarily of earth or have a magical connection to the element. Electricity Effects with this trait deal electricity damage. A creature with this trait has a magical connection to electricity. Elemental Elementals are creatures directly tied to an element, and are natives of the Elemental Planes. Elementals don’t need to breathe. Elf A creature with this trait is an elf; these mysterious people have rich traditions of magic and scholarship and typically have low-light vision. Environmental A hazard with this trait is something dangerous that’s part of the natural world, such as quicksand or harmful mold. Skills like Survival are often necessary to overcome them. Evil Evil effects often manipulate energy from evil-aligned Outer Planes and are anathema to good divine servants and divine servants of good deities. A creature with this trait is evil in alignment. Fey Creatures of the First World are called the fey. Fiend Creatures that hail from or have a strong connection to the evil-aligned planes are called fiends. Fiends can survive the basic environmental effects of planes in the Outer Sphere. Fire Effects with the fire trait deal fire damage or either conjure or manipulate fire. Those that manipulate fire have no effect in an area without fire. Creatures with this trait are primarily constituted of fire or have a magical connection to the element. Fungus Fungal creatures have the fungus tag. They are distinct from normal fungi. Gargantuan This creature is Gargantuan in size. Genie The diverse races of genies hold positions of prominence in the Elemental Planes. They have powerful magical abilities. Ghost Lost souls that haunt the world as incorporeal undead are called ghosts. Ghoul Ghouls are vile undead creatures that feast on flesh. Giant Giants are massive humanoid creatures. Gnoll Gnolls are humanoids that resemble hyenas. Goblin Creatures with this trait can be of any of several ancestries, including small and canny goblins, militaristic hobgoblins, and hulking and savage bugbears. They tend to have darkvision. Golem A golem is a special type of construct. A golem is immune to almost all magic, but most have a weakness to certain spells. Good Good effects often manipulate energy from good-aligned Outer Planes and are anathema to evil divine servants and divine servants of evil deities. A creature with this trait is good in alignment. Hag These creatures are spellcasting crones. Halfling A creature with this trait is a halfling; these small people are considered to be lucky, friendly wanderers. Haunt A hazard with this trait is a spiritual echo, often of someone with a tragic death. The means to put a haunt to rest varies, and often involves resolving the haunt’s unfinished business. A haunt that hasn’t been properly put to rest always returns after a time. Huge This creature is Huge in size.



Human A creature with this trait is a human; these people are known for their adaptability. Humanoid Humanoid creatures reason and act much like humans. They typically stand upright and have two arms and two legs. Incorporeal An incorporeal creature or object has no physical body. It can pass through solid objects, including walls. When inside an object, it can’t perceive, attack, or interact with anything outside the object, and it is slowed 1. If it exits an object, it remains slowed until the end of its turn. Corporeal creatures can pass through an incorporeal creature, but can’t end their movement in its space. An incorporeal creature can’t attempt Strength-based checks against physical creatures or objects—only against incorporeal ones—unless those objects have the ghost touch property rune. Likewise, a corporeal creature can’t attempt Strength-based checks against incorporeal creatures or objects. Incorporeal creatures usually have immunity to nonmagical attacks and other effects or conditions that require a physical body, like disease, poison, and precision damage. They usually resist all damage (except force damage and damage from weapons with the ghost touch property rune). Kobold Kobolds are reptilian humanoids who typically have darkvision. Large This creature is Large in size. Lawful Lawful effects often manipulate energy from law-aligned Outer Planes and are anathema to chaotic divine servants and divine servants of chaotic deities. A creature with this trait is lawful in alignment. Lizardfolk Lizardfolk are a race of reptilian humanoids. They typically have swim speeds. Magical Like an item with this trait, a magical hazard is imbued with magical energies. It radiates a magic aura infused with its dominant school of magic (abjuration, conjuration, divination, enchantment, evocation, illusion, necromancy, or transmutation). Some items or hazards are closely tied to a particular tradition of magic. In these cases, the item or hazard has the arcane, divine, occult, or primal trait instead of the magical trait. Any of these traits indicates that it is magical. Mechanical A hazard with this trait—typically a trap—is a constructed physical object. Medium This creature is Medium in size. Mindless A mindless creature has either programmed or rudimentary mental attributes. Most, if not all, of their mental ability scores are 1. They are immune to all mental effects. Minion A creature with this trait can use only 2 actions per turn and can’t use reactions. A minion acts on your turn in combat when you spend an action to issue it verbal commands (this action has the concentrate trait). If given no commands, minions use no actions except to defend themselves or to escape obvious harm. If left unattended for at least 1 minute, mindless minions don’t act, whereas intelligent ones act as they please. Mummy A mummy is an undead created from a preserved corpse. Mutant The monster has mutated or evolved, granting it unusual benefits, drawbacks, or both. Oni Evil spirits that take humanoid form, oni typically have the ability to change their shape.


Ooze Oozes are creatures with simple anatomies. They tend to be immune to mental effects and precision damage, and tend to have low mental ability scores. Orc A creature with this trait is an orc. These green-skinned people have a reputation as warmongers and tend to have darkvision. Plant Vegetable creatures have the plant trait. They are distinct from normal plants. Magical effects with this trait manipulate or conjure plants or plant matter in some way. Those that manipulate plants have no effect in an area with no plants. Rakshasa Reincarnations of evil souls, rakshasa live on the Material Plane but are fiends. Sahuagin Ocean-dwelling evil humanoids, sahuagin usually have blindsense and darkvision. Serpentfolk Serpentfolk are ancient reptilian humanoids who tend to be immune to mental spells. Shade Most incorporeal undead creatures that feed on the life force of the living belong to the family of shades. Skeleton This undead is made from a dead creature’s animated skeleton. Small This creature is Small in size. Swarm A swarm is a mass or cloud of creatures that functions as one monster. Its size trait gives the size of the entire mass, though for most swarms the individual creatures that make up that mass are Tiny. A swarm can occupy the same space as other creatures, and must do so in order to use its damaging action. Swarms are immune to any effects that target a single creatures or a specific number of creatures. A swarm typically has weakness to effects that deal damage over an area (like area spells and splash weapons). Tane The Tane are powerful primeval creatures originally from the First World. Tiny This creature is Tiny in size. Titan Ancient creatures formed by the gods, titans are few in number but immensely powerful. Trap A hazard or item with this trait is purposefully set or constructed to hinder interlopers. Traps usually require Thievery to disable or bypass, though magical means can assist against magical traps. Troll Trolls are brutish giant creatures and are well known for their ability to regenerate. Undead Once living, these creatures were infused after death with negative energy and soul-corrupting evil magic. When reduced to 0 Hit Points, an undead creature is destroyed. Undead creatures are damaged by positive energy, are healed by negative energy, and don’t benefit from healing effects. Vampire Undead creatures that thirst for blood, vampires are notoriously versatile and hard to destroy. Water Effects with the water trait either manipulate or conjure water. Those that manipulate water have no effect in an area without water. Creatures with this trait are primarily constituted of fire or have a magical connection to the element. Werecreature These shapechanging creatures are either naturally able to shift between animal, humanoid, and hybrid shape or are afflicted with a curse that forces them to shift involuntarily. Xulgath These subterranean reptilian creatures tend to have darkvision. Zombie These undead hunger for brains.

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